Experience the emotional rollercoaster of life in St. George’s Hospital’s ER department. From bicycle accidents to heartwarming family bonds, these real-life stories capture the resilience, humour, and unwavering spirit in the face of life’s unexpected twists. Join us as we navigate the chaos and compassion in this episode of 24 Hours in A&E.


    24 Hours in A&E is a British documentary series that takes viewers on an emotionally charged journey into the heart of a busy trauma center. This gripping reality TV show provides an unfiltered and compelling look at the daily workings of a UK healthcare system, specifically the emergency department of a hospital.

    With a focus on patient care and critical care, 24 Hours in A&E showcases the true essence of hospital life and the incredible work of medical professionals. Through real-life medical cases and patient stories, the show offers an honest and raw depiction of medical emergencies and the crucial medical treatment needed to save lives.

    Filmed in real-time, the documentary offers an unscripted and captivating look at the fast-paced environment of an emergency room. The show explores the human interest aspect of healthcare, portraying the personal lives of the patients and their families as they navigate through life-changing medical situations.

    A&E documentary, medical documentary, and hospital documentary all rolled into one, 24 Hours in A&E offers a unique perspective on the reality of emergency medicine. Broadcast on Channel 4, this real-life medical drama has become a critically acclaimed hospital reality TV show, gaining popularity for its powerful and touching portrayal of the human spirit in times of crisis.

    Overall, 24 Hours in A&E is a must-watch for anyone interested in medical emergencies, UK healthcare, and the incredible work of medical professionals in the emergency department.


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    Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding action of shows like 24 Hours in A&E as you witness real-life hospital staff in action. Experience the high-stakes world of emergency medicine with gripping series like Extreme A&E and Mystery Diagnosis.

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    [Music] we’re all so busy living our  lives and then suddenly something cuts   through that something often  very unexpected Pediatrics [Music] when you’re a female with two  stabbings at the back [Music] rest I feel any poses [Music] 24 hours seven days a week I love  that question what’s your opening hours St  

    George’s London one of Britain’s busiest a e  departments under more pressure than ever so   do you want to watch darling or do you want  to look away [Music] first day you never know   what and you just have to be ready  for anything gas canisters exploded  

    15 Burns to hands face in a world of  uncertainty we see a life-changing event when patients come in something takes over here [Music] give me love okay good  lad well done loss [Music]   fold every single day did you enjoy  the Queen’s birthday yesterday

    All the patience you’re about to see were  treated in just one 24-hour period don’t worry   we get to see people who love one another  in loads of different ways yes [Music]   and I think you can give someone the best care  in the world but really what they want is to hold  

    The hand of the person that they love and for  them to tell them that they’re going to be okay Basically you’ve got the row Center in  front of you and it says the rose center   it’s there okay okay all right oh did you  see Pat Butcher on the EastEnders the other   night I cried just dead I know she came  back she came back I cry every time they  

    Put one of these episodes on yes I couldn’t  watch it it was really sad it’s a cupcake To eat yet not yet not yet hold on [Laughter] working in recess today is Nurse Celine  you just had sugar aren’t you I’ve eaten   oh God laughter is the best medicine  at school I was named the class clown

    Just taking it the next level I would always  fall in fits of laughter still do it now   really I went to the London College fashion we  thought we were it but we weren’t we were just  

    Kids wearing stupid hats I thought that’s it I’m  gonna become a nurse my dad rolled his eyes mum   went ah finally I had to take some blood from  your sweetheart okay your typical a e it’s not   the environment for the straight and narrow  but you feel a bit of a Sharp scratch over  

    Here okay and I think that’s why we form these  strong relationships believe in your colleagues   thrown into these situations with your friends  because they are your friends and how rarely would   you find yourself with your best mates doing CPR  and then be at the pub with them a few days later

    George’s Ed yeah a 36 year old man is being rushed to  St George’s having been involved in a   high-speed road traffic collision  thank you very much bye now the man’s van was traveling at 50 miles an  hour when a vehicle pulled out in front of him  

    ETA eight minutes can I have an unknown adult male  trauma hooked into Easter seven he’s a driver of   a van versus a car at 50 miles an hour he’s got  a female Factory which I’ve talked to Kendrick  

    On and they’re creating a spleen injury major  concerns when the patient comes in with the road   traffic accidents so we’re concerned about head  injuries injuries to the neck and the spine can   you find a medium blood pressure cuff but you  have to prepare for massive blood loss as well  

    It can be life-threatening [Music] the man’s wife  was at home when she heard news of the accident   Lee Rings me constantly during the day when he’s  at work and he’ll always answer the phone because  

    He’s on the roads a lot and he’s on motorways and  there’s always crashes so I do worry I remember   ringing him he didn’t answer but it was a Friday  and I thought he’s gone to the pub and I remember  

    I was just about to Bath the children and then I’d  have a knock at the door by three of Lee’s friends   saying to me a car crash I could just see it in  their faces I just knew something wasn’t right

    He’s 36 years old approximately two hours  ago he’s a driver of the plan collided with   the rear of another vehicle approximately 50  miles an hour query Bull’s audience side of   windscreen and submarines underneath the sea  left foot relatively entranced on our arrival  

    Days complaining of paying to Bissell left  FEMA and left side of the abdomen over the   spleen okay are you happy with DIY yeah lay  hi I’m Celine I’m one of the nurses I need   a proper can you learn to your arm to get  some blood off you right Bullseye is when  

    A passenger of a car hits the windscreen with  their head let’s get the gas and then we’ll see   if we can get around to CT depending how  fast the car is going a bullseye can be fatalities yeah yeah she’s being called [Music] I remember  going into another room and shutting the door  

    Trying to hide it from the kids a little boy so  I always study going to heaven now and just being   like no everything’s fine Daddy’s fine but not  knowing so just remember thinking I just gotta go   crying the whole way there and I just couldn’t  imagine the kids not having him there [Music]

    Okay we just need to sort the wires out before  we’ll then move you across on the mattress Lee   you just stay exactly where you are and  we move you it’s been 21 minutes since 36  

    Year old Lee was rushed into a e after his  van collided with a car at 50 miles an hour doctors are concerned he may have damaged his  spleen head and back can I ask you is Emily   your girlfriend oh your wife so she’s your  next yeah the next person okay that’s fine  

    Lee’s wife Emily is on her  way to the hospital [Music] we were set up on a blind date  and we went to a Pizza Express remember I got butterflies so obviously I  knew I liked him he was kind and lovable and  

    He’s like a protector as soon as I met him  I knew he was the right sort of man for me we was together a lot in the beginning I had like  a little draw in his house and I’d slowly put more  

    And more things in there start with a couple of  makeup wipes and then it was like all my clothes   so concern is over well if he feels like the  screen has he got a head injury and last neck  

    As soon as we met he said that he’s got  a lot of his friends that were already   settled down with children and married and  things so I knew that was what he wanted he was hands on from the second they were  born when our daughter was born he would  

    Change her nappy and bar for her and she  was just like a little doll and he’s just   big man and she was pretty much in one of  his hands remember she never really slept   and he used to just walk up and down rocking  her to get her to sleep singing This Little  

    Light of Mine and he’d just keep singing it and  walking up and down until she was asleep [Music]   oh my God he’s really really built and then when  he goes to abdomen it’s all fine is that something   um is there any blood from the spring

    The children adore him he’s got a  big tough exterior and underneath   he’s he’s very soft and he’s quite  sensitive Underneath It All as well breathe normally Thank you [Music]   baby I was once [Music] I was Jerry spice at party that was a low scoring match hey but man I dropped  50 points 21 year old Chris came into a e with   his friend will after hurting his finger playing  basketball the sacrifices we make to be healthy  

    Right that day I went up for a layup which is a  shot it was all chaos a lot of people were bumping   into me bumping into my hand and then it wasn’t  until I landed on the floor and got up I realized   that there was a this this  throbbing sensation in my hand  

    I realized then I’m gonna need to go hospital  by four hang on a second I need to finish my   shot and that’s how we claim victory with me  scoring that point [Music] so I sacrificed   the finger for the victory basically this guy  wants to do some filming with me what was it  

    I I was on the way to hospital and I was like  this would be a great opportunity to Vlog yeah   it’s cool people want to see this they want to  see action and I thought my finger was the action  

    Ready we’re good cool so uh it’s not there guys  MVP of the match even though the score was 26-23   24 24. all right yeah same thing so I dropped like  15 points and then after I hit the game-winning  

    Shot you know because like four guys tried to  block me um yeah this happened it’s pretty painful   so I’m hearing a e it looks like it’s gonna be  a long way but uh I’ll keep you guys updated bro that’s actually getting  so much more painful now

    Some showers overnight to the  cloudy day for London tomorrow more rain arounds highs of nine degrees from Global Newsroom I’m Holly Jade let’s go move St George’s only recess 50 year old cyclist is being rushed to St  George’s after colliding with a car at high speed Mount draw a call 15 minutes [Applause]

    Everything goes off then you know  it’s a cyclist you’re thinking the   worst they have nothing to protect  them and they are totally exposed wife was at home when she  got the call from the police that day yaroon got in the car to go to  work as normal and it it didn’t start  

    He decided not a problem I’ll go on my  bike and that changed everything and then   I got a phone call from yuroon’s phone but it  wasn’t his voice and this has happened before   so I was like okay how bad is it do you mind  getting some monitoring please they said we’re  

    Worried about his neck then you just think  the worst that could be really life-changing Um [Music] riding his push right in front of him  you’ll see spine tenderness with that non-messing   tingling in both his hands from the knuckles  down okay fine thank you can we have is the   airware safe when patients have got tingling and  numbness you were really quite concerned [Music]  

    Indicates spinal cord injuries  resulting in paralysis so you keep that next still we’re gonna work  around you and what we’re going to do is in   a moment will take you to be scanned  just first gonna do a chest x-ray here  

    Thank you I think I went into survival mode right  what am I gonna do now where do I need to get to   to be next to your room that’s right basics for  a split second you think my husband could be  

    Paralyzed and this isn’t the way I planned  it this shouldn’t be happening doctors are   concerned about injury to your room’s neck and  Spine and are sending him for an urgent CT scan just check your temperature okay [Music]  it’s been 40 minutes since Courier driver  

    Lee was brought into a e after crashing  his van at 50 miles an hour [Music]   you will find out the results  of that scan soon okay   doctors are concerned about potential  life-changing injuries to his neck   and abdomen and are awaiting his full CT scan  report so because he had lots of quadrant pain  

    About the spleen a spleen injury can cause  internal bleeding into the abdomen it can be   difficult to detect because you’ve got no obvious  blood loss but your blood pressure will drop and   your heart will start working harder to try and  compensate which then has other complications

    Hi Lee so I’m about to just do an ultrasound  on your tummy okay okay it’s going to feel a   little bit cold doctors need to further examine  least spleen to check for any signs of bleeding  

    So is it Emily that’s your wife is that  right would you like her to come in yeah okay you just take a breath for me when Lee had the crash that just  panicking not knowing what to do next   just for now like that can’t  be it can’t happen again

    Lost his best friend Dan a few months before  toothbrush for me again Dan Dan was in a crash   um a few months before Lee had the accident  and it was just it was just horrible and I haven’t got to go to the hospital went  down had his crash because he’d just gone When they had his Crush just thought oh  my God it can’t happen again two best   friends Khan have gone so close  together in the same way [Music] sorry buddy foreign [Music] cake I was  looking at the cake thinking I should eat that   went for the healthy option look  what happened Google cake death

    Feeling better or not yet it’s down I’m just  ignoring it 21 year old Chris came into a e   with his friend will after hurting his finger  scoring the winning point in a basketball match   give me my phone please beautiful  would you want just the usual Instagram

    Professional world without the internet well  I mean a world about the internet would be   pretty boring nowadays when you open your  phone funny video funny picture it pops up   you know you tag your friends and it’s like  oh my god did you see this bruh the picture  

    Of a dog or something and everyone suddenly  just cracks up at it pictures it’s a friend   of mine oh another friend so I can only imagine a  world of age that people probably depressing boy Hi Christopher I’m Tams and I’m one of the  doctors here hi so what’s happened to you   today uh playing basketball and then uh I took  a shot jumped up collided with the ball collided   with other people’s hands okay um so yeah my  finger got jammed let’s have a little look sure  

    All right you can’t straighten that at all  can you no ah yeah no no it’s a bit painful   all right well I think you’ve dislocated that  finger at this joint here so what we’re going  

    To do is we’re going to send you for some x-rays  okay it’s all right then yeah that’s right let   me show you what X-ray is if you want to  come and follow me do my carrying his bag when you finish come back up and find me and  

    We’ll see what we can do with it okay  okay all right thanks a lot then bye slow down a little bit cool so we’re just on the way to x-ray  um just need to get checked out make  

    Sure there’s nothing else to it so vlogging in  a sense is a documentary and I’m only over about   two three thousand followers on social media I  never imagined when I started vlogging people   would actually want to see what I’m up to Bad Boy  going strong yeah this is your fault man I know  

    But you shouldn’t have done all the fancy fancy  I was hustling you’re hustling if I could wake   up in a different country every day and film  it then I would be satisfied for Life almost  

    Because everyone wants to be at that stage where  all they have to do is film their day and then   they’re going to make money from that basically  I think we’re we’re here yep see you guys a bit   Grandma actually and she was watching  my Vlog she probably thinks I’m like a  

    Movie style or something when really I’m  just your average guy just trying to vlog S what we’re going to do it’s a scan of your head   and neck to begin with okay then we’re  going to scan the rest of your body   34 year old yaroon was brought into a e after  he was knocked off his bike on his way to work  

    People so he was going along I think car  pulled out went into it doctors must scan   his neck and spine to determine the extent of his  injuries he’s got left shoulder and humorous pain he ruins wife Joanna is making her way to  Saint George’s from their home six miles away

    Yarun and I we are both from the same University  the university school bus between campuses used to   drive past his house and he used to have a bedroom  in the front of this house with his computer  

    And when the bus would drive past I’d look in  the window and I’d see him there always with   his feet up tap tap tap tap tap at the computer  so I used to look out for that when I passed

    [Music] we went on a date he was charming and  he would do lovely things that like hold the   door open and just all those romantic things  that make you feel special took him to meet   my mother first and he turned up on the  train in a nice shirt and tie hello Mrs  

    Brown pleased to meet you she of course was  flattered oh call me Sarah foreign [Music] we got to have a quite a few  funky things with our wedding   we had a string quartet played Heavy  Metal Guns and Roses and Metallica  

    I think we walked back down the aisle to an  Aerosmith track played on the string quartet   and I felt just over the moon amazing you know   this man my best friend we’ve spent years  together he wanted to be with me forever

    It just all seemed to flow it was sort of you know  life’s plan you get together you find someone you   love you lucky enough to marry them and just felt  the next natural step we wanted to have children  

    That didn’t work out quite as we had planned it  [Music] does your wife know that you’re here yeah   she on her way do you know yeah I think so okay  [Music] doctors will now wait for the results of  

    Your own CT scans to find out whether he sustained  any injury to his neck and spine especially more   comfortable than the ambulance oh we pride  ourselves on Comfort here at St George’s [Music] [Music]   foreign [Music] At the moment they just want to check  for any fractures or anything 21 year   old vlogger Chris came into a e after  hurting his finger during a basketball game [Music] might as well get a pump on  I’m waiting for the nurse ah 9001 1002.

    Oh that’s funny hi Christopher so  let me show you x-rays yes please oh yeah there you are so what we’ve got to do is  we’ve got to lay it down I’m going to give you  

    Some gas now to make you feel a bit more relaxed  and give it a little pull yeah is that okay okay   all right we’ll get the room sorted out first  okay [Music] I’m currently working three jobs   um retail fitness personal training and  videography I I just want to be as successful as  

    Possible in many areas I don’t want to just stick  to one thing I want to be good at a lot of things   and be flexible look at this guy look at this guy  this guy think he is yeah mad tickers mad tickers

    I was only about three or four my sister was  just born and we didn’t have enough money to   stay in London so my mom decided that it was best  that we were sent to Philippines to stay with my  

    Grandmother whilst my Dad and Mum just worked  their their butts off basically to make enough   money to bring us back if you keep breathing that  in and out I’m going to pull on one finger put   it apart and pull the finger back over into  place okay all right deep breath all right

    It’s done it’s done okay all right  so put your hand down there we’ll   put a Sprint on it as well okay  all right be back in a minute I remember vaguely when my dad came to visit and  my mum I just remember them leaving and it was you  

    Know it was painful it was really painful I didn’t  understand and I was like you know why is my my   mom my dad leaving me um again so it was very very  tough I want to have a family of my own one day  

    But unfortunately I can’t do that without being  successful first no I was expecting worse I know   I’ll take a high five from  you that’s good well done I definitely don’t want to be the person  don’t go into parties and doing all kinds  

    Of things late at night I’d rather  be the person that would work hard   and provide for his family and  just enjoy it at the same time thank you do you want to come with you  tomorrow no I’m good bro for sure doctors have now received Lee’s CT scan results It’s gonna examine down the back of your neck yeah and then if you can do a  nine from that side come down what sort of friendship did Liam Dan have the  act of that close Bond Lee was his best man  

    And and Dan was Blaze Dan didn’t want to be  his best man because he didn’t want to do his   speech but he’d done it and he’d done so well  and had everyone laugh and it was really good   we tried his hardest they loved him for  it because he knew he was so nervous  

    I’d always know when Lee would be on the phone to  Dan they acted like kids together they’d insult   each other but it was always done in a nice  way you can tell that they were so close and  

    That generally if they ever needed each other  they would be there you could just see the love   thank you okay there’s been saw there yeah  anything down here he just didn’t know how   to cope when Dan passed away I remember him  waking up in the night and he’d be watching  

    Like Dan doing his speech at our wedding and  look at photos and he’d just cried Lee’s always   been like a big protective man and a big strong  role he doesn’t really cry so to see him hurt an  

    Upset was just hard and you’re going to just take  that painting away from him but you just can’t anything down here oh yeah yeah okay her body Images weren’t very  good possibly from artifact from  

    Upper body muscle so we’re waiting on my colleague  to just go through all the scans okay so I just   um I think he might be next door I’ll see  if he can come and have a look at that eating chicken tikka let’s just start  doing the discharge Okay so  

    I don’t think there’s a template to how you deal  with death I don’t think there’s a template for   for dealing when you don’t win  but I remember when a friend   from school passed away it was really  poorly at school and she was only 27.

    The funeral was just jam-packed and it was full of  laughter it was typical her she said she did not   want any any sad faces because like she had  her time so she wanted us to celebrate that   she was now with us [Music]

    Doesn’t mean it makes it any easier that  person’s no longer there but understanding   that this is just the body they are  still with you they’re wherever you go   the heart or the soul or whatever you  loved about them is you because that’s  

    Your relationship that’s your connection  with someone it’s never going to change it yeah now my colleague was a little bit  concerned so he’s asked me to come back and have   a look at you and see how you’re doing specialist  doctors have been called to examine Lee further

    Now the initial scan that you had done   because of your muscle bulk was inconclusive  you’re going to be uh most likely admitted   approximation my concern is whether it has  been an injury to this week okay the trauma  

    Team will look after you keep an eye on you  and if there is any concerns about this please because of the potential injury to his spleen Lee  will be sent to the ward for observation [Music]   thank you okay [Music]   all right thank you then Glenn  you’re not Glenn what is your  

    Name your own it’s like the color  maroon but with the Y urine you rude   doctors are waiting for your runes  neck and spine CT results [Music]   do you know how much you weigh 110 kilos yeah

    I really do enjoy helping people you know you can  get people who come in and their loved ones aren’t   there or you’re trying to get through to them and  so you sort of take over the role of their someone   I just like being there to be to  be someone someone in that moment

    [Music] it’s an honor it’s  an honor it’s a privilege it’s like this little teamwork  thing when this together and sort of you know have the eye contacts like  I’m Celine I’m your nurse I’m here with you yeroon’s wife Joanna has arrived in recess hello

    You feeling right sometimes it’s a morphine not  helping yeah the Gastonia is pretty cool Bianca’s   dead is she no apparently the police officer said  she was alright but I’ll be the don’t do that okay we’re a lot more worried about the bike  oh I like you I’m glad the sympathy for  

    Grade has come I’m sympathetic done I’m  just trying to be like that yes yes yes   your heart is very light listen  you’re lucky it’s not cold right Theory like as a husband he he is a caring  person initially I don’t think he likes to  

    Show it he tries to sort of hide that but  really he is a caring person and you know   he he gets emotional too I mean stick  on a movie with a dog in it that might   get injured or die and he’s a blubbering  wreck the ambulance lady said oh should I  

    Call you a wife or girlfriend I said don’t  call a girlfriend wife would be very upset he’s funny strange I love you you know I’d rather be at home  splattered Pig yeah kids were always the plan  

    We had about five years of IVF in the  end to try and make our sort of dream   family happen and it wasn’t happening [Music]  one consultant said it just wouldn’t happen all of a sudden your worst fears are sort of  realized so to have that taken away from you  

    That’s shocking but being constantly asked oh are  you going to have children and sort of saying oh   well we’re thinking about it when really we’ve  been trying for however many years that was harder I’m sorry I’m not more sympathetic it’s okay  I do care hey I’m not sure what supportive  

    Capacity you are I bring the humor that’s enough  what’s the best medicine laughter there you go   you ruin and I dealt with it in the same way  we deal with anything that’s a bit tricky humor   and we just try and joke our way through  it and everything will be okay in the end

    I remember the time we had a discussion about  we would try once more and that would be it   then that time I found out I was  pregnant and that was phenomenal I was hoping for the peace and quiet I didn’t  bring the kids what more do you want you  

    Don’t know our children it’s like Stampede of  wildebeest they are like feral world [Music] and so we went for a scan the lady did the scan  and she said there’s one heartbeat and your room   sort of piped up one heartbeat what does that  mean and she said and there’s another heartbeat  

    And that’s when we found out it was twins are  embryos we named them hob and knob because I   went through a phase of really liking hobnob  biscuits and life was great what we can see  

    On the scan isn’t acute which is good and I think  we can probably try you without this too [Music] that’s loud   all right in your own time and gradually just  turn your head side to side just a little bit

    Good the head stayed on that’s a bonus isn’t it  when the Twins were six months old I looked in   the mirror and this weird blemish had come  up the same blemish had been there while I   was pregnant with the twins but it disappeared  straight afterwards sort of wandering around  

    I thought oh that’s really weird it must  be a hormonal thing when I was pregnant   and I was like no no I can’t be pregnant I’m  infertile I think I did about 14 tests in the   end and we were just so excited not at all  planned but amazing absolutely amazing that  

    We got pregnant the way you’re supposed to  get pregnant really amazing okay doctors have   given your room the all clear and he’s free  to go home thank you so so much for your help   I’m really lucky I’ve got exactly what I’ve always  wanted and I’ve got three lovely little boys I’m  

    Married to my best friend Jesus some sort of  effort karate wasn’t pretty princess I think   friendship is the basis for any good relationship  oh wow that did come in useful look at that   yeah and that’s why if you look on the  side of your head you’ve got a more  

    Here literally without that you would have  had a really nasty head injury I think friends first and then things Blossom  from that are you okay yeah I love you [Music]   I mean you know everything happens for a reason so  

    Yeah hope you guys had a great day and  uh I’ll see you in the next one [Music] I think when there’s a bump in the road and  sorry for the bicycling bicycling pattern you’ve just got to get over it and continue I  don’t think there’s any point in Downing tools  

    And giving up because ultimately you still  got to get to where you want to go [Music] perseverance paid off during  the fertility treatments and as a result we’ve got a lovely family  to shout for it so I’m really happy oh

    Remember just thinking even if it is going to  change our life we’re still going to have a   life together the kids are still going  to have their dad so that’s that’s the   important thing things might change but  we’ll still be here so it’s fine [Music]

    That they could have been completely  different I I wouldn’t like to imagine   not being here but thankfully I am and I’m  still here to tuck the kids in at night   I’m not a great believer in  all the before and after life  

    Etc but Daniel Lodge my guardian angel that day  he didn’t want me up there with him just yet Don’t cry George’s recess an elderly  patient presenting with chest pain the   first thing that goes through your mind  is could this be a heart attack [Music]   yeah I’ll do that you get the ECG we  could say mum wasn’t right at all you  

    Realize that she’s not this invincible  human being that you think she is [Music] thank you [Music] Foreign [Music]


    1. Regarding that clip of obese people stuffing themselves with sugar, this is why the health care systems of the world are overloaded with people suffering from tooth decay, diabetes, fatty liver, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, joints problems, and cancer. Brits are close behind Americans in their obesity stats. The NHS can't cope.

    2. The bike accident with the car is my biggest fear as a cyclist, someone who went to my church was killed when someone lost control of their vehicle due to a medical issue and crossed the center line of the road crashing directly into them on their bicycle landing in the ditch, it was awful. Ever since I’ve had a hard time riding on the open road and prefer to ride instead on the wooded trail nearby, even though I had nasty bike accident on it that messed up my back, because it’s still much safer regardless.

    3. Lee's wife, Emily, my heart was crushed for her. Back in 1989, my soul mate was stationary in his car, waiting for oncoming traffic to clear so he could make a right hand turn, when a drunk driver slammed into the back of him,. it was calculated he was doing 80 klm/h. Our car was totalled. My husband sustained UNDIAGNOSED closed head brain injury. More than 70% of his Frontal Lobe was damaged. It was like he had been killed and a complete stranger, who hated me and our 4 children, came home in his body. It was nearly 9 years before his abhorrent, dysfunctional, self-gratifying brain damage was diagnosed. Too late for us as a couple. 🙁

    4. As a wife of over 40 yrs and mom to 4 adult sons, I felt so bad for Lee and Jeoroen. I can put myself in the place of their wives and as a mom too. I am so thankful that both of their outcomes are positive.

    5. My heart broke for Lee, i lost my bestfriend 6 years ago and it is still just as painful now, as it was then…. i dont think you ever get over losing that person, especially at such a young age❤💔

    6. I remember sitting in my local ER; overhead a paramedic talking with the registrar about a car rollover. Same paramedic brought the driver into the waiting room in a wheelchair and LEFT HIM THERE. No CT scan. No pain killers….he vomited behind me.

    7. No one should be allowed to film in the hospital. What is said around them and the people going to and fro should be private. I say this and I’m sitting watching all these programs.

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