John Bishop looks ahead to tackling the Wild Atlantic Way.

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    I’m doing this T it’s called back at it and that’s what it feels like I’m getting back to what I want to be doing um and and it it’s it’s very specific to Ireland it’s got a real Irish feel to it um and and as a result of that I want to

    Tour in a slightly different way so I’ve H I’m going to tour on a mulik all right okay cuz I’m I’m having a midlife crisis on loads of levels and uh so I passed my motorbike test in November yeah and I’ve got a motorbike which my wife calls

    Dignitas on two wheels it’s like the likelihood that it’s the thing I’m going to die on has gone significantly higher when you buy a motorbike apparently if you own a motorbike that’s likely to be the way you’re going to die certainly more than if you don’t own one so got

    One and I’m going to do the wild Atlantic way oh my God on the mot Bas that’s fairly B bendy I know yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m going to bendy bendy all the way down and do gigs along the way why why did you get a bike why did they

    Get a bike cuz it’s a midlife crisis to me it was either that or a 25 year old dancer and I thought the ride on the bike’s probably better I’m more reliable and ultimately probably cheaper you don’t need an hour to get ready for the ride on the motorcycle

    Need an hour to get ready don’t have to apologize and there’s less chance that I’ll end up in tears

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