The World Tonight: US President Joe Biden warned China to exercise restraint after its ships collided with Philippine resupply vessels in the West Philippine Sea.

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    1. This president has no credibility. He have currently opened two fronts of War already we must not allow ourselves to become another Froxy war of the US and western nations. Surely majority of the Filipinos are sophisticated enough to know their real agenda. We won't be swayed anymore, we've learned our lesson well.

    2. There's no need to be uneasy what China can do against Philippines. Why? know how China felt eversince that they are no match to your firepower any time, day oar night. It's ok just to warn China once again just to show for us Filipinos how you care for us aside from mutual defense treaty and renewed EDCA. We hope for more EDCA sites near Batanes. We need to control the passing points of China's military toys. One in souther side in Mindanao might be needed also. But there is a plan now to open one in mainland Thailand. China might sail south pass thru that canal, out to Indian Ocean, horizontally near NZ and Australia then up to Pacific Ocean. We are here in the Philippines sleeping with the enemy. Communist China is really very hard to talk and engage to. A flower in the mouth but a dagger in the heart, as in Russian saying. Hoping for your great success in coming election Sir. I worked at Home Depot Daly City sir. I love your country but i was unlucky to marry an INC nurse. Her religion did not allow us. I should had been a US citizen already. Anyway i'm very vocal everyday resisting all China's maritime issues. My auntie was PBBM's private nurse from childhood until his highschool studies in London. That's why i'm with PBBM.

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