Welcome to another video.

    When I heard Maidstone Harley Davidson were hosting an open day, I decided to take the Sportster for a ride.
    During the ride down, I had a close shave with an exploding car and, on the ride back, I saw one of the most dangerous and ridiculous manoeuvres I have ever witnessed…. A van driver reversing along the hard shoulder of the M25 motorway, after missing his exit.
    Things come in threes…. And the third car related chaos, involved another motorway driver, who suddenly slowed and began drifting across lanes. Whether he fell asleep, was drunk or on drugs…. We’ll never know.

    Despite the motorway mayhem, I enjoyed an excellent open day at Maidstone HD and got to meet Aaron Black, a fellow YouTuber, whose channel I follow. Aaron had mentioned in his last video that his wife had recently bought him an Insta360 x3 camera, so I gifted him my spare remote control. PAY IT FORWARD!

    Aaron is currently riding an HD Sport Glide and I’m looking forward to seeing his adventures on his YouTube channel.

    Please visit his channel (like and subscribe) at:

    Thank you for watching.

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    All music licensed by Soundstripe.com

    The things you see whoa well you can’t say I don’t get your dramatic footage to watch so when you get back into work on Monday morning and a colleague asks what did you get up to this weekend how will you Answer did you wash the car cut the grass put some shelves [Applause] up or did you sit in the sofa and get frustrated watching overp Sportsmen playing badly Or would you prefer the answer I rote down to Harley-Davidson dealership had a brew chatted with like-minded people and made some new Friends and say what you want about Harley Davidson as a motorcycle manufacturer but you can never claim that their dealerships are bland or dull in fact routin dealership visits are engineered to become immersive experiences perhaps this is why we love Harley divs and open days so Much Yeah this is Carol and Carol you work in which department here uh I’m the manager of the clothing department at M in Harry Davidson so welcome to us thank you very much um obviously people come here to look at bikes and things but it’s not

    Just about the bike so tell us a bit more about the the stuff that you offer um well I say that we are you come up into a candy store when you come up here actually this is like the best toy shop you could ever working so come up here

    Come and have a look at what we’ve got we’ve got an absolute plenitude of some absolute absolutely fantastic year to be honest and you’ve actually you can mail order as well can we can we are on maidon hd.co coming L uh everything’s on there anything you need we have got such a

    Vast array of stuff coming another we l brilliant thank you very much Carl you’re more than welcome thank you see you Again So look I bumped into Aaron black fellow YouTuber I’ll put a link to his channel on the description for this one Aaron I’ve obviously watched your this is your bike actually she looks really well at the minute very clean I was just saying tell tell us a

    Bit about her and what what problems you’ve had and how they’ve been resolved I bought this bike um I bought it from a a dealer in another County and from day one I’ve had I’ve had problems with it I went on holiday first thing I done and

    Left it in a garage at home all safe I got back started riding it and I had problems all sorts of problems running problems go to my channel and have a look at the it’s a 20 minute video but um here we are today obviously mid Stone the bike’s fixed it’s absolutely perfect

    I couldn’t be happier I’ve couldn’t be happier at all just had some new grips fitted I’ve got a lot a lot of things to do with this bike a lot of fun to be had with it and just even today this is the second weekend running that it’s

    Actually rable weather and I’m I’m really pleased I’ll be a to get out on it I’m going to go for a ride on it today I don’t care I’ve just filled the tank up on the way I’m going but yeah it’s a 2023 sport Glide um Milwaukee 8

    107 engine it’s beautiful I love it this this isn’t your first Harley though it’s not no it’s not I had a Sportster before I had I had a CBR before or CB 650r and um I passed the test got the sport bike and I you know the sport bike was

    Brilliant absolutely lovely but I got I made a mistake I got on a Harley and that was it I was sold I was you know I was changed forever I was changed forever and I had that Sportster for a year and um I I got this in the end and

    I don’t know I’m it’s just for me you know it’s just it’s absolutely for me I I know I know exactly what you mean yeah my wife’s a lot happier with me on this as well she don’t worry about me so much anymore so yeah even the Sportster to be

    Fair when when I was out in the sportser she was happy for me to to be out on there I made a mistake of overtaking her one day on the a2ad turns into a Motorway down the road from here and she told me don’t ever do that

    Again does your wife go on the she she won’t she won’t get on it no no there’s a long story to that she’s she’s a bit scared but uh we had a big jet ski um off in America and uh she lost a a designer glass she wears glasses so her

    Sunglasses with the you know prescription she lost no in one of her flip-flops so she refuses to get on the bike she just doesn’t want to what’s your wife’s name Wendy Wendy wend right Wendy my wife was like that with bikes and she went on the back of mine and now

    She rides a sports St so there you go no no pressure Wendy friend of mine I’ve got I work for sorry the friend of mine got work for his wife is also a biker but she she’s a biker now she’s got a ducatti I can’t remember what model but she’s only small

    She’s only 5T tall something like that and she’s yeah she’s she’s got that bike and she’s a friend of my wife that’s how I know the people I work for they’re friends of my wife and uh yeah it’s um she’s been telling my wife to get on the

    Back get on the back and it will change her life she’ll be happy she’ll be she’ll love it definitely right on the subject of talking about your wife I saw in your video that she has kindly bought you she has insta 360 times three yeah

    Now I don’t know if you watched one of my last videos at the rally I happened to uh stupid lose my remote control got home bought another one and the guys at the rally find it so in the spirit of uh paying it forward as bikers I have

    Brought you a present you don’t have to do this way honestly I am doing it there you go that’s that’s a that’s a remote for your uh your 360 camera thank you very much no worries that’s what it’s all about ping it forward thank you

    Very much thank you you left to show me how it works yeah he A So oh what a perfect morning many many thanks to midstone Harley Deon with on a uh fantastic uh bash um really nice to actually meet Aaron as well he’s a fellow YouTuber as I said I’ll put his link on the the description of this video um and you also saw there I uh

    Give him over my uh remote for my uh insta 360 the spare one I had um it’s absolutely no use to me um he’s he’s really really grateful s you give me some for that’s not what’s about me it’s yours enjoy it go out there get plenty of Epic cinematic

    Footage go and enjoy it son and this is the thing about the biker world that you won’t see on TV or the media um we do look after each other we do a hell of a lot for charity um and forget everything you’ve seen on your uh us TV shows or

    Anything like that that is not what we’re about most of us um and regardless of whether you’re not into bikes or riding just remember Pay It Forward because someday you’ll want someone to do the same for you pay it Forward get on your feet this to see Rolling Hills or city streets ocean to Ocean and all in between it’s out there just waiting on you in just want to point this side I don’t know this guy in front but he clearly knows how to ride um he’s taken one side

    Of the L and I take the other um in that way he gives me a maximum uh Vantage as possible also it helps my uh uh stopping distance as well and this how if you are riding uh in uh a group this is the safest way to do it so if

    There was someone behind me which there isn’t but if there was they would take his position I behind me so they would be on the left hand side of the lane and then then the right and then the left and that’s how it’s uh done that’s the the safest

    Way things come to those who can live moment a moment it all in it’s out there just waiting on you and me so look alive CU while waiting for you on the other side of we don’t know take it a do that b oh stand by stand by for

    Noise we W take find us we’ll make our own way we’ll leave all our TR yesterday the cers was fores on the other side of the world we don’t know taking a long way you and I were B oh Lookers why was waiting for you we don’t know take it you and I

    Wo oh guy is complet to so he was either falling asleep or he’s off his head on something something whether he’s drinking or doing something else but he was just gradually getting slower and slower and drifting I’ve gone to pass him he’s woke up and decided to

    Go for it I don’t care whatever way just get yourself away from me when you see you driving like that you sort of wonder how how I’ve actually survived so Long Oh A


    1. Well done Mark, fantastic video. The wife and I both enjoyed watching that and she’s taken note (I hope)

      Your interview skills, very impressive. Whole thing was impressive. Really wish you all the best. That’s the kind of content I love to watch. Well done 👍🏻

    2. Man I love these videos.Went to Britain for the first time last year. Best trip of my life. The whole time I was on the train from manchester to llandudno, all I could think was I'd love to ride my bike in this beautiful country. From America I salute you brother. Keep making these videos,I love em.

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