This video covers my trip from Strasbourg to Neuf-Brisach. Switzerland bound!

    Adam E’s Bikepacking trip.

    This is a continuation of the previous day after I finished at the Modern Art Museum and this place is actually called Pon coverts something like that and yeah it’s basically these towered Bridges um that are I think they’re from the 13th century and they’re really cool actually

    You can go right inside all of them and kind of remind of York walls a little bit and then yeah the next few pictures are of uh strasburg’s Little Little Venice District seems like many cities seem to have a little Venice district and yeah then you have I going to

    Pronounce the English version which is called The Church of the temple Strasburg which is a really nice building and then probably the most impressive building in all of Strasburg is the nrom cathedral which again seems like there’s a few of those across Europe and yeah it’s just amazing

    There’s a few pictures of the streets we also have their Parliamentary Building and then something I found particularly cool was the Council of Europe and the European Parliament buildings uh the European Parliament building is insanely impressive and yeah that brought uh close to the well most of the day um in Strasburg

    Yeah so I just got back from Strasburg for the day um this bridge is pretty cool because that side is Germany that side is France so when I first went to my campsite that was over in well what I now know is Germany cycled over there and everything was in German and

    Everyone was speaking German and I was like how has this happened why are they all speaking like German in France and like all the signs were as well I was like so weird and then um vone text me like welcome to your new like country blah blah blah blah blah and then I

    Cycle back over to Strasburg and I looked at the map when I was coming back and then I was like oh that’s Germany on the other side of the bridge so yeah um and the sunset is like amazing right now it doesn’t really do it justice on the

    Camera I tried taking a picture it doesn’t work so yeah that’s the update and this is the chill as little road it goes back to the campsite recording a quick video to say about how I’ve had to use this big head torch to sort out all my wounds because my feet are so

    Bitten I have literally got like red blotches all up my ankles from bugs biting me and my socks are like literally got like blood in them because of like all the scabs scabs and scars and bites and it’s actually unreal that’s one of the things like that really pay their toll

    On this trip like just like there’s so many small things and that’s just one of them is just getting bitten every night and there’s not much you can do about like how you going to keep bugs out of tent so that’s me out for the night

    That was honestly one of the worst nights sleep I ever had I accidentally forgot to take my day t-shirt off that’s the least of the worries I had a flat air bed the whole night and I’m sleeping on like hard ground so that my back was getting crunched by

    Rocks and just hard rock solid soil me that was not good so I never really explained in the video but the plan for this day was to get as close as I can to Switzerland I knew it’ be too much doing one day but I managed to get

    Seven hours of cycling down um on this day and um I’ll explain more where I ended up later on and uh yeah I’ll roll a few Clips how beautiful and peaceful is this little place here so I’m just on the outskirts of Strasburg heading towards uh well heading towards swiland

    Switzerland but I’m not going to get there in one day this place is just like absolutely Beautiful [Applause] Think I just found the last Netto of Europe yeah still all the way to Switzerland not going to get Switzerland as I’ve said before but uh uh yeah the weather is Beautiful so these are the things that you come across when you do longdistance cycling so as I was cycling along I started to notice signs for a place called rust which I was like what does that mean which I then found out was actually like a neighborhood SL town

    Area and it had this place that I actually thought was called rust as well turns out after the fact I found out it’s called Europa Park and as you can probably see from some of the pictures it’s like a it’s genuin like Disneyland uh it’s absolutely crazy the picture of

    Inside the park with the huge ball I actually didn’t take myself um I have actually put that picture in just because I wanted to show some further context but yeah it’s a huge theme park um I can express how massive it is obviously I didn’t go into the theme

    Park I actually just stopped and uh charged my phone uh while I was there but yeah it was uh a really cool weird thing to come Across It is honestly hard to describe how beautiful this ride has been down to uh Berry sash I think it’s called these valleys of uh Vineyards and farmland is absolutely stunning Front’s there Germany There so this is new Virat which actually means new Virat and I was blown away with this place I genuinely stumbled ACR on this completely randomly I wasn’t even aware of this place until about 10 miles before I arrived there when I uh stopped and had a look at sort

    Of campsites in the area I camped up and this was about a 5 minute walk from my campsite and I’ve actually kept uh sorry put a picture in of the a real life helicopter shot of the city because it’s so amazing to see from above yeah I

    Didn’t actually get any video of me walking around but it’s it’s a really really cool place um it has a like a moat that goes all the way around for some reason a rhino uh is in the moat not really sure too much about the history of this place I did briefly look

    Online and it’s like a French fortified town that was to protect against the Germans and apparently the Romans as well so yeah it’s it’s quite cool in that aspect and yeah it’s just another one of these moments particularly we’ve go into that rust Place early in the day

    Where you’re like wow this is one of the really cool aspects about stumbling across places on your bike

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