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    1. Olevin – not a great idea to partially undertake someone and then sit in their blind spot. The Fiat was in the wrong, but you could have helped yourself a bit there too.

    2. Coming into Sainsbury’s car park in Peterborough today I noticed a runner with ear buds in. I knew he hadn’t seen me so I waited until he crossed the zebra crossing. He turned and saw me waiting with a big smile on my face. He used British sign language to tell me he loved me! I signed‘You’re welcome’. I always see the worst scenario and would never forgive myself if I hurt somebody with my car just to be 1 second early to my destination.

    3. hahaha Stephen with the " WOoaHh, Turning lef-Turning right from the righ- Left fro- Right from the Left lane…………… You're going on YouTube mate"

      Was half expecting him to pull over and put his hands out to figure out his lefts and rights 😂

    4. 3.09 mins the A5 Nuneaton a car pulls out from behind my burger van @normajeansroadsidediner after not paying for there food! I heard the skidding away and horn and knew they drove of without paying when the card payment failed. It was funny to see 10 days later on YouTube. Small businesses be aware of traveler's, ones like these give the bad name.

    5. Allan 1:31 for COTW? Could not mistake the learner, but still decided to play 'beat you onto the roundabout' game rather than holding back & giving the learner space

      6:15 Olevin for TOTW. Why creep up on the inside lane & then sit in the other vehicle's blind spot?

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