Today we take a look at Greencore Wisbech, Weasenham La, Wisbech PE13 2RD.

    We speak to security who object to our lawful activity.

    Despite many attempts to reason with security, it ends in insults, and a manager arrives to turn it around.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
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    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
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    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    You know what Authority do you have who’s who said you could take photographs of the building not asked anyone well why you shouldn’t just take pH photo of of a building so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in whis Beach taking a look at this place green

    Core yes green core the spee we do have a security gate house and we can see his cameras is that me no that’s not me but he very quick to close his barriers very good no parking on this area just here oh we’ve been spotted already

    Sorry sorry mate I can’t hear you what youing for what youing for YouTube what what for YouTube Just a YouTube video that I’m making well just just out go work here not what do they do what do they do inside it’s a food backday which type of

    Food ready meals just ready me yeah it’s all available online mate yeah I was going to look I’ve not got around to it yet I hav just arrived you spotted me quick didn’t you yeah it’s just the b f just there all right okay yeah that’s is

    That all right as long as you don’t get anybody in it m obviously it’s cheating be you’re in it you’re in it now oh well can I ask that you you don’t D inside please what it is from my arrival to my departure it’s an experienced video so

    If people do question me I’m always open and honest but I never cut anything out so now you don’t want to be on it I’ll just step away I’ll disengage just for your benefit are you coming are you trying to get on site definitely not um

    I used the Drone to get on site I like to have a look um like open skips and stuff like that I like to have a look at I like to have a look with the Drone be a bit nosy with the Drone it all makes a really interesting video cuz

    People don’t get to see these behind the scenes areas of places like this okay I’m just going I’m just to let you know I’m just going to let our security know what you’ve been about right yeah yeah I’ll be outside anyway about 20 minutes I’ll be out here for

    All right M all right oh I like that that’s my One battery goes inside the uh the two yeah is that 15 mph still 15 mph do you want a key ring and have you got a button that you press or do you have to Pedal you got a boost

    Button can you make it go without pedaling yeah can you that’s cheating what’s your name mate hry thanks for watching mate thank you so you don’t have to Pedal at all oh you do have to Pedal I need work with the sorry sorry um can you press button and go yes just

    This I don’t need to work with the legs no no pedal mine you have to Pedal I know I know if I um work with pedal I shot more faster right and worn out water water okay have a nice day so yes back to green cor so yeah we

    Don’t even need to look on the website now do we ready Meals Ready meals they’ve tried to make it look nice around the side this this concrete is it the Finish around the outside side and they’ve even put one of them up there what’s the name of

    That can’t quite think of the name of it Weather Vein no not a Weather Vein I’m not filming you mate I’m just filming the building why why want me to come closer can’t hear you out there why are you taking photographs of the building I’m coming

    Closer to to talk to you about it why are you taking photographs the building for YouTube in short for YouTube well wait do you have do you have a permission for this do I need this is private prop property I was over there well you you shouldn’t be taking taking photographs

    Of the build building but do we agree that I wasn’t on the property over there yeah but you’re taking phots over the build the building that yeah like the Google street car did it really didn’t they I have no idea about about that know what Authority do you have who’s

    Who said you could take photographs of the building not asked anyone well why you shouldn’t just take pH photographs of of a building this is a business a private business but how am I going to be able to make my Youtube video without well that’s not that’s not my problem

    You you’ll need to write into green to green or hereas in the name and ask permission take to take phot who is it Paul bigs yes right is he here now no right um I don’t have time for any of that really well I’m very very sorry you

    Can’t just take photographs of a build of a building are you sure though it don’t seem right that I need permission cuz I’m outside aren’t I surely that isn’t that isn’t the is the the issue why why are you why are you doing doing it uh I’ll put the video

    Onto YouTube you shouldn’t be do doing that this this is a no we’ve been asked to challenge anything like like this because the Press you know how if you say it’s YouTube you could be press how do I now well the press not allowed to take F either well press have to have

    Permission yes so if they don’t have permission if green cor say no not even the Press no really not even the Press can take photos without permission why is that then I don’t know all I know is you shouldn’t be taking pH photographs with some without some sort of

    Authority how long have you been doing this job is any chance you could be mistaken no I have no I have no idea I’m only only going on on what I know I think you might be mistaken would you just check it for me is there anyone

    That you can check it I can’t I can’t check it with you I know is you shouldn’t be S taking photographs here right what are the con you know if I carry on what are the consequences for me I don’t know all I know is green cor

    Will not not be H happy of their one one of their buildings there’s about 40 depos throughout the country being plased all all over YouTube why I just find it fascinating it’s ready meals here isn’t it ready meals yeah yeah I just wanted to this is green core

    They make ready meals in whis Beach fantastic place um yeah we’ve all heard about ready meals and we’ve all heard about green core but nobody’s actually seen the plant the facilit so I just thought it would make interesting viewing that’s all I was going to take

    The Drone around just to get some aerial photography of the place the wind look the wind doesn’t seem to be very strong perfect conditions really well you still need need to get permission from Mr viig so you’ll need to write in at this address wee in lane and get get get permission

    No disrespect to you I know you’re only doing your job but I’m going to risk it I’m going to oh people com in now look youve not called anyone of you no I’ve call no um if you want to check with anyone I’m willing to wait for a few

    Minutes Tony I’ve got some J here somewhat up what did he call me some jerk what did you say some jerk yeah you shouldn’t be taking without stay professional please come on it’s not worth it mate honestly I’ve been nice to you and I I was standing over there yeah on the

    Public Highway bit I’ve only come closer so I can hear him that’s all okay I’m just making a YouTube video of the building right just fly the Drone around get some footage show everybody the whis beach site really okay nothing bad okay could we just let security know that it is

    Allowed well it yeah technically it is all technically it is allowed just let us know before you start to do yeah why is he point he get a bit angry this guy I tell what I’ll come around right yeah yeah I think you should yeah I don’t know he’s taking his job a

    Little bit too serious I know they employ him to protect the place but come on when I’m being that nice that reasonable even offering to to wait for a minute while he gets advice I just said to him look I’m willing to just wait until we get advice no no no Paul’s

    A bit old school mate I apolog I he don’t mean anything by it he’s just he doesn’t understand why why you would even want to be doing what you’re doing I did explain the YouTube just just to show people where green cor is he won’t

    Get it I know I know he just won’t get it so just he’s he’s these guys are minimum wage stuck in front of here they’re not customer facing they’re they are the face Point yeah yeah they are first person your customers see but but most of the time everybody that turns up is

    Booked in we know who they are it’s like a repetitive sort of everything procedure it’s kind of and he’s worried cuz he doesn’t understand what you’re doing yeah and he he he just don’t get it they don’t believe me it’s his job to be suspicious a’t it we we generally we

    Don’t have a problem I mean I don’t know what you’re going to do with the footage YouTube what YouTube we we ain’t got a problem with it um yeah we got enough we make food you know we’re ready meal company so helpself don’t worry about it fresh ingredients come in yeah you do

    The packaging here as well yeah we do everything here for the supermarkets own branded stuff uh no it’s all Supermarket so it’s all sabes K up people like that yeah so what but do you actually have any recognized brands or just owned Brands no it’s all own brand yeah we

    Only ever make under sabes or or under C would I actually see your name on the product no right no it’s all it’s all done under their own uh so if you bought a an Italian ready meal from saintsbury a uh spaghetti bolog uh chicken and bacon

    Pasta any of that done here very likely to be done here yeah yeah yeah is done it we have the sabis contract so oh everything in SS bris so we got three ready meal sites in the UK here kton near Sheffield and Warrington um and all

    All of the SES ready meals for Italian I done out here right or some of it K yeah I have seen a green course site on YouTube before m like this from the outside and with the Drone have you seen it as well no no I

    Hav there a lot of it I mean forgive me I mean I’m notp what what’s the is it just well it’s industrial estate YouTub in because clear YouTubers haven’t really touched industrial Estates yet okay well the past couple of years it started to get a little bit bigger but

    Yeah there’s so much going on in an industrial estate and the rights of the photographer it’s all about promoting the rights as well as looking at interesting places so the conversation that I’ve had there you’ll see it if you ever look at the video I did try and

    Just say look does it seem right though cuz Google street car have gone by and they’ve got an image yeah but even with the elderly people I do try and give comparisons I I I apologize and I will I will talk to Paul about the use of the

    Emotive language cuz it’s not acceptable yeah it did let let green cor cuz my visit to Green core has been like that’s the negative of the visit but you’ve been great you’ve been great and I’m surprised of your attitude actually cuz you’ve never seen this video but you are

    Yeah it seems like it I can’t really stop you cuz you’re on the outside and you’re only taking photos there no harm done is there but that’s great to see cuz you’re not young yourself are you you I’m not I’ve been around a bit Yeah but you’ve never watched a video but you

    Still know it’s not wrong no no so credit to you my friend and uh sry again apologies for that shouldn’t shouldn’t have happened I’ll brief him so that tell him no odd feelings you know I don’t hold any animosity over it we don’t want bad bad can’t say bad

    Publicity yeah um you know we’re we’re a big employer in the local area you know we got 500 of people employed here um we want to be part of the WSB Community we got people I’ve got one guy working for me he’s been here 44 years

    It must be a good employ you so yeah we can’t be all bad yeah no it’s great industry is tough nowadays you know inflation C and all that sort of stuff it is yeah and it’s a dog or two oh little puppy excited one of our guys walking his dog

    After Oh Come to meet his partner come to meet oh that’s why yeah yeah saw Mommy come to see Mom yeah yeah anyway I I’ll do apologize again mate don’t worry thanks what was your name by the way I’m Tony can I give you a keying so you know

    Where the video is going sure yeah that’d be great DJ audits on YouTube okay all right ton thank you mate take care so we’ll return back to the public foot path where we was and we’ll get David up and we’ll see what this place looks like from Above so we’ll just move away from the dog just to make sure there’s no distress cause to the animal this seems reasonable just here and we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area green core with Beach let’s have a look at you then shall we take

    Off so there we are up at 55 M the entrance there the security guard who yeah we’ll let him off we’ll let him off got a little bit personal towards the end but he’s just passionate about his job isn’t he and that is the sight look at all that pipe work I’d

    Love to see what’s inside this place you can imagine it can’t you the production line someone’s putting the ham in someone’s putting the beef in someone’s put the onion in and so on and down at the back we have just a couple of loading Bays look how about they’re always in use

    Though nice tidy yard a few seagulls around where’s the skip what are they after probably after my drone the stff car park there where we first spoke to somebody in The Vaping shelter he said vaping shelter eh and then we have another little yard down at the back

    Here that’s where the skip is look let’s get a little bit lower have a look in this corner just bagged waste what is he doing there somebody mixed it up oh the forlift goes through picks up all the bags and he separates it into the relevant

    Bin yes very neat and tidy what we got just here but that’s that green core whis Beach I think we get the gist absolutely huge place with a lot going on inside one day we may get inside but not just yet there’s your whole site in one shot

    Let’s do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and move on so just under the no parking sign just here there’s a stone and under the stone is the key ring so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with

    That and that concludes the video from here at Green Corp in WIS Beach wasn’t very good behavior was it from security the boss put it down to his age but his experience we never did get an answer to how long have You’ been doing this job but all that experience and all

    That time he thought that filming from the outside was wrong how many people has he said that too how many rights has he abused in the past I don’t know anyway let’s move on if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you

    On the next one guys home time bye-bye whisp hello mate I’m going to throw a key ring in your window yeah let’s see if I get it in yeah there you go mate you’ll find it later take care mate thank you so even if you see

    Me cycling now this is a shared path if anyone’s wondering this is a cycle Lane even if you see me cycling next to you just roll your window down and I’ll chop one in for you brilliant I love That


    1. 0:00 Section 62 of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1984 says that you do not need to ask permission to photograph a building. The only reason permission might be sought when taking a picture is when copyright exists on the original. But there is no such thing as copyright on buildings according to section 62. It's also called the "freedom of panorama".

    2. You know what these security guards are starting to annoy me. They don't know the rules and take liberties. Edit. Shout out to the manager. Very professional and decent.

    3. Kudos to Tony – Made them look really good. He Apologised profusely for Paul's bad language and tried to explain Paul's disposition and promised redress. Great Company imo!

    4. "You can't take photographs of a building" yeah, King Charles will come out in his slippers and dressing gown if you get there early to take photos of Buckingham Palace. Do security feel that insecure they have to make stuff up to justify their job? Bizzare.

    5. Why are you cycling on the public path lol you promote on your video of public paths being blocked etc lol πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»

    6. "You shouldn't be doing that!" Does anyone remember the Harry Enfield character who said "You didn't want to do that, didn't want to go on the M25"? This bloke must be his brother.

    7. Silly old twerp in security. Doesn't know about Google, doesn't know if you're allowed legally to take photographs, doesn't want to check he has his facts right. As far as he's concerned, his boss told him something and he will be a good little sheep and obey.

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