Today we take a look at Sainsburys Tu Distribution Centre, Kempston, Mk439aa MK43 9AA.

    We have a cycle around and speak to Security who ask us to inform reception.

    Reception says no and calls the boss who also says no.

    Google Maps Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Okay so you’re saying yeah you want to make footage off our private site yeah yes yes but I’ll be standing off your site whilst I do it but you’re making footage off the site yes not you’re getting it now yeah but you’re not to do that so welcome back to the channel guys

    Today we’re here in Bedford taking a look at this place the sabis Bedford Distribution Center so the first sign we come to visitor and colleague parking to the left here deliver that way we take pride in working safely no taxes Beyond this point okay Royal Mail are behind

    Us we got some solar panels on the approach into what looks like reception down there where Royal Male are off tosel please reverse in parking base so they have some sort of policy you have to reverse the b space is there in that I don’t work here yeah but you’re not

    Allow to live here do you live here yeah I’m not leaving it I’m waiting photography sorry no problem no problem yes that is the main entrance Look Hiers must be worn protective Footwear must be worn no smoking no unauthorized persons yeah it looks tidy in enough isn’t it looks tidy enough staff seem Vigilant helpful what’s this is this the smoking area yeah smoking area nice and clean yeah looks pretty good pretty good from the

    Inside let’s go and have a quick look at the goods inwards area let’s see if all those barriers are working and then we come to the goods inwards barrier APR cameras traffic lights and the barriers are working yeah looks quite good yeah huh not for the cycle line for the big big

    Vehicles come from the other side yeah what about this this little cut through it’s for the walk through yeah this for the whole big vehicle you’ll be right that side yeah it’ll be all right mate it’s quicker coming down there it’s not safe for you quicker but that’s

    Dangerous because not safe there’s no trucks come in still there’s the sign truck sign be all right if there’s any trucks coming I’ll go the other way but if there’s no trucks coming I it’ll be all right I don’t work here anyway I’m just have a look around you

    Just doing some photos photos yeah just doing some filming regarding well the site’s been selected for um some photos today I’m just here to get some photos yeah go to reception ask the GU I’m finished now I’m going to go back out there and fly the drone over with the

    Camera just so I can see down the back I can’t see down the backyard so you’re going to go inside with the Drone with the camera oh yeah the camera just go all the way down the back with which company you are I’m not with a company

    Just no one yeah just random I like to stay Anonymous in my job okay just go in the reception speak to them say I’m just doing the the Drone things that’s it just inform them just report to them I’ve only got 5 minutes now I just I just got to do it quickly

    We’re not going to stop you can do it but at least let them know no it’s all right it’s all right they if I start talking to them about flying a drone over they might get worried why are they going to worry no one’s going to worry just because the

    Camera the camera can see like in the bins and stuff like that you know and it might see people doing wrong things down there so they they don’t really want me to see what’s happening behind the scenes with the camera at least because the reason is if you’re going to go from

    Outside you can do whatever you want but inside in the premises you walk and go around isn’t it that’s the thing you have to get the work permit or something then they can authorize you I don’t want a work permit because my work is happening offsite offsite is

    Your I’ve only come in on the bike just to have a look where the smoking shelter is where the bike shelter is SM smoke shed is down there I saw it yeah really clean really good yeah that’s fine um nobody can just go past the barrier yeah there the some places the barriers

    Are broken but here barriers quite new look quite brand new these then start recently yeah yeah yeah yeah so the things that you have here are good I just can’t see down the back at the bins yeah then you’re getting drone is it drone yeah drone for

    The bins and then I can put the report in and publish the results that’s it but I’ll go back out this way so I’m not coming over your hdv area just use that W use that one thank you yeah yeah yeah so there we go now he did say

    Please just go and let reception know now we don’t normally bother do we we do have the driver’s entrance in there as well that’s good so the drivers can just pull in and then come safely down here and speak to the transport office yeah

    So shall we do as we have been asked and just go in form reception I suppose they were nice to us so let’s follow their wish and just let reception Know oh bleeping bleeping away and security said just coming oh just coming to let you know that I’m just doing some photogra Fe going to fly the drone over just to get some aial shots with the Drone who you working for you on the phone is anyone there um just for

    YouTube I don’t work for YouTube it’s just my own YouTube what’s that bleeping don’t it put you off okay all right yeah uh you won’t be allowed on site my friend so I won’t be allowed what you’re not allowed um for to make any shots on site I’m afraid onto site

    On site this car up that’s that’s the site perimeter security have just told me to come in here no I’ve just security so they’ve just said come into reception and tell them what you’re going to do so I’ve just come in and told you well what’s the

    Problem it’s a private site I know that done uh what gentleman here um he’s saying he wants to make some shots off the site or private YouTube channel is not L on site right no he’s he goes for like a private YouTube channel or something so he’s not

    Allow okay all right cheers thank you yeah to look sorry you us to be I know that you’re not you’re not understanding what I’ve come in here for are are you you’re asking me for perm to you’re wrong don’t want me to say it again I’m going to stand outside just pass

    Your gate and fly the drone over so I can get footage of the backyard the recycling area so I’ll be off your site but the Drone will come on with the camera no so so you’re trying to make footage off site off the site yeah my footage will

    Be on site yeah which hold on on you’re not allowed to do you’re not understanding you’re asking I’m not asking I’m telling you you’re you’re okay so you’re saying yeah you want to make footage off our private site yeah yes yes but I’ll be standing off your

    Site whilst I do it but you’re making footage off the site yes you’re not you’re getting it now yeah but you you’re not do I am did you speak to sh I asked D help and safety what you because he not allowed to do that so but tell

    Him to come and see him isn’t so you can speak to him it don’t make sense because I’m just saying he’s going to come to see I’m I’m I’m just saying what I’ve been told from up okay what if I ignore you and I just go off site and carry on

    Are there any consequences cuz I do need to get the video I’ve come all the way from Lester we just follow these people rules didn’t what we can say come down to this yeah they’ve been told no one is allowed so that’s why we need to inform them it

    Just don’t make sense because I’m proposing to fly the Drone off your site nothing to do with you do you know what I mean you security you told me to come in here didn’t you yeah yes see I was told to come in here I know I know so I ped

    An us upstairs and they say so you’re basically proposing you’re going to be standing offsite but you’re going to be making footage on site yeah I use this I’ve got a camera so I’m going to be filming the building but I can’t see the backyard like I said to you so I use

    The Drone with the camera to see the backyard footage I said what I said to him I said go to men reception he going to Ring to management someone they’re going to come when they give you permission what they decide that’s it ready yeah what’s going on yeah I’m okay

    Do you want to explain um he wants to get some drawing footage of the yard no we we was not notified uh at this moment does need to be properly communicated uh because that could be like a BRI of security and we will not allow

    That so you need to contact s buis and go through the correct correct channels if you if they will give you permission we will not to challenge it be our customer but you sure yeah even if I’m doing it from off the site I’m going to

    Be doing it on the main road fly the drone over from there I won’t be standing on this side what will happen if your drone will stop working and will hit one of our colleague insurance no it’s not uh easy we have rehability we

    Have duty of care no I have the duty of care me the pilot of the Drone so what is that purpose what what is the purpose of that for YouTube yeah but we we not not necessarily care for the YouTube sorry that that’s private land I’m not

    Going to be on your land I’m going to be outside yeah but it’s private property is it I won’t be on the property I’ll be in the airspace helicopter yeah but you you I I will not give you that permission seriously I I can’t you have

    To contact SES if they will allow that but I for for the business point of view I will not allow that so what happens if if I just do it well just close your eyes no I will not close the eyes I will report it report it to who the security security

    Will reported to the uh customer the customer yes to your customer yes and what will they do what they will do they more likely May uh kind of uh escalated for the police for the Bri of oh the police definitely won’t do anything cuz it’s not I don’t know but

    You don’t have my permission yeah okay I think I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere here so I’m just going to carry on the Drone will go over I would recommend if you want to I’ll show you it it’s only a little one hly I not so

    Much interest about that yeah we don’t have anything on on on the yoube just a little one it won’t hurt anyone it’s only way how I said we will not allow that okay just fly over with the camera to do it you need to you need to contact

    S buis and uh s bu an8 no okay so I’m not going to contact sa bris I’m going to go back out there I’m in a rush so I’m just going to fly the drone over get the footage for YouTube all right you want me to wait here for the

    The boss or the police or anything before we do it no for it I step you okay I say you don’t don’t do it that’s my advice are you trying to restrict movement in the airspace then because the Drone is like an aircraft going over that’s fine but the you you’re doing

    Footage yeah the recording from the Drone okay so what’s about data protections Etc data protection yeah so the you you can make some some faces you can do whatever you want see faces on the Dr you can do anything so we we need to report it I don’t think there’s any

    Harm being done cuz when the drones above you can’t really see anyone’s face um all I’m interested in is the recycling areas you know the bins I want to see how clean and tidy it is because I’m trying to make a an informative positive video about the I said if you

    Will do it correct way and you will arrange that that’s different way but just to pop it into the into the site with some idea it doesn’t work so well do you know if I do you know if I didn’t come in sight and I just stayed out

    There and did it would that have been better once once again just do it correctly not just do it well your definition of correctly how you will be how you will isn’t mine we we don’t agree so how you how you how you will be uh happy if I will start flying drone

    Around your your uh Garden just to see your activities well my children will be in the paddling pool naked you want to see that no I don’t want to is there anything you you you attempt to do that okay so you’ve had my answer is there

    Anything you don’t want me to see here anything you don’t want me to say but just do it correctly just do that in the correct way contact site contact SB may contact might and get the permission to do it had drones on site when they done complete

    Mapping and it was yeah I can see just there you want an updated version I you fre charge that was uh completely done by professional very big drones and they they they done it yeah and they request it in the correct way really big drones they could fall and a big weight will

    Hurt somebody but you see mine mine was really small it matter I don’t mind you don’t mind I don’t mind it’s small you don’t mind me doing it no I I mind to do it yes so please contact Mighty Security contact S buis no go that side I don’t

    Want to follow that all right you had my you had my answer so I’ve only came in here to be speaking he now speaking with uh his boss I’ve only come in here to be polite because I I was cycling just to see this smoking shed and the cycle shed

    And the solar panels everything was great I spoke to security I was on my way out security said pop in here and just let reception know I wasn’t going to I don’t normally communicate like this I just look with my camera and my eyes and then go back out don’t I don’t

    Like to interfere with anybody I don’t say that you’re doing anything wrong ah but do it correctly wrong or correct cuz I’m not doing anything wrong which means I’m doing it correctly yeah but you attempt to do it incorrectly incorrect way permission is not required the police may say it’s okay

    And then you’re happy Yeah say yes yeah I will be happy okay okay okay hell yeah I’m fine is that fil yes always film in faces yeah faces yeah fa yeah faces sorry I’m asking youting you yeah yeah yeah it’s quite common because when people when people start saying um like

    You’re not allowed to do things when the law allows it it’s all educational and entertainment for the viewer no no yeah if I see my face on YouTube I’m going to report you okay yeah that’s fine yeah what you have to do you have to provide your identif ification name

    Address just some proof that it’s you putting the reporting and then we we’ll deal with it of the property so as long as I’m off your property I can do what I like including the Drone and the camera thank you I don’t want my face on YouTube You’re

    Backtracking Now what why don’t you back up what you said earlier cuz you knew it was correct earlier what I said earlier was okay you’re just about to be educated you’re just about to be educated let’s listen and what will happen if R oh leave it with me I will okay

    Bye okay uh so might security they are aware about your activities and they saying yes you can do it but you have to be off property thank you very much yes so how I said do it in the correct way contact speak with somebody who have

    That yeah who had that Authority yeah my just telling you already know go I be thank you very much my friend bye-bye thank you my friend take care so there we go ambulance has now come on to site I don’t know whether it’s here in error they’ve been

    Educated the guy on reception tried to backtrack he really doesn’t want himself looking a fo on camera so let’s just get out and get David up oh the ambulance is going onto this sight look somebody has had an accident haven’t they hope they’re okay we can possibly see where the

    Ambulance is going with the Drone so let’s just get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all sabd Bedford Distribution Center the ambulance has gone onto sight shall we go and hunt it

    Down let’s go and see if we can find it a so there it is pulled up just halfway down let’s jump over have a quick look so there it is parked up next to the steps which takes you straight into the refrigerated Distribution Center some containers from overseas delivering direct into the sabis

    Network all sorts of trailers here and a little shunter buzzing around there’s some recycling nice and tidy look cardboard Bales already loaded on the trailers and is that the same over there as well yep more recycling they are running quite a a clean operation here The Trailer Wash is out of order

    Though it’s blocked off there what’s the litter like in the bushes little bits but we’ve seen much worse before so another positive really yeah very good Sab so far so good loads of trolleys with a border made out of pallets so they can’t just drift off

    Down the yard they thought about that as well and they have a win tur sign as well on site but at the moment it’s not moving at all is it look the solar panels on the approach to reception which is just down there that’s where we spoke to those three

    Gentlemen security being the most professional of the lot I think that might be him now returning back to his post the ambulance still parked up just there look as we go around this end let’s have a quick look around here the smoking shelter that we noticed and a skip in the corner down

    Here looks quite interesting let’s have a quick look at this and that is wood isn’t it with something being hidden behind maybe a bit of metal well I don’t want to put in there plenty of space in the car park for the night shift I presume this place

    Gets a lot busier a later on a massive roof no solar panels on the whole thing and then we just need to see what’s happening right at the back in that corner over there so let’s jump over let’s have a look so loads of cooling down in this back corner couple of Tanks

    To the right there Pilots are stored nice and neatly hello good year yeah yeah yeah where you Dr down at the back look can’t see looking down here oh nice Nice not too oh great job yeah very tidy really Sab are very good no you’re working very good I can’t see that drone where is that just there up the back that little black dot how much is that range for drone the what in minutes no like how far it goes um about

    That was about 280 M that one mhm you know the black dot here yeah yeah it you have to be able to see it look I can’t see you can’t see no yeah I’ll show you that you got YouTube channel yeah YouTube yeah what’s your YouTube channel I will subscribe DJ

    Audits can you write it here DJ why you want to write it I will subscribe look see that black dot there look oh that one f um you can’t write it because you might show the guy in reception no I not show him I just myself I’m not going to show him why

    What it is my friend if somebody wants the channel I will always say it once because if they really wanted to know the channel once is enough but if they want to write it down that means they want to show somebody else okay just tell me I’ve already said it DJ orders

    Is that what you heard okay is that what you heard yeah I think so oh don’t know maybe because if if you tell the guy in reception on for you you know you’re going to get more subscribers he wants to cause me a problem he wants to report

    My video oh no no no no he does he told me he told me really yeah yeah yeah he doesn’t like because he told me I’m not allowed to do this MH he knows he’s going to look a little bit silly because he said even outside I

    Cannot film the building from from here so he’s not very happy he says don’t put me on the video I says well if I put you on the video that will be entertaining because people will like to see you say silly things yeah always on yeah mhm

    Everybody that talks to me is the video that I make you’re going to put on YouTube everything yeah video from the Drone video from you him reception that’s all it is look and you know if you don’t touch the Drone it just sits there very very easy to fly nowadays drones look

    Look you don’t touch the control and it just sits there the wind trying to move it it says no I want to stay here yeah okay any good yeah good yeah that’s it my friend you remember the channel [Laughter] yeah so there we are what’ you reckon

    Was he sent out to find a channel for somebody else I think so that’s why he came with a pen and paper if you want it for yourself saying it once is enough and you will have your phone ready won’t you oh yes so there is the Bedford Distribution

    Center all in one shot and look security are heading back with his pen and paper not to the gate house where he belongs but to reception I wonder why I wonder who is going to tell the channel to hey we can see straight through them can’t we anyway let’s do the 360° photo

    For Google Maps and move on because we’ve got quite a lot around here look we got that place next door got them over there and all that over there look but that is for a future video so there we have it Bedford distribution center for SSB very nice

    Place no problems at all really other than the slight resistance that we had to film in the place the location of the DJ all keying on this video is under this Stone here if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you

    Do want the key ring good luck with that just next to that sign there look and that’s it we’ll move on so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. I wish you asked them why they had 9 solar panels, a tiny flaccid windmill and about a million square meters of roof space without a single panel. I'm not from the UK, is there some minimum requirements that allow them to get tax breaks for "being green"?

    2. Illegal immigrants should have to be able to speak English before being allowed off the dinghy, never mind being employed by security, what pricks employs these idiots?

    3. And as per normal foreign bellends, Telling An English man what to do . Ffs is their any English men in England anymore? Ffs that beeping is kicking off my Tinnitus.

    4. The last guy you spoke with looked like he was going back to his post in his gatehouse. He was walking that way because that's where the walkway is….🤦🏼‍♂️

    5. I love how companies always go to the “would you like it if I flew a drone over your garden” like an industrial building and a home is the same thing 😂

    6. Wow it's difficult to get this simple concept through these thick heads.
      Perhaps it's that incessant beeping that's fried their brains.
      17:51 – "If I see my face on youtube…"… well here you are. Go on then.

    7. If English people got off their game consoles and out there bed before midday they could be working then there would no need for immigrants should have your benefits stopped NO WORK NO BENEFIT

    8. I've watched two videos tonight, where you go inside on both… I like your manner when dealing with people, but stay outside 😂. They get even thicker inside the building!

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