Dans notre première leçon de phonétique nous allons découvrir les voyelles orales et nasales.
    Comment ça marche ?
    Regardez la vidéo en vous concentrant sur mes lèvres et ma bouche, répétez, ensuite lisez avec moi la feuille des sons, faites l’exercice oral avec corrigé et pour les plus courageux : cherchez la traduction des mots dans votre langue maternelle !
    //désolée pour les 5 premières minutes, visiblement l’IA a adoré que je prononce une liste de mots et j’ai une voix robotique! //

    Bonne écoute !
    Vous pourrez retrouver l’article lié à cette leçon sur notre site FRENCHDISCOVERIES dédié aux personnes qui apprennent le français (https://frenchdiscoveries.fr/)


    00:00 introduction
    00:43 présentation des voyelles orales
    03:50 présentation des voyelles nasales
    05:36 lecture document récapitulatif sur les voyelles orales et nasales
    10:51 exercices de phonétique sur les voyelles orales et nasales avec corrigés et explications

    Hello everyone and welcome to this first recording. You saw, I put on lipstick! So we are going to talk about the sounds of French and I am going to ask you to pay close attention to the shapes of my lips, also my face and my

    Throat when I pronounce the sounds. We’ll start with vowels. Oral vowels and nasal vowels. Look at me when I speak and repeat the sound[i] as in confit, islet, naive, Anaïs, peristyle pen, the sound[e] as in, swim, at, shoehorn, a key, a feast, a drawing, celebrated,

    Summer, I do, pay, it’s, very. Another sound [ɛ] as in mother, father, a pair (a pair of socks for example), snow, beige, silence, milk, that is, stomach. The sound [a] like in pineapple, there, dough. The sound [y] like in a plum,

    I had, I had to, flute. The sound [ə] as in, half, Wednesday. Another sound [ø] as in little, singer, wish, eggs. Also the sound [œ] as in nine, egg, eye heart, sister, coffin, welcome, chervil. The sound [u] as in soft, where, wolf, taste.

    Or the sound [o] as in motorcycle, bicycle, rose, early, bucket, horses, newspapers, hoop boats. The sound [ɔ] as in door, sanatorium, aquarium, album. Finally, we will hear another sound, the sounds with nasal vowels, [ã] for example as in without, room,, lies, slow, feels, time, so, customer, patient. The sound [ɛ̃] as in pantin,

    Important end, synthetic, synthesis, nice, one, Monday, perfume, full, Reims, hand, bread, far end, hay, nothing, good, average, European, high school student, Mediterranean, exam . And finally, the sound [ɔ̃] as in fish, no, ray, pencil, name, first name. This list of words that

    I have just read to you obviously works with the list which is present on the website page of our French Discoveries site, link in comment on the YouTube video, thank you for listening. So this is the first phonetics video, we’re going to go a little further

    Later, see you later. Sounds, phonetics exercise, I ask you to have before your eyes the list which is entitled pronunciation of French sounds, which is therefore in the comments if you watch this video on Youtube, and which is, otherwise, on the page web of our French Discoveries website

    . In French, we distinguish between oral and nasal vowels, also semi-vowels and consonants. Among the consonants, you have consonants with sudden air expiration and consonants with continuous air expiration. In today’s document and lesson we are going to look at oral vowels and nasal vowels.

    I therefore ask you to have in front of you the document Pronunciation of the sounds of French, concerning oral vowels and nasal vowels and I will begin reading. [i] as in candied, islet, naive, Anaïs, pen, peristyle. [e] as in, swim, at, shoehorn, key,

    Key, and, is, feast, drawing, celebrated, summer, I do, pay, it’s, very. The sound [ɛ] as in mother, father, pair, snow, beige, silence, milk, is, stomach. The sound[a] like in pineapple, there, pasta. The sound [y] as in a, plum, I had, I had to, flute. The sound [ə] as in

    , half, Wednesday. The sound [ø]as in little, singer, wish, eggs. The sound [œ] new, egg, eye, heart, sister, coffin, welcome, chervil. The sound [u] as in soft, blow, wolf, taste, where. The sound [o] as in pot, motorcycle, bicycle, rose, early, jump, bucket, bucket, horses, logs, boats,

    Hoops. And the sound [ɔ] with words whose sound resembles Latin: door, sanatorium, aquarium, album. To finish with the nasal vowels, we have the sound [ã] as in blood, without, room, lies, slow, feels, time, so much, customer, patient. The sound [ɛ̃] as in puppet, fine,

    Important, synthetic, synthesis, nice, one, Monday, perfume, humble, full, kidney, Reims, hand, bread, hunger, far, hay, nothing, good, average, European , high school student, Mediterranean, exam, and finally the sound [ɔ̃] as in fish, no, ray, pencil, name, first name. Thank you for your attention. Exercise: how to

    Pronounce it? Well, it’s very simple, I’m going to put a word on the screen for you, you’ll have to try to remember the pronunciation, and then I’ll give you the solution. We pronounce this word /ilo/ You will notice that we do not pronounce the final T: /ilo/

    We pronounce this name /ɛstɔma/ You will notice that we do not pronounce the final C. On the other hand, there is a verb “to stomaquer” which means to surprise greatly, a bit like receiving a blow in the stomach. It is therefore a surprise which is not necessarily pleasant,

    And which makes you feel a little physical discomfort. The word is pronounced /ɛstɔma/ and the verb /ɛstɔmake/ This word is pronounced /pʁyn/ a plum tart. The plum is a fruit but it is also, in colloquial language, a fine (affine), not a fruit. For example: “I

    Parked my car incorrectly so I received a plum” Here I therefore received a kind of punishment, we call it a fine and not an almond like a walnut, to talk about what in English we call “fine”: I got a fine = I received a plum. Plum also being a fruit name

    . We pronounce this word /bato/ We see the letters e,a,u,x but imagine that the pronunciation is simply like the letter O. /bato/ We pronounce this word /sɑ̃/ In English it is the word ” blood” Blood is something important in the human body. In colloquial language: “you are the blood” it

    Means that you are like someone from my family, and the expression “you are the blood of the vein” means: you are really really a person who matters to me .It’s a familiar expression , which comes from Marseille. You will notice that we do not pronounce the final G. This final G,

    However, gives us indications about the family of blood words, the lexical field of the word sang, for example: sanguine, a blood orange, bloody. Bloodthirsty being an adjective. This word is pronounced /fɛ̃/ It is a nasal sound, so we pronounce /fɛ̃/ and

    We do not pronounce “in” as in English. You would pronounce “in” as in English if there was an e after the letter N. Therefore, here we say /fɛ̃/ and that is the end of our video. THANKS.


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