It is the return of the 4K walking tours of British seaside destinations as this week I venture to the beautiful town of Hastings in East Sussex.  But is it worth a visit in the Autumn? 
    Most famous for the Battle of Hastings in 1066, this place really is swimming in history, however today I’m looking for answers as to why it’s such a popular seaside resort –  I explore the dramatic cliffs, the landmark ruins of Hastings Castle, the quirky backstreets, the plethora of museums and galleries, the Old Town (which is rich with coffee shops, antiques and vintage outlets), the seafront amusement park and attractions, the sandy beaches, the high street and finally the famous pier.  I really was shocked at just how much there is to see and do.  So come along and walk with me as we explore another coastal tourist destination! 
    My name is Jack and I’m exploring the UK, making travel vlogs as I go. I’d be so grateful for your support, so please do like the video, leave a comment and subscribe to my channel here –
    #travelvlog #walkingtour #battleofhastings #1066country #seaside #touristdestinations #virtualwalk

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the channel my name is Jack if you don’t know me already I’m in Hastings in East Sussex Battle of Hastings 1066 there you go quick fact for you so I’m taking you on a walking tour of the seafront I’ve

    Only been here like twice in my life and they were just like flying visits so I don’t really know what’s about so let’s go and see what it has to offer guys if you don’t mind hitting that subscribe button below it would really help me out

    And then you can join me on more of my Adventures let us get straight into it welcome to Hastings let’s go So Hastings here we are really weird cuz if you go around that corner there it’s kind of towards Romney marshes in dim Church where I recently did a vlog but this feels like it’s like miles away from that and then further down folon so this is it rockano car park or rockan

    Nori I had to go and park it just because of the name it’s like Jack andori but rock rock andori and you could pay on the Ringo app which is my favorite app squa key hanging over the edge there I love the dramatic Cliffs as well there’s a great more secluded beach down

    Here on a hot summer’s day that’ be great to go down and just relax Hastings has an aquarium as well so aquarium there Shipwreck Museum here free entry what an anchor I really like this frog with its quaint shops its houses there’s people stopped all over the place cars and lorries stopped

    Everywhere here’s the deal we’re starting down at this car park where I parked going to walk along the sea front a bit I’m going to walk up to the cliffs through the Old Town back on the sea front back again back again and back again too early for a pint I

    Think what is it just gone Sun up stop look and listen I think we’re okay for those that are interested in toilet culture huge free public toilet there not often you can go to the toilet for free right let’s go and get a coffee this place looks extremely Bean to

    Cish okay let’s do this oh I would not want to do a hill start up there no way I feel like slugworth could just jump out at any minute and offer me 500 milal tickets for a cop stopper what the hell that parking though Hope they’ve

    Got their handbrake on this is so weird I was just on the beach now look now look I’m on like a cliff it’s insane so that’s Hastings Castle there see the pier hidden down below look at that you think Hastings is limited to just a sea front and you got this whole

    World of history just up a cliff here we go 625 entry fire down there I didn’t want to go in there I don’t like to get too bogged down in history you know gets a bit too intense this channels just very straightforward it’s very uh you know A

    To B bangers a mash that sort of thing let’s just keep it friendly all right that dog wow imagine living there taking the dog for a walk in the morning up on the West Hill imagine being a skateboarder and just skating down here Katherine cookson lived here wow this is honestly nuts oh

    Hello welcome to the Old Town antique shops odds and sods oh this is much more my Tempo look at some of this stuff 50 pH for this can of something whatever that is maintenance solution wow look at these old cars whoa look at that I’ll tell you what I wish you could

    Have smelt that place smelt fantastic old carpet smell yet to be there to believe it now that does look old grease doggies oh the amount of antique shops vintage shops fud shops when I got here I was actually worried that there wouldn’t be anywhere to get a coffee

    Literally every other shop is a coffee shop mindblowing I love old book shops like that as well you could probably find some absolute gems like George Brown sacrifice W air raid shelter look at some of this stuff closed today and so you can get the cliff lift

    Up to West Hill so guys you got to get down here just for the old town alone honestly that is worth trip in itself if I had more time I’d go in all the book shops all the antique shops you got to get down there seriously look how cool this building

    Is it’s a Turkish restaurant that was a fire I saw earlier the Brigade are here terrifying we’ just done a short walk but look at that view up to that that Cliff lift such a shame that’s closed and also a Miniature Railway which runs down the sea front you can get a single

    Fair for £50 there’s one person on it is this line electrified I’m going to step over it w that like brand hatch around there look at this lake so calm from the top time or from the times that I’ve been to Hastings this is what I remember like this kind of seafront

    Amusement park looks like quite a good roller coaster there wild mouse and a star flyer as well none of that’s open today let’s keep on cruising what’s that it’s like a pirate ship that’s been parked up what is that guys if you’re enjoying this video like I hope you are

    Please do give it a thumbs up with a like button below and if you’re really really liking it please subscribe to the channel imagine seeing more walks down a sea front like this we’ve got this miniature golf course here which is very cool shall I have a game on my own one

    V1 or One V none I just read that this is the official mascot of Hastings this is Professor Huggy Bears I you joking I just made that up hello me the amount of dogs I’ve seen this morning if you look at the top of there that Stony thing that’s part of Hastings

    Castle where I just was I love this little stretch as well feel set back from the road a bit very quiet some nice benches to sit on have a coffee again this feels so different from the other Seaside towns I visited very traditional very historical only a few miles down the

    Coast from Brighton but feels like a million times removed what’s an Iceland doing here Jesus I need a drink Sports Direct pound stretcher what is this all about the last thing I remember is ordering a half pint of mild my friends I want to hear from you if you live here

    Or if you’re a regular visitor to ttings what is your favorite part of the town please comment down below I’d like to know so feels like very much leaving the Old Town behind now as we approach the pier look at some of these Flats up here and

    Hotels you can really imagine just like retiring down here just only ever coming out to get a beer or a coffee I love this as well look all these buildings are pretty level and then bang this building thought now I’m going to have an extra four floors well I’ve

    Never heard of that before true crime museum PR cool and you know what there is no shortage of places for food and drink this woman here is carrying a poose with what looks like a torpedo in it looks like the top of the heads of one of those Eiffel 65 blue dab

    Aliens the White Rock theater has had many acts over the years featuring The Wonderful Bobby davo Duncan James from Blue most recently the UK Pink Floyd experience it’s made it onto the pier wow it’s a bit Indy on here it’s a bit hipstar it’s a bit shage it’s bit trendy wow

    This is freaky hang about Rooftop Bar cocktails and tea and coffee oh my God we need to come on we need to oh how disappointing this is well and truly F looks like Festival Central down there well it might not look like we’ve come far that’s about a mile we’ve walked I

    Can’t complain that some of this stuff is closed I mean it is off seon I’m lucky to be here at all you keep on going down there at St Leonard’s beex Hill and then I have a feeling on the corner East bone what the hell look cuttlefish I always love these bits

    Under the Pier usually you get a few undesirables down here but no one’s here what kind of bird is that does anyone know look at this wow finally High Street area which I’m not much of a fan of way too much busyness but worth a little look KFC

    McDonald’s Costa Cafe Nero Subway you know the deal let’s get out of here all right I’m out of juice Set Me Free or whatever Anastasia said I keep seeing this dut man Everywhere I Go this is a lot more calm and tranquil than some of the amusement arcades I’ve been Inoo feels good to be alive they’re bringing Deal or No Deal back and they Nar Edmond’s It’s a grand building for a casino SL arcade I could not resist a crisp Pine that’s all that’s left of that boat from earlier mere shadow of his former self guys I always say this if there’s

    Anything I missed today or if there’s anything I should have seen please do comment down below so what did I think of Hastings I thought it was up there with top five definitely definitely one of the weirdest coastal towns I’ve visited in a good way that is um it

    Feels very old lot of history behind it so much to see and do I’ll definitely be coming back it’s definitely top five Seaside towns I’ve been to I especially like the old town and the um the West Hill and the castle that bit up there

    It’s crazy but now I must dance and so we end the day watching the waves come in right guys that’s the end thanks for indulging me as you always do if you like the video please give it a thumbs up please subscribe to the channel if you haven’t been to Hastings before I

    Hope this has persuaded you to come if you have visited Hastings before I hope this has brought back memories for you if you want to see more side towns like this please see the links over there otherwise see you on the next one thanks a lot


    1. Hello from Suffolk. I'm Swedish and I went to Hastings with EF language schools in a one year English Academic year in 1996-1997 and I'm still living in England. Hastings will always be my 2nd home and I'm trying to go down to Hastings with my kids 13 and 20 for Bonfire night, Jack in the Green and the Pirate weekend. I love all of Hastings and St Leonard's on sea. I used to live in Bexhill with an ex bf as well in 1998

    2. 😮 Wow… You've only been to Hastings about twice before ?! Wow !! I feel I've lived a lot of my life there (but sadly not for many years now since I became disabled) Shingle aside, I have always enjoyed Hastings. (I used to work in nearby Battle, and love it there, too.)
      Thank you for sharing your views / opinions of Hastings with us. It's really good to see the old place again.😊❤🖖

    3. We are from Kent but have a static caravan up on the east hill above the cliffs. There some amazing walks across towards fairlight and the old fern glens and lighthouse . Shame the east hill lift was closed. Hastings is quirky and never dull.

    4. smooth the cuts out a bit – odd to cut from one move to another – editing is key, castle is too expensive, but maybe you should have stumped up and shown us, and not getting a clear idea of what area is linked to what so more of a sense of the geography- oh and old pump house pub is "fake old" so do some research on what you are showing

    5. I moved from Canada and lived in Hastings for 3 years. I love the quirkiness of the town and the history, but the best part was the people. Everyone is so welcoming, and there is always something going on!

    6. Hastings was my nearest town for all my life (30ish years). Moved to Scotland in 2020. Hastings isn't the best place in the world but I genuinely miss it. So much nostalgia for me!

    7. I live in Hastings and the Old Town is the most interesting, did you see St Saints church, with the piece of cheese house. Also St Clements church, it has a cannon bomb in it. We have lovely parks and we have St Helens Wood.

    8. Few years ago, Steve Cardenas(RED RANGER from the TV show Mighty Morphing Power Rangers) with his wife went to Hastings. They visited The CRIME Museum in White Rock St before going to LONDON´s COMIC CON

    9. So glad you enjoyed your visit to our wonderful town, Jack, and thanks for the brilliant video. I note you visited Roberts Rummage in the Old Town, the best antiques/junk shop in the town, and you are right, going in there is anadventure in itself. Was the pub you went to the Dolphin, by any chance? Looked like it, the best boozer in the Old Town. Many thanks for uploading the video. Consider me subscribed!

    10. I lived in Hastings for 12 years from 1988 to 2000. In those days it was an awful place, full of care in the community patients sent there by the London Boroughs. It was rough, had a high level of crime and poor educational attainment. The town centre was over run with drunks & druggies and it was not a safe place to go out at night.

    11. Thanks Jack. Wasn’t planning to visit Hastings on my trip from Aus through that part of England. But now will. As someone who just likes to wander around, and take in the sights, it was very instructive. Keep going and best wishes.

    12. When you come back Jack Pop to St Leonard It is lovely there too i live here been here 22 years i love every day here. We got our may day coming soon and that is a fab day. Great video.

    13. Nice snappy video that took in a lot of the major landmarks & captured the vibe of Hastings. I grew up there in the 80s & 90s but moved away around 2000. In recent years I've grown very nostalgic about the place & have a weeks holiday booked there end of April/Start of May, staying in the Old Town. I don't think I really appreciated what an interesting place it is when I lived there. Having a bit of sunshine (& spending money) helps when I go back! I was toying with the idea of retiring there one day but if it keeps on improving, I may not be able to afford a house eek..

    14. We often travel from Dover and go to Hastings for the day.I love everything about the town,sometimes stay down the road at the Haven holiday park which is a great place to go out exploring all the surrounding areas and towns.Hastings is an interesting town and the people are real friendly.I would highly recommend a trip there.

    15. Thanks for the video. My son lives in Hastings. He rings me when he’s walking his dog along the beach. I’ve not been, but now I have a better idea of where he walks his dog, thank you.

    16. The Battle of Hastings was fought on 14 October 1066 between the Norman-French army of William, the Duke of Normandy, and an English army under the Anglo-Saxon King Harold Godwinson, beginning the Norman Conquest of England.

    17. My dream trip to Hastings. My grandmother was born there. Her grandfather had changed his name to John Bull when he emigrated from Germany in the 1800's. He built a beautiful home called "the Breakers" which my gran remembered visiting. It was bombed and destroyed during WWII buy which time his grandchildren were in Canada on Salvation Army Missions, although his two g-grandchildren where teens and back fighting for England. Bucket list I hope.

    18. Hi, I used to go to Hastings for day trips in the 80s when we were staying in Sussex, and I loved the charmingly crumbling feel of the place; the Aquarium – as it was then, the tall sheds for smoking fish, the once elegant charmingly crumbling balconied houses, the shops set back into the high walled street to name but a few, but my favourite was the recreation of the inside of a ship of the 17th century, complete with figures of the crew, the chests of wine and gold coins, but most impressive of all, the canon, firing with an ear splitting boom accompanied by the replica smell of a real fired canon. It stank but I was enthralled, especially when I learned the boy firing it could have been as young as twelve. Sadly, the aquarium has been modernised, losing all its charm, the replica ship has long gone, and the seafront is now lined with ugly modern buildings. But I did notice a bit of the decaying old world charm of the streets and shops is still there.

    19. Lived in Hastings from 1983-86, It was a great place then meeting up on the memorial and drinking at the Crypt. Revisited in 2012 but the town had kind of lost it's character and wasn't the same. Shame they pedestrianized the memorial and lost the Cricket ground.

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