Metal detecting in the uk doesn’t get better than this, as team unearthed detectorists brought to light an incredible amount of ancient coins and artefacts, including some really interesting items mixed in, an historic farm on historic land helps but the detectorists but they still had to work hard for the results, and wow did they hit the heights on this one! Treasure items found here in the past made us visit this area once again and we are glad we did!
    Team unearthed, delivering metal detecting results since 2012.

    Why does it always rain on me is it because oh hang on a minute it’s actually not raining but the rain’s left a mark on the ground today uh it’s very wet underneath Under Foot but dry uh other than that so I’m going to take you

    To the first fields and show you the fields that we’re going to be dissecting today um and welcome to the team on Earth dig so this is field one and you can see it’s arable and there’s a busy group of avid detectorists on here already this morning hoping for the

    Glint of a hammered coin or a bit of Roman something interesting and in a minute I will take you to field 2 I’ll just remove this can this is field two for this morning as you can see there’s a few detect wandering around in it and again we’re expecting you know we’re expecting

    Medieval coins out of here maybe a bit of Roman something good will come out of one of these fields this morning I’ll be back with you as soon as it happens we’ll be right on it uh field one and Jimmy’s just come with a little Mount probably late medieval in Daye you

    Can see where the fixings are on the back so it’s the first artifact of the day from Jimmy right we’re in field two and I’ve just had a shout over and it’s Grant this time and he’s had a hammered and it’s just come out of

    The spill so we’re going to have a look at that and there it is you can just see it popping out Grant can you do the honors M cuz it’s your coin if you want to pick it up oh it is oh now then is it a Lizzy is it um Henry look

    Like a Lizzy to me want me you want me to just have a little look at that yeah it’s a 3 p a 3 p or a half growth so it hasn’t got a date on it so that tells me it’s a half Groth right

    Should have two dots next to the bus and it has there you go half Gro of a Queen Elizabeth first hammmer of the day an hour we’re in see that guys it’s Beauty in it nice nice coin mate thank you well done one shallow as well I’ll just pass

    That back over to your Grant cheers well done sir excellent right we’ll be back soon as anything else comes up field two again and we’re here with Don he’s just had this rather intriguing artifact as you can see there’s a bust of a lady but it looks like a

    Lady and what we’ll do we’ll give that a gent very very gentle clean and we’ll come back to you but that’s a really interesting artifact very quickly with uh the find that we’ve just seen from Don we just got some of the mud off and there’s the

    Bust of a lady it does look a little bit like Queen Vic actually but I’m not sure what that is the Mount of some description it’s a really intriguing almost 3D coming out looking at us brilliant find Don oh I really like that and if you want to have a little

    Look at it under the viewfinder quickly look at that stunning in it it’s really good excellent wait wait okay on to the Next we’re here with Steve fullard field 2 sorry guys and he’s just had a hammed medieval Penny and there it is virtually on the surface was it yeah well it’s been out it’s been plowed many times this field uh London mint as well uh yeah hello do

    Excellent mate looks like it’s had a hole drilled in it at some point I’ll hand you that back the second hammmer of the day where we at field one this morning Andrew just had a sovereign Ty Penny really nice coin this actually it clean up beautifully that really just

    Epitomizes that uh late medieval chuda period and you can see and just see the uh the the King on the crown there brilliant absolutely awesome find well done Andrew right we’re here just um sort of like the lunchtime area or heading towards lunchtime in field one

    And Danny who found the gold Noble if you remember Danny he’s just had this lovely little seal it’s got a rampant line on apparently um if I can show you that don’t know if you can work that out I can’t yet but uh he assures me it is

    And that’s not a bad find not a bad find at all so the artifacts are showing the coins are showing what else will come up uh on the way back to the car at lunchtime and Steve fullard is on his second hammered and just right in the Gateway that is a

    Charles Shilling if I can just move it around you can just make up the bus of the king and then X11 for 12 Shilling I’m not sure what the mint mark is on that but that’s a nice coin look at it you took a bit to of it

    Yeah just bear with me a sec mate right folks we’ll be back as soon as anything else comes up it’s been a good dig up to now and we’re here with Grant at dinner time and he’s come up with a rather nice Mount look at that very

    Unusual I’ve never quite seen one like that my I guess it’s medieval it’s got a the hook on the back and that is a really nice find excellent work from him look at that beautiful I’m not sure much excitement just after lunch and I just got a shout

    Off Ricky digging away and he’s come up with this am and you can see that that’s a big one that’s a big one that’s a beauty and it’s another I think that’s a it’s a James it’s a James no it’s not wow you’re not going to believe it it’s a bik king B

    King right biking that’s the coin of the day look at this look at that stunning absolutely awesome mate find of the day I don’t think that’ll be beaten today hang on yet it’s still time wow is that just a storm that was right underneath it by King

    Shilling look at that do it again super right we’ll be back folks much excitement we’ll get get it clean a bit of the mud off and we’ll come back to you what a coin well I was getting rather excited thinking it was a biking Shilling forks I do apologize it

    Actually turned out to be a James the first Shilling uh with a mud off so I do apologize folks getting everybody a bit excited but I’m still buzzing for Ricky to find that Co because look at the look at the portrait on that it’s such a stunning coin coin of the day another

    Shilling absolutely stunning right folks we’ll be back as soon as anything else comes up still 3 hours left of the day uh just after lunch now and with with Chris and we’ve opened the fields up so field one and two have gone now and people are moving onto the higher

    Ground and Chris has just had this lovely little Hammer look at that it’s either James the first or Charles the first we’ll turn it over it’s a half growth I would say someone just rang me so I’ve just had to pause it beautiful coin lovely and flat look at

    That really flat coin beautiful such a pleasure to see well what a dear oh we’re here with the big gym as we call him he’s just had a beautiful medieval penny look at this absolutely stunning petiner on it and the condition is well absolutely amazing well there you go look at that

    Perseverance counts more Hamed coming up fantastic condition right folks on to the next we here with Ben and he’s just had um a William I third six p as you can see got some detail on there as he got a bust has he got a bus yes he has and there you

    Go well done to him Alan’s just come wandering over and he’s had a badge now then here’s the thing North Lakes van Lang dub rally MCO 1990 there you go a rarity a bit someone watching that’ll know a lot more information than I do about it but it’s quite a nice

    Badge Ward King next and he’s just had an intriguing artifact quite a thick bronze copper alloy what has that been folks come on somebody will know what that’s been surely very unusual thing unusual very unusual we’re here with Vinnie and he’s just had this fob as you can see minus it’s um it’s

    Stor in the bottom glass stone but that would have been a real nice one look gold gilded georgean in date and that’s what it would have been and Ben’s had the first Raman of the day which is encouraging it’s a fourth Century coin it’s like the small 83 types I

    Think you can see some detail on the back you just see the detail and that’s the bust on that side so that’s the oldest coin of the day and the first Roman and that’s Fallen to Ben excellent work on The High Ground oh he’s walking in the mud right uh Andrew Tiffy

    Next another medieval Penny I mean the hammer coming up today is fantastic just fantastic to see let’s have a look let’s just see if we can and there look at the look at the off sh off shot of that car now it’s been off struck you can see the legend above the

    King’s head and it Tails right off unusual really unusual nice coin that really nice coin I know you did M Andy Andy again now he’s had a toasted bronze Roman japon just by the look of it that’s a second Roman of the day a second Roman coin only we’ve not

    Had too many Roman today but that’s the second anyway it’s a it’s a sign these last few hours are just producing one or two Roman coins so uh let’s see what comes up next exciting times with Ben now and Ben’s just had a silver coin off

    An all track backway we’re going to see if we can get some detail off that yeah definitely silver under there looks like a six P SCE Shilling size needs a little bit of attention that I think yeah as you can see anyway see what see what that reveals Well jean is just Shou

    Us over she’s got hammmer in the hall and it’s just there as you can see car Bend off and get that out for me go that’s definitely a hammer in it it’s got to be Gan I’m just going to yeah yeah yeah it is absolutely a hammmer and the sun’s coming out

    The yeah I don’t know what it is yet it’s a penny maybe or something oh no it’s not no it’s a shield on there so it’s a chuda it’s a chuda coin it’s probably a three Pence Lizzy possibly we’ll see if we can get some um

    Cleaner shots for you with the mud off it’s got a shield on it for sure so well done Jean another hammmer for the day what’s going to come up next well look at this for a a really rare coin well when I say a coin forgery you won’t see many of these

    Folks it’s Charles II and you can just make out the Carl Calis Carl see you can see there on the edge on the left hand side you can just see his bust but when we turn it over you can see the design of what would have been a crown half

    Crown so somebody’s probably triy to pass that over as a real deal and that is a very unusual find that’s from Big gym well look at that tell you what this day has really this afternoon’s really turned out some Fantastic Finds for the detectorists um there we go look at that amazing absolutely

    Amazing uh we’re here with John Brer now and he’s had a a fragment of a hammed penny and there’s another bit there look as you can see hey they might be broken mate but they all count and you’ve saved it from more destruction John that was a

    Bit good couple of yards by just shows you something rled with the BL yeah well done mate fantastic right we just had a shout in the distance of Shirley she’s found a hammmer so we’re going to go down right we’re here with Shirley next and she’s just shouting me over with

    Excitement in her voice because she’s had a hammer and you can see it let me just take that off you gently sh it’s folded up it looks like a medieval Penny it is a medieval Penny well then yeah that’s going to take a little bit of work to get straight but she

    Could easily do it I think I actually thought it was a Scottish one at first but my IDs today has been well off uh so I’m not I’m not saying it is that under that I think there’s a really good penny yeah I think there is

    I really do Fantastic look at that more Hamed thank you the ladies now are fighting back we’ll be back as soon as anything else comes up folks we have to don’t We Well we are fast running out of time and there’s coins and artifacts coming up all over the place so I’m going to take you over to see someone’s artifact it looks like like a sword hangers come up or belt hanger and we will probably have an half an hour left but there’s coins

    And eys coming up all over the place we need to get back on this Farm um just while I’m on if anybody is interested in metal detecting you can see my web link uh for my website along the bottom and uh any questions please ask

    But let’s go and have a look at this artifact that Louise has found the ladies are really fighting back now they’ve found uh some really good stuff in the last 10 minutes like a belt sword hanger from Louise so that’s late medieval chuda lovely find I was just going to

    Check that off you you can see it bending at the bottom there was that quite a deep find Louise I know no not at all I think these fields may have been plowed at some point in the past it’s a really good find that well done nice artifact

    Excellent well done and we’re just going to move over here cuz Shirley’s here as well and Shirley’s found another hammmer it’s a sharp Ben yeah it’s a Lizzy six P that yeah Lizzy six P well done that’s a nice coin put you about the break but

    You know what you take it all day won’t you any day all day absolutely awesome piece of History hey what a field this has turned out to be more Hamed right what’s going to come on I’m going to extend the day uh we usually knock it off about quarter

    Past uh no we don’t actually we usually knock it on about 4:00 but we keep it open for that extra half an hour we’ve got the team see if anything else here now right at the top and it’s the end of the day we got half an hour left uh and

    There’s stuff coming up all over the place and you can see them working really closely at uh at the ground here so let’s see what comes up have you got anything there Jim all right okay right folks we’ll see what comes up but they’re all working really really hard at this

    Now excellent work come on guys uh John Brunner now and like I said we were at the end of it and he’s just had this little bronze Roman coin has got detail on it I think unless it’s my eyes it’s a bit toasted but he’s uh he’s persevered

    Today is John he’s already hammered and he’s now he’s had a bit of Raman well done to him we’re just in the car right at the end and Kate’s come over CU we haven’t seen Kate all day and she’s had part of a Denarius as you can see

    There which is good silver Denarius Roman and just let me give you that back shell and she’s also had a six spins of Queen Vic well we got to get back in there aren’t we when it dries off right folks on to the next you’re right okay folks

    It’s the end of the day now and the uh fabled team on Earth winner goes to Ricky he’s got a big smile on his face there he is look cheers good brilliant well done mate what a coin what a man absolutely brilliant we’ll be back we’ll

    Be back should we come back on the F do you think I just do that feel great we’ll come back mate right okay folks thanks for watching bye for now cheers


    1. Another brilliant days detecting with the unearthed team, what a day what a farm. Well done Ricky a deserving winner with the James shilling what a coin. Thank you Graeme, Gaz and Mel.

    2. That james shilling is a craker lovley bust plenty of details on the device . Makes me more n more eager to start detecting. I love collecting and grading early / late milled coins . Never been detecting but going to give it a go one day. The coin of Charles ii is definitely a crown and a your right its definitely a contemporary counterfeit a bery nice find they are collectable in their own right .

    3. ''People are now making their way to higher ground,'' Oh how I wish! But, nonetheless, it was a great day out as usual, with nice weather, good company, and superb finds. Well done to all, and the usual thanks to Graeme and Gaz without whom none of this would be possible. Looking forward to the next one. [ Well done to Andy Hammered, I named him well didn't I?]

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