Bible Mysteries: Are Angels and God Aliens from Other Worlds?
    Our adventure begins with a hypothesis that could radically change the way we perceive history and spirituality: what if the divine entities known from sacred texts, such as God and angels, are nothing more than extraterrestrial visitors from the distant past? This theory, plucked from the pages of ancient legends and ancestral myths, invites us to explore fascinating possibilities and wonder if the answers to humanity’s great questions are not, in fact, hidden in our ancient stories.
    Throughout history, ancient civilizations have erected impressive monuments, created works of art that defy time, and left behind writings that tell of supernatural gods and heroes. But how is it possible for these societies, without modern technology, to achieve such miracles? Were they assisted by “gods” from the stars?
    The mythologies of the world are filled with stories of gods descending from the heavens, cosmic battles and miraculous technologies. From Ezekiel’s flying chariot to the Vimanas of the Vedic texts, from the Dogon stories of Sirius B to the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, all of these could be interpreted as alien encounters. This perspective opens up a vast horizon of exploration where science and spirituality meet in the search for truth.
    In this context, we must ask: if these divine entities were visitors from other worlds, what impact did they have on our evolution? Is it possible that these “alien gods” have shaped our civilization, provided us with knowledge and technology, or influenced the course of history?
    Archaeological discoveries, such as Heinrich Schliemann’s Troy, which proved the reality behind the Homeric myths, or the advanced astronomical knowledge of the Dogon tribe about Sirius, make us wonder how many of our “myths” hide forgotten truths. Why would all these civilizations talk about gods and beings from the heavens if there was no grain of truth in their stories?
    As we grapple with these conundrums, we realize that many of the answers we seek may not be in the stars, but in our history and mythologies. Therefore, exploring the possibility that God and angels are interpretations of ancient extraterrestrial visitors gives us a new perspective on the origin and destiny of humanity.
    This endeavor is not only a scientific quest, but also a spiritual one, inviting us to reconsider our place in the universe and to understand that perhaps we are part of a much larger cosmic community than we have ever imagined. In this journey to discover the truth, we are encouraged to open our minds, to question and to explore, for in the end truth may be stranger and more beautiful than fiction.
    This title is very strange if we think that the person who wants to tell a different version of the history of our past compared to the one told to us by scientists is a nobody like many others. A nobody who is tired of listening to things that the world of scientists present to us as absolute truths but which cannot be supported by the testimonies that the ancient world has left us. It’s like when this mysterious world of scholars laughs at those who today consider themselves scholars of the modern world but who are unable to give a solution or an answer for the works that have been standing for thousands of years, much more durable, much more beautiful , much more perfect and mysterious than everything our most advanced technology has discovered to date. How is that possible? There are no miracles, mysteries, mirages or any magic in this old world, there are no unknown technologies, not my dears. The answer is very simple. Confusion and unanswered questions were created by the masters of our world so that we would not succeed in finding out the truth, precisely so that we would not know, so that we would not understand what our history is, who we are and where we come from and who are those who built the whole earth eternal works that laugh at our fragile homes that can be turned into dust whenever the wind blows with more force, but of which we are very proud.
    We affirmed a few years ago that our true history and past is written in what today we call legends and myths, little stories with gods, dragons, fairies and mysteries with which we lull children to sleep. How is that possible? How is it possible that no one thinks that those fairy tales represent the glorious past of humanity, a past full of struggles against our patrons: the gods?

    Bible Mysteries: Are Angels and God Aliens from Other Worlds? Our adventure begins with a hypothesis that could radically change the way we perceive history and spirituality: what if the divine entities known from sacred texts, such as God and angels, are nothing more than extraterrestrial visitors from the distant past?

    This theory, plucked from the pages of ancient legends and ancestral myths, invites us to explore fascinating possibilities and wonder if the answers to humanity’s great questions are not, in fact, hidden in our ancient stories. Throughout history, ancient civilizations have erected impressive monuments, created

    Works of art that defy time, and left behind writings that tell of supernatural gods and heroes. But how is it possible for these societies, without modern technology, to achieve such miracles? Were they assisted by “gods” from the stars? The mythologies of the world are filled with stories of gods descending from the heavens,

    Cosmic battles and miraculous technologies. From Ezekiel’s flying chariot to the Vimanas of the Vedic texts, from the Dogon stories of Sirius B to the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, all of these could be interpreted as alien encounters. This perspective opens up a vast horizon of exploration where science and spirituality

    Meet in the search for truth. In this context, we must ask: if these divine entities were visitors from other worlds, what impact did they have on our evolution? Is it possible that these “alien gods” have shaped our civilization, provided us with knowledge and technology, or influenced the course of history?

    Archaeological discoveries, such as Heinrich Schliemann’s Troy, which proved the reality behind the Homeric myths, or the advanced astronomical knowledge of the Dogon tribe about Sirius, make us wonder how many of our “myths” hide forgotten truths. Why would all these civilizations talk about gods and beings from the heavens if there

    Was no grain of truth in their stories? As we grapple with these conundrums, we realize that many of the answers we seek may not be in the stars, but in our history and mythologies. Therefore, exploring the possibility that God and angels are interpretations of ancient

    Extraterrestrial visitors gives us a new perspective on the origin and destiny of humanity. This endeavor is not only a scientific quest, but also a spiritual one, inviting us to reconsider our place in the universe and to understand that perhaps we are part of a much larger cosmic community than we have ever imagined.

    In this journey to discover the truth, we are encouraged to open our minds, to question and to explore, for in the end truth may be stranger and more beautiful than fiction. This title is very strange if we think that the person who wants to tell a different version

    Of the history of our past compared to the one told to us by scientists is a nobody like many others. A nobody who is tired of listening to things that the world of scientists present to us as absolute truths but which cannot be supported by the testimonies that the ancient world

    Has left us. It’s like when this mysterious world of scholars laughs at those who today consider themselves scholars of the modern world but who are unable to give a solution or an answer for the works that have been standing for thousands of years, much more durable, much more beautiful , much

    More perfect and mysterious than everything our most advanced technology has discovered to date. How is that possible? There are no miracles, mysteries, mirages or any magic in this old world, there are no unknown technologies, not my dears. The answer is very simple.

    Confusion and unanswered questions were created by the masters of our world so that we would not succeed in finding out the truth, precisely so that we would not know, so that we would not understand what our history is, who we are and where we come from and who are those

    Who built the whole earth eternal works that laugh at our fragile homes that can be turned into dust whenever the wind blows with more force, but of which we are very proud. We affirmed a few years ago that our true history and past is written in what today

    We call legends and myths, little stories with gods, dragons, fairies and mysteries with which we lull children to sleep. How is that possible? How is it possible that no one thinks that those fairy tales represent the glorious past of humanity, a past full of struggles against our patrons: the gods?

    A past in which human heroes gave their lives to defeat this race of beings who were in some cases much weaker than us? what did you say That we should not believe in myths? AAA OK. If they are myths or legends, then why are there questions that no one can give an answer

    To, apart from this one? Let’s see a little.. if the gods did not exist, why does everyone in the ancient world talk about them? When I refer to those times, I also think of the tribes that live in the jungle or in

    The mountains where civilization could not reach, but who talk the same way about the gods that their ancestors knew. What did everyone do? Did they talk to each other and agree to trick future generations with stories about the gods?

    What are these perfect pyramids, walls, gigantic castles built all over the earth with a technology that we don’t have today? why does man worship and adore the gods and above all where did he learn to be a slave? He learned from them because our race was the slave of the gods.

    What was so strange about these creatures that they were always recognized from afar as non-human beings? why did these creatures adore the sacrifices and get drunk with the blood they drink from the sacrificed victims? why did these creatures seem immortal and impossible to defeat?

    Why did the gods marry or trick the daughters and sons of mortals? why were they jealous because often people were more beautiful, stronger or better than them? and above all why is everyone talking about gods who were animals?

    I am sure that the answers of the scientific world will not change and will always be the same as we already know, and then I feel compelled to try to answer these questions, even if I was not trained in important universities by people with “great experience “. I am happy

    That I have not been in any institution of this kind that brainwashes people by imposing only their version in such a way that you arrive there as agile as an eagle and return as intelligent as a sheep. I will try to bring to your attention part of the most important and well-known writings

    And ancient testimonies that we usually call legends or myths. First of all, I will start with the story of Homer, the Iliad and even the Odyssey, which speak of fearless heroes who fought alongside the gods in Troy.

    For many people it is one of the most beautiful legends with which mothers put their sons to sleep, until one day when a man thought to check if this story is true. This man’s name is Heinrich Schliemann who in 1871 went on a trip to the Dardanelles

    Strait at his own expense, the place where Homer tells that there was a large and beautiful city built by the gods Apollo and Poseidon, a city that even had golden gates, known as impossible to conquer and very rich, a city where the greatest heroes of men fought alongside

    The gods of Troy near its gates. Well, the fortress was discovered exactly in the place where Homer tells its history. The scientific world of that time, just like those of our time, accompanied Heinrich with their mocking laughter and discredited him for many years until one day when he discovered

    Part of the immense treasure of King Priam with which he made an impressive splash for his wife and with whom he manages to stop the mouths of those incompetents, the twins of today. The great Troy was placed in a place where below it there were other cities arranged

    On nine levels underground, of which the oldest belonged to the Neolithic. How old and beautiful Troy was. Now I wonder another thing: so the war and the city existed, part of Priam’s immense treasure was found, then why shouldn’t I believe that gods also fought alongside mortal men,

    That all those heroes were demigods, that they had an extraordinary strength, that they were giants and that the war started by the will of the gods? Why should I not believe that Troy was so big, strong and impossible to defeat when the war for its conquest lasted 10 years?

    Why should I not believe in the prophecy that says that the city could only be conquered if its inhabitants broke its walls, since that is what happened? Why do we always have to believe only half of what turns out to be real?

    Why do we have to accept only what a bunch of incompetent liars want? Why do I have to take for granted only what I think and what they think is good? Why? I don’t have a brain to judge?

    Why do I always have to say yes when my common sense and evidence prove otherwise? Let’s see another example that is not as well known as the first one, but that does not mean that it is not as interesting.

    In the African continent, a tribe of people called Dogon live in the state of Mali, a people who deal with agriculture and animal husbandry. Their social system is structured in independent villages. This people had the first contact with the civilized world at the beginning of the 1900s

    With the arrival in those parts of two French scientists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen who managed to bring the natives closer to study them. They stayed there for 20 years and brought everything they managed to discover about this mysterious people to the scientific world.

    They discovered the tradition, culture, and knowledge of the Dogons. They were good woodworkers and their most important piece was the mask that was used in ceremonies, dancing and funeral rites. Their most important holiday is Sigui, which is held once every 60 years.

    It is an important holiday in honor of Sirius, the star that they inexplicably know very well from very old times. They even knew that it was made up of a three-star system. The star Sirius, also called Sirius A, has two other stellar companies close to it, one

    Of which is invisible to the naked eye. These solar companions are called Sirius B and Sirius C. Sirius B is called by the Dogon in the Initiatic language Po-Tolo where Tolo means star and Po is the name of a small grassy

    Plant that is characterized by the fact that it is very small but very heavy, very dense. It was recently discovered that Sirius B is a very dense white dwarf that was named Digitaria after the name of the plant. The Dogons also knew the fact that Digitaria revolves around Sirius A with an elliptical

    Orbit in a period of 50 years and they know the position of Sirius A compared to the orbit described by Sirius B, which is 8.6 light years away from Earth and that Sirius A is the main star of the constellation Canis Major.

    They also know the existence of another companion of Sirius A that accompanies Po-Tolo in its rotation around the main star that they called Maya or Sorgo, the star that nowadays has the name of Sirius C and that is 4 times larger lighter than SIRIUS B, which rotates around Sirius A in 6 years.

    This star cannot be seen with the naked eye and was discovered in 1997. But the knowledge of the Dogon people goes much further than that of the modern science of those times because they knew that the earth is round and revolves around its axis

    As well as around the sun together with other planets in the solar system, that the moon is dead and dry, that the universe consists of an immensity of stars and intelligent life, that our Milky Way galaxy has a spiral movement together with the planets and the sun.

    How did they have this knowledge when science discovered these things only in the 20th century? Well, they also give us the answer, who say that it was the gods they call Nommo, a people who come from heaven, who taught them these things.

    These beings, they say, “have knowledge far superior to us and their appearance is half human and half fish, that is, amphibians. The Nommo came in their red ship in a cloud of smoke with thunder and lightning until they descended to earth. Then everything stopped and the ship became white.

    During this time a star appeared in the sky which after a while disappeared very quickly in the distance (probably the mother spaceship). They tell that the Nommo taught them that “the vital energy on earth is water, even the stones have this energy because everything is wet.

    Nommo came down to earth bringing with them plants that grew in the heavenly fields. After creating the earth, plants and animals, Nommo created the first human pair from whom 8 sons were born, our ancestors. These people lived an extraordinary long time.

    But the Dogon did not only know the calendar of the star Sirius, but also a solar one and had a particular agricultural calendar. They knew about Venus and Jupiter and even knew about Saturn’s satellite, Phoebe. When the two French brawlers talked about the astonishing knowledge possessed by the

    Dogons, scientists, as always, found the most ridiculous excuses to explain this exceptional knowledge possessed by a half-savage people who lived like the ancestors of man , in the stone age. This people is living proof that science, technology, and the constructions that are scattered all over the earth are the work of the gods.

    Will it be a case? Let’s go ahead. There is a book that tells incredible things that it is impossible not to think that what you hear is fantasy, only that, in order to find the evidence that supports the authenticity

    Of what is written, two people died in very mysterious circumstances, the author and the one who died before him busy finding the same evidence, people who have dedicated a part of their lives in search of the truth.

    When the author had this evidence in hand, he was killed in broad daylight in Rio de Janeiro in front of the luxurious hotels in Copa Cabana. After the death of Karl Brugger, the author of these incredible adventures, the German

    Consulate in Rio de Janeiro raided his house and, his brother says: they took the documents, memories and photos taken by my brother during his expedition to the consulate. A strange thing is happening in the consulate in Rio. After the documents were taken, there were some theft attempts, something that had never happened before.

    Furthermore, the German consul in Rio de Janeiro was transferred to the Ivory Coast and took with him all Karl’s material, says his brother, an official in the German Ministry of the Interior. Here is another case where the truth is hidden by power.

    But what is so strange about this book that at first glance seems like a legend? It’s good, he says: in the jungle that borders the borders between Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina there is a tribe of white Indians who speak German, who live in an underground

    City of impressive size, 9 levels underground built by to the Masters, a people who came from heaven and who brought them science and civilization. A people who built many years before all the wonderful cities of South America that were destroyed, partly by the white barbarians, and partly by the devastating catastrophes

    That destroyed the earth in the course of years, which they calculate starting from 60,000 BC to 10,481 BC the time with the unwritten history of their ancestors. And from 10,481 BC until today the time with the history that was written.

    It talks about various races of gods fighting each other for supremacy, about their different appearance, about technologies unknown to humans, about space shuttles where people slept covered by a liquid that kept them alive, about a single empire divided into kingdoms

    Of two brothers come from the stars: one in Europe and one in America. He still talks about wars of conquest, construction techniques based on the levitation of heavy objects, eternal life, calendars and catastrophes that changed the face of the earth, the course of rivers, the position of mountains and even the land.

    He also talks about 130 families of gods that changed the existing man on earth, that they chose a people that had to teach the rest of the people science and the rules of the gods. He also talks about 13 underground dwellings built by the Masters and a labyrinth of galleries,

    About the return of the gods every 6,000 years, about an old writing and about the Indians who in the Second World War were visited by German soldiers who no longer returned to their homeland but who stayed here marrying women from the tribe of Tatunca Nara, the

    Last king of the tribe chosen by the gods and who, thanks to these mixed marriages, speak German and are white. Tatunca Nara spoke to Brugger and told him the history of his people, a story that was recorded on 12 audio cassettes, he showed him the manuscripts with the ancient writing

    Of his ancestors, a document that according to the author who published the discoveries that Karl gathered I find in the Vatican libraries. And so here is another document that is not taken into account because it is impossible, unverifiable, inconvenient and untrue because it was not approved by science which probably

    Ordered the death of the author and it was not publicized in any television broadcast to can be taken into account. Then there are no funds to resume the search in the jungle, let’s see to it, funds are found, but a discovery of this kind would mean arriving at another truth and would mean

    Discovering the lies we were raised with until now. Now I’m going to tell you about another very old writing, a Babylonian poem found when excavations were done to bring to light the city of Nineveh. It was found in the library of clay tablets of King Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) and which

    Was called the Epic of Gilgamesh. Certain fragments of an ancient narrative have been discovered in an older Sumerian version, the second so far discovered, dating from about 2000 BC. There is now no doubt that the Sumerian version is the original account of events.

    This millennial narrative tells the story of Gilgamesh, a legendary ruler and founder of the city of Uruk, born of the union of a mortal with a goddess, remarkable for his superhuman beauty and strength. Gilgamesh, learning of the existence of Enkidu, a wild man created by the gods to help animals

    Escape from traps, decides to integrate him into society. Therefore, the king plans a meeting between Enkidu and one of the court’s most captivating women, hoping that this connection will bring Enkidu closer to civilization. In the end, Enkidu is assimilated into society and brought to the palace, where he is kidnapped

    By a god and taken on a cosmic journey, told from his perspective. Gilgamesh and Enkidu, united by a close friendship, embark on a daring expedition into the territories of the gods to slay a divine bull, possibly a devastating weapon. Upon their return, Enkidu falls victim to an enigmatic illness, which Gilgamesh attributes

    To the evil influence of the divine bull. Enkidu’s death shakes Gilgamesh, causing him to ponder his own mortality and set out in search of the plant that grants immortality. To find out its location, he must meet Utnapistim, the survivor of the flood and considered the

    Father of humanity, who shares with him the story of the flood and guides him to the desired plant. After a long journey, Gilgamesh finds the plant, but while resting by a well to bathe, a snake, attracted by its aroma, consumes it and becomes young and immortal.

    Thus, Gilgamesh returns to his kingdom without the elixir of immortality, facing the bitter truth revealed by the gods: man was created mortal, immortality being a gift reserved for the divinities, and the plant was forbidden to mortals. Of course, this history can be ignored by people who believe in legends, but certainly

    Not by those who realize that this story is told of a space flight, of a wild man created by the gods, of a mysterious disease caused by the technology of the gods and immortality. How did the people of ancient Sumer know so many things, a civilization so evolved that

    It is considered the beginning of our civilization, a complex civilization that appeared from nothing? In a fantasy-enriched version, the existence of the gods is brought to the fore by the Book of Enoch, a document shrouded in mystery, which causes disputes between scientific and religious circles.

    This chronicle, full of extraordinary accounts, seems to surpass the wisdom of its age, describing adventures that seem incredible for the times described. Enoch, the seventh patriarch of the Bible, is portrayed as an exceptional entity, chosen to walk with divinity and eventually raptured to heaven, according to the scriptures.

    To be with the divinity, in this narrative, is to be an intermediary between the earthly and divine worlds, an explorer of the heavens, an initiate in the mysteries of the gods, a witness to mysteries inaccessible to mortals. According to his own testimony, Enoch was inspired by the gods to document these miraculous

    Events, leaving humanity a chronicle of his coexistence with divinities, whom he calls angels and God, a terminology that seems to have been adopted after the advent of Christianity. This distinction suggests an evolution in the interpretation of sacred texts from the

    Vibrant polytheism of the ancient worlds to the monotheism that would later dominate the religious scene. The discovery of these ancient texts shook the foundation of traditional beliefs, sparking a struggle to conceal and discredit them. Enoch describes the gods descending to Earth, uniting with human women and giving birth to offspring.

    This myth, also present in the Bible, contradicts traditional interpretations of angelic existence as purely spiritual, suggesting a physical interaction between the two worlds. The Book of Enoch opens a window into a world where divinity interacts directly with his creation, where angels, called watchers, are left on Earth as punishment for their rebellion.

    The author recounts amazing heavenly journeys in which he is revealed visions of the universe, other dimensions populated by unusual beings, discussions of creation, the apocalypse, Satan, sinful souls, and Noah, the hero of the flood. In addition, Enoch extends his account to the realm of astrology, describing the astral

    Movements and cycles of the heavenly bodies, while another section is devoted to the giants, the direct descendants of the union of the divine and the human. This alternate timeline of human history, seen through the eyes of those who served

    The gods, offers a fascinating insight into the divine influence in the evolution of civilizations. We go further and stop at the legends of Olympus or the Greek legends that tell about the gods who inhabited this mountain. In these stories the gods were real, in flesh and blood, they lived on earth together with

    People, their slaves, they had an unknown technology, they were very evolved, jealous of each other, they flew with different strange devices, they loved sacrifices and blood, they decided the fate of people, they physically slept with people, or in the form of rain,

    Breeze or light, in the same way as the legend tells that Mary became pregnant with Jesus. If we have arrived here, we cannot stop talking about the Bible to wonder if the gods are mentioned in its stories as they are mentioned in the secular world.

    It’s good, if any of you think that in the Bible God has nothing to do with the gods, they are totally wrong. I will prove to you with the words of the Bible that God is the head of the gods (like

    Zeus) and that this whole book is a rough copy of the ancient manuscripts. All the testimonies of antiquity, legends, myths, established in clay, the peoples who still live in the jungle today speak to us of gods. All these peoples or rather all humanity worships the gods.

    For everything they had to do, they asked and asked the permission of the gods and it was the gods who decided. After all their testimonies, the gods arrived on earth flying from the sky to teach the scientists.

    But why did all the peoples leave us so many testimonies about the existence of the gods? As described, the gods were persons endowed with great powers, intelligence, science, technology and were immortal. They had their pains, ambitions, loves, intrigues, jealousy, compassion, conspiracies and errors. But aren’t these feelings also human feelings?

    The ancients tell us that the gods had a supreme boss and all breath had to obey him, people and all the creation of heaven and earth. This was Zeus or God. This God or Zeus is the creator of all material things and the gods or angels help him, those who do his will.

    But the gods are also separated from each other: there are those who go with God or Zeus and those who do not go with him, in a few words those who want to take his place. But the Bible also talks about these things, that’s why I put both appellations together.

    In the Bible countless times, God got angry and punished the holy people because they often turned their backs on God and worshiped the gods without taking into account the promises he made. Well, if the holy people always returned to listen and worship the gods, it means either

    That they were not satisfied with this god or that this monotheistic divinity is an invention of the priests, as I said before. Deuteronomy 10-17: God is the god of gods, (where are so many gods if they said he is

    Alone?), Genesis: you will have no other gods besides me, our god is greater than all the gods. psalms 86-8: none of the gods is like you. psalms 136-1: praise the god of gods. psalms: because God is great, awesome, above all gods.

    The list is too long, and these are only a small part of the testimonies written in the Bible that attest without a doubt to the existence of gods whose supreme head is God. The usual explanation within Christianity might suggest that gods are not living entities and that humans should not worship them.

    However, this perspective does not reflect the whole reality: idols are inanimate not because they represent lifeless gods, but because they are symbolic manifestations of divinities, similar to how icons symbolize the figure of Jesus or the saints. Idols and icons, though human creations and lifeless in themselves, represent divinities that are considered real entities.

    This is supported by the idea that God has his place in an assembly of gods, not plausibly reigning among mere inanimate representations. God is seen as the god of the living, implying that the other deities are also alive. It is interesting how the Bible mentions the existence of gods and other divine entities,

    Even though the sacred texts emphasize monotheism. This may be due to changes made to ancient texts, where the terms referring to “gods” or “deities” were not replaced by “angels”, possibly due to the specific role of angels as messengers and executors of the divine will, without occupying positions of authority

    . These divinities that once determined the fate of humanity are perceived to have the same impact today, thus linking to the idea that past gods, angels, or other divine entities may be equivalent to present-day aliens. As our journey through the mysteries and theories that grace the pages of history draws to a

    Close, we can’t help but wonder: what other secrets are waiting to be discovered in the ancient texts and ruins of vanished civilizations? Are the angels and God described in the scriptures really divine entities, or could they be visitors from other worlds, ancient interpretations of alien encounters?

    Throughout time, man has sought to understand his origin and purpose on this earth, and the answers seem to lie hidden beneath layers of myth and legend. The unanswered questions and unsolved enigmas that punctuate human history only fuel the fire of our curiosity.

    If angels and God are indeed aliens, what does this mean for our understanding of divinity and spirituality? History as we know it is full of tales of gods from the heavens, technologies beyond our understanding, and heroes who seem to be more than mere mortals.

    How is it possible for these ancient civilizations, without the help of modern technology, to achieve such architectural wonders and have advanced knowledge of the universe? The mystery becomes even deeper when we consider the archaeological finds that seem to confirm the existence of such extraterrestrial encounters.

    From Vimanas and Ezekiel’s flying chariot, to the Dogon’s precise astronomical knowledge of Sirius B, all this suggests that we are not alone in the universe and that our history is far more complex than we ever thought. This perspective opens up a vast horizon of possibilities, where the lines between science

    And spirituality begin to blur. We are faced with the question: are we, mankind, the offspring or creation of these visitors from the stars? And if so, what is the true purpose of our existence? As we close this chapter in our exploration of the unknown, we are left with more questions than answers.

    But perhaps it is in this ceaseless search for truth that the true beauty of humanity resides. Unbridled curiosity, the desire to explore and understand the mysteries of the universe defines us as a species. We invite you to come back, to keep questioning, to explore and to seek the truth, no matter

    How strange or unbelievable it may seem. Because ultimately, each discovery brings us one step closer to understanding our place in this vast and mysterious cosmos. What other secrets are waiting to be revealed? What new questions will arise as we discover more? Only time and continued exploration will tell.

    Until then, let’s keep our minds open and never stop wondering about the infinity that surrounds us. Because, as the countless civilizations that have lived before us have taught us, the universe is full of wonders just waiting to be discovered.


    1. Message to Christians that have mistaken Extra terrestrial gods for source creators

      In contact report 215 the Extra terrestrial human beings tell Billy Meier how the evil bible God Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

      The bible is true but most Christians have interpreted the bible the wrong way.

      The stories in the bible can also found in older cultures.

      The bible is basically telling us that a long time ago Extra terrestrials came here and interfered with us and we worshipped those powerful ETS as gods.

      The word Elohim is plural and means gods.

      The God that you are worshipping was an alien Extra terrestrial from another planet and he was so evil that his own family turned against him.

      Jehovah was later killed by his own nephew Kamagol the first and Kamagol the first was later killed by own son Kamagol the second.

      Kamagol the second died at almost 4000 years old back in 1976. There are still some Extra terrestrials living among us now but because they look like us we cannot detect them.

      Billy Meier – Et chronicles Contact Report 215 Sodom and Gomorrah:

      The remaining part of the total destruction was caused by the megalomaniac and crazy God of the Hebrews Jehovah, an extraterrestrial who had his headquarters deep under the pyramid of Giza. His punishment for the disobedience of the population of Sodom and Gomorrah against his commands was that he let two small atom bombs ignite over the two cities, that finally leveled everything to the ground, killing all humans and animals.

      The bible tells us that Extra terrestrials are real. If you are a Christian and you want your church to grow then remember that we are living in the space age and all you have to do is just say that God is an Extraterrestrial and people will be joining your church every week because the bible makes sense now.

      The biblical book of Genesis chapter 6 talks about the Nephilim of the sons of god that had children with the daughters of men.

      That clearly lets us know that we are dealing with beings from other worlds.

      Do you know what the word Extra-terrestrial means ?



      The book of Ezekiel speaks about flying saucers in chapter 1. It is blatant now that Jehovah was an ET.


      The Spaceships of Ezekiel P1:

      Ezekiel 1:16:

      Please down load the Google drive link: Spaceships of Ezekiel:

      Pleased download the pdf link: The Bible and flying saucers:

      Extraterrestrial life:


      Billy Meier – Extra terrestrial chronicles Contact Report 215 – The Henoch Prophecies:

      Extraterrestrial Beings in the Bible with Chuck Missler and Mike Heiser:

    2. The chariots of God are flying vehicles that are used by Extra terrestrials in the bible:

      {{{Chariots Flying Vehicles}}} There are 10 verses describing chariots as vehicles in the Bible.

      Chariots There are 10 verses describing chariots as vehicles
      in the Bible:

      A clear indication of the physical nature of these flying craft is their description as chariots of the Elohiym. The words from which ‘chariot’ is translated mean vehicle, cavalry, or millstone, which, of course, is a thick disc-shaped object. The actual attachment of the number 20,000, though vague in true meaning, shows that a great number of flying vehicles are associated with the Elohiym, a fleet. The statement that Yhovah has chariots that are cloud-like is a direct key to the nature of the clouds associated with the Second Coming, literally thousands of flying vehicles.

      Spinning Chariots of Fire Take Elijah in the biblical book of 2nd Kings:

      2nd Kings Chapter 2: verse 11: And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

      (Elijah and Elisha are talking and suddenly a bright, flying vehicle and a cavalry of bright, flying objects appear and Elijah ascends into the sky by a spinning-flying vehicle).

      2nd Kings chapter 2: verse 12: And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

      (The word translated into horses is cuwc' means rapid movement or flight).

      (This cavalry of glowing vehicles is most likely the army spoken of where hosts appear).

      Horses and Chariots of Fire:

      2nd Kings Chapter 6: verse 17: And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

      2nd Kings Chapter 6: verse 18: And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the Lord, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

      (One or more flying objects descend to the ground and Elisha asks Yhovah to cause blindness to befall the surrounding army. The army is captured and later Yhovah restores their sight).

      Thousands Of Flying Vehicles in the biblical book of Psalms:

      Psalms Chapter 68: verse 17: The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

      Psalms chapter 68 Verse 18: Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.

      (The vehicles of Elohiym number a myriad of thousands. Twenty = Myriad):

      Revelation chapter 5:verse 11 King James Version (KJV):

      And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

      Clouds As Chariots in the biblical book of Psalms.

      Psalm chapter 104: verse 3 King James Version (KJV);

      Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:

      The Chariots Of God Spin And Glow in the biblical book of Isaiah:

      Isaiah Chapter 66:verse 15: For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.

      The Chariots Of God Spin And Fly Swiftly in the biblical book of Jeremiah:

      Jeremiah Chapter 4: verse 13: Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.

      Flying Vehicles From The Sky in the biblical book Zechariah:

      Zechariah looks up and sees four flying vehicles coming from between two copper colored mountains.

      Zechariah chapter 6: verse 1: And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass.


      Psalm chapter 68: verse 17 – "The 'Chariots of God' are twenty thousand, even thousands of Angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place."

      (What a beautiful verse of Scripture. Think of Christ standing in the midst of thousands of 'Chariots' and thousands of angels. Picture Him arriving in Jerusalem surrounded by such a heavenly host, as He takes His throne to rule over all the earth as KING OF KINGS).

      (Zechariah chapter 6:verses 12 to 13 and chapter 14: verses 9 to 16. What a glorious, spectacular event).

      Isaiah chapter 66:verse 15 – "For, behold, the LORD will come with 'Fire', and with His 'Chariots' like a 'Whirlwind', to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with 'Flames of Fire'."

      (Isaiah chapter 66: verse 15 is another Scripture concerning the Lord's 'Chariots'. Christ shall come with 'Fire' and with His 'Chariots' like a 'Whirlwind', to pour forth His anger and rebuke upon UNREPENTANT mankind).


      The biblical book of Zechariah chapter 5: verses 1 and 2(King James version):

      Verse 1: Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.

      Verse 2: And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.

      New King James bible – Amos chapter 5 verse 8:

      He made the Pleiades and Orion; He turns the shadow of death into morning and makes the day dark as night; He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the face of the earth; The LORD is His name.

      Extra terrestrials live among us Earth people on planet Earth in disguise today:

      The holy bible King James Version (KJV). Hebrews chapter 13: verse 2

      Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

      Knowing God – An Extraterrestrial Message – Chuck Missler:

      The Holy Bible – Job Chapter 38 (KJV):

      Please down load the Google drive link: Spaceships of Ezekiel:

      Pleased download the pdf link: The Bible and flying saucers:

    3. Flying Saucers, Abductions and the Bible part 1:

      Following are some stories from the Bible that seem to be abductions like Extra terrestrial abductions of terrestrial human beings. The abductions of terrestrial humans by Extra terrestrials in the bible are from the earth to the sky.

      “Abduction by Extra terrestrials in the bible”:

      Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. (Genesis chapter 5: verses 21 to 24).

      (There were no witnesses, but Enoch was not found. One good book to read is the First Book of Enoch, which was found in the cave of the scrolls (near the Dead Sea). Enoch and God were friends, a relationship comparable to the relationship that Moses had with God. God just took him with his body, and he never came back).

      Abduction by Extra terrestrials in the bible. IFO Identified Flying Object in the bible:

      And it came to pass, when the Lord was about to take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, please, for the Lord has sent me on to Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” So they went down to Bethel. Now the sons of the prophets who were at Bethel came out to Elisha, and said to him, “Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today?” And he said, “Yes, I know; keep silent!”

      (2 Kings chapter 2: verses 1 to 13).

      Then Elijah said to him, “Elisha, stay here, please, for the Lord has sent me on to Jericho.” But he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” So they came to Jericho. Now the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho came to Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today?” So he answered, “Yes, I know; keep silent!”

      Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here, please, for the Lord has sent me on to the Jordan.” But he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” So the two of them went on. And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood facing them at a distance, while the two of them stood by the Jordan. Now Elijah took his mantle (tallit), rolled it up, and struck the water; and it was divided this way and that, so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground.
      And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?” Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”

      So he said, “You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.” Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

      And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, “My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!” So he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces. He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan.

      God had told Elijah that He was going to “abduct” him. Elisha, who was with Elijah, identified the chariot he saw as “the chariot of Israel”. This tells me that at this time this chariot was known and called by this name, even if the Bible does not specifically mention it as such.

    4. Flying Saucers, Abductions and the Bible part 2:

      IFO = Indentified flying object in the bible:

      The word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the River Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was upon him there. Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man. Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings. Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of calves’ feet. They sparkled like the color of burnished bronze. The hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides; and each of the four had faces and wings. Their wings touched one another. The creatures did not turn when they went, but each one went straightforward.

      (Ezekiel chapter 1:verses 3 to 28).

      As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had the face of an eagle. Thus were their faces. Their wings stretched upward; two wings of each one touched one another, and two covered their bodies. And each one went straight- forward; they went wherever the spirit wanted to go, and they did not turn when they went.

      As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures. The fire was bright, and out of the fire went lightning. And the living creatures ran back and forth, in appearance like a flash of lightning.

      Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they moved, they went toward any one of four directions; they did not turn aside when they went. As for their rims, they were so high they were awesome; and their rims were full of eyes, all around the four of them. When the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Wherever the spirit wanted to go, they went, because there the spirit went; and the wheels were lifted together with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When those went, these went; when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up together with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

      The likeness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads. And under the firmament their wings spread out straight, one toward another. Each one had two which covered one side, and each one had two which covered the other side of the body. When they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like the noise of an army; and when they stood still, they let down their wings. A voice came from above the firmament that was over their heads; whenever they stood, they let down their wings.

      And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; on the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it. Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around. Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of one speaking.

      (What Ezekiel saw years later was what Elisha had called “the chariot of Israel”. There was a throne on it, and God was sitting on the throne).

      “Abduction by Extra terrestrials in the bible”

      And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. (Luke chapter 24: verse 50 to 51).

      Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts chapter 1: verses 9 to 11).

      These passages refer to the ascension of Jesus. He went into a cloud. When this happened, He was already resurrected and had a glorified body. It is interesting that the angels said that He would come back in the same manner.

      (Some videos on the Internet show IFOs going into clouds to hide. I suspect the chariot of Israel was hiding in the cloud that received Jesus.)

      (Whitley Strieber is a man who claims to have been abducted several times. His first abduction, if I remember correctly, occurred when he was driving in the country and saw a ball of fog on a road. Curious, he drove into the fog where there was a flying saucer hiding that abducted him).

      And it came to pass, when the priests came out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.

      (1 Kings chapter 8: verses 10 to 11).

      (I suspect that the dimension that God and the angels are in also hold demons. God’s chariots and flying vehicles are in that dimension. When someone or something from that dimension moves to our dimension, something that looks like a cloud or fog (a low-lying cloud) is formed).

      A quick note about some Extra terrestrials or aliens, in reality some of them are fallen angels. There are many kinds of them since they have different appearances. The ones reported commonly by abductees are the reptilians and the insectoids.
      Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

      (Luke chapter 10 to 19). We have power over them. The Lord says so. Amen.

      Book Of Enoch – (Epic Audio Version):

      The book of Jasher is Referenced In books of the bible such as Joshua chapter 10 verse13, 2 Samuel chapter chapter 1 verse 18 and 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 8.

      Ancient Book of Jasher – Audio Version:

      The Talmud of Immanuel or Jmmanuel or Jesus Christ:

      Whitley Strieber:

      Please down load the Google drive link: Spaceships of Ezekiel:

      Pleased download the pdf link The Bible and flying saucers:

      (The universe is full of life. The reason why most of the Extra terrestrials do NOT come here to our planet Earth to visit us anymore is because our planet Earth is a prison for Sinners. Planets that are contaminated with Sin are separated from the rest of God's creation. The Great God of the Orion Nebula does NOT want us Earth humans to infect the inhabitants of other worlds that are harmonious with our sin.

      Only Extra terrestrials that are of a lower order come to Earth because planet Earth is a prison for sinners and Sinners MUST be isolated from the harmonious worshippers of the God of the Orion Nebula. After Sin has been removed from planet Earth then the people of planet Earth will be allowed to have contact with their cosmic family across the universe that also worship the Great God of the Orion Nebula).

    5. Inter-dimensional and Extra terrestrial are the same thing part 2B1A:

      A meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

      1 Solon cubit = 40 times √φ = 50.88078598056276 centimeters.
      If 1 Solon cubit is divided into 20 equal units of measure then 20 inches can be derived because 1 Solon cubit is equal to 20 inches.

      1 Saylen cubit = 50 times √φ = 63.60098247570345 centimeters.
      If 1 Saylen cubit is divided into 25 equal units of measure then 25 inches can be derived because 1 Saylen cubit is equal to 25 inches.

      The correct inch of 2 times √φ = 2.544039299028138 centimeters can be derived if the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 24 centimeters, while the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is divided into 12 equal parts, because 12 inches are equal to 1 foot and 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337655 centimeters.

      The second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is 1 foot in the first example and another Kepler right triangle can be created with its shortest edge length also being equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337655 centimeters.

      1 inch = 2 times √φ = 2.544039299028138 centimeters.

      1 foot = 12 inches.

      1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters.

      1 megalithic yard = 83.259467968193607 centimeters.

      1 megalithic yard = (30/11) = 2.727272727272727 feet.

      1 yard = 36 inches.

      1 yard = 3 feet.

      1 yard = 72 times √φ = 91.585414765012968 centimeters.

      600 feet = 1 stadion.

      660 feet = 1 furlong.

      The meter = 100 centimeters.

      The meter = 100/(24 times √φ) = 3.27563074065593 feet.

      The meter = 39.307568887871163 inches.

      There are 1000 meters in a kilometer.

      There are 10 ^ 5 = 100,000 centimeters in 1 kilometer.

      There are 39307.568887871163199 inches in 1 kilometer.

      There are 3275.63074065593 feet in 1 kilometer.

      There are 1201.064604907174435 Megalithic yards in 1 kilometer.

      There are 1091.876913551976756 yards in 1 kilometer.

      “The statute mile”

      There are 161190.32998642282368 centimeters in 1 statute mile. (2 times √φ times 63360 = 161190.32998642282368).

      There are 63360 inches in 1 statute mile.

      There are 5280 feet in 1 statute mile.

      There are 1936 megalithic yards in 1 statute mile.

      There are 1760 yards in 1 statute mile.

      There are 1611.903299864228368 meters in 1 statute mile.

      5280/(100/(24 times √φ)) = 1611.903299864228368.

      1267.2 times √φ = 1611.903299864228368.

      6336 times √φ/5 = 1611.903299864228368.

      There are 8.8 stadions in 1 statute mile.

      There are 8 furlongs in 1 statute mile.

      There are 1.611903299864228 kilometers in 1 statute mile.

      1.2672 times √φ = 1.611903299864228.

      5280/(100/(24 times √φ) times 10 ^ 3) = 1.611903299864228.

      3 statute miles = 1 league. The amount of leagues with in miles can be determined by multiplying the amount of miles by 5280 and then dividing the amount of feet in miles by 5280 times 3 for example the amount of leagues with in 864000 statute miles is determined as 864000 times 5280/(5280 times 3) = 28000.

      There are 483570.98995926847104 centimeters in 1 league. There are 4835.70989959268471 meters in 1 league.

      The Egyptian royal mile:

      To obtain the Egyptian royal mile divide the statute mile into 8 equal parts and multiply one eighth of the statute mile 7 equal times.

      There are 141041.53873811997072 centimeters in 1 Egyptian Royal mile because there are 161190.32998642282368 centimeters in a statute mile and 161190.32998642282368 centimeters divided by 8 = 20148.79124830285296 centimeters. 20148.79124830285296 centimeters times 7 = 141041.53873811997072 centimeters.
      There are 55440 inches in 1 Egyptian royal mile.

      There are 4620 feet 1 Egyptian royal mile.

      There are 1694 megalithic yards in 1 Egyptian royal mile.

      There are 1540 yards in 1 Egyptian royal mile.

      There are 1410.415387381199822 meters in 1 Egyptian royal mile.

      There are 1.4104153873812 kilometers in 1 Egyptian royal mile.

      The megalithic mile:

      The megalithic mile can be gained by multiplying 1 megalithic yard 5280 times.

      1 megalithic yard = 83.259467968193607 centimeters.

      1 megalithic yard = (30/11) = 2.727272727272727 feet.

      24 times √φ times (30/11) = 83.259467968193607 centimeters.

      There are 439609.99087206224496 centimeters in 1 megalithic mile.

      There are 172800 inches in 1 megalithic mile.

      There are 14400 feet in 1 megalithic mile.

      There are 4800 yards in 1 megalithic mile.

      There are 4396.09990872062245 meters in 1 megalithic mile.

      There are 4.396099908720622 kilometers in 1 megalithic mile.

      The true value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

      Furlongs and the Megalithic yard and the Megalithic Mile and the League:

      A furlong is 660 feet.

      The Megalithic yard is equal to 2.727272727272727 feet.

      The Megalithic mile is equal to 2.727272727272727 statute miles.

      30 divided by 11 = 2.727272727272727.

      5280 divided by 1936 = 2.727272727272727.

      864000 divided by 316800 = 2.727272727272727.

      A statute mile is 5280 feet. A league is 3 statute miles.

      • THE SUN SOL.

      The diameter of our sun Sol is equal to 864000 statute miles.

      The diameter of our sun Sol is equal to 6912000 furlongs.

      The diameter of our sun is also Megalithic yards 1672704000.

      The diameter of our sun is also 316800 Megalithic Miles.

      The diameter of our sun Sol is equal to 288000 leagues.


      The equatorial diameter of our Moon Lunar is equal to 2160 statute miles.

      The equatorial diameter of our Moon Lunar is equal to 17280 furlongs.

      The equatorial diameter of our Moon Lunar is equal to 4181760 Megalithic yards.

      The equatorial diameter of our Moon Lunar is equal to 792 Megalithic miles.

      The equatorial diameter of our Moon Lunar is equal to 720 leagues.


      The equatorial diameter of our Planet Earth is 7920 statute miles.

      The equatorial diameter of our Planet Earth is 63360 furlongs.

      The equatorial diameter of our Planet Earth is 15333120 Megalithic yards.

      The equatorial diameter of our Planet Earth is 2904 Megalithic Miles.

      The equatorial diameter of our Planet Earth is 26400 leagues.


      The equatorial diameter of the Planet Venus is 7560 statute miles.

      The equatorial diameter of the planet Venus is 60480 furlongs.

      The equatorial diameter of the Planet Venus is 14636160 Megalithic yards.

      The equatorial diameter of the Planet Venus is Megalithic 2772 Miles.

      The equatorial diameter of the Planet Venus is 2520 leagues.


      The width of the New Jerusalem Cube in the biblical book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 16 and 17 is 1500 statute miles. The distance between the planet Earth and the Orion Nebula is 1500 light years.

      The width of the New Jerusalem Cube in the biblical book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 16 and 17 is 12000 furlongs.

      The width of the New Jerusalem Cube in the biblical book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 16 and 17 is 2904000 Megalithic yards.

      The width of the New Jerusalem Cube in the biblical book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 16 and 17 is 550 Megalithic Miles.

      The width of the New Jerusalem Cube in the biblical book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 16 and 17 is 500 leagues.

      If the furthest distance between the Earth and the Sun at Apogee is 95040000 statute miles then that is the same as 1531952896.1909622912 kilometers and that means the distance between the Earth and the sun can also be 1531952896.1909622912 kilometers for the astronomical unit Aphelion that is further away from the Planet Earth than 149597870.700 kilometers Perihelion.

      The width of the New Jerusalem Cube in the biblical book of Revelation chapter 21 verses 16 and 17 is 95040000 inches. The average distance between the Earth and moon is equal to 7920 times 30 = 237600 statute miles and that means there is a measurement of 30 Earths between the Earth and moon on average and also 110 moons between the Earth and the moon on average because the diameter of the moon is 2160 statute miles and 2160 times 110 = 237600 statute miles.

      The distance between the Earth and the moon times 400 equals the distance between the Earth and the Sun at apogee 95040000 statute miles.
      The equatorial diameter of the Sun = 864000 statute miles and is 400 times larger than the equatorial diameter of our planet Earth’s moon = 2160 statute miles.

      95040000 statute miles is also equal 31680000 leagues.

    6. Inter-dimensional and Extra terrestrial are the same thing part 2B2A:

      There is only 1 space because if the only thing that you can see is darkness then you cannot determine your location until you begin with a point that is a different color to the darkness.

      Extra terrestrial and inter-dimensional are the same thing. Extra terrestrial applies to anything that does NOT come from our planet Earth. There are many different extra terrestrial races in this universe. Some beings use portals to travel across space while other beings use electromagnetically propelled spacecraft that are equipped with a repulsive photon force field to travel across space.

      Some beings are powerful enough to survive the vacuum of space while traveling across the vast distances of space without the aid of a spacecraft.

      Some beings are capable of temporarily converting their bodies and also other physical material into light and reducing the mass of themselves and other important objects to zero for the purpose of traveling at the speed of light and beyond because anything that has mass cannot usually travel at the speed of light and beyond. Anything with mass cannot travel at the speed of light or beyond the speed of light if the source of energy that propels the object is NOT Zero-point energy and Negative energy and also electromagnetism and if the material object is NOT protected from particle collisions by a repulsive photon deflector shield.

      The 3 dimensions of regular space are:

      1. Horizontal

      2. Vertical.

      3. Depth. The 3 dimensions of regular space are represented by Linear perspective.

      Time is NOT a dimension and time zones may be different from each other due to different speeds because time is determined by the observation and measurement of motion based upon cycles.

      Angles and directions are dimensions. Dimensions also involve scales relating to infinite smallness and infinite largeness. Size can be reduced to infinity and size can be be enlarged to infinity.

      The 4th dimension and above is hyperspace and can involve curvilinear perspective including continuous curvilinear perspective and both Hemispherical perspective and Spherical perspective.

      Hyperspace is usually curved energy. Normal energy in space is on a straight line.

      Hyperspace in the form of curved energy is demonstrated from knowing that the true value of Π = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 from a piece of foam board that is larger than A0 and using a beam compass with a radius of 50 centimeters to create a circle with a 1 meter diameter. The next thing to do is use a rotary circle cutter with a metal blade that also has a radius of 50 centimeters.

      Get a tape measure with a length that is a minimum of 3200 millimeters place the tape measure inside the contour of the 1-meter diameter circle that has been created upon the Foam board that is larger than A0 and count the amount of times the diameter fits around the circumference of the circle with a 1-meter diameter to determine the circumference of the circle.

      The diameter of the circle is 1-meter so the circumference of the circle will be 3144.6 millimeters.

      Circumference of circle = 3144.6 millimeters.

      Diameter of circle = 1-meter = 1000 millimeters.

      3144.6 divided by 1000 = 3.1446 and that means that Pi is a minimum of 3.1446.

      4 divided by 3.1446 = the ratio 1.272021878776315. The ratio 1.272021878776315 is an approximation of the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 because if the ratio 1.272021878776315 is squared the result is the ratio 1.618039660085626.

      The ratio 1.618039660085626 is an approximation of the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = (φ) = 1.618033988749895.

      The ratio 1.618039660085626 squared = the ratio 2.618052341610009. The Golden ratio = (φ) = 1.618033988749895 squared = (√(5) plus 3)/2 = 2.618033988749895.

      Proof that the Kepler right triangle is the key to the true value of Pi can also be demonstrated if the length of the measuring tape is a minimum of 4 meters = 4000 millimeters, because if the circumference of the 1-meter diameter circle = 3144.6 millimeters is marked and placed on a horizontal straight line while the 1-meter diameter of the circle = 1000 millimeters is multiplied 4 equal times on a vertical straight line the result is the circumference of the 1-meter diameter circle = 3144.6 millimeters is the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle while the multiplication of the 1-meter diameter of the circle = 1000 millimeters = 4000 millimeters is the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle.

      The multiplication of the 1-meter diameter of the circle = 1000 millimeters by 4 equal parts is 4000 millimeters. 4000 divided by 3144.6 = the ratio 1.2720218787763.

      The ratio 1.2720218787763 is an approximation of the square root of the golden ratio of √φ = 1.272019649514069, because the ratio 1.2720218787763 squared meaning that the ratio 1.2720218787763 times the ratio 1.2720218787763 = the ratio 1.6180396600856.

      We can find the correct decimal expansion for Pi as 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 and that is to 18 decimal places. We can have as many decimal places for Pi that are larger than 18 as long as we remember that the exact value for Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

      Pi is also defined as the ratio of the area of a circle divided by the area of the square that is located on the radius of the circle. 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is the only value of Pi that can truly square the circle with just compass and straight edge.

      After you have measured a circle with a 1 meter diameter to find the exact value of Pi for yourself the next stage is to square the circle to further prove that 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is the real and true value for Pi.

      The next thing that can be done to confirm Hyperspace energy in the form of a straight line being rolled up into the curvature of a circle is to learn that Any circle can be squared by using just compass and straight edge alone when using the real value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

      If you have a given circle and you want to create a square with a perimeter that has the same measure as the curvature of the circle then just use your calculator and divide the diameter of the circle by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 and you will automatically have the width of a square that has a perimeter with the same exact measure as the curvature of the circle.

      Multiply Π = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 times the diameter of the circle to confirm that the circumference of the circle is the same exact measure as the perimeter of the square.

      To get the second quadrature of the circle just use the square root of the square root of the Golden ratio = √√φ = 1.127838485561682 by dividing the diameter of given circle to get the width of a square with the same surface area as the given circle.

      Please remember that the ratio √√φ = 1.127838485561682 is the square root of the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 and the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 is the square root of the Golden ratio of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

      The real value of pi is NOT transcendental because the real value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is the only value of pi that can fit the following polynomial equation:

      4th dimensional equation/polynomial for Golden Pi =
      4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144

      Minimal polynomial: x4 + 16×2 – 256 = 0.

      The real value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144: Please copy and paste the following link into your web browser if you cannot click onto the following link:

      Please click on the red dots in the following link to confirm that the real value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.1446 is not transcendental.

      The real value of pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

      Minimal polynomial: x4 + 16×2 – 256 = 0×2+%e2%80%93+256+%3d+0

      The next thing that can be done to confirm Hyperspace energy also exists in the form of a straight line being rolled up into the curvature of a circle is to learn that the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to the curvature circumference of a circle with a radius that is equal to one 8th of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle and also the diameter of the circle being equal to 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

    7. Inter-dimensional and Extra terrestrial are the same thing part 2B2B:

      If the shortest edge length of an Kepler right triangle is reduced to 1 then the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle is equal to the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895, while the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal to the Square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514068, according to the Pythagorean theorem.

      Also the ratio of the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle divided by the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is also the Square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514068.

      The Pythagorean theorem can be applied to all the edge lengths of the Kepler right triangle to confirm that the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to the curvature circumference of a circle with a radius that is equal to one 8th of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle and also the diameter of the circle being equal to 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

      If a thin straight line is rolled up into the curvature and circumference of a circle and is viewed directly in front of an individual with only 1 eye open then the thin straight line will become invisible and this explains why most individuals on a regular basis do NOT view Hyperspace.

      Dividing the distance between 2 points on a thin straight line by the real value of pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 can cause the thin straight line to be rolled up into the curvature circumference of a circle around the result of dividing the distance between 2 points on a thin straight line by the real value of pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 also the distance between 2 points on a thin straight line times the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514068 can result in 4 times the diameter of a circle with a curvature and circumference that is equal to the distance between the 2 points on the thin straight line .

      The knowledge of knowing how to construct the real value of pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 can be used for instant travel between 2 points on a straight line without having to do a lot of moving because electromagnetism connects all points in space and time and in Physics the Golden ratio of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 represents Magnetic flux and high energy synthetic Dyonic fields can be used to create folding space waveguides that can contribute to the folding of space for almost instant travel.

      Time is measured by the distance between 2 points and the speed of the object that is moving between the 2 points. We cannot have literal time travel because history only exists as memories in the minds of individuals that remember events of the past. Regarding time travel events of the past cannot be changed because the events of the past can only be recorded and observed and interpreted to a limited degree by an observer or a multitude of observers. Interpretations of past events may vary from the point of different observers.

      The true value of Π = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144:

      Einstein's theory of Relativity tells us that anything with mass cannot travel at the speed of light or beyond but the Extra terrestrials have spaceships that are fitted with repulsive photon warp drives. Repulsive Photon warp drives allow faster than light travel.

      ‘How to travel in space”:

      The computer system of a good spaceship MUST include the capability of being operated by an artificial intelligence that can be overridden by the commands of a biological being the space traveler. A good spaceship MUST also contain a repulsive photon emitting drive that causes the surface of the spaceship to be surrounded by a repulsive photon deflection shield to protect the spaceship from random debris in space and also cause the mass of the spaceship to be reduced enough to the point that faster than light travel can become possible. If the particles of a regular object are converted into photons then the mass of the object can be reduced to the status of conditioned radiation – photon particles.
      A good spacecraft MUST also have more than 1 circular particle accelerator.

      A repulsive Photon deflection shield that is emitted from a good spaceship that has a repulsive photon emitting drive can be used for:

      • Eliminating atmospheric friction.

      • Protecting the spaceship from radiation and debris in space.

      • Neutralizing the mass of the spaceship to the point that the spaceship has the status of photon particles so that light speed travel can become possible because photons can travel at the speed of light.

      • Preventing length contraction problems and also other unwanted effects associated with general relativity.

      • Assisting the acceleration of the spacecraft.

      • Extracting energy from the spacecraft’s motion through the quantum vacuum.

      A combination of all of the above mentioned 6 properties of the repulsive photon deflection shield could contribute to faster than light travel for the spaceship. The repulsive Photon deflection shield also extracts infinite Zero-point energy from the quantum vacuum of space. Exciton-Polaritons also have Negative mass and Squeezed states of light produce Negative energy that contributes to the rapid acceleration of the electromagnetic field repulsive energy laser deflector shield equipped spacecraft.

      A repulsive photon deflector shield must be produced around the spacecraft so that the mass of the spacecraft can be reduced to zero, the status of regular Photons. After the mass of a spaceship has been reduced to zero, the status of normal Photons then the Spaceship does NOT have any weight and can be navigated more easily and can travel up to the speed of light and beyond.

      Fields of energy can be warped and manipulated. Ligo observatory detected gravitational waves from black holes and Quasar stars orbiting each other that also prove that fields of energy bend by themselves.

      The Square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 is known to turn curved lines into straight lines and back again and is the key to squaring the circle and demonstrating the fact that 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is the real value of Pi and that further proves that energy fields can be warped.

      To travel across space beyond the speed of light An electromagnetically propelled spacecraft that is equipped with a repulsive photon deflector shield that is emitted directly from the surface of the electromagnetically propelled spacecraft in all directions and is used to perform Bremsstrahlung radiation that involves protecting the spacecraft by deflecting particles away from the spacecraft similar to a game of baseball, resulting in the electromagnetically propelled spacecraft achieving unlimited speed. The repulsive Photon deflector shield also extracts zero-point energy from the quantum vacuum of space.

      The extraction of negative energy from space can be demonstrated through the Casimir effect.

      There are no G-force problems to worry about when an electromagnetic propulsion spaceship is fitted with a repulsive photon deflector shield that can reduce the mass of the spaceship to zero, the same status as photons.

      Photons are light particles and photons do NOT have any mass so photons can travel at the speed of light.

      The universe is expanding and this can be observed through seeing galaxies move away from each other with a powerful telescope.

      Space itself is alive and is moving faster than the speed of light = 299792458 meters per second. There is no limit to how fast space can expand or contract upon itself.

      Hyperspace jumps are achieved by spacecrafts with the aid of a repulsive photon deflector shield when a electromagnetic propulsion spaceship rises many miles above a solar system for the purpose of leaping far into hyperspace causing an electromagnetic propulsion spaceship to reach its destination quickly many times faster than the speed of light.

      Faster than light travel should not be activated inside of a star system because faster than light travel inside of a star system can cause planets to be removed from their natural orbits. Faster than light travel should only be activated approximately 153 million kilometers away from a star system. When approaching a star system the faster than light function of the space craft must be turned off and deactivated approximately 153 million kilometers away from a star system to prevent planets inside of a star system from being removed from their natural orbits.

      Please remember that electromagnetic propulsion is the key to space travel. Electromagnetic propulsion involves using powerful frozen magnets and a lot of electricity. Fossil fuels and conventional rockets cannot be used for space travel and are dangerous and the use of fossil fuels and conventional rockets that use fossil fuels must be abandoned and outlawed.

      The ratio 152.95533571429 times 1000,000 = 152955335.71429.

      152955335.71429 kilometers is also an astronomical unit at Aphelion.

      152955335.71429 is the same as 152955335.714285714285714.

      152955335.71429 kilometers is also a safe distance away from a star system to leave Hyperspace for the purpose of avoiding event of getting lost in space due to failure to rematerialize at the star system that is the destination of the occupant or occupants of the spacehsip.

      Flying saucer plans based on electromagnetic propulsion:

      Flying saucer secrets:

      Beamship Travel and Technology:

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