Thanks to the millions of dashcams on the roads, tens of thousands of dodgy drivers each year are being sent NIPs! Dodgy drivers used to be able to get away with their bad driving, but not anymore!

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    In this dodgy Drive-In video compilation a BMW driver regrets tailgating and brake testing another vehicle on the M5 Motorway after the cam car sends the footage to Avon and Somerset police also coming up the driver of this car decided to come to a complete stop in Lane three

    Of a busy Motorway after missing their turnoff they thought they’re just sitting there in Lane three with their indicators on was the best way to deal with the situation rather than just continuing on before we check the video out our team of former Emergency Services Personnel would really

    Appreciate it if you gave the video a like and also remembered to subscribe to our channel in our first clip the driver of this BMW ends up making a serious mistake the incident was caught on dash cam on the M5 Motorway near Bridgewater and shows the blue BMW driver tailgating

    Another vehicle that was in the process of overtaking a vehicle in Lane 2 that was towing a boat after positioning himself only a few feet beat away from the car’s rear bumper the BMW driver then decided to undertake the vehicle before doing what is commonly known as a

    Brake test which is when a vehicle without reason decides to break hard in front of another vehicle however littleit did the BMW driver know that his every move was being recorded on dash cam it was only thanks to the alertness of the driver who had the dash

    Cam fitted that an accident was avoided after the footage was sent to Avon and Somerset police the driver of the blue BMW was slapped with a 1,000 fine was also given s points on their driving license so not only is the driver £1,000 worse off but he will also have to

    Declare this motoring conviction to his insurers for the next 5 years meaning that he will probably have to pay 20% more each year for his insurance by the way if you don’t have a dash cam yet but would like one then make sure you you check out our affiliate store on Amazon

    We’ll leave a link in the video description and we’ll also pin a link in the comments below the driver of this car ended up being fined £418 as well as receiving three penalty points after they decided that because they missed their turning they were going to come to a complete stop in Lane

    Number three of a busy Motorway put their left indicator on and try and wait for a gap in the 70 mph traffic as cars approaching fast from behind had to slam on their brakes no wonder many of us feel nervous about driving on the roads when we’ve got numpties like this using

    The same roads as us next the driver of this car was issued fines and costs totaling over £700 as well as being given six points on their driving license after this ridiculous overtake into the face of oncoming traffic this is why dash cams have become an important tool in the

    Fight against dodgy drivers were it not for the dash cam in the vehicle overtaken by the dodgy driver he would have not been called in this clip a cyclist captures the moment when a driver decides to overtake them on a blind Bend you can just imagine what

    Could have happened if a car from the opposite direction entered the bend at the same time as the driver of this Audi pulled off this ridiculous maneuver they were fined 314b and given three points on their license for careless driving next the driver of this car was fined £470 and

    Was G three points on their driving license for this overtake now we are all tired of the Endless Road works on UK roads but this dodgy overtake especially when you consider the number of dash cams on UK roads was never going to go unnoticed the fact they did the overtake

    On solid white lines only added to their financial pain after the fine was posted through their letter box during the first 6 months of this year officers from the Northampton share police safer roads team have received a record number of video submissions to operation snap since the launch of the online portal in

    2019 the number of people reporting driving offenses bya the forces’s website and uploading video evidence has increased year on year in fact between January the 1st and June the 30th last year 905 videos were submitted by 822 individual Witnesses consisting of 613 drivers and 209 cyclists that was

    Compared to 758 clips for the same period on the previous year an increase of 64 reports this has also resulted in the rise of video submissions leading to further action with a total of 478 notice of intended prosecution letters sent to registered Keepers each year thousands of drivers who might have

    Ordinarily gotten away with bad driving are getting big fines after their bad habits find their way onto an SD card somewhere if you capture any dodgy driving on your dash cam or helmet cam then check with the police force that covers where the incident occurred to

    See if they have a scheme in place that allows you to upload some footage next time you feel the urge to succumb to road rage then just remember the clips featured in this video because each one of the drivers ended up being prosecuted He Oh Thanks for watching and as always we like to say a massive thank you to our channel members for supporting our YouTube channel if you’d like to join them in becoming a member then click on the link in the video video description and if you haven’t already please don’t

    Forget to subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget to give this video a like because it means that more people on YouTube will get to see it until next time stay safe out there


    1. Funny how the car being tailgated by the
      BMW was capable of moving in lane 2
      when brake checked… there was plenty of
      room behind the vehicle they were
      apparently "overtaking" (matches speed)
      if they just got over in lane 2 and let the
      BMW past before coming back into lane 3… all would of been avoidable!!!

    2. Can see why the BMW got peef'ed off, the dashcam car was deliberately staying level with the car and boat to prevent the BMW driver from passing, it was obvious the BMW would do something, just shows there are 2 sides to every story. Don't agree with what the BMW did, but can see why he was not happy and had to get revenge, too much of drivers staying in the middle or outside lane, just get passed the vehicle and and change lanes and nothing will happen, so many stupid drivers who cause this type of agro when it does not need to happen.

    3. I was watching something on Youtube about Repulic of Eire . If you get caught drug driving as they are fair they do a drug test if that comes up positive you go to the police station for blood test and if that come up positive then it is a 5,000 Euro fine and a 12 month ban . As this country is way to soft . I think they need to do really big hefty fines and no points but ban them for 1 to 3 years as then maybe are roads could be more safer and those dickheads who do emergency breaks for no reason shouldn't hold a licence any where in the world as they can cause big pile ups and crashes for no reason but of there stupidity as they think of there expencsive car they drive.

    4. Maybe the car in the fast lane should move over as per the highway code so the incident would not have happened and i wish drivers STOP being the judges of what can and cant be done on OUR roads.

    5. Happy the police took action. Wales and Warwickshire police are good with Snap-operation, west-midlands nothing. and Leicestershire is a joke.

    6. And in Germany: The owner says, I was not driving and I can not say who it was. Authorities: Ok, bad luck, case closed.
      Or authorities say, there is no public interest, case closed.

    7. Yes I have dashcam footage of a police car not on a blue light run, he ran a red light after I caught up with him he was breaking every speed limit. He was dropping off his colleague at the ferry terminal. I gave him a lecture in double standards and got on my way. I’ll keep the footage for a rainy day

    8. Just right roads policing needs heavy investing cause 99% of drivers just are not literate.
      There are drivers out there with defective eyesight especially!!

    9. These idiots need to be banned for life. First offence a fine and points and if you get caught again then a custodial sentence, fine and a permanent ban. Points a fine do not work.

    10. The punishments are far too lenient and no more than a minor inconvenience for these dangerous drivers.
      If the government was serious about road safety, it would give courts the power to ban dangerous drivers for long periods, or FOR LIFE if necessary.

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