#podcast #jatp #Trucking #hgv

    This week Nessa almost kills her kids, Chloe has an orgasm and Dazza blows a curry, So let’s strap down, let’s strap in, and let’s do this.


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    If you are new to our Trucking Podcast, our hosts all have their own YouTube channels;
    Tom from Expect For Access,
    Chloe from Skip Chick
    David from My Trucking Skills.
    Nessa the Mother Trucker (Producer)

    Tom, Chloe, and Nessa have their class 1 licenses and drive their HGV in the UK. David, being an Irishman has only driven trucks in America (20 years). Chloe drives a skip truck, hence her name SkipChick, and Tom is a Tipper Truck Driver. We chat with other truckers, mainly drivers who have a social media presence, but all are welcome. It is a great fun time for all!!

    This week Nessa nearly kills her kids Chloe has an orgasm and I blow a curry so let’s strap on strap wait so let’s strap on what I’m not as good at Tom as let’s do this we can work [Laughter] it this is just another Trucking podcast Hello this is just another Trucking podcast and this week you’ve got Chloe and I hosting I’m Nessa Chloe where’s the lads oh um I don’t know I just thought we ladies night damn we don’t need them we don’t need them well we can do this we’ve we’ve totally got this we’ve got

    More balls than them anyway I mean what do they bring to this come on what what what do they do swearing a lot swearing poo Stories the Poo stories and David talks about grass he’s very passionate about his lawn that sums them both up poo and grass

    Done yes it certainly does it does it definitely does so it’s a ladies night so we’re having a ladies night no men allowed hang on hang on hang on sorry wait a minute who’s this sorry we’ve got an imposter what’s I can’t let that happen I’m

    Afraid D can’t you let happen what the devil are you doing here well I I heard through the grap Vine that it was just going to be ladies only and I thought you know what I need to I need to do something I need to step in and I need

    To uh you know rain on our parade take one for the team or he’s joining in he might just want to be a ladies night you know yeah you need a wig you need a wig is what you need I do I do need a wig good evening good evening Dad how are

    You I’m all right thank you I’m all right are you both well very good good I mean how many episodes is this now is this your third third time as I guess this your third episode A lot has changed a lot has changed since you last

    Came on the show yes and uh not not just with jobs but with your physical appearance you’ve lost a [ __ ] ton of weight I might say I have you looking well good thank you today was chess day can you can tell I can tell the pecs are sticking out through your T-shirt going

    On there I mean can I just point out he’s also buttered us up before the pre-show so we’ve fed him up now cuz he I came straight on he’s like oh your your hair looks so good tonight you’re really good thanks thanks D I’ve literally just like brushed not even

    Brushed it just want to run my fingers through it and you know and find the knots yeah looks good that’s fine that that is actually that is actually The Story of My Life um with Trudy my wife I’ll I’ll sort of she’ll say just just play with

    Me air for a bit or whatever so I play with the hair she loves all that you know and I I’ll put my fingers in there and I’ll just rub like that and then she’s going because I’m finding all the knuts yeah yeah that’s pretty much my

    Hair if think you plan it to be a nice thing and then it just kind of backfires like [ __ ] just uncovered some Secrets there so um how are you uh how are you getting on with a new job then well uh I am I know that there’s going to be

    People listening that that watch uh my channel uh that I haven’t posted to for quite a while and that is because I am no longer a lorry driver yes what officially that’s it officially done that’s it now completely done completely out never going back to it never going

    Back to it never going never that’s quite a passionate thing to see never ever genuine I’d had enough of it a while ago um and I I found a job that I loved I thought it was really good good job good company blah blah blah blah blah turned out

    Wasn’t so good I can’t really dulge too much into that um at this moment in time but all will be revealed to YouTube well this is not very good interview if you’re not going to give us all the nitty-gritty details yeah we wanted the dirt this is the only reason you’re here

    What did you crash come on let no let’s let’s just say let’s just say uh because because there’s a court case I can’t do too much say too much but I’m I’m suing them um let’s just say yeah let’s just say I didn’t hit a low bridge I did not

    Hit a low bridge I avoided it by all costs and uh I no longer work with that company their choice wow okay yeah so getting for doing the right thing a court case yeah okay okay I I’m fair enough you know I think that’s that makes total sense we

    Won’t go delving into it because obviously it’s yeah the legal reasons we can’t legal reasons we can’t mention it but that does mean you will be back to explain it all right when it’s all will I will absolutely yeah so we will be back for another time will now now

    Obviously will there be a video going on your YouTube Yeah there will be yeah so there will be so fifth wheel continues for now yeah uh well yeah the thing is uh I I’m Me Maybe you can advise me here because um you’ve been into YouTube longer than me

    Um I’ve got 6,000 over 6,000 subscribers I’ll buy your channel excellent 200,000 um so obviously it’s about Trucking but now I’m not doing Trucking I’ve been plunged into my other qualification which is which is personal training a lot of people don’t realize what you learn to to become a personal trainer

    Physiology it’s right down to you know the molecular level of the human body and you learn a hell of a lot yeah um and people don’t realize that but now I’m qualified uh I’ve been lucky enough before I left uh the other company should we say um I I got a part-time job

    In a gym locally so that’s where I’m working now and I’m doing that pretty much full on so course online training as well if anybody’s interested just putting that one out there we’ll pop your links in the description so don’t worry yeah are you going to bring uh

    Your PA to no PT isn’t it PT personal trainer not PA what’s that that’s like personal assistant yeah we all want one of them confusing are you going to be bringing all this to your YouTube channel as well then you going to re re Branch it this is what I was going to

    Ask you what do you think do you think I should Rebrand fifth wheel to my new business name or do you think I should I’ve got another Channel as well yeah um PA personal is a dildo oh and can I point out that’s from someone that’s named himself I’m having an

    Orgasm and that’s the second time you’ve said you’re and that’s the second time I’ve said that I’m enjoying it way too much obviously I think I think you’ve already got quite a good following and they already know through previous videos that you’ve decided to retrain as a PT

    So I I would phase it into a Rebrand that’s what I would do in in my experience those who are not interested in it can leave the channel those who are interested can hang around let’s also don’t forget all this hard work you’ve put in to build that

    Channel you don’t want to lose that or like Nessa says if people want to leave that’s up to them but you’ve also then got a good following you’re going be shown to have a good folling already you of you kind of given yourself a head start and a lot of people might actually

    Show some interest if you kind of reflect back between the truck inside as well you can do certain things that might help people and then go actually I can do that on the road or E you know something like that that can help them that’s how I started with it by watching

    By watching your Trucking videos realizing you’re starting to do this personal training and then we got talking about it and now you’re my P fabulously fabulously you’re doing very well yeah you can you can really see it as well really you’re looking good thank you very much I’m you both looking very

    Skinny and I’m like oh no this is why I’ve got hair tight not SK skinny is the wrong way to describe me I’m the total opposite I’ve got a long way to go a very long way to go uh but if you’re feeling good about it it’s all it’s all

    It’s all that counts is it so long as you feel good that’s what matters as long as you’re enjoying as long as you feel good that’s what matters and you know everyone’s got start somewhere you know say to me exactly people say to me I haven’t got time I’m always on the

    Road yeah you’re always on the road but you get minute break at the very least you know you’re sitting on Bays what you going to do while you’re sitting on the bay if you’re if you’re a tramper you park up at night you know I used to I

    Used to literally I’d par I’d do my last delivery and I knew I’d be parking on an industrial estate estate so i’ I’d open Google Maps I’d type in gy that was it yeah and it would go there’s one there I’d phone them up I’d say is there any

    Parking near you a lot of the time they’d say yeah we’re on the industrial estate just just par right opposite you know or not expecting a giant Lor yeah but you know tell them about no I did tell them I said I’m I’m you know

    I’m in a 44 ton Artic but you know if not it’s a few minutes walk away from where you can park up you know all this kind of stuff you don’t have to go to a gym just go out for a walk just you know something get out of the lry you’ve recently

    Posted a video of um I think you’re using like a a step thing and you you’re doing squats and whatnot with it so that just goes to show that you can find things around the house that will help you with your exercise like using the stairs instead yeah um absolutely yeah

    What about if you just keep getting in in and out of your truck for a couple of hours that would do some good I do that all the time now I I used to use the I used to use the hand rails you know the

    The hand rails yeah and what I would do is I would lean back back and pull my body weight back and forth and that would give that would work out like a pushup my delt that is a good little idea so you keep your shoulders back and

    Your scapula right back and you can just pull up and that’s working out your your upper back yeah sorry if the audio is going in and out going and out physically showing us yeah it’s realistic audio with it yeah it’s fine it’s fine it’s in it’s in

    4k isn’t it um it might be eventually yeah there’s loads of things you can do like like um you can do dips on the bunk just put your put your hands on the bunk and just do do body weight dips things like that you know just anything but the

    Thing is when you’re when you’re a driver um same as if you’re sitting under a desk all day your hamstrings shorten now your muscles do shorten because what happens is your body naturally goes you know what you’re not using that there’s no need for it to be

    That long so you get shter hamstrings a lot of people get trouble with their legs and things like this and then their posture you know and and it’s just it’s just an evolving issue waiting to happen um so by doing a bit of exercise bit of stretching all this kind of stuff

    You’re stretching your hamstrings your quadriceps you know your your your glutes it’s all it’s all exercise that’s going to help you keep your posture and and prevent problems so yeah yeah there Lots you can do yeah there’s lots you can do I do want awful lot of P TR work

    In my trailer and sometimes you can be kept waiting quite a while before they bring out your your your load and whatnot so I found myself almost jogging around the inside of the trailer and doing star jumps you talked me through that didn’t you what I can do and stuff

    What I’m hanging about and it just starts off with little things like that until you build up your you know your cardio Fitness and then you end up going for like three mile walks do this I I’m not criti not so far not so far but I’ve

    I’ve only been on day work for about four or five weeks so they’ll find see me at some point but yeah when I was on night shift I was doing a lot of trunking work so we would when we got to our last place we would be there for

    About 2 to three hours and I’d be walking around industrial Estates and all sorts of stuff and uh yeah you you very it’s good just to get out and do that isn’t it it’s very easy to sit in your bunk and just sit there and I mean

    It’s not and things like that it’s not easy to start with when you’re first starting out I mean I I couldn’t walk more than 10 minutes but now I can walk to 2 hours and I’m all right you know what I mean so it doesn’t take long for

    You to actually start feeling the benefit of it I think it’s great and H how do you feel mentally mentally I feel younger I do feel younger I feel my age instead of feeling 20 years older that’s what I’m trying to say I suppose um yeah

    You do but you feel more confident as well totally you feel more confident um you don’t feel as sort of um I don’t want to say depressed but you feel you feel stuck in a rut yeah yeah is that the right word to say yeah yeah when you when you’re not

    When you’re not as fit and healthy as you could be you do you get stuck in that rut and you sort of like everything’s a bit crap and it can be very hard to get out of that rut as well can I I I’m at a point where I should

    Really start getting into fitness but I’m just like it feels like it’s too much like hard work doesn’t it yeah it’s just like just really darl’s just made a very good point on yeah that’s he says that’s what I miss having the confidence to take my

    Top off in the summer now yeah a lot of guys feel like that here’s something for you right before I got fit and healthy I would never and I have never done it in my life taking my top off on a beach in the summertime last year we went for a

    Holiday and it was only up to uh Southport but went to Southport Beach and it was you’d think it was the Bahamas it was that hot it was beautiful and I just went do you you know what so it and I took my top off and it’s the

    First time I’ve ever done that and you know what it felt so damn good yeah it really did and I even got a couple of looks from some ladies going oh nice D oh very nice and it felt good they actually say that you you heard this right yeah yeah

    One of them did yeah shame there were only like 12 no I’m joking you can’t see that I’m joking they they were just sitting there there and they oh uh and I thought all right they’re probably in their sort of 20s mid 20s early 30s at the oldest and I thought

    Yeah I feel good now you know and actually my wife heard it and she was like there you go see you know confidence and that’s it’s a hell of a boost isn’t it yeah and if you don’t know what you there’s this fantastic place called YouTube and I’ve got no I’ve got a

    Channel dedicated that will be dedicated to doing exercise fun what are you going to what are you going to Rebrand yourself as it’s uh my my business name is currently uh Drive Fitness right okay I like it yeah I think it’s a great name is it because you were a driver that is

    A good yeah but you do Drive the fitness you push it on to other people well not push it on but yeah it’s very clever yeah no I yeah I I think what’s your second YouTube CH Channel then what’s that one well that that’s actually rebranded already to drive Fitness I’m

    Just not sure whether I’m going to use which one I’m going to use so I think you can merge the channels can’t you if you own both of them yeah yeah I think you you could you could technically do kind of one channel for your Fitness side and then you could

    If you’ve got all the truckers on your other one maybe you could do like a fitness one for truckers yeah and just to try and encourage them like oh look at this simple like thing that I’m doing you could quite easily do that yeah you know maybe that would help you cuz then

    You kind of not completely rebanding and it might influence some truckers to go oh I could actually do that that is that is something really easy what you’ll have to do is you’ll have to go out in your car to the nearest Services Park up and then go over to the

    Lor l park do I’m not dogging I’m sorry go over to the L Park and start doing your stretches and you’re joking in between the trailers like this is how easy it is oh my God we’ll all have to join you and record ourselves yes put some like fancy like pink what is

    The leg warmers and get your like 60s outfit on start boogieing get your headphones on I don’t M oh a a friend of mine we all know him actually I’m not I’m not going to mention him because it what what my clients say to me is personal between me

    So I won’t mention the name but you two know him okay and um okay he he said uh I’ll come up to the gym actually and I’ll have a few sessions with you and you know we we booked him for some sessions he said what’s best to wear and I just

    Put what was the reaction if he turned up what was his reaction the reaction the reaction was um I think it was words to the lines we got photos that being sent to us no God damn it uh what have we got in the notes yeah so we got Daryl

    You Daryl was saying he’s pretty lucky and pack on muscle really quickly and lose weight fast which is very true when you get motivated you do do that sometimes though it’s hard when you lack the motivation though when it’s sometimes you’ve got to be really really disciplined with

    Yourself yeah um I’m having an orgasm glad I’ve got uh are you now glad you said it this time my turn I was looking I was like I’m not saying it again glad I finally got glad I finally got an inverter in my truck no more junk food

    At Services every night I’ve also this week swapped full fat Coke for Coke and I feel so much better and lost an inch of myel yeah you will do you will do as soon as you start you know I I put a post on uh on my Instagram and Facebook

    And it it says you know that there’s a a Burger King and it’s like over a thousand calories now wow if you imagine your body depending on who you are like let’s take my body for example I need about 2 and a half to 3,000 calories

    Every day just to stay my same the same weight all right your current weight so my current weight okay but that’s because that’s because I’m active now if if I wasn’t active it might be like 2,000 there or thereabouts but if you think that that one meal that one Burger meal with just

    The fries just the burger is over 1,000 calories that’s half of my calories for the day yeah who eats who eats just that in one day exactly nobody you’re going to have your breakfast which might be full of sugar you’re going to have your your lunch you might put sugar in your

    Tea MH you know and and all this stuff just mounts up and you don’t realize and it’s so easy and the worst of it is that simple carbs they taste so damn good oh that’s the thing they taste so damn good it’s it’s finding something else that

    Satisfies you just as much but is healthier so I I found when when I was younger and I was doing all my cycling and I was proper like proper proper athletic fit and but all I was eating was I was still eating a lot of [ __ ] but

    Because I was doing so much exercise the weight was still falling off me yeah whereas if I’d probably switched to like healthier stuff I probably would have toned slightly better I don’t know I mean I was I was quite skinny for me I’ve never been small

    Small so yeah there there’s a girl in in the uh in in the old gym that I used to go to and I got chatting to her and uh my God Daryl wow um just sent me a picture sent a picture I am literally having an orgasm now um we’re leing that

    In the podcast this this glass we got chatting because obviously I was slimming down at the time and she said you know you’re doing really well and everything else and I said you know what I said I don’t mean this in a dirty old bloke way I said but you’ve got an

    Absolutely gorgeous figure I said you’re back she was doing lateral pull Downs at the time and her back was just gorgeous little muscles popping here and there and I that’s just beautiful and she said you know something she said if I didn’t come to this gym every day I’d go back

    To being a size 22 I said what and you just when you look at someone that you you don’t really know you don’t know their story you don’t know who they are you don’t know where they’re from you just assume they’ve always been slim or they’ve always been muscular and she

    Showed me this picture and bless her she was huge before absolutely huge you know and she I think um I think Nessa I think you’re actually taller than her so you can imagine she it just looked massive yeah and and and I I I said wow you you’ve

    Done that and she said yeah but the thing is I can’t give up junk food I just cannot give up junk food she said so I come in here every day a work out every day really hard burn the calories off she said then I can eat what the

    Hell I like and that’s the key that’s the key she keeping our heart healthy by the cardio and and weight LIF weightlifting and whatnot yeah exactly fair play to it exactly cuz it’s not easy as a big person going into a gym just another Fitness podcast now shall we we’ll Rebrand

    It the L will kill us this one too the ls are going to kill us Chloe we can talk about something else anytime you want um just just very very quickly it’s not easy going into a gym it’s not easy going in there for the first time you do feel that people are

    Going to be looking at you judging you I felt it but actually they’re not actually what they’re actually looking at is they’re going wow well done well done you’re here that’s what counts you know yeah maybe the teenagers then maybe they’re not they’re probably but who gives a [ __ ] you

    Know anyway my problem is I don’t like gyms I just don’t like gyms I don’t the idea of gy I never used she’s classes classes are another thing you know like my wife Trudy she she does the classes and you know that that’s fine but she

    You would never catch her on a treadmill you’d never catch her lifting weights but the classes fine but have you seen some of the classes though they go El for Lever you you can just see why they’re losing weight I mean they really really get into it and they’ve got the

    Routine and they learn the routine and blow an neck fair play to him again yeah but again though you know if you don’t go in there and start somewhere exactly yeah you know you and and everyone knows you’re you’re a beginner so they they kind of accept that it’s fine I think I

    Like the idea of dazza turning up to a a truck stop and just getting us all jiming it i’ be up for that see I don’t I I genely wouldn’t care in the middle of a truck stop I’d quite happily get up and dance and follow along but going to

    A gym and doing it like no I’m get have to open your truck windows and blast water feeling and just start dancing to it and before you know it you’re out of breath and you’re sweating a bit and you’ve done a bit of cardio yeah that’s it s like a great

    Idea I’d love that oh God right Chloe you were going to tell us something about uh Logan Oh felt really official it feels really official without the boys we’re like kind of does don’t it we seem to be on it and we’ve barely sworn either can

    I just point out we’ve not said the word yeah oh sorry oh Chloe I’m editing come on what a put that one in there you think she’s a oh okay now it’s it’s getting out of hand now when he three beats we can’t we can’t behave

    Ourselves the whole time can we I mean right um I wasn’t going to talk about any of that I just that just came out of nowhere um I was going to talk about Logan and Logan today and how proud I am of him he um so as I don’t know if you

    Remember Nessa was it last year we went to the truck sh go D what I need to do something first uhoh it’s time for the proud money moment well done we like that why aren’t you here every week you can do int here every week when he doeser it just every every

    Episode in the background just ready with that voice absolutely that was amazing I like that again so you can get it for the Ed oh do it go on then go on go on and now it’s time for the proud money moment yeah we got we got that okay okay

    So yeah both me and Daryl as well Daryl’s in the chat I can’t you know he’s in the chat he was he was good as well he was very proud um so Logan went to clip and climb for a birthday party today oh yeah and he’s I I’ve never been

    To one to be fair um like I didn’t do it yeah it’s like the clb cardio is fantastic yes and it’s really good for him so he’s been also diagnosed with dyspraxia as well and and he’s double jointed he’s being diagnosed double jointed as well right so he’s got to

    Really work on his core muscles and so we got invited to this party and I thought oh well if he gets into it it might be something he’ll really enjoy yeah he could continue it as well even though he’s scared of heights as well that’s the so I don’t know if you yeah

    Nessa do you remember at the truck show and he was he didn’t even want to sit on anyone he like doesn’t he was too SC shoulder and for some reason Tom who’s six fo what is he 6′ 10 something ridiculous said oh do you want to go on

    My shoulder mate and he kind of went yeah all right and went on his shoulders which was unbelievable I mean he was sat holding on to his head for dear life yeah but he did it which was also like a like a really proud like I was like oh

    My God you Brave child you you know he genuinely terrified of heights sometimes um I say sometimes like he’ll jump out of a truck but I that’s kind of different that that’s got an excite exciting element to it hasn’t it yeah so anyway so I he’s he it was all up for it

    And I explained what it was and Daryl’s been to the park with him to do the little climbing wall yeah to try and get his confidence up and he’s don’t you know he started to do it a little bit cuz he was like adamant like no never

    Going to do that no like proper get distraught about it so we um we took him to the took the clip to clip and climb and obviously it was a birthday party so six six of them all together six boys and um yeah we got in there and

    Obviously they do the the whole Spiel don’t they of the safety and there’s like a 10minute video whatever it is and he’s sat there going I don’t want I don’t sort of thing like crying almost right and it was just like okay you just just chill out mate it’s all good you

    Know you don’t have to just watch them and yeah just chill it’s good yeah and um takes the pressure off bit to yeah he you know when they’re in that state and if people start making a fuss they’ll start yeah being a morate and everything and to be fair everyone was just chilled

    No one made a drama out of it like all the parents were BR like brilliant all the kids were fine and they just went ah don’t worry whatever they’re like and then it was offered said do you want to put our harness on just you know just in

    Case you want it and he finally went yeah yeah okay I do actually yeah all right right and then I put the harness on and he went okay let’s go for it and that was it he just kind of started climbing a little bit I mean he he

    Didn’t go really no I it was on the kitty section I do that’s your excuse I do want to get no doesn’t matter no I wasn’t paid for it was no to be honest we had to keep an eye on the kids because it was the the kitty side and we

    Were there to keep an eye on the kids and um you know Logan did really well he got like he got like um nearly halfway up three quarters halfway you know did well on something that’s high for the child and I thought that was really good

    Yeah and he was like they’ve got like a stepping stone one that goes really high and he like I want to try that and I was like are you sure and he like that one’s that one’s brilliant yeah that looks terrifying it does take do you know what

    I my my son goes up there he’s like boom bo jumps off the top like that right and I go up I go up and I’m like whoa horrify I’m going to back down now back down back down you know there’s kids at the Bott waiting to come up and

    Adults waiting to come up and I’m like just make way I’m coming back down you know the actual vertical walls I’m I’m fine with I can I can do yeah yeah no well he went got probably about halfway up but and then he kind of jumped down

    He’s like don’t judge me and it was like why would we judge you mate just you did really well he it he was really proud of himself in the end cuz he because obviously when I was explaining what’s he doing and I said I’m I’m there to

    Help he’s like I don’t want your help I want to do this for myself so you know had the whole dedication and he’s seven right so he’s still quite young I think perhaps the other kids participating has probably given them a bit more encouragement to do it as well yeah and

    Cuz there was no no fuss made I think just you start making a fuss yeah if you start making a fuss a meltdown that will last like 10 seconds 10 minutes you know the entire day end up being 10 20 minutes yeah for a very long time you’re

    Just got to be like chill the fudge out and walking away um so anyway he did really well but yeah I have to admit I did look at the adult side it looks fun as [ __ ] I’m quite tempted to uh oh an ad only party

    Perhaps the one way go do that one we go to it’s mixed so there’s no there’s no sort of like adults and kids section it’s all all together and one big thing and and it’s hilarious sometimes you go in there and I’m I’m the only dad there that’s actually climbing because he’s

    Fantastic cardio is absolutely brilliant work yeah and you know when I first started doing it I was over 22 stone and I had to climb back down cuz I didn’t trust the bay Machine Head I had to climb back down as soon as I started

    Losing weight I just went here I go and it’s all good yeah but you know you go in there and you got all these other adults going yeah look at him look at him I’m like [ __ ] you I’m having fun with my boy yeah about that and we’re

    Like d d race yeah let Let’s Race up this one come on and they’ve got one where you slap the buzzer when you get to the top gets to the top the quick times you yeah and we race up there race back down you know race up there and jump

    Back down first one back to the floor winds you know and the other adults go the other adults all end up going and should we have a go let’s have a go that looks fun yeah yeah well I I I think uh I think we should start doing that cuz it just

    Looks it looks fun and if he was starting to get brave for it I think um yeah dead Chu for him the little lad he did really well it was nice to see him excellent getting involved cuz also like I think I’ve told you where I tried to

    Get him into rugby and things like that he just he’s just not taken to it no doesn’t want to try it this is the first thing he’s actually gone oh okay I was really you know he was really nervous and I thought I don’t think he’s going

    To do it he’ll be gutted cuz he’ll want to do it but I didn’t think he would and he just was like yeah okay let’s does he you know I mean he got down with a smile and then went I hate this place like smiling you’re like do you though you

    Just try to like keep up the fakery now he’s like I’ve made a choice that I hate this place I’ve got to continue this yeah that’s what they do in it he was proper they going there with smiling with it yeah they go with a kind of

    Attitude I’m not doing it I’m not I’m not and then they see everyone else having fun it’s like well maybe maybe but I’ll smile and disappoint it yeah go Daryl says he needs to see his dad play rugby then he would love it you can imagine it can’t

    You tooth missing and bruises and you know by the way no please nobody tell me the score because I haven’t checked the score yet I I watched uh it versus um versus Wales this afternoon and that was diabolical um well the bit I did anyway bit I saw uh so I’m not not

    Not wanting to know the score but uh yeah you can imagine him sort of like coming off the pitch like blood pissing out everywhere say a bit of blood son it’s all right that’s a bit of Flesh hang on just a bit of plastic surgery I’ll be

    Fine do you want to play do you want to have a go no oh go you don’t get that with a climbing wall do you it’s fine you just climb up and down does he sweat on it’s all good does he like other things like skateboarding or BMX biking or

    Trampolining anything like that he like yeah he he would like that I mean we we don’t really have the space for it all but yeah he would like he likes cycling he can kind of get to the grips of that he can do that uh he wants to do

    Skateboarding but he’s not quite got the balance for it but there is a new little skate park down the road that’s just open up so I might start taking him out on his skateboard you make use of that but I don’t know how to teach him that

    Because I can’t do it because the moment I get on a skateboard my ankles just go on YouTube go and I’m like and I’m on the floor yeah literally so if he you know wants to be shown how to not go on the skateboard and for me to get

    Severely injured then yeah there’s one way of doing it yeah my um my son’s father my youngest son’s father he takes him quite regular to this um it’s like it’s like an off-road BMX place it’s all built it’s all it’s like a specific Place built in

    The woods in the forestry yeah oh he’s there all the time I mean he would come back black and blue when he was first starting but he was happy and he wears all the safety gear and I was I was be fair I was [ __ ] myself every weekend

    That he went but now it’s like f do you know what I mean they they sort of build up sort of their own body armor if you know what I mean I don’t know have to explain it but they learn how to fall so it doesn’t hurt yeah and they know they

    Know how to deal with it yeah no absolutely it’s like learning to ride a bike isn’t it and things like that it’s just you get you get natural with it like I I jumped back in the shovel the other day by the way did you and I felt

    Like a pro did you I’ve not been in the shovel for a couple of weeks but you know I was in it for like what a couple of weeks solid wasn’t I right yeah I jumped back in the shovel the other day and I pushed it up for this the atic

    Driver that sat there waiting yeah and I was like yeah I feel like a [ __ ] I did a good job this is amazing and then I got out put the keys away and walked off I was like yeah look at me you w even a little bit

    Rusty no I felt I felt like a natural I was well happy about it I get used to this maybe this should be my new career I’ll get out the Ros yeah oh my god did I tell you guys what happened to me this week no sorry I’m

    Now going to Resort back to trucks because I’ve just reminded my myself of what’s happened to me go for it some people might have seen on my socials Nessa I think you might have seen M someone damaged my truck no I didn’t see that did I see it did you not I thought

    You did I’m not sure right okay so brand new Lori darl keep it Immaculate no it wasn’t darl I’ve been keeping it Immaculate cuz it’s like brand new and I’m just like oh you know looking at every day like washing it down making sure there’s no new scratches I’m like extra careful on

    Everything I do anyway I um I went to this building site it wasn’t even a building site you know like those solar panel little farm areas yeah always in the middle of no it was awful you kind of had to drive in around this tight corner like an Arctic

    Wouldn’t have got in there well well I don’t know it’s hard to judge anyway it was tight as [ __ ] I was up against the fence on each side I got in and then you had to kind of like drive into this field cuz they had like Boards out and

    Then you had to kind of reverse around this Gateway and missing a ditch missing the fence you know got every single thing to miss and then like Dodge Roo Bin’s like in this corner where you got shun about four times to get anywhere near it and you’ve got just enough room

    To put a bin next to a bin you got to try and swap around in this mud oh my God so anyway these guys were like do you think you’ll be right I was like well I’m here now let’s just try it so I managed to get this exchange done in the

    Tightest space doing lots of little shunts and freeo turns and like everything you can imagine and I did all this and I was like yeah that was I smashed that out that was awesome and even the guys were like Fair [ __ ] play you you know we were well impressed

    Of you doing that that was awesome I was like thanks guys that’s great feedbacking it it’s lovely to have that was great right and then so it’s all loaded and they go there was a bit of mail sticking out and they couldn’t push

    It in m so I said oh on you way out get the forlift driver to push it in I was like okay that sounds you know like a Reas explanation so I get out done all this I drive up to the fork guy and I

    Say oh mate can you just push this in for me so I can shoot up and go yeah yeah no worries no worries so instead of pushing out the boom like you like they w’t normally would he didn’t he just drove at the truck oh oh no [ __ ] my

    Lifee and then pushed in the bit of metal luckily so on the row RS your arms go in and out don’t they to get over the bins luckily my arms were out cuz obviously hand she up yet right and his you know the stabilizer legs they got on the the tandas were up

    And he was on a little bit of an angle that he kind of went into me but it was his one little leg caught on the side of my arm oh never if my arms have been in that would have been my fuel tank and everything yeah [ __ ] sake Jesus Christ

    It was it was fine it was like it’s not it’s not really that bad but it’s the first injury the trucks got and the guy was like oh [ __ ] I’m really sorry I’m really sorry about that you know here’s our details I company or pay for it

    Whatever I was like it’s just a little scratch and the stickers a little bit you know the you might be able to cover it up with new stickers yeah I could just put a new reflector strip and then but you’re still going to know that it’s

    There and it’s still going to be the back of your mind that damn truck I literally got out and he was like I’m so sorry I was like know like if it was one of the other trucks I probably wouldn’t have given a [ __ ] it

    Old one yeah but it’s brand new I was like I was literally just like it’s the first scratch like literally the first bit of damage and he’s like oh [ __ ] I am so sorry I was like I wouldn’t mind I was like was you close to crying coming

    Away I literally honestly I was so devastated I really was and then I I thought well at least at least it’s done now the first bit of damage is there and it’s not my fault at least yeah but don’t start not giving a [ __ ] just cuz there’s

    One scratch that’s when things go wrong like gav says we’ve got the Deon truck show coming up in a minute you know it’s got to look nice for that still at least until that I need a comfort break very quickly I’ve been I’ve been drinking too

    Much if you need to go just go not booze just go just go back in a moment oh sorry welcome back da but his sound is not there are he’s back he’s back I was a bit panicky then I thought it was a ghost are we back are you feeling

    Refreshed now I am I’m feeling much better thank you bloody will hold it next time two two liters of water a day that’ll do it to you oh yes in a way that’s why a little bit why I’m glad to be on days for a bit cuz the day shift

    Where I work it’s all local stuff I don’t go far so I’m always buy a bog so I could just drink and drink and drink and drink it’s so good it’s made a good it’s made a difference to my skin as well drinking more doesn’t feel so

    Dry and stuff yeah yeah I still I need to drink more and of course you you’ve cut down your salt as well it doesn’t hang about under your skin yeah doesn’t hang about under your skin so I’ve cut it down loads Actually I don’t even add it to anything anymore the salt doesn’t

    Hang around on your skin under your skin so basically under your skin so basically what salt does is it will um it will hold water wherever it can in in your body right and a lot of it a lot of it is under the skin under not like

    Literally right Under the Skin you know but it yeah under the layers of skin it will hold it around there in between the skin and the fat like water retention sort of thing yes so by drinking plenty of water and keeping your salt levels low or to you know a reasonable level

    You you you literally flush it out from literally under your skin oh I didn’t know that good to know that is it yeah okay right then who wants to play a game would we [ __ ] you love to play game this I feel can I do I feel like this is

    The most exciting thing of the podcast now is playing this it kind of is what would you what would you like what would if you’re going to do a voice this is the time yes what would you like for the edit would you like would I [ __ ]

    Would I would I [ __ ] you what should we have Chloe oh I like the high pitch one the high pitch yeah go with that yes go all right okay would we [ __ ] you would we [ __ ] you love it we need a round of applause from the cloud

    So would I [ __ ] you would we [ __ ] you okay uh as this week I am not just producer I’m actually hosting uh Chloe has new ones which I don’t know about and uh and daza has his own as well I have three I’ve got three as well I have three

    I think I’ve got more than three but I’ll go with three as you guys have got three go with three is that three do we know how what’s true and what’s lie or we just is it just three of all one three of whatever you want I have yeah

    I’ve I’ve got three that’s so I’m saying I’ve got three of each so I’m just going to pick them randomly to be honest um okay I’ve got six but I’m going to pick randomly patreons who do you think should go first point out I normally I normally don’t bring topics or anything

    So the fact I’ve got the most I’m going to in yeah yeah yeah let’s just see if the patreons want to tell us who should go first Chloe first first Misty says me oh the orgasma what now class does the orgasmatron oh my God don’t don’t add

    That in Nessa take out no it’s staying it’s staying he Chloe you’re first okay oh which one shall I do I once kicked Logan in the head with a pair of steelies oh uh I’ve kicked my dog before intentionally intentionally or yeah yeah totally like kicking my CH no of course

    Not intentionally okay I’m I’m saying that’s true were they proper steel boots or they think I am I’m I’m saying that’s true because we’ve all done those things haven’t we we’ve all gone it’s like my lad my my eldest he’s now 23 and he’s still got brain damage from it I think I

    Was watch ing rugby and I got him there and I was burping him and I’m like and you know you you SLA them quite hard don’t you yeah yeah I’m like [ __ ] his head that was his head I was his head you bastard but do you know

    What the best thing is he was sitting there going just letting it happen not even a cry not even a loing it holy [ __ ] enjoy it I think that’s true because we’ve all done those silly things but I reckon he was like like what kind of Cl crawling

    Around or something around the floor you didn’t see him and went boom oh [ __ ] that’s going to be a short so um were they proper steel boots or the just the safety boots they were proper Steely safety boots their work boots okay then what what was the setting where were

    You okay so as you know Logan comes to work with me a lot um at the time I was in the office on a Saturday quite a quiet morning and he was a lot younger so he was crawling he wasn’t walking at this point he was crawling and

    Sitting um also fun fact did I ever tell you that he likes to take a [ __ ] under my boss’s desk who like hates poo at this time as well I just it reminded me and I thought this was just hilarious he used to love crawling away and then going and sitting

    Under my boss’s desk cuz he get under there and I don’t know why he chose there and you know when they just sit there and they’re like like pooping he would poop in his nappy under my boss’s desk and my boss is one of those that deal with poo and he’s literally urging

    Literally urging running out the room screaming he’s going your [ __ ] child [ __ ] under my every single weekend without fail he would do it under the week under his desk every single time darl just said he also eat his older brother [ __ ] after getting it out to the toilet oh no no

    That’s when I [ __ ] you I’ve completely changed the subject oh yeah yeah oh God yeah that’s yeah so Daryl’s older son at the time when we lived in toi had a poo in the toilet and I don’t know if he didn’t flush it properly or

    What and Logan managed to I was at work and Logan managed to get into the toilet oh my God pick up the poo and start smoo it everywhere and eating it from I feel SI I will say said we weren’t going to talk about poo this episode as well what’s

    Going on I will say I will I will just say though I used to love living in t absolutely beautiful place to live live in toi does yeah you know I can’t remember the name of the road but is you you’ve got like kind of this the High

    Street splits off into two doesn’t it uh yes and you go at the right hand one kind of it you’ve got a row of houses right up on the top they it sort of arches up and you’ve got a row of houses you still up there

    Okay not not far from the calf that used to let me in early to give me breakfast Daryl was more familiar with uh talking he PR knows exactly what you’re on about I think I know what you’re on about but um oh no it’s it’s all going for the dog

    [ __ ] stuff now gav’s coming my son [ __ ] on the floor and went to clean it up and the dog had eaten it oh no but you shut up with these gross stories for goodness sake anyway anyway Nessa what are you saying false well okay I’ve walked into

    My house before now after a shift and I’ve walked straight in and the dog’s been there and I’ve booted her right in the jaw thought you were going to say after a [ __ ] then no straight in the [ __ ] I’ve done that as well so I was on

    The way Bridge Logan was sat behind me I didn’t realize so I I had to get up to go to the printer I think I can’t remember what it was but I had to get up and I had someone on the wridge and then phones ringing and I I was literally on

    My own pretty much at this point my boss was in the other room on the phone and then it was in between I picked had to get up picked up a phone and then I put the phone down there was a customer on the waybridge and I remember going to

    Jump over the child and get over him and then ended up booting him as I went over the top of him and oh my God I felt awful and then he’s screaming and crying and then I’ve got this customer at the window and I’m picking up this child and

    I’m like ah quit get rid of the customer while I’ve got a screaming child and then consoling him I felt so awful it was horrible and then um it’s now when your boss then walks in going you horrible horrible woman that’s it sounds really true it

    Sounds true yeah I think it’s true it doesn’t sound like you’re making up some jargon on along the way I’m going to say true I’m good at this we’ve Lear holy [ __ ] yeah you’re such a good liar I’m going to say true I’m saying I’m sticking with

    True couldn’t push away from that good I yeah is true it is true yeah you think I get any of these right oh I like d da he’s come back done over to you DZ okay my turn next okay I once refused to cook steak for the chuckle Brothers what if this is

    True why would you refuse that so have you been a chef before yes in a pub not in a pub in a in a in a an alart restaurant alart restaurant and it was in darbishire okay what were you head chef Sue Chef what just I I was I was Sue Chef yeah

    Okay Su chef and why okay why the important question why we used to get we used to get local steak from the local butchers uhhuh and um it was all fresh and it was expensive really expensive you can imagine alart restaurant yeah yeah yeah prop a nice like wagu and

    Stuff yeah they came in and we the head chef me and a couple of the others were all like yeah okay Chuck brother that’s fine whatever baring to me to you whatever and a couple of the girls all the The Waitresses were like oh he’s

    Dead oh my God to me to you to me to you right let’s not do that with their food okay fair enough so the order comes in the order comes in and it’s for two um Sirin steaks black black and black yeah like well done and we said no

    Absolutely not not cooking that steak like that yeah okay and they and they said they said we’re paying for this we expect it to be done how we want and uh I just said well the head chef said no I’m I’m refusing I’m not going to do it

    It’s up to you Darren if you want to do it and I said no absolutely not I I refuse to cook that steak till it’s absolutely ruined I said there’s no chance yeah so that was it they uh they ended up uh leaving without being fed at our our establishment when was this

    Oh this was uh what Aiden’s 11 so it would have been 12 12 years ago see I can believe this because I know chefs don’t like to overcook steak like that like it’s expensive nice steak yeah then it’s it’s seen as ruined isn’t it really that’s a

    Waste of a stake I get they’re paying for it but it’s not how it’s meant to be given and when you’re a chef that in this especially like a alaku chef you only want to give the best food yes you don’t want to give [ __ ] and you know

    Having it like that is [ __ ] see it sounds believable they going to say it it’s definitely very believable I think it’s definitely happened but I don’t think the chuckle brothers were involved oh you don’t think the CH Brothers I think it was someone else but how how

    How are they in real life that’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking how would they react in real life if it was them would they get up an assy I have heard that one of them was miserable so B this is tough rash potato darl says’s dead just you you to you now and

    It I’m going to say no I think I’m going to say false because I think it’s happened it’s a true story but I don’t think it was uh the chuckle Brothers okay play I think it’s true because at the at the beginning you had like a little smile about it I met the

    Chocolate Brothers I refused it was over it was either a chuckle that you were just like oh this story is hilarious or it was like I remember this it was amazing I couldn’t work out which smile it was but I’m hoping it’s true because I just think it’s amazing you think and

    Well deserved are you staying with true false or you changing your mind false we got oh Al we got another patreon called Misty moisture Misty moisture yep they say true um says true Barry was the see you oh I’m going to ble that out again

    And blow that out I’ve got to blow that out on YouTube now otherwise we get a strike oh yeah you will oh no everyone say it now do don’t you dare you’ll be banned what does what does everyone think the lived in rotheram oh yes they did where was this where did

    You say it was Rother ging your band no no was this was in darbishire this was in darish miles from okay but they could they can travel it’s not like they can’t travel you know they travel from meting you it makes sense nice onee know if it’d be funny everyone giggling I’m

    Happy that was just great yeah I written false okay so we got a false and Chloe definitely true I’m sticking with true the answer is it’s true yes it’s Mother of God true wow yes were they miserable uh one was a bit happier than the other yeah but that was it though

    They were both fairly mind you we refused to cook for them so they were probably Prett to be honest I can’t see your restaurant on you being the first and only people to ever say no to him yeah he goes into restaurant and goes I really fancy like a really

    Horrible bit of steak Yeah Yeah Char grilled if you don’t if you don’t like steak like I I I can eat like I’ve cooked steak for D on that and I’ll eat like one or two BS and then that’s enough for me I can’t deal with it

    Anymore I don’t know whether I get to a point where I freak out cuz it’s blood or not I’m not sure what it is but I just can’t I can’t deal with such more but I like the flavor here’s a little trick for you right when you cook if

    Daryl next and he likes it blue I’m assuming still yeah I think so if you cook it blue right or rare blue or rare okay cook it to it to to to its desired so blue red whatever put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds and it

    The blood just won’t appear what turn on the microwave literally once you’ve cooked it cuz I know to like rest it and that so I do all the resting and I do all the proper stuff it will it will toughen it up ever so slightly but you won’t get the

    Blood okay that’s interesting thing I might have to try that yeah okay there you go why is that is that just cuz it tenses up then well what does a microwave do it Heats From the Inside Out doesn’t it whereas the grill Heats from the outside Heats from the outside

    In okay that sounds clever there we go I have to try that maybe not now cuz I think that’s what gave darl the [ __ ] but yeah steak last night not from me myad we went out okay so what about you my turn let’s go with we’ve not had a nessle one yet not

    Right when my youngest child was newborn I dropped him on his head and I thought I’d killed him oh if this is true I bet that was terrifying oh hell yes what was the situation where were you I was at home I just moved I just moved into my

    Place and we had boxes everywhere like everywhere he was screaming like we do at the moment he was screaming cuz he was ready for a feed uh and I I can’t sort of when someone is screaming in my ear I can’t just ignore it and go and do whatever

    I’ve got to do so I picked him up and took him with me I was going to take him into the kitchen with me make up his feed and then give it to him well on the way into the kitchen I got I had boxes all the way up the

    Hallway and I F I fell over the box and he just slipped out my arms and then I fell on top of him and he he was out cold he was out called yeah oh [ __ ] yeah so he called in ambulance uh no I couldn’t think straight I picked him up

    Off the floor I was screaming my head off Levi was 10 at the time um yeah yeah he was 10 or 11 at the time and I just picked him up off the floor my mother lived next door but one and I ran around to house she could hear

    The commotion from her house so she was in the garden by the time I got around there and uh I was in that much of a kuule and that’s terrified I hadn’t realized that he’d come around and he was screaming his head off in my arms

    But I thought he was I thought I killed him and uh my mother took him off me she say calm down he’s okay he’s okay yeah it was how long how long was he out for a few seconds maybe 20 seconds it was very short it was just a panic yeah yeah okay

    Wow if that’s true that that sounds terrifying oh it was my my initial my initial reaction if if a baby was out cold my initial reaction would be even for a split second be reached for my phone and call an ambulance but that’s my reaction everyone everyone reacts different yeah

    And in the moment you don’t know what’s going to happen to you I had a landline at the time corded land line but I didn’t have a mobile how long ago was this nearly 13 years ago 12 yeah nearly 13 years ago I’m saying that’s mostly true but there’s something about it that

    Is not ringing right with me I don’t know I’m going to oh you ready to vote are you I’m still thinking of questions go on you what boxes were they they were just packing boxes moving boxes so not like special moving boxes no just just

    Brown boxes I used to get them from like Aldi and little cuz remember they used to have the Boxes by the window and you could just take what you want to pack your yeah oh okay those sort of yeah oh they’re quite sturdy and triable okay

    They were stacked up cuz I was thinking like the boxes that would probably just cave in and you’d go oh that was close and it’ be fine they were half decent boxes but they were used time a day was it Jesus Christ let me think Levi was in

    Uniforms it must have been at the end of the day sometime right what did Levi do was he terrified uh Levi started beating [ __ ] out of the box that I fell over he did he was 10 11 years old at the time I don’t think he knew what to do he

    Just saw this chaos and thought I know what I’ll do I’ll beat the [ __ ] out of the box um yeah a [ __ ] box he did follow me over to my mother’s I remember him being there yeah he did follow me but my mother was only next door but

    Once so it’s not like either of us had far to go so yeah see now you’ve said about Levi beating up the box I’m just like this could be realistic now child has the same temper I have explosive I’m going through I’m I’m I’m I’m going to go there’s something that’s

    Not quite right in that I don’t know I can’t put my finger on it but I I think there’s a force there I think that’s false okay if it’s true it sounds terrifying come on yeah if it’s true it does it feel got lie false uh a couple

    Of falses in the uh who is it that said lie Chloe in the chat I can’t read that name I’m afraid Don’t make me say it say what what you talking about I’m having an or are you oh wow I’m having an orgasm damn I’ve got

    Away without saying it once yet oh ding ding ding who is it in the chat that’s done this to us I’m honestly uh have have we both voted yeah I’m saying false true of course I think it’s true it’s true it everything I’ve just told you is

    True I really feel for you yeah I didn’t have a mobile phone CU I couldn’t afford one Terri if you didn’t realize he was screaming in your arms until you got you must have been in a state of panic like panic I I was screaming the top of my

    Head you know if you think if you think you’ve just killed your child yeah that would be all sense goes out the window and I didn’t think go in the living room and pick up the CU it was a corded landline it was on my living room window and the quickest

    Thing I good think to do was pick him up and run so I just ran to my mother cuz I thought she’s got a car it’s quicker than an ambulance if your mom lives next door as well that’s slightly different isn’t it you’ve got help immediately next door

    One have sense and you always know your mom’s there to help you with that sort of thing so yeah I can see how you would just leg it straight there that’s if I’m not sure yeah if I’m never not sure about Logan like rash I’m like help

    Mom’s the first person you call it yeah mom is the first go so much went through my head in such a short space of time like between picking him up off the floor and making a decision must have been like that fast but I just thought

    But he’s fine yeah he is he’s fine he was fine he’s still dull but I think that’s just in the jeans but uh yeah that was that’s one of the most terrifying i’ I’ve actually nearly killed both of my children when I was 18 did you have one

    This is getting very dark is when when I was 18 head of the head of the podcast Nessa kills their children when I was 18 I just had my first car my parents bought it for me Levi was 2 years old right and a lot of my family live in

    Birmingham they still do now and I was going on my first road trip we were going to Birmingham and do you know a449 that goes from the M4 in Newport up to A40 I was going up there and it’s about 3 4 miles up the road

    There’s a layby on the left and it goes down into a dip well I I hit some water I aquaplane straight through that water so instead of the car following the road around the bend like it would it went straight and it went up onto the speed bar and flipped my car

    Over and it was me God me my sister and Levi and Levi was two that was horrific that was horrific yeah that sounds horrible so yeah and everyone well have gone out all right and yeah everyone was fine the car was total but there you

    Go there you go wow after after all that Darkness I just need to say I’m having an orgasm Chloe you’re next no sound effects thank you if it is in the chat is having a great time laughy faces okay okay okay right your turn then I walked into a public toilet

    Thinking my my friend was having a [ __ ] uh and I walked in to start singing about it like an opera singer so I like kind of walked in and went she’s having a [ __ ] and um there was there was not my friend in the toilet I hope this is true

    Was so do I I really want this to be true there was a random lady in there and just kind of went hello and then I felt really sheepish about it and um for CA to have a wi and then leg it so where was your friends turned out

    There was a toilet it turned out there was another toilet downstairs that I didn’t know about and she friend was in there what place has two [ __ ] toilets some I’m not even asking Nessa I’m not even asking any questions about this whatsoever that is true that has to be

    True so that’s so happen and it’s another poo topic another [ __ ] topic yeah it is yeah I really want this to be true yes don’t even ask any questions I think we should just say that’s true but wanting it to be true and it actually being true is two different

    Things right okay uh so where were you what was this was in a restaurant this was like years ago before Logan was born MH and I was with my friend PR and she was like oh now I’ve heard you mention PR before so how long are you you and pro being

    Friends oh we’ve been friends since Primary School since primary school we to hang around all the time yeah so when I was like 1819 we used to go drinking together all the time go to the pubs go to the go out for meals all sorts so darl is this true so yeah

    And D’s not on the chat at the moment he’s having a [ __ ] pissing out of his [ __ ] um poor man everyone knows it so yeah what what time of the day was this again sorry it was probably about 7 8:00 we just had some food in the

    Evening and yeah in the evening they we about to go out drinking and um yeah she was like yeah I’m just going to go to the toilet and she kind of did it like slightly like and I was like you’re going for [ __ ] aren’t you she was like

    I’m just going to the toilet so she obviously wandered off and I thought like I need a we anyway so I thought I’ll quickly go and um I didn’t realize there was downstairs toilets it had like quite a few layers in this place in this this Pub and um she had gone downstairs

    And I didn’t realize so I went upstairs to this big public toilet and like walked in wed in and there was only one cubicle like there was a couple cubicles but there was one that was locked off so I was like oh there she is so I just

    Literally went she’s having a sh you thought it was like really really loud cuz I knew I well in my head I was like oh it’s my friend and I thought it’d be hilarious cuz she’d be like go away Chloe [ __ ] off I like that you know and

    Um and it this this poor woman’s voice honestly she was just like sorry hello and I felt awful and I was just like oh [ __ ] what do I do and I was just like I need a we uh so I literally leged it into a cubicle went for a wi then

    Legged it right so yes was that yeah and they came back downstairs yes I’m saying so when you when you were in the pub uhhuh and did you when you decided you were going to go and do this uhhuh did you take your personal belongings with you like hers and yours no they’re

    All downstairs we fairly knew this Pub we’d been there a few times so we trusted the punters that it was quite near the puny you know where they were what what was the location where where were you in like I was inish where we lived yeah okay it was one of our

    Locals okay see I think this has happened to somebody but I think it’s the other way around I think you were having a [ __ ] and you your friend came in singing someone’s done it to me I’m saying false that would also be hilarious but yet it would I think it’s

    False but I really want it to be true I’m I’m saying I’m say first of all I just I’ve just noticed your T-shirt and I fully approve um thank you you are full of the like compliments today love the hair t-shirt I’m a sucker for a blonde what can I say

    Um I’m saying that’s Misty’s made a good point it’s your local so you should know where the toilets are shut up thousand to I was I was going to say that’s false actually false I realized I [ __ ] up when I said that maybe if I have [ __ ] up who

    Knows okay what’s the answer it’s obviously false oh that is however however however you want it to be true that’s cuz it is true for darl was he in the wrong toilet or did someone else go and it happened I think he said it happened last week and then

    Oh my God honestly he told me the story last night because we went out with his friend that it happened to and um cuz he went out with one of his MKS W and his wife and um we were in stitches I was like why haven’t you told me this before

    And I was like I’m going to use that tomorrow I’m so going to use that because it’s hilarious it is and he basically said that they they were up in bable obviously on a Friday they go out in the truck together and get the rounds done together and they went out and

    Stopped for lunch uh like a weather spoons or something I think he said right and obviously they had food and Mike’s friend went oh I’m going for a [ __ ] and so went off the toilet obviously went downstairs and there was a downstairs so TL walked upstairs to go

    And have a piss and obviously you know what Daryl was singing so loud and he he said he literally just swung the door open so loud I went bang and top of his lungs just shouted I’m having a [ __ ] I love this story apparently apparently this poor little man was like hello like

    What’s going on oh honestly and he he he ran back downst he basically had a paer quickly washed his hand and leged it went down he’s like where the [ __ ] is Big B like I’ve just explained what has just happened so yeah I love this story love

    It honestly absolutely Stites I had to share it that’s amazing that’s that’s my best one your next D oh there you go he’s he’s renamed himself as micro penis he he sung he’s taking a [ __ ] there you go that’s brilant go oh my God right okay so my

    One then um Daryl will probably get this straight away if he was here um but th this one I I yeah I helped defuse a curry that everybody thought was a bomb I’m sorry explain a curry I helped defuse a curry that everybody thought I was that everybody thought why did like

    A curry you eat Curry yeah why did everyone think it was a bomb okay so um you know that I served as EOD right and we got called out to we got called out to a bus company and somebody had left some luggage from London in the coach uh luggage right

    Yeah and the driver didn’t think anything of it took it back to the yard the Depot manager had said right everybody out let’s call the police police came along called out the EOD we came along put um it ended up basically that that we sent the robot in and um

    Blasted it with a shotgun just to find out that the whole interior of that uh Locker was just obliterated with curry cuz somebody had left a curry in there like Cur explosion TR c yeah it was a hold full of Cur hang on is this another [ __ ] story Curry bom

    No it could go that way it could I don’t even know what questions to ask so yeah that was it really what Curry was it do you know we no idea we weren’t going to try basically what had happened what happened was somebody somebody in London had gone up to the

    Driver and said you you take my Curry to my mother in Leicester like this um he said yeah yeah I’ll I’ll do that but you’ll have to pay a fair for it so he paid a fair and took it there and there was nobody was all packaged up to meet

    It so there’s no one there to meet it that’s why they thought it might be a yeah that’s believable but would but would you not like as the driver question a package being left on your bus Chloe you know what drivers are like Lorry drivers bus drivers coach drivers

    Come on so anything that’s left unattended is treated like a suspicious package doesn’t it so if there’s no one there to claim it he apparent he he apparently just like forgot about it closed the door and took the bus back to the depot right so he wasn’t even there

    Technically the guy that agreed all this so some some random basically found this thing on a bus would you not then just think oh it’s just a left luggage someone’s forgotten their luggage don’t know but the manager the manager of the place had decided that it was it was a

    Suspicious package considering what was going on in the UK at the time as well oh okay yeah to be fair there has been a few like we had one in exitor that was like I can’t even remember what it turned out to be it was just a rock Sack

    Or something and it just turned out to be like a bag of didn’t you have sniffer dogs to sniff it yeah some I can’t oh well on your Curry yeah but they probably get all excited cuz it’s Curry yeah but they wouldn’t sit their ass down because it’s

    An explosive so somebody I’m not going to say the name but somebody’s just asked why did you have to shoot it to diffuse it well basically what you do is you scan it first and it comes up like with um with what could potentially be

    Inside it so on the scan so that’s how you deal with it from the robot if if it was something that that was obviously plastic it would show up and you wouldn’t shoot it you defuse it but you basically it’s basically a controlled explosion but it’s still we still class

    As a I mean he knows what he’s talking about he’s obviously done it before though yeah but was it a curry was it a curry M again it’s really believable cuz it could quite easily happen I still question why it why it got there though it just the bit that’s not adding up to me is the fact the bus driver just won’t you just pay a fair and you can leave your random bag of luggage that I’ve

    Never seen before and I don’t know what’s in it but that’s fine I’ll take it to that that yeah but it goes that goes against what you trained I know it’s an l TV license what is isn’t it BS is whatever it’s called but you still go

    Through the same training and I would have thought you might touch more soon as you got to deal with the public so I would have thought something like a suspicious package would be like big red flag why you asking me to tell you that there so I’m going false cuz I

    Think that’s a big red flag and if it is true then that’s a bit scary and that’s an expensive mistake to make that’s what um yeah see I think it’s happened right I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say true okay what’s everyone thinking was

    It national Express is what they’re thinking the answer is to a degree false to a degree okay if you said false it’s it’s false so it wasn’t a curry it was a York point no basically I I was um I was a coach driver for a quite a large coach company

    Um and I was on a late shift and I came back and there was I saw the EOD come flying past me and I went oh there’s the bomb car oh there’s the officer car oh there’s another one what’s that all about didn’t think anything of it got

    The end of the road roundabout down towards the yard all the coaches were lined up on the road everything was lined up on the road and um they wouldn’t let us in they said right go par down the end blah blah blah so I walked up I said what the [ __ ] going

    On and my manager knew that I was ex um Engineers EOD yeah which by the way if you’re listening to this is explosive ordinance disposal and I walked up there and to the gates and I said let me let me go and have he said I can’t really I

    Said all right well anyway the the one of the sergeants that was walking out the gate to come and talk to to somebody one of the police officers I think I knew him I served with him and I went o o you [ __ ] ugly bastard and he went

    What are you doing here I said got chatting and I said I see you got three tapes up now yeah yeah yeah I said uh can I have a look and he went yeah of course you can come on had a look and I was like all right okay then and he said

    Yeah I don’t think it’s anything too bad I like right okay anyway so they scanned it and you could see on there that it it wasn’t anything that was going to cause like mass destruction if if anything it was just going to like possibly decimate

    Half the bus so okay so they they send the robot in and they uh fired two two shots into it from a shotgun and it transpires that it was a curry and the driver had gone to London and there was an Indian guy said can you can you take

    My bag to my mom in Leicester she’s waiting for it and he said yeah yeah but have to charge you a fair for it he’s going yeah no problem no problem even gave him a tip for doing it which for me would have gone don’t think so bit weird

    Yeah so he got to Leicester took everybody else’s bags out um oh no that was it I believe taking everybody else’s bags out before Lester and there were no more left in there and the last few people on the coach going to Leicester only had hand luggage so they got off

    And he’d forgotten about it took it back to the yard and of course you know you get the cleaners come on and they clean everything thing and they’ they’ve found a a bag there and the manager’s gone suspicious packages right let’s phone up the police and that’s what happened so

    Yeah I actually knew the guy that was w a true story but it was someone else yeah so what happened to the driver did he get fired for that cuz that surely yes yeah he picked up the next day yeah that’s a little I bet the [ __ ] hit the fan when they

    Realized yeah oh also the clean up can you imagine trying to clean up all that Curry that would yeah well they had to I think they had to um they had to redesign the the interior they had to take it out literally gut it and redo it

    Cuz now it’s got two shotgun around the street oh that that also yeah also probably a very irritated mother somewhere in where’s my Curry oh god wow that was uh that wow it was true but not I didn’t I wasn’t officially in attendance I lit I was driving the coach

    Or a coach not that one it sounded believable I just you observed it I don’t know yeah it was just there was something there but I can’t believe the driver did it g says couple of n breads mop that right up know what we were making we were making jokes like that

    For weeks after I bet I bet it smell delightful bit burnt a bit burnt after it went up yes yeah yes it it was it was not uh not true in the fact that I I did it because I didn’t there we go Dar was saying he

    Fancy Zuna I wouldn’t not in your SCH no I wouldn’t that’s not going to we I will never eat C I don’t know if it’s here I haven’t got my mug I will never eat Curry again really well after that no no no my my wife wife bought me a ceramic

    Mug really nice mug um with all call it you know the glazed sort of shiny stuff stop moving away from the bloody mic just keep your head still come on say I’m going to say the word in a second um yeah anyway so i’ I’d had a

    Curry and i’ obviously got some on my thumb and I’d picked the cup up and I’d put it back down thought no more of it and Trudy had gone to wash the dishes after dinner and everything and she’s gone that Curry has Stained that mug no way

    If that if that Curry is staining that mug imagine what it’s doing to my gust no thank you no curries anymore thank you very much bloody L yeah what is that I like a mild Curry but I’m not a fan of it I mean I don’t mind if it’s made by

    Me or my wife but I’m not buying others oh I do like a good curry yeah imagine what it’s doing to your guts it it was like a greeny yellow color it went fantastic what you got probably yeah ye great my turn yum come on my your turn then okay uh I was

    Almost recruit recruited by a famous film score composer Han Zimmer to join his orchestra when I was a teenager oo playing what play as an instrument yeah I played the double base go on it so explain it again so da understand SC I was almost recruited by

    A famous film score composer Han Zimmer to join his orchestra when I was a teenager okay ask your questions no I did not play the flute so you were in school at the time I was in school I was 14 where were you when I was almost

    Recruited I was in France with the orchestra School orchestra were you were you trying to get recruited or you just there by chance and they were there no I was on a school trip and we been to various places around France playing music and he was just there we didn’t know he was

    There until afterwards but he was there to watch to recruit so with various other people it wasn’t just him so um okay we didn’t find out until we gone back to school which was like a week later what music were you playing God I can’t remember so much um it was

    It was um much class there a lot of classical music but we we were doing yeah old film scores and stuff like that any any any film scores that that stood out for the most part we were doing Disney and stuff like that but um God it

    Was that long ago I can’t even remember now what we were playing all together it’s way too long ago for my memory well I will I I will say that H Zimmer is one of my favorite composers mine too I was devastated when I found out he was there and didn’t meet him

    So um my question is what time of the year was this it was during the school holidays in the UK so it would have been July or August time but I can’t remember the date it was boiling how long have been how long have you been playing that

    Instrument or had been playing at the time two years two years they’re fairly new to it and why did they why did you not get taken on and then what you just got scattered and I was picked but I found out I was pregnant so I wasn’t allowed to

    Go oh okay okay this is very believable now then okay so you weren’t allowed to go cuz you were pregnant what you made that decision the school made that decision I don’t know who made the decision I was just I was just told that I wasn’t allowed to go because of my

    Condition do you know anyone that did make it that went and uh and carried it through no someone was picked from another school in my place so I don’t know the actual person that done it oh wow so there was literally very limited people that got picked it would have literally just been

    You yeah wow how long have the other there was like eight schools from the UK that went and we we all became one Orchestra out in France so we were all we were all in the same music we were all playing the same stuff and then when we got out to France we

    Became one so there were five or six of us that were picked from that Orchestra as a one and I was the only one from my school wow that’s quite an honor it was I cried a lot I’m saying that’s true yeah I can believe it I don’t know what else to ask

    To there’s nothing to catch you out on that I don’t think how long did you go to France for uh nine days just over a week so quite a long yeah we were actually there for seven days but we went on a coach uh and the coach went

    Onto a fery so two days out was traveling so we were actually there for seven okay we’ve got we’ve already got in the comments we got oh I’m really going to say the names micropenis true I’m having an orgasm are you no not true says true Misty Mo Misty moisture worth

    False gav true I’m saying true I’m going true yeah I’m going true I it’s very believable no it’s false do you know what do you know what did it you’re a very good liar because you were very good at that that was just like oh yeah

    It was the whole sort of Lum is the holiday true is any of I mean the pregnancy was true the pregnancy was true but I was 14 when I went to France I didn’t get pregnant till I was 15 so that should have caught you out I wasn’t

    Sure how old I wasn’t sure how old it was I was thinking that right I was like so the story was true as far as going to France and playing in the orchestra and all the schools joining together it was a competition uh but had [ __ ] all to do with h

    Zimmer he W there it was just a competition between that was clever that was clever well done that was very well I thought you’d get me out on that joined that all together no I genuinely was like that it it was the way you sold it the way you sold it was

    All like lump in the throat kind of I really regret I mean the whole like this could have been like a big the whole story itself is true it’s just nothing to do with h Zimmer it it was just a school it was just schools coming together to to

    Form one big Orchestra and we T around friend R and that was it that’s so cool that would have been cool anyway have we have we got time for one more each uh let’s have a we’ve been going an hour and 40 what’ you Reon

    Chloe [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we’ll just put it in [ __ ] it it’s the weekend one more your turn then Chloe we got time Dad have you got more time you’re getting into it aren’t you now yeah well my lad’s my lad’s waiting to go to bed but you know it’s Saturday it’s Saturday

    It’s fine sorry yeah you can just have you can just bloody well wait want to go to bed how old is he the girl said you can wait and have a late night he’s got our special permission y he’s 11 uh micro penis is that

    Daryl mhm yeah I believe no I don’t play anymore I I gave up playing because I got pregnant I couldn’t bloody get behind the thing anymore that’s true yeah I was uh 3 years into it yeah when I gave up but only because I couldn’t BL stand behind it anymore

    The the double base it’s like a violin but it’s huge it’s much bigger than a cello you stand up with it yeah and yeah like this trying to play no it wasn’t possible anymore so I stopped and then I just never went back

    To it after that I had to uh I had to go into my mode and career mode and all that Malak so changes he doesn’t it who’s next Chloe is next it is me I’m thinking about which one to do okay okay I once cycl called home about 10 15 miles in

    The dark drunk no lights on no hi is nothing right why okay cuz I was drunk and I didn’t where from from the pub is this the same Pub that that this this is when I used to csyc all the time yeah and and I used to

    Cycle a lot of miles and I used to work every night at the pub so I’d go to the farm then I’d go across to the pub and then I’d work till like God knows what time of how old were you 19 18 19 I’m

    Going to ask I’m going to ask again what time of year was this summer it would have been summer CU I used to work at the turf and it was only open during the summer seasons okay and and I was that it would have been a wedding that I was coming

    Back from and um are you allowed to get drunk at work for some reason I didn’t have lights you allow to get drunk at work well were you yeah I used people used to buy me drinks all the time yeah so on a wedding night you’d be working at about

    2:00 in the morning and we would get absolutely wasted while doing it it was great so it was early hours yeah probably early hours yeah how many was it was it a massive wedding or was it just uh well it was at the turf lock so

    We used to have big weddings as well there we had like a big Marquee like a big area outside and and um if it was a big wedding we’d close off the actual Pub to the public and we’ just focus on the Weddings But because they were

    Private they would be buying us drinks and we were allowed to drink get have the party especially once the meals and everything were over and we were just serving in the bar they were just like buy us drinks and we were encouraged to join in so it’s more like a you were

    Part of the wedding sort of thing because the ones that actually getting and this in this night it was the ones that were getting married were actually the the son the son of the owners that owned to the pub and the the new wife so

    It was kind of like we’re all there to have a party as well it was great fun Ness or any other questions see I know Chloe used to cycle a lot cuz she’s told us this before I also know that she worked in a bar cuz

    She’s told us this before so it’s all very believable and because I know all this information I think it’s [ __ ] well I’m saying well I’m I’m saying I I think it’s false cuz you say 15 miles yeah I used to so I used to live

    In doish and I used to cycle to xminer every day I think it was about 15 to 20 miles to get there and back again how long did that take you well then there and then 20 miles back how long did it used to take me yeah so um when I wasn’t

    Pissed um so when because I used to have a racing bike as well so when I first started to learn and I was getting fit I had like a um mountain bike and used to take me about an hour and a half nearly uh and then I got that down to an hour

    When I got a bit fitter and then I progressed and got myself um a racing bike and it used to take me I once I got really fit and was going for it it used to take me about 25 minutes half an hour bloody hell but I’d be going going I was

    Proper going for it was very proud micropenis says if this is true that’s [ __ ] scary you can barely walk when you’re drunk this is true why didn’t you have lights on your bike I forgot them I could be bothered this is FAL I think it’s false this is

    Because you don’t forget your lights they you they’re just on your bike and you leave them you don’t take don’t forget I’m also the person that went across the sea wall at high tide and nearly killed myself with a [ __ ] bike with a [ __ ] bike yeah oh this

    Could be the same night for all you know it bloody Nora it could be it wasn’t the so I don’t [ __ ] know Chloe what you saying I really don’t know on this one I’m saying false I’m saying it’s BS this is such a Chloe thing to do

    Though sorry Chloe but it is bad when I was younger no honestly I was so dangerous like how I’m not dead I do not know like the stuff I used to do I’m just like you’re a [ __ ] why I don’t know I really don’t know I am so damn

    Torn I’m going to go I’m going to go through oh yeah what did you say dazza false false we’ve got uh we got a false in the chat everyone’s torn in the chat as well this is very chy very chowy thing to do I think it’s true I’m I’m literally I’m

    Literally going by the amount of time it takes you to do 15 miles on a push bike I’ll be honest that’s what’s that’s what is making my mind up well I think it was about 15 miles should I should I Google it no no no no it’s fine okay no

    We we’ll we’ll might be 10 I can’t remember what it was um I’m saying false are you’re saying false okay Nessa I think true I am so torn though I am literally on the borderline I’m going to say true are you ready or we got a [ __ ] in the chat

    Darl’s saying she was fit as [ __ ] I was she still is Daryl yeah darl you say I’m not out [ __ ] you um yeah ready mhm it was of course such such a rebel I didn’t do hardcore drugs but getting pissed and having no lights on a push bike hell the [ __ ] yeah

    But would you do it now though why not having helped your colleague cyle home oh than that one yeah yeah I know right k k black he should not be alive when I was saying the story I’m like yeah you should definitely be he should

    Dead long dead by now how are you not yeah how I’ve got away with all this I don’t know I mean yeah terl Jesus Christ Chloe you [ __ ] idiot yeah I know I know yeah but we love you we wouldn’t want you any other way this this is the

    Worst thing though about this would I [ __ ] you is you’ve got to start remembering all these things you’ve done and gone oh yeah that was really stupid I should probably use that one they won’t believe me well Tom had that one last week didn’t he that he didn’t think

    We’d believe the traffic Warden story it’s like it’s like blowing up a curry though isn’t it why would you want to blow up a curry I know what waste of Curry yes so my turn I believe who wants now do you want number two or number

    Four I thought you only had three I did where’s this Sly one come in yeah Sly one does that mean number four is a new Sly one you’ve remembered it is yeah then I want number four it’s got be a good one okay which means it’s probably

    True or he just thinks this is a great one it should be H I think this is a great one okay all right we’ll find out so okay so um I was nearly made famous on East Enders oh okay how I went to school obviously and

    My my Drama teacher said that I was a very good I was very good acting uh I was a very good performer and she pushed me and my parents to get me to go to drama school well at the time computers were just coming into computers were

    Just coming in uh and you know like as as a regular sort of in offices and things like this and me being me as a teenager I went no computers are where the money is that’s where I’m going ended up a [ __ ] Lorry driver

    Um and um I I decided no well my my Drama teacher she said uh to my mom and dad look I’ve saved him a space at this drama College okay so they saved me the space and they kept saying to me this space is here you don’t have to go if

    You don’t want to we’re not going to force you to but you know it’s there you can go and me being me still you know teenager knows everything I said no it is the way forward that’s where I’m going ended up a [ __ ] Lorry driver so

    Um that’s that’s what I decided to do and it transpires that everybody that was in the class that I would have been in got taken on for a new show called East Enders everyone in the class everyone in the class everyone in the class everyone

    On know uh not that I don’t know I don’t know them cuz they they would have been from different schools different other you know people that were very good acting and Performing where were you living at the time that class that I I was living in Rochester where even is

    That in Kent in Kent Medway towns is this like my uh I could have been Hermione Granger story where it’s like yeah my dad might have randomly taken me to go and audition but he never did so potentially I could have been a my granger no I actually the whole class

    That in that drama College they got taken on um that year got taken on for a new show called East Enders nobody had ever heard of it it was all brand new um it’s one of the top um top acting schools in the UK well what no one had

    Ever heard of East Enders or it was it was new you got what year was this I’m I’m I’m nearly 50 you are not yeah I’m 49 this year so what year was this my god well I would have been 16 15 16 so when did he I know exactly when it came

    Out I know exactly when it came out yeah do you did you just no my hands are free my hands free okay help help Nissa when did it come out I’ll tell you in a minute when he tells me when it was do not be Googling I can see da I can see

    The reflection in your glasses no I’m not I can see your screens you can’t actually oh I can you can see you can you can’t see that I bloody welome everyone everyone Google it go on quick don’t put the answer in the chat help me

    God I was 15 16 and I’m I’m I’m nearly 50 so so 35 years ago oh I think it came out before I think it’s [ __ ] I think it’s [ __ ] cuz I know how old East Enders is yeah when you came up with the east is I’m like I’m pretty sure that’s been

    Out for long unless you’re wrong with your dates of course what are you saying then I’m saying [ __ ] you saying [ __ ] yeah yeah I read this true no it’s absolutely true it’s true no it’s not it’s true no it wasn’t well it wasn’t a brand new show it was it was it

    Was you gave us false information you get that’s false information e senders came out the year of my birth 1985 yes that’s how I know it fake can’t yeah no it it I it it’s true to the point that it wasn’t a new show so yeah I’ll give you that

    One powerful I get see I was going to say true I was going to say true until the whole oh no no the Year is off and then n was getting all carried away like yeah yeah I’ll tell you after I’m like oh no now it’s going to be false and I’m

    Like I’m going to go with that one God damn it that was good yeah so it it basically um that the whole class did get taken on for extenders as either extras or main cast main characters um but they all moved up so like you might

    Have had an extra one year that then later on became one of the main cast but at some point they’ve all been in East Enders and the whole class and including me if I’d have been there I could have been I could have been gr Mitchell you would have made a great G

    Mitchell although did you have hair back then did you have hair back then yes you still got a hairline I’ve got a ball he’s got plenty of hair if he grows it no no one can see that but it’s fine yeah no that’s only cuz I’m 6′ 6 see that’s that’s still

    Quite tall yeah so that was it that’s well Tall yeah yeah why that’s so why are we just getting tall people on this show I know it I’m the same height sitting down how tall is David he’s isn’t he 61 or something I think he he’s not short no he’s definitely

    Not he’s not short I don’t know though I mean he does live in America so I’ve never stood next to him that were a good one that were that was good well done dad you’re very good at this I got an addition to play professional liar new Lord of the Rings

    Series yeah Dar did yeah he could have been an orc damn I yeah so that that was my that’s one of my sort of few claims to fame I I could have been on East Enders oh and you fudged up that’s one of those things like I was saying

    Earlier when Nessa you’ve always got that one point like that’s why I believ your and Nessa could have been true with the whole Orchestra thing because you’ve always got that one bit of life where you literally could have gone one way or the other just complete opposit yeah and

    That’s one of those you know what I will say that I I don’t I I don’t regret any decisions I’ve made you shouldn’t never I could no I you know I’ve I’ve always said you know it’s a decision that I made at the time and that’s it you know the amount

    Be the amount of times I’ve thought shall I buy a lottery ticket nah [ __ ] it and I could have won who [ __ ] knows who knows might not CH it’s chance chance all of the time life is a gamble let’s face it yeah so there you go and my my other one my

    Other one was quite interesting as as well you’d you’d have liked my other one I I really want to know what it is now you can tell us later you can tell us later okay quick round really really quick rounds then all right we’ll do

    This as the last one go on this is yeah very very quick you’ve got to make what you n you got one more I will do this instead it’s much more fun just okay all right let’s do it then bring it quick fire around go on K Kylie

    Manogue blew me a kiss at a concert oh true true yeah true would you reckon yeah true okay who wouldn’t it it’s well who wouldn’t blame me a kiss come on come on girl um no I’m not doing it that’s I did it did it’s actually false it happened to

    My wife oh how nice now I’m jealous yeah a that was cool go on then quick quick fire around from you two then go on quick fire round from me um yeah my youngest brother is a semi famous famous script writer true true we’re not asking questions okay we’re

    Going true true quick fire around is it true true no it’s false he’s it’s hard you don’t have the fact he is a script writer he’s just been hired as a script writer to do his his first ever scripts but he’s not famous he’s not semi famous

    Is naming even anywhere except in the books at University oh he help hell yes he might be some point he’s um he’s done voiceovers and stuff like that and some wicked wicked things really great things but are his voiceovers as good as mine oh he’s good trust me he’s good but uh

    Yeah he’s not he’s not famous yet but he will be okay yes watch the spice hello your turn quick fly around let’s go oh we’ve run out of them hav’t we I thought you had I thought you had about 16,000 that’s Tom he’s got a spreadsheet full of the [ __ ] [Laughter]

    I got attacked by a horse true true true story oh wow y tell us what happened there you go I got uh well I used to work on a stud Farm don’t go if the boys were here they normally go did you w off a horse no I did

    Not um so when I worked on the stud Farm obviously they were fullon stud horses um and we had one called Rufus and he had a vendetta against me he hated me and I didn’t like him to be fair cuz he was a wanker and um obviously when you

    You used to have to put him out in the field I think I’ve got a photo actually of him on my Facebook where he is rearing up in my face trying to have a boxing match for me like literally Hooves in my face wow um and you get

    Used to it with the horses you just kind of go like there was you push them over and she said [ __ ] off you’re weirdo what are you doing but ruus decided to rear up and and grab my head in the action um I managed to knock his head

    Off me I literally punched him in the face cuz I was like [ __ ] hell like this this mouth was down on me I was just like reaction was just get him off me punch me in the face and he went [ __ ] you he obviously let go of my head um I

    Had like little like scars I don’t know if they’re scars but I had marks and then um decided to grab me by my arm and pick me up in my arm and I don’t know if you can see you can’t really see that but can you see

    The tooth marks no I can’t see it I might be able to see it when I edit basically I’ve got like a lumpy like a weird lumpy bit on my arm that was like this massive what a dick to pick me up and then right I went to um I went to

    The doctor’s cuz it was like a really nasty bruise and um but I think I went to the doctor for something else and I thought while I was there I’ll just ask is there anything I can get to help with it to S it scarring and stuff and I

    Literally said oh and I’ve just got this horse F bite I want you to have a look at and she goes oh it’s very common this time of year just don’t worry about that just put some cream on it and stuff and I walked out going what the [ __ ] how is

    A horse bite this common this time of the year as I’m walking out and went oh she thinks there’s a [ __ ] horse fly by what a waste of time that [ __ ] bollocks was there damn yeah he was a wer horse yeah did not like that horse

    Damn and yeah I do get Daryl to massage my arm because it’s like a weird fatty lump thing I don’t know what it is it’s horrible I I get that all I get that hear that all the time it’s a weird fatty lump a weird fatty lump a that’s

    Not very nice oh my gosh whoever says that to you they tell them to [ __ ] off wife hey before we start insulting people should we end the show let’s do that I think yeah I think that’s safe to do that and on that note that’s the end of the podcast thank you

    For joining us and we’ll see you again next time hopefully with the lads thank you for having me you’re very welcome thanks for joining us thank you so much for listening if you haven’t listened how did you get this far bye bye we’ll see you next time

    Bye um we just like to say a quick thank you to our patreons so I got s SMY thanks for that one skip dude oh that’s Carl uh Stan Patterson trucker s trucker cin I feel like I should be doing like David’s voice Big Mike Gavin Williams

    Neil Reese trucker Joe jany Flynn the wanker excellent Ian Croucher excellent they’ve got some great names we also have Arthur job Bill butlicker dild dildo you saved this L for you didn’t you I did not Jing your mother trucker I have a big [ __ ] oh my God I have got the

    Worst list Jack Goodwin John Brown Justin Rey Mi Hall Phil starky and SM and we we might have said that one already but it’s on my list so I’m saying it s you all for these names anyway if you would like to follow us we’re on Facebook we’re on Instagram

    We’re on YouTube and you can join the patreon just go to patreon.com and search for just another Trucking podcast and our website yeah sers slap.com that’s the one beautiful hopefully David will be back fans Not only fans David will be back to control not yet we hope to God

    David will be back next week Tom probably won’t be because he’s on holidays but there we go we hope you enjoyed the show and we will see you all again next week bye [Applause] bye Yeah

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