MAT : Masters admission toolkit for German University (this includes 15 SOP, 15 LOR, German course A1 to B1, CV templates, Visa Cover letter) –

    BAT : Bachelors admission toolkit for German University (this includes TestAS, German course A1 to B1, Studienkolleg application, SOP, LOR, and CV) –

    University excel sheet –

    Personal appointment-

    Profile evaluation-

    Masters in Germany mentorship with nikhilesh –

    Bachelors in Germany mentorship with nikhilesh –

    German Course from A1 to B1 –

    Studienkolleg Application Process –

    German Student visa checklist –

    Sample of Statement of purpose –

    For all ur education-related questions you can drop us an email at


    If you were to advise these people they’ve just come like four 5 months back right how can they also land a parttime job or the fastest way to get to the fulltime job here’s the Thing all right guys so computer science interested who’s the newest here like five months five months IED in November so four months now everybody’s like fresh C you yeah I’m the oldest guy why don’t we quickly start with introduction then like we’ll go into the topic hi my

    Name is Rahul Das I have did my bachelor’s in computer science I had 7.8 cgpa then I got an admission from the University of rosberg the course is like extended reality and the artificial intelligence hello my name is kotan I have done my bachelor in Information Technology from the University of Mumbai

    I had got a cgp of 9.19 my Al band was 7.5 and then I gave my GRE exam so I had got a score of 300 since I have no work experience I give my G okay cool hi I’m soan I’m from Goa I’ve done my bachelors

    In Jen University Bangalore cgpa was 6.2 I had an ISS of 8.0 after that I worked for 4 years and I joined informatic Wiest semester 2023 my name is Ganesh mud Galia I’m from Bengaluru kataka I did my bachelor in computer science under vtu grade was 7.1 also have work

    Experience of 2 years hello my name is Karina from aabad and I did my bachelor in Gujarat University I scored 9.21 cgpa I have 2.7 years of experience as a developer that’s it thank you hi my name is AI goyel from udur Rajasthan I did my

    Bachelor from SRM Chennai I had score of 9th GPA I have a 1.5 years of experience as a software developer and I also gave the gr and I got the score of 310 and is as 7 quickly I want to talk to you especially your grades were 6.2 6.2 6.2

    Which is like 3.2 on the German scale dude I’m meeting somebody for the first time with this yeah I know I applied I mean how how I mean not like how did you make to Germany uh so the thing is I initially when I cuz I

    Did the whole process by myself so I uh shortlisted a few universities and I had high hopes of tum and everything then I got a you know wakeup call that you know this is completely out of my league so then I had to make another short list

    And I applied to about 10 to 15 universities and at the end I got two admits one was wburg and one was maruk so then I selected yourb because I got the admit from here earlier but like one of the questions which keeps haunting students is like I have such a low score

    Should I even like apply or not because this is a general notion like having cgpa in 6 point something itself is like either I go into private university or I learn German and go into German T program but you very confident you made it your way good what

    Did you do like as per you other than your grades and presentation of yourself what especially did you focus on the SOP is very important for sure more than that sometimes you just you know us Indians have that very I would say jugaru mentality that you know we will

    Get it done no matter here or there we’ll get it done it was just you know I had four years of experience but you know I didn’t really have a lot of theoretical knowledge that was always bugging me that I need to do a masters

    That is kind of why I try to focus and you know just get something done can we talk a little bit more about your course a bit second what I want to know is which all University and courses did you apply I applied around 10 different

    Places I got two admits one from the Bamberg University and this one the reason I chose this course is because I had four years of experience in the game development field so I had the unity game engine experience and when I was doing extended reality I thought like

    Okay I can use that experience in hand in my course so my course become really easy so yeah that is also a beneficial for me my course like divide between like 30 CTS for the manitary for like they have some group projects and one exam second part has like around 60 CS

    That has some seminars some courses some projects the personal projects another 30 is for the master thesis why is your course called as extended AI the reason is called extended AI I think they have changed the name right now it is like they are calling it like extended reality and artificial intelligence

    Nowadays but when I applied it was it was called extended AI as I said like it is extended reality which is like summation of the virtual reality augmented reality and mixed reality so yeah that is the reason there are you’re almost at the verge of completing a

    Course right now yes I’m writing my thesis I have a job the full-time job with that I’m writing my thesis if you were to advise these people they’ve just come like four five months back right how can they also land a part-time job or the fastest way to get to the

    Full-time job here’s the thing the companies they don’t care about like how much marks they do you have and coures you did they only cares about what kind of skills do you have and to verify your skills you need to have some really GitHub points like you know Green Dots

    You need to Showcase yourself and the company does only care about that yes of course I would suggest them like if they have experience that is well and good they have the skills and if they not then they have to put some time aside to make their own projects and just push it

    On the GE repo so that they can showcase their projects and definitely definitely uh part-time job in their own field is required I mean part-time jobs are nice like you can work in magdis or leando if you want to but think about it like you

    Cannot put it on the CV at the end like for example him he came fresh right what advice do you have for him like because for him to convince an employer look I’m really good at even for a part-time job or a working student how can a profile

    Like him build up I can give one experience one of my friend what he did he’s also in my course he worked in Dean cycle Department what he did is like he showcased managers over there that hey you know what I’m doing such a good course I’m learning Ai and stuff like

    That can you please give me an opportunity in the Deaton it he’s like convincing like you have to sell yourself crawled his way inside yes and he just s himself like okay I’m doing such a nice course I’m doing learning such a nice things do you know these

    Things I’m learning such a nice thing and the manager says okay I can give you a recommendation for the it and then he just landed on the Deon it and he’s working over there right now so from an odd job he converted into a a fulltime something meaningful which he can add to

    His Ser nice can you talk a little bit more about these subjects what you studied the first 30s is a manitary section from there we have an exam called introduction to AI now for the exam wise in Germany that is a bit kind of hard which I understand is because

    Like you have 60 points and you have the passing marks is like 30 points so you have to be really fast on your exam and in Indian thingy like if you there’s no such thing if it is five marks or 15 marks the answer is like one

    Word just write one word you get the 15 marks over here other than that I have some group projects that is the reason I said like P is very much important in my course after that I did like natural language processing computer vision Data Mining and for the XR section I did

    Multimodel interface and so on and so forth and also my thesis is also with the VR Department what are the three or four skills you have that’s the reason you got hired for the job what you do you have to be a good learner I mean

    Think about it you have to convince your employer that first of all you are a good learner that is the first thing and the second is the employer wants these things from you you probably doesn’t know it but you will learn you have to convince that other than that like you

    Have to sell yourself like okay you know what I did this projects within two months so I have learned those things within one month and I did it within one month so I’m a very very big resource for you in terms of technical skills how

    What what do you have I can do the physics coding for the simulations for the programming I have cop C++ that is the my two biggest power I would say and other than that I obviously learned python javascripts right last question for you since you you will be graduating

    In a few months you’ll give your defense and stuff and then you’ll start working fulltime anyway you’re doing that give us a ball Park of what sort of salary one gets with let’s say with your background uh so it depends like from where where are you working for example

    If you’re working in Munich you will get a really nice salary and it should be like 70,000 or 75,000 to be honest but if you’re working in a small town places to be honest uh then it won’t be that much as of Munich the salary range is

    Almost 50 to 60 then after that you have to convince your employer would you say the same thing even for freshers people who have zero experience but done like two or three internships in their life it doesn’t matter like if you’re fresher or not it matters your employer like how

    Much budget they have how much are you getting like give us give us a ball part 50 to 60 50 to 60 okay that falls in the category of blue card anyway so that’s good for you cool thank you so much for uh joining thank you br thank you


    1. I am a software engineer working in Berlin for more than 2 years now. I genuinely feel that Computer Science masters degree (except for AI/ML) in Germany does not make much sense IF ( and that is a big IF) you want to make money. If the target is 'learning' or a doctorate then it is a different matter. Software developers get hired directly from India (such as myself) if you have a good enough profile.

      Great work Nikhilesh! Been a follower of your work for a long time now. It was one of your videos that informed me about direct hiring! Long due thanks to you 🙂

    2. I have my bachelors in Electronics and Telecommunication Engg with 2.2 German Grades and 2.5 years of experience as a developer. Do students with this background can get admit to computer science course or related to one?

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