September 21 2004. A year ago seven-year-old Toni-Ann Byfield became the youngest murder victim of gangland violence when she was shot dead in Kensal Green, north-west London. The events leading up to her death are now revealed.

    Welcome to crimat UK we’re live we’re waiting for your call a year on from the murder of seven-year-old Tony and bfield in a Gangland shooting her killers are still at large help catch them Tonight Tony and bfield usually lived with a foster family in Birmingham but on the 13th of September last year she was in London staying with her father Tony I’m going to give you aink one right here not school uniform he was taking her to get some uniform for school that

    Was something where him love doing him love shopping that was ton style so TI what size you wear you don’t know size um 60 no not 6 he would come pick her up and you know once going shoing with her you know you could see the GLE in her face you know the

    Brightness in her face because that is something she enjoy doing herself as well oh so that’s the right one she was such a sweet little girl really really sweet it was such a blessing to have her as a as part of our family you look nice you look really nice do

    You like it yeah nice all right um go back inside and get CH yeah all right yeah come around later yeah we with tit I’m bringing her with me yeah we know definitely that he was mixed up in certain things you ready Titi him didn’t play a perfect father

    For them but him really really loved them him was there was his life trust me him really really love him kids them there you are expected you ages ago Tony usually tried to keep his children away from his business selling crack cocaine to Street dealers but that

    Night Tony Anne was staying at his bedsit for the first time and he had to take her along watch the television yes sir television man and relax they left at a quarter to midnight to make the short Journey back to Tony’s bedsit Titi it’s time for BINA police in London are investigating the murders of a 7-year-old girl and her father they say the little girl is this Tony an bfield 7 years old shot in the back and the youngest victim of the escalating gun violence in Britain the same killer shot her father a convicted

    Crack dealer who surv didn’t live in the flat in fact she was only here by chance visiting her dad for the weekend and she almost certainly died because she was the only eyewitness to her father’s murder when she was so small she used to

    Cry a lot for me so what I used to do washing the dishes I used to have to put her in the sink put her on the sink to sit down and her foot dangling in the water and kicking over the plates and everything and oh my God she was such a sweet

    Little baby a Time Goes By it’s sinking little by little little by little you know and then that’s when it start affect me say you know ti no more she gone somebody really take Titi from us you know in such a brutal way well this is detective Chief

    Inspector Neil bassu as it turns out we know now that Tony wasn’t Tony Anne’s biological father but nonetheless he was very close to her why would anyone have wanted to kill him and then murder Tony Anne well I mean that is the big question and uh what I can say is that

    We know that Tony was a drug dealer and but what we now know is that he was connected very closely to a major gang that runs cocaine between Jamaica and the UK the British linkup crew that’s correct what I what I need is I need people in and around the British linkup

    Crew to tell me what Tony’s status was in that gang I don’t know whether he was working for them or whether he’s working against them before he was killed now people have come forward in the Gangland community in Britain haven’t they but you want more information about an

    Incident that happened a bit earlier on in Jamaica that’s right um in June last year Tony traveled to Jamaica for three weeks now he was there to see his children but while he was there he also attempted to collect a debt of up to £25,000 now he annoyed someone so much

    That they tried to shoot and kill him in a hotel and I need people in Jamaica and people over here with contacts in Jamaica to tell me what that was all about now people are going to be nervous about coming forward given what’s happened can you offer them any kind of

    Protection all I would say is that the metropan police has a very long established tradition of protecting Witnesses and the full support the metrom will be given to Witnesses brave enough to come forward now what about this knife this bread knife was was found at the scene we don’t know how it

    Got bent um what can you tell us about it it’s an ordinary domestic bread knife um on its own doesn’t seem to mean anything but I can’t put it in the flat and it wasn’t used in The Killing it wasn’t used in The Killing tragically it

    Had the blood of both victims on it but what it also has it’s got somebody else’s DNA on that knife which is as yet unidentified but I’m hopeful now what about Witnesses who might have seen a person or persons going into to the flat coming out of the flat

    Well this happened at 25 past midnight on the uh 14th of September and between quarter past and half past there’s CCTV images that show that there are at least 30 people various cars and cyclists going up and down that road those people must come forward very few have and the

    Ammunition as well you’ve got some interesting Clues on the bullets that we used yes we believe the bullets have been manufactured by an armorer um they’ve been it’s a 9mm self-loading pistol the weapon but the the bullets themselves are in Israeli Winchester casings and on the uh one of the casings

    There’s clear Milling marks where the ammunition has been ground down to fit the gun now I’m appealing to an armor if anyone if you’ve done that job for someone they’ve bought it they’ve ordered that weapons please tell us you did not manufacture that to kill a seveny old girl and there’s one person

    In particular who’s called Crime Stoppers isn’t it that you want to hear from yes over the last week we’ve had several calls naming a particular individual I want to appeal to that person that’s calling in that individual is of great interest to us and please please call my incident room and again

    You can offer protection if need be absolutely well if you’re hesitating about calling in just think what the killers did a year ago and ask yourself if they should still be on the loose and there’s a £25,000 reward our numberers almost always on the screen or you can call the instant room on

    02873 4704 all calls will be treated in confidence but if you prefer not to talk to a police officer you can ring Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 treble 5 treble one still to come the Cinderella clue to a killer whose foot fits the trucker in Cen hijacked at

    Gunpoint the Granddad of all Conn men help get him to retire and who took the tub water and all first we got some good results on cases from the last few months all thanks to crime watch viewers back in April for example we asked for help in

    Finding a man wanted for a Sex Attack on a 21-year-old girl in Edinburgh as a direct result two important Witnesses came forward the police have now made an arrest in June we named a man who was believed to have stolen maps from the National Library of Wales thanks to ca

    The crime watch police were led to Colchester where a man’s been arrested and charged in July we appealed to find a conman who’d been posing as a barrister in Devon in London and other places swindling people out of money police had a pretty good response that now named

    Robert Spencer he’s 61 he comes from Yorkshire they’ve also acquired this new picture of him last week there was a sighting of him pretty good one we think in Devon detectives think he may still be in the Devon area well as you can see your calls really do make a difference

    We know for many viewers that feedback on results is very important so let me bring you up to date since crime watch began 20 years ago 53 murderers have been brought to Justice in cases of rape and indecent assault 60 people have been convicted in violent assault the

    Figure’s 49 of all the robberies we’ve appealed on 108 criminals have been caught and convicted in cases of burglary and theft crime watch viewers have helped bring 69 people to Justice when it comes to fraud and deception 74 people have been found guilty and these cases were all solved thanks to crime

    Watch viewers so even help with the next one who do you know has a Big Barn within a few minutes Drive of Cen in South London the barn has to be big enough to take a lorry and a car it’s a curious case this it’s a hijack at

    Gunpoint at the height of Russia and so far with no Witnesses it is 7:30 C breakfast show me Johnny good morning to you London’s 95. it’s absolutely solid heading the other way clward it’s here on the Brighton roading in coren where a was making his way to

    Croen and then on to Bromley where it was carrying thousands of pounds worth of electric equipment as normal at the beginning of his journey the traffic was very very congested the driver didn’t see anyone approaching the Lor the first he knew was when the passenger door was opened

    So someone in the traffic must have seen this man approaching take the next Left these were the only words used during the course of the hijack the driver was directed by hand signals and these took him up here into woodston Road the journey ended at Grove Lane a residential street known locally as the mount then they sat in silence for maybe 30 seconds

    Seconds we believe the car have been following the Lorry when it’s got here believe it’s turned here and then reversed to the back of the lry according to the driver the car was an old style green Vox hole but the number plates were covered up someone in the car pulled down the

    Armrest and pointed the gun straight at him he was driven for maybe 20 minutes and there must have been a third person involved because the Lorry was in Convoy it’s a difficult vehicle to drive so that third hijacker must have been an experienced trucker the driver found himself in a

    Large barn where the goods had been unloaded out get out The driver was locked in the back then forced to the floor because of the erratic motion when the lur was found the side panels have been completely bent and then torn away from the side this means it must have been driven along narrow roads after another 20-minute Drive the

    Lorry was abandoned by the mitchley Hill Junction Friday the 23rd of July did you see it being parked or notice anything [Applause] unusual help me I’ve been driving tracks and buses for 10 years I was never threatened or attacked or anything like that on the buses all my driving jobs never had

    Anything like this happen now every time the door goes every time the phone rings I jump I just can’t sleep because of the nightmares a driver’s truck was carrying plasma screen TV is another home entertainment equipment some of the serial numbers of that stuff are listed on our website that’s SL crime take a look if you’ve bought something like this at a sale recently whatever if you can trace where they come from you could help solve what is a very very serious crime don’t be worried about saying who you are but you can if you prefer call anonymously I

    Your numbers on the screen Nick Downing and uh his team here are waiting for your call if you prefer you can ring their instant room where their colleagues are waiting too that’s in Cen on 020 8649 11217 and now here’s DC rev Wilding thanks Nick do you often watch the

    Program and wonder if this time you you’ll be able to help with one of our cases or maybe tonight there’s our latest batch of villains all of them caught on camera first attempting armed robbery at a branch of Barkley’s Bank in farra Kent a man dressed as a biker enters the bank

    Brandishing a handgun demanding Cash He threatens an elderly woman knocking her to the ground then escapes empty-handed although the man’s face isn’t visible his clothes are do you recognize his distinctive helmet and the cpri multicolor ski jacket there’s a reward of £15,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of

    This man who is he next deception in Manchester this man calling himself Joseph Gil opened an account at the Lloyd’s TSB in the city center and deposited over £61,000 worth of stolen checks a month later he returned to the bank to withdraw that money do you know his real name and

    Where is he tonight to Devon now and credit card Ford in bable this man is using clone credit cards to buy Goods here he’s managed to spend over £600 on lady’s jewelry on the same day he also bought designer clothes from a boutique next door and an antique

    Watch in total he spent over £7,000 can you name him and now to another man who has a fondness for jewelry this time in Windsor he’s Keen to have a closer look at two roll watches in the window after showing the staff which ones he wants he tries them on for

    Size while comparing the two he dashes out of the shop taking the watches with him do you know who he is don’t let him get away with it give us a call 0500 600 600 in our next case Cutting Edge for enic science has uncovered AC crucial

    Clue which could lead to a killer our reconstruction follows the account given by the victim’s [Laughter] fiance oh look at that fissa was a very outgoing young woman she was very bubbly very gregarious really as person I think we found Mandy’s bridesmaid’s dress can you see her wearing that Mandy we found your

    Bridesmaid’s dress it’s Peach with pistachio trim all all they both wanted to do is just to to tie the knot as it were and then then get on and have their life they were both both looking forward to to uh the wedding ceremony we’ve got to make a thing she’s got the worst

    Bright SP dress in the world definitely oh come on let’s go home okay I think Felicity had found in the last year 18 months she she really wanted a marriage and she found somebody that she felt she was happy with at the time if I take it the next stupid as and

    If I don’t take it I’m going to kill you now’s your time to die away [Applause] s This is where we found felicity’s body and she was lying in a a large pool of blood she’d clearly been subjected to the most vicious brutal attack the murder weapon we later discovered was a 22 cm knife which was actually from our own kitchen there was blood all over the

    Walls throughout the house we bought an forensic team they were actually in here for about a month uh from 8:00 in the morning through till 10:00 at night and in all they raised about 1,200 forensic exhibits but in particular what we were really interested in is um a

    Footprint in the blood down here and the footprint went through the kitchen and stopped just in front of the window obviously leading us to believe that whoever was in the house at the time had exited through the window there there were three obvious Footwear marks on the kitchen floor

    Leading from the hallway way to the kitchen window uh we used to a technique called luminol to try and enhance these marks and to see if there were any other marks there we couldn’t previously see luminol reacts with the blood to make it Fess so any small amount of blood

    Staying there will thess quite strongly so here here’s a photograph of a a drain lid just outside the scene just outside the kitchen window there’s nothing very visible to the naked eye but when we used the luminol chemical on it it it was quite dramatic and it actually

    Brought the the mark up so can very very clearly seen there were there were other marks on on the uh the pavement floor leading away from the scene i’ say they weren’t too obvious as blood stain marks but once again when you apply the the luminol chemical on it the effects were quite

    Dramatic and you could quite readily make out footwell marks leading from the scene when the scientists raised the footprints outside it was absolutely clear to us that someone had actually been in the house at felicity’s murder uh the first footprint landed just outside the window and several more

    Going up the road towards Queens Road Tango one to 21893 can you attend 262 262 Queens Road for coming in I just think all all the time that um that we can’t find the truth of what really happened on that night um none of us can get down to to putting it all

    Behind us and and getting on with our lives well this is detective superintendent Dean Jones Dean there a touch of the Cinderella bance isn’t it you’re not so much trying to find a shoe but you’re trying to match that footprint yeah indeed and at the moment we’re concentrating our efforts on tracing

    Predominantly male people in Portsmouth with size 9 to 12 ft what about a motive well we don’t know what a motive is that’s what we’re really hopeful for tonight that some of the viewers will will know a little bit more about this and and hopefully they’ll phone in and

    And give us that information we really need to know what the motive was there’s a number of people that you’d like to track down tonight you’re looking for Witnesses in particular who might have seen a man running down the street at what in the small hours of the morning

    Yes about 5 minutes to uh 3: in the morning on the 27th of February a postman leaving his house in persal Road in Portsmouth saw a man Crouch down behind a car and then run off down pural Road he’s wearing what I mean this is pretty ordinary black puffer jacket it

    Was a a puffer jacket like this one it’s a puffer jacket just like that in fact the postman actually was kind enough to point one out for us which we which we purchased for the purpose of the program but he was um the person who ran off in

    Personal Road was about 5′ n tall in late 20s now there was also a man uh running down Queen’s Road yes this was about 5:35 uh again 27th about 2 and 1 half hours after the murder and he was running down Queen’s Road and um just after the the clip you’ve shown he

    Actually ran into a person riding a bicycle and so you’d like to know I mean there could be obviously quite innocent reason why he was was running down that road but nonetheless if for no other reason you’d like to hear from him to elimin we’d like to eliminate him yes

    And then someone has rung Crime Stoppers yes this was around about the 20th of August um a person founded into Crim Stoppers with some very very specific information and we really really want to talk to that person again and of course you can’t be sure if there were any

    Witnesses if there were you want to hear from them and I should reiterate this is a very frightening crime but it’s very rare isn’t it it’s very rare indeed and I mean if there are witnesses out there or people that have overheard conversations in pubs or elsewhere then

    Please let us know we’ve actually done quite a lot of research nationally about similar crimes and this sort of crime is very very rare well please help if you can fist’s fathers put up a £10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the murderer our numbers

    On the screen or you can talk to Dean’s colleagues in Portsmouth on 02392 89 89 over the last few months we’ve been featuring Hit and Run Road deaths it’s um I hard to call them accidents because they’re really much more like consequences they’re direct actions of drivers involved our next case well this

    Time thankfully the victim survived in fact here she is with us um Kate shidi tell us what happened to you this was in Hound this y West um on May the 27th um I was coming home after a night hour it was my last day of school as we broken

    Up to study for our a levels um so me and my friends have been out celebrating in the night in Twickenham um at about 12:00 we headed home I got on one bus and they got on another um and about half 12 I reached my stop at home at

    Home um very near my house um I got off the bus um shortly after getting off the bus I saw a car parked quite a bit in front to me um it I was instantly you know surprised by it it was it was a car I wasn’t used to seeing there and the

    Lights were turned off but I could hear the engine running and that just struck me as very odd um I got a very bad feeling from it and didn’t want to walk past it so I crossed over the road so I wouldn’t be walking on the same side as

    It um I then reached um the entrance to the Waterton industrial estate as I reached this the car turned its lights on revved its engine and did a u-turn in the road and drove straight towards me did it see you do you think it it it was deliberate I’m sure the car that

    Drove towards me deliberately because it could have gone straight on but instead it veered to the left um the car then hit me it drove over me then reversed back over me and then just drove off It reversed back deliberately drove back deliberately over you yes over what part

    Of your body um my upper body my tors and how how big was the car what sort of car was it it was a people carrier white people carrier people carrier a white people carrier went right over you and then went over you again yeah what sort

    Of injuries did you have um it’s very very severe Crush injuries um the most severe was my liver it was both crushed and fractured um I also had multiple broken bones my rib cage my collar bone I had one collapsed lung a punctured lung and a very severe wound to my back

    Which was a very large open wound sort of caused by the underne underneath of the car so it was a white people carrier what else do you remember about it part from the fact it worried you because the engine was running it was dark the lights wenten on it had black d windows

    And also Black Wing mirrors Black Wing mirrors yeah this is di Steve Leonard who’s in charge of the case how many cars like that are around is it not possible for you to just go and check them all out in actual fact ni is a very

    Is very very common and I’d like to say we’re very fortunate that Kate is actually still with us because it was a very very serious attack and uh she suffered very serious injuries now we were hearing just in the last case about a case that’s rare an event that’s rare

    I’ve never heard of something like this of somebody deliberately targeting an individual with a vehicle for no reason hitting them once and then hitting them again I agree with you entirely I’ve been a police officer 20 years and I’ve never come across this alic I’d like to make an appeal for Witnesses clearly

    There were possibility of passengers in that vehicle and had appeal to them because they must have been appalled themselves by the behavior of the driver and likewise it may have been damaged to that motor vehicle and if anyone’s had to repair any damage to the vehicle I’d

    Order them to come forward and help us with this inquir gather You’ got quite bad scaring now you you must have how Keen are you that this guy is found I just you can’t get away with something like this you have to pay for your actions and they must

    Have a conscience someone must someone must know something and I just hope that someone knows something it comes forward absolutely bizarre this they ran over Kate they ran over her again quite deliberately please call us here 0500 600 600 or try the instant room in houndslow on o20 8247

    625 and incidentally if you’ve been the victim of a crime would like to talk to someone about it you could always call the victim support line 0845 3030 900 this year’s England match against Portugal at Euro 2004 on Thursday the 24th of June hit the headlines because of events on the [Applause]

    Pitch oh it’s come off the defender Owen and he let him scored Michael Owen 2 minutes and 25 seconds to be replacing Wayne Rooney What a Sad State of Affairs for him and England and it goes Campbell hit the bar it’s free it’s in so no no it’s not in

    The referee hasn’t given it I don’t think St Campell is we all thought that was a goal that was going to clinch it but following the match events in cro and kickstarted headlines of a different sort police say around 70 people were involved in the disorder which lasted

    Until midnight so far nine and individuals have been charged but detectives are asking for help in identifying these men and DC Jackie hes is here Jackie you know a bit more about what happened yeah I’ve just been talking to the investigating officer and in fact the trouble started as you say

    At the end of the match people Spilled Out of the pubs and clubs and bars fueled by alcohol unfortunately and approximately in fact 200 people ended up being involved including this group here and um they picked up weapons just off the street ballards lumps of woods and went about smashing up businesses

    Shop doorways cars uh anything really that came in their way which is really quite frightening for the poor passes by and also fans who’ genuinely want watched the match and just wanted to go home peacefully so it involved a lot of people unfortunately it must have been

    Very scary and were people injured yeah there were a number of injuries including a lady who got hit over the head with a bottle and received a nasty head injury and a police officer who tried to affect an arrest that night unfortunately received quite a serious

    Leg injury and in terms of the people involved not that much is known about we’ve got their pictures want to find out who they are exactly we just want people to look at these pictures and say please ring in with who they are okay well thanks Jack and if you know any of

    These men here they are call 0500 600600 or the instant room in Cen on 020 8649 0162 now here’s DC RAV Wilding with latest on the calls we’ had so tonight so far we’ve had a number of calls in about the murder of Tony M bfield including

    Someone who was called in with a name on the C and Lor hijack we’re getting lots of calls from people who have been offer TVs what we really want are more witnesses to the offense onto deception in Manchester that was caught on CCTV and off-duty police officers called in

    And actually named the offender so it’s all really encouraging stuff the studio number is in your screen and if you’re watching on digital satellite TV you can email us directly through your remote control just press the red button on your handset and choose crime watch now there’s one more

    Way you can help tackle crime the taking a stand award WS are run by the home office in partnership with BBC local radio amongst others they’re your chance to nominate people who’ve tackled yobbish behavior in your area including vandalism graffiti and nuisance neighbors go to the taking a

    Website for more information or you can call 80085 2980 during office hours assuming you’re over 18 think back to where you were in 1986 18 years ago not long after crime watchat first went on the air we appealed about a murder in Southport in Lancashire the case remains unsolved but

    The inquiry has now been reopened there’s new evidence as a result and we can say now much more on crime watch than we could back in 1986 not least that the killer was sexually very violent let’s think logically about this what we have is Nigel Bostock he was 31 he lived just

    Outside Southport and he owned a shoe shop on Wesley Street he was a gay man who lived on his own and he was known to visit gay clubs in Liverpool Blackpool and Preston we also know that he never used to use a safe for his shop takings

    In fact he’d take the money home every night and put it in his fridge it could be that the person who killed him knew about this so the day after he was killed his work colleague tried to call him but couldn’t get through she then found another friend who went round to the

    House nichel Nigel he’d been strangled with the wire from his electric blanket stabbed in the chest and then his killer tried to electrocute him Fib from the carpet in the kitchen okay that’s John good to see you again how’s it going not bad thanks yourself how are things looking in here

    Well it doesn’t take brain surgery to suggest that there were more than just one person there last night hold on don’t take that want to show it to the boss after you go yeah just straight through there boys I mean look at the number of beer cams hey he wants one of

    These you’re not drinking oh no cheers you see the thing is one of the other officers found a ringpull from one of these cans in Nigel’s car so whoever drank the beer opened it and probably started drinking it in the car and it was more than likely someone Nigel

    Picked up on the night he was killed cheers right what I’ve got for you oh nice one one of them some more back at mine if you want Yeah right come on let’s go that’s actually Canabis there next to the ashray there may be more drugs involved but we haven’t found any no no I don’t think so we know he wasn’t into anything like that he hardly even touched a drink but what’s This £700 had been stolen from his briefcase yeah it’s in here that it’s all started seems to have been quite a night police believe Nigel and at least one other man took part in a sexual activity involving asphixiation using the cord from his electric blanket my guess is that Nigel died in

    The bedroom of triangulation then whoever else was involved brought him through here to make sure he was dead that was nearly 20 years ago but all the exhibits from Nigel’s house had been taken and stored waiting for advances in technology in relation to the case of Nigel bostok um an assessment of the

    Exhibits still available showed a number of U quite exciting opportunities really from a beer can a potato peeler and the electric blanket for example with a beer can we would simply swab using a small cotton W Bud um the area around the mouth region where the person if they drank from the

    Can would would have had the mouth and lips in contact UM and then that would be sent to the DNA profiling uh unit so um carrying out those techniques now on materials and Exhibits from those crime scenes can be very valuable in um interest producing new evidence so let’s

    See if we can find yet more evidence this is Joe bosto Nigel’s sister-in-law Lisa bosto Nigel’s niece detective superintendent Mick Turner you’ve now got DNA so all you need is the name that’s right we’re in a very strong position investigatively because of the work done by the forensic people so as

    You say all we need is somebody to call in tonight with a name or names because of course you want to find whoever was at that party that night we’re quite sure there are at least three other people there besides Nigel they may or they may not have been involved in The

    Killing if they weren’t involved in The Killing after all these years have passed they may now feel confident that they can come forward and speak to the police now if they weren’t involved in The Killing there are two possibilities I suppose one is that they left before

    Nigel was hurt they knew nothing about it the other is that they were there had nothing to do with it but absolutely horrified and they’re going to be very very frightened about calling you what’s going to happen if they do right I can understand how difficult it will be for

    Them years have gone by it was a very horrible crime they may feel they’re going to get treated badly by the police I can assure you that I understand how difficult it will be and we will treat them very gently and with sensitivity their information is extremely important

    To us so far from them having a tough time it’s going to be the opposite well the information they give us will be so important we will treat them as as they deserve to be treated for coming forward Joe for the family of course this is absolutely catastrophic appalling not

    Just losing Nigel but it’s easy to forget 18 years ago being G was sort of a lot of people were secretive very few people had come out compared to now when it’s sort of very very straightforward so so it must have been particularly difficult for the family it was

    Incredibly difficult we were devastated he um he didn’t tell anyone he was gay like you say there’s no shame in it now but there was a great deal of stigma then perhaps he felt that he was trying to protect us perhaps he thought we’d be ashamed but in fact we wouldn’t you know

    We would have Surly him um of course it’s totally different now straightforward nice guy and and a shoe shop um Lisa you must be terribly young at the time how how much do you remember about this I was only actually 11 when it happened but I remember it vividly

    Because uh it’s actually on holiday with my father in the Lake District when the police came to inform us um of the merer and it’s just had a huge effect on the family over the 18 years it’s just been devastating especially for Manan who’s never got over it probably never will

    But it’s had this huge you see I suspect that whoever was at that party and hasn’t come forward has consoled themselves the fact well it was 18 years ago there’s no point doing anything now but there is a point is there yeah I mean he was such a lovely guy he was

    Kind gentle sensitive he would never have hurt anyone and that makes it all the more horrific that somebody did that to him and got away with it you know we just there must be somebody out there that knows something and we just please just come forward and tell us then we

    It’s we’re going to bring Nigel back but of course it might help us put him to rest finally given the ferocity that after the killing they tried to stab they tried to Electric I mean you must be pretty worried about what this guy’s since done or what he’s still capable of

    Doing of course even though it’s 18 years ago this was as you say horrific crime a lot of violence used uh I don’t believe that that’s the only thing that person has done wrong in their life remember he’s been stealing he stole as well it’s a typical pattern that give us

    A call if you have any idea please think about it if if you must but please call if you were there 0500 600 600 or you can call the instant room Direct that’s on 01695 566 566 and there are gay police officers there to take calls if you

    Prefer we’ve another Rose gallery of faces for you to take a look at next the crimes they’re wanted for include kidnap robbery and drugs trafficking first up Joshua Carney is wanted for a series of thefts and burglaries around the UK originally from Dublin he’s moved around from Lancaster

    To Jersey uses several false names including Mark Moffett Devon Daniels and Aaron Wy Joshua Carney has an Irish accent a pierced left ear and a large birth mark on the center of his back detectives say he’s friendly and articulate so beware he can easily charm families and children into trusting him

    James Walter Tomkins has been charged with robbery and impersonating a customs officer but he failed to answer Bale he has receding gray hair and speaks with a South London accent he may have links in hammmer Smith and Fulham and has been known to work as a market Trader Mark

    Thell is suspected of being involved in a large scale drugs trafficking gang in Bristol he’s wanted for importing cocaine worth over 00,000 from Jamaica he has a young family in the Bristol area but he may be living in London he’s got a very po prominent scar across his

    Forehead which he covers up by wearing a baseball cap he may be better known to some by his street name trucks and he’s very well spoken with a West Indian accent John Charles morof is wanted for kidnap and robbery in June last year he’s involved in a hijack of a Lori in

    Selby North Yorkshire in which £70,000 worth of confectionary was stolen he was arrested for the offense but hasn’t answered Bale he’s also wanted for a serious aggravated burglary in merys side morof speaks with a Liverpool accent he has a scar on his left eyebrow and a tattoo of a cannabis leaf on his

    Left arm it’s believed he might be living in the Kirby area of merys side and do you know the whereabouts of Anthony John Brooks he really is a oneman crime wave and my colleagues across 33 police areas want to talk to him here he is in four different banks

    In the temps Valley region using other people’s cards to obtain cash in one 2-day period he obtained £60,000 help us put a stop to his Antics call 0500 600600 if you can help with any of these cases our next case is close to home for

    Us at the BBC the victim was Tom Tom Brown who worked here at television Center in the information and archive Department which is somewhere in the years I’ve been here I’ve called frequently Tom was stabbed to death a month ago just before his 28th birthday Anne Harris is Tom’s mother

    John is his brother and leading the murdering choir is detective Chief Inspector Keith garnish and what can you tell me about Tom I think a mother doesn’t know everything about a young man in his late 20s but he was lovely a lovely son he was kind and he was honorable and he was

    Generous and nothing that I’ve learned about him since can shake that view that he was decent that he was honorable and that he lived to a code that was his own but strictly moral he was a free spirit he was going to live his life according to his rules and

    They were good rules and he did and I think that at the time of his death his life was opening for him with his job a new house he was buying with his brother here and he’s been taken from us and John you as as your mom says you

    Were going to buy a flat together weren’t you yeah yeah we’ve been arranging to buy this flat you know for months it it’s it’s you know almost since the beginning of end of last year and we finally got it sorted when we were literally two weeks away from

    Completing we would have moved you know in two weeks and been out South Gate and it wouldn’t have happened and what what can you tell us about what happened the night he was killed he he’d been out to the pub with his friends they they’ stayed drinking in

    The pub till till closing time um one of his friends lived close by so they decided to go back to his house they they you know carried on socializing at his house um about 3:00ish um Ed decided you know the Tom decided to go home he

    Was offered a place you know a bed for the night at at his friends but he said he’d rather go home and sleep in his his own bed it was about a 20 minute walk he he so he walked home and 150 yards away from the front door he was

    Attacked Keith what could be the motive for this attack it seems to have come completely out of the blue yes this is the unfortunate thing about this attack it is a violent and unprovoked attack we know there are no defense wounds on T at Tom we don’t think he’d had any chance

    To try and defend himself uh we rule out robbery at this stage because all his personal property was still on him his uh bus pass money were all in his pockets what about the knife have you recovered the knife in your no we haven’t recovered the knife at the

    Moment that’s one thing we’re obviously appealing to the public that any knives that are found in the area they’re handed to the police now there’s one man you want to appeal to tonight in particular who who came on the scene after Tom was stabbed yes this is the

    The gentleman who initially rang the ambulance uh this is a man with been described as a black man in an executive style car he rang 99 9 stayed at the phone box until the ambulance arrived and directed them to Tom he then left we’ve now got the 999 tape to play so

    That person and hopefully people will recognize this gentleman’s voice because we desperately need to see him and speak to him because he may be a vital witness okay well let’s take a listen to that tape now hello yes about 100 years from this telephone box there a man lying on the

    Floor what road Green Green Walk green AC walk what’s the problem there I don’t know I’m just driving p and I saw this man lying on the floor’s L on the ground by the BS not from the bus stop there’s also night club worker who who walked past Tom after as it now

    Turns out after he’d been killed yes he walked past Tom and saw him lying in the street and thought he was drunk and what he says to us at the same stage there was sitting very close close to where Tom lay was a man and a woman sitting on

    A wall and again we need to speak to these individuals cuz again they may be important Witnesses for us and able to tell us who else was in the street at that time and what about the man at the mini cab office what about him yes at

    Crown minab office a man went up asked for a cigarette which he was given and then engaged in some unusual conversation he was behaving very strangely wasn’t he they thought he might be on drink or drugs or something yeah that’s correct and spoke about working for his daughter we’ve got an

    EIT of him and if you recognize this person please ring us and and finally two men who were seen running along Midway wasn’t it yes very close to seen a 100 yards away noticeable one of them in very white training shoes or shoes is that you do you know who they are please

    Ring us and let me know if that means anything to you those two individuals and an what would you what would you say to anyone who might be able to help tonight who might be reluctant to make that call to come forward there’ have been so many tragedies recently so many families

    Affected they seem Universal but believe me the grief that each of these families feels is agonizing whoever did it must been very evil or very sick please please help the police in everywh you can so that more families don’t go through what my family is going through at this

    Moment the loss of a super brother a super son okay well an and John thank you both very much and Keith you this was a totally unprovoked attack help catch whoever kill Tom before they strike again the police have put up a £2,000 reward for information leading to a

    Conviction the numbers 0500 600 600 or the instant room in barking on o28 345 3715 let’s see what more results we can get before the program ends it’s about 12 minutes to 10 yet so still time for that um our next criminal that we’re after though is known as the Granddad of

    Conmen he’s 64 we know his name we know what he looks like what we don’t know is where is he Tonight There a gentleman standing over there think I’ll go and have a world with him hello Hello darling you’re new here are you do you want to come in are you well I’ve just been working in the area and I I thought I’d pop in and see what

    Was going on in there always a club we meet every Tuesday have a coup I’d love to Darling yes thank you very much sorry what did you say your name was going have of tea Peter gold C for Peter thank you Dar what’s your line of

    Business then well I used to work for eling Council but uh I just do a few jobs now in the district you know for old people bit of Plumbing bit of decorating oh are you a plumber oh yes yes yes oh I’ve got such trouble with my centrals making a terrible knocking

    Noise Central eating no problem darling Oh it would be wonderful if you could come and have a look at it for me how long does this go on for Well we’d be packing up in about 10 minutes well I tell you what I’ll hang around here for

    You and I’ll walk you home and then we can have a look around your house I can see what jobs you need doing I’ll give you an estimate I’ll have it done for you next week if you like oh that be wonderful great wonderful so how long have you been

    Coming here then Liz donkey years what do you mean donkey years how old are you I’m 79 79 N I don’t believe you what with a pair of legs on you like that and you’re a snappy dresser I Reon you could pass for 65

    Easily I’m not pulling it it was a 5 or 10 minute walk and we arrived at about 10 12 come on in and I’ll show you where the boiler is you could make me a cup of tea first could you oh all right yes how’ you like your tea oh black with no

    Sugar please okay oh lovely house you’ve got here Lisa yes well I mean it’s nice and sunny how many bedrooms have you got uh two you’ve lived here all your life then oh no no we’ve been here quite a while but uh I can see some jobs over there in

    The kitchen that need doing oh I know I know but it’s not that that’s really worrying me it’s the boiler oh these hey I’ve got certificates for working on these he told me he was 65 he was Bal on top with a fat face and small brown eyes clean

    Shaven bad teeth and he had a faded tattoo on the back of his left wrist I’ve brought my bag out because uh I expect you’ll want a bit of money for the work that’s got to be done I never carry any cash around with me I can

    Never remember my PIN number I’ve got a new mobile phone and I’ve put my PIN numbers in there so I can remember them how do you remember your PIN number well I put them in the back of my black address book disguised as a phone number

    You’re not just a pretty face are you so how much money do you think you’ll need well you you couldn’t spare 120 quid could you well I went to the bank today to get some money from a holiday spending money oh well if you if you’re sure that’s all right

    Well the work’s got to be done okay then well there’s no time like the present right I’ll be gone about a couple of hours make me a cheese sandwich will you I made the cheese sandwich and waited for him but he never came back Steven Johnson went off with the cash then also

    Withdrew £300 from her account hello I used to do a bit of gardening for her did you hang on haven’t I done some work for you no I I don’t think so no no I’m sure I have don’t don’t you remember back two years ago I used to come around with Miss son

    He’s a local policeman did a bit work for me in his time off my bus sorry oh it’s mine as well do you mind if I sit here of course not yeah I remember your place got a few hanging baskets that’s right well I used

    To have them but they’ve been let go now cuz I just can’t get up the ladders to water them well you know that’s the sort of job I could do for you really is that your trade yes I do a lot of work for age concern not that you’d come in that

    Category of course darling yeah I can do a bit of work like that for you when you live well in fact I live just around the Cor in fact this is my stop here oh funny enough I live just around the corner there do you yes so I tell you

    What I’ll come around with you now and um okay well I’ll I’ll show you the things that need doing it’s so difficult getting help these days nobody wants to do any your jobs to the don’t you worry you’re in safe hands now thank you yeah oh that is wonderful

    Yeah I’ve dreamed of meeting somebody like you I’ve done lots of gardens around she too was conned out of money in her case 200 so what’s he up to now if you know the whereabouts of our Steven Johnson give us a call here please free to the

    Studio 0500 600600 you can call the instant room if you prefer in eing West London on o20 8246 9138 now it never ceases to amaze me what some people will steal but this must take the biscuit on Monday the 26th of April a hot tub just like this full

    Of water was stolen from the back Garden of Tony Hill’s house in Bournemouth Tony when did you notice it had gone well I come home from work I had a really hard day and I thought I’d just chill out in a hot tub and uh I

    Couldn’t believe it I went in the back garden and it gone and you must have thought you were dreaming I mean how much would something like this weigh uh about five tons five tons so Susie how did they take it um a was seen to pull

    Up in a flatbed High blurry with a um black crane on the back of it and pull up alongside The Back Fence of Mr Hill’s Garden uh the crane was then lifted over the fence picked up the hot tub and hoisted onto the back of the Lorry and

    Um and off they went and presumably people must have seen us going on plenty of people saw it but thought nothing of it cuz it was Midday and it it they thought it must be legit because it was so auding absolutely yeah and then what would you do with something like this if

    You if youve nicked it I mean would it have been sold on would some have kept for personal use absolutely no idea really I mean i’ keep it for personal use myself but and then to take it full of water as well why not empty it out it

    Would have been much easier it would taken too much time it would have taken about an hour to have um emptied it so so they decid to say the whole thing yep well the top in question is a Sundance Cameo Spa if you can help us put the

    Splash back into Tony’s life call us here on 0500 600600 news on the Lorry hijack in Cen we’ve had lots of calls suggesting location for the barn and a name is given to detect Ives to follow up on the murder of Felicity pageant in Portsmouth two callers have given us the same name

    We’ve also had a number of calls in relation to the Tom Brown murder saying the accent of the 999 caller is in fact West African and not West Indian as we first believed let tell you a little bit more about that deliberate running over of K

    Shi um firstly we’ve heard so that there may be um a similar attack took place in croin two or 3 weeks ago we’ve also had a caller who’s seen a white people carrier the day after after Kate’s was attacked with damage to the front parked in his street so that’s obviously going

    Be looked at pretty fast uh we’ve got uh even more on the on the C and lorri hijack I have to say on that one it is just astonishing how many plasmas screen televisions are on sale for cash around the country for one reason or another um

    Somebody suggested that maybe we want to find out what the numbers of our own plasma screens here are make sure they’re not nicked as well I’m sure they’re not uh we’ve had interesting sighting of the conman who’s been posing as a barrister cting in the west country

    Which we might tell you a little bit more about when we come back later on tonight all the incident room numbers if you still got information you can give us are on cax on page 61 you 621 that is you can see a reminder of some of tonight’s cases and there’s crime

    Prevention advice and more at crime our phone lines here are opened until midnight tonight and then again from 7:30 in the morning tomorrow until midnight and again on Thursday now what’s the point of working on a program like crime watch if you can’t appeal appeal about your own crime my bike was

    Ni yesterday it was 5 to 12 it’s black with a Charles seat on the back if it was you you know who you are and I’d like it back next month’s program will be on Thursday the 28th of October We’ll be asking for help in finding a brutal

    Attacker in Bromley we’ll be back in about 35 minutes 10:35 with crime watch update if you can’t join us till then remember a crimes a feature of very rare so don’t have nightmares unless you stole her bike sleep well good night good night


    1. Utterly chilling – Kate Sheedy was run over by Levi Bellfield who murdered Milly Dowler and two other young women. So completely chilling to see it reported on the year it happened.

    2. Have you got Crimewatch from 18th May 2005 please would really appreciate it been looking for it for a long time there’s a reconstruction from that show I’m particularly interested in. Thank you

    3. 2:51
      On 13 September 2003, Smith the (killer)gained entry to Byfield's property on the pretext of wanting to buy cannabis.

      He shot Byfield three times in his living room, using a 9mm semi-automatic. The victim grabbed a bicycle which he attempted to throw at Smith, though his body ended up entangled in the frame.

      Toni-Ann had been getting ready for bed at the time. She entered the room and was shot once in the back as she attempted to flee.

    4. Smith got punched in the side of his head in Belmarsh House Block 1 exercise yard by myself, he didn’t move at all, it was like I didn’t do nothing to him.

    5. This must have been TX on a Tuesday. How I know? I turned 24 the day before which was a Monday I recall. I was obviously a CW fanatic back then (nothing changes) it was also the day after Brian Clough died I remember

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