It’s so hard to put into words um just the devastation of how losing mat has affected every single one of us nothing seems the same again um and and it it’s just about the big hole that it’s left in our life so Matthew was found on the

    11th of June in the early hour uh by police officers um near to the um car park BM car park at the bottom of belgrave B Road he was found following a call from um a member to the public and officers attended and found him uh in a

    Very critical condition at a point in time uh face down on the floor so we know um from CCTV that Matthew was involved in an tication with a group of men we know that at that time of the morning um there were some cars driving

    By um we know that within that group one of those individuals will know what happened to Matthew we know that that group would have spoken to friends family members somebody in the community um may also know and may also be aware of what happened and likewise a member

    Of the public who was just driving by could have seen what happened and just felt they didn’t want to report it uh for whatever reason but I would urge them all to come forward to help jog people’s memories we’re today releasing some footage of Matthew earlier on in the evening

    Um to show what clothes he was wearing as he was interacting with police officers that were dealing with an unrelated incident you know I I just want I just want to know what happened to him one person it takes one good person to say I think this might have

    Happened it can be an ominously it it it just takes one person I know in my heart that people know what happened that night there was you know several people around one person just needs to say this is what happened and they will never know the effect that that will have on

    Me and how grateful I’ll be for that because it has been too long you know waiting waiting to try and get Justice for that people can come forward they can report it through Crime Stoppers the major in public portal or through 101 just report the information tell us what

    You know and then we can assess and deal with that appropriately

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