Okay, at least at the time being you will probably never need to know about the rules governing ‘train services on special assignment’ (Zugfahrten auf besonderen Auftrag) for playing Train Sim World. Nevertheless, learning about those rules and their ruling principles taught me so much about the logic behind the signalling and train control in Germany that I wanted to share my limited understanding of it.

    Full regional rail (Regionalbahn) passenger service on the Siemens Desiro Classic DMU (DB Baureihe 642) from Miltenberg to Aschaffenburg along the border between Bavaria and Hessia in Southern Germany and Dovetail Games’ scenic Maintalbahn DLC for Train Sim World 4, featuring a short tutorial about why and how long after getting started as a ‘train service on special assignment’, here using a Zs 1 replacement signal (Ersatzsignal), you have to stick to a 40-km/h-limit (42:23) and why and how long you have to stick to a maximum of 40 km/h if the signal in question also functioned as a distant signal (2000-meters-rule, 56:56).

    In the next video we will have a look at the rules for running on sight, max. 40 km/h, e.g. after a Zs 7 caution signal, for getting started by a marker light (Kennlicht) and putting all the different regimes together.

    Quick Access:
    00:00 – Start
    05:58 – Siemens Desiro Classic (DB Baureihe 642) setup
    08:08 – Train started with marker light (Kennlicht) on a train cover signal (Zugdeckungssignal)
    09:40 – Turning on PZB and Sifa on the run
    11:23 – Ks 1 with Zs 3 ‘5’ repeater after Ne 3 boards, but without distant signal
    13:05 – Stop at Kleinheubach
    16:52 – Austrian shunting limit sign instead of German sign
    18:30 – Stop at Laudenbach
    22:10 – Stop at Klingenberg
    27:05 – Stop at Wörth
    29:35 – Rules for ‘ensuing interlockings’ (“anschließender Weichenbereich”) recap
    42:23 – Rules for ‘train services on special assignment (“Zugfahrt auf besonderen Auftrag”) on Ks 1 replacement signal (Erstatzsignal) discussed
    56:56 – Distant signal fuctionality (Vorsignalfunktion) discussed
    1:06:40 – 2000-meter-rule discussed
    1:15:10 – Departure from Wörth
    1:16:40 – Stop at Erlenbach
    1:18:55 – Stop at Glanzstoffwerke
    1:22:30 – Stop at Obernburg-Elsenfeld
    1:24:35 – Weird behavior of restricted 500-Hz-monitoring
    1:25:45 – Stop at Kleinwallstadt
    (re “Reisendersicherer”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ni2_AcWfH0)
    1:30:40 – Stop at Sulzbach
    1:35:30 – Stop at Obernau
    1:39:60 – Stop at Aschaffenburg Süd
    1:44:15 – Stop at Aschaffenburg Hochschule (rule for stopping between distant and main signal)
    1:47:24 – Stop at Aschaffenburg main station
    1:50:45 – Signal head for old version of Zs 1 shown
    1:51:50 – Conclusion and Sh 1 on H/V Hp 0 with second red light actually extinguishing

    Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tygerways

    Hey this is Tiger Welcome to My Stream J you have to let go of me now because I am live and streaming hey AJ thank you for moderating my stream again welcome everybody to tonight’s stream about some more operating rules in the German Railway um system uh the disclaimer we are obviously only

    Talking about computer games not about handling real trains and real Railway installations so please leave those things to the professionals who are charged with dealing this so only try this at home in the safety of your simulated Universe theodoros great you made it Spectre hey hey good evening

    And uh yeah welcome to this stream and some more stuff that is getting me to the boundaries of what I can understand as a not trained professional about the German Railway operation rules CD radar says NE Nim v n Nim wasn’t that I I hate N I cannot stand

    This tell me what was this n nashim was I think I cannot stand is it well maybe I cannot I cannot understand it probably I thought NES nashim pivo means I can’t stand beer but obviously I’m confusing things again so not only the boundaries of Railway operation rules but also my

    Boundaries of understanding anything in the cck language I bought the mineal bar here mineal Bar B milon back and also some more DLCs so I have more stuff to do I actually thought I play something in the rapid transit lipic but this takes forever driving for for example the

    182 because you’re constantly in a restricted monitoring and you’re not getting your ass on the road well never mind um we will get back to this sometime else Rapid Transit the OG route well it is actually challenging getting this route somewhere and um getting your train there without being

    More than 3 minutes late or whatever um maybe we I come back to this sometime else but no today we are playing m t rout it is easier and uh since the presentation part will be quite challenging at least for me um it should not be so super complicated what we do

    On the train so what will we choose let’s choose something springy with a bit clouds monal and this Chile I need my second hand now I can’t go on patting your head Got to give me a break now yeah just sit down in your bed yeah m talban in case someone was wondering it is not a secondary line it is not a NE bar it is actually a main line even though it is for the most part only one

    Track and for understanding things that I want to talk about today it is actually not so bad to have some um simple track layout here sometimes it’s weird when you’re doing the the journey mode you want to run something with the dyro the seen dyro as they say in the introduction and

    Then you end up in a 612 Euros swinger train pendolino train if you want it well whatever if you go in the timetable it obviously works as you can see already it is the dyro classic same family as the class 700 a follow followage what did you say about a followed

    AJ yeah guys thank you for following super po 5000 Bingo 9,600 um no I’m I’m sorry a I don’t see stuff like this sometimes it is getting displayed somewhere but uh sometimes not oh I already started it and started talking then I am obviously always too

    Late and thank you tronic John if you were watching this for the sub very much apprec appreciate it and uh everybody else who is watching very much appreciated to have your company and your attention so we’re starting our seon dyro classic train with turning the key and then we can already open the

    Doors for our passengers here the door control with this button actually works I think as intended they worked on the indicators so that you really can’t miss them you see even the test works now they are so super bright that nobody can actually miss them anymore the parking brake is typically on on

    This train you need to switch on the headlights the abula still does not work and they are writing the B with a small one instead of a Capital One so oh maybe I should open the door at the side where the passengers are and not on

    The last on on the left one because it is here not like it is on the talent that I was thinking where this thing has to go into the direction where the people are arican smooth forehead hey nice to have you on the chat and on the

    Stream and raer says I saw this thing in Prague recently under a Riva flag flag the little diesel classic one well I’m going a lot on the 1462 Bai the Theo High cap high capacity train and that is obviously a a different ship than this diesel variant here that we

    Have so maybe I should focus a bit look all that is good and uh unlock both I’m doing rather well Eric thank you for asking oh it’s Eric K Gant sorry for skipping the a is it the first time that I see it or did you just change

    It before we go into into the game photo mode wondering what kind of signal that we are actually getting started at you remember the stream about the white lights on the signals this is a signal that starts us with a K it is a main signal as you can see and we will

    Talk not in this stream but on oh you have multiple names that’s is okay wonderful and this is what it shows if it is showing stop hp0 and if it is slowing go it is showing the K the Marite and there is a special rule for starting your train when you are started

    At the kist main signal if it is an exit signal a starter signal or a intermediate signal at s signal we will talk about this in the next stream about this because it is actually such a long story sorry that I have to cut it into two streams I guess yeah

    So am I good to start let’s hope I did not forget anything and this train actually starts yes it starts when we are getting started at an intermediate signal showing can as far as I know we are supposed to not go faster than 40 until we get to the next

    Main signal what is already coming up ks1 main end distance signal with a set of three canel six allowing us to go 60 now oh I did not even turn on the PCB oh oh oh and the Sea can I do this when running the train or am I dying now already no

    Worked worked worked work so I have to give my train on the way a bit because it’s not really the quickest train to accelerate and then I will read the chat my day has been decent I ate some good food I did some work I accidentally inhaled aerosol and I feel weird says

    Eric again smooth forehead all right then I hope this aerosol was not too bad T coms and says hello nice to have you on the chat and uh Theodor says if I’m not mistaken I see videos about real life train drivers driving this train on YouTube I’m really envious that there

    Are so many people who have train inol 4 I would also like to have it well then buy it now it is 70% off at the moment on Steam I’m sorry to hear that Eric is going to get some water entirely disconnected from the real world

    Floating in space okay do that and we are and this is another weird thing that I want to point out this Time oh I would like to sponsor you the game but I’m afraid I don’t have any access to that if I was an ambassador maybe but since I’m freelancing on this completely financing this sometimes it is for free on epic games store not well the last time train

    In World 2 was was free on epic game store this is obviously a distance signal repeater right it does not have an ne2 board and it has the white light underneath the signal screen and um the interesting fact is where is the distance signal that it is supposed to

    Repeat there is no distance signal that it is supposed to repeat more like we are seeing the ne3 um distance signal announcement boards and what comes a repeater so that is obviously something weird nevertheless we have to slow down to the 50 here since we got our 1,000 HZ

    Monitoring we have to stay below the 80 then we are good until we get to the signal that is actually slowing us down to the 50 so that we can enter the track the route looks quite decent totally some kids took the distance signal plate yes and the signal was

    Smart enough to add the uh little light below to compensate for the missing s uh distance signal plate combined Main and distant with five I almost acknowledged it because in Munich and liik you always need to be wary that the Thousand HZ magnets are active even on the green

    Lights some buildings are cloned along the map so with all this talking and stuff we are obviously late here is the 50 kilm switch that the signal warned us about and can any and any one of you guys use this driver’s breake with the keyboard shortcuts because I have not found out a

    Way to use this driver brake with the with the keyboard shortcuts properly I’m always stopping with the combined brake handle because the problem is if you use the apply thing you can go into zero and then you would go on but as soon as you hold it to pump in

    More you’re already in the Fast Break mode so this is a bit a bit weird at least for this the keyboard shorts started at the green signal with I set this three showing five that means 50 until we out of the uing interlockings is in the vi what we have talked

    About a couple of streams ago 50 because we are going back across the switch on our unidirectional Truck and as soon as the train has left the switch and the ensuing interlockings here the other thing that I already put on the feed the feedback track is for some reason we are in an era when Bavaria was part of Austria because why can I not go there with the

    Camera they are using ubb signs here Hal for Fon you remember we had this on our ubb signaling stream in Austria they called the shunting service is not r f but f f and for some reason they used the Austrian signals here and it is throughout the whole route as far as I

    Have seen should be for f because we are in Germany and not for f at least not if there is something weird going on on this track here the people in Northern Bavaria would be super happy to belong to Austria and see the radar say unidirectional one train is delayed

    All trains are delayed yes and so when I’m delay delaying all the trains here we should already be in lenb see the rad says I live on unidirectional route and you are always delaying no you live there I know you’re not driving the trains there imagine uni directional Metro

    Lines that would be scary wouldn’t it can you be a passenger in some train or maybe a conductor um yes you can be a passenger in the trains you can spawn on foot and then enter any train you want and be a passenger on them and there is

    One DLC where you can be a guard what is more or less what in different countries is called a conductor and you can check tickets and bus the train off that would be the glossup line again trying yeah I’m not applying any power thank you very much

    Okay here even with setting it to zero it stopped the train properly well this driver assist I I it’s still I always wonder why there is not a button where you can turn this thing off because it is the most annoying thing that they ever added to this

    Game thank you for nothing driver assistant yes and C raid says when I was in Amsterdam in the summer there was a there was some closure and there was one track for both directions at one station at the Metro oh holy moly the diesa sound is great yes it reminds

    Me a lot of the alstor coradia lint 41 and 54 trains Bai 648 and 622 if I’m not mistaken welcome back Eric but they use C BT yeah communication based Train control so it is safe I guess it is well we just found some era yeah today era maybe Eric is short for

    Erica and theodoro says I’d love to bike on that scenery yeah mine Franken is a very Scenic area so many people here the C already so much going on on the chat I can hardly drive because I have to read the chat that’s why we’re late in stopping

    All people cling andberg is the next one America is boring says Erica I don’t know I definitely would like to see some America in real life but actually I would like to see so many places on Earth and CD Raider says it’s exactly because he does not like the American

    Content in trainson World 4 it is bad to get high on deodorant man cause headache well then don’t do it don’t get high on stuff rather drive trains slow down to 60 well I guess the presentation today will get you back down from your high J this can of confirm because she

    Already had to have a first impression of it but here is the combined Main and distance signal with the white 6 60 from here even though it does not translate in the game the signal speed is 60 from here because we’re going across a switch where we are dropping suddenly to a 60

    Limit yeah it does brain damage most probably does here look we have a water sled for the swimming pool here but nobody’s sliding and now it is raining oh I have not used the drive uh the Viper so far here is the switch why we got stop short For so I tried to get on the slide and then I had trouble getting back on the track because of that curb okay 612 overtaking yeah So the diesel sound is great but the diesel acceleration is always like a leaden duck well cats you can buy them now I always found that weird too that you can buy animals so ride it like you stole it yes you actually have to push those diesel thingies why bother on the other

    Hand I saw a a real train driver Drive uh trucks too on the Reston I think and well he was pushing this thing AFB on and then power to 100% Chuck the train started approaching the station Dynamic break Max until the train was almost in position and then air bra to

    Four yeah why not I tried this on the Rapid Transit and it actually works and with the um e braake on the max you did not even get wheel slips in the snow or on ret track you need to be careful with the acceleration on snow and wet

    Track but the braking was no problem at all and see the radar says the train is Con constructed to use it yeah it is not necessar what they tell you in the in in in introductions right in the in the introductions they typically tell you to apply a little amount of break

    Force to come to a nice and gentle stop and first apply like 20% of power and then they are beating the train along the line so presentation presentation time I don’t know which presentation was it the first one the says it is like cheap Budget Airline Landing okay I’m not so familiar

    With with the cheap Budget Airline Landings um what I wanted to talk about today is a bit um more rather complicated stuff but it is interesting because it connects some dots that we have already talked about un and seing interlockings we have talked about we have talked

    About kin L we have talked about aat signal sets one the replacement signal and uh if you remember maybe I said I’m not entirely sure where the rules are for how to behave after you got started with a a s signal or you uh were allowed

    To enter a station on a s signal and where it comes from that you have to stick to 40 and where exactly this is uh in the rules and now I think I have figured this out because I came across the thing of yeah train services on special

    Assignment and um I think I can connect the dots now so that it makes sense unfortunately we won’t see not a lot of it in the game and uh we will see why we’re not seeing this in the game because it’s actually for um cases when something goes wrong in the signal box

    Logic and uh the installation there so I want to start with uh repeating recapping what it was with the interlocking U with the ensuing interlockings unle the Viking what always told us how um how long do we have to adhere to a speed limit that a signal is giving us the white number

    That we have seen a couple of times here in the game how long this is valid we had a uh um a separate video about this so I will be quite quick on that so this was our um example track here so we are

    Coming this way on the B on a on a line with two tracks one for each Direction there is a junction coming in then there is a little station with um platforms there is a siding and there is a crossover and we talked about that you’re coming in first what you’re

    Getting before actually hitting the home signal is in the typical 1,000 M uh regular breake distance distance signal uh flashing ks1 in the ks system here the kids did not steal the board and the yellow number telling you that you have to prepare for a slow down to

    80 and before you get into the station you hit the home signal the infa signal um allowing you to enter with a green light a ks1 not flashing steady and now the white eight telling you from here you have to stick to the 80 and then we going

    Pass this home signal to your stopping point and maybe you stop there and then you get started after your stop is done uh with another signal typically starter signal as for signal and then again ks1 here uh allowing you to go and uh telling you stick to 60 and then it was

    Important to know how long do we have to stick to the 60 when can we accelerate and uh we have talked about that when you’re getting in a station or a protected area when you’re passing a home signal or an intermediate signal will be a signal that is subdividing the

    Station area then you have to stick to this speed limit until you are at the next uh main signal next main signal so this this is typically the M sign that uh tells you that this signal is a main signal we have also seen that there is an exception if you are actually

    Stopping here regularly then the uing vi the interlockings end here and also ends the uh order that you have been given by this signal so this 80 is no longer valid after you stopped here why is that um because we have in the rules that the new signal when you’re getting started

    At a station that the speed that the new signal is uh o you is not only valid when you pass the signal but it is also governing this little remaining blue uh distance here from starting your train until you get to the signal so in case

    Your train can actually can do it you are not allowed to accelerate to 100 and then Screech break back to the 60 when you pass the signal this is already governing this this this um distance here and then it would be quite um annoying if you had to stick to

    The 60 until you get to the next main signal that can be somewhere along the track um because this 60 is slowing you down because you are going across switches and as soon as you’re on the open track uh after the switch is end switch is ended you should be able to go

    To line speed and not not not uh move like a snail until you get to the next main signal this is why we have the rule that on an exit signal on a starter signal out signal the vi typically ends as soon as your last axle has passed the

    Last switch in the path and then there is no reason to stick to this speed anymore and you can accelerate to line speed until you get a new limit and this spot is typically in your abula or your bua Blan marked with the Yen sign then we have also learned that if

    There are no switches then the starter signal itself is the uing that means you have to pass with your whole train this spot where the signal is and then you can accelerate um and we have also learned that we can shorten this distance if there is no

    Reason to actually stick to this speed on this fish for example here where you’re only going straight on this switch and can’t be actually sent to the other line then you can shorten this put this Yen marked spot closer to the signal from which the uh

    Speed limit comes and uh to mark this in the real world we can put up an isolated sets3 sign giving us a new speed this is where the number 16 on a setus 3 makes sense only and um you can also in the west of Germany at least use this sets

    10 sign that we have talked about on the uh Hur lubik line I think we’ve talked about this so this will be the fifth rule that we can ex that we can have here on home signals typically until the next main or shorter green one if we stop at the regular stopping point

    On exit signals or other signals that you encounter on the open track like on Junctions for example or stuff like this until you are through the uh switches through the interlockings and then you can accelerate again and if this is actually too long and we want to make

    Everything a bit faster and allow the trains to accelerate faster then this would be the pink one and in case there are no interlockings at all then it is our signal at itself and the last one makes sense because the train has to have completely cleared the vi the

    Interlockings before you can accelerate to be exact it is the last axle of your train that has to have passed the switch and then you can accelerate but obviously this is just a little little distance between the last axle and the actual end of the train I don’t even

    Know if they are simulating this in the game typically um if you accelerate as soon as the train is passed then you are not giving away too much um last axle why because obviously the axles on the switches is the thing that slows you down in Germany we do not have like on

    Many American routes um signaling speed signaling that comes from traffic like on the Northeast Corridor we get this all the time we’re getting decreasing signals because we are running up to trains in front of us because they have this permissive block system where this makes sense we usually always have an

    Absolute block system this is why we are not getting speed signaling due to traffic but typically always speed signaling because of the pathing and the switches that we have to go through or that we are prepared for a speed limit that is coming up and slowed

    Down yeah what is the thing that happens here when we are getting signals of that kind this is when the dispatcher is allowing us to go by putting a signal to a proceed aspect typically a green or sometimes a yellow a a signal that

    Allows us to go so not a stop signal a main signal put to a proceed aspect and then we can um start driving and this is what happens in the game almost all the time that we are sent on on our way by putting um proceed aspect

    On the main signal and what is the nice thing about this when we are getting started by Fong signals it tells us that all the logic in the signaling boxes and the dispatcher himself have checked that a lot of things have already been provided for the technology in the

    Signaling box and the dispatcher made sure that our path is clear that there is no other train or car or whatever a snow plow like we had in Chicago a couple of months ago um on the track no the track is clear all the track circuits are telling the signaling box

    We have a clear track obviously there can still be mistakes because of sanding for example but we can be reasonably sure that the track is clear we can also be reasonably sure that all the switches are aligned because the switches also have sensors in them that tell the signaling box in

    The dispatcher how they are aligned and so if they are aligned in the proper way then all green and this has been uh made sure and also flank protection when we are getting started it is also made sure that no other train has a green signal

    And the switches are aligned in a way that a different train can drive in our flank from the side or from the opposite direction or whatever our path is protected from the sides from the flanks otherwise the dispatcher could not have put our signal into a proceed aspect the technology in the signaling

    Box would prevent that if the dispatcher dries to yeah okay let let this guy go with his train so that we are getting anywh wants to put in the F it doesn’t work if those things are not provided for then there’s more like buzz it does

    Not work we cannot put We cannot put the signal to a proceed aspect it stays at red so when we are getting started with a signal of that kind in the situation where the rules for the an aning apply then we can always be sure that those

    Three things at least have been taken care of if there are uh level Crossings and typically they are in this thing also and uh different other things more we can be sure that the signaling box technology and the dispatcher both have made sure that there is no danger on our way to

    The next main signal but what actually happen happens if for some reason the dispatcher wants to allow us in the station or wants to um allow us to start our journey after we stopped at the station and for some reason he cannot said the f TR he cannot set the signals

    To a proceed aspect then one option is to say okay something got wrong we call it a day and tell the passengers um May we come back next week until we figured out what is wrong and the maintenance guys um take some time that is obviously an option

    But it is not a great option because you want to still run your trains and this is why there are some rules for how you can still allow trains to go into the station and leave the station even if for some reason because some sensor and

    A switch broke or some track circuit is Miss melt functioning or something in the flank protection is not working properly and this is why the signaling box logic does not allow to be the main signal set to a proceed aspect how can we still allow a train to go then and

    There are obviously rules for the dispatchers what they have to make sure um before they can allow a train to go anyway sometimes there are additional secondary technical um devices that still make sure that it is safe enough to start a train anyway but in this situation we start with the

    Problem that we do not know if our track is clear we do not know if the switches are properly aligned and we are not sure if we are protected from uh other movements that are maybe coming into our side in our flank so what would the dispatcher do probably he would look out

    Of his window and make sure is the track actually clear what is the problem is there something on the track why is it not working and this is the whole realm of train services on special assignment of and there is actually quite a plethora of different ways to allow the train and

    They are all connected with those three things what do we know about the track ahead do we know if the track is clear do we know if the switches are aligned properly do we know if Frank protection is provided and depending on what we

    Know and what we do not know uh we can get different ways of how we have to behave after passing a signal and I cut this uh thing in in in two blocks and today I want to talk about a situation where the dispatcher can actually send

    Us on with the sets one aats signal the replacement signal that we have talked about and this actually provides if he can make sure that at least the track is clear by looking out of the window seeing that there is no vehicle on the track um maybe with some secondary

    Technical stuff that tells you yes the track is clear but a switch is not aligned properly even though everybody tells you that the switches are aligned properly the technical devices no I can’t I cannot I cannot make for sure that the switches are aligned probably properly so we know that the track is

    Clear at least in this situation the dispatcher can send us into station or out of the station onto the open track with the setus one as such signal on the ks signals we have this as this white flashing light on the main signal you have seen this in this one stream that

    We made about the white lights on the signals there is one scenario that I know off in the game with the Vectron Inon where where you enter resar station on a replacement signal not on a k signal but on a HL signal but it looks

    More or less the same red light with a white flashing light on it obviously this can happen on the home signal this can also happen on the starter signal it theoretically it can happen on every other next uh main signal that that you encounter but every time the

    Dispatcher has to make sure that even though his uh logic in the signaling box does tell him that um Al those requirements are not met he is still confident enough to send you on the way because he can assertain that at least the track is clear but how do we have to

    Behave after passing a signal like this do the rules for the UN also apply then and actually they did until December 2015 as far as I know if I read this correctly until then the the ensuing interlockings rules also applied for what you have to do after a SAT signal but uh then

    2015 this thing got uh its own rule in the operating rules in the far l 408 you can see it here what I’m using what I’m referring to module 2456 this is where some things for train service and special assignment are set out so we have different rules and let’s

    Check how many of our rules for the UN apply to driving on uh replacement signal one thing that is the general rule that we got on our way when we’re passing a signal with replacement signal we are slowed down to 40 we cannot go faster than 40 but we

    Also do not have to drive on site necessarily unless we get additional orders but if you only get the replacement signal we don’t need to drive on side why is that because of this here down there the dispatcher made sure that the track is clear so we don’t have to drive on S

    Side but we don’t know if the switches are reli properly so it’s possible that we are going actually the wrong way across a switch and this is where the 40 kilm come in because all the switches on the main Railways that are used are uh typically or always I’m actually

    Not sure but typically built in a way that they can be actually be crossed um with 40 km without the train derailing so every switches that you might or all the switches that you might encounter allow a passing with at least 40 km and this is where the 40 km come

    From we don’t need to drive on side because we know that the far is clear and um we have to stick to the 40 because we do not know if the switches are aligned properly this is more or less it’s obviously always always more compx at it but from coming from the

    General lines this is actually making sense a lot and then if we look at the the ruling that is given for how long you have to stick to the 40 then we find um rules that are quite similar to the ones that we know for the UN anding

    But a little bit different so if we are passing a home signal going into a station then the blue situation uh is exactly the same with a 40 we have to go 40 until the next main signal what does not apply is this rule for the um for the regular stopping

    Position this is no longer in it so whether we’re stopping or not we have to go 40 until we get to the next main signal so if we are entering the station on a s signal and we are starting here and even even if we are getting uh green

    Signal then for for starting we still have to stick to the 40 uh until we get to this signal maybe there is a switch in front of the signal between our stopping position and the signal and this switch is misaligned then we it is good that we

    Stick to the 40 if the signal for example is already giving us a high green and we can accelerate with 80 out of the state this is I think at least this is what I’m getting together in my head the rule why this green rule the one for the

    Stopping position does not apply for entering a station with a placement signal when we are started with uh replacement signals and we came into the station on a green light for example stopped and then we cannot get started with a green light and not getting the replacement signal here then we have oh

    We come back to this later in the same rule that we had for getting started with a y 6 for example then the 40 already apply for this little distance between the stopping position and the signal but unlike in my example we do not necessarily have both signals here

    On replacement signal typically one of them works properly and the other one not so what is with our rule here the yellow rule or orange rule for when we’re getting started with an um replacement signal does this work it more or less works the same way here

    Last switch in the path or another stop spot Mark with a again sign in the timetable and then those signs do not apply to um train service on special assignment so it is more or less put a bit the other way around for the UN

    Those signs can stop or or cut it short the and um then we put this sign in our timetable and for train services and special assignment we say those signs are not relevant but we go by the marking in the timetable so it might often get to the

    Same point but the other way around and this is why we do not have this rule for if it is only the starter signal and we do not have this pink rule for cutting it short and those signs are not of any relevance for your train service and special

    Assignment but the yend sign in the abula or your BFA plan is and this leaves you with those four possibilities again when going into the station the whole way until you get to the next Main and if you’re getting out of the station typically last switch in

    The path unless you get a Yen sign in the abula before you get to the last switch and uh still the train must have cleared the end completely so this is not different but there is one exception if you’re actually um passing block signals on the open track except at Junctions

    Then only until the tip of the train has passed this is um a little exception here that means that you’re actually not at all bound to the for Kil mot because then you are um sent on from a stopping position maybe or rolling position well if you’re going faster

    Than uh than than than 40 then you obviously have to slow down to the 40 probably I don’t know until that’s an interesting question but anyway as soon as the tip of your train has passed the signal on the open track you don’t need to stick to the 40 why because there are

    No junk there are no switches that you can um uh probably be going over in the wrong alignment I guess but again I’m talking about this stuff from reading the rules and watching the a the video on YouTube for example and uh hey Erica you returned once again you

    Missed a lot of interesting information the others have already fallen asleep but nevertheless I’m going on with this because um it is actually telling us a lot for how the logic of slowing you watched great great to hear when I need well I think this is

    Really giving us a lot of uh uh Insight in into the Logics of uh and um and uh of uh speed restrictions and why do we have speed restrictions at all and then of what kind it is not totally arbitrary and not uh just because of uh we have to give

    Some speed restriction but it is connected with how fast can I go across a misalign switch for example or dur need to go on site because I do not know if the track is clear I help with PP happy to hear that Erica well if we get started yeah it is

    Here now um I already said this when we get started as uh at the replacement signal we are already bound to the 40 until we get to the signal so for this little distance this is more the parallel rule that we already have for getting started at the proceed aspect

    Signal was that already what I wanted to talk about um no I’m not sure I know there is something more that I wanted to talk about the for Signal function the 40 kilm are great but at the moment we were assuming that the next main signal is green what

    Is if for some reason the next main signal is red and uh we’re getting started and if we are getting a distant signal until we get to the next main signal this is not a problem actually and um because then we get our yellow signal

    Or we are zero for example or ks2 in front before we get to the next main signal and we can slow down properly the problem that we are getting is if this signal the starter signal the one that did not work that the dispatcher did not

    Couldn’t set to a proceed aspect but had to send us on the way with a replacement signal also has a distance signal functionality a for Signal function then we are not getting a distance signal until we get to the next main signal and then we cannot see it because the red

    Light here is covering up the distance signal functionality that we typically would get because we are only getting the replacement signal and then we do not know what we uh would have seen on the distance signal in case it had not been distorted you should be a railway worker

    Or are you no I’m not I’m not a railway or Railroader at all I’m just a general Smart in those in those things um no actually I I am interested in the stuff because I’m playing the game and um I like digging into the rules and finding

    Out stuff and then discussing it with you guys so occasionally someone who really knows about this stuff comes across my videos and tells me more and uh other people other enthusiasts can tell me more and point out what I got wrong and and this is what I what I

    Totally enjoy here um also this distance signal functionality thing here the problem is if this signal the starter signal has a distance signal functionality then we are not getting a new warning because before we are hitting the red signal here and um then we might accelerate as soon as we are out of

    Our pseudo as soon as we are across the last switch in the path and accelerate to line speed 160 we turn around the corner and hit a red signal and this is obviously a problem so if this signal has a distance signal functionality we need to uh take special

    Precautions this signal as it is depicted here with the main uh signal MK sign white red white and uh no VR signal head does not have any distance signal functionality but red signals can have a distance signal functionality just look at I’d hate to see what Railway you’d create in

    Transport I actually thought about this um but there are people who are creating much much much nastier Railways like for example no had a a picture of of what he created in transport field the other day on my Discord server was really interesting um and impressive

    Impressive but now let me talk about the distance distance signal functionality what signals can have a distance signal functionality in the ks system like this is the ks system with a flashing white light um KS red with a flashing white can have a distant signal functionality if we have this downward pointing yellow

    Triangle then this in the ks system is not only a main signal but also a distance signal no distance signal board but um uh at the same time giving you the combined uh information about the main signal part and the distance signal part on the HL system almost all HL

    Systems uh signals have a distant signal functionality because you remember we have one lamp telling you what to expect at the next signal and one lamp telling you what you have to do now in the AG system and um we also get the flashing white on the HL systems for replacement signal and

    They also have this downward pointing yellow triangle even if it is on black ground on thehl S uh signal on the HV it is even more simple the HV system would have if it is an HP Zer of the old style the two lamps at least in the west and

    We would typically get Noir corrected me on my video about the asset signal totally correctly that on HV signals all the ones that we encounter in real life you don’t get the flashing white light but the three white LS in the yeah Delta formation here as the assat signal

    Although the rules would allow them to have a flashing white uh one but since we are not getting new HV signals this is what we can encounter in real life for the replacement signal and the HB signal has a distant signal functionality if we have a VR signal

    Head on it and this one as we all know is typically dark if the signal is showing red so if you’re started at a signal of that kind with a replacement signal with a that signal then you don’t know what information the distance signal functionality would have given

    You like for example if this signal is red then for example this signal would have shown in the ks system something like this a ks2 a yellow aspect the six is not so important because this is just for how you are supposed to leave the station but this

    Ks2 the yellow lamp here telling you you can proceed it is still a proceed aspect um but distant signal functionality be be prepared to stop at the next signal for the HL you would have maybe gotten something like this the lower part telling you you can go 60 here yellow

    With yellow band but be prepared to stop at the next signal the upper lamp telling you on the HV you might have gotten this you can leave here with 40 or if the timetable tells you 60 is allowed then with 60 but the VR Z telling you that you have to be prepared

    To stop um at the next signal so here we have a signal distance signal functionality here we have a distance signal functionality and here we have a distance signal functionality and all this is masked and hidden if the signal cannot be set to proceed aspect and we are getting started with an replacement

    Signal and how do we deal with this we have to take into account that we probably have to stop at the next main signal so what are we doing first we are doing this we are sticking to 40 kilomet if I became minister of a railway green would mean stop and red

    Would mean proceed just to be funny says Erica good thing you’re not confusing the American railroad railroad signaling even more as it is and the code of Federal Regulation tells us at least that much that you cannot turn those two around so but if you would be Secretary of Transportation then you could

    Actually change it because you could advise the FDA to change the code of federal regulations as much as I understand the American legal system good thing you’re not well how do we deal with our distance signal functionality here first we have obviously to stick to the 40 because we

    Still don’t know if the switches are aligned then we are out of our switches we are out of this uh section here and then we would typically accelerate to line speed what we can do but we still have to stay in this case at maximum 40 until

    We get to the next signal so that we can see and read its aspect so we would not accelerate as soon as we are out of the switches but stick to 40 or even less until we get to the next main signal aspect and can read its aspect so even

    Less if we are approaching the signal in a way that we could not stop in front of it with 40 then we have to to slow down even more we have to drive in a way that we can stop at the red signal on the next main signal um and not go faster

    Than 40 even though we are already out of the switches uh rule that allows us to go faster again is this interesting rule maximum 2 kilm so we are going Max for ma for maximum for a maximum of 2 K we are sticking to the 40 why is that this interesting

    2,000 meter rule that you can sometimes read this is because it is excluded in the way that the railways are built in Germany that there is a distance of more than 2,000 M between distance signal and the main signal that it refers to so if if you passed a

    Distance signal and you’re not hitting a main signal that is governed by this distance signal after 2,000 kilome 2,000 m 2 kilom then you can be pretty sure that you either missed the main signal didn’t see it at all and since you did not get stopped by a 2,000 HZ magnet it

    Wasn’t so bad or that for some reason there is no main signal coming anymore and you can be sure that you’re getting a new distance signal before you’re hitting the next main signal this is as far as I understood the um the sense in this um 2,000 M uh ruling

    So if we are getting started at a signal that has a distant signal functionality and we know that because we either see this downward facing um yellow triangle or we see the dark VR uh signal hat on the signal here then we do not only have

    To adhere to the 40 until we are out of the switches or past the point mark with the Yen but also have to stick to the 40 and even slow down in a way that we can stop at the next main signal in case it

    Is red until we can see it and make sure that it is not red that it allows us to proceed and if we are if we have actually driven 2,000 M with the 40 kilm and we did not um we did not uh hit a new main signal

    Then we can go back to line speed and just rely on getting a new distance signal before we can actually hit the next potentially red main signal that’s it for today in my presentation I hope this was not too boring or confusing um the sad thing is

    That actually in the game we won’t really need all this information because um this would now maybe we will get it in the future this in my opinion this would be a great thing for scripted scenarios where you get an replacement signal instead of um a proceed aspect uh

    When when starting your train from from a stop typically the rooting in in in in transim world as far as I understood this works in a way that the signal aspect that you’re getting displayed is always connected with the root that you are sent on on the track system

    So that you are typically not getting any uh replacement signal or for Signal unless this is connected with the rot that they sent you at least this is what I have well learned from playing around with the editor so far so this would be something that needs to be scripted in

    The game or for uh like we added in the N Halon for a random element so sometimes um there is an error the logic in the signal box does not work properly and then we are getting started with a replacement signal then we need to know

    Um then we need to know how to deal with this and um next time on the next stream when we are getting back to this in case someone is still interested in learning then we will actually learn how we can deal with the fact that the dispatcher

    Cannot even ascertain that the track is clear and that track switches and flank protection is all unclear and then obviously the solution will be not only stick to 40 but also on site we always be prepared to stop in case there is an obstacle on the track this would be the

    Set a seven for signal and how to deal with that exactly and why we are driving until the next main signal plus4 400 m uh or train length wherever is longer this we will discuss in the next uh part of this and then we also will have a

    Look at all the different ways and rules for starting a train with proceed aspect with replacement signal with caution signal at the k l for example because there is a special rule for starting a train at Ken or like we have seen this last week that we are not started as a

    Train service at all but at as a shunting service with clear track announced or clear track not announced so actually quite a lot of different ways that you can start driving on your route but now back to the train and tooro says I’m not sleeping my high school principal told me in Europe

    People listen to the full information before reply and ask question don’t know how truthful that is but some of his lessons stuck with me I agree that is that is typically true when when I’m well most of the time actually when when I’m giving lectures somewhere in in

    Real life this is what people typically do they listen and afterwards they ask question or even more if the moderator says and now um actually there is time for some questions are there any nobody says anything but then you step down from the podium and uh then a lot of

    People come to you and ask questions and because they didn’t want to ask them in front of the others hold on my anxiety through the roof there go okay and I even did not get you down from your high with this longish presentation no I totally appreciate it

    But obviously I don’t know if I’m boring you to death with with with what I’m talking about here or uh or not again I have not said this often enough I find this really interesting because it is getting more and more to the core of the of the logic that that

    Is in all those rules and uh more or less if if if you’re getting into this logic more and more you don’t have to learn this stuff by heart but you know why and uh how you have to be behave if you’re passing a signal that has a

    Distant signal functionality and you do not know what it would have shown you then obviously you need to be prepared to stop at the next main signal just as you have to do this when you are passing a dark distance signal and have to assume the worst but you don’t need to

    Drive on site all the way until you get there for example so this is getting more and more interesting more and more complicated and uh as always if you spot any errors and inconsistencies don’t hesitate to tell me in the comments I’m always happy to learn and discuss things and now

    Actually back good thing we did not do this on Rapid Transit otherwise this would have been a 4our stream and good thing that I picked a springy scenario for the mind T and now we have a downpour also another rule I did not talk about this today if we are stopping

    At a stopping point like this one no it’s not already that between um a distance signal and the main signal uh there is a special rule for that as well but we will get to this when we get there Erica asks have you played the New

    York Route in train Sy World 2020 no I have not I actually started this game not before easy on the C thank you um I also I only started playing this game when trains in world two was given away free on the Epic gam store and I did not play

    2020 and I did not play the old R steer it was my first DLC or maybe Rapid Transit the New Haven route was that right rapid is old it is old but sometimes I actually like going back to the old stuff and look at it how it looks now in the new game and what works and what doesn’t and holy moly what is happening now I might

    Have touched the wrong button pen Corridor so yeah well the rapid transit is driving you crazy because the Thousand htz uh magnets are always on even if if you’re passing a totally green signal it has a distant signal functionality and when you’re getting all the time, htz

    Uh monitorings then you never get out of then you never get out of the restricted monitoring and then they set all the signals to Red on every station they set the signals to Red so you always falling into a restricted 500 htz monitoring so this is why you’re really not getting along this

    Line at all some old stuff had more attention to detail suspect yeah that is totally true and the rapid transit route has actually a lot of potential obviously some things are not as elaborate as they are in the new DLCs but still yes and L B is working there I I

    Actually was not aware that they had a working lcetb on Rapid Transit but there is an l be pared and it is really a nice and dynamic route with all the stopping in the underground uh stations all the time so if we could fix the piece ATB so

    That on the green signals you don’t get a th000 htz influencing it might really be cool NTI bar the det tile blew you away all right yeah the Nal B is great you only have to look on the file size Nal B is I think the the second biggest file at least

    That I had there is an IC in bitterfeld I saw it on the P waited and was surprised and did it actually arrive because I deliberately check there are no playable services for IC yeah it’s big because the scenery is good yes tsg did a great job there I

    Always have a bit the the impression that with the first route the depu route third party developers need to impress people but this is not a bad thing at all Glance stuff very okay I ever wondered what what what kind of a station name this is glun stop can can translate it to shiny fabric Factory glun of okay and uh as far as I know it was originally a Factory or belonged to a bigger firm that produced like artificial

    Yarn that had this shiny optic and now it is I think some industrial park but originally it was actually a shiny fabric that they built there careful we’re pausing a VR zero can it accelerate beyond the 80 and also have to prepare for the 500 Hertz theodoros say I recommend the music of

    Joe he Sashi summer when playing little bar in summer time epic 10 out of 10 for him I have to try here’s another train that we delayed oburg elen fi Spectre asked to run have a great evening everyone yes thank you for staying with me and have a great evening Too what it looks nice it looks very nice this deal see they got the lighting in the way that it does not look that whitewashed anymore even with the fog oh no that was the wrong side always a problem if you’re looking at the from the front and hit the corresponding

    Button problem is we are in a restricted 500 Hertz that means not faster than 20 even though the signal that was red when we got here and now for some reason it stopped it is still the 500 Herz lamp on but it stopped doing the alternate flashing and now it starts

    Again what the heck I have not been able to explain this Behavior so far so now our 500 HZ should stop lighting up maybe there are two 500 HZ magnets that account for this weird Behavior no I’m out of it where is the code for your coupler they

    Are only using it in winter time and pocket Snickers hey see nice to see you I I didn’t know you found your right and left so difficult with the doors well it’s actually not difficult this is the problem with the muscle memory typically when I’m sitting in the driver

    Seat here and uh then my fingers do this on their own hitting the button for left or hitting it for right and sometimes when I’m using external cameras and looking at my train from the front being like 180° around then the muscle memory gets it wrong so good thing that I’m not driving

    Trains in real life and be able to watch at myself with an external camera while doing so and the code for the coupler they are only using this in winter time someone said on the forums so nice touch if you were driving trains in real life and also saw yourself outside that would

    Be a much bigger problem that’s true that is completely true lf6 for 100 okay the 100 is not a problem for us CH you still have to wait a bit we’re just approaching Klein valad I wonder if this is close to gr valad it used to be quite big hunt ball Hey yes the dogs want out but I already have been out three times with you Chile you don’t need to sit at the door you have to wait until we are done with the stream Here opinion on FAL you played with the dog today that’s great opinion on full Hut well I don’t have an opinion on the full Hut because I’m never using it anyway we have here one of the very rare situations where we still have a platform that but people need to pass across the

    Rails but typically ask for specific safety measures why you call yourself tiger ways well Tiger has been my online name like forever and tiger was is like well British Railways so my artificial fixures Railway carrier is called tiger WS obviously Erica Gant is a random name originally Eric G because

    It sounded a little arogant all right and where is the smooth forehead coming from then So what did you do with the dark city Raider then play catch with a ball or play even in some major stations here level crossing between platform for people like that is a common site oh yeah I understand that maybe this is a thing for another stream in the rules here you can

    Sometimes read something about a person called so obviously someone in charge of making sure that the passengers that are sometimes called RIS are not run over but I did not read up on this in particular smooth forehead is when I said he has a smooth forehead in Barry

    Be Hop’s chat it was a horribly picture of him okay he loved his Arro congratulation for that then oh yeah Fetch with sticks that’s cool you would have liked this chili right you can never stop playing Fetch with sticks or balls or whatever people like to throw for you ZB is the next

    Station I remind you of a czeck YouTuber or CD Raider reminds you of a Czech YouTuber because he is a check YouTuber then you scratched him behind the ears oh yeah you would have liked this too Chile getting scratched behind the ears this is what I’m actually doing with her Co incidence

    Or well I guess his check is better than mine then someone said check yes so your high has died down that is good see here I’m really relieved that you live through this high without anything too bad happening scratching behind the ears is a cheat code for dogs

    Yeah and horses too for example chilly chilly chilly chilly I still have to stop my train here and read the chat everything at the same time go easy on me Chile is the name of my dog is that chili from Bluey no I don’t know her she’s written

    With a y at the end Chile like Chile Gonzalez the jazz musician but I did not invent the name it was already the name that she had when I got her or no I wasn’t aware that this l is actually taking so long to drive probably the line does not take long to

    Drive at all but it is just that I talked so long about the presentation today pocket singers is asking what type of dog is she she’s a Belgian Shepherd cross uh Dutch Shepherd type of dog well I was as I was answering what breed is she right um what type of dog

    Is she’s very she’s very energetic she wants to play and learn and work all the time she’s super nice and super clingy and she is biggish black has a loud voice intends to scare people that would be the type of dog that she is malinoa yes big dogs tend to look

    Scary well it is especially her her loud voice and her energy that tends to scare people a bit but she is a very very tender Soul almost almost you have a dog that never lived well better than none at all Huh and you found a glitch with the 38 stock actually funny is that I got for that dog a training vest with your logo on it that’s cool so does it appear here on YouTube now and you exit seat you Bard the roof interesting and you have two cats well cats

    Are well there is always this thing about dog persons and cat persons but to be honest how can even if you are more a dog person you cannot do anything else that than than finding cats cute so cats are cute they are irresistible but they they never do what you tell

    Them on Facebook there is a photo oh AG is probably not uh awake anymore so I have to cats are kind of ugly now fish fish are cute all right n cats are cute but play catch with a cat play catch with a fish it’s a different game of catch that you play

    With a fish a shaen borg suit that means there are only three stations left Chile then we can go out cats operate on their own time well you cannot blame them for it chil chil I got a lf6 I have to adhere to that it’s an 80 that means I

    Have to acknowledge it anyway even though we are hardly faster than 80 only if they are if they have mood if they are in the mood to play with you then now Chile gave up for now that always sounds dangerous so we are on a line that

    Allows us to go 80 so there is no point in releasing from the monitoring even though it would be possible at the moment does Chile Love Trains too asks theodoros I don’t think so she’s more a cars dog she likes to travel in the car I once traveled with our then three dogs

    On a bus and this was quite annoying not only for the people around us but also for me all the time some dog sniffing somewhere else Bo three dogs on a bus sounds like a nightmare yeah I wish wasn’t aware that I had to pay uh that I had to buy

    Children tickets for the dogs so I actually had to buy three children’s tickets for my three dogs this nine does not need acknowledging but nevertheless hitting the acknowledge button wants to often does not hurt at all 500 htz did they thank the driver I don’t think so I think they

    Just ran out they were happy that that they were released from this confinement and again in the restricted 500 Hertz and still raining Raining Raining a sh s chili there is only a shenberg uh University or something like this and then the main station and then we are done again not faster than

    20 but this should actually end at the signal yes and now we can release hopefully Let’s stay below the 80 just in case we’re getting a new 1,000 htz yeah there is one we’re getting here so hopefully the restricted element already ended a nice VR2 and it is on again and is restricting us luckily not in the restricted way only to the

    80 here’s another music s suggestion for summer virtual oh stop stop stop stop stop not reading the chat but this is a situation now where you actually have to stop at a halter point after passing the distance signal and before you get to the corresponding main signal and that is a situation where

    There is a specific rule for it just in case that the main signal switched to a red while we are sitting here at the station we have to approach the next main signal in a way that we are able to stop in front of it so summer virtual

    Train Drive Spirited Away 2001 the name of Life Instrumental piano inoi no Nam all right we will have to listen to all of this unfortunately AJ is already asleep so she can’t get this for me on the run on the fly so restricted thousanders that means restricted to 40 we cannot releas

    Because the yellow lamp is still on and since we stopped between the distance signal and the main signal we have to approach the next main signal in a way that we are able to stop in front of it without a warning now it’s possible to

    Least but it would not be a good idea probably because we are getting a new 1,000 Hertz before the restricted thing ended that means it would have come on with limit to 40 again for this is good to have these little lights orren have what little lights do or strs have the repeaters

    Are the signal armor okay now it’s getting a bit laggy here’s the 40 on the switch that we got the hp2 for and see the radar is going to win next week that is cute GRE is a shish St how does allow that Yeah so no point in releasing from the monitoring since we are getting a 500 HZ soon like now here is an K signal that allows us to pass it why we are passing it I’m not entirely sure since this train is going back we probably would have stopped at the de

    Signal so that the other half of the platform can be used for trains coming from and returning into the other Direction oh now I aned it into emergency for finally well the raer likes screeching brakes invisible can LIF at least you are under the roof at least I am and I did not pass this so what we’ve talked about here for example is the old version of the S

    Signal with the three lamps on the HP signal of the HV system chilly chilly chilly don’t Notch me all the time I will get to you in a couple of minutes so that was that unfortunately we were a bit late but nevertheless it is a nice route it looks

    Good the lighting works out there’s a lot of rain all the time but well maybe this is just coincidence and some people seem to enjoy it okay thank you very much for bearing with me uh in in this um quite complicated presentation that does not have too much connection with

    The the game itself maybe in future times we will see more um replacement signals as that signal and get some scripted or random situations where we have to adhere to this kind of signal and um okay here the writing for the little signs is a bit too

    Big anyway thank you very much guys take care until we get together again it was a very Lively ch had today theodoros City radar is tired to pocket Snickers Erica Gant and Spectre is already has already left so thank you very much take care

    And um well if you like let me know what you think about streams of that kind where we’re discussing stuff it has not not too much to do with the game our train is transforming into a shunting Service as you can see course we are getting the

    Sh1 on the hp1 and here actually the second red one uh got switched off together with the sh1 great this this does not always happen in the train World thanks guys see you around bye-bye

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