The city council doing what they always do, spend money destroying the area.

    ***Buy me a coffee ***

    I thought I’d give you a quick update on the tener Street works it’s going to be about 16 and5 million pounds of spending on this area putting cycle Lanes in it was a a fully functioning area that worked perfectly adequate so we had a roundabout just here and they’ve took

    The roundabout out here putting a junction I don’t know if they’re putting lights on it but to me 62 million pound is completely Wast of money and I’ll show you a bit further down now I work right by the side of here for 15 years you can see this is one of the

    Cycle Lanes they’re putting in I think it’s going to be two-way cycling Lane and they’re narrowing the road down from two-way to one Way we’ll get down to the bottom where the roundabouts going so on this side of tenter street as we’re walking down you can see what’s actually happening here you’ve got one lane going down at the moment the CL made it one way so in the end you have

    One lane going down one lane coming up then that gray curbstone will be the foot path come cycle path on this side anyway we’ll get down to the magic roundabout in a minute well I didn’t realize that actually I can see some tram works just here I didn’t realize TRS came up

    Here so that’s more Cham Works being uncovered so we’re now at the what’s going to be the Dutch roundabout in Sheffield and my understanding is the council were warned by the advisor not to do it but they ignore that advice I think there’s been some serious issues

    At Cambridge and other places in the UK where they’ve installed you can see one corner of the roundabout I’m assuming that’ll also appear on the side I’m on and all the other Corners Etc but how you going to negotiate it because it’s going to be pedestrians get priority number one then cyclist then

    Cars I certainly won’t want to drive anywhere near this and that’s probably what they’re trying to do trying trying to completely put car drivers off driving in Shield so that’s just a quick update on the tenter street works and I keep you posted on it as it develops


    1. I used to cycle on road but there way that I would step on a bike in Sheffield and expect to live.Brook Hillsborough roundabout,St Phillips Road,numerous junctions going towards the Wednesday ground from town.A complete death trap.I suspect it's more fifteen minute city and stuff a motorist rather than an initiative.Not a joke these people unaccountable wrecking any remaining pleasures.

    2. These hairbrained ideas will have a knock on effect into surrounding urban areas with more drives wanting to park due to the hardness of getting into the city and more through traffic because the main roads going out of the centre which are bad now will get even worse .
      This council is already running out of funds these idiotic schemes like fargate will run well over budget and like other councils we will declare bankruptcy and only have bear minimal services.

    3. You should see the chaos that's been caused in Rotherham. In the new cycle lanes, on the stretch from Magna to Rotherham Section, the cycle lane/pathway juts out into the roda, meaning two big trucks cannot go past each other! One has to give way! The South Yorkshire mayor is really being stupid. This is the guy who praised the two South Yorkshire Universities in his manifesto. The trouble is that there are 5. What a total idiot! By the way, the cycle lanes in Rotherham have got a reputation as not being safe, so most cyclists stick to the road!!!!

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