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    The Cape Town Cycle Tour is one of the Worlds most spectacular bike rides. Riding it was one of my absolute cycling highlights.

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    Good morning welcome to South Africa today I’m doing an epic ride on an absolutely iconic route and I don’t mind admitting I’m more than a little nervous seconds to stand By this is just absolutely Incredible the Riders this will not be possible about the Riders he’s come all the way from good luck Johnny well that’s how started only another 109 km to go well no prizes for guessing I’m riding the Cape Town cycle tour or what used to

    Be known as the cap arus it’s a ride I wanted to do for decades and I can’t believe I’m doing it Today cake town is very well known for being windy and we’ve certainly got the headwind now and it’s come 5 kilm in and we’re just doing the first climb as Well just doing the climb up Bishop’s Court now and it’s just looming ahead of me looks really tough just chug my way [Applause] up well done guys well done enjoy it yeah that little climb topped out at 10.5% quite tough and you know it’s tough cuz that’s where all the crowds

    Are cheering you up but I’m at the top now [Applause] [Applause] just on one of the downhill sections now chance for a bit of a breather and yeah it’s it’s very welcome and only and I’m only 17 km in but the view is just incredible I don’t know what mountain it is in front of us but it just looks

    Amazing with the clouds coming over [Applause] [Applause] It w I’ve been joined by Carl who’s one of the subscribers to the channel and he’s very kindly kind of riding around with me even though he is super quick and super strong he rode 30 km to the start he’s going to do the ride and then ride

    30 km home you’re a machine car not my wife’s away on holiday so it’s really hard for me to do it home the headwinds really strong now uh so I think it’s just time to to find a couple of Wheels to to sit behind

    Sit in a bunch and try and uh take a bit of shelter as best I Can And there we go if any proof was needed then we’ve got a headwind the [Applause] video that gave me goosebumps I think we’ve just picked up a tailwind and my word is the speed different This event takes place on completely closed roads and Cape Town is um South Africa’s Second City so in the UK it would be like closing down all of the roads around say Birmingham or Manchester completely unheard of and it’s really weird you’re riding up to traffic lights that are

    Red and you naturally just want to stop but you don’t have to Woo hey okay first little categorized climb in a while nothing to worry about I need another 500 M to go there and just like that the climb is done but the headwind is so strong it’s pushing us back and making this descent a little tough but I spoke a little too soon much

    Longer climb now 4.4 km yeah just a quick refreshment stop halfway out this climb yeah I’ve just run out of water well could I have some exact um Power Aid or something have some of that please it’s also a good opportunity to have a little bit of a breather for the next

    Bit just managed to catch up with Oscar how’s it going Oscar so far so good you enjoying it good road is a glorious glorious glorious route and what amazes me most is the people tons of people by the side of the road party loudspeakers out music out they’re giving you stuff

    Uh even beer which I was tempted to but I didn’t don’t believe you it’s enjoyable it really is it’s incredible when they’re cheering you on and stuff is it it’s like a carnival I don’t even want to know what it expects us in in Cape Town that’s in the smaller towns

    Along the RO going to be amazing be fun goodness me that was tough praying for the end there these were over the top another 60 odd C to go next 10K is is our yeah car’s just told me the next 10K are downhill I like the sound of that and we

    Should have a Tailwind as well at some point very very [Applause] [Applause] soon I think we passed eight points now and uh I don’t know if it’s my imagination not but I can feel the Tailwind hopefully that’ll take us all the way Back these kilometer countdown numbers are going past very very quickly now that descent was absolutely incredible especially cuz I could just use both sides of the road it was it was just [Applause] amazing so this is Misty Cliffs and it’s soow cold for obvious reasons when the wind

    Blows it blows Mist all over the Cliffs tough little climb uh if I’m correct I think the next climb is going to be Chapman’s Peak the iconic Chapman’s [Applause] [Applause] Peak so far today apart from the headwind the weather has been really kind to us it’s been a very nice 23 de um it’s starting to get a little bit warmer now it’s it’s only about 11:00 and I’ve got about another 40 kilm to go so hopefully I’ll be back before

    The real high heat of the Afternoon well this is the famous Chapman’s Peak section we cycled out here the other day so I know what’s coming and I know it’s hard but the good news is we’re fairly close to the end Now When we cycled up here the other day it was all Misty and murky just couldn’t see how spectacular these views Are there we go that’s the peak Champ’s Peak that was hard one more time to go and it is a Stinger Yeah I don’t know where this wind’s come from making this descent very Tricky Stinger in the tail now suab bossi 2 km at about 7% this is the last kilometer of pain my word it’s painful we’re on the home stretch now not too much further to go we’ve met up with Oscar again got Carl here hopefully we can all cross the line together we go yeah go back in K Town now not much further

    Now feeling pretty tight but uh feeling pretty good [Applause] [Applause] here they come look at this massive keep your l on the Finish Line Please fantastic job the team there we go that’s the Cape Town Cape arus done one of my bucket list rides wanting to do it for 15 years or so absolutely incredible massive thank you to Ingo for

    Organizing all of it massive thank you to Carl for coming out and meeting me Oscar Barbara Graham Wendy uh Dominic Michael Suzanne and yeah just an absolutely incredible ride what on Oscar how was it hard particularly because the hard times come right at the end but it was glorious

    Fantastic uh Countryside the atmosphere on the road was fine incredible isn’t it it is incredible that they closed the whole route the whole C Peninsula for a whole day just for cyclists few other cities can copy yeah something out of there that’s the adventure over it was uh hard and it was

    Easy and it was just an absolutely incredible ride Incredible scenery yeah I’d love to do it again hopefully I will but who knows if if I only ever do it once in my lifetime I’ve done it now and I’ll remember it for the rest of my life


    1. Wow, wow, wow, absolutely stunning scenery, you looked super happy along the route, and the crowds cheering you all on. Great atmosphere and a once in a lifetime chance. Creating some fantastic memories ❤

    2. This is inspirational. Your joy is palpable. The cheering people along the way seem to propel everyone along. Best line, “The last kilometer of pain.”


    3. Super Proud of You. It is simply amazing to watch all the riders. I'm going to share this with friends in the cycling clubs around El Paso, TX. and ask if any have heard of it. It was simply fascinating to watch.

    4. Awesome. You've got my interest now! The South African Tourist Board should pay you royalties – now that I've seen your vlog, I want to do this event next year! And well done Leonardo on a great ride! Chapeau 🥰

    5. Well done. Hope you enjoyed the CTCT. Suikerbos was a just a mole hill for you. Thank you for sharing your experience with the world. Come back again. From OT, South Africa 🇿🇦

    6. Well done Leonard. Great coverage and loved your enthusiasm along the route. Brought back many happy memories as I followed the route with you😀

    7. Nice video Leonard. You captures the spirit of CTCT perfectly 😊
      I rode the CTCT for the second time, coming from the Netherlands.
      It’s a once in a lifetime ride, but you want to come back and do it again next year.
      If you decide to come back next year, consider doing Tour de PPA as well as a nice warm up. They’ve 79 and 105 km routes. Roads are not closed but still an interesting preparation two weeks before the CTCT 👍

    8. I've been to Cape Town and all around South Africa many times, last I stayed in Hout Bay over Christmas in 2018/19. I walked up to Chapmans Peak and witnessed a lady ride past with one leg! Anyway, wife is running Comrades later in the year but perhaps I'll be back to ride this event, looks awesome – thanks for sharing! Just wondering, did you hire your bike or take with you?

    9. I spend some time in SA – lovely country, beautiful, people so nice – Cape Town probably the nicest overall but not only this one.
      Leonard, you are really ENJOYING the life – I am so happy for you!

    10. Great ride and great film, Leonard! You looked like you really enjoyed it and the look on your face at the end says it all. Where to next I wonder??

    11. Huge congrats Leonard. Thanks for giving this coverage to our city. I must say it looked less crowded than I heard it had become (the ride). Glad the weather was mostly in your favour this year too. A few years ago it had to be called off because the wind was too strong. Hope we see you back here soon.

    12. So pleased for you, Leonard. Its wonderful when a dream is realised and all credit to you for building up the channel to this level. Been watching the channel for a few years now. If ev 13:05 er you pass through Abu Dhabi or Dubai, drop me a message, and I can show you the burgeoning scene here ( but best in UK winter when temps here are perfect).

    13. I remember cycling Chapmans peak as part of a 2 week cycling trip to South Africa.
      I went in 2022 and our group was one of the first tourists let back into the country since covid, Boy was they pleased to see us and made us all very welcome. Its a awesome country especially loved the long wide roads cycling from Cape town along the coast.

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