Presented Today By Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson & Mark Anderson from the United States.
    Duration – 62 minutes.
    Running Order –

    00:26 Happy Shappy In Kiev Showing Off Ukrainian Swastikas
    10:51 World Economic Forum Declares Disinformation The Most Severe Risk Over The Next Two Years
    19:29 Gordon Brown: UK Has To Get On War Footing For Economic Growth
    31:51 Updates And Announcements
    35:28 Free Speech On Trial
    40:17 BBC Doesn’t Like Director Jonathan Glazer’s Oscar Speech
    45:00 Metropolitan Police: Aggressive Public Order Policing On 9 March
    49:19 Millions Of Ukrainian Women To Be Mobilised?
    52:04 James Roguski: The Top 10 Reasons To #StopTheTreaty
    55:09 Death Cult Policies On The Agenda


    UK Column News Extra – 11th March 2024:

    Good afternoon it’s Monday the 11th of March 2024 just after 1:00 welcome to UK column news I’m your host Brian Gish delighted to have with me in the studio Mike Robinson yeah and uh we’re also joined by Mark Anderson from the USA uh we’re going to start today with

    Grant shaps he’s been in k of course where else would he be uh let’s have a look I’m the British defense secretary here in keev to raise the alarm because what would it say if we allow a democratic country to be taken over by a dictator like Putin what would it say

    About our values of freedom and democracy and it doesn’t have to be this way because we easily have the resources of the West if we have the will so the message is simple this is a wakeup call for the world let’s make sure Ukraine wins this

    War so the question is did you notice it uh in case you didn’t let’s just bring him back on screen with a still uh and well we’ve got to just put a couple of rings around the swers uh which are on the tank that he walked past and I have

    To ask Brian uh was he aware did he know was he blind did he just not see it he doesn’t care uh does he not care as expected the Russians of course jumped on this and the Russian Embassy uh pushing this out on Saturday uh thank you grant shouts for nearly showing uh

    For clearly showing the abundance of Nazi sasus in central Keef uh this is exactly what Russia is fighting against um and of course anybody that’s criticizing him for this undoubtedly is a Russian propagandist well this this is true I am going to say that one of those

    Appears to be over the rust so the machine was uh Rusty um when it was painted but there’s plenty more pictures of SWAT stickers on Ukrainian uh military vehicles so we don’t have to worry about the actual background um let’s move on to the war itself and uh

    I’m just going to use this from wee Union as people know I try and share the material from the really excellent analysts who are reporting on social media so I took this still uh because of its importance in showing the nature of the battlefield and the yellow dots are

    Defensive positions so you see that the Russians have got a essentially a heavy line right the way along the front line and uh we can now see that in Ukrainian territory um the Ukrainian defenses are strong points which in some places are quite um well spread out in others are

    Quite dense and of course for the Russians to regain the rest of the uh territory for their special military operation uh that’s the area in blue that you can see or edged in blue and uh the Russians are now essentially rooting out the ukrainians from these smaller

    Strong points in the countryside and the only way we can sort of show some of this is to have a look at some of the Drone footage and of course you see the amazing flat lands of the Ukrainian what’s essentially the Ukrainian step uh but within each of the Hedge rows the

    Ukrainians have got small groups of men and some um Heavy Artillery military vehicles some tanks and the Russians are simply working very uh steadily very slowly in order to uh root out the ukrainians from these defensive positions and of course the thing is that the Russians have got

    Unlimited uh Munitions and very heavy Munitions to be able to use on the Ukrainian positions uh whereas now it’s very clear the ukrainians are starting to run out of ammun particularly uh artillery shells and of course their defensive positions are suffering as a result so the first lie

    That we’ve been told in the west is that Russia was going to run out of Munitions when the reality is that Ukraine has run out and so has uh the Western power base including the United States because we simply cannot provide Ukraine with the amount of shells that they need on a

    Daily basis to counter the Russians uh the other thing to see here of course is that the battlefield surveillance is total by drones uh but also those uh VAR sorry drone variants can hunt other vehicles and here we see uh a Ukrainian uh gun in a defensive position which is

    Eventually uh destroyed as a result of a drone attack the drones are very significant in this war because particularly in this open terrain it makes it difficult for either either side to hide um larger military vehicles such as tanks or field guns uh however the Russians are operating more drones

    And therefore they’re increasing losses on the Ukrainian side but I will say that it’s now obvious that uh Russia is actually fighting um is fighting uh the West because the West is providing total uh Battlefield surveillance from drones flying over the sea and also we have Western operators

    Clearly on the ground helping to Target um uh Western weapon systems such as the Storm Shadow missile and uh therefore the reality is that NATO is at war against Russia and to be honest I’m I’m just surprised that the amount of patience on the Russian side that

    They’re not responding to to this attack on the battlefield uh but on the subject of the West Wonder Weapons um I’m told today that Abrahams the American Abrahams tank number four has been destroyed so 30 31 of them supplied to the ukrainians four are now gone and of

    Course what’s also gone is the myth uh that this tank uh can survive on the battlefield whereas uh the claim from the Americans has always been that the Russian tanks in particular inferior and of a poor quality um but uh if we go on through if that’s

    Uh the remains of the Abrahams American Tank uh this is embarrassment for UK because one of the challenges uh got itself stuck in the famous Ukrainian mud and I believe that was while it was giving a demonstration to Sun reporters uh but of course the same thing applies

    That the Challenger a very good tank itself but to try and say that a few challenges are going to change the course of the war in Ukraine is a complete and utter nonsense so what’s the reality well I’m just going to bring people to this very tragic article that

    Was sent through to me Eastern Daily Press um it’s from a little while ago but it’s talking about a young man from Norfolk who volunteered to fight in Ukraine and he’s now taken his own life after suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder um that’s what came out

    At the inquest I’ll put a little bit of text on screen but it said that Harry Greg had no formal military training other than a spell in the Army Cadets but decided to fly out to help defend the country following its Invasion by Russia he ended up fighting in the

    Trenches where he witnessed the death of his comrades and reported seeing the aftermath of Russian atrocities of course that’s yeah sorry I was just sorry to interrupt I was just going to say you know we see more and more rhetoric coming out of uh the UK government at

    The moment about the danger of misinformation the danger of disinformation that leads to Deaths and yet here we have uh government information which is absolutely leading to to British deaths uh in Ukraine because people have fallen into the Trap of believing the story well this is

    Absolutely true so if we pop that one up up on screen what’s actually mentioned in this tragic case is that this young man went and did what he did because he was apparently Fired Up by Liz truss uh saying that people should volunteer and go and fight the Russians so uh a tragic

    Case but if we look at some of the things that came out in the inquest it was his third visit to the country that he actually found himself fighting he was called eagle and he was assigned to the Ukrainian 48th Battalion um one of his relatives said he told me about

    Things he had seen which he knew would stick in his head that’s the seat of the uh trauma um they were being shelled quite badly well that’s probably an understat because the Russians shelling has been really incredible and the West has been very surprised at the intensity

    Of the shelling that the Russians can call down on positions uh but then he talks here about a comrade who was speaking to him telling him to keep his head down and 10 minutes later the man giving the warning was shot in the head and it said Harry had to put his friend

    In a body bag so this is immensely tragic stuff uh but on the the other hand we’ve still got thousands of mercenaries who have gone from the West Europe in particular into Ukraine and those ukrainians are now being slaughtered alongside the other Ukrainian troops yes of course there are

    Russian casualties uh but the reality is at the moment that although Selinsky has claimed that he’s demobilized some 30,000 ukrainians uh the truth is that the Ukrainian losses are truly horrendous and the figure that I’ve quoted a number of times this is the the figure that’s being mentioned by a number of very

    Reliable analysts is about 400,000 Ukrainian deaths uh but as we’ll see later in the news the Ukrainian solution is to call up more men and now to mobilize women as well so truly horrific situation and of course if the west and the US would stop pumping in

    Weapons this war would be over in a matter of days and some form of productive peace agreement could be achieved so it’s just horrific mik what is going on and to see that uh idiot of a British politician crowing just because he can stand in front of a few

    Burnt out vehicles I think is uh truly pathetic um Mark let’s bring you in because uh you’ve been having a look at at um veterans in the state and it seems that the US system is also concerned about the power of veterans yes ironic guys that that first

    Report should be brought up in that report you’re talking about people that are fighting currently they’re believing the government line and they’re dying as a result now you’re looking at us veterans being surveyed by the military times and the military times whose background we’ll look into in just a

    Minute is wor that veterans are catching on to what’s going on former Fighters and so the military military time survey is worded like this alarming percentage of veterans that means accepting conspiracies and you see a picture there you are fake news we’ll move on from there and I’ll outline this uh about us

    This is military it’s part of Seline Media Group known as the Army times publishing company which first published Army times in 1940 we’ll get into a chronology in just a minute they claim to have the highest standards of Journalism and they claim to have veterans best interests at

    Heart and uh etc etc we’ll go on from there these slides will be in the show of course most readers that is Veterans who primarily read these uh Publications could spot disinformation they’re glad to say but look at who they’re champing championing here the world economic Forum declared disinformation as the

    Most severe risk over the next two years so the WF is apparently okay in the eyes of the military times and other Associated Publications and the WF wrote in its annual report in January that the spread of false information could underline excuse me undermine the legitimacy of newly elected governments

    Across the globe and result in violent protests hate crimes and terrorism so there automatically assuming that any newly elected government is legitimate and honorable and if you protest you’re the bad guy uh researchers get this are already seeing instances of Russian interference in the US this year including a coordinated effort around

    The Texas mexical border of all places and that crisis and Russia is supposedly trying to amplify calls for a civil war according to Kyle Walter head of research at logically which is a British tech company and that tech company uses AI to monitor disinformation around the world they’re so Vigilant looking out

    For us Walter said Russia is likely to increase its spread of falsehoods in the runup to the November election here we go again on that the US needs no help in conducting uh questionable and in many in many cases dishonest elections they do not need Russia’s help at all but

    We’ll move on from there and this is just an item I won’t really read it but in that military times survey article they put this post there this uh X poost AKA Twitter and they asked the question does this post present credible fact bias fact excuse me fact-based information that is well

    Uh sourced and easy to share and all it is is an off-hand comment uh they act as if somebody just writing a quick offthe cuff opinion is supposed to have a whole list of unchallengeable sources at their at their osal and this vet named Tom is just giving his opinion about the

    Military being in a deplorable shape but anyway back to the Seline Media Group we’ll move on and describe who’s behind the military times it’s not the military um they published military times as well as Army times Air Force times and Marine Corps times founded in 1940 as I mentioned as Army times

    Publishing Company parent company is archetype AKA Regent LP purchased 1997 by mass media giant ganet ganet published USA Today for many many years I believe they still do ganet spun off these properties to a company called tegna in 2015 tegna then sold Seline Media Group to Regent a la based uh

    Private Equity Firm and Regent is controlled by an investor named Michael reinstein so the military is not at all involved in publishing this uh publication and I think many people including veterans are under the impression that the military at least has a hand in putting out those

    Publications and one of the things that the veterans who won’t swallow the party line one of the things they’re accused of besides election denial and besides various other beliefs and so-called conspiracies they’re also accused of uh believing in so-called replacement Theory and you’ll note that the Border was mentioned regarding regarding Russia

    Supposedly trying to stir up trouble regarding the US Southern border but one can believe what one wants to believe but replacement Theory more than any One Source comes from Richard cenov Keri the Austrian Japanese Diplomat a a shining example of a coercive utopian under the guise of being a uh a auster Statesman

    And this this is from shadam house the eu’s Forgotten grandfather Richard cenov kergie I won’t get into reading it much but he had more than uh more than anyone he had um responsibility for establishing the groundwork for the European Union although some people also attribute that to Bilderberg founder

    Joseph ringer ringer and kergie I’ve never been able to to excuse me to determine it’s early here guys I’ve never been able to confirm whether those two ever cross paths and actually met met but both of them have some share in creating the groundwork among other factors for the European Union anyway

    According to Wikipedia not an unimpeachable sourcer realized but the Keri plan is described here is sometimes called the Coden HOV kery conspiracy and Wikipedia is just [ __ ] sure that they’re right about this they’re calling it a debunked far-right anti-semitic white genocide conspiracy theory the theory claims that Austrian Japanese po Ian he

    Was really a diplomat Richard Von cenov kery creator of the pan European Union concocted this plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration well readers and viewers can make up their own mind on this I’m just trying to have a reasoned balance discussion of this but there’s one more

    Slide here this is what kergie actually said and people can make up their own mind the man of the future will be of mixed race today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the Vanishing of space time and Prejudice the Eurasian negroid race of the future

    Similar in its appearance to the ancient Egyptians will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals so the mass media cartel will not have a open Frank CED discussion about this but that’s what I’m trying to provide today and again readers and viewers can make

    Up their own mind if that actually constitutes the great replacement Theory but many people I’ve talked to over the years whose opinions I respect believe it does constitute a calling for replacement so you know it’s it’s a matter of of opinion perhaps but there it is um mark thank you very much for

    That I just add to that of course that that when you see people um planning how people will relate to each other which U nationalities are going to be living where um that is very historical that you’ve just given us but of course let’s remind people that s Peter Sutherland

    The US ambassador for migration uh was on record of saying that more mass migration was needed to break down the homogeneity of the nation states so it’s not just one person that is talking about doing this and of course what UK column has said on many many occasions

    Is uh when this forced migration happens um people suffer wherever they’ve come from originally absolutely uh now today is Monday the 11th of March as everybody will know uh and right now at this minute uh Gordon bran is speaking at The Institute for government and uh I’m sure it’s a real

    Shame that we’re not all able to watch that uh but this is basically what he’s intending to say or what he is saying uh the way we govern will have to be radically transformed and government put on a war footing if Britain is to break free from The Vicious low growth low

    Productivity and low wage cycle so so we are to be put on a war footing uh almost immediately if we are going to survive uh then the coming economic uh situation um sorry to Twitch there Mike so it’s not put on a war footing in order to

    Fight the Russians U which is see which we’re being told from one side of the camp this is to get us free of vicious low growth it’s all in our best interest uh yeah but we’ve got to fight fight the Russians in order to do that is

    Basically what he’s saying we’ve got to start a war with Russia and China in order to get ourselves out of this economic mess so just as long as everybody’s clear about that and I I showed this little bit of video on Monday of urand Lan as she was uh

    Speaking in preparation because she’ be put forward by our party to stand again for a second term as uh uh president of the European commission um just listen to this once again in case you didn’t see it on Friday Security in Europe also means doing more on our own defense our common

    Goal should be very clear we need to turbocharge our defense industrial capacity in the next 5 years and at the heart of this must be one simple principle Europe must spend more Europe must spend better and Europe must spend European and this will help us feel the urgent need to rebuild replenish and

    Modernize member States armed forces and to keep supporting Ukraine and in doing so Europe should strive to develop and manufacture the next generation of battle winning operational capabilities and my friends the EP is the party that has championed a EUR okay so that’s enough of that now on Friday I was uh

    Suggesting that that was quite hitleresque in her delivery and I think it was uh uh anyway here’s the point we go back a couple of years and Ursula L had this to say uh we need to take further bold steps in the next five years towards a genuine European Defense

    Union Europe’s 100 billion Euro a year defense industry is one of our most valuable and strategic Assets Now that was in 2019 and here we are five years later and this is right back on the table again for her next uh session as uh president of the European commission

    Um well following on from that then uh this gentleman uh Christian Lindner uh was uh writing in frankfur alaman a couple of days ago uh and he was saying this uh the Strategic nuclear forces of France and Great Britain are already making a contribution to the security of our

    Alliance the French President Emanuel macron has made various offers of cooperation uh he said we should understand that Donald Trump’s recent statements as a called to further uh rethink this element of European security Under the Umbrella of NATO uh and finally here he said the question is under what political and financial

    Conditions would Paris and London be prepared to maintain and expand their own strategic capabilities for collective security so again here we are uh a few years uh following brexit and we’re right back into the European Defense Union uh narrative again this is being pushed extremely hard let’s just

    Remind us because many people uh won’t have been uh viewers of the UK column when we covered this in the past so let’s just remind ourselves what the European Defense Union is supposed to look like this is their well this my rendition of their graphic uh and at the

    Bottom there you will see that the foundation of this is the political will to invest in European security and progressively frame a common defense policy and so this is the narrative that uh V Lan was talking about last week and has been talking about for the last

    Number of years in fact but the right hand pillar there uh in this uh eight pillars the right hand pillar there is core Partnerships NATO and the United Nations um so this tweet then again going back to 2019 from G fosad uh saying for 70 years NATO has been a

    Cornerstone of our security now it’s vital we strengthen NATO by building its European pillar uh based on a European Defense Community a European Army so Europeans can take the future into their own hands this is some something they see themselves as being in NATO at a European level rather than being in NATO

    And a French German Dutch level and so on um bringing that graphic back on screen again on the left hand side we’ve got another pillow pillar uh which is by and multilateral cooperation amongst member states and I just want to remind everybody what the situation is particularly with respect to the UK uh

    So because when we look at the number of bilateral and multilateral Arrangements that there are I mean this is just a fraction of it just to give you an idea uh we’ve got you know the aen trdy between the UK France and Germany we’ve got the Lancaster house treaties between

    The UK and France we’ve got treaties with the UK and the Netherlands with the UK and Czech Republic with Poland with you know with Spain we’ve got all these U bilateral and multilateral agreements going on which have got nothing whatever to do with the European Union and then

    Again going back a few years um here is Lord Freddy ha defense minister in 2019 uh and he said that at that time I signed the UK into the European intervention initiative the agreement states ei2 intends to contribute to ongoing efforts within the European Union to deepen defense cooperation

    Notably Pesco so although this has nothing to do with European Union uh or it is linked to Pesco which of course is a European Union defense Union uh policy so looking to the House of Commons library to see what ei2 is all about this is what they say the European

    Intervention initiative is a French Le initiative set up by president President Ma September 2017 as part of his vision for a quote Sovereign United and Democratic Europe un quote in order to achieve that ambition he put forward proposals for a common European intervention force and a common Doctrine

    For Action independent of the European Union uh it goes on to say 10 European countries including the UK are involved in the initiative Italy indicated its willingness to join in September 2019 given that EI ei1 is a defensive initiative outside of the governance of the European Union UK parti

    Participation in it will not be affected in any way by brexit so we are tied into these defense agreements which are going to be form part of EU defense Union even though we’re not supposedly part of brexit or brexit has got no relevance to

    It uh now if you want to know more about this um again we haven’t really updated this page since 2019 after brexit was allegedly done and dusted but nonetheless uh this is starting to come back into the media again or at least the political uh agenda again so I’m

    Sure we will be adding more to this page but there’s plenty of resource there to show a timeline of how we’ve got to this point uh a number of Articles and the timeline a fantastic resource but kind of related to this or at least I came re

    Reminded myself of this as I was pulling this uh segment together earlier on today I just wanted to bring Rand Europe back on screen and this uh again is going back to 2018 or 2019 or so the utility of military force and public understanding in today’s Britain and I

    Just wanted to look at this and consider where we are today and see how accurate they were in their predictions in inverted commas uh and so they decided that hybrid War targets the role of popular opinion in shipping National strategy we are absolutely well into a

    Hybrid War at this point uh they also said that social resilience is receiving increasing attention in relation to National Security and they also said that the effect of ignoring domestic resilience is to undermine deterrence and they had some recommendations I’m just going to highlight four of them uh

    That they uh wanted to emphasize the shared responsibility of resilience uh that they wanted to uh recommend creating coherence in Communications I.E get hold of the narrative and get hold of it tight uh connecting the armed forces and the government we’ve been talking about this for the last couple

    Of years increasingly Fusion Doctrine is right there at the heart of the ministry of defense’s Defense Doctrine uh and finally being open to debate on national service and lo and behold here we are and only a few weeks ago we had the telegraph uh and others talking about uh

    Public face call up if we go to war military Chief War warns and a whole discussion about conscription and military service but not only that the resilience narrative is something which is just being shoved down our throats uh constantly so this is uh from uh the national UK’s Cameron to call for

    Strength resilience I in unity in Berlin visit from so this is from uh uh a couple of days ago second of March I think uh and so on so you know this uh issue of uh single defense in Europe and Britain’s participation in it has not gone away it’s absolutely there and

    Brexit has got nothing to do with it yes it’s uh it’s just incredible but I look at Cameron if he’s there talking to the Germans who are also calling for U essentially mobilization who is Cameron working for is he now working with and for the Germans is he working for Israel

    We’ve got no idea what’s going on but I just draw people’s attention to to uh Christopher story’s book the EU uh Collective enemy of its member states a really detailed analysis one of the points that Christopher Story pointed out is the rise of the bilateral and other agreements and he described them

    As a spider’s web which eventually meant that a country like Britain couldn’t move of its own accord because it was locked into these bilateral agreements you can find that online if you search for um that book um and just to end this segment then this feror has begun so

    Obviously Queen Elizabeth HMS Queen Elizabeth one of our two aircraft carriers can’t go to seea at the moment because uh it’s broken and it SS way back to the CDE uh to be fixed just as its sistership was uh but UK defense Journal was reporting a day or two ago

    That uh it had suffered a fire but don’t worry there were no fatalities and this resulted in a whole foror within the mainstream media uh with the mainstream media saying this is yet another example of the British military in a state of collapse uh as a result various comments

    On Twitter uh mainstream media have lost their minds said Navy Lookout about defense UK defense Journal report of fire on board HMS Queen Elizabeth yesterday minor shipboard fires are not uncomon all Sailors are trained in firefighting and in this instance appear to have responded quickly and extinguished the fire with no injuries

    Involvement of local civilian fire brigade is also standard procedure and Brian I’m just going to say I don’t know what the scale of of course they nobody is saying what the ex the nature of this far was or what the scale of the fire

    Was uh but you know if it was really so insignificant then why reported in the first place what the UK defense Journal expect was going to happen when they uh when they published this article um this is the key Point fires do happen on board warships they’ve always happened

    On warships because they are very dangerous environments with with uh fuel um inflammable substances a lot of people um but minor fires are one thing fires that are more serious as something else but also we got no detail as to what caused this fire so it’s very

    Difficult to comment on it okay if you like what the UK column does you would like to support us please go to support. UK column. or the all the options for helping us out there are are there and uh your need your support is needed because it is only your support that

    Keeps us going uh you can pick something up at the UK column shop and thank you very much to everybody that has done so um but please do share anything on on the various platforms especially UKC and UKC col extracts. um we’re only a week and a day until we

    Start the climate science masterclass with David seagull I’m going to say thank you very much to every body that has bought a ticket so far the early bird tickets are all gone uh and uh I’m really looking forward to that CH on Tuesday the 19th is when we’re starting

    Uh tomorrow at 1 pm um I will be speaking to Matt erit uh and a really interesting conversation on The Hidden Hand between behind UFOs this starts with HG Wells with Aldis and Julian Huxley with bertr and Russell uh it’s quite an interesting conversation and uh

    I encourage everybody to join us at 1 p.m. for that and I’ll just add that the reporting of UFOs has been standard military procedure for a great many years particularly for the aviators where does that take us uh well we’ve got some adverts we’ve got Glasgow Freedom rally uh which is George Square

    Glasgow 1 p.m. on Saturday the 13th of April so watch out for that one uh what does the who have in store for you one I think we know and it’s not very nice uh We’ve also got this one here National Emer The New Forest in the south of England

    Is being what they call clear failed to build a free point a free Port uh so we’ve got people warning about that and you’ll be able to find out more about it if you can attend the lindur community center which is in the middle of the uh New Forest Area and that’s Thursday

    March the 21st um if you have a look for the uh details of that I’ll just give you the postcode is um s437 n y and that’s the 21st of March and then we’ve also got the People’s Health Alliance um for a Glastonbury event we’ve got Dr Alex Ling Dr Joe

    Whitaker and E system um which is talking about the power that made the body sorry the power that made the body heals the body that’s Friday the fth 15th of March 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. and it’s the town Hall Magdalene Street Glastonbury and uh this one here controlled Society or free Society um

    This is Thursday the 11th of April 4:45 to 9:30 p.m. at the Emanuel Center marshan Street London and uh who’s going to be there well Andrew bridon MP who’s doing such a great job but also Sandy Adams great see Sandy there alongside him Scott McCulla um lead outside Council

    Uh CHD and Jim Ferguson the farming Expert Plus they’ve got other guest speakers so it’s really great to see people coming together and uh I’ll just put this one up on screen because we know that Andrew brid’s doing a lot of work to um help publicize himself at the

    Moment and uh we know that anybody who can help in the constituent see area could be of great value to him because of course he’s now up against the Machinery of the big mainstream parties Mark uh freedom of speech uh what’s the brystone Institute been uh telling us

    About well uh this is an interesting item and I’ll mention at the tail end of your ads speaking of freedom of speech and information I have a relatively new article at the UK column website about the so-called New Media portraying itself as new and fresh and different

    And really it’s the same old song and dance a repackaged mass media cartel a repackage Legacy Media that’s a series I’m writing for UK column the first uh installment is up on the website now but the Brownstone Institute is talking about a particular um case a lawsuit in

    The United States where Free Speech seems to truly hang in the balance and Supreme Court action is expected soon uh this is a relatively uh Breezy report let’s go on to the next slide here um this is the Brownstone own OB observations in this very important article in a lifetime of observing

    Policy controversies and court cases we’ve never witnessed anything as crucial to the future of the idea of freedom itself compared with what will transpire coming up on the 18th of March 2024 on that day the US Supreme Court will hear arguments in the in the suit mury versus Missouri Missouri is the

    Injured party here concerning whether the government can force or nudge private companies to censor users on behalf of regime priorities and one of the big concerns here or observations is that these private companies the the main social media companies and the government are becoming as one so the

    Fact that the companies are private but if they’re being commandeered by the government there eventually becomes very little difference between the two the distinctions tend to melt away anyway the evidence that they have been doing so is over Ming The Brownstone continues in their article that’s why the fifth

    Circuit in the United States issued an emergency in injunction to stop the practice of this censorship on the grounds that it is it’s inconsistent with the First Amendment to the US Constitution the censorship industrial complex is being called the censorship industrial complex I’ve never heard that term is working right now around the

    Clock to delete free speech in America that injunction however was stayed pending a review by the highest court or the Supreme Court moving on from there the justices hearing the case will be in an awkward position um Brownstone is saying my guess the writer says my guess

    Is that none of them uh even know that this was going on to the extent that it is they will likely be shocked when they look at the evidence proving there is a trillion dooll industry we’re being told here in full operation that has massively distorted the public mind

    Sometimes they call it curating the public mind that terminology is used as well every Federal agency get that every Federal agency is involved deeply embedded in the operations of all media companies that would be Legacy not places like UK column obviously and digital technology which in turn requires Universal surveillance and

    Persecution of contrary voices and a little while ago in my first report we heard about the military times worried that veterans are catching on to many of the lies the that they um are being exposed to and remember veterans go out many of them believing they’re fighting

    To defend free speech and now their minds are being curated anyway this last item here until a few years ago this entire industry this trillion doll industry which involves federal agencies universities nonprofits Shadow companies bogus back Checkers and every manner of spook operated front companies get that

    Until a few years ago this was not known to exist um stone is saying but now that we know about it we’re shocked by the extent of it it has invaded the whole of Our Lives to the point that we cannot tell real news from that which is fed To

    Us by intelligence agencies this is another reason I’m doing this series in UK column about the Legacy media’s fake repackaging even worse Brownstone says we’ve come to expect that most of what passes for Approved opinion is flat outfalls and the implication guys is that uh news outlets like ours are also

    Potentially on The Chopping Block if this trillion doll industry is allowed to have its way so this is a very tectonic item and and it’s important to keep an eye on it long term so I’ll be reporting more on this in my series on the UK column website and on my weekly

    Report so back to you mark thank you very much for that well a nice uh lead into this little segment here which is the BBC manipulating uh information uh my attention was drawn to the Oscar ceremonies this is the BBC report zone of Interest director Jonathan Glazer makes Gaza statement in Oscar’s speech

    And uh the quote on the right of your screen is what the BBC actually opened with it says director Jonathan Glazer focused on the war in Gaza in his acceptance speech at the Oscars saying that he refuted his jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation um but we need to say

    Something here because he didn’t actually say that he said a little bit more which makes a huge difference to the meaning so let’s listen to what he did say because the BBC couldn’t be bothered to insert a film uh video clip to actually show him speaking they just

    Used a graphic so let’s let’s put the video clip in and they ALS and the Oscar goes to the son of Interest this is the third nomination for the United Kingdom the zone of interest is the ninth non-english language film to be nominated for both International future film and best

    Picture in the same [Applause] [Applause] year Thank you so much I’m going to read I’m aaid thank you to the academy for this honor and to our partners a24 film for Access and the Polish Film Institute to the Alit burken our state museum for their trust and guidance to my producers actors collaborators all our choices

    Were made to reflect and confront Us in the present not to say look what they did then rather look what we do now how film shows dehumanization leads at its worst it shaped all of our past and present right now we stand here as men who refute their jewishness and the

    Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to Conflict for so many innocent people whether the victims of [Applause] October whether the victims of October the 7th in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza all the victims of this dehumanization how do we resist Alexandra Abron

    Kadek the girl who glows in the film as she did in life chose to I dedicate this to her memory and her resistance thank [Applause] you so the BBC of course didn’t say what he exactly said because what he said was very important uh but what the BBC did

    Show in a video at the end of the article so that it was rammed into people’s minds was this [Applause] [Applause] clip Back move move from this area you’re holding people up that direction go east so the BBC clearly its worse because the man was brave enough to say refuted being Jewish as a result of what was happening to innocent people both in Israel and in Gaza he’s cut out and then

    We have the propaganda video at the bottom but what are we really seeing uh pretty brutal looking police U protecting the Rich and Famous against people who are unhappy that people are being slaughtered in large numbers I just put up this meme which was uh sent

    To me over the weekend and uh I think it really says it all so obviously it’s Gaza with a rain of bombs but in between the bombs are what one or two loaves of bread tossed to the needy um now in Belfast uh we just bring

    This tweet on screen so this is from Carlos latf who is a a cartoonist and uh he said uh I received with some surpris in use that one of my cartoons converted to a mural in Belfast was defaced the cartoon in question criticizes the decision of the Irish Republican parties

    Shin fana foil and fin Gill uh to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with Joe Biden and uh well you can see that the cartoon is painted on the wall there and then somebody has come along and uh painted over it in Black we’ll just put the uh

    Image that he uh the original cartoon on screen um and uh of course somebody was asking me recently about shinin in particular they are uh now just an internationalist party like any other uh like the Scottish nationalist party for example uh they’ be quite happy to knel

    Down in front of Joe Biden in this way I think that’s quite an appropriate uh uh image now at the weekend then uh video footage appeared on social media of a guy being arrested by the police um because he was apparently holding a sign saying Hamas are terrorists uh let’s

    Have a look at the footage down leave it it leave it hey why what do you do what do you do oh my God you’re supposed us oh my God guys you had anti [Applause] Hammer please just stay by stay by just give his to work please shame on

    You shame on you shame on you shame on you he me and you me shame You oh my God give me my airport give my airpod shame on you for supporting Hammer supportive relax mate all right me leave me Alone so can we help probably not now okay can I help all why you want to film yeah documenting what you’re doing okay okay no it’s not a problem just conscious why you want to film a gentleman being arrested because he’s got an anti-am flag and he’s being

    Arrested and yet what I’ve seen here haven’t been arrested right okay yeah yeah So uh the police then uh felt the need because everybody was asking on social media why this guy had been arrested when uh people in the main demonstration which of course was Pro Palestine demonstration weren’t being arrested so the police felt the need to put out a

    Statement this is what they said a video was been posted on EX alleging officers arrested a man for having an anti- Hamas placard this isn’t accurate he was arrested after an altercation was ongoing and officers intervened to Pro prevent a reach of the pace he was arrested for assault officers then fully

    Reviewed footage provided of the incident he was later de arrested the arrest was not made in relation to the placard that’s their claim but of course by the time that went out uh they the the story had gone all across social media and I just want to ask the

    Question Brian I don’t know what your thoughts are on this but if uh the parts that be let’s say wanted to create tension within a society is this not exactly how they would do it because the Injustice in this uh seems to be uh you know the perception of Injustice seems

    To be there yeah well it’s exactly what they would do but of course the police doing themselves no favors at all because every time it seems we see the British police in action they become ever more brutal um but divide and Rule that’s the way to deal with the British

    Public and we see a lot more of it well let’s go and have a look at um Society in Ukraine and uh this um this little article was sent to me over the weekend now I’m going to say straight away that I haven’t been able to fully verify it

    But I’m going to take it on face value what it was warning about was plans for Millions I think the figure was three million Ukrainian women to be mobilized now I’m just taking it on face value uh but let’s have a look at uh what’s previously been said uh about the use of

    Women in the war so this is the New York Times from some little time ago go it says if not me who as Ukraine seeks troops women prepare for the call and uh of course there it’s now well known that uh Ukrainian women have been in the

    Front lines and they’re dying on the front lines uh because of course overall they’re unsuitable inexperienced troops uh but this is what uh is happening in Ukrainian s Society in order to fight the West proxy war and uh I went looking on the Kiev post to see if there was

    Anything about the mobilization there wasn’t but I found this article which I also found extraordinary so we’ve got two women looking very tired and sad against the backdrop of men who’ve been killed on the battlefield remember the figure that we’re talking about is around 400,000 and uh what’s the the headline

    Opinion rebuilding Ukraine the task for women and the obscenity of this article is that it is crowing that the war is a wonderful opportunity to bring more women uh fully into the workforce in Ukraine and this is going to liberate women so get the women into heavy

    Industry get them down the coal mines make best use of the war because this will turn Ukrainian Society from being a backward Society into a fully-fledged western Society so um of I’m not the only person who’s beginning to see this outrageous twisting of of Truth um this

    Is a meme that was circulating some people might find this offensive but it’s the sentiment um so it’s come from a political Peak liberalism sending your daughters to fight and die in war so that your son can be a cross-dressing homosexual so many people now starting

    To actually P up pick up and say what actually is the agenda that the West is pushing uh but at the end of the day one of the things for certain and that’s many more women are going to be dying on the battlefield in Ukraine um Mark bring us up to date on

    The IH uh and the treaty yes thanks guys last night I got a call from James rusy of course his substack his website is James rus. substack docomo is R OG Ki and he gave me an up tothe minute report I kind of put it in

    Today’s um show at the last minute it’s very important one thing I’ll mention is by next week the following week at the very latest we’re going to have more contact information more ways that our readers and viewers can get involved and contact places such as the office of

    Global Affairs of the US Department of Health and Human Services which is the negotiating body for the US part of the treaty but this is some of what James has got at his website that I mentioned and also if you go there there’s some very helpful videos there’s reject the

    Amendments. comom another link lots of things people can read and learn and get involved with so that’s the main thing to get involved and I’ll just kind of uh uh hit some of the highlights so let’s go back to the previous one there um this is about the Treaty uh the top 10

    Reasons I’ll just hit the highlights uh the framework convention and unaccountable bureaucracy articles 21 through 37 billions of dollars Mass expansion of Public Health Emergency of international concern phic one Health surveillance I talked about one Health last week pathogen access benefit sharing system uh Global supply chain and Logistics Network

    Failure to hold big Pharma liable for harm and censorship a big topic these days that’s just some of the reasons to stop the treaty and now we have also the internet National Health regulations which I haven’t focused on as much lately but they’re just as important they’re on a

    Parallel track um this is again from ruski three levels of fear-mongering um and you can read about it in the show notes quarantine concerns documents required for travel things are getting pretty oppressive vaccines authorized by The Who for emergency use requiring vaccines especially those that are authorized for emergency use is on

    Acceptable James is saying making non-state actors comply with public health measures and uh James gives a lot of the Articles where you can read more about this in the articles that he he published there’s the other half here surveillance concerns uh National IH Authority disclosure of personal data concerns and again censorship and

    Disinformation being attached to anyone that tries to discuss these things openly and honestly um next week again I’ll have more espe I expect to have more on how people can become more directly involved but for now you can go to past reports I’ve done on UK column as well as James rusky’s

    Research so I want to get that in for today guys thank you Mark uh now uh Switzerland uh Belgium and the Netherlands of course are the three countries uh in Europe that have already uh brought in assisted dying legislation um um the UK possibly not too far behind

    Uh being led by Esther Ranson uh and of course she uh had her petition uh that petition ended up having 152,153 um well we don’t have to worry because in France uh Emanuel macron has decided to uh bring legislation forward as well so he has announced this now so

    Let’s just have a look at what uh he had to say uh he said it does not strictly this is legislation he’s talking about does not strictly speaking create a new right or freedom but it traces a path which did not exist until now and which opens the possibility of requesting

    Assistance and dying under strict conditions um so he’s saying that the conditions would need to be met uh that are in the legislation that a medical team would need to assess and ensure uh the criteria that the decision was correct but we don’t need to worry because families would be allowed to

    Appeal any decision that was made um uh and they but they’re trying to say very clearly uh that uh that uh the person would have to be competent um how they make that decision um I suppose is open lots of these things are open to interpretation Brian and I’m not sure

    Exactly where that ends but uh what are your thoughts well I I think it’s it’s a horrible agenda it’s it’s clearly anti-life and the other thing is that uh this cannot be a national agenda because it’s coming out through so many countries so this has got to be a

    Globalist agenda and yeah let’s emphasize it what are they talking about making it easier for people to die and uh so we’ve got a death cult I’m going to call it a death cult which is trying to install itself a death cult that is happy with the wars it’s happy with

    Killing off elderly people and at the end of the day what is it doing divide and Rule to control us for anybody to say there’s no such thing as Global policy emerging um clearly you know there there got no mental Acumen at all because they simply cannot see the

    Evidence which is on the table in front of them well Mark uh very quickly is this something which is in the media in the media agenda in the United States I wouldn’t call it right up front this has been uh floating around ever since Dr kavorkian and some of those

    Controversies quite some time ago what I would only briefly comment about guys is notice what he says it does not strictly strictly speaking create a new right nor a freedom this guy thinks that government edicts and statutes and what not create rights rights are a natural-born innate god-given thing that

    Pre-exists governments and exists separately from governments so this guy is of the mind that uh you know uh globalist aaric like him create rights and uh it that’s a a Civic disaster that whole idea is is a philosophical black hole and so this this tells a lot about him absolutely

    Mar I couldn’t agree more but of course that’s the foundation of Human Rights uh and the whole principle of human rights um we have a little bit of video to end on well well we do and I should be interested for a bit of comment from

    Mark but let’s just roll it and see see what happened your dictator to genocide Joe tens of thousands of [Applause] pal [Applause] so U there we are I can’t remember where the Biden rally was Missouri or Mississippi you will hopefully be able to tell me Mark but obviously a very angry man into jaxs uh with the whole trouble of the war but what really shocked me was to see people calling for

    Four more years of a man who to me needs to be retired now uh before his uh very tired and befuddled brain does any more damage to the United States or the world what’s your take well maybe Mr Biden is getting old like a fox maybe he’s not quite as much

    Much of a dard as we think but uh honestly I don’t think his mind Andor physical stature has four more years left in it um but it’s interesting to see that kind of protest right in his face it reminds me of Justin Trudeau of Canada traveling to the Western more

    Conservative parts of Canada and being called the a piece of shite excuse my uh uh language there but and worse and smiling as if nothing’s happening politicians like Trudeau and Biden um in many cases have the Public’s uh uh deepest wishes that they get out and are

    Extremely um uh seen a seen as anacronismo with their performance so Biden is evidently you know kind of oblivious to um just how much opposition there is out there to what’s going on in Gaza as we heard there so much could be said but there’s not much time to say more than that

    So okay mark thank you very much for that we’ll leave it there sad times for the world I think Biden’s probably oblivious to most of what goes on around than anyway yeah indeed so thank you very much wherever you are in the world thank you for joining UK column news

    Today and a huge thank you to all our members um we can only do what we do with your financial support and we really do value uh your ongoing support we need to end the news there there will be a UK column extra in a few minutes

    For UK column members uh aside from that we’ll be back at the same time on Wednesday at 1:00 see you then Byebye


    1. Is it just me or does Ursula von Der Leyen always look like a CGI bot? Either she (it) is, or it is a deliberate EU marketing strategy to make her look like one.

    2. Hi Richie, this was a fascinating video! PESCO lead by the French? In previous comments I said how France seemed to be keeping quiet with war rhetoric regarding Ukraine. Lately President Macron seems to have been the most vocal in NATO & about putting French boots on the ground in Ukraine! I've never heard of PESCO before but another organisation within the EU involving 10 countries including the UK despite the UK being out of the EU now! Also, Grant Shapps standing next to a tank with swastikas on it! I thought the UK & it's allies fought against all this in WW2! This was a very interesting vid mate!👍

    3. Thanks Richie.
      Ursula once again proving Putin right. He felt threatened. The EU were courting Ukraine to be a member (conveniently ignoring their human rights issues). That is an EU with a newly formed, American controlled, army. Putin couldn't just sit back and let The EU/NATO assimilate Ukraine, but those bodies can now use the conflict to push for yet more military expenditure. It was a Kobayashi Maru scenario.

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