A horrifying crash which catapulted a biker over the side of a bridge has been caught on camera.

    Nikesh Mistry, 34, has been jailed after the crash in Milton Keynes, which saw a motorcyclist suffer serious injuries after being thrown from his bike over the bridge, landing in undergrowth underneath.

    Mistry then crashed head-on with another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction, causing serious injuries to the front passenger.

    Mistry, of Groundsel Close, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes, pleaded guilty to two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving and one count causing grievous bodily harm with intent, following a hearing at Aylesbury Crown Court on December 20 2023.

    He was sentenced to four years and 10 months in prison at the same court on March 13, as well as being disqualified from driving for four years and 10 months, and will need to take an extended re-test before getting his licence back.

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    #DailyRecord #motorbike #crash


    1. After 10+ years in prison he should never be allowed to drive again. Fucking courts and legal system are a joke so lock up those overpaid twats at the same time

    2. I've been driving for around 25 years I've never had an accident but I've seen the standard in driving drop dramatically over the years I'm not even making this up but today I had a learner driver pull out from the side of the road in front of me with no indication obviously the instructors fault and that's the problem with today's drivers a lot of the driving instructors are shit don't get me wrong there are very good ones but a lot of them are crap and it's far too easy today to become an instructor also a lot of people doing other things than driving their car like texting eating drinking once you get behind that wheel you're there to do one thing…. DRIVE !!!

    3. The sign on the bridge isn't reversed so neither is the video. That means that the 1st car and bike are both on the right hand side of the road. The conviction for GBH with intent implies that the 1st car was deliberately driving the bike off the road. The collision with the 2nd car wasn't then much of a surprise as it was travelling normally on the left.

    4. Something wrong with the sentencing. Causing serius bodily harm with intent that could easily be turned into manslaugher or even murder depending on how lucky was the motor cyclist.

    5. Mistry previously pleaded guilty to two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving and one count of causing grievous bodily harm with intent in December last year, before being sentenced to four years and 10 months in prison at Aylesbury Crown Court, last week.

    6. so he pleaded guilty to GBH with intent and two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving the section 18 with intent carries a sentence from between 3-16 years not just that the sentence for causing serious injury by dangerous driving is 26 weeks to years depending on what category it was. i would have said it comes under culpability A [for deliberate decision to ignore the rules of the road and disregard for the risk of danger to others][obviously highly dangerous manoeuvre]. and probably under harm category 1[particularly grave and/life-threatening injury caused] witch means the starting point for sentencing is 3-5 years. He only gets 4 years and 10 months plus band for driving for the time he is in prison what a joke the justice system is. they should have banned him from driving for life and locked him up for as least 10 years.

    7. Why has this video been posted in reverse? British cars don't drive on the right and the drivers door isn't on the left. Why is almost every video posted on YouTube backwards?

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