Some traditions are slowing cycling down. Skinny tyres are a thing of the past, sunglasses are on their way out, and road bike handlebars could be raised. Is the cycling rules book due a rewrite? In other news, more AI cycling tech and e-bikes could be controlled remotely.

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    Check out Tour de France: Ukraine πŸ‘‰

    00:00 Intro
    01:03 Milano Sanremo 2024
    01:37 New Australian track bike
    01:58 Laura Kenny’s retirement
    02:15 Cycling Myths busted
    03:24 Pro cycling carbohydrate intake
    04:40 Low handlebars on bikes
    05:35 Cycling sunglasses
    05:50 Zone 2 cycling training
    10:10 Cycling shorts
    10:18 New AGU Undyed Range πŸ‘‰
    12:27 Onguza Bike Company
    13:33 AI cycling technology
    15:07 Tour de France Ukraine
    16:03 Remotely control e-bikes
    18:09 Hack/bodge
    22:51 Caption competition πŸ‘‰ @camelbak
    26:30 Comment of the week
    29:20 Coming up on GCN

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    Welcome to the gcn show coming up this week the rules we should all be breaking to make cycling faster and easier plus what we think the next ones will be also another of cycling’s Lon held truths or rules is actually not really very true at all has a price tag of close to

    $100,000 Australian dollars is Dan quite frankly looking absolutely shredded I mean check them out I mean why have they not done with this with cars though no I mean that is a really flipping good point why is an ebike more dangerous than a car exactly

    Yeah just before we get on with the show this week we wanted to pose you the question what do you think of our new microphones do they sound good do they look stupid let us know in the comment section down below genuine question isn’t it yeah it is uh we’re

    Experimenting hoping it will sound better anyway this week in the world of cycling we learned that Milan Sano was the easiest race ever I I think actually today was one of the easiest races ever we we rode really super easy Tempo the first few hours 46k an hour average for

    288 km doesn’t it sound that easy to me I’ve got to say although spare thought for poor Michael Matthews not only did he lose Milan San Romo by half a wheel he also lost his sunglasses mid Sprint I’m sure we’ll get another pair we’ll see we also learned that the Olympic

    Arms race is in full swing Australia revealed last week their new Factor Hanzo Pursuit bike which will be used in Paris later this year has a price tag of close to $100,000 Australian dollars so I think i’ better start saving up now for all the track cycling you do maybe

    I’ll wait for the road bike version for all the road biking that you do yes fair enough sorry fair enough uh getting back on track now congratulations to Laura Kenny on an incredible career a 31-year-old announced her retirement last week and she will go into that retirement with five Olympic Golds and

    Seven world championship titles that’s not a bad hul not too shabby yeah congratulations Laura anyway and then finally we learned this week from Sunday’s gcn video actually that another of cycling’s L held truths or rules is actually not really very true at all namely that if you want to go fast you

    Need narrow tires something that perception is slowly changing uh but with the caveat that on smooth surfaces narrower is still faster but we found that a 35 mm wide tire at lower pressures was the same speed as a 26 mm tire at higher pressures when the tire construction is otherwise like for like

    And you know what like that Revelation genuinely blew me away a little bit like the tumble weed that made an appearance at one point in the I’m so glad we caught that particularly it was Alex who was talking at the time that the tumble weed blew past for anyone who hasn’t

    Watched it yet uh basically well it was a British version of tumble weed it was like a ball of cut grass um it literally blew through the shot at the perfect moment anyway we’re digressing because what that experiment got us thinking was how much cycling folklore has changed in

    Just the last couple of years but what also is going to change next yeah I think for me the big one is carbohydrate intake for a normal cyes perhaps not that much as change but you should still try and consume about 60 G of carbs an

    Hour on rid longer than a couple of hours but for pro cyclist it has completely revolutionized is it it has yeah both in training and in racing eating double that amount and more is quite literally turbocharging racing isn’t it and it it’s one of those real

    Life duh moments isn’t it I mean I do feel slightly sick at the prospect of eating 120 gram of carbs per hour to be honest so I’m quite quite glad that I’m out of that one fair enough uh something I am doing though is gym work yeah and

    It is clearly paying off is it if you’re listening to this as a podcast what you’re missing now is Dan quite frankly looking absolutely shredded and almost bursting through his limited edition gcnt shirt thanks again s I’m not sure anyone will believe you if they’re listening to the podcast but again for

    Such a long time cyclist basically avoided doing any exercise but cycling but now the fastest cyclist on the planet are hitting the gym even doing a bit of running in the offseason aren’t they I know I did not think that one would change to be quite honest but

    There you go another rule broken what is coming next though my hunch Dan pun very much intended is that super low handlebars on road bikes going to be a thing of the past and what makes you say that well I heard a whisper okay and it’s something that we’re going to check

    Out properly when we go like good mics like us need to hear that yeah very good no I’ve got my ear to the ground right yeah um we’re going to check it out thoroughly when we get to the start line of the geod Italia which I think is the

    Next kind of like normal Road Race that we’ll be going to but basically you know how the front ends of time tral bikes are actually getting higher now because it’s more Arrow it has been noticeable hasn’t it yeah so why is it any different for road bikes that is a fair

    Point I think yeah so I mean I’m not saying that Riders are going to be sat bolt upright what I’m saying is I think that when your hands are on the hoods your arms are going to be way more bent so your back will be in the same

    Position but you’ll be like all hunched up I can see that kind they’ll certainly be testing it won’t they do you know what I think is going to change again go on sunglasses sunglasses I saw a tweet from the cycling pundit Mii Simeon who said say goodbye to sunglasses in road races he

    Did that after betel racked up another win in the pock helmet the pock helmet the pock helmet yeah I tell you what else go on zone two I’ve got a hunch that this current trend for Zone 2 is going to pass because let’s face it Zone

    2 it’s not a new thing is it Inigo San the current poster boy for Zone 2 training says himself that it’s no new thing actually something he’s been prescribing for his clients and his riders for about 30 years now but the trend is going to move on to what

    Obviously zone three to zone three why well for obvious reasons it’s zone three isn’t it it’s got to be better than zone two yeah all right I mean I think the answer to training like many things in life probably lies somewhere in the middle doesn’t it like zone two riding I

    Think we can fairly safely say it’s definitely going to be beneficial but it needs to be balanced doesn’t it and I do struggle with the idea that it’s still relevant to time crunch cyclist just because it seems so easy so we’ve only got a few hours a week why is riding

    Really gently well not really gently comparatively gently going to be beneficial best bang for you good job we’ve got man on out there to test it for us isn’t it stay tuned for her video which will come out this coming Friday you want to know what else I think is

    Going to change in the very near future uh yes I do I see go on then what chest pockets is what I was going to say chest pocket chest pocket so you know that there’s that new fat or that new thing where all the ryzen pro person are

    Putting their race radio down the front of their skin suit in individual time Trails because it’s apparently aerodynamically faster well why not store your bars and your gels on your chest for that same reason it’ probably be easy to access there to well it would yeah that versus that particularly as

    You get older I was finding it really hard to get stuff out of my pockets these days there’s your solution and you’ll be riding faster even in old age would you need more aerodynamic things in your pocket though to keep it Arrow like I mean I can imagine if you’ve got

    Like a massive iPhone in a in like a front pocket that might not be the most aerodynamic shape I mean you might want to ask Dan bigam as as opposed to Dan Lloyd this question it makes sense to me like if they’re using it as some kind of

    Fairing down the front in time trials surely it would be a similar result in Road R it makes a massive amount of sense I can’t that you’re revealing this idea here and now without any sense of like we could monetize this well that seems like a great idea thanks mate like

    Genuinely the like like a kangaroo pocket up front I’ve got to be honest AO you could call it there you go I mean thinking on the on the bounce here absolutely I do think it will look completely terrible well I mean absolutely another step in the wrong direction from a cycling

    Aesthetics point of view but they’re not going to care if it’s faster are they no clearly they don’t care they’re wearing jro Arrow Head twos alternative they could do what I do go on which is drink a lot of beer I am more Arrow right now

    Than I’ve ever been in my entire life yeah and yet also slower than you ever be as well despite going to the gym and looking seriously Hench yeah um by the way actually um that J erad to helmet I noticed uh that the UCI have said that

    It’s okay now told for the second time in quick succession so uh there you go that review didn’t take too long from the U did it no it didn’t you wonder what they were reviewing exactly making that conclusion again but there we go anyway just a social media

    Poll probably yeah anyway let they probably ask you didn’t they Dan what do you honestly think well guys I don’t like it that much but you know it was a good design it is far I’ll let it slide as long as you say that my air pocket is

    Okay yeah I can monetize it I’ll send I’ll send a letter to David la I can do exactly that any let us know what cycling Traditions you have found benefit of breaking in the comment section down below and what you think the next big developments are going to

    Be in the world of procycling and the world of cycling in general there’s a NeverEnding quest for free speed at the moment isn’t there I think leg warmers AO leg warmers well there must be a re I mean we have had ry’s experiment with AO leg warmers but I just wonder whether

    Where they ruffle up around the knees it negates any of the trip things that you can get on the leg yeah maybe maybe they just need fat and knees that would help or ankles sort out with that I was waiting I was going to say that I thought I’ll leave it you

    Said it yourself and now it’s time for cycling shorts cycling shorts now and as you can see we’re going to continue with the clothing theme and start with some brand new shorts but not just any old shorts s I’m about to use these bad boys to go

    And film a new intro two cycling shorts I mean check them out um Dan I think we should say thatth unless the viewers like this video in huge numbers it’s probably not appropriate to read specify number uh I’m going to go high 10,000 likes for Dan that doesn’t sound that

    High I think 20,000 likes for 20,000 likes I will film a new or take a new picture for cycling shorts complete with blurring I know yeah I was I don’t think we really want to see that anyway more to the point okay they are part of a new

    Collection they’re white for a reason aren’t they they’ve just been released by our clothing Partners AO and they’ve called it the undyed range and part of their 66 line so basically they were looking for a way to reduce their carbon footprint and this range of undyed product achieves that by reducing the

    Water and energy consumption that’s normally associated with coloring any clothing yeah so the undyed and nanoe dyed range are all made from recycled or recyclable materials making them even more environmentally friendly sounds good doesn’t it you can find out more information over on ao’s own website but

    Also on our very own website which is of course Global cycling can we quickly go through them T soon got here so those are the undyed shorts aren’t they yep these very cool looking like silvery gray ones these are the nano dyed ones I’m assuming uh undyed Marino

    Shirt that’s cool isn’t it that does look nice yeah like that one uh I did not know that’s what color a Gil would be if it was UND died you know what what’s missing chest Pockets well yeah maybe some undyed chest Pockets true and then I got this

    One as well which is another Nano Nano one in it that looks smart that’s well cool is it there you go then so uh if you want to see Dan sporting some new undyed shorts then uh get liking the video please uh right then should we

    Move on going to move on some news from Dan Craven now if you don’t remember who Dan Craven is this might jog your memory yeah that was gry God that really chogs my memory to be fair that takes me back about six years roughly yeah we use that

    Clip a lot back in the day H now Dan Craven uh for anyone not quite as old as us is a former teammate of ours actually who then went on to race for Europe car the very top level but he now runs a bike brand called onua it’s a brand with

    A difference though making high-end steel frames from their base in Namibia which is where Dan is from yeah so in his mind Namibia is a country of talented makers in his words stuck in low value jobs but building worldclass steel bicycles is a high value trade that matches the quality of their

    Workmanship and through Dan they’ve got a story and a route to Market basically yes we recommend that you check them out over the bikes look great and the brand looks great as well doesn’t it and as they say on their website we know what

    Bikes need to do because we’ve got Lions now that might be true Dan but we’ve got cows that’s all I’m saying uh some AI news now uh and a new product from a startup called V AI um called co-pilots it seems a little bit like the Garmin

    Varia doesn’t it but it uses AI to look for nearby potential dangers cars yeah essentially isn’t it not cows or Lions I mean no word on whether it can detect them um anyway if it finds any the cool thing is it alerts both the cyclist and

    The driver it does yeah so the device looks like quite a large rear light and it will let out a series of light flashes to catch the attention of any motorist that it thinks is about to pass you too close does it use Raspberry Pi compute module

    4 it does yes I thought so U it’s got decent processing power but uh at the same time it doesn’t burn too much energy thus saving precious battery life that is exactly what the press release said s remarkable funny say that it’s going be interesting to see how well it

    Works though would it it sounds like a good idea anything that helps alert distracted drivers has surely got to be a good thing hasn’t it yes but as we’ve said in the past what as a cyclist do you do if you get an alert to a threat

    From behind do we don’t need to to alert them for you yeah but the trouble is though like if a driver is actually distracted is a like you basically what it needs to do is send them a text message to remind them to stop looking it the flipping phone before they crash

    Into something yeah yeah anyway I basically what I don’t want to do is dive into a bush no okay well it better be accurate if I’m going to dive into a hedge well that’s true you wouldn’t want a false alarm would you no not really H

    Now we wanted to give a shout out to Ser cnof who is a semi-pro cyclist or at least he was when he was younger because he launched a project which is called tour to France Ukraine yeah so he will ride at the same time as the actual tour

    The length of every stage but he’ll do it on the roads of his home country Ukraine and in doing so he’s going to be raising money for the refugees from his home region of kersa who are basically forced to abandon their homes because of the ongoing War yeah we will put a link

    In the description where you can find more details and donate if you so wish we also want to say by the way a big thank you to Matthew writtenhouse who for the last few years has been sending us some Girl Scout cookies all the way from Honolulu thanks Matthew are they

    Gluten-free uh they’re not gluten-free but uh they have been enjoyed very much by all of our colleagues around the office yeah but uh that’s all right like it so yeah thank you Matthew as always that’s super cool right let’s finish cycling shorts with news that in Amsterdam they can now apparently have

    The ability to remotely slow down ebikes if they so wish which sounds absolutely Bonkers doesn’t it well it does a little bit how exactly does it work you’d be wondering um well it’s something that we saw on routi and it says they’ll be able to slow ebite Riders

    Down where necessary when riding past like a school for example yeah apparently it’s in an experimental stage right now but the article went on to say it will also be Tri in places such as Milan and also music m music where’s music yes probably it’s Munich spell

    Wrong I don’t know about you mate I find it a bit weird to think about the prospect of somebody suddenly controlling my speed and slowing me down you’ll be fine mate there’s no one going to be trying to slow you down you don’t think so no I don’t think so uh yeah um

    To be fair though I think it’s fine to slow eik Riders down but I think you also then need to be able to speed them up you know what I mean because at the minute 25k an hour as we’ve said you know it’s fine on average if a bit slow

    But if you then get slowed down where you’re supposed to go slower then at least let people go faster when they can go faster yeah derestrict them rather than a remote that suddenly speeds them up that I mean that could be disconcerting the most experienc of Cy

    That’s it yeah yeah no I’m not I’m not saying that but just um you know that would be fair wouldn’t it you got slow down here but you’re allowed to go faster there I mean why are they not done with this with cars though well that is ability to slow cars down past

    Schools well that is a really good point you are on it today not only have you ingested I won’t be in next week I’ll be a multi-millionaire yeah I’ve invented the AO and I’ve also made friends with the car driving Lobby by actively slowing people down no I mean that is a

    Really flipping good point why is an ebike more dangerous than a car exactly yeah not that I’m saying by the way if I had enough money I didn’t need to work that I wouldn’t love to still come in and present the show you’d be here next week I would

    Yeah hack forward SL bodge of the week now this segment has become much harder to do with these fancy new M I can’t work can’t do at all no I mean these microphones I mean if you like them I’m sorry but they got to go what am I what

    Am I supposed to do oh that would have sounded awful for people listen uh right don’t forget you can upload your hacks and bodges to upload. Global cycling which Kil and Kelly has now fixed despite all the other jobs he’s doing with the company our first one ride up steep

    Hills this week oh really yep our first one this week uh comes in from Steven who lives in Indiana and also Michigan uh so I designed and printed how does he live in Indiana and and Michigan at the same time he’s one of those people with

    The second home I guess I don’t know but he designed and printed his own Garmin varia mounts uh pretty sure my 3D printer is one of my top cycling accessories and it does look rather neat doesn’t it it does NE yeah very cool color

    Actually I mean can I can I say we we often talk about off center things on bikes particularly lights that’s mounted to one of the uh seat stays isn’t it I’d kind of want it to be mounted to both just for symmetry yeah I single sided we better describe actually we for podcast

    Listeners it is light matte gray and it’s mounted towards the top uh of the offside rear seat stay I’m speaking very slowly I don’t know how to describe it this is a riveting description yeah maybe just check out the video when you get chance yeah all

    Right uh I mean anything 3D printed I think we got to say is a hack pretty much yeah youres exception of what is coming up next sent in by Ralph from Munich also known as music if if you’re down we’re both saying hack for the

    First one yeah we are yeah um so this is a 3D printed uh tool to undo what is effectively uh like normally done by a coin like the back of your heart rate monitor replacing a anything that you need to to S of carry those watch-like batteries you normally undo with a coin

    That you’ve got hanging around uh Ralph says he doesn’t always have coins nearby so he’s 3D printed his own coin shaped thing I mean I’m going to have to say I like the color of it since it’s the same color as the first 3D printed thing but

    I can’t help but thinks I that it’s much easier to find yourself a coin than to 3D print your own coin shaped well this is true and cuz the thing is you still got to store your 3D printed coin shaped tool and so if you’re going to store

    That somewhere safe you might as well just store a coin instead right um although what uh Ralph has done is he said um you can actually you can actually do it yourself using his own 3D printed thing so you can download his amazing design um and do it yourself

    Well I’ll get on to that need to buy 3D printer to start with What’s the phrase solution looking for a problem something along those something along those lines um I’m going to say bodge I’m going to say bodge I still do I don’t use cash or

    Coins very much these days but I always seem to have some in a drawer I’ve got loads of old Euros Etc yeah exactly there’s always something knocking around I’ve got so many coins in different countries I keep meaning every time I get onto a flight where they take them for charity to take

    With me and I always forget just hanging around in a drawer anyway check you out money bags yeah I just so much so much Loose Change I don’t know what to do with it I reckon you know if I put all of that together I’d probably have 36 37

    Quid well I mean it wouldn’t say no uh right lastly then in Hackle bars this week we got this one sent in from ail in Copenhagen in Den Mar I often see this cargo bike used for transporting blood tests in our Courtyard and I think that’s a very Copenhagen thing I assume

    The enclosed box has a cooling system that’s cool isn’t it it par in the pun in deliberate that one no that is very cool um I mean cargo bikes used for transporting stuff that would otherwise need an engine thumbs up defitely a hack for me absolutely yeah um so yeah there

    We go as Dan said the uploader is fixed thank you much Killian for that um he must have done perform L Sano cuz he wouldn’t have got anything done that day would he no I bet he was glued to his screen for the whole seven hours wasn’t

    He I bet he was yeah one of the three people that uh endured the whole of that race although let’s not be around the bush I mean that was one of the finest 30 minutes of bicycling it was brilliant it was worth the wait never disappoints

    No I mean I had had a great Saturday waiting for it I did lots of things uh right anyway there that brings into to hack or bodge for this week it’s time now for caption competition and before we get going we’ve got a very exciting announcement haven’t we we have the gcn Camelback

    Water bottles are changing cuz Camelback have basically just released a brand new metal Podium water bottle which is incredible I just blown my mind it looks quality I’ve got to say well yeah so obviously they’ve had to redo things cuz a metal bottle is not squeezable so they’ve completely redesigned the whole

    Cap there’s now like a tube that goes down to the bottom and then apparently you get loads more water out just through suction it increased the flow rate yeah and there’s a little uh I watched the promotional video there’s a little air hole in there that when you

    Open up yeah so air goes through the cat it’s like an old school strawpedo basically um but what’s super cool is he insulated isn’t it so obviously it weighs a little bit more compared to a a plastic bottle but uh it’s cool good for both Canadian Winters and Spanish Summers that’s right and

    There’s also a titanium version as well I think they both look really smart oh they’re super cool AR they one is kind of a matte light blue isn’t it the one that is is titanium colored I would say that they would last longer but the normal Camelback Podium water bottles

    They already last a long time didn’t they Dan was uh actually drinking from one this morning that uh you said was about 13 years old it is 13 years old yeah so there you go old school thermal one loose change that Dan holds on to but uh water bottles as well but anyway

    Yeah so new Camelback Podium water bottles um we’ve waited to this part of the show to tell you all about it CU we very excited but actually the new gcn traditional Podium water bottles should be here this week this week yeah yeah I heard it on good authority another

    Whisper but uh but yes been like watching malan and roma hasn’t it it’s worth the weight absolutely yeah it’s going to be the best 30 minutes of uh water bottle unboxing ever basically um but yeah there we go and it’s those ones that you will be in with a chance of

    Winning in caption competition of course last week’s photo was this one from the Tano adriatico Podium uh that is jonis vinar ji Hindi on the right both of them sipping or Downing a rather large bottle of prco and Juan Uso just holding his in his hand our winner this week is Stuart

    Mara who put caption you guys go ahead Juan drinks on Juan’s own nice very good right that’s J yeah great stuff mate H get in touch on Facebook and we will get a gcn Camelback water bottle out to you we will indeed that feels good saying that it does yes

    Yeah and apparently we’re getting these in gcn colors as well oh yes we are avable at shop. Global sing which I’m very excited about too so uh that feels like the kind of water bottle that you could actually use off the bike definitely yeah like in like that’s

    Quite classy magic in my rock set when I’m rocking anyway uh this week’s photo is from the podium of Milan Sano from Saturday it’s paga taking a selfie with yasper Phillips to his right and Michael Matthews on the second step of the podium I will get you started all right

    Guys three two one welcome to the gcn show see what he did there mate good sent that through that’ be pretty cool yeah Michael Matthews has got some new sunglasses look already I know you think he went back and picked him up I highly doubt it I reckon he picked him up you

    Reckon yeah definitely yeah anyway do your best in the comment section below with your best caption and we’ll pick a winner this time next week we’ve picked out a few of our favorite comments from the last seven days of videoos so we’ll go through them before we let you know what’s coming up

    On gcn this week uh loads of suggestions from our viewers sigh on what makes of drill you should be looking at those didn’t listen or watch the GSN show last week Sai got himself all confused in trying to buy a drill because there was too much Choice out there a bit like

    Bikes in the modern industry it’s called the Paradox of choice oh is it yeah I was learning that whil reading the comments I mean the suggestions haven’t narrowed it down that much but these are quality makes apparently so Bosch Milwaukee Makita Ryobi I think I’ve got

    A Ryobi drill yeah I just look at uh lle devout were amongst the suggestions so yeah thanks you’ve um well what can I say you guys have narrowed it down significantly to uh to yeah really help my uh choosing um C Pollock uh I did

    Laugh out loud when I read read this s the drill you’re looking for is the mod it’s a noun verb acronym and unequivocably a state of mind for those who push the boundaries of spinning excavation no board too long no surf is too tough for those willing to mod um

    And if anyone’s wondering what on Earth We’re banging on about um env’s MOG gravel bike uh is uh well remarkably similar in terms of the marketing was it have you decided what you’re going for yes I’m going for a works so Blake from gmbn has been using works oh he’s a

    Proper he DIY isn’t he he said yeah like go for Works go for Works no good Lu thanks p uh also underneath the show last week Joe Black wrote what kind of haircut are you going for Lads and we both reply say you seen jarheads I think that’s an insult

    Basically we we didn’t know we’re both getting the same haircut no we did synchronized hairdressing I mean you didn’t need one I really did but um I didn’t need one did you I did we both got a strong New Look which is great yeah one that most people think looks horrible

    It’s taking years off you though mate oh cheers mate yeah Kelly and Kelly also decided to get involved in the comment saying it’s not only articles presenting and training for flers I’ve been doing I’ve also been spending plenty of time swanning around as a t-shirt model in

    The gcn shop yeah that’s a reminder actually that we’ve got a special offer haven’t we on that t-shirt that Kiam was modeling for some reason no one’s bought it so yeah it’s now 50% off in the gcn shop that one um so so yeah and then uh

    Nat uh2 said um cycling isn’t more complicated it’s just ridiculously expensive so yeah I mean there were a fair few comments along those lines it still is really expensive I’ve been asking everyone in the office today if they know how much a j di2 r deria OE

    Bridgwood knows he did know didn’t he yeah he did but yeah they’re not cheap they’re not cheap right coming up on the channel this week uh on Wednesday we’re going to let you know what size of bike you need this goes back to what we were saying last week wasn’t it where there

    Is a lot of choice and you kind of rely a lot on local buk shots but if you’re doing it mail order or any other way where you don’t get that advice you want to get the right size the first time indeed on Thursday how to fuel at a gas

    SL petrol station which you often do don’t you when you’re caught out how to fuel for cycling yes which not how to use not how to use a petrol pump yes yeah I thought I was a given on the global cycling Network well just clarifying just in case uh and then

    Friday the affir mentioned video with man on no pain what gains Zone 2 training so uh basically Manon is going to embark on a very monotonous training plan to basically see whether or not training at Zone 2 improves you at zone two whether it improves your FTP and

    Whether it improves anything else how long she doing it for she is doing it for six weeks oh wow yeah yeah so uh so yeah long enough to see some gains perhaps for the uh Zone 2 zealots not long enough to show like ridiculous gains but still um should be enough to

    Uh well to see what happens basically to make a conclusion of sort indeed indeed yeah uh and then uh on Saturday uh I got to ride the sweetest vintage saying to me yeah off camera pinell Diner as ridden in the Tour of France by the late

    Jose gimenez uh so uh so yeah check that video out basically I’m asking the question was that Peak bikee 30 years ago is that as good as cycling got not slammed at the front uh no cuz it’s quill stem so you can do what you like

    With it can’t you oh is it quill stem yeah Cy did you know 1995 was the last time steel bike won the Tour to France I didn’t yeah cuz the year after I don’t want to you know ruin the video now no spoilers but the year after although it

    Was one on another pinell B Reese is supposed to me endine he used a much rarer aluminium matrix model or something like that so uh yeah I’ve got all the interesting facts and what’s Sunday uh it’s not qu not quite as good as that uh basically um olle was out

    Filming with um the professional cyclist Alexi Brunel out in Jona and basically Alexi was doing an interval session on the flat so OE tried to hang on can you hold on to a pro cyclist on a flat road so I can’t wait to see that no I can’t

    Either where’s your money well I mean I’d like to see Ollie dropped he’s not been dropped for ages well I mean what Alexi was doing 500 watt intervals for five minutes it’s not bad that is if no no bet a crosswind put all in the gutter

    Bang he’s gone anyway I look forward to watching that one that’s it yeah as ever thank you if you’ve made it through right to the end of this week’s GN show either on audio or complete with video on YouTube uh very much appreciated uh as would be any purchase from the shop

    Shop. globaly it really does help us out a lot what t-shirt you sporting Dan uh well we’ve got others on the shop that are celebration of the upcoming cou Classics uh this is for the current stage race going on in Spain ah oh so this the um cedral in Barcelona

    Isn’t it it is there you go got there in the end also please do let us know what you think about these ear microphones y because uh you know we’re trying them out because we think they sound better but um if you think do they make us sound more

    Chocolatey no no one’s listening by this point anyway no if you think they they make us look awful then just let us know and um well yeah they’d make us look better put them there


    1. The new mics are brilliant. They don't look daft at all chaps. The 'visualised podcast' landscape has changed the game over the last 5 years or more so folks are more than happy to see them for the trade off in muchly improved sound quality. Love it.

    2. mics sound good, maybe point down from above and hide from view?
      It's ok for podcasts but not ideal in this presenter format.

    3. Love the show, but not the new mics. Never had a problem hearing with the old ones and noticed them right away. Also noticed Dan's monsterous "guns" and how the new mics are bigger than Si's water pistol biceps! πŸ˜‚

    4. Sound is good but visually the mics are distracting or throws the whole scene off. For the podcast, good, but for us YT viewers, not, IMO. Old sound was fine,why the change?

    5. White jerseys with front pockets?? Let me dig out my old wool Peugeot 5 pocket jerseys…they should be cutting edge now. Bio degradable wool, moth friendly, and if the front pockets are loaded with fruit should be super aero! $1000 obo.

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