Welcome back to todays vlog, in todays video we run through my chest / tricep workout and also my latest blood work before going into my 2nd steroid cycle.

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    George Osborne – UK Drill

    Good morning YouTube as you can see sun’s out my mood just goes like that when it’s [ __ ] wet and rainy and windy and all that sort of [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] miserable absolutely miserable welcome back to another video really appreciate first of all the support on

    The re oh look at that you know when you just get a bit of sun you stand there like that yeah yeah yeah that’s nice that that’s nice really appreciate the support on all the recent YouTube videos we’re hitting about 10K views at the moment which is great to see and

    Hopefully this year we’ll hit 50,000 subscribers which fingers crossed as long as I keep putting out content as long as I’m consistent with it we’ll get there moving on from yesterday’s yesterday’s moving on from last week’s YouTube video where I basically discussed whether I was too fat in my

    Offseason and whether I pushed it too far obviously if you haven’t watched that please go and check that out in today’s video we’re going to move on from that and we’re going to actually look at my blood work at this body weight and whether my blood work is

    Better because a lot of you guys have mentioned how unhealthy I am in some of my recent videos and how terrible I look does that actually show within my blood work at this current moment of time so we’re going to cover that in today’s YouTube video we’ve also got a chest and

    Tricep session Down ultraflex Derby so I’m going to cover that and of course typical Georgie Boy [ __ ] so if you are liking these videos make sure you drop a like make sure you subscribe let’s [ __ ] crack on with this [ __ ] okay because we’ve got some [ __ ] growing

    To do usual [ __ ] of course he finds the biggest stick he could possibly find yeah just does this so never I wouldn’t change it would never would change it you know as long as they’re happy I’m just I’m just happy you know when dogs are happy I’m happy so nice weather

    Little walk to start off the day guys please tell me I’m not the only weirdo that uses flight radar every time we go on a walk I’m like oh wow plane in the sky get on my flight radar app where’s that plane going honestly it’s like [ __ ] Pokémon go I swear like I’m

    Actually addicted to it every time I go on the walk I’m always looking where’s that plane going there where is it doing there love it thing I’ve got to say is our horses so [ __ ] big and eat [ __ ] grass you know what’s going on here also they’ve got [ __ ] massive

    [ __ ] you can’t see with this lens but there’s a horse over there and he’s hanging bro man’s got the [ __ ] biggest dick D no big dick energy you know D you got Big D eating grass Alexa turn this B boy [ __ ] off why it’s just a

    Bieber Alexa turn it off ain’t listen to No [ __ ] [ __ ] like that anyway latest uh purchase which we’re really happy about which makes this very much easier is showing them the blade babe showing what’s going on here it’s have you just drawn a knob on or something [ __ ] sake

    Why did I just assume that you just did that of course I knew that yeah we got one of those Blades of Amazon and uh they are very very good I must say it takes like 5 Seconds using like a one blade and it was [ __ ] ripping out my

    Hair but we do this like every other day keeps this [ __ ] fresh [ __ ] Bal dead [ __ ] ready for all the [ __ ] boys in the gym right you thought I was going to say all the girls in the gym now F that all the [ __ ] boys that’s it get out the one

    BL one my bed will be over will be over for like a day we’ll be over until it grows back okay yeah there’s no way I’d shave this ever for anyone a job if they it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ]

    Up wome to the gym you going to be a good girl okay there you go gentle off you go stop eating [ __ ] [ __ ] because it stinks out the house taxi here for George Osborne Che love ultraflex Derby 200 200 yeah how about a little sling in the

    Back of the uh the back of the car for that little love right mom watches this no she does not she doesn’t cuz she would have commented on the last video that I put in on the way to the gym with my taxi driver shout out what’s your

    Name vixar vixar VI vix one vixa like vixa 123 yeah yeah yeah he’s a little virgin does that mean you’re a little virgin as well I’m little Virgin of course nice I’m eating my meal sorry I’m eating the meal on the taxi is that okay it’s fine good thank you

    Beef mint rice I’ve added beetroot in I got myself into a bit of a pickle here and I was looking at stuff online and I said beetroot is very good for pumps so I’ve added 80 gr of beetroot but I don’t think I’ve ever had beetroot or I can’t

    Remember ever having beetroot in my life give you a little taste test now I’m going to go for the small one is it crunchy yes okay just going to add it with the rest of the stuff so if I don’t like it I can just swallow it sounds a bit sus

    Know doesn’t taste anything bit crunchy you know what I’ll eat it as long as I can mix it I’ll eat it so apparently I Googled it it’s got nitrous something in it which is apparently great for oxygen and blood to the muscle is it yeah whatever obviously

    Man got a [ __ ] a star in biology so he knows what he’s no did you n [ __ ] did I [ __ ] did I [ __ ] say I was quite impressed did I [ __ ] yeah of course you did but did I [ __ ] get that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] school if you’re watching this

    You’re still at school [ __ ] load of TSH all right yeah it’s great for like little things like that and that but it doesn’t teach you about real life [ __ ] all right so [ __ ] school going eat this going to try and flirt on my taxi driver

    See if she can uh give me a number and um I’ll let you know if I got if I get successful so um yeah can I have your number okay we’ll try we’ll keep trying we’ll keep trying my uh with my Dragon Ball Z jumper on like a 12 oh no

    That’s anyway this because if I don’t I’ve got 44 minutes to get to the gym basically means I’m going to eat my food about an hour half an hour I’ll probably fra midle session so that would be great so I eat this and look at that driver we have just

    Arrived at the old gymnasium we have just arrived at the old gymnasium oh God I just went in for a poo lovely love just so just as soon as get to the gym I have like this sort of nervousness over me where I just need

    A poo and it’s always in bad poo as well it’s like diarrhea but I had the luxury of going into the disabled toilet so shout out the disabled toilet at ultraflex very cozy enoy enjoy my [ __ ] I’m in for chest and triceps you’re in for legs let’s go um that was [ __ ] me

    And the 55 Kil dumbbells need a bit of a word today I tell you because it’s not gone well for the last two weeks and we’re starting to you know we’re starting to distance ourselves from each other so we need a little chat you know we just need a little talk with each

    Other today see how things are going and uh and I’m going to [ __ ] square up to the [ __ ] and say look you [ __ ] better be moving today I tried 60s the other week and I got what was it one or two reps two was it do you help me on

    The second one no you got three three I on the third one got so got two yeah what’s the point like doing 60 kilos you moved the same you moved 55 for the same last week so all right God the weights go from 55 to 60 kilos I don’t know

    About you guys but well I definitely know about you guys pressing progression is like nuts like an extra 2.5 kilos to make a world of a difference to an exercise when it comes to pressing like you might get 10 reps of 55 kilos as soon as you got to 57.5 it’s like

    [ __ ] you get five reps like how my five reps down from like two extra5 kilos in my 5 kilo jump on a press in each hand is quite a big jump and I tried it and it failed massively and I don’t really believe in doing like a

    Body builder like I don’t believe in doing anything below like five reps I just don’t see the point in it depending on how I feel today depending on how things move warm up all that sort of stuff we’ll see how we get on main thing

    Is for me is just chest is an era that I really need to improve upon so I just need to make sure that I one progressing lifts two actually connecting with the [ __ ] muscle I always do a PE deck before I go into the set things have

    Been good Peak off season peak off season doing The Ting we’re going to die very soon guys be on the lookout for like a mini cut sort of series that we’re going to be doing we’re going to probably diet after the Arnolds I don’t really want to start a diet around the

    Arnolds if I’m honest with you because every time that I’ve been at an Arnolds I’ve [ __ ] been on prep last Arnolds I was on prep every time I’m [ __ ] prepping so I actually just want to have energy walking around there rather than feeling like a sack of [ __ ] this time

    Two years ago we started prep did we yeah 2 years ago yeah Jesus Christ and this time next year we’ll be on prep and now I’m stressed because I’m I’m still small yeah same [ __ ] knows what I’m doing but the show goes on anyway we’re

    Still going to just do the do we’ll see in the gym I need my beard triming because my face looks long as [ __ ] right now my face look looks long see look at that yeah but look on that’s a Wildland guys look at the [ __ ] state of it in

    My boot right now my box broke and I haven’t changed it and uh yeah we’re just there looking like a bunch of Scruffy bastards and even had an old guy it must have been about say 60 something like that he [ __ ] CED on my boot

    Saying how dirty is so you may have seen the session before probably said that already I have I remember now flat dbo press starting off with uh two sets on that usually the compound work that I’m doing right now is going to be like a 5

    To 9 and then like a 10 to 12 sort of rep range it’s always been like that it always will remain the same two different loadings in those rep ranges sound I then have changed the um the incline so I was doing incline hammer I

    Was doing it twice in one week and what I found when I was doing it twice in one week I was stalling a lot quicker on it so what I’ve done is I’ve just gone right let’s replace that with another incline movement so at the moment I’ve

    Gone for the Cybex Eagle incline press do that or the incline CeX Swift machine not sure yet I’ll let you know then we move on the flat Nautilus then we move on to the decline Nautilus fly Prime dip machine and then overhead tricep

    Extension so that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven with abs seven exercise rning about 90 minutes and then also I’ve got 50 minutes of cardio cuz even though I’m my fat come right now still doing my Cardio thect my wall it it’s not so bad it’s not so bad my don’t cold I’m wondering why the morning rain up my window all be myall keep my it’s not so bad it’s not so bad my elbows are [ __ ] this very good it’s like a a roll on deodorant and

    All you need to do is just bang it around the elbows and you’ll we sound trust me the third session in a row now where dumbbell pressing just hasn’t gone right so like last video starting off the session pissed off I don’t why I get so deep in these

    Sort of things if I’m honest with you cuz it’s just training but you start [ __ ] getting really frustrated I don’t know just is that perfectionist in me you know like if I’m not progressing he not good enough um whereas you know really what I just need to do is I need

    To take the flat double press out I’ve been doing it for a long time now and you know in these situations you need to realize that you run exil into the ground which is what I’ve done so see you later [ __ ] dumbbell press [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] This is why I love this gym because people just come over and spot you if you’re struggling people won’t just leave you struggling they’ll come over they’ll give you a spot which for me sign me up [ __ ] sign me up straight with that [ __ ] because that is

    What I call a proper gym if people are willing to come over spot you go above and beyond they don’t need to I didn’t ask for the spot that’s a very good gym gym Community how we like It the beat all the morning rain up my window I can’t see maybe one day Here we have a world girl training her ABS on oh she can’t hear me [ __ ] sorry she can’t hear me I didn’t think she could hear me then here we go come on Vicki a bit more effort than that just wed out the gym a [ __ ] start

    But a strong finish how about you it was really good really good session honestly I’m wearing this [ __ ] jump and I’ve got all this [ __ ] black [ __ ] in my [ __ ] I swear to God going strong finishing the offseason strong yes I don’t want to finish the offseason

    That’s my issue yeah usual stuff you know the score by now post-workout meal on the drive home did uh 15 minutes of cardio Vicki did 10 even though you guys think I’m a fat bastard and I think I’m a fat bastard as well to be honest with

    You still doing my cardio so big up the cardio big up the cardio gang H again oh yes M can I have from you the uh the queen can have the chair the mangi you’re not going to be able to sit here my friend because you’re taking

    Up too much space can you sit there you can the kisses come on Vicky got Nails on he’s crack my beard with those new Nails oh yes people with beards you know how nice this feels anyway thank you for that Vicki is here to interpret my Bloods which is one year post steroid

    Use and at the heaviest I’ve ever been right now because a lot of you guys in the previous videos were saying how unhealthy I look and how I look like I’ve gone massively downhill my health is the worst has ever been so we’re going to show you my blood work and does

    That actually prove what you guys are saying I’ll pass you over to Dr the Mier so red blood cells fine everything is really good so the main thing that you were concerned about here is George’s hemoglobin and hematocrit which is a little bit High last time because you were using assistance and do

    You remember what that was 190 is it’s around 190 so now it’s 157 which is good so back in Rain sticky blood all good white blood cells which show whether you have any sort of underlying infection or not all in a good spot mine clearly would not be right now Jesus Christ clot

    In status so platelets and MPD fine Kidney Health really good creatinine with normal ranges clearly not training [ __ ] hot enough really really I’m [ __ ] fuming about that should be off the [ __ ] scale then these are ffr is over 90 and that’s really we to see in bodybuilders because

    Of how much protein you consume how much you train really yeah I ain’t eating enough [ __ ] protein then no wonder I’m a skinny fat [ __ ] bastard so next thing Liver Health ly a little bit elevated usually people really do stress about this and of course if you don’t

    Train as hard as you do take your back now um You might be worried about this but alt is a non-specific liver marker which means that it’s not specific to liver can be elevated due to other things and one of them is like hard training and you did do this after Ry

    Didn’t you yes I did still through the [ __ ] roof which is good the higher the better I see it no no OB obviously monitor it but what you would look at more is the kind of the ggt if that’s in a good spot then you know all good there

    Proteins total protein albumin globulin sex hormone binding globulin sound all in a good spot diabetes you’re not diabetic yet which is good cuz George’s blood sugars are literally like six at this point so and I’m using insulin so the hba1c basically measures how much blood glucose you have in your blood

    Wait how much glucose you have in your blood for a 3mon period it’s the glucose that attaches to your red blood cells your red blood cells are in your bloodstream for 3 months so that’s why this is a good Mark of long-term sugar Health if you can call it that diabetic

    Health so 33 is actually really good you’re not even like pre-diabetic that’s good look after myself shout the insulin yeah anything above 48 is diabetic 42 to 48 is pre-diabetic I’m pretty good then cholesteral status decent HDL is a little bit low so you want to obviously

    Keep that a little bit higher what can you do to help with HDL freeze now the annoying thing is I’m taking high strength Omega Freeze and krill oil and I was quite surprised with that being very low with the amount that I’m using right now because it was low on the

    Lower end last time I did my blood work so G over to the supplement needs one now cuz I still had a [ __ ] like 60 tablet box left and I thought I’d use all that then I’ve gotone over to the high strength vitam vitamin the high strength supp need one so we’ll retest

    That in a good couple of whatever see whether that is where it needs to be good but all in all good good see RP below five decent G risk uric acid all in the good spot decent iron status yeah I was surprised about this one because I

    Eat red meat every [ __ ] day every day my ion is quite towards the low end I don’t know this UI I don’t know what means go into that because it would just be too complicated okay so why is it so low and why is it so high this is

    Unbound iron binding capacity and saturated iron binding capacity so that’s going to be high transferring is the thing that transfers iron okay it’s is just all different markers so I have introduced based upon my iron it’s still in range but it’s definitely on the lower end being 11 and obviously 10

    Being the lowest so we’ve introduced iron sufate F sulfate from reflex so added that in we’ll retest that see it’s not a big problem but of course you to be tight the hemoglobin is in a good spot so when you would consider ion deficiency anemas if your iron’s below

    Range and also hemoglobin’s too low okay not too much to worry about or the MCV is low as well but that’s in a decent spot it’s not even ranging on 80 so you’re not you don’t have ion deficiency anemia but your Ion is low so bup that

    Up a bit f8 vitamin B12 and vitamin D good good supplement vitamin T vitamin T vitamin T Vin T vitamin T done um vitamin D obviously vitamin D3 K2 K2 for the absorption and Sun beds but saying that we hav’t been on sun beds for a while so that’s not recommendation from

    George to use Sun beds for vitamin D but it gets vitamin D up doesn’t it yes thyroid sound y all in a good spot your T4 last time was really high I remember yeah now it’s mid range deep decent decent good in the middle bang on in the

    Middle yeah hormones now this one’s interesting in my opinion yes did you want to chat about it the main ones everyone looks at is testosterone now me I normally sit in my offseasons around like naturally 13 nales man is 16.6 so despite being the fattest bastard on the

    Planet right now I’ve actually increased my testosterone by two nanal that’s good is it that that is good good yeah just over two which is big for me because I’ve always been towards a lower end now I’m towards the mid sort of range now you’re back to zero ostra dial estra

    Dial what’s that um that is Eastern yes E2 E2 a little bit elevated but I reckon that’s down to me being a bit of a fat bastard right now isn’t it so when I start losing weight hopefully that will come down into a bit more of a comfortable range

    And then practin is an interesting one isn’t it prolactin is quite high so the introduction of the old p5p back in place 150 mg per day retest that and hopefully we’ll bring it back into sort of a normal range as well which will be quite interesting to see but that’s a

    Big one that we need to keep an eye on for because it is quite elevating it seems to be going not even that yeah is the the trend that George has been seeing so in ially it was just above range and then it went a little bit

    Higher now it’s gone a little bit higher again um which obviously you don’t want to see in 821 is I would deem it as a little bit High a lot of things rais prolactin is not necessarily A prolactin which I know a lot of people do stress

    About stress is one even like stress from V puncture so we actually doing the Bloods for you it’s that was quite stressful to be fair adrenal adrenal hormones again ad adrenal adrenal adrenal hormones adrenal adrenal adrenal adrenal okay um fine or decent even ctisle look 214 clearly I do not stress you out

    Enough and autoimmunity which is your thyroid antibodies and that seems to be in a good spot which is good so all in all George is a fat bastard being a fat bastard has actually turned me into probably by far the best my blood work has been in God knows how long since

    I’ve been doing blood work minus the estrogen minus the estrogen yeah that’s something that I reckon will come down when I am not as fat as what I am cuz I’ve pushed the boundaries too far in this but I’m hoping that gives you well not if you’re taking testosterone yeah

    We need to just keep monitoring things but one thing that I just want to highlight although I’ve been jokey jokey here is blood work is so important for anyone in my opinion even Naturals you know because mainly assisted guys but for me like Naturals like I did this

    When I was natural so even if you do decide to go assist one day you’ve got that original blood work to go off by when you was natural and that’s super super important and the amount of people that inquired to us about coaching or people that we know in the industry that

    Never did blood work before going on a cycle or never really have anything to really go off by they just sort of freyle it actually [ __ ] blows my mind how people work like that the importance of this is actually educating yourself and to be honest with you although I’m

    Still fix [ __ ] when it comes to blood work I’m way more intelligent than what it was this time last year thanks to Victoria so I really appreciate Vicki like breaking these things down to me and although I’m not in a position to like give all this and say all this

    About my bud work like I know a lot more about it now thank you to Vicki to helping helping me explain things in very btech languages for me which is good so all in all other than the prolactin and the estrogen [ __ ] damn well good I think it’s probably the best

    Thing you’ve had so far can I just add something I often hear from people that they don’t want to do their blood test because they don’t want to know and can I just say yeah okay maybe you can say what don’t know don’t hurt but you eventually will find out especially if

    You’re doing Cycles especially if you’re doing assistance there will come a point at which you will find out it’s just the question is do you want to find out when you actually get symptoms when it’s much harder to reverse it or do you want to find out when you’ve got it in blood

    Work and you can incorporate or change things there and then I think that’s very important to to remember if you can’t afford blood work steroid don’t do steroids yeah don’t take steroids if you can’t afford 1880 on a full not just [ __ ] testosterone score full blood count oh yeah that’s important as well

    Testerone check their testosterone and that’s it I think testosterone affects more than just testosterone so many other things in your body yeah you’re so true about like I was really scared to actually find out where my blood was blood blood work was to be honest with

    You I [ __ ] hate doing it but at the same time like I would much rather do it keep on top of these sort of things educate myself educate people about this sort of thing and oh my god I’ve got these symptoms and it’s too far gone and

    I can’t do anything about it and I’m going to [ __ ] die young you know that’s the worst to possibly come out of it people do find out when they have you know some sort of heart attack and whatnot yeah and that’s the last thing we want so

    Vicki I say appreciate you breaking down my love work for me it really means a lot and actually showing people because guys I won’t be able to do this without Victoria so Vicki is a big part of everything that I do so I just want to

    Say shout out to Vicki for sitting down taking a time out of a day to actually do this for me as I really appreciate it we’re going to leave it there please comment down below bie baly people going spell that comment down below baly if you’ve watched

    Today’s video if you found this valuable then let us know in the comments and you want to see more of this please let us know all links down below for supplements gym accessories and coaching so make sure you check them out in the description and I shall see you guys we

    Got the Arnolds Arnolds coming up this weekend so it should be a great weekend plenty of vlogging stay [ __ ] Jun it could be scam if you heard that went pump steep out line online and you owe me blood and you know I get paid off

    Front get paid in fo when a o get slum better to skun which one should I put in my


    1. Baldie.

      Beet root is nice lol, you can get it in powder form so can just add it to your pre workout.

      I wish I got blood work done before I used anything, all of this is many many years ago but i'll never know how my long term health could have been affected. If you are reading this then just do it and don't do gear anyway in general.

    2. George, check out the "omnishave". Just use with conditioner on your head in the shower every day, takes a minute or two and keeps everything looking clean, no stubble because its using razorblades.

    3. Why is it 2024 and people in the gym still thinking only way to progress is lifts to increase weight, there is a million different ways to progress a movement and especially if your goal is building muscle I would argue mind muscle connection and technique is way way above a weight increase 👍

    4. I used to shave my head with a Pitbull shaver but it' started taking too long so now shave it with a 🪒 way quicker and way better head shave. So you can be a proper bald bastard 😂

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