Mont Saint Michel le 5 mars 2024


    6:34 we leave for Mont Saint Michel And towards Paris there is a huge traffic jam here 4:40 we have to pay 8:00 we passed Rouen. It’s about 150 km and I decided to make a stop here Bonjour, you can even ride a bike and drink a cup of coffee

    Here’s Mont Saint Michel I’ve arrived, almost there Just a little more See Mont Saint Michel I’m driving up Here’s the plan I have 5 parking lots On the left side there are buses navette but I prefer to walk

    From Paris to Mont Saint-Michel 362 km I left early in the morning at 6:30 and the journey took 4 hours I arrived at 11:00 One stop along the way 15-20 minutes I was lucky there were no traffic jams on the road Where then the speed is 130 km and on some

    Roads closer to Mont Saint-Michel the speed is 110 km and in some areas 90 km Therefore, 4:30 on the road turns out. Moreover, it was raining on the road and I had to slow down.

    You can get to Mont Saint-Michel by bus it’s 2,700 m If you only came for one day in the morning and you have to return to Paris after lunch, then of course it’s better to take the bus. But

    I’m not in a hurry and then my path lies in Brittany, then it’s natural that I walk these 2, 5 km Especially after 4 hours of travel in the car. Look, it looks like early cherry blossoms are blooming there.

    Mont Saint-Michel is mentioned as a religious sanctuary at the beginning of the 8th century. And in the 10th century, Benedictine monks began to build a castle which became an abbey. Legend has it that the abbey was founded after the Archangel Michael appeared in a dream to Aubert Bishop of Avranches and ordered him

    To build a chapel on the neighboring island. considered the task impossible, but the Archangel appeared again and again, and one day he poked the disobedient bishop in the head and burned a hole in his skull. Mont Saint-Michel was built and the holey skull of Saint-Auber is still kept in Avranches.

    The peculiarity of this area is the ebb and flow of the tides. Here the tides are considered the most strong in Europe In terms of speed, they are even compared to a horse galloping. From March 10 this year, three-day powerful

    Tides, one of the most significant in a decade, will begin on the coast of Northern and Western France. As soon as the tide coefficient exceeds 110, Mont Saint Michel turns into an island for several hours. ” The games of water” allowed the castle of Mont Saint-Michel

    To remain impregnable. Enemy ships could get close to the Island, but when the sea left, they ran aground. An inhospitable reception awaited the infantry. First, they had to move through quicksand and then the tide came and the enemies drowned.

    Fog also served as a natural defense for the fortress. A frequent occurrence in these parts, local fishermen relied on the sound of a bell that they rang especially for those who got lost. If you come to Mont Saint-Michel, you need to be

    Very careful and walk along the exposed bottom of the bay only accompanied by a professional guide. Getting stuck in quicksand during high tide can be life-threatening Unfortunately, it started to rain. I didn’t take an umbrella. I hope it won’t rain for long.

    There is no wind in the village. Quiet and look at these old houses. Now I’m going to the monastery. In general, a very, very strong wind. To climb to the church you need to overcome 315 steps. Fortunately, at the beginning of March there are very few tourists.

    This is the most visited place. About 3 million tourists come here every year, that is, Mont Saint-Michel is in 2nd place in terms of attendance after Paris and the Paris region. The famous mother Poulard

    Omelette of mother Poulard very famous She lived at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century Even the birds are singing The rain has stopped In the early 70s of the 20th century,

    100 people lived in Mont Saint-Michel Now 25 people live here and in these former residential buildings there are restaurants or shops Higher and higher Now I tell you I’ll show you. The ticket has been purchased. The ascent to the top continues. If any of you are planning to come to Mont Saint-Michel

    , keep in mind that from the end of March to the end of October there are a lot of tourists here and you will stand in line for a very long time to buy a ticket and of course it will be very difficult to get through these narrow streets.

    This is the road along which I walked from the mainland. The monks of the Order of St. Benedict settled on the island of Mont Saint-Michel in the 11th century and lived here under the motto “Pray and Work.” The Benedictine Order requires from the monk poverty,

    Chastity, permanent residence in one Monastery, and obedience to the head of the monastery . Monks they had to devote 8 hours a day to prayer, the same amount to work, and the remaining hours to mental work and reflection. We are in the refectory. The daily food of the monks was bread, vegetable dishes

    And wine, and only on a major holiday did fish or poultry appear on the tables. The construction of the abbey was carried out from the 11th to the 16th centuries. The first church of the Virgin Mary underground was erected on the site of the Grotto built by Bishop Aubert.

    It is interesting that the drawings are different everywhere and are not repeated anywhere. The stone carvings are very elegant. Over the years, the island repelled repeated attacks by enemies. During the Hundred Years’ War, Mont Saint-Michel was considered

    A reliable French outpost. The British besieged the abbey but were never able to capture the island. Already in the middle of the 15th century, the abbey began to receive pilgrims again. In 1470, the French king Louis XI, during his pilgrimage to the monastery, founded

    The Order of St. Michael in honor of the defenders of the island, whose residence was located in the abbey. For a long time, this order was the highest state award in France. Another small indoor garden, two seagulls. The Abbey was both a pilgrimage center and a fortress and a prison. The first prison

    Cells were intended for monks who violated the Benedictine vows. Stone cages were built in the prison in which the prisoner could neither stand at full height nor sit. Moreover, he was chained to a chain that rang with every movement of the prisoner. During the French Revolution, the state

    Nationalized the property of the clergy and the monks were expelled from the abbey. The monastery was closed. The monks returned to the island only in 1966. Where is Mont Saint-Michel located in Normandy or Brittany? Of course in Normandy. Look, this river is the border between Normandy

    And Brittany. On the left is Normandy, on the right is Brittany, where will I go next? Exit to the gardens along this ancient spiral staircase of the 12th-13th centuries. The prison, which was called the “Bastille of the Sea,” existed until 1863. The prison made a deep impression on Victor Hugo.

    He was gripped by horror when he visited here. Many prisoners of Liberty Island, also called Mont Saint-Michel, were political opponents of the ruling regimes of France from the First Republic to the Second Empire. In 1874, the island was

    Declared a historical monument. Since 1979, the monastery, along with the island and the bay around it, has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The sun is here, the rain has stopped. I was lucky with the weather. The sea is slowly rising. In an hour there will be a full tide, but as

    The locals told me, there won’t be a full tide, because the coefficient is quite low. As for the island’s cuisine, Mother Poulard’s omelette is especially famous. The omelette is cooked in a copper bowl over wood over an open fire. Several inches thick, it is more

    Reminiscent of a “soufflé” than a traditional omelette. The price of the dish is from 38 to 46 € For your information, in the provincial cities of France for 49 euros you can dine in a restaurant with Michelin stars.

    Another famous dish is the meat of “lamb from the salty fields”. Sheep graze in the salty meadows and eat grass richly soaked in salt and iodine. pastures of the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel. Each time the meat has a special salt content and its own specific flavor. And another signature dish

    Is mussels from the Mont Saint Michel Bay, cooked with cider and Normandy sour cream. Mont Saint-Michel is located in Normandy, so this video will be in the Normandy playlist. And I continue my journey and go to Brittany. If you subscribe to my channel then you definitely

    Won’t miss new videos. Thank you for being with me and see you again on the France and more channel bye


    1. Большое спасибо что вы взяли нас с собой. Это сказка. Это невероятно и красиво. Выразить словами эти чувства не могу. Восторг

    2. Одно из самых желанных к посещению мест. Увы в прошлом апреле добраться туда помешала забастовка CNCF. Теперь уже точно поеду туда через Ренн) жду видео вашего дальнейшего путешествия по Бретани!

    3. Какая красота🎉🎉🎉 прекрасная экскурсия! Спасибо Лена, будем ждать новые путешествия❤

    4. Добрый вечер.Путешествие было сказочным,интересным.Благадарю за это прекрасное путешествие❤

    5. Божественно хор пел!! Как красиво!!!И мимоза цветущая и сакура начала расцветать!)Мечтаю там побывать! Спасибо, Елена, за атмосферный и познавательный выпуск!

    6. Большое спасибо за изумительную поездку ❤объясняя мужу Почему нет поездки на сан-мишель экскурсовод ответила, что только сумасшедшие японцы могут выдержать эту поездку😅

    7. Большое спасибо! Было очень интересно с Вами! Красиво и познавательно , а слушать одно удовольствие. ❤

    8. Впечатляющее место,настолько необычное. Да еще и приливы. Вот бы побывать! Спасибо большое

    9. Удивительно как все это возводилось не имея современных технологий и оборудования просто чудо спасибо за экскурсию

    10. Eлена большое спасибо,моя любимая Нормандия. 3 раза была но летом ,в это время некогда. Жду новое выпуск из Британии.мы тоже сначала мон сан Мишель а потом Сен мало и Канкал едим. нетерпение жду хорошего поездки и отдыха.❤

    11. Спасибо за интересное видео, даже (особенно) для тех, кто был там. Хочу спросить, как у человека знающего Францию, – какое же место, по вашему мнению самое посещаемое? Источники утверждают разное, одни – Версаль, другие – Лувр, третьи – Фонтенбло. Посетил много мест, включая упомянутые, но, мне показалось, что это Мон Сен Мишель. Если ввести единицу плотности туристов на кв. метр, то это скорее всего так. Был там в октябре, – выразил в гостинице удивление количеством народа, так они рассмеялись. Вы, говорят, хорошо, что раньше не приехали. Надеюсь, ваш путь лежит в Сен Мало. И мы увидим мартовские приливы. Они потрясающи всегда, но особенно в определенные дни. Забыл сказать, – мое любимое место – Фонтенбло, с окрестностями. ))

    12. Спасибо за воспоминания! Была в этом восхитительном месте осенью 2019 года, непередаваемые впечатления на всю жизнь!

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