This week i take a trip to the city of Canterbury. I also visit Go outdoors and learn why carrying your bike tools with you, is essential for every journey or adventure.

    Please note : the links below are not affiliate links. I’m not here to make money from people, but rather show you the equipment i use to help you decide what may be right for you.

    For more info on the Cyrusher Trax :
    Cyrusher Trax, Step-through All-terrain Ebike

    For more info on the Go Outdoors :

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    #wildcamping #stealthcamping #adventure #ebiketour #vlogs #healthylifestyle #cyrusher #ebike #oex #eurohike

    Good morning good afternoon or good evening whenever you’re watching this video really welcome to or welcome back to my bike Adventures excuse me I got hiccups right so what are we doing today right well um we’re heading to Canterbury and uh my uh my good gole Maps you’re saying I’m about 18 minutes

    Away from go Outdoors which is where I’m visiting today as essentially um I’m going to go and buy some fishing equipment um I didn’t want to uh bring you in any earlier than I have done to be honest the Journey’s been quite grueling um a lot of elevation changes

    Um throughout the journey so um yeah I got quite out of breath a few times to be honest but um oh hopefully this part of the journey shouldn’t be too difficult to coat I don’t understand this bit so am I supposed to go up here I think I

    Am yep it’s telling me to go this way Mo in for a second it’s got to go past oh yeah there’s uh I’ll be honest I decided to take the back route and boy oh the roads really bad um so many really large potholes potholes is uh as big as my waist Essentially but yeah it isn’t easy um I’ll be honest trying to get a 40 plus Kilo bike and myself up some of these really steep gradients suffering with COPD uh not an easy task but I wasn’t about to be beaten and I’m still here essentially trouble we going through a lot of these

    Small roads is constantly got to pull over cuz there’s barely enough room for a car to go through and then a lot of the time oh I’ve had to pull over on a hill and then obviously trying to get moving again went on a hill is pretty difficult but look at the

    Countryside also I’ve sweated quite a lot um and I just had to sort of take a 5 minute break but then when I sort of stopped obviously I’m wet from my sweat and it’s still very cold so uh yeah not the ideal um thing to

    Have I’m just going to have to make sure that I have a nice hot bath when I get in oh while I’m at it I was asked to give a shout out to Andy so Andy if you tuned in hello and uh thanks for your comment yes

    Um I will be talking about all sorts of different um aspects about eiking um I’ve got one on batteries I’ve got one on tire pressure well I’ve got two videos on tire pressure essentially so um which I filmed last year so uh get quite interesting results with um

    Surprisingly how much distance you lose from uh incorrect tire pressure so um I’ll pop those up over the next few weeks um they’re two very long videos um more about really discussing you know various things but um yeah I’ll I’ll put both of those videos up shortly or soon

    Um probably towards the end of March um because essentially I have a um I’m going for an operation in uh Budapest a dental operation I might add and yes my dentist is in Budapest why cuz the UK is a ripoff and well the last time time I went to a UK

    Dentist their surgery looked like it had come out the 1980s and they didn’t really sort of give me didn’t infr me with hope or uh you know that I wasn’t going to come away from there with some kind of infection or whatever but yeah so um I have to go

    To Budapest every year uh for a dental checkup and a few other bits and pieces besides but uh yeah they um there’s a lot of scooters in Budapest and a lot of ebikes as well so I’m hoping while I’m out there I’ll get a chance to hire one and uh

    Have a little bit of an ebike or scooter Adventure in Budapest but yeah so um because I’ve got to go out there I essentially have to have a couple of videos sort of prepped ready to go in my absence cuz obviously you guys are here for my videos my weekly

    Uploads or some of you maybe or some of you just maybe coming along for the ride on the odd occasion which is all great all fine you know I uh I appreciate every single one of you whether you are subbed or whether you just come along for the ride on the odd occasional

    Video I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you all right where are we I think we might be entering Bridge oh I got to go around this again I meant to take a turn there to the left Al Sor my map’s telling me it was funny actually well not funny

    But um my map took me on a cycle route and I didn’t have my camera on at the time but uh yeah some cycle route the gates were essentially shorter than the width of a handlebar what’s all that about why why put a gate in meaning that I cannot get a bike

    Through there without difficulty there a bit crap really to be honest uh where am I going this way okay well I’m pretty sure it’s telling me to go this way I hope I’m not going to come under any steps now is it telling me to go this

    Way my uh my Google Maps is kind of acting a bit weird it’s the arrows pointing in a bit of an odd Direction so uh it’s not really giving me a true reading as such but yeah it has made uh navigating a little bit difficult but I think we’ve avoided

    Did the majority of Canterbury and yeah I believe we just we’re not far now from uh from where I need to be in fact it’s right in front of me here we are let go outoors essentially where I purchase a lot of my equipment right well we’re here so um

    I’m going to turn off the cameras uh lock up the bike and uh I’ll join you inside right catch in a bit right well uh that’s the bike all locked up as you can see I’ve only been on the roads the bike was totally clean

    Before but look how filthy it is um I’ve got mud all over my back all over my bag um I’m essentially covered in mud and that’s going on UK roads lovely a it I can’t wait till the UK summer anyway enough of that here we are

    We’re at go outdoors in Wind cheep which is part Canterbury let’s go in hi um I run a YouTube channel um I get a lot of my stuff here I just asked a lady there um is it okay if I film in here at all yeah yeah yeah right yeah I

    Just wanted to make sure you know cuz obviously like want to be walking around in here obviously I’m not going to be like you know I get a lot of my stuff here so it’s I’m not going to be bad mouth in the store in anyway so uh yeah

    Cool all right thanks very much all right we’ll do thanks very much well there we go and uh yeah as we can see um there’s a hell of a lot of stuff in here it’s probably um you know you know I’ve not been to any other go outd doors

    Essentially but uh yeah nice selection of of tents but we’re not here for tents and also a big selection of bikes as well I’m not sure if any of these are ebikes oh yeah they are there’s definitely some ebikes here starting off at about 1300 obviously much smaller

    Motors but yeah very much all sorts of uh all sorts of different stuff that you may want for your camping I’m here today to get some fishing stuff so um I’m going to have a good look around and then we’ll come back and then we’ll join me again in a minute cuz I’m

    Going to have a good look around there’s a lot to um there’s a lot for me to sort of look at and uh and see what I’m going to get essentially so um I think I might go and get a basket that’s probably going to be my first

    Order of the day to be honest and also um the stuff that I do get I kind of want it to be sort of small and manageable because obviously you know it’s um it’s all about being as minimal as possible Right let up one of these These are

    Great cuz you can just wheel these bad boys around but also yeah let me just have a quick walk around but all your camping clothes [Applause] waterproofs fals so much that they do a massive selection of shoes Footwear for hiking um various other sports as well walking

    Climbing you’ve got so like rope all for climbing gear um wet suits paddle gear oh look silly me knocking things off the shelf now oh an inflatable kayak oh more ideas stop looking Glenn although I’m not sure that’s pretty heavy I’m not sure that would go on the trailer and whether

    I how where I’d get it essentially but yeah so many different sleeping bags again more sleeping bags sleep mats lots and lots of different things for vehicles all sorts of different things Furniture um camping chairs there’s literally most most things you’d want um camping wise you can get in go

    Outdoors lots of camping gas stoves barbecues all sorts really and then a massive massive selection of tents a lot of the mountains display so at least you can see what you’re getting but yeah I got my Jackal here my Ox Jackal but Uh my Jackal two which it looks like they don’t have anymore so it’s the Jackal to a discontinued product I don’t really know I mean this Nova is very similar to The Jackal but it’s not quite the same but what an amazing store normally I catch the bus when I come out here

    But H doesn’t look like they do my tent anymore I wonder if it’s been discontinued right anyway enough of all this uh yber yabbering on about tent I’m here to get fishing so uh yeah I’m going to switch this camera off for now and uh I’ll join you back in a

    Bit right well I’ve uh got quite a few bits and pieces in my basket had a really nice chat with the gentleman that uh runs the uh fishing department in go outdoors in wi cheep I’ve spoken to two managers as well and two assistants and I’ll be

    Honest God they so really helpful really really helpful just um just going to take another quick look see if there’s anything else that I can think of that I may have missed but I don’t think I have no I think we’ve got everything that I need need

    Right let’s take this and we’re going to pay but yeah if you’re uh if you’re looking to come and you want some camping or various other bits and pieces then I highly recommend coming along to wind cheap and and the Outdoors over here um I’ve forgotten my card right I always forget my

    [Laughter] card it’s cuz it’s not credit card size it’s just too long do you want a bag at all no I’ve got a rock sack actually I’ll Chuck it all in there I’ll wait for you to get it all for the tail first so lovely thanks very much take care well there we

    Go we’ve uh we’ve got everything we needed and a few more supplies for camping trips or future camping trips I should say right well I think I better do a time check and then we’ll see about all right so it’s nearly 3:00 I’m absolutely starving hungry so perhaps we’ll take a ride into

    Canterbury and see if we can get a bite to eat right well uh I’ve managed to uh find a a nice little cafe kind of thing um in the park in Canterbury um so I’ve just ordered myself a mocka and a couple of uh I’m not sure how you pronounce them to be

    Honest but um the’re cheese and onion um I’m I’m really not sure how you pronounce it so I’m not going to try um but yeah so I’m just GNA have a bit of a a meal break while I’m here all right so uh I’ve got my uh my

    Lunch which came from this little cafe so yeah got a nice mocker with a ginger biscuit I don’t know why I felt the need to have a French accent and then I’ve got two cheese and onion pasties and I’ve sat here next to my extremely muddy SRA tra

    Seike and again I’ve only been on the road so uh yeah glad I didn’t go off-road today right I’m going to tuck into these these said to me to be careful cuz these are very hot so let’s try oh These are nice right well uh that’s me all fed and

    Watered turn left towards Street and uh I need to start thinking about um the journey home before we run out of daylight even though it’s looking rather sunny today by the looks of it straight over on this roundabout yeah unfortunately we just don’t have the time um to explore

    Canbury it took over two hours to get here so Um and it’s about 4:00 now and uh as you’re probably aware sun sets at just before 600 I think in the UK or thereabouts so uh we really need to get moving and get out of here let not go that way sorry sorry oh it’s very confusing reading these Maps especially with

    Um it makes it doubly awkward cuz my arrow is facing not the way I am for some reason I don’t know why so I bought some more um way farers meal packs because they’re really nice and well I spent just over1 I’ve got a new reel I’ve got all the bits and pieces

    That I need now and to go fishing I do need to uh apply for and uh get my fishing license essentially so that’s about the only left for me to do and and hopefully next week we can go fishing and yeah it’s been a long time since I was uh since I’ve been

    Fishing so we might not catch anything right why am my gears my gears don’t seem to be changing nothing’s happening with my gears absolutely nothing they’re not moving up and they’re not moving down this is not what I wanted for my return journey I can assure you oh

    No all right I need to pull over cuz I need to take a look at these gears but everything’s completely gone Loose and I really have no idea why that’s G on the way it has well as I suspected look at this the whole mechanism’s just falling out damn it and I don’t think I don’t think I’ve got my tools with me oh damn it well this couldn’t have got much worse but I

    Really oh I’m pretty sure that my tools are in my other bag oh they are so I’m essentially I’m stuck in this higher gear oh dear always bring your tools out with your people you never know when you’re going to need them and uh another lesson learned

    Myself every trip I bring them out essentially except for this one oh what an idiot well my apologies if uh if I get somewhat out of breath oh it’s going to be inevitable really cuz essentially I’m just stuck in this highest gear so I’m definitely going to have to Use higher pedal assist modes to get me up these Hills oh damn it well at least I got some of this beautiful countryside surrounding me 71% battery damn that’s going down quick oh and would you believe it a headwind as well I already know that when I get

    Home my legs are going to be like jelly these roads are just absolutely horrendous especially for a cyclist it just seems like all the big potholes are right over on the left where cyclists go and really you can’t go in them you drop your bike down into one of them

    Potholes and it’s game over you’re going to come off that bike oh my god I’ve got like a 20 25 mph headwind probably okay if you don’t have a lung condition like me but oh man I’m still over an hour away and boy can I feel it and that my

    Friends is called sod’s law yeah always remember your tools I’ve got a little Allen key set that generally goes with me every Journey it’s probably the one time I’ve never brought it with me well going to after today I’m never going to get that again never ever as I

    Said I can already feel the burn on my legs trying to push a 40 plus Kilo bike in the highest gear for a 20 25 mph headwind not my idea of fun and know is slowing down well at least my maps are the right way up now but I seem to be stuck

    Facing one way so my arrow is not true with the road it’s going off that way it’s taking me off the beaten path and telling me to go this way on my bike so me oh my God you are kidding me oh my it’s bloody mud more slippery bloody mud

    I’m just going sideways through there oh my God please let there be a route through here which is where it’s telling me to go you’re kidding me look at this oh my God oh my God the bike just wants to go what is this Google Maps is it Google

    Maps or is it Google mudf finder cuz oh my God this road bounce bounce bounce pothole pothole pothole pothole bounce bounce bounce pothole pothole bounce oh my God now I don’t want to go fast down here because I just don’t know what’s what lies ahead

    Oh I’m sure this is great if you got a 4×4 Jeep oh there’s no point trying to Pedal I’m just going to use my accelerator here which is struggling itself 6 M an hour we’re down to oh


    1. Man, Glen, it wasn't a good day for you. England's roads are made for suicidal cyclists. I can't believe that you're constantly forced to drive to the extreme left and drive over every pothole and bump in order to avoid being run over. YYou had to endure a lot this time. Thanks for the lesson about never forgetting your tools, I get it.

      No matter how bumpy your tour is, your cameras won't show any signs of vibration. In complete contrast to the run through the outdoor store, I got seasick just watching and had to force myself to hold on.

      Our cycle paths are certainly in need of improvement, but cycling in your region is brave. Thanks for the video, I'm looking forward to the next one. Stay healthy.

    2. Look forward to your content on Monday Glen. Your obviously an experienced considerate cyclist. On your content could you narate more about how to ride well and safely. Alot of UK riders are apprehensive or blazee about the art of riding well. Stay safe.

    3. Hi Glen, I've just discovered your channel, I spent all last week catching up with your videos and I have to say I've enjoyed them all ,thank you. To my supriseI was on your December video, I am the other ebiker on the canel path, I'd just got a puncture and had to push my bike four and a half miles home as I had forgotten my tool kit, ring any bells?

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