I Was Told Not To Come Here !!

    What’s up guys I’m in a place called pill or pill granny in Newport South Wales apparently it has a high crime rate and there’s a lot of drug lot of drug dealers here there’s lot of criminal activity poverty Etc so I’m here today to find out what’s going on

    In the area and try to speak to some locals let’s Go Hello how you man yes I’m Vlogging bro making a making a vlog myself of uh the area pardon what you making a vlog for the area yeah yeah it’s my first time here man yeah what’s that street called there please bro this one yeah yeah Temple Street Temple Street thank you so

    Much thank you bro hello hello hello guys W nice welome welcome I’ve had hello how are you bro what’s pill like is p a nice place P yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s good yeah yeah yeah don’t get no best place in New Me best place in

    New so this is the top end of the street it’s where’s the where’s the top end of the town too oh thank you bro what you mean to or I’m just the top end of the the High Street yeah is the High Street P the P this road Commercial Road okay

    Then from there you’re going to go into Alexandra Road it’s going to take you always to the Ducks awesome so this basically it’s one Long Street then one long street thank you so much back of that way it takes you into town okay so that way is town and this way is still

    Pill yeah thank you bro thank you awesome man don’t get in there I won’t bro don’t worry bro I have a face just my YouTube I I’m go on the whole the page on the show area yeah man yeah yeah the you know the transporter Bridge yeah yeah yeah it’s

    Yeah thankk you so much thank you awesome what a nice gentleman thank you what a nice guy show me the area tell me about the area already guys you want a Mot bike there’s a water buk view awesome brilliant I tell you what I need

    To do I need to get a belt cuz my trousers keep falling down and there is the iconic transporter Bridge of Newport which uh is symbolized symbolizes uh Newport remember where my car is Wow first impressions guys it’s quite a big place quite a big place indeed Apparently p p goes on for ages I don’t know doesn’t seem to be anything up here perhaps I should go back into the main bit there really hey hello is this still pill this thing yeah yeah is it go is this the end of pill is the top of start of pill

    Is that the end of pill don’t so this is not pill okay this is not pill okay thank you thank you brother thank you so the guy told me to go the wrong way I’ve gone the wrong way he sent to me to go that way now it’s this way it’s this way

    Apparently straight away people are telling me to go wrong places a lot rubbish there hey so I’m going the wrong basically I’ve been sent I’ve been sent the wrong way then basically yeah how’s it going mate are you the guy that goes yeah yeah how’s it going are you

    Okay nice to meet you yeah this is this is pale yeah this is pill nice nice nice is this um is this that that way is that the end of the pill okay so dangerous yeah Kinder yeah not dangerous dangerous and not dangerous thank you bro thank you take care

    Mate so would you recommend would you recommend me go that way should I go that way with the camera yeah give it a go on there take care thank you so apparently this is a dangerous dangerous side of Newport apparently but Everywhere I Go Everywhere I Go in the world D say is

    Dangerous but it’s not so we will see to me it looks like a busy a busy High Street you could call it a High Street pilani is basically on the side on the side of Newport Town not Newport City so yeah let’s see I tell you what guys I need to get a

    Belt cuz my TRS just keep flipping falling down falling down so much yeah hello hello how are you tell you what I tell you what guys people have told me people have told me a lot to come here for certain reasons but straight away I’m finding people here are

    Nice people here are nice they want to speak to me so yeah I remember now my car is parked up there so opposite cor There let’s walk to the danger side danger side of Pill shabam City nice nice Kebab nice Kebab shop there I wonder what I tastes like I wonder what the food is like there hello how are you man what is this what is that what a nice nice thing here look at this guys check this

    Out so I take this is what I used to look like here wow wow hey how times are changed how’s going bro thank you hello how are you yeah B what’s Up so first impressions guys those people are [ __ ] nice you know people are nice to me here I wonder what this was I wonder what building this was what’s happened to this building does anybody know huh I wonder yeah first uh impression is there’s plenty of shops there plenty of

    Kebab shops hello bro how are you how are you um this is pill yeah pill what’s it like to you live pill pill pill it’s good thank you hello some people want to speak some people don’t want to speak it’s understandable you know I got I got a

    Camera in my hand so yeah know what I mean let bro it’s going my yeah it’s not it’s not a part area bro it’s quite it’s quite crushy a crushy area crushy people nice cars my mouth is G so dry you know my mouth is dry as [ __ ] rope

    Yes bro how are you Man yo what is this place then could somebody tell me what this place is ni La broses yeah so far so far so good guys so far so good yeah nice what I’m going to do is I’m just going to walk to the end of the the dangerous place cuz many of people

    People are requesting to come here and people are telling me not to come here so I will come here yeah it’s not as bad it’s not as bad what I thought it was yeah to be honest yeah you vlogging yeah oh yeah yeah come on bro please this is pill yeah that’s pill

    Gang [ __ ] Bro pill what’s pill what’s what’s pill known for [ __ ] prostitutes drugs M [ __ ] bro like [ __ ] this place gets locked off all the time by I so done how can you hear recording huh how can you hear recording I’m just my first time here first time

    Here M bro people people tell me to come a [ __ ] mad bro I tell you straight bro bro Take Care thank you what’s your name z z b nice to meet you thank you bro thank you man yes bro I’m sorry bro loving it loving this place Yeah I think I may be wrong but um I think this is towards the end of pill I’m not too sure I keep the camera rolling though keep the camera rolling what’s this it’s a police station I think ah I understand though and here we have Newport finest police

    Station nice run guys let Run yeah I think I think that’s it really I’ll walk back through now just to show you guys what’s going on yeah I walk back through this pear Ends by there I think I don’t think it goes on the town cuz that’s that’s uh Newport City

    Town and pear I think ends here I’m not too sure I’m not too sure I’m not sure I’m not sure where it ends really so yeah I’ll walk back through um pill and that’s the Vlog done really to be honest you m here we have what police station what police

    Station hello how are you that’s boring me let’s walk back up hill and that’s it the picked in arms perhaps I should go inside these pubs perhaps I should go inside and have a point there don’t know possibly that’s still it side hello how are you right guys yeah I’m good thank you

    What was that don’t F me no I film myself take care guys so I think that’s my uh that’s my Vlog done a pill guys if you enjoyed it hit the thumbs up subscribe follow thank you take care


    1. When visiting these areas you really need to spend a day and a night there to get a real perspective, things are different at night. Would make better content too…

    2. Always try the pubs. When we were younger we used to go on trips to find and drink in the most uninviting pubs we could find. Curtained basements in Lewisham, residential houses with pub signs but no furniture other than packing crates for a bar, a place with chicken wire over the bar (that was Middlesbrough), an NF headquarters in Morecambe, a Mafia-run hut under a railway overpass in a Boston backstreet, a Parisian pimps' gambling den and dozens more, but the very worst ones are the single-storey pubs in the middle of council estates. You will never have a good time going to one of those.

    3. The U.K has been overrun with organised crime, what you see on our streets is a direct result of that, policing aims to take down the top, so they leave the social problems without attendance, GET hard U.K, the police know who these people are, but are constrained by out of date policy, lets be honest, no one would bat an eye lid if an organised crime group was black bagged and disappeared, I wouldn't…

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