Video is Solely for educational and Entertainment Purposes Only!

    Get ready for a heart-pounding journey through the streets as CrashBanditoNL showcases a series of intense encounters captured on camera. From daring stunts to unexpected mishaps, this compilation will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

    Watch as an unsuspecting old man disregards traffic signals, narrowly avoiding disaster as he crosses a red light.

    Tensions rise as a fearless cyclist confronts an illegally parked individual, showcasing the importance of road etiquette.

    Witness the chaos unfold as a chain collision ensues, demonstrating the domino effect of even the slightest mishap on the road.

    A group ride takes a turn for the worse when a sudden crash disrupts the harmony, highlighting the risks bikers face in numbers.

    Experience the adrenaline rush as a daring lane splitter narrowly escapes a mirror smash, showcasing the fine line between skill and danger.

    Discover the aftermath as a biker navigates the complexities of compensation after a collision, shedding light on the legal intricacies of accidents.

    Gain unique perspectives as multiple cameras capture a biker crash from different angles, providing a comprehensive view of the incident.

    Learn the importance of vigilance as we emphasize the crucial practice of always looking over your shoulder while on the road.

    Brace yourself for a shocking encounter as a road rage incident escalates with a baseball bat, serving as a stark reminder of the dangers of aggression behind the wheel.

    Witness the consequences of late braking as a crash unfolds, underscoring the significance of maintaining control at all times.

    Explore the dangers of distraction as a driver’s inattention leads to a potentially catastrophic situation on the road.

    Join us across the pond as we delve into an attempted biker theft in the UK, shedding light on the global challenges riders face.

    Experience the thrill and peril of mountain riding as a biker slides deep into the wilderness, showcasing the exhilarating yet unpredictable nature of off-road adventures.

    Learn from the mistakes of others as we dissect a biker’s noob error, emphasizing the importance of experience and caution on the road.

    Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a curious observer, CrashBanditoNL’s offers a gripping glimpse into the unpredictable world of two-wheeled travels.

    00:00 – Intro
    00:16 – Old Man Crosses Red Light
    01:34 – Cyclist Confronts illegally Parked Man
    03:29 – Chain Collision
    04:19 – Group Ride Crash
    05:11 – Lane Splitter Caused Mirror Smash
    05:32 – Biker Gets Compensated for Damages
    09:39 – Biker Crash with different POV’s
    10:07 – Always look over your Shoulder
    10:35 – Crazy Man Road Rage With Baseball Bat
    13:38 – Late Brake Causes Crash
    14:03 – Distracted Driver
    14:38 – UK Biker Theft Attempt
    15:23 – Biker Slides Deep in the Mountains
    16:02 – Biker Makes a Noob Mistake

    Domenico Renzetti –
    MPLS Bike Wrath –
    Matthew Sant –
    Tayeday2Wheelz –
    GoodKenergy –
    @SacramaniacCc –
    Mehrab Sheikh  –
    A1exr6 –
    Pasa Rides –
    Frédéric KIEBER –
    Mr Zyfxo –
    LausbuaRides –
    Michael Tillapaugh –
    Compliant with all the Guidelines

    I do not show Accidents where exposed injury is visible!

    No Accidents that cause a real upset due to only moderate impact being visible!

    Video is Solely for educational and Entertainment Purposes Only!
    Compliant with all the Guidelines per –

    I do not show Accidents where exposed injury is visible!

    No Accidents that cause a real upset due to only moderate impact being visible!

    I always intend to use fair use in my content.
    Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, Entertainment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, sports, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
    Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976:
    1)This video has no negative impact.
    2)This video is also for entertainment purposes.
    3)It is transformative in nature.

    This biker was riding when a pedestrian suddenly crossed a red light the biker break but slid on the wet Road due to heavy Rainfall the old man didn’t stop so the biker ran after him for this is why running a red light can be extremely dangerous on a sunny day a cyclist is cruising peacefully until a car blocks their way with their hazard lights On the cyclist knocks on the car to get the driver’s attention bike line there’s a bike line right here you’re parked in the middle of it [ __ ] order don’t on my [ __ ] C next time you just pull up to the window and say something don’t knock on my sh why

    Are you endangering people’s lives with this machine kills 40,000 people sh why is misogyny called for in this situation let me tell you something before you start [ __ ] with somebody you better ask yourself what the [ __ ] they going through so what about you with bicycle traffic this is a piece of infrastructure

    Designed to save the lives of human beings when you block it I’m getting ready to move my car so you better leave me the I really appreciate you not breaking the law that’s a basic expectation of living leave [ __ ] alone get on it let’s go are you experiencing some toxic

    Masculinity right now sir no I’m not your dog’s very cute Sir everyone has found themselves stuck in traffic waiting in a line of cars to start moving again just like this biker was patiently waiting when suddenly cars behind him Collide into each other creating a chain reaction of Crashes you right man yeah you right mate Matt what’s your name s block [ __ ] hell that’s why in many countries motorcyclists are allowed to Lane split so the next time you see a motorcyclist lane splitting remember it’s not just about getting ahead it’s about staying safe this biker was finally riding after

    Being busy for a while but something unexpected happened on that day while riding this group stopped for a stop sign but then one biker came in too hot and he break too hard causing him to slide the slide ultimately caused the rider’s motor underneath him to be taken away

    The other Rider and his motor kept sliding through the fence across the street both suffered only minor Injuries for these kind of bikers lane splitting should be illegal this biker confidently navigates through traffic when a car decides to make an unexpected move catching our biker off guard what the are you doing despite the Biker’s best efforts a collision becomes inevitable at first the driver ignored the fact that he cut

    Off the biker but with a bit of persuasion the car comes to a stop pull over pull over pull over pull over bro I got you on camera bro I got so lucky he’s paying for these he’s paying for These he finally pulls over I break as hard as I could without sliding Out what was that about man what was that about you’re in the middle Lane Middle Lane Middle L yes you were in the Middle Lane I have it on camera it’s recording so I have I have it on camera I know what I was doing I was in the

    Left lane going straight and you were in the right lane which is straight only you can’t turn left in the Middle Lane like you see how there’s three lanes right here you were in the Middle Lane and I was in the left lane okay so where did they well thankfully I I break

    Really hard but uh I’m sorry we didn’t I mean we oh it just scared the [ __ ] out of me I I almost toled the bike it was it was like didn’t do that on purpose we didn’t do that on purpose we just came from yuc Davis and we just and we

    Usually take the straight line all the way over there yeah we’re fine understand yep we’re good and and we just got back to the to the shortcut to go back in there right cuz all the traffic and stuff yeah some construction but we didn’t I didn’t even

    See I was with him on the front but I didn’t even see I hear you and I was just giving him directions giving him directions to where to go yeah but like I said we just come from you to with his dad and so you’re not usually down here

    I understand I mean I have insurance and everything i’ I’d rather not have to do that because I mean for both of us it’s just going to put points on insurance and stuff you know what I mean um so how you want to do it I don’t know I mean

    The only thing is the fairings are are $400 just the Plastics I mean really all it is is the bottom plastic mhm um yeah it’s just the bottom plastic I don’t know let me let me see how much it is I mean if you’re if you’re willing to to pay for it for

    For replacement cuz there’s no buffing that out it’s plastic he said that he can give it 200 and you can replace it that’d be cool that’d be nice I’m really sorry to asked for that man that was just sorry man thank you brother hey you’re a good man sorry like

    I said we we were trying and we just because of I totally get and some construction and a I’m tired I’m tired and I’m that whole construction too like I want to find a different way home trying to get off of 50 and the IT splits oh sh and that’s what I’m saying

    I need to go home I’m sorry have a good day thank you the biker received $200 to cover his damages and he has a message for everyone watching hey I already know what what you guys are going to say oh dude you were speeding I can already see the comments

    Now hey we got pay baby in the upcoming video watch how a biker fell from different povs the upcoming video will show you why you should always watch over your shoulder after exchanging their funny story with each other they didn’t see the danger creeping up behind them it’s

    A reminder stay alert on the road for everyone’s safety not just your own what go [ __ ] Y in Virginia Beach a biker goes in between a stopped car and a Crossing pedestrian both The Pedestrian and the biker made a risky decision especially considering the Biker’s Choice to ride

    In the bus lane the biker continued for a few blocks until traffic slowed him down giving The Pedestrian a chance to catch up hey you going [ __ ] run me over huh what are you the ran me over he stopped huh he can’t just stop he can’t assault me he just assaulted a young

    Camera I your but you almost [ __ ] ran me over you can’t assault me like this no you almost ran me the [ __ ] over you can’t touch me you can’t touch me did you almost run me over doesn’t matter did you almost run me over goddamn problem [ __ ] you about hit my

    Wife as her husband joins in with a baseball bat the situation takes a sharp turn the Biker’s tone immediately goes down St that camera I’m about to [ __ ] you up sorry I’m just a kid I’m sorry [ __ ] I just you stopped I was just up

    Your mask open the MK open the first sh the sh hurry she can’t touch me you know what I’m sorry touching you least youram worries I’ll kick you off his damn bike what the [ __ ] you going do you doing sorry I saw you sto I just want to go around you I

    Didn’t know why the sorry sir what you going to do when you hit my wife because you [ __ ] you did you [ __ ] stop because I [ __ ] ass because I [ __ ] got out of the way call the cops we settle this [ __ ] sir I need to I need to go home I’m just

    Trying to get home I’m get in here so you trying to run over my wife to get home godamn [ __ ] hurry it wasn’t personal at all sir I’m really sorry no but you go [ __ ] run that damn mouth and tell me I’m ass salting you when you

    Godamn hit me you almost [ __ ] run me over damn assault charges on me do it sir please H sir I’m not I’m not like I’m not a liberal like you think I’m a noral I don’t want to I’m not trying to call the cops because you’re be I’m just

    Trying to get home driving W trying to hit my [ __ ] wife I trying to hit your wife sir you [ __ ] almost did [ __ ] almost did she had to jump I to jump on the godamn because you in a goddamn hurry because he fck slowed down what the [ __ ]

    If there’s a kid walking in the damn road the biker pleads to go home and apologizes so a physical altercation gets avoided please sir huh please sir I’m not a bad kid I’m just trying to get home you learn your damn lesson you go show your damn ass again I apologize to

    My wife I want sorry man who do you think was at fault the biker or the couple let me know in the comments during a ride with his friend this biker failed to notice when his friend break the oversight led to significant damage to his bike however thankfully he escaped

    Injury the driver’s distraction nearly caused the Collision but fortunately the biker skillfully avoided the danger maintaining control two bikers were patiently waiting in a red Light but little did they know danger lurked just around the Corner With remarkable Speed and Agility they managed to outmaneuver the wbe Thief in the Mountain’s heart where roads wind like Nature’s veins danger awaits at every turn with a throttle as his only guide he pushes the limits Dancing On The Edge between control and chaos but in the blink of an eye the balance is shattered a fraction too much throttle and the

    Speed claims its toll the biker fights to regain control but the laws of physics show no Mercy the bike sustained a lot of damage but luckily for the biker he sustained no injuries this video shows a new Rider making a rookie mistake this was a n mistake don’t break in a turn you don’t want to break in turns because breaking while leaning will affect your balance the front wheel

    Could slide out from under you in this video the biker break an Corner causing him to crash then what should you do instead as a biker you need to learn to lean like all things in life you need to practice in order to master a skill you want me to call

    911 you sure yeah all right thank you thank you thank you for watching please consider to like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video


    1. The dude and the lady are guilty. no one was hurt thus no crime, so when she put her hands on him that's assault, when he clearly got a bat out of his vehicle that's intent and premeditation, his actions would be considered menacing, and making verbal threats showing intent. they'd have both been charged and the kid would be free to go.

    2. The bike lane cyclist REALLY loves to pour fuel on a fire and poke the bear. Yes, the car was in the wrong. No, you don’t want to get shot by a guy having a bad day and contemplating murder / suicide…

    3. The bike guy is honestly the stupidest guy. I bet he did that just for some type of attention to be honest bro you don’t really don’t know where anybody’s going through and you really do some ignorant stuff like that could really get you hurt.

    4. The couple were at fault, she was a pedestrian in the road and not at a cross walk, she had no legal right to to be on the road, the bike did, even if he was in the wrong lane.
      Bikes = road, Pedestrians = Sidewalk or crosswalk.
      It’s her ignorance that almost got her hit, not the rider.

    5. cupple…if ur ganna complain then how about u call the cops ur self let the biker show them the video and then can go to jail bc I'm pretty sure that's ilegal

    6. so how fast was the guy in the first video going? i mean sure the old man j walked and caused all this but you have to be aware of the road conditions and stuff too. also the fact he blurs his display probably means he didnt want anyone seeing he was hauling ass lol.

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