FREE AUDIOBOOK The Secret Doctrine Vol 2: Anthropogenesis. The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, a book originally published as two volumes in 1888, is Helena P. Blavatsky’s magnum opus. The first volume is named Cosmogenesis, the second Anthropogenesis. It was an influential example of the revival of interest in esoteric and occult ideas in the modern age, in particular because of its claim to reconcile ancient Eastern wisdom with modern science.


    Blavatsky claimed that its contents had been revealed to her by “mahatmas” who had retained knowledge of mankind’s spiritual history, knowledge that it was now possible, in part, to reveal.

    The first part of the book explained the origins of the universe itself, in terms derived from the Hindu concept of Yugas, or long passages of time through which the world is supposed to have evolved. Blavatsky attempted to demonstrate that the discoveries of “materialist” science had been anticipated in the writings of ancient sages, and that materialism would soon be proven wrong.

    Chapter Timestamps

    00:00 – Part 2 Section 6

    20:31 – Part 2 Section 7

    1:38:53 – Part 2 Section 8

    2:06:27 – Part 2 Section 9

    2:57:01 – Part 2 Section 10

    5:07:37 – Part 2 Section 11

    5:38:35 – Part 3 Section 1

    6:27:03 – Part 3 Addenda. Section 2

    7:04:17 – Part 3 Section 3

    8:50:59 – Part 3 Section 4

    9:17:01 – Part 3 Section 5

    10:46:57 – Part 3 Section 6

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    Section 7 enoan henok the history of the evolution of the satanic myth would not be complete if we omitted to notice the character of The Mysterious and Cosmopolitan Enoch variously called Enos hanuk and finally enoan by the Greeks it is from his book that the first Notions of the Fallen Angels were

    Taken by the early Christian writers The Book of Enoch is declared apocryphal but what is an apocryphon the very atmology of the term shows that it is simply a secret book I.E one that belonged to the catalog of the temple libraries under the guardianship of the hierophants and

    Initiated priests and was never meant for the profane apocryphon comes from the verb crypto to hide for ages the enoan the book of the sear was preserved in the city of letters and secret works the ancient keroth sephr later on deir some of the writers interested in the subject especially Masons have tried

    To identify Enoch with Thoth of Memphis the Greek Hermes and even with the Latin Mercury as individuals all of these are distinct from one another professionally if one may use this word now so limited in its sense one and all belong to the same category of sacred writers of initiators and

    Recorders of occult and ancient wisdom those who in the Quran are generically termed the Idris or the learned the initiated bore in Egypt the name of tho the inventor of Arts Sciences of writing or letters of music and astronomy among the Jews Idris became Enoch who according to bar habas was the

    First inventor of writing books Arts and Sciences the first who reduced to a system the progress of the planets in Greece he was called Orphus and thus changed his name with every nation the number seven being attached to and connected with each of those primitive initiators as well as the number

    365 of the days in the year astronomically it identifies the mission character and the sacred office of all these men but certainly not their personalities Enoch is the seventh patriarch orus is the possessor of the fors the seven stringed liar which is the Sevenfold mystery of initiation thth

    With the seven raid solar discus on his head travels in the Solar boat the 365° jumping out every fourth leap year for one day finally thth lunus is the sepiner god of the seven days or the week esoterically and spiritually enoan means the sear of the Open

    Eye the story about Enoch told by Josephus namely that he had concealed his precious roles or books under the pillars of mercury or Seth is the same as that told of Hermes the father of wisdom who concealed his books of wisdom under a pillar and then discovering the two pillars of stone

    Found the science written thereon yet Josephus not withstanding his constant efforts in the direction of Israel’s unmerited glorification and though he does attribute that science of wisdom to the Jewish Enoch writes history he shows these pillars are still existing during his own time he tells us

    That they were built by Seth and so they may have been only neither by the patriarch of that name the fabled son of Adam nor by the Egyptian god of wisdom teth Seth tho tat sat the later Satan or Hermes who are all one but by the sons

    Of the serpent God or sons of the Dragon the name under which the hierophants of Egypt and Babylon were known before the delu as were their forefathers the atlanteans what Josephus tells us therefore with the exception of the application made of it must be true allegorically according to his version

    The two famous pillars were entirely covered with hieroglyphics which after the discovery were copied and reproduced in the most secret corners of the inner temples of Egypt and thus became the source of its wisdom and exceptional learning these two pillars however are the prototypes of the two tables of stone heed by Moses

    At the command of the Lord hence in saying that all the great adepts and Mystics of antiquity such as orus hesiod Pythagoras and Plato got the elements of their theology from those hieroglyphics he is right in one sense and wrong in another the secret Doctrine teaches us that the Arts Sciences Theology and

    Especially the philosophy of every nation which preceded the last universally known but not Universal delu had been recorded ideographically from the Primitive oral records of the fourth race and that these were the inheritance of the latter of the early third root race before the allegorical fall hence also the Egyptian Pillars the

    Tablets and even the white Oriental py Stone of the Masonic Legend which Enoch fearing that the real and precious Secrets would be lost concealed before the delu in the bowels of the earth were simply the more or less symbolical and allegorical copies from the Primitive

    Records The Book of Enoch is one of such copies and is is moreover a caldan and now very incomplete compendium as already said inan means in the Greek the inner eye or the sear in Hebrew with the help of the mestic point Point s it means the initiator and instructor Enoch

    Is a generic title and moreover his Legend is that of several other prophets Jewish and Heathen with changes of madeup details the root form being the same Elijah is also taken up into heaven alive and the astrologer in the court of is dubar the caldan hiani is likewise

    Raised to Heaven by the God he who was his Patron as Jehovah was of Elijah whose name means in Hebrew God J Jehovah and again ilu which has the same meaning this kind of easy death or euthanasia has an esoteric meaning it symbolizes the death of any Adept who

    Has reached the power and degree and also the purification which enabled him to die in the physical body and still live and lead a conscious life in his astral body the variations on this theme are end less but the secret meaning is ever the same the Pauline expression

    That he should not see death utan Vere morum has thus an esoteric meaning but nothing Supernatural in it the mangled interpretation given of some biblical hints to the effect that Enoch whose years will equal those of the world of the solar year 365 days we share with

    Christ and the Prophet Elijah the honors and Bliss of the last Advent and of the destruction of antichrist signify esoterically that some of the great adepts will return in the seventh race when all error will be made away with and the Advent of truth will be heralded

    By those shishta the holy sons of Light the Latin church is not always logical nor prudent she declares The Book of Enoch an apocryphon and has gone so far as to claim through Cardinal kajetan and other luminaries of the church the rejection from the cannon of

    Even the book of Jude who otherwise as an inspired Apostle would quote from and thus sanctify The Book of Enoch which is alleged to be an apocryphal work fortunately some of the dogmatics perceived the Peril in time had they accepted katan’s resolution they would have been forced to reject likewise the

    Fourth gospel as St John borrows literally from Enoch and places a whole sentence from him in the mouth of Jesus l Dolf the father of the ethiopic literature commissioned to investigate the various inoi and MSS presented by parasi The Traveler to the mazarine library declared that no Book of Enoch

    Could exist among the abyssinians further researchers and discoveries worsted this too dogmatic assertion as all know Bruce and Rupel did find the Book of Enoch in abisinia and what is more brought it to Europe some years later and Bish Bishop Lawrence translated it but Bruce despised it and

    Scoffed at its contents as did all the rest of the scientists he declared it a gnostic work concerning the age of giants who devour men and bearing a strong resemblance to the apocalypse Giants another fairy tale such however has not been the opinion of all the best

    Critics Dr hanberg places The Book of Enoch along with the third book of the mccabes at the head of the list of those whose authority stands in nearest to that of the canonical Works verily where the doctors disagree as usual however they are all right and

    All wrong to accept Enoch as a Biblical character a single living person is like accepting Adam as the first man Enoch was a generic title applied to and born by scores of individuals at all times and ages and in every race and Nation this may be easily inferred from

    The fact that the ancient talmudists and the teachers of the mid rasham are not agreed generally in their views about hanok the son of yared some say Enoch was a great Saint beloved by God and taken alive to Heaven I.E one who reached mukti or Nirvana On Earth as

    Buddha did and others still do and others maintain he was a sorcerer a wicked magician this shows only that Enoch or its equivalent was a term even during the days of the later talmudists which meant sear Adept in the secret wisdom Etc without any specification as to the character of the title

    Bearer Josephus speaking of Elijah and Enoch remarks that it is written in the sacred books they Elijah and Enoch disappeared but so that nobody knew that they died it means simply that they had died in their personalities as yogis die to this day in India or even some Christian monks to the

    World they disappear from the sight of men and die on the terrestrial plane even for themselves the seemingly figurative way of speaking yet literally true hanok transmitted the science of astronomical calculation and of computing the seasons to Noah says the midrash Perka or Alazar referring to Enoch that

    Which others did to Hermes Tris magistus for the two are identical in their esoteric meaning hanok in this case and his wisdom belong to the cycle of the fourth Atlantean race and Noah to that of the fifth in this case both represent the root races the present one and the one

    That preceded it in another sense Enoch disappeared he walked with God and he was not for God took him the allegory referring to The Disappearance of the Sacred and secret Knowledge from among men for God or Java Alam the high heropants and the heads of the colleges

    Of the initiated priests took him in other words the Enochs or the enoan the Sears and their knowledge and wisdom became strictly confined to the secret colleges of the prophets with the Jews and to the temples with the Gentiles interpreted with the help of merely the symbolical key Enoch is the

    Type of the Dual nature of man spiritual and physical hence he occupies the center of the astronomical cross as given by elphas Levi from a secret work which is a six-pointed star the Adonai in the upper angle of the upper triangle is the eagle in the left lower angle

    Stands the lion in The Right the bull while between the bull and the lion over them and under the eagle is the face of Enoch or man now the figures on the upper triangle represent the four races omitting the first the CH or Shadows

    And the sons of man Enos or Enoch is in the center where he stands between the fourth and fifth races for he represents the secret wisdom of both these are the four animals of Ezekiel and of the Revelation this double triangle which in Isis unveiled is faced by the Hindu

    Ardhanari is by far the best for in the latter only the three for us historical races are symbolized the Third the androgynus by Ard hanari the fourth symbolized by the strong powerful lion and the fifth the Aran by that which is most sacred symbol to this day the bull and the

    Cow a man of great erudition a French Savant M daki finds several most singular statements in The Book of Enoch worthy of the most serious examination he says for instance the author Enoch makes the solar year consist of three 364 days and seems to know periods of three or five

    And of eight years followed by four supplementary days which in his system appear to be those of the equinoxes and solstices to which he adds later on I see but one means to Pate them these absurdities it is supposed that the author expounds some fanciful system which may have existed before the order

    Of nature had been altered at the period of the universal delu precisely so and the secret Doctrine teaches that this order of Nature has been thus altered and the series of the Earth’s Humanities too for as the angel Uriel tells Enoch behold I have showed thee all things oh

    Enoch and all things I have revealed to thee thou seest the Sun the moon and those which conduct the stars of Heaven which cause all their operations seasons and arrivals to return in the days of Sinners the years shall be shortened the moon shall change its laws in those

    Days also years before the great delus that carried away the atlantans and changed the face of the whole earth because the Earth or its axis became inclined nature geologically astronomically and cosmically in general could not have been the same just because the Earth had inclined to quote

    From Enoch and Noah cried with a bitter voice hear me hear me hear me three times and he said the Earth labors and is violently shaken surely I Shall Perish with it this by the way looks like one of those many inconsistencies if the Bible is read literally for to

    Say the least this is a very strange fear in one who had found Grace in the eyes of the Lord and being told to build an ark but here we find the venerable patriarch expressing as much fear as if instead of a friend of God he had been

    One of the Giants doomed by the wrathful deity the Earth had already inclined and the Deluge of waters had become simply a question of time and Noah seems to know nothing of his intended salvation a decree had come indeed the decree of Nature and the law of evolution that the Earth should change

    Its race and that the fourth race should be destroyed to make room for a better one the man ventara had reached its turning point of three and a half rounds and gigantic physical Humanity had reached the Acme of gross materiality hence the apocalyptic verse that speaks of a commandment gone forth that they

    May be destroyed that their end may be the end of the race for they knew truly every secret of the Angels every oppressive and secret power of the satans and every Power Of Those who commit sorcery as well as those who make molten images in the whole

    Earth and now a natural question who could have informed the apocryphal author of this power power ful Vision no matter to what age he may have assigned before the day of Galileo that the Earth could occasionally incline her axis whence did he derive such astronomical and geological knowledge of the secret

    Wisdom of which the ancient rishes and Pythagoras had drunk is but a fancy an invention of later ages has Enoch read prophetically perchance in Fredick C work on the delu the liines the position of the trest globe with reference to the sun has evidently been in primitive times different from

    What it is now and this difference must have been caused by a displacement of the axis of rotation of the earth this reminds one of that unscientific statement made by the Egyptian priest to Herodotus namely that the sun has not always risen where it rises now and that

    In former times the ecliptic had cut the equator at right angles there are many such dark sayings scattered throughout the Piranhas the Bible and and other mythologies and to the occultist they divulge two facts a that the Ancients knew as well as and perhaps better than the moderns do

    Astronomy geogy and cosmography in general and B that the behavior of the globe has altered more than once since the Primitive state of things thus xenophanes on the Blind Faith of his ignorant religion which taught that faton and his desire to learn the hidden truth made the sun Devi

    From its usual course asserts somewhere that the sun turned toward another country which is a parallel slightly more scientific however if not as bold of Joshua stopping the course of the sun all together yet it may explain the teaching of the northern mythology that before the actual order of things the

    Sun arose in the South and its placing the frigid Zone jerus koven in the East whereas now it is in the north The Book of Enoch in short is a resume a compound of the main features of the history of the third fourth and fifth races a very

    Few prophecies from the present age of the world a long retrospective introspective and prophetic summary of universal and quite historical events geological ethnological astronomical and psychic with a touch of theoy out of the ant deluvian records the book of this mysterious personage is referred to and quoted copiously in the py Sophia and

    Also in the zoh and its most ancient midashim origan and Clement of Alexandria held it in its highest esteem to say therefore that it is postchristian forgery is to utter an absurdity and become guilty of an anachronism for Oren among others who lived in the second century of the

    Christian era mentions it as an ancient and venerable work the secret and sacred name and its potency are well and clearly though allegorically described in the old volume from the 18th to the 15th chapter the visions of Enoch are all descriptive of the mysteries of initiation one of which

    Is the burning Valley of the Fallen Angels perhaps St Augustine was quite right in saying that the church rejected The Book of Enoch out of her Cannon owing to its great Antiquity OB nmam antiqu there was no room for the events noticed in it within the limit of the

    4,4 Years BC assigned to the world from its creation Section 8 the symbolism of the mystery names IO and Jehovah with their relation to the cross and circle when the Abbey Louie constant better known as alfus Levi said in his histoire Dei that the sephera the Zohar

    And The Apocalypse of St John are the masterpieces of the occult Sciences he ought if he had wished to be correct and clear to have added in Europe it is quite true that these Works contain more significance than words and that their expression is poetical while in numbers they are exact unfortunately however

    Before anyone can appreciate the Poetry of the expressions or the exactness of the numbers he will have to learn the real significance and meaning of the terms and symbols employed but man will never learn this so long as he remains ignorant to the fundamental principle of the secret Doctrine whether in Oriental

    Esotericism or in the cabalistic symbology the key or value in all their aspects of the god names Angel names and patriarch names in the Bible their mathematical or geometrical value and their relations to manifested Nature therefore if on the one hand the Zohar astonishes the Mystic by the profundity

    Of its views and the great Simplicity of its images on the other hand that work misleads the student by such Expressions as those used with respect to a suf and Jehovah not with understanding the assurance that the book is careful to explain that the human form with which

    It clothes God is but an image of the word and that God should not be expressed by any thought or any form it is well known that origin Clemens and the rabbis confessed that the cabala and the Bible were veiled and secret books but few know that the esotericism of the

    Cabalistic books in their present re-edited form is simply another and still more cunning Veil thrown upon the Primitive symbolism of these secret volumes the idea of representing the hidden deity by the circumference of a circle and the creative power male and female or the androgynous word by the

    Diameter across it is one of the oldest symbols it is upon this conception that every great cosmogeny has been built with the old Aryans the Egyptians and the calans the symbol was complete as it embraced the idea of the Eternal and immovable Divine thought in its absoluteness separated entirely from the

    Incipient stage of the so-called creation and compromised psychological and even spiritual Evolution and its mechanical work or cosmogonical construction with the Hebrews however though the former conception is to be distinctly found in the Zohar and the seph Etc or what remains of the latter that which has been subsequently

    Embodied in the pentat proper and especially in Genesis is simply this secondary stage to ITT the mechanical law of creation or rather of construction while theog is hardly if at all outlined it is only in the first six chapters of Genesis in the rejected Book of Enoch and the misunderstood and

    Mistranslated poem of job that true Echoes of the archaic Doctrine may now be found the key to it is lost now even among the most learned rabbis whose predecessors in the early period of the Middle Ages in their National exclusiveness and pride and especially in their profound hatred of

    Christianity preferred to cast it into the deep sea of Oblivion rather than to share their knowledge with the Relentless and fierce persecutors Jehovah was their own tribal property Inseparable from and unfit to play a part in any other but the MOs IC law violently torn out of his original

    Frame which he fitted and which fitted him the Lord God of Abraham and Jacob could hardly be crammed without damage and breakage into the new Christian Cannon being the weaker the judan could not help the desecration they kept however the secret of the origin of their Adam cadmon or female male Jehovah

    And the new Tabernacle provided a complete Misfit for the old God they were indeed Avenged the statement that Jehovah was the tribal god of the Jews and no higher will be denied like many other things yet the theologians are not in a position to tell us in that case the

    Meaning of the verses in Deuteronomy which say quite plainly when the most high not the Lord or Jehovah either divided to the Nations their inheritance when he separated the sons of Adam he set the bounds according to the number of the children of Israel the Lords Jehovah

    Portion is his people Jacob is the lot of his inheritance this settles the question so prudent have we been the modern translators of Bibles and scriptures and so damaging are these verses that following in the steps traced for them by their worthy Church fathers each translator has rended these lines in his

    Own way while the above cited quotation is taken verbatim from the English authorized version in the French Bible we find the most high translated by by sereine Sovereign the sons of Adam rendered by the children of men and the Lord changed into the Eternal for impudent slight of hand the French

    Protestant church seems thus to have surpassed even English ecclesiasticism nevertheless one thing is patent the Lord’s Jehovah’s portion is his chosen people and none else for Jacob alone is the lot of his inheritance what then have other nations who call them M themselves Aryans to do with this semetic

    Deity the tribal God of Israel astronomically the most high is the sun and the Lord is one of his seven planets whether it be IO The Genius of the moon or iLab boath Jehovah The Genius of Saturn according to origin and the Egyptian gnostics let the angel Gabriel the Lord

    Of Iran watch over his people and Michael Jehovah over his Hebrews these are not the gods of other nations nor were they ever those of Jesus as each Persian Dev is chained to his Planet so each Hindu DEA a lord has its allotted portion a world a planet a nation or a

    Race plurality of Worlds implies plurality of gods we believe in the former and may recognize but will never worship the latter it has been repeatedly stated in this work that every religious and philosophical symbol had seven meanings attached to it each pertaining to its legitimate plan of thought I.E either purely metaphysical

    Or astronomical psychic or physiological Etc these seven meanings and their applications are different enough to learn when taken by themselves but the interpretation and the right comprehension of them become tenfold more puzzling when instead of being correlated or made to flow consecutively out of and to follow each other each or

    Any one of these meanings is accepted as the one and sole explanation of the whole symbolic IC idea an instance may be given as it admirably illustrates the statement here are two interpretations given by two learned cabalists and Scholars of one and the same verse in Exodus Moses

    Beseeches the Lord to show him his glory evidently it is not the crude dead letter phraseology as found in the Bible that is to be accepted there are seven meanings in the cabala of which we may give two as interpreted by the said two Scholars one of them translates while

    Explaining thou cast not see my face I will put thee in a cleft of The Rock and I will cover thee with my hand while I pass by and then I will take away mine hand and thou shalt see my aor I.E my back and then the translator adds in a

    Gloss that is I will show you my back I.E my visible Universe my lower manifestations but as a man still in the flesh thou CST not see my invisible nature so proceeds the cabala this is correct and this is Cosmo metaphysical explanation and now speaks the other cabalist giving the numerical meaning as

    It involves a good many suggestive ideas and is far more fully given we may allow it more space the synopsis is from an unpublished MS and explains more fully what was given in section three on the holy of holies the numbers of the name Moses are

    Those of I am that I am so that the names Moses and Jehovah are at one in numerical Harmony the word Moses is 5 + 300 + 40 and the sum of the values of its letters is 345 Jehovah the genius par oant of the lunar year assumes the value of 543 or

    The reverse of 345 in the third chapter of exodus in the 13th and 14 verses it is said and Moses said behold I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them the god of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say unto me

    What is his name what shall I say unto them and God said unto Moses I am that I am the Hebrew words for this expression are AI Asher Ai and in the value of the sums of their letters stand thus 21 50121 this being his God’s name the sum

    Of the values composing its 21501 21 is 543 or simply a use of the simple digit numbers in the name of Moses but now so ordered that the name of 345 is reversed and reads 543 so that when Moses asks let me see thy face or Glory the other rightly and

    Truly replies thou cast not see my face but Thou shalt see me behind the true sense though not the precise words for the corner and the behind of 543 is the face of 345 this is for cheen to keep a strict use of set of numbers to develop certain

    Grand results for the object of which they are specifically employed as the Learned cabalist adds in the other uses of the numbers they saw each other face to face it is strange that if we add 345 to 543 we have 888 which was the Gnostic cabalistic

    Value of the name Christ who was jhosua or Joshua and so also the division of the 24 hours of the day gives 38s as quotient the chief end of all this system of number checks was to preserve in perpetuity the exact value of the lunar year in the natural measure of

    Days these are the astronomical and numerical meanings in the secret theogony of cider Rio cosmical Gods invented by the caldeo Hebrews two meanings out of seven the other five would astonish the Christians still more the series of AAS the series of adiposus who have endeavored to interpret the riddle of

    The Sphinx is long indeed for many ages she has been devouring the brightest and the noblest intellects of Christendom but now the Sphinx is conquered in the great intellectual struggle which has ended in the complete story of the adiposis of symbolism it is however not the Sphinx who burning with the shame of

    Defeat has had to bury herself in the sea but verily the many-sided symbol named Jehovah whom Christians the Civilized Nations have accepted for their God the Jehovah symbol has collapsed under the Too Close analysis and is drowned symbologist have discovered with dismay that their adopted deity was only a mask for many

    Other gods a emzed extinct Planet at best The Genius of the Moon and Saturn with the Jews of the Sun and Jupiter with early Christians that the Trinity unless they accepted the more abstract and metaphysical meanings given to it by the Gentiles was in truth only an astronomical Triad

    Composed of the son the father and the two planets Mercury the Sun and Venus the Holy Ghost Sophia the spirit of wisdom love and truth and Lucifer as Christ the bright and Morning Star for if the father is the son the elder brother in the Eastern inner philosophy

    The nearest Planet to it is Mercury Hermes Buddha thth the name of whose mother on Earth was Maya now this planet receives seven times more light than any other a fact which led the gnostics to call their Christos and the cabalists their Hermes in the astronomical meaning

    The Sevenfold light finally this God was Bell the sun being Bell with the GS Helios with the Greeks ball with the Phoenicians l in caldan hence Elohim Emmanuel and L God in Hebrew but even the cabalistic God had vanished in the rabinal workmanship and one has now to

    Turn to the innermost metaphysical sense of the Zohar to find in it anything like inin suf the nameless deity and the absolute so authoritatively and loudly claimed by the Christians but it is certainly not found in the Mosaic books at any rate by those who try to read without a key to them

    Ever since this key was lost Jews and Christians have tried their best to blend these two conceptions but in vain they have only succeeded in finally robbing even the universal deity of its Majestic character and primitive meaning as was said in Isis unveiled it would seem therefore but natural to make a

    Difference between the mystery God Aya adopted from the highest Antiquity by all who participated in the esoteric knowledge of the priests and his phonetic counterparts whom we find treated with so little reverence by the aites and other gnostics in the ofite gems of King we find the name of IO

    Repeated and often confounded with that of I Evo while the latter simply represents one of the genie antagonistic to abraxis but the name IO neither originated with nor was it the sole property of the Jews even if it had pleased Moses to bestow the name upon the tary spirit the alleged protector

    And National deity of the chosen people of Israel there is yet no possible reason why any nationalities should receive him in the highest of the one living God but we deny the Assumption altogether besides there is the fact that IO or IO was a mystery name from the beginning

    For and never came into use before the time of King David anterior to his time few or no proper names were compounded with a or yah it looks rather as though David being a soer among the Tyrant and Philistines brought then the name Jehovah he made zadok high priest from

    Whom came the zadokites and sedus es he lived and ruled first at Hebron habir on or cabir town where the rights of the four mystery gods were celebrated neither David nor Solomon recognized either Moses or the law of Moses they aspired to build a temple to like structures erected by hyam and Hercules

    And Venus Adon and asart says first the very ancient name of God yaho written in the Greek iwa appears apart from its derivation to have been an Old Mystic name of the Supreme deity of the shemites hence it was told to Moses when he was initiated at Horeb the cave under

    The direction of Jethro the canite or canite priest of mow in an old religion of the calans whose remains are to be found among the neoplatonists the highest Divinity enthroned above the seven Heavens representing the spiritual light principle and also conceived of as demures was called IO who was like the

    Hebrew yaho mysterious and unmentionable and whose name was communicated to the initiated the Phoenicians had a supreme god whose name was trilateral and secret and he was aah the cross say the cabalists repeating the lesson of the occultists is one of the most ancient nay perhaps the most ancient of symbols this has

    Been demonstrated at the very beginning of the proam of volume 1 the Eastern initiates show it coeval with the circle of deic infinitude and the first differentiation of the essence the union of spirit and matter this interpretation has been rejected and the astronomical allegory alone has been accepted and

    Made to fit into this interpretation has been rejected and the astronomical allegory alone has been accepted and made to fit into cunningly imagined terrestrial events let us demonstrate this statement in astronomy as said Mercury is the son of Kus and Lux of the sky and light or the sun in mythology he

    Is the progyny of Jupiter and Maya he is the messenger of his father Jupiter the Messiah of the son in Greek his name Hermes means among other things The Interpreter the word the logos or verbum now Mercury is born on Mount siline among Shepherds and is the patron of the

    Latter as a psychop popic gen he conducted The Souls of the Dead to Hades and brought them back again an office attributed to Jesus after his death and Resurrection the symbols of Hermes Mercury D termin were placed along and at the turning points of Highways as

    Crosses are now placed in Italy and they were the cruciform every seventh day the priests anointed these terminy with oil and once a year hung them with garlands hence they were the anointed Mercury when speaking through his Oracle says I am whom you call the son of the

    Father Jupiter and Maya leaving the king of Heaven the son I come to help you Mortals Mercury heals the blind and restores sight mental and physical he was often represented as the three-headed and called tralis Triplex as one with the sun and Venus finally Mercury as cornutus shows

    Was sometimes figured under a cubic form without arms because the power of speech and eloquence can Prevail without the assistance of arms or feet it is this cubic form which connects the termin directly with the cross and it is the eloquence or the power of speech of

    Mercury which made the crafty uus say Hermes is the emblem of the word which creates and interprets all for it is the creative word and he shows POI teaching that the speech of Hermes now interpreted word of God in Pander a creative speech verbum is the seminal principle scattered throughout the

    Universe in alchemy Mercury is the radical moist principle primitive or Elementary water containing the seed of the universe fated by the solar fires to express this Funda principle a phus was often added to the cross the male and female are the vertical and horizontal United by the Egyptians the

    Cruciform termin also represented this dual idea which was found in Egypt in the cubic Hermes the author of source of measures tells us why as shown by him the cube unfolded becomes in display a cross of the towel or the Egyptian form or again the circle attached to the

    Towel gives the anad cross of the old pharaohs they had known this from their priests and their King initiates for ages and also what was meant by the attachment of man to the Cross which idea was made to coordinate with that of the origin of human life and hence the

    Phallic form only the latter came into action aons and ages after the idea of the Carpenter and artificer of the Gods vishvakarma crucifying the sun initiate on the cruciform lathe as the same author writes the attachment of a man to the Cross was made use of in this

    Form of display by the Hindus but it was made to coordinate with the idea of the new rebirth of Man by spiritual not physical regeneration the candidate for initiation was attached to the towel or astronomical cross with a far grander and nobler idea than that of the origin of mere terrestrial

    Life on the other hand the semites seem to have had no other or higher purpose in life than that of procreating their species thus geometrically in according to the reading of the Bible by means of the numerical method the author of the source of measures is quite correct the

    Entire Jewish system seems to have been anciently regarded as one resting in nature and one which is adopted by nature or God as the basis or law of the exertion practically of created Power I.E it was the Creative Design of which creation was practically the application this seems to be established

    By the fact that under the system set forth measures of planetary times serve coordinately as measures of the size of the planets and of the peculiarity of their shapes I.E in the extension of their equatorial and polar diameters the system that of Creative Design seems to underly the

    Whole biblical structure as a foundation for its ritualism and for its display of the works of the deity in the way of architecture by use of the Sacred unit of measure in the Garden of Eden the Ark of Noah the Tabernacle and the Temple of Solomon thus on the very showing of The

    Defenders of this system the Jewish deity is proved to be at best only the manifested doad never the one absolute all geometrically demonstrated he is a number symbolically a humorize Prius and this can hardly satisfy a mankind thirsting after the demonstration of real spiritual truths and the possession

    Of a god with a Divine not anthropomorphic nature it is strange that the most learned of modern cabalist can see in the cross and circle nothing but a symbol of the manifested creative and androgine in its relation to and interference with this phenomenal world one author believes that however man R

    The Jew and Rabbi obtained knowledge of the Practical measure by which nature was thought to adjust the planets in size to harmonize with the notation of their movements it seems he did not obtain it and esteemed its possession as the means of his realization of the

    Deity that is he approached so nearly to a conception of a being having a mind like his own only infinitely more powerful as to be able to realize a law of creation established by that being which must have existed prior to any creation cabalistic called the word this may have

    Satisfied the Practical Semite mind but the Eastern occultist had to decline the offer of such a god indeed a deity a being having a mind like that of a man only infinitely more powerful is no God that has any room beyond the cycle of creation he has not to do with the ideal

    Conception of the Eternal Universe he is at best one of the subordinate creative Powers the totality of which is called the sepo The Heavenly Man the Adam cadmon the second logos of the platonists this very same idea is clearly found at the bottom of the ablest definitions of the cabala and its

    Mysteries example by John a Parker as quoted in the same work the key of the cabala is thought to be the geometrical relation of the area of the circle inscribed in the Square or of the cube to the sphere giving rise to the relation of diameter to circumference of a circle with the

    Numerical value of this relation expressed in integrals the relation of diameter to circumference being a supreme one connected with the god names Elohim and Jehovah which terms are expressions numerically of these relations respectively the first being of circumference the latter of diameter Embraces all other subordinations under it two expressions of circumference to

    Diameter and integrals are used in the Bible one the perfect and two the imperfect one of the relations between these is such that two subtracted from one will leave a unit of a diameter value in terms or the denomination of the circumference value of the perfect

    Circle or a unit straight line having a perfect circular value or a factor of circular value such calculations can lead one no further than to Unriddle the mysteries of the third stage of evolution or the third creation of Brahma the initiated Hindus know how to square the circle far better than any

    European but of this more and on the fact is that the Western Mystics commence their speculation only at the stage when the universe falls into matter as the occultists say throughout the whole series of cabalistic books we have not met with one sentence that would hint in the remotest way at the

    Psychological and spiritual as well as the mechanical and physiological secrets of creation shall we then regard the evolution of the universe as simply a protype on a gigantic scale of the act of procreation as Divine phallicism and rsid eyes on it as the evily inspired author of a late

    Work of his name is done the writer does not think so and she feels justified in saying so since the most careful reading of the Old Testament esoterically as well as exoterically seems to have carried the most enthusiastic inquirers no further than a certainty on mathematical

    Grounds that from the first to the last chapter of the pentat every scene every character or every event are shown connected directly or indirectly with the origin of birth in its crudest and most brutal form thus however interesting and ingenious the rabbinical methods the writer in common with other Eastern

    Occultists must prefer those of the pagans it is not then in the Bible that we have to search for the origin of the Cross and circle but beyond the flood therefore returning to elus Levi and the Zohar we answer for the eastern occultists and say that applying practice to principle they agree

    Entirely with Pascal who says that God is a circle the center of which is everywhere and the circumference nowhere whereas the cabalists say the reverse and maintain it solely out of their desire to Veil their Doctrine by the way the definition of deity by the circle is not pascals at all as alfus

    Levi thought it was Borrowed by the French philosopher from either Mercury Tris mesus or Cardinal kuso’s Latin work did DOA ignorantia in which he makes use of it it is moreover disfigured by Pascal who replaces the words Cosmic Circle which stands symbolically in the original inscription by the word Theos

    With the Ancients both words were synonymous a cross and circle in the minds of ancient philosophers something of the Divine and the Mysterious has ever been ascribed to the shape of the circle the old world consistent in its symbolism and with its pantheistic intuitions uniting the visible and the invisible infinitud into

    One represented deity in its outward Veil alike by a circle this merging of the two into a unity and the name Theos being given indifferently to both is explained and thus becomes still more scientific and philosophical Plato’s eological definition of the word Theos has been given elsewhere in his cratus

    He derives it from the verb the in to move as suggested by the motion of the heavenly bodies which he connects with deity according to the esoteric philosophy this deity during nights and its days or cycles of rest and activity is the Eternal perpetual motion the ever

    Becoming as well as the ever universally present and the ever existing the latter is the root abstraction the former is the only possible conception in the human mind if it disconnects this deity from any shape or form it is a Perpetual never ceasing Evolution circling back in its incessant progress through aons of

    Duration into its original status absolute Unity it was only the minor Gods who were made to carry the symbolical attributes of the higher ones thus the god Shu the personification of Rah who appears as the great CAD of the Basin in Persia in an was often represented in the Egyptian monuments

    Seating and holding a cross symbol of the four quarters or the elements attached to a circle in that very learned work the natural Genesis by Gerald Massie Under The Heading typology of the Cross there is more information to be had on the cross and circle than

    In any other work we know of he who would feain the proofs of the Antiquity of the Cross is referred to these two volumes the author says the circle and the cross are inseparable the krux and sat unites this circle and cross of the four corners from this origin the circle

    And the cross came to be interchangeable at times for example the chakra or disc of Vishnu is a circle the name denotes the circle circling Wheeling Around periodicity The Wheel of Time this the god uses as a weapon to hurl at the enemy in like manner Thor throws his

    Weapon the fly fought a form of the four-footed Cross sastia and a type of the four quarters thus the cross is equivalent to the circle of the year the wheel emblem unites the cross and circle in one as does the hieroglyphic cake and the anti nor was the double glyph sacred

    With the profane but only with the initiates for Rahul rochette shows that the sign occurs as the reverse of a phenician coin with a ram as the obverse the same sign sometimes called Venus Looking Glass because it typified reproduction was employed to Mark the hind quarters of a

    Valuable brood Mars of Corinthian and other beautiful breeds of horses this proves that so far back as those early days the cross had already become the symbol of human procreation and that Oblivion of the divine origin and cross and circle had begun another form of the Cross is given

    From the Journal of the royal Asiatic Society at each of the four corners is placed a quarter Arc of an oviform curve and when the four are put together they form an oval thus the figure combines the cross with the circle rounded in four parts corresponding to the four

    Corners of the cross the four segments answer to the four feet of the swastika cross and the Fly the foot of Thor the four- Le lotus flower of Buddha is likewise figured at the center of this cross the Lotus being an Egyptian and Hindu type of the four

    Quarters the four quarter arcs if joined together would form an ellipse and the ellipse is also figured on each arm of the Cross this ellipse therefore denotes the path of the earth sir JY Simpson copied the following specimen which is here presented as the cross of the two

    Equinoxes and the two solstices placed Within the figure of the earth’s path the same ovoid or bolt-shaped figure appears at times in the Hindu drawings when seven steps at each end as a form or a mode of meu this is the astronomical aspect of the double glyph there are six more

    Aspects however and an attempt may be made to interpret a few of these the subject is so vast that it would require in itself alone many volumes but the most curious of these Egyptian symbols of cross and circle spoke en of in the above cited work is the one which

    Revives its full explanation and final color from Aryan symbols of the same nature says the author the forearmed cross is simply the cross of the four quarters but the cross sign is not always simple this is the type that was developed from an identifiable beginning which was adapted to the expression of

    Various ideas afterwards the most sacred Cross of Egypt was that carried in the hands of the Gods the Pharaohs and the mummy dead is the ank the sign of Life The Living an oath the Covenant the top of this is the hieroglyphic Rue set upright on the

    Tow cross the Rue is the door gate mouth the place of Outlet this denotes the birthplace in the northern quarter of the heavens from which the sun is reborn hence the Rue of the an sign is the feminine type of the birthplace representing the north it was in the

    Northern quarter that the goddess of the Seven Stars called the mother of the revolutions gave birth to time in the earliest cycle of the year the first sign of this primordial Circle and cycle made in the heaven is the earliest shape of the ank cross a mere Loop which

    Contains both a circle and the cross in one image this Loop or noose is carried in front of the oldest genric Typhon of the Great Bear as her Arc the ideagraph of a period an ending a Time shown to mean one revolution this then represents the circle made in the northern Heaven

    By The Great Bear which constituted the earliest year of time from which fact we infer that the loop or Rue of the north represents that quarter the birthplace of time when figured as the Rue of the ank symbol indeed this can be proved The Noose is an arc or wreck type of

    Reckoning the ru of the ank cross was continued in with the cypriote r and the Coptic row the row was carried into the Greek cross which is formed of the row and Chi or RK the wreck or Ark was the sign of all beginning Arch on this

    Account and the arc tii is the cross of the north the hind part of Heaven now this again is entirely astronomical and phallic the Panic version in India gives the whole matter another color without destroying the above interpretation it is made to reveal a portion of its Mysteries with

    The help of the astronomical key and thus offers a more metaphysical rendering the anai does not belong to Egypt alone it exists under the name of Pasha a cord which the forearmed Shiva holds in the hand of his right back arm the mahad diva is represented in the

    Posture of an aesthetic as mahayogi with his third eye which is the ru set upright on the towel cross in another form the Pasha is held in the hand in such a way that the first finger and hand near the thumb make the cross or Loop and crossing our orientalists would

    Have had it represent a cord to bind refractory offenders with because for sooth Kaa shiva’s consort has the same as an attribute the Pasha has here a double significance as also has shiva’s trishula and every other Divine attribute this dual significance lies in Shiva for rudra has certainly the same

    Meaning as the Egyptian on sated cross in its Cosmic and Mystic meaning in the hand of Shiva the Pasha becomes Ling onic Shiva as said before is a name unknown to the vas it is in the white yajur Veda that rudra appears for the first time as the great God mahadeva

    Whose symbol is the lingum in the rigveda he is called rudra the howler the beneficent and the Maleficent deity at the same time the Healer and the destroyer in the vision new piranha he is The God Who Springs from the forehead of Brahma who separates into male and

    Female and he is the parent of the rudras or maruts half of whom are brilliant and gentle others black and ferocious in the vas he is the Divine ego aspiring to return to its pure deific State and at the same time that Divine ego imprisoned in Earthly form

    Whose Fierce passions make of him the roarer the terrible this is well shown in the baradaran yaka aanad wherein the rudras the progyny of rudra God of Fire are called the 10 vital breaths Prana life with the heart Manas as 11th whereas as Shiva he is the destroyer of

    That life Brahma calls him rudra and gives him besides seven other names signifying seven forms of manifestation and also the seven powers of nature which destroy but to recreate regenerate hence the cruciform Noose or Pasha in the hand of Shiva when he is represented as an aesthetic the mahay

    Yogin has no phallic significance and indeed it requires an imagination strongly bent in this direction to find such a signification even in an astronomical symbol as an emblem of door gate mouth the place of Outlet it signifies the Straight Gate that leads to the kingdom of heaven far more than

    The birthplace place in a physiological sense it is a cross in a circle in Crux andada truly but it is a cross on which all the human passions have to be crucified before the yogi passes through the Straight Gate the narrow Circle that widens into an infinite one as soon as

    The inner man has passed the threshold as to the mysterious seven rishes and the constellation of the Great Bear if Egypt made them sacred to the oldest genetrix Typhon India has connected these symbols ages ago with time or Yuga revolutions and the saparis are intimately connected with our

    Present age the dark caluga the great circle of time on the face of which Indian fancy has represented the porpus or shis umara has the cross placed on it by nature in its Division and localization of stars planets and constellations in the Bava piranha it is

    Said at the extremity of the tail of that animal whose head is directed toward the the South and whose body it is in the shape of a ring Circle drva the ex pole star is placed along its tail are prajapati agne Indra Dharma Etc across its loins the seven

    Rees this is the first then and the earliest cross in circle formed by the deity symbolized by Vishnu the Eternal circle of boundless time kala on Whose plain lie Crossways all the Gods creatures and Creations born in space and time who as the philosophy has it all die at the Maha

    Praya meanwhile it is the seven rishes who Mark the time and the duration of events in our sepiner life cycle they are the mysterious as the supposed wives the pleades of whom only one she who hides has proven virtuous the pleades or criticas are the nurses of Cartia the

    God of War the Mars of the western pagans who is called the commander of the celestial armies or rather of the sidas Sida translated yogis in heaven and holy sages on the earth which would make critica identical with Michael the leader of the celestial hosts and like himself a virgin

    Kumara verily he is the guha the mysterious one as much so are the separes and the crias the seven Rees and the pades for the interpretation of all these combined revealed to the adept the greatest mysteries of occult nature one point is worth mention in this question of cross and circle as it

    Bears strongly upon the elements of fire and water which play such an important part in the circle and cross symbolism like Mars who is alleged by ID to have been born of his mother Juno alone without the participation of a father or like the avataras Krishna for instance

    In the west as in the East ktia is born but in a still more miraculous manner begotten by neither father nor mother but out of a seed of rud Riva which was cast Into the Fire Agy and then received by the water Ganges thus he is born from

    Fire and Water a boy bright as the sun and beautiful as the moon hence he is called agu son of Agy and gutra Son of ganji add this to the fact that cria his nurses as the matsa piran shows are presided over by AG or in the authentic

    Words the seven Rees are on a line with the brilliant Agy and hence critica has agnea as a synonym and the connection is easy to follow it is then the RIS who Mark the time in the periods of caluga the age of sin and sorrow as the Bava pirana tells

    Us when the Splendor of Vish named Krishna departed for heaven then did the Cali age during which men Delight in sin invade the world when the seven rishes were in Maga the Cali age comprising 1200 Divine years 432,000 common years began and when from Maga they shall

    Reach par Vash then will this Cali age attain its growth under nand and his success this is the revolution of the rishes when the first two stars of the seven rishes The Great Bear rise in the heavens and some lunar asterism is seen at night at an equal distance between

    Them then the seven rishes continue stationary in that conjunction for a hundred years as a hater of Nanda makes parara say according to Bentley it was in order to show the quantity of the procession of the equinoxes that this notion originated among the astronomers this was by assuming an imaginary line

    Or great circle passing through the poles of the ecliptic at the beginning of the fixed Maga which Circle was supposed to cut some of the stars in The Great Bear the Seven stars in The Great Bear being called the rishes the circle so assumed was called the line of the

    Rishes and being invariably fixed to the beginning of the lunar asterism Maga the procession would be noted by stating the degree Etc of any movable lunar mansion cut by that line or Circle as an index there has been and there still exists a seemingly endless controversy about the chronology of the Hindus here

    Is however a point that could help to determine approximately at least the age when the symbolism of the seven Rees and their connection with the pleades began when ctia was delivered to the cria by the gods to be nursed there were only six whence ctia is represented with

    Six heads but when the poetical fancy of the early Aryan symbologist made of them the consorts of the seven rishes they were seven their names are given and these are Amba Doula natu abanti maganti varanti and chupen there are other sets of names which differ however anyhow the seven

    Rees were made to marry the seven critica before The Disappearance of the seven plade otherwise how could the Hindu astronomers speak of a star which no one can see without the help of the strongest telescopes this is why perhaps in every such case the majority of the events described in the Hindu allegories

    Is fixed upon as a very recent invention certainly within the Christian era the oldest Sanskrit MSS on astronomy began their series of nakshatras the 27 lunar asterisms with the sign of critica and this can hardly make them earlier than 2780 BC this is according to the vdic calendar which is

    Accepted even by the orientalists though they get out of the difficulty by saying that the said calendar does not prove that the Hindus knew anything of astronomy at that date and assure their readers that calendars notwithstanding the Indian pandits may have acquired their knowledge of the lunar Mansions

    Headed by critica from the Phoenicians Etc however that may be the plad are the central group of the system of ceral symbology they are situated in the neck of the constellation Taurus regarded by Midler and others in astronomy as the central group of the system of the Milky

    Way and in the cabala and Eastern esotericism as the ceral septate born from the first manifested side of the upper triangle the concealed triangle this manifested side is Taurus the symbol of one or of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Alf bull or Ox whose synthesis is 10 or yod the perfect

    Letter in Number the pleades alion especially are thus considered even in astronomy as the Central Point around which our universe or fixed Stars revolves the focus from which and into which the Divine breath motion Works incessantly during the man ventara hence in the ceral symbols of the Occult

    Philosophy it is this circle with the starry cross on its face which plays the most prominent part the secret Doctrine teaches us that everything in the universe as well as the universe itself is formed created during its periodical manifestations by accelerated Motion Set into activity by the breath of the ever

    To be unknown power unknown to present mankind at any rate within the phenomenal world the spirit of life and immortality was everywhere symbolized by a circle hence the serpent biting its tail represents the Circle of Wisdom in Infinity as does the astronomical cross the cross within the circle and

    The globe with two Wings added to it which then became the sacred scarabus of the Egyptians its very name being suggestive of the secret idea attached to it for the scarabus is called in the Egyptian papri copon and cpri from the verb corpron to become and has thus been made

    A symbol and an emblem of human life and of the success of becomings of man through the various preener and metam psychosis or reincarnations of the liberated Soul this mystical symbol shows plainly that the Egyptians believed in reincarnation and the success of lives and existences of the immortal

    Entity as this however was an esoteric Doctrine revealed only only during the Mysteries by the priest hierophants and the King initiates to the candidates it was Kept Secret the incorporeal intelligences the planetary Spirits or creative Powers were always represented under the form of circles in the Primitive philosophy of the hierophants

    These invisible circles were the Prototype causes and Builders of all the Heavenly orbs which were their invisible bodies or coverings and of which they were the souls it was was certainly a universal teaching in Antiquity as procas says before the mathematical numbers there are the self-moving numbers before the figures apparent the

    Vital figures and before producing the material worlds which move in a circle the creative power produced The Invisible circles a cir says feres in his hymn to Jupiter this was a hermetic Axiom and Pythagoras described such a circular prostration and posture during the hours of contemplation the devote must approach

    As much as possible the form of a perfect circle prescribes the secret book Numa tried to spend the same custom among the people Pieris tells his readers and plyy says during our warship we roll up so to say our body in a ring Totum Corpus circum mimer the vision of the Prophet Ezekiel

    Reminds one forcibly of this mysticism of the circle when he beheld a whirlwind from which came out of one wheel upon the Earth whose work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels Spirit whth about continually and

    Returneth again according to its circuits says Solomon who is made in the English translation to speak of the wind and in the original text to refer both to the spirit and the sign but the Zohar the only true gloss of the cabalistic preacher in explanation of this verse which is perhaps rather hazy

    And difficult to comprehend says it seems to say that the sun moves in circuits whereas it refers to the spirit under the sun called the holy spirit that moves circularly toward both sides that they it and the sun should be United in the same Essence the BM monical golden egg from

    Within which emerges Bron the creative deity is the circle with the central point of Pythagoras and its fitting symbol in the secret Doctrine the concealed Unity whether representing parab Brahman or the great extreme of confucious or the deity concealed by T the eternal light or again the Jewish

    Inin suf is always found to be symbolized by a circle or the not absolute no thing and nothing because it is infinite and the the all while the God manifested by its works is referred to as the diameter of that Circle the symbolism of the underlying idea is thus made evident the

    Right line passing through the center of a circle has in the geometrical sense length but neither breadth nor thickness it is an imaginary and feminine symbol Crossing eternity and made to rest on the plain of existence of the phenomenal world it is dimensional whereas its circle is dimensionless or to use the

    Algebraic term it is the dimension of an equation another way of symbolizing the ideas is found in the Pythagorean sacred decad which synthesizes in the Dual numeral 10 the one and a circle or Cipher the absolute all manifesting itself in the word or generative power of creation B

    The fall of the Cross into matter those who would feel inclined to argue upon this Pythagorean symbol by objecting that it is not yet ascertained so far at what period of antiquity the knot or Cipher occurs for the first time especially in India are referred to Isis unveiled admitting for argument sake

    That the ancient world was not acquainted with our modes of calculation or Arabic figures though in reality we know it was yet the circle and diameter idea is there to show that it was first symbol in cosmogeny before the trigrams of figh Yang the unity and Yin the binary explained cunningly Enough by

    Elus Levi China had her Confucius and her tsts the former circumscribes the great extreme within a circle with a horizontal line cross the latter placed three concentric circles beneath the great circle while the Su sages showed the great extreme in an upper Circle and Heaven and Earth in two lower and

    Smaller circles the yang GS and the yin are a far later invention Plato and his school never understood the deity otherwise not withstanding the many epithets applied by him to the god overall Plato having been initiated could not believe in a personal God the gigantic shadow of a man his epithets of

    Monarch and lawgiver of the universe bear an abstract meaning well understood by every occultist who know less than any Christian believes in the law the one law that governs the universe and recognizes it at the same time as immutable as platoo says beyond all finite existences and secondary causes all laws ideas and

    Principles there is an intelligence or mind new the first principle of all principles the Supreme idea on which all other ideas are grounded the ultimate substance from which all things derive their being in essence the first and efficient cause of all the order and Harmony and beauty and excellence and

    Goodness which pervade the universe the mind is called by way of preeminence and Excellence the Supreme good the God and the god overall these words apply as Plato himself shows neither to the Creator nor to the father of our modern monotheist but to the ideal and Abstract cause for as he says

    This the god overall is not the truth or intelligence but the father of it and its Primal cause it is Plato the greatest pupil of the archaic sages a sage himself for whom there was but a single object of attainment in his life real knowledge who would ever believed

    In a deity that curses and dams men Forever on the slightest provocation surely not he who considered only those to be genuine philosophers and students of Truth who possess the knowledge of the really existing in opposition to Mere seeming of the always existing in opposition to the transitory and of that

    Which exists permanently in opposition to that which waxes waines and is developed and destroyed alternately spus and xenocrates followed in his footsteps the one the original had no existence in the sense applied to it by moral men the the honored dwells in the center as in the circumference

    But it is only the Reflection of the deity the world’s soul the plane of the surface of the circle the cross and the circle are a universal conception as old as the human mind itself they stand foremost on the list of the long series of and to say International symbols which expressed

    Very often great scientific truths besides their direct bearing upon psychological and even physiological Mysteries it is no explanation to say as does alfus Levi that God the universal love having caused the male unit to dig an abyss in the female binary or chaos thereby produced the world in addition

    To the grossness of the conception it does not remove the difficulty of conceiving it without losing one’s veneration for the rather two humanlike ways of the deity it is to avoid such anthropomorphic conceptions that the initiates never use the epithet God to designate the one and second lless

    Principle in the universe and that faithful in this the old traditions of the secret Doctrine the world over they deny that such an imperfect and often not very clean work could ever be produced by absolute perfection there’s no need to mention here the other still greater metaphysical difficulties between speculative atheism and idiotic

    Anthropomorphism there must be a philosophical mean and a Reconciliation the presence of the Unseen principle throughout all nature and the highest manifestation of it on Earth man can alone helped to solve the problem which is that of the mathematician whose x must ever elude the grasp of our terrestrial algebra the

    Hindus have tried to solve it by their avatars the Christians think they have done so by their one Divine Incarnation exoterically both are wrong esoterically both of them are very near the truth alone among the Apostles of the western religion Paul seems to have fathomed if not actually revealed the archaic

    Mystery of the cross as for the rest of those who by unifying and individualizing the universal presence have synthesized it into one symbol the central point in the crucifix they show thereby that they had never seized the true Spirit of the teaching of Christ but rather that they have

    Degraded it in more than one way by their erroneous interpretations they have forgotten the spirit of that universal symbol and have selfishly monopolized it as though the boundless and the infinite can ever be limited in condition to one manifestation individualized in one man or even in a nation the forearms of the

    Cross or dead cross and of the Hermetic cross pointing to the four cardinal points were well understood by the mystical minds of the Hindu brahans and Buddhists hundreds of years before it was heard of in Europe for that symbol was and is found all over the world they

    Bent the ends of the Cross and made of it their fastica now the wand of the Mongolian Buddhist it implies that the central point is not limited to one individual however perfect that the principle God is in humanity and Humanity as all the rest is

    In it like drops of water are in the ocean the four ends being toward the four cardinal points hence losing themselves in Infinity isar an initiate is said to have found at Hebron on the dead body of Hermes the well-known smagin taet which it is said contained

    The essence of hermetic wisdom upon it were traced among others the sentences separate the Earth from the fire the subtile from the gross ascend from the Earth to the heaven and then descend again to the Earth the riddle of the Cross is contained in these words and its double

    Mystery is solved to the occultist the philosophical cross the two lines running in opposite directions the horizontal and the perpendicular the height and breadth which the geometri deity divides at the intersecting point and which forms the magical as well as the scientific coronary when it is inscribed

    Within the perfect square is the basis of the occultist within its mystical Precinct lies the master key which opens the door of every science physical as well as spiritual it symbolizes our human existence for the circle of life circumscribes the four points of the Cross which represents in succession birth life death and

    Immortality attach thyself says The Alchemist to the four letters of the tetragram disposed in the following manner the letters of the ineffable name are there although thou mayest not discern them in first the incommunicable Axiom is cabalistic contained therein and this is what is called the magic Arcanum by the

    Masters again the towel and the astronomical Cross of Egypt are conspicuous in several apertures of the remains of palen in one of the baso relios of the Palace of palen on the West Side sculptured as a hieroglyphic right under the seated figure is a towel the standing figure which leans over the

    First one is in the act of covering its head with the left hand with the veil of initiation while it extends its right with the index and middle finger pointing to heaven the position is precisely that of a Christian Bishop giving his Blessing or the one in which Jesus is often

    Represented while at the Last Supper the Egyptian hierophant had a square headdress which he had to wear always during his functions these Square Hats are worn unto this day by The Armenian priests the perfect tow formed of the perpendicular descending male Ray and the horizontal line matter female

    Principle and the mundane Circle were attributes of Isis and it was only at death that the Egyptian cross was laid on the breast of the Mummy the claim that the cross is purely a Christian symbol introduced after our era is strange indeed when we find Ezekiel stamping the foreheads of the

    Men of Judah who feared the Lord with the Signum foul as it is translated in the Vulgate in the ancient Hebrew this sign was formed thus cross but in the Original Egyptian hieroglyphics as a perfect Christian cross hat the emblem of stability in the Revelation also the

    Alpha and Omega spirit and matter the first and the last stamps the name of his father on the foreheads of the elect Moses orders his people to mark their doorposts and lentils with blood lest the Lord God should make a mistake and smite some of his chosen people instead of the doomed

    Egyptians and this Mark is the towel The Identical Egyptian handled cross with the half of which Talisman Horus raised the dead as is shown on a sculptured ruin in fil enough has been said in the text about the spasa and the towel verily May the cross be traced

    Back into the very depths of the unfathomable archaic ages its mystery deepens rather than clears as we find on the statues of Easter Island in Old Egypt in Central Asia engraved on rocks as the tow and fastica in pre-christian scand Avia everywhere the author of the source of measure stands perplexed

    Before the endless Shadow it throws back into Antiquity and is unable to trace it to any particular Nation or man he shows the targums handed down by the Hebrews obscured by translation in Joshua read in Arabic and in the tarum of Jonathan it is said the king of a he crucified upon a

    Tree the subagent rendered is of suspension from a double word or cross words worth on Joshua the strangest expression of this kind is in numbers XX V4 where by anilos it is read crucify them before the Lord Jehovah against the son the word here is to nail to rendered

    Properly Furious by The Vulgate to crucify the very construction of the sentence is Mystic so it is but the spirit of it that has been ever misunderstood to crucify before not against the sun is a phrase used of initiation it comes from Egypt and primarily from India the Enigma can be

    Unriddled only by searching for its key in the mysteries of initiation the initiated Adept who had successfully passed through all the trials was attached not nailed but simply tied on a couch in the form of a towel in Egypt of asosa without the four additional prolongations

    In India plunged in a deep sleep the sleep of silom as it is called to this day among the initiates in Asia Minor in Syria and even higher Egypt he was allowed to remain in the state for three days and three nights during which time his spiritual ego was said to

    Confabulate with the gods descend into Hades amenti or patala according to the country and do works of Charity to the invisible beings whether Souls of men or ele Elemental Spirits his body remained all the time in a temple Crypt or Subterranean cave in Egypt it was placed

    In the sarcophagus in the king’s chamber of the Pyramid of chops and carried during the night of the approaching Third Day to the entrance of a gallery where the certain hour the beams of the Rising Sun struck full on the face of the entranced candidate who awoke to be

    Initiated by Osiris and th the god of wisdom let the reader who doubts the statement consult the Hebrew Originals before he denies let him turn to some of the most suggestive Egyptian boss reliefs one especially from the Temple of f represents a scene of initiation two God hierophants one with the head of

    A hawk the Son and the other IIs headed Mercury Thoth the god of wisdom and secret learning the assessor of Osiris son are standing over the body of a candidate just initiated they are in the act of pouring on his head a double stream of water the Water of Life and of

    New Birth the streams being interlaced in the shape of a cross and full of small onad crosses this is allegorical of the Awakening of the candidate who is now an initiate when the beams of the morning sun Osiris strike the crown of his head his entranced body being placed

    On the wooden towel so as to receive the Rays then appeared the hierophant initiators and the sacramental words were pronounced ostensibly to the son Osiris in reality to the spirit son within enlightened the newly born man let the reader meditate on the connection of the sun with the cross

    From the highest Antiquity in both its generative and spiritually regenerative capacities let him examine the tomb of bate Oxley in the reign of ramsy II where he will find the crosses of every shape and position as also on the throne of that Sovereign and finally on a fragment representing the Adoration of

    Bakan alir from the Hall of the ancestors of topes III now preserved in the National Library of Paris in this extraordinary sculpture and painting one sees the disc of the sun beaming upon an anad cross placed upon a cross of which those of the Cavalry are perfect copies

    The ancient MSS mentioned these as the hard couches of those who were in spiritual travail the act of giving birth to themselves a quantity of such cruciform couches on which the candidate thrown into a dead trance at the end of his Supreme initiation was placed and secured were

    Found in the underground Halls of the Egyptian temples after their destruction the worthy and holy fathers of the Cil and Theophilus types used them freely believing that they had brought and concealed there by some new converts alone origin and after him Clement alexandrinus and other ex initiates knew

    Better but they preferred to keep silent again let the reader read the Hindu fables as the orientalists call them and remember the allegory of vishvakarma the creative power the great architect of the world called in the rig Veda The allseeing God Who sacrifices himself to himself the spiritual egos of

    Mortals are his own Essence one with him therefore remember that he is called a viika the builder of the Gods and that it is he who ties the son Soria his son-in-law on his La in the exoteric allegory but on the sastia in the esoteric tradition for on Earth he is

    The hierophant initiator and cuts away a portion of his brightness vishvakarma remember again is the son of yoga Sida the holy power of yoga and the fabricator of the fiery weapon the magic egn asra The Narrative is given more fully elsewhere the author of the cabalistic work so often quoted from

    Asks the theoretical use of the crucifixion then must have been somehow connected with the personification of this symbol the structure of the garden of paradise symbolized by a crucified man but how and as showing what the symbol was of the origin of measures shadowing forth creative law or design

    What practically as regards Humanity could actually crucifix ition betoken yet that it was held as the Effigy Of some mysterious working of the same system is shown from the very fact of the use there seems to be deep below deep as to the mysterious workings of these number values the symbolization of

    The connection of 113 355 with 20612 6561 by a crucified man not only are they shown to work in the cosmos but by sympathy they seem to work out conditions relating to an unseen and spiritual world and the prophets seem to have held knowledge of the connecting links reflection becomes

    More involved when it is considered the power of expression of the law exactly by numbers clearly defining a system was not the accident of language but was the very essence and of its primary organic construction therefore neither the language nor the mathematical system attached to it could be of man’s

    Invention unless both were founded upon a prior language which afterwards became obsolete the author proves these points by further elucidation and reveals the secret meaning of more than one dead letter narrative by showing that probably man was the primordial word the very first word possessed by the Hebrews

    Whoever they were to carry the idea by sound of a man the essential of this word was 113 the numerical value of that word from the beginning and carried with it the elements of the cosmical system displayed this is demonstrated by the Hindu voba a form of Vishnu as has

    Already been stated the figure of voba even to the nail marks on his feet is that of Jesus crucified in all the details save the cross that man was meant is prove to us further by the fact of the initiate being reborn after his crucifixion on the tree of life this

    Tree has now become exoterically through its use by the Romans as an instrument of torture and the ignorance of the early Christian schemers the tree of death thus one of the seven esoteric meanings intended by this mystery of crucifixion by The Mystic inventors of the system the original elaboration and Adoption of

    Which dates back to the very establishment of the Mysteries is discovered in the geometrical symbols containing the history of the evolution of man the Hebrews whose Prophet Moses was so learned in the esoteric wisdom of Egypt and who adopted their numerical system from the Phoenicians and later

    From the Gentiles from whom they also borrowed most of their cabalistic mysticism most ingeniously adapted the cosmic and anthropological symbols of the Heathen Nations to their peculiar secret records if Christian sacerdotalism has lost the key of this today the early compilers of the Christian my iies were well-versed in

    Esoteric philosophy and the Hebrew occult mology and used it dexterously thus they took the word a one of the Hebrew word forms for man and used it in conjunction with that of shaana or lunar year so mystically connected with the name Jehovah the supposed father of Jesus and embosomed

    The Mystic idea in an astronomical value and formula the original idea of the man crucified in space certainly belongs to the ancient Hindus Moore shows this in his Hindu Pantheon in the engraving that represents Boba Plato adopted it in his desiccated cross in Space the cross the

    Second God who impressed himself on the universe in the form of a cross Krishna is likewise shown crucified again it is repeated in the Old Testament in the queer injunction to crucify men before the Lord the son which is no prophecy at all but has a direct phallic signific an

    In that same most suggestive work on the cabalistic meanings we read again in symbol the nails on the cross have for the shape of the heads therefore a solid pyramid and a tapering Square aisal Shaft or phallic emblem for the nail taking the position of the three Nails

    In the man’s extremities and on the cross they form a mark a triangle in shape One Nail being at the corner of the triangle the wounds are Stigmata in the extremities are NE necessarily four designative of the square the three nails with the three wounds are in

    Number six which denotes the six faces of the cube unfolded which make the cross or man form or seven continuing three horizontal and four vertical squares on which the man is placed and this in turn points to the circular measure transferred on the edges of the

    Cube the one wound of the feet separates into two when the feet are separated making there three together for all and four when separated or seven in all another and most holy with the Jews feminine Base number thus while the phallic or sexual meaning of the crucifixion Nails is proven by the

    Geometrical and numerical reading its mystical meaning is indicated by the short remarks upon it as given above in its connection with and bearing upon Prometheus he is another victim for he is crucified on the cross of Love on the rock of human passions a sacrifice to his Devotion to the cause of the

    Spiritual element in humanity now the primordial system the double glyph that underlies the idea of the Cross is not of human invention for Cosmic ideation and the spiritual representation of the Divine ego manner at its basis later it is expanded into the beautiful idea adopted by and represented in the

    Mysteries that of regenerated man the Mortal who by crucifying the man of Flesh and his passions on the procrustean bed of torture became reborn as an immortal leaving the body the animal man behind him tied on the cross of initiation like an empty Chrysalis the ego Soul becomes as free as a

    Butterfly still later owing to the gradual loss of spirituality the cross became in cosmogeny and anthropology no higher than a phallic symbol with the esotericist from the remotest times the universal Soul or animamundi the material reflection of the immaterial ideal was the source of Life of all

    Things and of the life principle of the Three Kingdoms this was sepiner with the hermatic philosophers as with all the ancients for it is represented as a Sevenfold cross whose branches are respectively light heat electricity terrestrial magnetism astral radiation motion and intelligence or what some call self-consciousness as we have said

    Elsewhere long before the cross or its sign were adopted as symbols of Christianity the sign of the cross was used as a mark of recognition among adepts and neop phyes the latter being called crests from Christos the man of tribulation and soral says elphas Levi the sign of the

    Cross adopted by the Christians does not belong to them exclusively it is also cabalistic and represents the opposition and coronary equilibrium of the elements we see by by the occult verse of the patron that there were originally two ways of doing it or at least two very different formulas to expressing its

    Meaning one reserved for the priests and initiates the other given to the neopit and the profane thus for example the initiate carrying his hand to his forehead said to thee then added belong and continued carrying his hand to the breast the kingdom then to the left shoulder Justice to the right shoulder

    And mercy Mery then he joined the two hands adding throughout the generating Cycles Tiba malut ebra at chest perus an absolutely and magnificently cabalistic sign of the cross which the profanations of gnosticism made the militant and official Church completely lose the militant and official Church did more having helped herself to what

    Had never belonged to her she took only that which the profane had the cabalistic meaning of the male and female searo she never lost the inner and higher meaning since she never had it elphas Levi’s pandering to Rome notwithstanding the signs of the cross adopted by the Latin church was phallic

    From the beginning while that of the Greeks was the cross of the neopit the cresto section nine the Aon aads in Gnostic literature we are reminded in Kings gnostics and the remains that the Greek language had but one word for vowel and voice this has led the uninitiated to many erroneous

    Interpretations on the simple knowledge however of this welln fact a comparison may be attempted and a flood of light thrown upon several Mystic meanings thus the words so often used in the Aon aads and the Piranhas sound and speech may be collated with the Gnostic vowels and the

    Voices of the Thunders and angels in Revelation the same will be found in the pistis Sophia and other ancient fragments in MSS this was remarked even by the matter of fact author of the above mentioned work through hippolytus an early Church Father we learn what Marcus a Pythagorean rather than a Christian

    Gnostic and a cabalist most certainly had received in Mystic Revelation it is said that Marcus had it revealed unto him that the seven Heavens sounded each one vowel which all combined together formed a single doxology the sound whereof being carried down from these seven Heavens to Earth becomes the

    Creator and parent of all things that be on earth translated from the occult phraseology into still pler language this would read the Sevenfold logos have been differentiated into seven loogi or creative potencies vowels these the second logos or sound created all on Earth assuredly one who is acquainted

    With Gnostic literature can hardly help seeing in St John’s apocalypse a work of the same school of thought for we find John saying seven Thunders uttered their voices and I was about to write but I Heard a Voice from Heaven saying unto me seal up those things which the seven

    Thunders uttered and write them not the same injunction is given to Marcus the same to all other semi and full initiates the very sameness of the expression used and of the underlying ideas always betrays a portion of the Mysteries we must always seek for more than one meaning in every mystery

    Allegorically revealed especially in those in which the number seven in its multiplication 7 by S or 49 appear now when in pistus Sophia the rabbi Jesus is requested by his disciples to reveal to them the mysteries of the light of his father I.E of the higher self enlightened by initiation and divine

    Knowledge Jesus answers do ye seek after these Mysteries no mystery is more excellent than they which shall bring your souls into the light of Lights unto the place of Truth and goodness unto the place where there is neither male nor female neither form in that place but light Everlasting not to be uttered

    Nothing therefore is more excellent than the Mysteries which you seek after saving only the mysteries of the seven vowels in their 49 powers and their numbers thereof and no name is more excellent than all these vowels as says the commentary speaking of the fires the seven fathers and the 49 Sons blaze in

    Darkness but they are the life and light and the continuation thereof through the great age now it becomes evident that in every esoteric interpretation of exoteric beliefs expressed in allegorical forms there is the same underlying idea the basic number seven the compound of three and four preceded

    By the Divine three making the perfect number 10 also those numbers apply equally to divisions of time to cosmography metaphysical and physical as well as to man and everything else invisible nature thus these seven vowels with their 49 powers are identical with the three and the seven five of the Hindus

    And their 49 fires identical with the numerical Mysteries of the Persian simor identical with those of the Jewish cabalists the latter dwarfing the numbers their mode of blinds made the duration of each successive renewal or what we call an esoteric parlament round 1,000 years only or of the seven

    Renewals of the globe 7,000 years instead of as is more likely 7 billion and a assigned to the total duration of the universe 49,000 years only now the secret Doctrine furnishes a key which reveals to us on the indisputable grounds of comparative analogy that Garuda the allegorical and

    Monstrous half human and half bird the vahana or vehicle on which Vishnu as kala or time is shown to ride is the origin of all such allegories he is the Indian Phoenix the emblem of cyclic and periodical time the man lion sin of whose representations the so-called

    Gnostic gems are so full over the seven rays of the Lion’s crown and corresponding to their points stand often the seven vowels of the Greek alphabet testifying to the seven Heavens this is the solar Lion and the emblem of the solar cycle as Garuda is that of the great cycle the Maha palpa

    Co-eternal with Vishnu and also of course the emblem of the Sun and solar cycle this is shown by the details of the the allegory at his birth Garuda on account of his dazzling Splendor is mistaken for Agy the god of fire and was whence called gages shavara lord of the

    Sky its representation as Osiris on the abais Gnostic gems and by many heads of allegorical monsters with the head and Beak of an eagle or a hawk both solar Birds denotes garuda’s solar and cyclic character his son is jayu the cycle of 60,000 years as well remarked by CW King

    Whatever its primary meaning of the gem with the solar line and vowels it was probably imported in the present shape from India that true Fountain Head of Gnostic iconography the mysteries of the seven Gnostic vowels uttered by the Thunders of St John can be unriddled only by the Primeval and original occultism of

    Araara brought into India by the prim evil brahmans who had been initiated in Central Asia and this is the occultism we study and try to explain as much as possible in these Pages our doctrine of seven races and seven rounds of life and evolution around our terrestrial chain

    Of spheres may be found even in Revelation when the seven Thunders or sounds or vowels one meaning out of the seven for each such vowel relates directly to our own earth and its seven root races in each round had uttered their voices but had forgotten the sear

    To write them and made him seal up those things what did the angel standing upon the sea and upon the Earth do he lifted up his hand to heaven and swear by him that liveth forever and ever that there should be time no longer but in the days

    Of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound the mystery of the god of the cycle should be finished this means in theosophic phraseology that when the seventh round is completed then time will seize there shall be time no longer very naturally since Prolia

    Shall set in and there will remain no one on earth to keep a division of time during that periodical dissolution and arrest of conscious life Dr canel and others believed that the calculations of the cyclic 7 and 49 were brought by the rabins from Cala this is more than likely but the Babylonians

    Who had all those cycles and taught them only at their great initiatory mysteries of astrological magic got their wisdom and learning from India it is not difficult therefore to recognize in them our own esoteric Doctrine in their secret computations the Japanese have the same figures in their Cycles as to

    The brahans their piranhas and Aon aads are good proof of it the latter may have passed entirely into Gnostic literature and a Brahman needs only to read py Sophia to recognize his forefather’s property even to the phraseology and similes used let us compare in py Sophia the disciples say to Jesus Rabbi reveal

    Unto us the mysteries of light I.E the fire of knowledge or Enlightenment for as much as we have heard the saying that there is another baptism of smoke and another baptism of the spirit of Holy Light I.E the spirit of Fire as John says of Jesus I indeed baptize you with

    Water but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with the fire the real significance of this statement is very profound it means that John a non-initiated aesthetic who can impart to his disciples no greater wisdom than the Mysteries connected with the plane of matter of which water is

    The symbol his nosis was that of exoteric and ritualistic dogma of dead letter Orthodoxy while the wisdom which Jesus an initiate of the higher Mysteries would reveal to them was of a higher character for it was the fire wisdom of the true nosis or real spiritual enlightenment one was

    Fire the other smoke for Moses the fire on Mount Si in the spiritual wisdom for the multitudes of the people below for the profane Mount Si in through smoke I.E the exoteric husks of Orthodox or sectarian ritualism now having the above in view read the dialogue between the sages Narada and

    Damata in the Anita an episode from the mahabarata the Antiquity and importance of which one can learn in the sacred books of the East edited by Professor Max Müller Narada is discoursing upon the breaths or the life winds as they are called in the clumsy translations of such words as Prana aana

    Etc whose full esoteric meaning and application to individual functions can hardly be rendered in English he says of this science that it is the teaching of the Veta that the fire verily is all the deities and knowledge of it arises among brahmanas being accompanied by intelligence by fire says the

    Commentator he means the self by intelligence the occultist says Narada meant neither discussion nor argumentation as Arjuna mishr believes but intelligence truly or the adaptation of the fire of wisdom to exoteric ritualism for the profane this is the chief concern of the brahans who were the first to set the

    Example to other nations who thus anthropomorphized and carnal the grandest metaphysical truths Narada shows this plainly and is made to say the smoke of that fire which is of excellent Glory Appears in the shape of Darkness verily so its ashes our passion and goodness in that connection with it

    In which the offering is thrown that is to say that faculty is the disciple which apprehends the subtle truth the flame which escapes heavenward while the objective sacrifice remains as a proof and evidence of piety only to the profane for what else can nada mean by the following those who understand

    The sacrifice understand the Samana and the Yana as the principal offering The Prana and aana are portions of the offering and between them is the fire that is the excellent seat of the udana as understood by brahmanas as to that which is distinct from these pairs

    Hear me speak about that day and night are a pair between them is the fire that which exists and that which does not exist are a pair between them is the fire and after every such contrast Narada adds that is the ex Excellency to the yudana as understood by the

    Brahmanas now many people do not know the full meaning of the statement the Samana and vaana Prana and aana which are explained to be life winds but which we say are principles and their respective faculties and senses are offered up to udana the soy distant Principal Life wind which is said to act

    At all the joints and so the reader who is ignorant that the word fire in these allegories means both the self and the higher Divine knowledge will understand nothing in this and will entirely miss the point of our argument as the translator and even the editor the great

    Oxford sanskritist F Max Muller have missed the true meaning of narada’s words exoterically this enumeration of Life wins has of course the meaning approximately which is surmised in the footnotes namely the sense appears to be this the course of the worldly life is due to the operations of the life winds

    Which are attached to the self and lead to its manifestations as individual Souls of these the Samana and Viana are controlled and held under check by The Prana and aana the latter two are held in check and controlled by the udana which thus controls all and the control

    Of this which is the control of all five leads to the Supreme self the above is given as an explanation of the text which records the words of the Brahman who narrates how he reached the ultimate wisdom of yogiism and in this wise reached all knowledge saying that had he perceived

    By means of the self the SE abiding in the self where dwells the Brahma free from all and explaining that the indestructible principle was entirely beyond the perception of Senses I.E of the five life winds he adds that in the midst of all these life winds which move

    About in the body and swallow up one another blazes the V venara fire sfold this fire according to nanta’s commentary is identical with the ey the self which is the goal of the aesthetic V vanara being a word often used for the self then the Brahman goes on to

    Enumerate that which is meant by the word Sevenfold and says the nose or smell and the tongue taste and the eye and the skin skin and the ear as the fifth the mind and the understanding these are the seven tongues of the blaze of V vanara those are the seven kinds of fuel

    For me these are the seven Great officiating priests these seven priests are accepted by Arjuna Mishra in the sense of meaning the soul distinguished as so many souls or principles with reference to these several powers and finally the translator seems to accept the explanation and reluctantly admits that

    They may mean this though he himself takes the sense to mean the powers of hearing Etc the physical senses in short which are prided over by the several deities but whatever it may mean whether in scientific or Orthodox interpretations this passage on page 259 explains narada’s statements on page

    276 and shows them referring to exoteric and esoteric methods and contrasting them thus the Samana and the Via though subject to The Prana and the aana and all the four to udana in the matter of acquiring the pranayama of the haa Yogi chiefly or the lower form of yoga are yet referred to

    As the principal offering for as rightly argued by K trimbach Tang their operations are more practically important for vitality I.E they are the grossest and are offered in the sacrifice in order that they may disappear so to speak in the quality of Darkness of that fire or its smoke mere

    Exoteric ritualistic form but Prana and aana though shown as subordinate because less gross or more purified have the fire between them the self and the secret knowledge possessed by that self so for the good and evil and for that which exists and that which does not exist all these pairs have fire between

    Them I.E esoteric knowledge the wisdom of the Divine self let those who are satisfied with the smoke of the fire remain wherein they are that is to say within the Egyptian darkness of theological fictions and dead letter interpretations the above is written only for the Western students of occultism and theosophy the writer

    Presumes to explain these things neither to the Hindus who have their own gurus nor to the orientalists who think they know more than all the gurus and rishis past and present put together these rather lengthy quotations and examples are necessary if only to point out to

    The student The Works he has to study so as to derive benefit and learning from comparison let him read pis Sophia in the light of the bagita the anog and others and then the statement made by Jesus in the Gnostic Gospel will become clear and the dead letter lines

    Disappear at once read the following and compare it with the explanation from the Hindu scriptures just given and no name is more excellent than all these a name wherein be contained all names and all lights and all the 49 Powers knowing that name if a man quits this body of

    Matter no smoke I.E no theological delusion no Darkness nor power nor ruler of the sphere no personal genius or planetary Spirit called God of Fate Karma shall be able to hold back the soul that knoweth that name if he shall utter that name unto the fire the darkness shall

    Flee away and if he shall utter that name unto all their powers nay even unto barbello and the invisible God and the three triple powerered Gods so soon as he shall have uttered that name in those places they shall all be thrown one upon the other so that they shall be ready to

    Melt and perish and shall cry aloud oh light of every light that is in the boundless lights remember us also and purify us it is easy to see what this light and name are the light of initiation and the name of the fire self which is no name no

    Action but a spiritual ever-living power higher even than the real Invisible God as this power is itself but if the able and learned author of The gnostics and the remains has not sufficiently allowed for the spirit of allegory and mysticism in the fragments translated and quoted by him

    In the above named work from P Sophia other orientalists have done far worse having neither his institutional perception of the Indian origin of the Gnostic wisdom still less of the meaning of their gems most of them beginning with Wilson and ending with the dogmatic Weber have made most extraordinary

    Blunders with regard to almost every symbol sir m on Williams and others show a very decided contempt for the esoteric Buddhists as theosophists are now called yet no student of ult philosophy has ever mistaken a cycle for a living personage and vice versa as is very often the case with our learned

    Orientalists an instance or two May illustrate the statement more graphically let us choose the best known in the ramayana Garuda is called the maternal Uncle of sagara’s 60,000 Sons and umat sagara’s Grandson the nephew of the 60,000 uncles who were reduced to ashes by the look of

    Capila the poor Shota or infinite Spirit who caused the horses which cagara was keeping for the ashpa sacrificed to disappear again garuda’s son guda being himself the mahak palpa or great cycle jatu the King of The Feathered tribe when on the point of being slain by raavana who carries off saitta says

    Speaking of himself it is 60,000 years O King that I am born after which turning his head back on the sun he dies jatu is of course the cycle of 60,000 years within the great cycle of Garuda hence he is represented as his son or nephew ad libitum since the whole

    Meaning rests on his being placed in the line of garuda’s descendants then again there is diti the mother of the marut whose descendants and progyny belong to the prosperity of hiran yaka whose number was 77 crores or 770 millions of men according to the podma piranha all such narratives are

    Pronounced meaningless fictions and absurdities but truth is the daughter of time and time will show meanwhile what could be easier than an attempt at least to verify Panic chronology there are many capillas but the capila who slew King sagara’s progyny 6,000 men strong was undeniably capila the founder of the

    Sania philosophy since it’s so stated in the Piranhas although one of them flatly denies the imputation without explaining its esoteric meaning it is the Bava piranha which says that the report is not true that the sons of the king were scorched by The Wrath of the sage

    For how can the quality of Darkness the product of anger exist in a sage whose body was goodness and who purified the world the Earth’s dust as it were attributed to Heavens how should mental perturbation distract that Sage identified with the Supreme Spirit who has steered here on Earth that solid

    Vessel of the sya philosophy with the help of which he who desires to obtain Liberation crosses the dreaded ocean of existence that path to death the piranha is in Duty bound to speak as it does it has a Dogma to promulgate and a policy to carry out that of great

    Secrecy with regard to Mystical Divine truths divulged for countless ages only at initiation it is not in the piranas therefore that we have to look for an explanation of the mystery connected with various transcendental states of being that the story is an allegory is seen upon its very face the 60,000 Sons

    Brutal vicious and impious are the personification of the human passions that a mere glance at the sage the self who represents the highest state of Purity can be reached on Earth reduces to ashes but it has also other significations cyclic and chronological meanings a method of marking the periods

    When certain sages flourished found also in other piranhas now it is well ascertained as any tradition can be that it was at the hardare or or ganara the door or gate of the ganji at the foot of the Himalayas that capila set in meditation for a number of

    Years not far from the seac range the pass of hardwar is called to this day capila pass and the place also is named capan by the Aesthetics it is here that the ganis ganja emerging from its mountainous Gorge begins its course over the sultry Plains of India and it is clearly ascertained by

    Geological Survey that the tradition which claims that the ocean washed the base of the Himalayas ages ago is not entirely without foundation for distinct traces of this still remain the Sania philosophy may have been brought down and taught by the first and written out by the last

    Capila now Sagara is the name of the ocean and especially of the Bay of Bengal at the mouth of the ganes to this day in India have geologists ever calculated the number of millenniums it must have taken the sea to recede the distance it is now from

    Hardare which is at present 1,24 ft above its level if they had those orientalists will show capila flourishing from the first to the 9th century ad might change their opinions if only for one of two very good reasons firstly the true number of years which had elapsed since kila’s day is

    Unmistakably in the Piranhas though the translators may fail to see it and secondly the capila of the SATA and the capila of the calugas may be one and the same individuality without being the same personality capila besides being the name of a personage of the once

    Living sage and the author of The Sania philosophy is also the generic name of the kamaras the celestial Aesthetics and virgins therefore the very fact of the Bava pirana calling that capila whom it had shown just before as a portion of Vishnu the author of The Sania philosophy ought to have warned the

    Reader of a blind containing an esoteric meaning whether he was the son of vatha as the Hari vamsha shows him to be or of anyone else the author of The Sanka cannot be the same as the sage of the SATA Yuga at the very beginning of the

    Man ventara when Vishnu is shown in the form of a capila imparting to All Creatures true wisdom for this relates to that primordial period when the sons of God taught to the newly created men these Arts and Sciences which have since been cultivated and preserved in the sanctuaries by the

    Initiates there are several well-known capillas in the Piranhas first the Primeval Sage then capila one of the three secret kumaras and capila Son of Kapa and kadru the many headed serpent besides capila the Great Sage and philosopher of the caluga the latter being an initiate a serpent

    Of wisdom a Naga was purposely blended with the capillas of the former ages section 10 the cross and the Pythagorean decad the early gnostics claimed that their science the nosis rested on a square the angles of which represented respectively s silence bethos depth noose spiritual Soul or mind and althia

    Truth it is they who were the first to reveal to the world that which had remained concealed for ages namely the towel in the shape of a procrasti bed and Christos as incarnating in cros he who became for certain purposes a willing candidate for a series of tortures mental and

    Physical for them the whole of the universe metaphysical and material was contained within and could be expressed and described by the digits contained in the number 10 the Pythagorean decad this decad representing the universe and its Evolution out of silence and the unknown depths of the spiritual Soul or animundi

    Presented two sides or aspects to the student it could be and was at first applied to the macrocosm after which it descended to the microcosm or man there was then the purely intellectual and metaphysical or the inner science and the as purely materialistic or Surface science both of which could be expounded

    By and contained in the decad it could be studied in short both by the deductive method of Plato and the inductive method of Aristotle the former started from a Divine comprehension when the plurality proceeded from Unity or the digits of the decad appeared only to be finally reabsorbed lost in the infinite Circle

    The latter depended on sensuous perception alone when the decad could be regarded either as the unity that multiplies or matter which differentiates its study being limited to the plain surface to the Cross or to the seven which precedes from the 10 or the perfect number on Earth as in heaven

    This dual system was brought together with the decad by Pythagoras from India that it was that of the brockmans and Iranians as they are called called by the ancient Greek philosophers is warranted To Us by the whole range of Sanskrit literature such as the piranhas and the laws of

    Manu in these laws or ordinances of Manu it is said that the Brahma first creates the 10 Lords of being the 10 prajapati or creative forces which 10 produce seven other Manus or rather as some MSS have it m instead of manun devotees or holy beings which are the seven angels

    Of the presence in the western religion this mysterious number seven born from the upper triangle the latter itself born from the Apex thereof or the silent depths of the unknown Universal Soul sa and bithos is the Sevenfold sapara plant born and manifested on the surface of the soil of mystery from the three-fold

    Root buried deep under that impenetrable soil this idea is fully elaborated in one of the sections of volume 1 part two Section 3 primordial substance in Divine thought which the reader should notice carefully if he would grasp the metaphysical idea involved in the above symbol in man as in nature according to

    The CIS Himalayan esoteric philosophy which is that of the cosmogeny of the original Manu it is the septin division that is intend by Nature herself the seventh principle perusa alone is the Divine self strictly speaking for as said in Manu he Brahma having pervaded the subtile parts of those six of unmeasured brightness

    Created or called them forth to self consciousness or the consciousness of that one self of these six five elements or principles or tatvas as meditati the commentator thinks are called the atomic destructible elements these are described in the above name section we have now to speak of the mystery

    Language that of the prehistoric races it is not a phonetic but a purely pictoral and symbolical tongue it is known at present in its fullness to the very few having become with the masses for more than 5,000 years an absolutely dead language yet most of the Learned

    Gnostics Greeks and Jews knew it and used it though very differently a few instances may be given on the plane above the number is no number but a knot a circle on the plane below it becomes one which is an odd number each letter of the ancient alphabets had its

    Philosophical meaning and Rand Detra the number one signified with the alexandrian initiates a body erect a living standing man he being the only animal that has this privilege and by adding to the one ahead it was transformed into p a symbol of paternity of the creative potency while R

    Signified a moving man one on his way hence patter Zeus had nothing sexual or phallic either in its sound or the form of its letters according to ragon if we turn now to the Hebrew alphabet we shall find that while one or Alf has a

    Bull or an ox for its symbol 10 the perfect number or one of the cabala is a y and means as the first letter of Jehovah the procreative organ and the rest the odd numbers are Divine the even numbers are terrestrial devilish and unlucky the pythagoreans hated the

    Binary with them it was the origin of differentiation hence the contrasts Discord or matter the beginning of evil in the valentinian theoy bithos and s d chaos matter born and silence are the primordial binary with the early pythagoreans however the doad was that in perfect State into which the first

    Manifested being fell when it got detached from the monad it was the point from which the two roads the good and the evil bifurcated all that which was double-faced or false was called by them binary one was alone good and Harmony because no disharmony can proceed from

    One alone hence the Latin word soless in relation to the one and only God the unknown of Paul soless however was very soon became Soul the son the turnery is the first of the odd numbers as the triangle is the first of the geometrical figures this number is truly the number

    Of mystery par exolons to study it on the exoteric lines one has to read Ron’s core philosophic a interpretative dis initiations on the esoteric the Hindu symbolism of numerals for the combinations which were applied to it are numberless it is on the occult properties of the three equal sides of

    The triangle that regon based his studies and founded the famous Masonic Society of the trophs those who study three Sciences an improvement upon the ordinary three Masonic degrees given to those who study nothing except eating and drinking at the meetings of their lodges as the founder writes the first line of the

    Triangle offered to The Apprentice for study is the mineral Kingdom symbolized by tubal tubul the second side on which the companion has to meditate is the vegetable Kingdom symbolized by shib shalf In This Kingdom Begins the generation of the bodies this is why the letter G is presented radiant before the

    Eyes of the Adept the third side is Left To The Master Mason who has to complete his education by the study of the animal kingdom it is is symbolized by Malin son of putri action the first solid figure is the cordary the symbol of immortality it is the pyramid for the pyramid stands

    On a triangular base and terminates with a point at the top thus yielding the Triad and theordinary or the three and four the pythagoreans taught the connection and relation between the gods and the numbers in a science called arith Manan the soul is a number they said

    Which moves of itself and contains the number four the spiritual and physical man is number three as the turnery represented for them not only the surface but also the principle of the formation of the physical body thus animals were Turner only man alone being a sepiner when virtuous a quinary when

    Bad for number five was composed of a binary and a Turner and of these the binary threw everything in the perfect form into disorder and confusion the perfect man they said was a quinary and a turnery or four material and three immaterial elements and these three Spirits or elements we likewise find in

    Five when it represents the microcosm the latter is a compound of a binary directly relating to gross matter and of the three Spirits since as ragon says this ingenious figure is the union of two Greek brething placed over vowels which have or have not to be aspirated

    The first sign is called the strong or Superior spirus the spirit of God aspired spirus and breathed by man the second sign the lower is the soft spiritus representing the secondary Spirit the whole Embraces the whole man it is the universal quintessence the vital fluid or life the more Mystic

    Meaning of the number five is given in an excellent article by Mr T sabarra in five years of the osophy in an article entitled the 12 signs of the zodiac in which he gives some rules that may help The Inquirer to far it out the Deep significance of ancient Sanskrit

    Nomenclature and the old Aryan myths and allegories meanwhile let us see what has been hether to stated about the constellation capricus in theosophical Publications and what is known of it generally everyone knows that V is the 10th sign of the zodiac into which the sun enters at the winter solstice about

    December 21st but very few are those who know even in India unless they are initiated the real Mystic connection which seems to exist as we are told between the names marara and kumara the first means some amphibious animal flippantly called the crocodile as some orientalists think and the second is the

    Title of the great patrons of yogin according to the Shiva piranas the sons of and even one with rudra Shiva who is a kumara himself it is through their connection with man that the kumaras are likewise connected with the Zodiac let us try and find out what the word marara

    Means says the author of the 12 signs of the zodiac marara contains within itself the clue to its correct interpretation the letter ma is equivalent to number five and Cara means hand now in Sanskrit triban means a triangle bam or Karam both synonymous being understood to mean a side so

    Makaram or pakaram means a pentagon now the five-pointed star or pentagram represents the five limbs of man under the old system we are told MAA was the eighth instead of the 10th sign the sign in question is intended to represent the faces of the universe and indicates that

    The figure of the universe is bounded by pentagons the Sanskrit writers speak also of Ash tadasha or eight faces bounding space referring thus to the referring thus to the Loca palas the eight points of the compass the four cardinal and the four intermediate points from an objective point of view

    The microcosm is represented by the human body maam may be taken to represent simultaneously both the microcosm and the macrocosm as external objects of perception but the true esoteric sense of the word marara is not in truth crocodile at all even when it is compared with the animal depicted on the

    Hindu zodiac for it has the head and the four legs of an antelope and the body and taale of a fish hence the 10th sign of the zodiac has been taken variously to mean a shark a dolphin Etc as it is the vahana of veruna the ocean God and

    Is often called for this reason jalar Rupa or water form the dolphin was the vehicle of Poseidon Neptune with the Greeks and one with him esoterically and this dolphin is the sea dragon as much as the crocodile of the Sacred Nile is the vehicle of Horus and Horus himself

    Says the mummy form god with the crocodile’s head I am the fish and seat of the great Horus of camur with the perti gnostics it is the kar Neptune who converts the dodecagonal pyramid into a sphere and paints its gate With Many Colors he has five androgine ministers he is MAA the L

    Ithan as the Rising Sun was considered the soul of the Gods sent to manifest itself to men every day and as the crocodile rose out of the water at the first Sunbeam that animal came finally to personify a solar fire devote in India as it personified that fire or the

    Highest soul with the Egyptians in the Piranhas the number of the kumaras changes according to the exigencies of this allegory for occult purposes their number is given in one place as seven then as four then as five in the kerma piranha it is said of them these five kumaras o Brahman were

    Yogis who acquired entire exemption from Passion their very name shows their connection with the said constellation MAA and with some of the other Panic characters connected with the zodiacal signs this is done in order to Veil what was one of the most suggestive glyphs of the Primitive temples the kumaras are

    Mixed up astronomically physiologically and mystically in general with a number of panic personages and events hardly hinted at in the Vishnu they figure in various dramas and events throughout all of other piranhas and sacred literature so that the orientalists having to pick up the threads of connection hither and thither have ended

    By proclaiming the kumaras due chiefly to the fancy of the ponic writers but Ma we are told by the author of the 12 12 signs of the zodiac is five Cara a hand with its five fingers as also a five-sided sign or the Pentagon the kumara in this case an

    Anagram for occult purposes as yogis are five in esotericism because the last two names have ever been kept secret they are the fifth order of the brah dvas and the five-fold chohans having the soul of the five elements in them water and ether predominating and therefore their symbols were both Aquatic and

    Fiery wisdom lies concealed under the couch of him who rests on the Golden Lotus podma floating on the water in India this is Vishnu one of whose avatars was Buddha as claimed in days of old the proasas the worshippers of nariana who like Poseidon moved or dwelt

    Over not under the waters plunged into the depths of the ocean for their devotions and remained there for 10,000 years and the proasas are 10 exoterically but five esoterically proasas is in Sanskrit the name of veruna the water God naras an aspect of Neptune the petasus being thus identical

    With the five Ministers of the female male choar or Poseidon of the parastic these are respectively called ooh I a aab and the fifth a triple name making seven and all being lost I.E kept secret thus much for The Aquatic symbol the fiery connecting them with the fiery symbol spiritually for purposes of

    Identity let us remember that as the mother of the patas was savara the daughter of the ocean so was amerite the mother of Neptune’s Mystic ministers now the reader is reminded that these these five ministers are symbolized both in the dolphin who had overcome the chaste AMR trites

    Unwillingness to Wed Poseidon and in Triton their son the latter whose body above the waist is that of a man and below a dolphin a fish is again most mysteriously connected with oanes the Babylonian dag and further also with the matsa fish avatara of Vishnu both teaching Mortals wisdom the dolphin as

    Every mythologist knows was placed for his service by Poseidon among the constellations and became with the Greeks capricornis the goat whose hind part is that of a dolphin and is thus identical with MAA whose head is also that of an antelope and the body and

    Tail those of a fish this is why the sign of the marara was born on the banner of Kanda the Hindu god of love identified in the aara Veda with Agy the fire god the son of of Lakshmi as correctly given by harara for Lakshmi and Venus are one and amrite is the

    Early form of Venus now comma the marara ketu is Aja The Unborn the atmu the self-existent and Aja is the logos in the rig Veda as he has shown therein to be the first manifestation of the one for desire first arose in it which was the Primal germ of the Mind that which

    Connects entity with non-entity or Manas the fifth with otma the seventh esoterically say the SES this is the first stage the second on the following plane of manifestation shows Brahma whom we select as a representative for all the other first gods of the Nations causing to issue from his body his mind

    Born sons sadana and others who in the fifth creation and again in the ninth for purposes of a blind become the kumara let us close by reminding the reader that goats were sacrificed to a tri and the nids on the seashore as goats are sacrificed to this day to

    Durak Cali who is the only black side of Lakshmi Venus the white side of Shakti and by suggesting what connection these animals may have with capricornis in which appear 28 stars in the form of a goat which goat was transformed by the Greeks into aala Jupiter’s Foster mother Pan the god of

    Nature had goat’s feet and changed himself into a goat at the approach of Typhon but this is a mystery which the writer dares not dwell upon at length not being sure of being understood thus the mystical side of the interpretation must be left to the intuition of the

    Student let us note one more thing in relation to the mysterious number five it symbolizes at one and the same time the spirit of life eternal and the spirit of life and love terrestrial in the human compound and it includes Divine and infernal magic and the universal and the individual quintessence of

    Being thus the five Mystic words or vowels uttered by Brahma at creation which forth with became the punch to DOA certain viic hymns attributed to that God are in their creative and magical potentiality the white side of the black TLC five Maas or the five M’s MAA the constellation is seemingly

    Meaningless and absurd name yet even besides its anagrammatic significance in conjunction with the term kumara the numerical value of its first syllable and its esoteric resolution into five has a very great and occult meaning in the mysteries of nature suffice it to say that as the sign of marara is connected with the

    Birth of the spiritual microcosm and the death or dissolution of the physical Universe its passage into the realm of the spiritual so the Yan chohans called in indiaia kumaras are connected with both moreover in the exoteric religions they become the synonyms of the Angels of Darkness Mara is the god of Darkness

    The Fallen one and death and yet it is one of those names of Kama the first God in the vdas the logos for whom have sprung the kumaras and this connects them still more with our fabulous Indian marara and the crocodile headed God in Egypt the crocodiles in the celestial

    Nile five and the god tomb the primordial deity creating the heavenly bodies and living beings calls forth these crocodiles in the fifth creation when Osiris the defunct son is buried and enters into a mentee the sacred crocodiles plung into the abyss of the primordial Waters the great green one

    When the sun of Life Rises they reemerge out of the Sacred River all this is highly symbolical and shows how primeval esoteric truths found their expression in identical symbols but as Mr T Saar truly declares the veil that was dextrously thrown over certain portions of the mystery connected with these zodiacal

    Signs by the ancient philosophers will never be lifted up for the amusement or edification of the uninitiated public nor was number five less sacred with the Greeks the five words of Brahma had become with the gnostics the five words written upon The akashic Shining Garment of Jesus at his glorification the words

    Zama Zama oza Rama oai translated by the orientalists the robe the Glorious robe of my strength these words were in their turn the anagrammatic blind of the five Mystic Powers represented on the robe of the resurrected initiate after his last trial of three days trance the five

    Becoming seven only after his death when the adapt became the full Christos the full chrishna Vishnu I.E merged in Nirvana the e delum a sacred symbol was the numeral five again and how sacred it was is shown by the fact that the Corinthians according to plutar replaced

    The wooden numeral in the delic temple by a bronze one and this one was transmuted by Livia Augusta into a simile in Gold it is easy to recognize in the two spirus the Greek sign spoken of by ragon Atma and booty or Divine spirit and its vehicle the

    Spiritual Soul the six or the scener is dealt with later in this section while the sepiner will be fully treated in the course of this volume in the section on the mysteries of the hebdomad the ogod or eight symbolizes the Eternal and spiral motion of Cycles

    The eight and is symbolized in its turn by the caducus it shows the regular breathing of the cosmos presided over by the eight great Gods the seven from the Primeval mother the one and the Triad then comes the number nine or the triple turnery it is the number which reproduces itself

    Incessantly under all shapes and figures in every multiplication it is the sign of every circumference since its value in degrees is equal to 9 I.E 3 + 6 + 0 it is a bad number under certain conditions and very unlucky if number six was the symbol of our Globe ready to

    Be animated by a Divine Spirit nine symbolized our Earth and formed by a bad or evil spirit 10 or the decad brings all these digits back to Unity and ends the Pythagorean table hence this figure circle with a line horizontally through the center Unity within zero was

    The symbol of deity of the universe and of man such is the secret meaning of the strong grip of the lion’s paw of the tribe of Judah the master Mason’s grip between two hands The Joint number of whose fingers is 10 if we now give our attention to the

    Egyptian cross or the towel we may discover this letter which was so exalted by Egyptians Greeks and Jews to be mysteriously connected with the decad the towo is the Alpha and the Omega of secret Divine wisdom which is symbolized by the initial and the final letters of thought

    Hermes thought was the inventor of the Egyptian alphabet and the letter Tao closed the alphabets of the Jews and the Samaritans who called this character the end or Perfection culmination and security hence ragon tells us the words Terminus end and tectum roof are symbols of shelter in security which is rather a

    Prosaic definition but such is the usual Destiny of ideas and things in this world of spiritual decadence though at the same time of physical progress Han was at one time absolute nature and the one in great all but when history catches a first glimpse of him pan has

    Already tumbled down into a godling of the fields a rural God history will not recognize him while theology makes of him the devil yet his seven pipe flute the emblem of the seven forces of nature of the seven planets the seven musical notes of all the sepiner Harmony in

    Short shows well his primordial character so with the cross far earlier than the Jews had devised their golden Candlestick of the temple with three sockets on one side and a fourth on the other and made of number seven a feminine number of generation thus introducing the phallic element into

    Religion the more spiritually minded Nations had made of the Cross as 3 4al 7 their most sacred Divine symbol in fact Circle Cross and seven the latter being made a base of circular measurement are the first primordial symbols Pythagoras who brought his wisdom from India left to posterity a glimpse into this truth

    His school regarded number seven as a compound of numbers three and four which they explained in a dual manner on the plane of the ninal world the triangle was as the first conception of the manifested deity its image father mother son and theordinary the perfect number

    Was the ninal ideal root of all numbers and things on the physical plane some students in view of the sacredness of the tetrus and the tetragramaton mistake the Mystic meaning of the cordary the latter was with the Ancients only a secondary Perfection so to speak because it related only to the

    Manifested plains whereas it is the triangle the Greek Delta which was the vehicle of the unknown deity a good proof of it lies in the name of the deity beginning with Delta Zeus was written DS by the bo ations then the duess of the Latins this in relation to the

    Metaphysical conception with regard to the meaning of the sepiner in the phenomenal world but for purposes of profane or exoteric interpretation the symbolism changed three became the ideograph of the three material elements air water Earth and four became the principle of all that which is neither corporeal nor

    Perceptible but this has never been accepted by the real pythagoreans viewed as a compound of six and one the centery and the unity number seven was the invisible Center the spirit of everything as there exists no hexagonal body without a seventh property being found as the central

    Point in it as for instance crystals and snowflakes and so-called in adomant nature moreover number seven they said has all the Perfection of the unit the number of numbers for as absolute Unity is uncreated and imparte hence numberless and no number can produce it so is the seven no digit contained

    Within the decad can be get or produce it and it is four which affords an arithmetical division between unity and seven for it surpasses the former by the same number three as it is itself surpassed by the seven since four is by as many numbers above one as seven is above

    Four with the Egyptians number seven was the symbol of life eternal says ragon and adds that this is why the Greek letter Zed which is but a double seven is the initial letter of Z I live and of Zeus the father of all living moreover figure six was the symbol of the earth

    During the autumn and winter sleeping months and figure seven during spring and summer as the spirit of Life animated her at that time the seventh or Central informing Force we find the same in the Egyptian and methos and the symbol of Osiris and Isis personifying fire and water metaphysically and the

    Sun and the Nile physically the number of the solar year 365 in days is the numerical value of the word nilos Nile this together with the bull with the crescent and the anad cross between its horns and the Earth under its astronomical symbol are the most phallic symbols of later

    Antiquity the Nile was the river of time with the number of a year or a year and a day 364 + 1 = 365 it represented the pent water of Isis or Mother Earth the moon the woman and the cow also the workshop of Osiris representing the sodam of the Hebrews

    The ancient name of this River was eridanus or the Hebrew aridan with a Coptic or old Greek suffix this was the door of the Hebrew word Jared or Source or descent of the River Jordan which had the same mythical use with the Hebrews that the Nile had with the Egyptians it

    Was the source of descent and held the Waters of life it was to put it plainly the symbol of the personified Earth or Isis regarded as the womb of that Earth this is shown clearly enough and Jordan the river so sacred now to Christians held no more sublime or poetical meaning in

    It than the petent Waters of the Moon Isis or Jehovah in his female aspect now as shown by the same scholar Osiris was the sun and the River Nile and the year of 365 days while Isis was the moon the bed of that River or Mother Earth for

    The prurient energies of which water was a necessity as also the lunar year of 354 days the time maker of the periods of gestation all this then is sexual and phallic our modern Scholars seeming to find in these Sy symbols nothing Beyond a physiological or phallic meaning nevertheless the three figures 365 or

    The number of days in a solar year have but to be read with the Pythagorean key to find in them a highly philosophical and moral meaning one instance will be sufficient it can read the Earth three animated by six the spirit of Life Five simply because three is equivalent to

    The Greek gamma which is the symb of Gaia the Earth while the figure six is the symbol of the animating or informing principle and the five is the universal quintessence which spreads in every direction and forms all matter the few instances and examples brought forward reveal only one small portion of the

    Methods used to read the symbolical idea graphs and numerals of antiquity the system being an extreme and complex difficulty very few even among the initiates could master all seven keys it is to be wondered then that the metaphysical gradually dwindled down into the physical nature that the sun

    Once Upon a Time the symbol of deity became as aons glided by that of its creative artor only and that then it fell into a glyph of phallic significance but surely it is not those whose method like Plato’s was to proceed from universals down to particulars who

    Could ever have begun to symbolize their religions by sexual emblems it is quite true though uttered by that incarnated Paradox elphas Levi that man is God on Earth and God is Man in heaven but this could not and never did apply to the one deity only to the hosts of

    Its incarnated beings called by us John Chans by the ancient gods and now transformed by the church into Devils on the left and into the Savior on the right side but all such dogmas grew out of the one root the root of wisdom which grows and thrives on the Indian soil

    This is not an archangel that could not be traced back to its prototype in the sacred land of araara these prototypes are all connected with the kumaras who appear on the scene of acting by refusing as sanak kumara and Sanda to create progyny yet they are called the

    Creators of thinking man more than once they are brought into connection with neuro another bundle of apparent in congruities yet a wealth of philosophical tenants Narada is the leader of the gandaras the celestial singers and musicians esoterically the reason for this is explained by the fact that the

    Gond darvas are the instructors of men in the secret Sciences it is they who loving the women of the earth disclose to them the mysteries of creation or as in the Veda the Heavenly garva is a deity who knew and revealed the secrets of heaven and divine truths in general

    If we remember what is said of this class of Angels in Enoch and in the Bible then the allegory is plain their leader Narada while refusing to procreate leads men to become Gods moreover all of these as stated in the vdas are Chas Wilborn or incarnated in

    Different man ventas of their own will they are shown in exoteric literature as existing age after age age some being cursed to be reborn others incarnated as a duty finally as the sonadas the seven kumaras who went to visit Vishnu on the white Island svet vipa the island

    Inhabited by the mahay yogin they are connected with the Shaka vipa and the lumans atlanteans of the third and fourth races in the esoteric philosophy the rudras kumaras Adias gandaras auras Etc are the highest Johan chohans are deavas as regards intellectuality they are those who owing to their having acquired by

    Self-development the five-fold nature hence the sacredness of the number five became independent of the pure arupa dvas this is a mystery very difficult to realize and understand correctly for we see that those who are obedient to law are equally with the rebels doomed to be reborn in every age Narada the Rishi is

    C by Brahma to incant parismad produced by Brahma as his assistance in the functions of creation for the latter lost in meditation only forgot to create and for this they were equally cursed by Brahma to be born in every mamara and still they are termed together with the Rebels Chagas or those

    Born of their own will in human form all this is very puzzling to one who is unable to read and understand the Piranhas except in their dead letter sense hence we find the orientalists refusing to be puzzled and cutting the gordian knot of perplexity by declaring the whole scheme figments of brahmanical

    Fancy and love of exaggeration but to the student of occultism the whole is pregnant with a deep philosophical meaning we willingly leave the Rind to the Western sanskritist but claim the essence of the fruit for ourselves we do more we conceed that in one sense much in these so-called fables refers to astronomical

    Allegories about constellations asterism stars and planets yet while the garva of the rigveda May there be made to personify the fire of the Sun the garva Davis are entities both of a physical and psychic character while the upser with other rudras are both qualities and quantities in short if ever unraveled

    The theogony of the V Gods will reveal fathomless mysteries of creation and being truly says parara these classes of 33 divinities exist age after age and their appearance and disappearance is in the same manner as the sun sets and rises again there was a time when the Eastern

    Symbol of the cross in circle the sastia was universally adopted with the esoteric and for the matter of the exoteric Buddhist the chinan and the Mongolian it means the 10,000 truths these truths they say belong to the mysteries of the Unseen universe and primordial cosmogeny and theog since fat crossed the circle like

    Two lines of flame horizontally and vertically the hosts of the Blessed ones have never failed to send the representatives upon the planets they are made to watch over from the beginning this is why the fosa is always placed as the anad cross was in Egypt on

    The breast of the defunct Mystics it is found on the heart of the images and statues of Buddha in Tibet and Mongolia it is the seal placed also on the hearts of the living initiates burnt into the flesh forever with some this because they have to keep these truths inviolet

    And intact in Eternal silence and secrecy to the day they are perceived and read by their chosen successors new initiates worthy of being entrusted with the 10,000 Perfections so degraded however has it now become that it is often placed on the headgear of the Gods the Hideous Idols of their sacriligious bonds the

    Dugpas or Sorcerers of the Tibetan Borderlands until found out by a gaka and torn off altogether with the head of the god though it would be better were it that of the worshipper which was severed from his sinful body still it can never lose its mysterious property

    Throw a retrospective glance and see it used alike by the initiates and Sears as by the priests of Troy for many specimens of it have been found by schlaman on the side of that old city one finds it with the old peruvians the Assyrians calans as well as on the

    Walls of the old world cyclopian buildings in the catacombs of the new world and in those of the old at Rome where because the first Christians are supposed to have concealed themselves and their religion it is called krux disimula according to dasi the spasa from an early period was a favored form

    Of the Cross employed with an occult signification which shows the secret was not that of the Christian cross one sastia cross at the catacombs is the sign of an inscription which read Vitalis Vitalia or life of life but the best evidence to the Antiquity of the Cross is that which is

    Brought forward by the author of The natural Genesis himself the value of the Cross as a Christian symbol is supposed to date from the time when Jesus Christ was crucified and yet in the Christian iconography of the Catacombs no figure of a man appears upon the cross during the first six or seven

    Centuries there are all forms of the Cross except that the alleged starting point of the new religion that was not the initial but the final form of the crucifix during some six centuries after the Christian era the found foundation of the Christian religion and a crucified redeemer is entirely absent from

    Christian art the earliest known form of the human figure on the cross is the crucifix presented by Pope Gregory the Great to Queen theodolite of Lombardi now in the Church of St John at Manza whilst no image of the crucified is found in the catacombs at Rome earlier than that of San

    Gulio belonging to the seventh or 8th Century there there is no Christ and no crucified the cross is the Christ even as the stoos cross was a type and a name of Horus the Gnostic Christ the cross not the crucified is the primary symbol of the Christian Church the cross not

    The crucified is the essential object of representation in its art and of adoration in its religion The Germ of the whole growth and development can be traced to the cross and that cross is pre-christian is Pagan and Heathen in half a dozen different shapes the cult began with the cross and Julian was

    Right in saying he waged a Warfare with the cross which he obviously considered had been adopted by the agnostics and mythol lators to convey an impossible significance during centuries the cross stood for the Christ and was addressed as if it were a living being it was divinized as first and humanized at

    Last few World symbols are more pregnant with real occult meaning than the sastia it is symbolized by the figure six like that figure it points in its concrete imagery as does the idea graph of the number to the Zenith and the nadiir the North South West and East one finds the

    Unit everywhere and that unit reflected in all and every unit it is the emblem of the activity of fat of the continual revolution of the wheels and of the four elements the sacred four in their mystical and not alone in their cosmical meaning further its arms forarm arms

    Bent at right angles are intimately related as shown elsewhere to the Pythagorean and hermetic scales one initiated into the mysteries of the meaning of the sastia say the commentaries can trace on it with mathematical Precision the evolution of Cosmos and the whole period of Sania also the relation of the seen to

    The Unseen and the first procreation of man and species to the Eastern occultist the tree of knowledge in the paradise of man man’s own heart becomes the tree of life eternal and has not to do with man’s animal senses it is an absolute mystery that reveals itself only through the efforts

    Of the imprisoned Manas the ego to liberate itself from the thraldom of sensuous perception and see it in the light of the one Eternal present reality to the Western cabalist and far more now to The Superficial symbologist nursed in the lethal atmosphere of materialistic science the Chief explanation of the

    Mysteries of the Cross is its sexual element even the otherwise spiritualistic modern commentator discerns this feature in the cross and sastia before all others the cross was used in Egypt as a protecting Talisman and a symbol of saving power Typhon or Satan is actually found chained to it

    And bound by the cross in the ritual the oseran cries the apus is overthrown their chords bind the south north east and west their chords are on on him haruba has nodded him these were the chords of the four quarters or the cross Thor is said to Smite the head of the

    Serpent with his hammer a form of swastika or four-footed cross in the Primitive sepulchers of Egypt the model of the chamber had the form of a cross the Pagoda of mathura the birthplace of Krishna was built in the form of a cross this is perfect and no one can

    Discern in it that sexual worship with which the orientalists love to break the head of paganism but how about the Jews and the exoteric religions of some Hindu sects especially the rights of the vitaras for as said Shiva worship with its lingam and Yoni stands too high philosophically its modern degeneration

    Notwithstanding to be called a simple phallic worship but the tree or cross worship of the Jews as denounced by their own prophets can hardly escape the charge the sons of the sorcerers the seed of the adulterer as oiah calls them never lost an opportunity of inflaming themselves with Idols under every Green

    Tree which denotes no metaphysical Recreation it is from these monotheistic Jews that the Christian nations have derived their religion they are God of gods the one living God while despising and deriding the worship of the deity of the ancient philosophers let such believe in and worship the physical form of the Cross

    By all means but to the follower of the True Eastern archaic wisdom to whom who worships in spirit not outside the absolute Unity that every pulsating great heart that beats throughout as in every atom of nature each such atom contains the germ from which he may raise the tree of knowledge whose fruits

    Give life eternal and not physical life alone for him the cross and circle the tree or the towel even after every symbol relating thereto has been being referred to and read one after another still remain a profound mystery in their past and it is that past alone that he

    Redirects his eager gaze he cares little whether it be the seed from which grows the genealogical tree of being called the universe nor is it the threein one the triple aspect of the seed its form color and substance that interest him but rather the force which directs its

    Growth and the ever mysterious and the ever unknown for this vital force that makes the seed germinate burst open and throw out shoots then form the trunk and branches which in their turn bend down like the boughs of the ashada the holy tree of Bodhi throw their seed out take

    Root and procreate other trees this is the only life force that has reality for him as it is the never dying breath of life the Pagan philosophers sought for the cause the modern is content with only the effects and seeks the former and the latter

    What is beyond he does not know nor does the modern agnostic care thus rejecting the only knowledge upon which he can with full security base His science yet this manifested Force has an answer for him who seeks to Fathom it he who sees in the cross the decoated circle of

    Plato the Pagan not the antitype of circumcision as Christian St Augustine did is forth with regarded by the church as a heathen by science as a lunatic this because while refusing to worship the god of physical generation he confesses that he can know nothing of the cause which underlies the so-called

    First cause the causeless cause of this vital cause tacitly admitting the all presence of the boundless Circle and making of it the universal postulate upon which the whole of the manifested universe is based the sage keeps a reverential silence concerning that upon which no mortal man should dare to

    Speculate the logos of God is the reveal rer of man and the logos the verb of man is the revealer of God says alfus Levi in one of his paradoxes to this the Eastern occultist would reply on this condition however that man should be dumb on the cause

    That produce both God and its logos otherwise he becomes invariably the reviler not the revealer of the incognizant in nature per chance all that we may say will be a attributed to coincidence we may be told that this number in nature is quite natural as

    Indeed we say it is and has no more significance than the illusion of motion which forms the so-called strobic circles no great importance was given to these singular Illusions when Professor sylvanis Thompson exhibited them at the meeting of the British Association in 1877 nevertheless we should like to learn the scientific explanation Why

    Seven should ever form itself as a preeminent number six concentric circles around a seventh and seven rings within one around a central point Etc in this illusion produced by a swaying saucer or any other vessel we give the solution refused by science in the section which follows section 11 the mysteries of the

    Hebdomad we must not close this part on the symbolism of archaic history without an attempt to explain the Perpetual recurrence of This truly Mystic number the hebdomad in every scripture known to the orientalists as every religion from the oldest to the latest reveals its presence and explains it on its own

    Grounds agreeably with its own special dogmas this is no easy task we can therefore do no better or more explanatory work than to give a birds eye view of all the numbers 3 4 7 are the sacred numbers of light life and you Union especially in this present man

    Ventara our life cycle of which number seven is a special representative or the factor number this has now to be demonstrated if one should ask a Brahman learned in the Aon aads which are so full of the secret wisdom of old why he or whom seven forefathers have drunk the

    Juice of the Moon plant is Tropa as Bava is credited with saying and why the saapa Petri should be worshiped by the Brahman trupara very few could answer the question or if they knew they would still less satisfy one’s curiosity let us then hold to what the old esoteric Doctrine teaches as says

    The commentary when the first seven appeared on Earth they threw the seed of everything that grows on the land into the soil first came three and four were added to these as soon as Stone was was transformed into plant then came the second seven who guided the yeas of the

    Plants produced the middle intermediate Natures between plant and moving living animal the third seven evolved their Chas the fifth seven imprisoned their Essence thus Man became a saptaparna a saptaparna such is the name given in occult phraseology to man it means as shown elsewhere a seven Le plant and the

    Name has a great significance in the Buddhist Legends so it had also under disguise in the Greek myths the T or t formed from the figure s and the Greek letter gamma was as stated in the last section the symbol of life and of life eternal of Earthly life because gamma is

    The symbol of the Earth GA and of life eternal because the figure 7 is the symbol of the same life linked with Divine Life the double glyph expressed in geometrical figures being a triangle over a square a triangle and a quinary the symbol of septin man now the number

    Six has been regarded in the ancient Mysteries as an emblem of physical nature 4 six is the representation of the six dimensions of all bodies the six directions which compose their form namely the four directions extending to the four cardinal points North south east and west and the two directions of

    Height and thickness that answer to the Zenith and the Nader therefore while the cenery was applied by the sages to physical man the sepiner was for them the symbol of that man plus his Immortal Soul JM ragon gives a very good illustration of the hieroglyphical cenery as he calls our double

    Equilateral triangle the hieroglyphical scener is the symbol of the comingling of the philosophical Three Fires in and three Waters whence results the procreation of the elements of all things the same idea is found in the Indian double equilateral triangle for though it is called in that country the

    Sign of Vishnu yet in truth it is the symbol of the Triad or triti for even in the exoteric rendering the lower triangle with the Apex downward is the symbol of Vishnu the god of the moist principle in water narayana being the moving principle in the Nara or water

    ERS while the triangle with its apex upward is Shiva the principle of fire symbolized by the triple flame in his hand it is these two interlace triangles wrongly called Solomon Seal which also form the emblem of our society that produce the sepiner and the Triad at one

    And the same time and are the decad whatever may be this star is examined all the 10 numbers are contained therein for with a point in the middle or Center it is the Sevenfold sign or sepiner its triangles denote number three or the Triad the two triangles show the

    Presence of the binary the triangles with the center point common to both yield theordinary the six points are the centery and the central point the unit the quinery being traced by combination as a compound of two triangles the even number and of the three sides in each

    Triangle the first odd number this is the reason why Pythagoras and the Ancients made the number six sacred to Venus since the union of the two Sexes and the spiz of matter by Triads are necessary to develop the generative forces that prolific virtue and tendency to reproduction which is inherent in all

    Bodies belief in creators or the personified powers of nature is in truth no polytheism but a philosophical necessity like all the other planets of our system the Earth has seven Loi the emanating rays of the one Father Ray the protagon or the manifested logos he who sacrifices his s or flesh the universe

    That the world may live and every creature therein have conscious being numbers three and four respectively male and female spirit and matter and their Union is the emblem of life eternal in spirit on its ascending Ark and in matter as is the ever recurring element by procreation and

    Reproduction the spiritual male line is a vertical line the differentiated matter line is horizontal the two forming the cross the three is invisible the four is on the plane of the objective perception this is why all the matter of the universe when analyzed to its ultimates by science can be reduced to four

    Elements only carbon oxygen nitrogen and hydrogen and why the three primaries the numina of the four for or graduated Spirit of force have remained a tera incognita and more speculations mere names to exact science her servants must believe in and study first the primary causes before they can hope to Fathom

    The nature and acquaint themselves with the potentialities of the effects thus while the men of Western learning had and still have the four or matter to toy with the eastern occultists and their disciples the great Alchemists the world over have the whole septin it to study from as those

    Alchemists have it when the three and the four kiss each other the cordary joins its middle nature with that of the triangle or Triad I.E the face of one of its plain surfaces becoming the middle face of the other and becomes a cube then only does it the cube unfolded

    Become the vehicle and the number of life the father mother seven the following diagram will perhaps assist the students to grasp these parallelisms human principles seven Atma six booty five Manas four kamarupa the principle of animal desire which burns fiercely during life in matter resulting in satiety it is inseparable from animal

    Existences hydrogen the principle of physical nature the lightest of all gases it burns in oxygen giving off the most intense heat of any substance in combustion and forming water the most stable of compounds hydrogen enters largely into all organic compounds back to the human principles three Ling Sharia the innert vehicle or

    Form on which the body is molded the vehicle of life it is dissipated very shortly after the disintegration of the body nitrogen an innert gas the vehicle with which oxygen is mixed to adapt the ladder for animal respiration it is also enters largely into all organic substances Back To Human principles two

    Prana life the active power producing all vital phenomena oxygen principle of physical nature the supporter of combustion the life-giving gas the active chemical agent in all organic life back to the human principles one the gross matter of the body the substance formed and molded over the linga Chia by the action of Prana

    Carbon principle of physical nature the fuel par excellance the basis of all organic substances the chemical element which forms the largest variety of compounds now we are taught that all these earliest forms of organic life also appear in septin groups of numbers from minerals or soft stones that

    Hardened to use the phraseology of the stanzas follow followed by the hard plants that softened which are the product of the mineral for it is from the bosom of the stone that the vegetation is born and then to man all the Primitive models in every Kingdom of nature Begin by being ethereal

    Transparent films this of course takes place only in The First beginning of Life with the next period they consolidate and at the seventh begin to Branch off into species all except men the first of the aan animals in the fourth round Virgil versed as every ancient poet was more or less in

    Esoteric philosophy sang of evolution in the following strains first came three or the triangle this expression has a profound meaning in occultism and the fact is corroborated in minerology botany and even in geology as has been demonstrated in the section on the chronology of the brahin by the compound number seven the

    Three and the four being contained in it salt in solution proves this for when its molecules clustering together begin to deposit themselves as a solid the first shape they assume is that of triangles small pyramids and cones it is the figure of fire when the word pyramis while the second

    Geometrical figure in manifested nature is a square or a cube four and six for as Enfield says the particles of Earth being cubical those of fire are pyramidal truly the pyramidal shape is that assumed by the pines the most primitive tree after the fern period thus the two

    Opposites in Cosmic nature fire and water heat and cold begin their metrographics one by a trimetric the other by a hexagonal system for the stellate crystals of snow viewed under a microscope are all and each of them a double or treble six-pointed star with a central nucleus

    Like a miniature star within the larger one says Mr Darwin showing that the inhabitants of the seashore are greatly affected by the tides the most ancient progenitors in the Kingdom of the vertebrata apparently consisted of a group of marine animals animals living either about the mean

    High water mark or about the mean low water mark pass through a complete cycle of tidal changes in a fortnite now it is a mysterious fact that in the higher and now terrestrial vertebrata many Normal and abnormal processes have one or more weeks sepet as their periods such as the

    Gestation of mammals the duration of fevers the eggs of the pigeon are hatched in two weeks or 14 days those of the fowl in three those of the duck in four those of the goose in five and those of the ostrich in seven this number is closely connected

    With the moon whose occult influence is ever manifesting itself in sepiner periods is the Moon which is the guide of the occult side of terrestrial nature while the sun is the regulator and factor of manifested life this truth has ever been evident to the sear and the

    Adepts Jacob B by insisting on the fundamental doctrine of the seven properties of everlasting Mother Nature proved himself thereby a great occultist but to return to the consideration of the sepiner and ancient religious symbolism to the metrological key of the symbolism of the Hebrews which reveals numerically the

    Geometrical relations of the circle all deity to the square Cube triangle and all the integral emanations of the Divine area may be added the theogenic key this key explains that Noah the delu patriarch is in one aspect the permutation of the deity the universal creative law for the purpose of the

    Formation of our Earth its population and the propagation of life on it in general now bearing in mind the sepiner division and divine hierarchies as in Cosmic and human constitutions the student will readily understand that yah NOA is at the head of and is the synthesis of the lower Cosmic ordinary

    The upper sephel Triad triangle of which Jehovah intelligence is the left female angle emanates the ordinary the square the latter symbolizing by itself The Heavenly Man the sexless Adam cadmon viewed as nature in the abstract becomes a septin It Again by emanating from itself the additional three principles the lower

    Terrestrial or manifested physical nature matter and our Earth the seventh being malth the Bride of The Heavenly Man thus forming with the higher Triad or keither the crown the full number of the sephar rothal tree the 10 the total inunity or the universe apart from the higher Triad the lower creative searo

    Are seven the above is not directly to our point though it is a necessary reminder to facilitate the comprehension of what follows the question and issue is to show that Yan Noah or the Jehovah of the Hebrew Bible the alleged creator of our Earth of man and all upon it is a

    The lowest sepiner the creative Elohim in his Cosmic aspect B the tetragramaton or the Adam cadmon of The Heavenly Man of the the four letters in his theogenic and cabalistic aspects see the Noah identical with the Hindu shisha the human seed left for the peopling of the

    Earth from a previous creation or man ventara as expressed in the Piranhas or the pre- deluvian period as rendered allegorically in the Bible in his Cosmic character but whether a ordinary tetragrammaton or a Triad the biblical creative God is not the universal 10 unless blended with Ein suf as Brahma

    With parab bramman but a septin one of the many separ of the universal septate in the explanation of the question now in hand his position and status as Noah may be best shown by placing the three triangle and the four square on Parallel Lines with the cosmic and human

    Principles for the latter the old familiar classification is made use of thus under the triangle the human aspects or principles one Universal Spirit Atma two spiritual Soul booty three human soul mind Manas the triple aspect of the deity the cosmic aspect of principles is one the unmanifested logos two the universal

    Latent ideation and three Universal or Cosmic active intelligence and under the square the human aspects or principles for animal Soul Kar Rupa five astral body linga Sharia six life Essence Prana seven body stula sharira the spirit of the earth Jehovah Noah the space containing life the Waters of the delus Mount Ararat and

    Under the cosmic aspect or principles four is Cosmic chaotic energy five astral ideation reflecting terrestrial things six life essence or energy and seven the Earth as an additional demonstration of the statement let the reader turn to The cabalistic Works erat equals the Mount of descent wh Jared Hao mentions it out

    Of composition by arra editor of Moses chinensis says by this they say is signified the first place of descent of the Ark Bryant’s annel volume 4 PP 5615 under Bears mount norc says of Ararat for I.E Ararat for arth Earth Aramaic reduplication here it is seen that norc

    And Hao make use of the same equivalent in ARA with the meaning of Earth Noah thus symbolizing both the root Manu and the seed Manu or the power which developed the planetary chain and our Earth and the seed race the fifth which was saved while the last subraces

    Of the fourth vas vadam Manu perished the number seven will be seen to recur at every step it is Noah who as Jehovah’s permutation represents the sepiner host of the Elohim and is thus the father or Creator the preserver of all animal life hence the verses of

    Genesis of every clean Beast Thou shalt take to thee by Heavens the male and the female of fowls also of the air by sevens Etc followed by all the sevening of days and the rest B the tetrac this in relation to the heptagon thus number seven as a compound

    Of three and four is the factor element in every ancient religion because it is the factor element in nature its adoption must be justified and it must be shown to be the number par exelant for since the appearance of the esoteric Buddhism frequent objections have been made and doubts expressed as to the

    Correctness of these assertions and let the student be told at once that in all such numerical divisions the one universal principle although referred to as the one because the only one never enters into the calculations it stands in its character of the absolute the infinite and the universal abstraction

    Entirely by itself and interdependent of every other power whether ninal or phenomenal says the author of the article personal and impersonal God The Entity is neither matter nor Spirit it is neither ego nor non-ego and it is neither object nor subject in the language of Hindu philosophers it is the

    Original and eternal combination of peria spirit and prreti matter as the adves hold that an external object is merely the product of our mental States prre is nothing more than illusion and peria is the only reality it is the one existence which remains in the universe

    Of ideas this then is the part Braham of the adves even if there were to be a personal god with anything like a material apotti physical basis or whatever form from the standpoint of the advv there will be as much reason to doubt his Pinal existence as there would be in the

    Case of any other object in their opinion a conscious God cannot be the origin of the universe as his ego would be the effect of a previous cause if the word conscious conveys but its ordinary meaning they cannot admit that the grand total of all the states of Consciousness

    In the universe is their deity as these states are constantly changing and as Cosmic idealism seizes during pra there’s only one permanent condition in the universe which is the state of perfect unconsciousness bear chasham the field of Consciousness in fact when my readers once realize the fact that this Grand universe is in

    Reality but a huge aggregation of various States Of Consciousness they will not be surprised to find that the ultimate state of unconsciousness is considered as parab bramans by the adves although itself entirely out of human Reckoning or calculation yet this huge aggregation of various States Of Consciousness is a septin it in its

    Totality entirely composed of sepiner groups simply because the capacity of perception exists in seven different aspects corresponding to seven different conditions of matter or the seven properties or states of matter and therefore the series from 1 to 7 begins in the esoteric calculations with the first manifested principle which is

    Number one if we commence from above and number seven when Reckoning From Below or from the lowest principle the tetrad is esteemed in the cabala as it was by Pythagoras the most perfect or rather sacred number because it emanated from the one the first manifested unit or

    Rather the three in one and the latter has ever been impersonal sexless incompr apprehensible though within it the possibility of the higher mental perceptions the first manifestation of the Eternal monad was never meant to stand as the symbol of another symbol The Unborn for the element born or the

    One logos for The Heavenly Man tetragramaton or the tetrus of the Greeks is this second logos the demoris the tetrad as Thomas Taylor thinks is however the animal itself of Plato who as sanus justly observes was the best of the pythagoreans subsists at the extremity of the intelligible Triad

    As is most satisfactorily shown by procas in the third book of his treaties on the Theology of Plato and between these two Triads the double triangle the one intelligible and the other intellectual another order of God exists which partakes of both extremes the Pythagorean world according to plutar

    Consists of a double ordinary the statement corroborates what is said about the choice by the exoteric theologies of the lower t trus for theordinary of the intellectual world the world of mahat is tathan noose psych h while that of the sensible world of matter which is properly what Pythagoras

    Meant by the word Cosmos is fire air water and Earth the four elements are called by the name romata the roots or principles of all mixed bodies that is to say the lower tetrus is the root of Illusion of the world of matter and this is the tetragramaton of the

    Jews and the Mysterious deity over which the modern cabalists make such a fuss this number four forms the arithmetical mean between the monad and the heptad and this comprehends all powers both of the productive and produced numbers for this of all numbers under 10 is made of a certain number the

    Dual double makes a tetrad and the Tet tread doubled or unfolded makes the hebdomad the sepiner two multiplied into itself produces four and retorted into itself makes the first Cube the first cube is a fertile number the ground of the multitude and variety constituted of two and four depending on the monad the

    7th thus the two principles of temporal things the pyramids in the cube form and matter flow from one Fountain the Tetra gone on Earth the monad in heaven here Rin the great Authority on the cabala shows the cube to be matter whereas the pyramid or the Triad is form

    With the herian the number four becomes the symbol of Truth only when Amplified into a cube which unfolded makes seven as symbolizing the male and female elements and the element of Life some students have been puzzled to account for the vertical line which is male becoming in the cross a four partitioned

    Line four being a female number while the horizontal the line of matter becomes three division but this is easy of explanation since the middle face of the cube unfolded is common to both the vertical and the horizontal bar or double line it becomes neutral ground so

    To say and belongs to neither the spirit line remains triatic and the matter line twofold two being an even and therefore a female number also moreover over according to Theon in his Mathematica the pythagoreans who gave the name of Harmony to the tetrus because it is a dieron in

    Seeria were of the opinion that the division of the cannon of the monocord was made by the tetrus in the duad Triad and tetrad for it comprehends a cesira Catra a duple a triple and a quadruple proportion the section of which is 20 7 in the ancient musical

    Notation the Tetra chord consisted of three degrees of intervals and four terms of sounds called by the Greeks dieron and by us a fourth moreover theordinary though an even therefore a female internal number varied according to its form this is shown by Stanley the four was called by

    The pythagoreans the Keye keeper of nature but in Union with the three which made it seven it became the most perfect and harmonious number nature herself the four was the masculine of feminine form when forming the cross and seven is the master of the moon for this planet is

    Forced to alter her appearance every seven days it’s on a number seven that Pythagoras composed his Doctrine on the Harmony and Music of the Spheres calling a tone the distance of the Moon from the Earth from the Moon to Mercury half a tone and then to Venus the same from Venus to

    The sun one and a half tones from the Sun to Mars a tone from then to Jupiter half a tone from Jupiter to Saturn half a tone and then to the Zodiac a tone thus making seven tones the diapason harmony all the melody of nature is in those seven tones

    And therefore is called the voice of nature Plutarch explains that the most ancient Greeks regarded the tetrad as the the root and principle of all things since it was the number of the elements which gave birth to all visible and invisible created things but the brothers of the rosy

    Cross the figure of the Cross or cube unfolded formed the subject of a disquisition in one of the theosophic degrees of pu and was treated according to the fundamental principles of light and darkness or good and evil the intelligible World proceeds out of the Divine mind or unit after this manner

    The tetrac reflecting upon its own Essence the first unit product of all things and on its own beginning saith thus once one twice two immediately ariseth a tetrad having on its top the highest unit and becomes a pyramis whose base is a plain tetrad answerable to superficies upon which the radiant light

    Of the Divine Unity produceth the form of incorporeal Fire by reason of the The Descent of Juno matter to inferior things hence ariseth essential light not burning but Illuminating this is the creation of the middle World which the Hebrews called the Supreme the world of their deity it is termed Olympus

    Entirely light and replete with separate forms which is the seat of the immortal Gods whose top is Unity its wall Trinity and its serices quity the cifes has thus to remain in a meaningless surface it left by itself Unity only Illuminating quity the famous lower four has to build

    For itself a wall from Trinity or it would be manifested moreover the tetragramaton or micropus is Jehovah arrogating to himself very improperly the was is will be now translated into the I am that I am and interpreted as referring to the highest abstract deity while esoterically and in

    Plain truth it means only periodically chaotic turbulent and eternal matter for all its potentialities for the tetragramaton is one with nature or Isis and is the exoteric series of androgine gods such as Osiris Isis Jo Juno brah ofak or the cabalistic yahovah all male females every anthropomorphic God in Old

    Nations as marcelus fisen well observed has his name written with four letters thus with the Egyptians he was tent the Arabs Allah the Persian sire the Magi orsai the mamons Abdi the Greeks teos the ancient Turks Sr the Latins Duce to which John Lorenzo anania adds the

    German God the sarmatian Buu Etc the monad being one and an odd number the Ancients there therefore said that the odd were the only perfect numbers and selfishly perhaps yet as a fact considered them all as masculine and perfect being applicable to the celestial Gods while even numbers such

    As 2 4 6 and especially eight as being female were regarded as imperfect and given only to the terrestrial and infernal deities Virgil records the fact by saying numero du imp parod the God is pleased with an odd number but number seven or the heptagon the pythagoreans considered to be a

    Religious and perfect number it was called Toros because by it all in the universe and Mankind is led to its end I.E its culmination the doctrine of the Spheres ruled by the seven sacred planets shows from Lura to Pythagoras the seven powers of terrestrial and sublunary nature as well as the seven

    Great forces of the universe proceeding and evolving in seven tones which are the seven notes of the musical scale the heptad or septin was considered to be the number of a virgin because it is unborn like the logos or the AA of the vians without a father or a mother but

    Proceeding directly from the monad which is the origin and Crown of all things and if the heptad is made to proceed from the monad directly then it is as taught in the secret doctrine of the oldest school the perfect and sacred number of this Maha manvantara of ours the sepiner or

    Heptad was sacred indeed to several gods and goddesses to Mars with his seven attendants to Osiris whose body was divided into seven and twice seven parts to Apollo the sun amid his seven planets and playing the hymn to the seven raid on his seven string harp to manva the

    Fatherless and the motherless and others CIS Himalayan occultism with its sevening and because of such sevening must be regarded as the most ancient the original of all it is opposed by some fragments left by neoplatonists and the admirers of the latter who hardly understand what they defend say to us see your forerunners

    Believed only in triple man composed of spirit soul and body behold the tacar Raja yoga of India limits that division to three we to four and the vians to five koshas to this we of the archaic School ask why then does the Greek poet say that it is not four but seven who

    Sing the praise of the spiritual son seven sounding letters sing the praise of me the immortal God the almighty deity why again is the Triune IO the mystery God called the fourfold and yet the triatic and tetratic symbols come under one unified name with the Christians the Jehovah of the seven letters

    Why again in the Hebrew Sheba is the oath the Pythagorean tetrus identical with the number seven or as Mr Gerald Massie has it taking an oath was synonymous with to seven and to 10 expressed by the letter Y was the full number of the iio Sabo the 10-letter God

    In lucian’s auction Pythagoras asks how do you reckon the reply is 1 2 3 4 then Pythagoras says do you see in what you conceive four there are 10 a perfect triangle and our oath tetrace four or seven in all why again does procus say the father of the golden

    Verses celebrates the tetrace as the Fountain of perennial nature simply because those Western cabalists Who quote the exoteric proofs against us have no idea of the real esoteric meaning all the ancient cosmologies the oldest cosmographies of the two most ancient people of the fifth root race the Hindu Aryans and the Egyptians

    Together with the early Chinese races the remnants of the fourth or Atlantean race based the whole of their mysteries on the number 10 the higher triangle standing for the invisible and metaphysical world the lower three and four or the septin it for the Physical Realm it is not the Jewish Bible that

    Brought number seven into prominence hesiod used the words the seventh is the sacred day before the Sabbath of Moses was ever heard of the use of the number seven was never confined to any one nation this is well testified by the seven vases in the temple of the sun

    Near the ruins of baban in Upper Egypt the seven fires burning continually for ages before the altars of Mithra the seven holy FS of the Arabians the seven peninsulas the seven islands Seven Seas mountains and rivers of India and of the Zohar the Jewish sepharon of the seven Splendor the seven Gothic

    Deities the seven worlds of the cald and their seven spirits the seven constellations mentioned by hot and Homer and all the interminable sevens which the orientalists find in every Ms they discover what we have to say finally is this enough has been brought forward to show why the human principles were and

    Are divided in the esoteric schools into seven make it four will either leave man minus his lower terrestrial elements or if viewed from a physical standpoint make of him a soulless animal the cor tary must be the higher or the lower the celestial or terrestrial tetrace to become comprehensible according to the

    Teachings of the ancient esoteric school man must be regarded as a sepiner this was so well understood that even the so-called Christian gnostics adopted this time-honored system this remained for a long time as secret for though it was suspected no MSS of that time spoke of it clearly enough to

    Satisfy the skeptic but there comes to our rescue the literary curiosity of our age the oldest and best preserved Gospel of the gnostics pus Sophia to make the proof absolutely complete we shall quote from an authority CW King the only archaeologist who has a faint glimmer of this

    Elaborate Doctrine and the best writer of the day on the gnostics and their gems according to the extraordinary piece of religious literature a true Gnostic fossil the human entity is the sepiner ray from the one just as our school teaches it is composed of Seven Elements four of which are borrowed from

    The four cabalistic manifested worlds thus from Isiah it gets the nepes or seed of the physical appetites vital breath also from yeter the ruach or seat of the passions from Bria the nashama or Reason and from azalo it obtains the cha or principle of spiritual life this

    Looks like an adaptation of the platonic theory of the souls obtaining its respective faculties from the planets in its downward progress through their spheres but the pess Sophia with its accustomed boldness puts this Theory into a much more poetical shape 282 the inner man is similarly made up of four

    Constituents but these are supplied by the rebellious aons of the Spheres being the power a particle of the Divine Light Divine particular orai yet left in themselves the soul the fifth formed out of the tears of their eyes and the sweat of their torments counterfeit of the spirit seemingly answering to our conscience

    The sixth and lastly the Fate karmic ego whose business it is to lead man to the end appointed for him if he hath to die by the fire to lead him into the fire if he hath to die die by a wild beast to lead him unto the wild beast the

    Seventh C the seary element in the vadas it corroborates the occult teaching concerning the seven Globes and the Seven races we have to go to the very source of historical information if we would bring our best evidence to testify to the facts enunciated for though entirely allegorical the rvic hymns are

    Nonetheless suggestive the seven rays of suria the sun are therein made parallel to the seven worlds of every planetary chain to the Seven Rivers Of Heaven and Earth the former being the seven creative hosts and the latter the seven men or primitive human groups the seven ancient rishes the progenitors of all

    That lives and breathes on the Earth are the seven friends of Agy his seven horses or seven heads the human race has sprung from the fire and water it is allegorically stated fashioned by the fathers or the ancestor sacrificers from Agy for AG the ashvin the Adias are all

    Synonymous with those sacrificers or the fathers variously called pitaras or Petri angir rasas and sadas divine sacrificers the most occult of all they are all called Dutra Raya or the sons of God the s sacrificers moreover are collectively the one sacrificer the father of the Gods vishv Caren who performed the great

    Saric ceremony and ended by sacrificing himself in these hymns The Heavenly Man is called perusia the man from whom verage was born and from verage the Mortal man it is veruna lowered from his Sublime position to be the chief of the Lords yanis or Davis who regulates all natural phenomena who

    Makes a path for the Sun for him to follow the Seven Rivers of the sky the descending creative gods and the Seven Rivers of the Earth the seven primitive mankinds are under his control as will be seen for he who breaks veruna laws verani or courses of natural action AC

    Of laws is punished by Indra the viic powerful God whose Vata or law or power is greater than the vatani or any other God thus the rigveda the oldest of all the known ancient records may be shown to corroborate the occult teachings in almost every respect its hymns which are

    The records written by the earliest initiates of the fth our race concerning the primordial teachings speak of the seven races two still to come allegorizing them by the seven streams and the five races which have already inhabited the world on the five five regions as also of the three continents that

    Were it is only those Scholars who will Master the secret meaning of the perusa sukta in which the intuition of the modern orientalist has chosen to see one of the very latest hymns of the rigveda who may hope to understand how harmonious are its teachings and how corroborative of the esoteric doctrines

    He must study in all the abstruseness of their metaphysical meaning the relations therein between the heaven man perusia sacrificed for the production of the universe and all in it and the terrestrial mortal man before he realizes the hidden philosophy of the verse 15 He Man perusia or vishva Ken

    Had seven enclosing logs of fuel and Thrice seven layers of fuel when the gods performed the sacrifice they bound the man as victim this relates to the three sepiner primeval races and shows the Antiquity of the vadas which knew of no other sacrifice probably in these earliest oral

    Teachings and also to the seven primeval groups of mankind as Vish Barman represents Divine Humanity collectively the same Doctrine is found reflected in the other old religions it may it must have come down to us disfigured and misrepresented as in the case of the pares who read it in their vadod and

    Elsewhere though without understanding the Illusions there contained any better than do the orientalists yet the doctrine is plainly mentioned in their old Works comparing the esoteric teaching with the interpretations by Professor James darer one may see at a glance where the mistake is made and the cause that

    Produced it the passage runs thus the Indo Iranian assura Aura was often conceived as Sevenfold by the play of certain mythical formula and the strength of certain mythical numbers the ancestors of the Indo uranians had been led to speak of seven worlds and the supreme god was often made Sevenfold as

    Well as the worlds over which he ruled the seven worlds became in Persia the seven kashari of the earth the earth is divided into seven kashari only one of which is known and accessible to man the one on which we live namely vanatha which amounts to saying that

    There are seven Earths Pary mythology knows also of seven Heavens vanaa itself is divided into seven climbs the same division and Doctrine is to be found in the oldest and most revered of the Hindu scriptures the rig Veda mention is made therein of six worlds besides our Earth the six Ramy

    Above prvi the Earth or this idam is opposed to that which is Yonder I.E the six Globes on the three other Plains or Worlds the italic are ours to point out the identity of the tenants with those of the esoteric Doctrine and to accelerate the mistake that is made the

    Magi or mazdan only believed in what other people believed in namely in the seven worlds or Globes of our planetary chain of which only one is accessible to man at the present time our Earth and in the successive appearance and destruction of seven continents or Earths on this our globe each continent

    Being divided in commemoration of the seven Globes one visible six invisible into seven islands or continents seven climbs Etc this was a common belief in those days when the Now secret Doctrine was open to all it is this multiplicity of localities and sepiner divisions which has made the orientalists who have

    Moreover been further LED astray by the Oblivion of their primitive doctrines of both the uninitiated Hindus and parses feel so puzzled by this ever re occurring Sevenfold number as to regard it as mythical it is this Oblivion of first principles which has led the orientalists off the right track and

    Made them commit the greatest blunders the same failure is found in the definition of the Gods those who are ignorant of the esoteric doctrine of the earliest arens can never assimilate or even understand correctly the metaphysical meaning contained in these beings Aura Mazda or Maz was the head

    And synthesis of the seven Amisha pentes or amasons and therefore and Amisha spent it himself just as Jehovah Bina Elohim was the head and synthesis of the Elohim and no more so AG Vishnu sua was the synthesis and head or the focus once emanated in physics and also in

    Metaphysics from the spiritual as well as from the physical Sun the seven Rays the seven fiery tongues the seven planets or Gods all these became Supreme gods and the one God but only after the loss of the Primeval Secrets I.E the sinking of Atlantis or the flood and the

    Occupation of India by The brahans Who sought safety on the Summits of the Himalayas for even the high table lands of what is now Tibet became submerged for a Time auram Mazda is addressed only as the most Blissful Spirit creator of the corporeal world in the vendidad ahura Mazda in its literal translation

    Means the wise Lord Aur Lord and Mazda wise moreover this name of aurah in Sanskrit Aura connects him with the manasas the sons of wisdom who informed the Mindless man and endowed him with his mind Manas Aura Aura may be derived from the root ah to be but in its primal signification

    It is what the secret teachings shows it to be when geology shall have found out how many thousands of years ago the Disturbed Waters of the Indian Ocean reached the highest plateau of Central Asia when the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf made one with it then only

    Will they know the age of the existing Aryan brahmanical Nation and also the time of its descent into the plains of Hindustan which did not take place till millenniums later yima the so-called first man in the vendidad as much as his twin brother Yama the son of vas vadam

    Manu belongs to two epics of universal history he is the progenitor of the second human race hence the personification of the Shadows of the Petri and the father of the post deluvian Humanity the Magi said yima as we say man when speaking of mankind the fair yima the first mortal who Converses

    With aura Mazda is the first man who dies or disappears not the first who was born the son of vivot was like the son of vas Vada the symbolical man who stood in esotericism as the representative of the first three races and the collective progenitor thereof of these races the

    First two never died but only vanished absorbed in their progeny and the third knew death only towards its close after the separation of the Sexes and its fall into generation this is plainly alluded to in the far guard to of the vendidad yema refuses to become the bearer of the law of auram

    Asda saying I was not born I was not taught to be the preacher and the bearer of thy law and then auram Asda asks him to make his men increase and watch over his world he refuses to become the priest of Aura Mazda because he is his

    Own priest and sacrificer but he accepts the second proposal he is made to answer yes yes I will nourish and Rule and watch over thy world there shall be while I am King neither cold wind nor hot wind neither disease nor death then Aura Mazda brings him a golden ring and

    A poignard the emblems of sovereignty thus under the sway of yima 300 Winters passed away and the Earth was replenished with Fox and herds with men and dogs and birds and with red blazing fires 300 Winters mean 300 periods or Cycles replenished markwell that is to say all

    This has been on it before and thus is proven the knowledge of the doctrine about the successive destructions of the world and its life cycles once the 300 Winters were over ahura Mazda warns yima that the Earth is becoming too full and men have nowhere to live then yima steps forward and with

    The help of spenta Arma the female genius or Spirit of the earth makes that Earth stretch out and become larger by 1/3 after which new flocks and herds and Men appear on it auram Asda warns him again and yima makes the Earth by the same magic power to become larger by

    2/3 900 Winters pass away and yima has to perform the ceremony for a third time the whole of this is allegorical these three processes of stretching the Earth refer to the three successive continents and races issuing one after and from the other as explained more elsewhere after the third time auram

    Asda warns yima in an assembly of celestial gods and excellent Mortals that upon the material world the Fatal Winters are going to fall and all life will perish this is the old mazdan symbolism for the flood and the coming cataclysm to Atlantis which sweeps away every race in its

    Turn like vas vadam Manu and Noah yima makes a Vara an enclosure an ark under the God’s Direction and brings thither the seed of every living creature animals and fires it is of this Earth or new continent that zerra became the lawgiver and ruler this was the fourth race in

    Its beginning after the men of the third began to die out till then as said above there had been no regular death but only a transformation for men had no personality as yet they had monads breaths of one breath and impersonal as the source from which they proceeded

    They had bodies or rather Shadows of bodies which were sinless hence caralis therefore as there were no kamaloka least of all Nirvana or even devachan for the souls of men who had no personal egos there could be no intermediate periods between the incarnations like the Phoenix primordial

    Man resurrected out of his old into a new body each time and with each new New Generation he became more solid more physically perfect agreeably with the evolutionary law which is the law of nature death came with the complete physical organism and with it moral Decay this explanation shows one more

    Old religion agreeing in its symbology with the universal Doctrine elsewhere the oldest Persian Traditions the relics of mazdaism of the still older magans are given and some of them are explained mankind did not issue from one solitary couple nor was there ever a first man whether Adam or yema but a

    First man kind it may or may not be mitigated polygenism once that both creation ex nahilo an absurdity and a superhuman Creator or creators a fact are made away with by science polygenism presents no more difficulties or inconveniences rather fewer from a scientific point of view view than monogenism does in fact

    It is as scientific as any other claim for in his introduction to not and glidden’s types of mankind Agy declares his belief in an indefinite number of primordial races of men created separately and remarks that whilst in every Zoological Province animals are of a different species man in spite of the

    Diversity of his races always forms one and the same human being Ault ISM defines and limits the number of primordial races to seven because of the seven progenitors or prais the evolvers of beings these are neither Gods nor supernatural beings but Advanced Spirits from one lower and

    Another planet reborn on this planet and giving birth in their turn in the present round to present Humanity this Doctrine is again corroborated by one of its Echoes among the gnostics in their anthropology and Genesis of man they taught that a certain company of seven angels formed

    The first men who were no better than senseless gigantic shadowy forms as mere wriggling worm writes oranus who takes as usual the metaphor for reality D the sepiner and the exoteric works we may now examine other ancient scriptures and see whether they contain the sepiner classification and if so to

    What degree scattered about in thousands of other Sanskrit texts some still unopened others yet unknown as well as in all the Piranhas as much as if not much more than even in the Jewish Bible the numbers 7 and 49 7 * 7 play a most prominent

    Role in the piranhas They are found from the seven Creations in the first chapters down to the seven rays of the Sun in the final pra which expand into the seven suns and absorb the material of the whole universe thus the matsa pirana has for the sake

    Of promulgating the vdas Vishnu in the beginning of a calpa related to Manu the story of narishma and the events of the seven kalpas then again in the same piranha shows that in all the manvantaras classes of RIS appear by seven and seven and having established the code of law

    And morality depart to Felicity the rishis however represent many other things besides living Sages in Dr mir’s translation of the arar Veda we read one time carries us forward a Steed with seven Rays a thousand eyes undecaying full of facundity on him intelligent sages Mount his wheels are all the

    Worlds two thus time moves on seven Wheels he has seven naves immortality is his axle he is at present all these worlds time hastens toward the first God three a full jar is contained in time we Behold Him existing in many forms he is all these worlds in the future they call

    Him time in the highest heaven now add to this the following verse from the esoteric volumes space and time are one space and time are nameless for they are the remembering that the Piranhas insist on the identity of Vishnu with time and space and even that the rabinal symbol

    For God is makom space it becomes clear why for purpose of a manifesting deity space matter and spirit the one Central Point became the triangle in the coronary the perfect Cube hence seven even the provana wind the Mystic and occult force that gives the impulse to and regulates the course of the stars

    And planets is sepiner the Kera and the linga piranhas enumerate seven principal Winds of that name which winds are the principles of cosmic space they are the intimately connected with derva now Alpha the pole star which is connected in its turn with the production of various phenomena through Cosmic

    Forces thus from the seven Creations seven Reeses zones continents principles Etc in the Aryan scriptures the number has passed through Indian Egyptian caldan Greek Jewish Roman and finally Christian Mystic thought until it landed in and remained indelibly impressed on every esoteric theology the seven old books stolen out of Noah’s Ark by ham

    And given to Kush his son and the Seven Brazen Columns of ham and Chiron are a reflection and a remembrance of the seven primordial Mysteries instituted according to the seven secret aminations the seven sounds and seven Rays the spiritual and ceral models of the 7,000 time seven copies of them in later

    Ends the mysterious number is once more prominent in the no less mysterious maruts the Vu piranha shows and the Hari vamsha corroborates concerning the maruts the oldest as the most incomprehensible of all the secondary or lower gods in the rig Veda that they are born in every mon

    Ventara round 7 * 7 or 49 that in each Man ventara 4 * 7 or 28 obtain emancipation but their places are filled up by persons reborn in that character what are the maruts in their esoteric meaning and who those persons reborn in that character in The Rick and

    Other vadas the maruts are represented as the storm gods and the friends and allies of Indra they are the sons of Heaven and Earth this led to an allegory that makes them the children of Shiva that great patron of the yogis the mahay yogi the great athetic in whom is centered the

    Highest Perfection of Aer Penance and Abstract meditation by which the most unlimited powers are attained Marvels and miracles are worked the highest spiritual knowledge is acquired and Union with the great spirit of the universe is eventually gained in the rig Veda the name Shiva is unknown but this

    Corresponding God is called rudra a name used for Agy the fire god the maruts being called therein his sons and the Ramana and the Piranhas their mother diti the sister or compliment and a form of adti anxious to obtain a son who would destroy Indra is told by kiapa the sage

    If with the thoughts holy Pious and persons entirely pure she carries her babe in her womb for a hundred years she will have such a son but Indra foils her in the design with his Thunderbolt he divides the embryo in her womb into seven portions and then divides every

    Such portion into seven pieces again which become the Swift moving deities the maruts these deities are only another aspect or a development of the kumaras who are patronic rudras like many others dii being ADI unless the contrary is proven to us ADI we say or aasha in her highest form is the

    Egyptian Sevenfold Heaven every true occultist will understand what this means diti we repeat is the sixth principle of metaphysical nature the Buddha of Akasha diti the mother of the maruts is one of her terrestrial forms made to represent at one and the same time the Divine soul in the aesthetic

    And the Divine aspirations of Mystic Humanity toward deliverance from the webs of Maya and consequent final Bliss Indra is now degraded because of the caluga when such aspirations are no more General but have become abnormal Al through a general spread of aamar the feeling of egotism or I amness and

    Ignorance but in the beginning Indra was one of the greatest gods of the Hindu Pantheon as the rigveda shows sureda the chief of the Gods has fallen down from jishnu the leader of the celestial host the Hindu St Michael to an opponent of aestheticism the enemy of every holy

    Aspiration he has shown married to indry indran the personification of indria the evolution of the element of Senses whom he married because of her voluptuous attractions after which he began sending Celestial female demons to excite the passions of holy men yogis and to beguile them from the potent penances which he

    Dreaded therefore Indra now characterized as the god of the firmament the personified atmosphere is in reality the cosmic principle mahat and the fifth human principle Manas in its dual aspect as connected with the budy and as allowing itself to be dragged down by the comma principle the body of passions and

    Desires this is demonstrated by Brahma telling the conquered God that his frequent defeats were due to Karma and were a punishment for his lenti justness and the seduction of various nymphs it is in the latter character that he seeks to save himself self from destruction to destroy the coming babe destined to

    Conquer him the babe of course allegorizing the Divine and steady will of the yogi determined to resist all such Temptations and thus destroy the passions within his Earthly personality inura succeeds again because flesh conquers Spirit he divides the embryo of the new Divine adeptship begotten Once More by the Aesthetics of the Aryan

    Fifth race into seven portions a reference not alone to the seven subraces of the new root race in each of which there will be a Manu but also to the seven degrees of adept ship and then each portion will be seven pieces alluding to the Manu Rees of each root race and even

    Subrace it does not seem difficult to perceive what is meant by the maruts obtaining four * 7 emancipations in every man ventara and by those persons who are reborn in that character these of the maruts in their esoteric meaning and who fill up their places the maruts represent a the

    Passions that storm and rage within every candidate’s breast when preparing for an aesthetic life this mystically B the occult potencies concealed in the manifold aspects of akasha’s lower principles her body or stula sharira representing the terrestrial lower atmosphere of every inhabited Globe this mystically and cerely C actual conscious existences

    Beings of a cosmic and psychic nature at the same time marut in a cult parlament is one of the names given to those egos of great adepts who have passed away and are also known as Nur manakas of those egos for whom since they are Beyond illusion there is no

    Devachan who having either voluntarily renounced Nirvana for the good of mankind or who not yet having reached it remain invisible on Earth therefore are the maruts shown firstly as the sons of Shiva rudra the patron Yogi whose third eye mystically must be acquired by the athetic before he

    Becomes an Adept then in their Cosmic character as the subordinates of Indra and his opponents under various characters the four time seven emancipations have reference to the four rounds and the four races that preceded ours in each of which the maruta jivas monads have been reborn and would have

    Obtained final Liberation If Only They had chosen to Avail themselves of it but instead of this out of love for the good of mankind which would struggle still more hopelessly in the meshes of ignorance and misery were it not for this extraneous help they are reborn

    Over and over again in that chapter and thus fill up their own places who they are on Earth every student of ult science knows and he also knows that the maruts are rudras among whom also the family of vry a synonym for Vish farmin the great patron of the initiates is

    Included this gives us an ample knowledge of their true nature the same for the sepiner division of Cosmos and the human principles the Piranhas along with the other sacred texts team with Illusions to this first of all the mundane egg which contained Brahma or the universe was externally invested

    With seven natural elements at first Loosely enumerated as water air fire ether and three secret elements then the world is said to be encompassed on every Side by seven elements also within the egg as explained the world is encompassed on every side and above and

    Below by the shell of the Egg of Brahma and a katata around the shell flows water which is surrounded with fire fire by air air by Ether ether by the origin of the elements aara the latter by Universal Mind or intellect as Wilson translates it relates to spheres of being as much as

    To principles paivi is not our Earth but the world the solar system and means the broad the wide in the vas the greatest of all authorities though needing a key to be read correctly three terrestrial and three Celestial Earths are mentioned as having been called into existence simultaneously with boomi our Earth we

    Have been often told that six not seven appears to be be the number of spheres principles Etc we answer that there are in fact only six principles in man since his body is no principle but the covering the shell of a principle so with the planetary chain therein

    Speaking esoterically the Earth as well as the seventh or rather fourth plane one that stands as the seventh and we count from the first triple Kingdom of the Elementals that begin its formation may be left out of consideration being to us the only distinct body of the seven the language

    Of occultism is varied but supposing that three Earths only instead of seven are meant in the vas what are those three since we still know of but one evidently there must be an occult meaning in the statement under consideration let us see the Earth that floats on the universal ocean of space

    Which Brahma divides in the piranas into seven zones is privi the world divided into seven principles a cosmic division looking metaphysical enough but in reality physical in its occult effects many kalpas later our Earth is mentioned and again in its turn is divided into seven zones according to the law of

    Analogy which guided ancient philosophers after which we find on it seven continents seven isles seven oceans Seven Seas and rivers Seven Mountains seven climates Etc furthermore it is not only in the Hindu scriptures and philosophy that one finds references to the seven Earths but in the Persian Phoenician caldan and Egyptian

    Cosmogenic literature the Phoenix called by the Hebrews on from feno Enoch the symbol of a secret cycle and initiation and by the Turks kirkys lives a thousand years after which kindling a flame it is self-c consumed and then reborn from itself it lives another Thousand Years up to 7times 7

    When comes the day of judgment the 7 x 7 or 49 are a transparent allegory and an illusion to the 49 Manu the seven rounds and the seven time seven human Cycles in each round on each Globe the kirkys and the on stand for a race cycle and the

    Mystical tree ababel the father tree in the Quran shoots out new branches and vegetation at every resurrection of the kirkys or Phoenix the day of judgment meaning minor pra the author of the book of God in the apocalypse believes that the Phoenix is very plainly the same as the simor of

    Persian romance and the account which is given us of this last bird yet more decisively establishes the opinion that the death and Revival of the Phoenix exhibit the successive destruction and reproduction of the world which many believe to be affected by the agency of a fiery delu and also a watery one in

    Its turn when the s morg was asked her age she informed Kahan that this world is very ancient for it has been already seven times replenished with beings different from men and seven times depopulated that the age of the human race in which we now are is to endure

    7,000 years and that she herself had seen 12 of these revolutions and knew not how many more she had to see the above however is no new statement from Bailey in the last century down to Dr Kel in the present these facts have been noticed by a

    Number of writers but now a connection can be established between the Persian Oracle and the Nazarene Prophet says the author of the book of God the simor is in reality the same as the winged Singh of the Hindus and the Sphinx of the Egyptian it is said that the former will

    Appear at the end of the world as a monstrous lion bird from these the rabins have borrowed their mythal of an enormous bird sometimes standing on the earth sometimes walking in the ocean while its head props the sky and with the symbol they have also adopted the

    Doctrine to which it relates they teach that there are to be seven successive renewals of the globe that each reproduced system will last 7,000 years and that the total duration of the universe will be 49,000 years this opinion which involves the doctrine of the pre-existence of each renewed

    Creature they may either have learned during the Babylon captivity or it may have been part of the Primeval religion which their priests had preserved from remote times it shows rather that the initiated Jews borrowed and their non-initiated successors the talmudists lost the sents and applied the seven rounds and the 49 races Etc

    Wrongly not only their priests but those of every other country the gnostics whose various teachings are the many Echoes of the one primitive in Universal Doctrine put the same numbers under another form in the mouth of Jesus in the very occult pisy Sophia we say more even the Christian

    Editor or author of Revelation has preserved this tradition and speaks of the seven races four of which with part of the fifth are gone and two have to come it is stated as plainly as can be thus saith the angel and here is the mind with hath wisdom the seven heads

    Are seven mountains on which the woman sth and there are seven Kings five are fallen and one is and the other is not yet come who in the least acquainted with symbolical language of old will fail to discern in the five kings that have fallen the four root races that

    Were and part of the fifth the one that is and in the other that is not yet to come the sixth and seventh coming root races as also the subraces of this our present race another still more forcible illusion to to the seven rounds in the

    49 root races in Leviticus will be found elsewhere part three e seven in astronomy science and Magic again number seven is closely connected with the occult significance of the pleades those Seven Daughters of Atlas the six present the seventh hidden in India they are connected with their nursling the war god

    Kakia it was the pleades in Sanskrit criticas who gave this name to the god kakia being the planet Mars astronomically as a God he is the son of rudra born without the intervention of a woman he is a kumara a virgin youth again generated in the fire from the

    Seed of Shiva the Holy Spirit hence called agu the late Dr canel believed that in India kakia is the secret symbol of the cycle of the Naros composed of 600 666 and 777 years according to whether solar or lunar Divine or Mortal years are counted and that the six visible or the seven

    Actual sisters the pleades are needed for the completion of this most secret and mysterious of all the astronomical and religious symbols therefore when intended to commemorate one particular event kakia was shown of old as a Kumar an athetic with six heads one for each Century of the Naros when the symbolism

    Was needed for another event then in conjunction with the Seven ceral Sisters Kaka is seen accompanied by Kumari or Cena his female aspect he is then riding on a peacock the bird of wisdom and Ault knowledge and the Hindu Phoenix whose Greek relation with the 600 years of the

    Naros is well known a six raid star double triangle a sastia a six and occasionally seven-pointed Crown is on his brow the peacock’s tail represents the ceral heavens and the TW signs of the zodiac are hidden on his body for which he is also called vadakara the 12h handed and vak Shasha

    Twey it is as Shakara however the spear holder and the Conqueror of terraa terraa Jeet that he is shown to be the most famous as the years of the neurosur in India counted in two ways either by 100 Years of the Gods Divine years or 100 mortal years we can see the tremendous

    Difficulty the non-initiated have in arriving at a correct comprehension of the cycle which plays such an important part in St John’s Revelation it is the truly apocalyptic cycle because of its being of various lengths and relating to various prehistoric events and in none of the numerous specul ations about it we have

    Found any but a few approximate truths against the duration claimed by the Babylonians for the Divine ages it has been urged that suas shows the Ancients counting days for years in their chronological computations it is too swet us and his authority that Dr sep appeals in his ingenious plagiarism

    Which we have already exposed of the Hindu figures 432 these they give in thousands and millions of years the duration of their yugas but sep dwarf them to 4,320 lunar years before the birth of Christ as for dained in the ceral in addition to the invisible heavens and

    Proved by The Apparition of the Star of Bethlehem but swedis had no other warrant for this assertion than his own speculations and he was not an initiate he cites as a proof Vulcan and chose him reigning 4477 years or 4477 days as he thinks or again rendered in years 12 years 3

    Months and 7 days he has however 5 days in his original thus committing an error even in such an easy calculation true there are other ancient writers guilty of like felicious speculations cisis for instance who assigns to the astronomical observations of the calans only 1903 years whereas epenis recognizes 720,000

    Years the whole of these hypotheses made by profane writers are due to a misunderstanding the chronology of the western peoples ancient Greeks and Romans was borrowed from India now it is said in the Tamil edition of badam that 15 solar days make a pacham two pams or 30 days make a months of

    Mortals which is only one day of the pitara deata or Petri again two of these months constitute a rudu three rudus making aanam and two aanam a year of Mortals which is only a day of the Gods it is from such misunderstood teachings that some Greeks have imagined that all

    The initiated priests had transformed days into years this mistake of the ancient Greek and Latin writers became pregnant with results in Europe at the close of the past and the beginning of the present Century Bailey dup and others relying upon the purposely mutilated accounts of Hindu chronology brought from India by

    Certain unscrupulous and two zealous missionaries built quite a fantastic theory on the subject because the Hindus had made a half a revolution of the Moon a measure of time and because a month composed of only 15 days of which quintis ctus speaks is found mentioned in Hindu literature therefore it becomes

    A verified fact that their year was only half a year when it was not called a day the Chinese also divided their zodiac into 24 parts and hence their year into 24 fortn nights but such computation did not nor does it prevent them from having an astronomical year just the same as

    Ours they also have a period of 60 days the southern Indian rudu to this day in some provinces moreover diodorus culas calls 30 days an Egyptian year or that period during which the moon performs a complete Revolution plyy and Plutarch both speak of it but does it stand to reason that

    The Egyptians who knew astronomy as well as any other nations made the lunar month consist of 30 days when it is only 28 days with fractions this lunar period had an occult meaning surely as well as had also the aanam and the rudo of the Hindus the year of two months duration

    And the period of 60 days also was a universal measure of time and Antiquity as Bailey himself shows in trait Del astronomy Indian a Oriental The Chinamen according to their own books divided their year into two parts from one Equinox to the other the Arabs anciently divided the year into

    Six seasons each composed of two months in the Chinese astronomical work called kich it is said that the two moons make a measure of time and six measures a year and to this day the Aborigines of Kamchatka have their years of six months as they had when visited by Abby

    Chap but it is all this any reason for claiming that when the Hindu piranhas say a solar year they mean one solar day it was the knowledge of the natural laws which make of seven the root nature number so to say in the manifested world or at any rate in our present

    Terrestrial life cycle and the wonderful comprehension of its workings that unveiled to the Ancients so many of the mysteries of nature it is these laws again and their processes on the ceral terrestrial and moral planes which Ena the old astronomers to calculate correctly the duration of the cycles and

    Their respective effects on the march of events to record beforehand to prophecy it is called the influence which they would have on the course and development of the human races the Sun the moon and planets being the never aing time measurers whose potency and periodicity were well known

    Became thus respectively the great ruler and rulers of our little system in all its seven domains or spheres of action this has been so evident and remarkable that even many of the Modern Men of science materialists as well as Mystics have had their attention called to this law Physicians and theologians

    Mathematicians and psychologists have repeatedly drawn the attention of the world to this fact of periodicity in the behavior of nature these numbers are explained in the commentaries in the following words the circle is not the one but the all in the higher Heaven the impenetrable Raja

    It the circle becomes one because it is the indivisible and there can be no tow in it in the second of the three Rami or the three worlds the one becomes two male and female and three with the Sun or logos and the sacred four the tetrace or

    Tetragramaton in the third the lower world or our Earth the numbers become four and three and two take the first two and thou Wilt obtain seven the sacred number of Life blend the latter with the middle Raja and thou will have nine the sacred number of being and

    Becoming when the Western is have mastered the real meaning of the rig vaic divisions of the world the two-fold the three-fold six and Sevenfold and especially ninefold division The Mystery of the cyclic divisions applied to Heaven and Earth Gods and Men will become clearer to them than it is now

    For there is a Harmony of numbers in all nature in the force of gravity in the planetary movements in the laws of heat light electricity and chemical Affinity in the forms of animals and plants in the perceptions of the Mind the direction indeed of modern natural and physical science is towards a

    Generalization which shall Express the fundamental laws of all by one simple numerical ratio we would refer to Professor wellwells philosophy of the inductive sciences and to Mr Hay’s researches into the laws of harmonious coloring and form from these it appears that the number seven is distinguished in the laws regulating the harmonious

    Perception of forms colors and sounds and probably of taste also so if we could analyze our sensations of this kind with mathematical accuracy so much so indeed that more than one physician has stood a gast at the sepiner periodical Return of the cycles and the rise and fall of various

    Complaints and naturalists have felt themselves at an utter loss to explain this law the birth growth maturity vital functions healthy Revolutions of change diseases Decay and death of insects reptiles fishes birds mammals and even of man are more or less controlled by a law of completion in weeks or seven

    Days by Lok writing on the periodicity of vital phenomena records a most remarkable illustration and confirmation of the law in insects to all of which Mr Graton Guinness remarks very pertinently as he defends biblical chronology and man’s life is a week a week of decades the days of our years are three

    Score years in 10 combining the testimony for all these facts we are bound to admit that there prevails in organic nature a law of sepor periodicity a law of completion in weeks without accepting the conclusions and especially the premises of the Learned founder of the East London Institute for home and foreign missions

    The writer accepts and welcomes his researches in the occult chronology of the Bible just as while rejecting the theories hypotheses and generalization of modern science we bow before its great achievements in the world of the physical or in all the Minor Details of material nature there is most assuredly

    An occult chronological system in Hebrew scripture the cabala being its warrant moreover there is in it a system of weeks based on the archaic Indian system which may still be found in the old ysha and there are in it cycles of the week of days of the week of months of

    Years of centuries and even of millenniums and more of the weak of the years of years but all this can be found in the archaic Doctrine and if the common source of the chronology in every scripture however veiled is denied in the case of the Bible then it will have

    To be shown how in the face of the six days and the seventh the Sabbath we can escape connecting the genetic with the Panic cogy for the first week of creation shows the septo formity of its chronology and thus connects it with brahma’s seven Creations the able volume

    From the pen of Mr Graton Guinness in which he has collected in some 760 pages every proof of this sepor calculation is good evidence for if the biblical chronology is as he says regulated by the law of weeks and if it is sepiner whatever the measures of the creation

    Week and the length of its days may be and if finally the Bible system includes weeks on a great variety of scales then this system is shown to be identical with all the Pagan systems moreover the attempt to show that 4320 years and lunar months elapsed between

    The creation and the Nativity it is a clear and unmistakable connection with the 4 million 320,000 years of the Hindu yugas otherwise why make such efforts to prove that these figures which are preeminently caldan and Indo arean play such a part in the New Testament this we

    Shall now prove still more forcibly let the impartial critic compare the two accounts the Vish new piranha and the Bible and he will find that the seven creations of Brahma are at the foundation of the week of Creation in Genesis the two allegories are different but the systems are both built on the

    Same foundation stone the Bible can be understood Only By the Light of the cabala take the Zohar the book of concealed mystery however now disfigured and compare the seven RIS and the 14 Manus of the seven manvantaras issue for brahma’s head they are his mind born

    Sons and it is with them that begins the division of mankind into its races from The Heavenly Man the manifested logos who is Brahma prajapati speaking of the skull head of macros ofus the Ancient One in Sanskrit sanat is an appalation of Brahma the ha idra Raba kadesha or

    The greatest holy assembly says that in every one of his hairs is a hidden fountain M issuing from the concealed brain and it shineth and goeth forth through that hair into the hair of the micropus and from it which is the Manifest coronary the tetragramaton in his brain formed and then the brain

    Goeth forth into 30 and two paths or the Triad and duad or again 432 and again 13 curls of hair exist on the side and one side of the other of the skull I.E six on one and six on the other the Third 13th being also the 14th

    As it is male female and through them commence the division of the hair the division of things of mankind and the races we six are lights which shine forth from a seventh light saith Rabbi Abba Thou Art the seventh light the synthesis of all of us he adds speaking

    Of tetragramaton and his seven companion whom he calls the eyes of tetragrammaton tetragrammaton is Brahma prajapati who assumed four forms in order to create four kinds of sual creatures I.E made himself fourfold or the Manifest coronary after that he is reborn in the seven rishes his manaut

    Mind born sons who became later nine 21 and so on and who are all said to be born from various parts of Brahma there are two tetragramaton the macroprosopus and the micropus the first is the absolute perfect square or the tetrace within the circle both abstract conception and is

    Therefore called in non-being I.E illimitable or absolute beus but when viewed as micropus or The Heavenly Man the manifested logos he is the triangle in the Square the Sevenfold Cube not the four-fold or the plain Square for it is written in the greater holy assembly and concerning this the children of Israel

    Wish to inquire in their hearts know in their minds like as it is written Exodus xvii 7 is the tetr grammaton in the midst of us or the negatively existent one were they distinguished between micropus who is called tetragrammaton and between macroprosopus who is called a the negatively existent therefore

    Tetragrammaton is the three made four and the four made three and is represented on this Earth by his Seven Companions or or eyes the seven eyes of the Lord micro prosus is at best only a secondary manifested deity for the greater holy assembly elsewhere says we have learned that there were 10

    Rabbis companions entered into the assembly the saw mysterious assembly or mystery and that seven came forth I.E 10 for the unmanifested seven for the manifested universe 11:58 and when rabbi schimon revealed the Arcana there were found none present save those Seven Companions and Rabbi schimon called them the seven

    Eyes of tetragrammaton like as it is written Zach 3:9 these are the seven eyes or principles of tetragrammaton I.E The four-fold Heavenly Man or pure spirit is resolved into sepiner man pure matter and spirit thus the tetrad is micropus and the latter is the male female chabina the second and third SEO the

    Tetragramaton is the very essence of number seven in its terrestrial significance seven stands between four and nine the basis and Foundation astrally of our physical world and man in the Kingdom of Malu for Christians and Believers this reference to Zechariah and especially to the Epistle of Peter ought to be conclusive in the

    Old symbolism man chiefly the inner spiritual man is called a stone Christ is the Cornerstone and Peter refers to all men as Lively Living Stones therefore a stone with seven eyes on it can only mean a man whose Constitution I.E his principles is septin to demonstrate more clearly the seven in

    Nature it may be added that not only does the number seven govern the periodicity of the phenomena of life but that it is also found dominating the series of chemical elements and equally Paramount in the world of sound and in that of color is revealed to us by the

    Spectroscope this number is the factor sinan non in the production of ult Astral phenomena thus if the chemical elements are arranged in groups according to their atomic weights they will be found to constitute a series of rows of seven the first second Etc members of each row bearing a close

    Analogy in all their properties to the corresponding members of the next row the following table copied from Helen boox Mai dur zalan and corrected exhibits this law and fully warrants the conclusion he draws in the following words we thus see that the chemical variety so far as we can grasp its inner

    Nature depends upon numerical relations and we have further found in this variety a ruling law for which we can assign no cause we find a law of periodicity governed by the number seven the eighth element in this list as it were the Octave of the first and the

    Ninth of the second and so on each element being almost identical in its properties with the corresponding element in each of the sepiner rows a phenomena which accentuates the sepiner law of periodicity for further details the reader is referred to Helen Bach’s work where it is also shown that this

    Classification is confirmed by the spectroscopic peculiarities of the elements it is needless to refer in detail to the number of vibrations constituting the notes of the musical scale the are strictly analogous to the scale of chemical elements and also to the scale of color as unfolded by the

    Spectroscope although in the latter case we deal with only one octave while both in music and chemistry we find series of seven octaves represented theoretically of which six are fairly complete and in ordinary use in both Sciences thus to quote hellenbach it has been established that from the standpoint of phenomenal

    Law upon which all our knowledge rests the vibrations of sound and light increase regularly that they divide themselves into seven columns and that the successive numbers in each column are closely Allied I.E that they exhibit a close relationship which not only is expressed in the figures themselves but

    Also is practically confirmed in the chemistry as in music in the latter of which the ear confirms the verdict of the figures the fact that this periodicity and variety is governed by the number seven is undeniable and it far surpasses the limits of mere chance and must be assumed to have an adequate

    Cause which cause must be discovered verily then as Rabbi Abba said we are six lights which shine forth from a seventh light Thou tetragramaton Art the seventh light the origin of us all for assuredly there is no stability in those six save what they derive from the seventh for all things depend from

    The seventh the ancient and modern Western American zun Indians seem to have entertained similar views their present-day Customs their traditions and Records all point to the fact that from time and Memorial their institutions political social and religious were and still are shaped according to the sepiner principle thus all their ancient

    Towns and Villages were built in clusters of six around a seventh it is always a group of seven or of 13 and always the six surround the seventh again their sacral hierarchy is composed of six Priests of the house seemingly synthesized in the seventh who is a woman the Priestess mother compare this

    With the seven Great officiating priests spoken of in the anug the name given to the seven senses exoterically and to the seven human principles esoterically whence this identity of symbolism shall we still deal the fact of Arjuna going over to patala the antipodes America and they marrying

    Ulipo the daughter of the Naga or the nargo king but to the Zuni priests these receed to this day an annual tribute of corn of seven colors indistinguishable from other Indians during the rest of the year on a certain day they come out six priests and one Priestess arrayed in

    Their Priestly robes each of a color sacred to that particular God whom the priest serves and personifies each of them representing one of the seven regions and each receiving corn of the color corresponding to that region thus the white represents the East because from the East comes the First Sunlight

    The yellow corresponds to the north from the color of the Flames produced by the Aurora Borealis the red the South as from that quarter comes the heat the blue stands for the West the color of the Pacific Ocean which lies to the West black is the color of the nether

    Underground region Darkness corn with grains of all colors on one ear represent the colors of the upper region of the firmament with its Rosy and yellow clouds shining stars Etc the speckled corn each grain containing all the colors is that of the Priestess mother woman containing in herself the

    Seeds of all Races past present and future Eve being the mother of all living apart from these was the son the great deity whose priest was the spiritual head of the nation these facts were ascertained by Mr F Hamilton Cushing who as many are aware became a

    Zouri lived with them was initiated into the religious Mysteries and has learned more about them than any other man living now seven is also a great magic number in the occult records the weapon mentioned in the piranhas and the mahabarata the agastra or fiery weapon bestowed by orva upon his Chella Sagara

    Is said to be constructed of Seven Elements this weap Happ supposed by some ingenious orientalist to have been a rocket is one of the many thorns in the sight of our modern sanskritist Wilson exercises his penetration over it on several pages of his specimens of the Hindu theater and

    Finally fails to explain it he can make nothing out of the agastra for he argues these weapons are of a very unintelligible character some of them are occasionally wielded as missiles but in general they appear to be mystical powers exercis by the individual such as those of paralyzing an enemy or locking

    His senses fast in sleep or bringing down storm and rain and fire from heaven they are supposed to assume Celestial shapes endowed with human faculties the ramayana calls them the sons of kava the shastra devatas gods of the Divine weapons are no more anastas the weapons than the Gunners of modern artillery are

    The cannon they direct but this simple solution did not seem to strike the eminent sanskritist nevertheless as he himself says of the army form progyny of Krish josva the allegorical origin of the agastra weapon is undoubtedly the more ancient it is the fiery Javelin of Brahma the Sevenfold agastra like the

    Seven senses and the seven principles symbolizes by the seven priests are of Untold Antiquity how old is the doctrine believed in by theosophists the following section will tell F the seven Souls of the egyptologists if one turns to those Wells of information the natural Genesis and the lectures of Mr Gerald Massie the

    Proofs of the Antiquity of the doctrine under analysis become positively overwhelming that the belief of the author differs from ours can hardly invalidate the facts he views the symbol from a purely natural standpoint one perhaps a trifle too materialistic because too much of of that of an Ardent evolutionist and

    Follower of the modern darwinian dogmas thus he shows that the student of bom’s books find much in them concerning these seven Fountain spirits and primary Powers treated as seven properties of nature in the alchemistic and astrological phase of the medieval Mysteries the followers of B look on

    Such matters as the divine revelation of his inspired seership they know nothing of the natural Genesis the history and Persistence of the wisdom of the past or the broken links and are unable to recognize the physical features of the ancient seven spirits beneath their modern metaphysical or Alchemist mask a

    Second connecting link between theosophy of bom and the physical origins of Egyptian thought is extent in the fragments of Hermes Tris magistus no matter whether these teachings are called Illuminati Buddhist cabalist Gnostic Masonic or Christian the elemental types can only be truly known in their beginnings when the prophets or Visionary showman of

    Cloudland come to us claiming original inspiration and utter something new we judge of its value by what it is in itself but if we find they bring us the ancient matter which they cannot account for and we can it is natural that we should judge it by the primary

    Significations rather than the latest pretensions it is useless for us to read our later thought into the earlier types of expression and then say the Ancients meant that subz interpretations which have become doctrines and dogmas in theosophy have now to be tested by the Genesis and physical phenomena in order

    That they may explode their false pretensions to Supernatural origin or Supernatural knowledge but the able author of the book of the beginnings in the natural Genesis does very fortunately for us quite the reverse he demonstrates most triumphantly our esoteric Buddhist teachings by showing them identical with

    Those of Egypt let the reader judge from his learned lecture on the seven Souls of man says the author the first form of the mystical seven was seen to be figured in Heaven by the seven large stars of The Great Bear the constellation assigned by the Egyptians

    To the mother of time and the Seven elemental powers just so for the Hindus placed their seven primitive Rees in the Great Bear and called this constellation the Abode of the separi Rika and chitra sandas and their adepts claim to know whether it is only an astronomical myth or a

    Primordial mystery having a deeper meaning that it Bears on its surface we are also told that the Egyptians divided the face of the Sky by night into seven Parts this primary heaven was Sevenfold So it was with the Aryans one but has to read the Piranhas about the

    Beginnings of Brahma and his EG to see this have the Aryans then taken the idea from the Egyptians but as the lecture proceeds the earliest forces recognized in nature were reckoned as seven in number these became seven Elementals Devils or later divinities seven properties were assigned to Nature as matter cohesion

    Flu coagulation accumulation station and Division and seven elements or souls to man all this was taught in the esoteric Doctrine but it was interpreted and its Mysteries unlocked as already stated with seven not two or at the utmost three Keys hence the causes and their effects worked in the invisible or

    Mystic as well as in psychic nature and were made referable to metaphysics and psychology as much as to physiology as the author says a principle of sevening so to say was introduced and the number seven supplied a sacred type that could be used for manifold purposes and it was so used for the

    Seven Souls of the Pharaoh are often mentioned in the Egyptian texts seven Souls or principles in man were identified by our British Druids the Rabin also ran the number of souls up to seven so likewise do the carons of India and then the author with several misspellings tabulates the two teachings

    The esoteric and the Egyptian and shows the latter had the same Series in the same order esoteric Indian one Rupa body or element of form two Prana the Breath of Life three astral body four Manas or intelligence five kamarupa or animal Soul six booty or spiritual Soul seven

    Atma pure Spirit Egyptian one CA body two ba the soul of breath three cabba the shade four Aku intelligence or perception five Seb ancestral Soul six puta the first intellectual father seven atmu a Divine or Eternal Soul further on the lecture formulates these seven Egyptian Souls as one the

    Soul of blood the formative two the soul of breath that breathes three the shade or covering soul that envelops four the soul of perception that perceives five the soul of pubescence that procreates six the intellectual soul that reproduces intellectually and seven the spiritual soul that is perpetuated permanently from the exoteric and physiological

    Standpoint this may be very correct it becomes less so from the esoteric point of view to maintain this does not at all mean that the esoteric Buddhists resolve men into a number of Elementary Spirits as Mr G Massie in the same lecture accuses them of maintaining no esoteric Buddhist has

    Ever been guilty of any such absurdity nor has it ever been imagined that these Shadows become Spiritual Beings in another world or seven potential Spirits or elementaries of another life what is maintained is simply that every time the immortal ego incarnates it becomes as a total a compound unit of matter and

    Spirit which together act on seven different PLS of being and Consciousness elsewhere Gerald Massie adds seven souls are principles are often mentioned in the Egyptian texts the moon God tat esman or the later Sun God expr the seven nature powers that were prior to himself and were summed up

    In him as his seven Souls we say principles the Seven Stars in the hand of the Christ in Revelation have the same significance and a still greater one as these stars represent also the seven keys of the seven churches or the salian Mysteries cabalistic however we will not stop to

    Discuss but add that other egyptologists have also discovered that the septin constitution of man was a Cardinal Doctrine with the old Egyptians in a series of remarkable articles in the Sphinx of Munich her France Lambert gives incontrovertible proof of his conclusions from The Book of the Dead and other Egyptian records

    For details the reader must be referred to the Articles themselves but the following diagram summing up the author’s conclusions is demonstrative evidence of the identity of Egyptian psychology with the septin division in esoteric Buddhism on the left tan side the cabalistic names of the corresponding human principles are placed and on the

    Right hand the hieroglyphic names with their renderings as in the dogma of France lber this is a very fair representation of the number of the principles of occultism but much confused and this is what we call the seven principles in man and what Mr Massie calls

    Souls giving the same name to the ego or to the monad which reincarnates and resurrects so to speak at each rebirth as the Egyptians did namely the renewed but how can ruok Spirit be lodged in kamarupa what does Bal the prince of all the medieval seers say we find seven ESP special properties

    In nature whereby this only mother works all things which he calls Fire Light sound the upper three and desire bitterness anguish and substantiality thus analyzing the lower in his own Mystic way whatever the six forms are Spirit spiritually that the seventh the body or substantiality is essentially these are the seven forms of

    The mother of all beings from when all that is in this world is generated and again the Creator ha in the body of this world generated himself as it were creaturely in his qualifying or Fountain spirits and all the stars are God’s powers and the whole body of

    The world consisteth in the seven qualifying or Fountain Spirits this is rendering in mystical language our theosophical Doctrine but how can we agree with Mr Gerald Massie when he states that the seven races of men that have been sublimated and made planetary by esoteric Buddhism may be

    Met with in the bundes as one the Earth men two water men three breast eared Men Four breast eyed men five one-legged men six bat-winged men and seven men with Tails each of these descriptions allegorical and even perverted in their later form is nevertheless an echo of the secret Doctrine teaching they all

    Refer to the prehuman evolution of the water men terrible and bad by uned Nature through millions of years as previously described but we deny Point Blank the assertion that these were never real races and point to the archaic stanzas for our answer it is easy to infer and

    To say that our instructors have mistaken these Shadows of the past for things human and spiritual but that they are neither and never were either it is less easy to prove the assertion must never remain on a par with the darwinian claim that man and the ape had a common pyoid

    Ancestor what the lecturer takes for a mode of expression and nothing more in the Egyptian ritual we take as having quite another and important meaning here is one instance says the ritual The Book of the Dead I am the mouse I am the hawk I am the ape I am the crocodile whose

    Soul comes from men I am the soul of the Gods the last sentence but one is explained by the lecturer who says parenthetically that is as a type of intelligence and the last as meaning the Horus or Christ as the outcome of all the occult teaching answers it means far

    More it gives first of all a corroboration of the teaching that while the human monad has passed on glob a and others in the first round through all the Three Kingdoms the the mineral the vegetable and the animal in this our fourth round every mammal has sprung

    From man in the semi ethereal many shaped creature with the human monad in it of the first two races can be regarded as man but it must be so called for in the esoteric language it is not the form of Flesh Blood and Bones now

    Referred to as man which is in any way the man but the inner Divine monad with its manifold principles or aspects the lecture ref refer to however much as it opposes esoteric Buddhism and its teachings is an eloquent answer to those who have tried to represent the

    Whole as a new fangled doctrine and there are many such in Europe America and even India yet between the esotericism of the old Arad and that which is now survived in India among the few brahans who have seriously studied their secret philosophy the difference does not appear so very great it seems centered

    In and limited to the question of the order of the ab evolution of cosmic and other principles more than anything else at all events it is no greater Divergent than the Everlasting question of the filio Dogma which since the 8th Century has separated the Roman Catholic from the older Greek eastern church yet

    Whatever the differen is in the forms in which the sepiner Dogma is presented the substance is there and its presence and importance in the bradical system may be judged by what one of India’s learned metaphysicians and vidan Scholar says of it the real esoteric Sevenfold classification is one of the most

    Important if not the most important classification which has received its arrangement from the mysterious constitution of this eternal type I may also mention in this connection that the four-fold classification claims the same origin the light of life as it were seems to be refracted from the treble

    Faed prism of the procr having the three Gams for its three faces and divided into seven rays which Dev velop in course of time the seven principles of this classification the progress of development presents some points of similarity to the gradual development of the Rays of the spectrum while the

    Four-fold classification is amply sufficient for all practical purposes this real seven-fold classification is of great theoretical and scientific importance it will be necessary to adopt it to explain certain classes of phenomenal noticed by the occultists and it is perhaps better fitted to be the basis of a perfect system of psychology

    It is not the peculiar property of the trans Himalayan esoteric Doctrine in fact it has a closer connection with the brahmanical logos than with the Buddhist logos in order to make my meaning clear I may point out here that the logos has seven forms in other words there are

    Seven kinds of Loi in the cosmos each of these has become the central figure of one of the seven main branches of the ancient wisdom religion this classification is not the Sevenfold class classification we have adopted I make this assertion without the slightest fear of contradiction the real

    Classification has all the requisites of a scientific classification it has seven distinct principles which correspond with seven distinct states of Prana or Consciousness it Bridges the gulf between the objective and subjective and indicates the mysterious circuit through which ideation passes the seven principles are Allied to seven states of

    Matter and to seven forms of force these principles are harmoniously arranged between two poles which Define the limits of human consciousness the above is perfectly correct save perhaps on one point the Sevenfold classification in the esoteric system has never to the writer’s knowledge been claimed by anyone

    Belonging to it as the peculiar property of the trans Himalayan esoteric Doctrine but only as having survived in that old school alone it is no more the property of the trans than it is of the CIS Himalayan esoteric Doctrine but is simply the common inheritance of all

    Such schools left to the sages of the fifth root Race by the great sidas of the fourth let us remember that the atlanteans became the terrible Sorcerers now celebrated in so many of the oldest MSS of India only toward their fall whereby the submersion of their continent was brought

    On what is claimed is simply that the wisdom imparted by the Divine ones born through the practic powers of the third race before its fall and separation into Sexes to the adeps of the early fourth race has remained in all its pristine Purity in a certain Brotherhood the said

    School or fraternity being closely connected with a certain island of an inland sea believed in by both Hindus and Buddhists but called mythical by geographers or and orientalists the less one talks of it the wiser he will be nor can one accept the seven-fold classification as having a closer

    Connection with with the bonal logos than with the Buddhist logos since both are identical whether the one logos is called ishvara or aalok kesara Brahma or padmapani these are however very small differences more fanciful than real in fact brahmanism and Buddhism both viewed from their Orthodox aspects are as

    Inimical and irreconcilable as water and oil each of these great bodies however has a vulnerable place in its Constitution while even in their esoteric interpretation both can agree but to disagree once that their respective vulnerable points are confronted every disagreement Must Fall for the two will find themselves on Common Ground the

    Achilles heel of the Orthodox brahmanism is the adva philosophy whose followers are called by the pious Buddhists in Disguise is that of Orthodox Buddhism and Northern mysticism as represented by the Disciples of the philosophies of the yoga chart School of Arash shanga and the Mahayana who are twitted in their turn by their

    Co-religionists as vanton in Disguise the esoteric philosophy of both these can be but one if carefully analyzed and compared as gatama Buddha and the shanka charara are most closely connected if One Believes tradition and certain esoteric teachings thus every difference between the two will be found one of form rather

    Than of substance a most Mystic discourse full of sepiner symbology may be found in the anag there the bman narrates the Bliss of having crossed beyond the regions of Illusion in which fancies are the god flies and mosquitoes in which grief and Joy are cold and heat in which delusion

    Is The Binding darkness in which avarice is the beasts of prey and reptiles in which desire and anger of the obstructors the sage describes the entrance into an exit from the forest a symbol for man’s Lifetime and also that Forest itself in that Forest are seven large trees the senses mind and understanding

    Or Manas and booty included seven fruits and seven guests seven hermitages seven forms of concentration and seven forms of initiation this is the description of the forest that Forest is filled with trees producing Splendid flowers and fruits of five colors the senses says the commentator are called trees as

    Being producers of the fruits pleasures and pains the guests are the powers of each sense personified they receive the fruits above described the hermitages are the trees in which the guests take shelter the seven forms of concentration are the exclusion from the self of the seven functions of the seven senses Etc

    Already referred to the seven forms of ini initiation referred to the initiation into the higher Life by repudiating as not one’s own the action of each member out of the group of seven the explanation is harmless if unsatisfactory says the Brahman continued his description that Forest is filled with trees producing flowers and

    Fruits of four colors that Forest is filled with trees producing flowers and fruits of three colors and mixed that Forest is filled with trees producing flowers and fruits of two colors and of beautiful colors that Forest is filled with trees producing flowers and fruits of one color and

    Fragrant that Forest is filled instead of with seven with two large trees producing numerous flowers and fruits of undistinguished colors mind and understanding the two higher senses of or theosophic Manas and booty there is one fire the self here connected with the Brahman and having a good mind or

    True knowledge according to Arjuna Mishra and there is fuel here namely the five senses or human passions the seven forms of emancipation from them are the the seven forms of initiation the qualities are the fruits there the great sages receive hospitality and when they have been worshiped and have disappeared another

    Forest shines forth in which intelligence is the tree and emancipation the fruit and which possesses shade in the form of Tranquility which depends on knowledge which has contentment for its water and which has the shet rajna within for the sun now all the above is very plain and

    No theosophist even among the least learned can fail to understand the allegory and yet we see great orientalists making a perfect mess of it in their explanations the great sages who receive Hospitality are explained as meaning the senses which having worked as unconnected with the self are finally

    Absorbed into it but one fails to understand if the senses are unconnected with the higher self in what Manner they can be absorbed into it one would think on the contrary that it is just because the personal senses gravitate and strive to be connected with the impersonal self

    That the latter which is fire burns the lower five and purifies thereby the higher two mind and understanding or the higher aspects of mannas and booty this is quite Apparent from the text the great sages disappear after having been worshiped woried by whom if they the presumed senses are unconnected

    With the self by mind of course by Manas in this case merged in the six sense which is not and cannot be the Brahman the self or rajna the Soul’s spiritual son in the latter in time Manas itself must be absorbed it has worshiped the great sages and given

    Hospitality to terrestrial wisdom but once that another Force sha forth upon it is intelligence budy the seventh sense but sixth principle which is transformed into the tree that tree whose fruit is emancipation which finally destroys the very roots of the ashvata tree the symbol of life and its

    Elusive Joys and pleasures and therefore those who attain to that state of emancipation have in the words of the above cited sage no fear afterwards in this state the end cannot be perceived because it extends on all sides there always dwell seven females there he goes

    On to say carrying out the imagery these females who according to Arjuna Mishra are the mahat aara and five tatras have always their faces turned downwards and their obstacles in the way of spiritual Ascension in that same Brahman the self the seven perfect sages together with their Chiefs abide and again emerge from

    The same Glory Brilliance and greatness Enlightenment Victory Perfection and power the seven Rays follow after the same Sun the higher self rajna those who wishes are reduced the unselfish whose sins passions are burnt up by Penance merging the self and the self devote themselves to Brahman those people who understand the forest of

    Knowledge Brahman or the self praise tranquility and aspiring to that Force they are reborn so as not to lose courage such indeed is his holy forest and understanding it they the sages act accordingly being directed by the shrna no translator among the Western orientalists has yet perceived in the

    Foregoing allegory anything higher than Mysteries connected with sacrificial ritualism Penance or aesthetic ceremonies and Hatha Yoga but he who understands symbolical imagery and hears the voice of self within self will see in this something far higher than mere ritualism however often he may ER in Minor Details of the philosophy and here

    He must be allowed a last remark no true theosophist from the most ignorant up to the most learned ought to claim infallibility for anything he may say or right upon the occult matters the chief point is to admit that in many a way in the classification of either Cosmic or

    Human principles in addition to mistakes in the order of evolution and especially on metaphysical questions those of us who pretend to teach others more ignorant than ourselves are all liable to error thus mistakes have been made made in Isis unveiled in esoteric Buddhism in man in Magic white and black

    Etc and more than one mistake is likely to be found in the present work this cannot be helped for a large or even small work on such abstruse subjects to be entirely exempt from error and blunder it would have to be written from its first to its last page by a great

    Adept if not by an avatara then only should we say this is verily a work without sin or blemish in it but but so long as the artist is imperfect how can this work be perfect endless is the search for truth let us love it and aspire to it for its own

    Sake and not for the glory or benefit a minute portion of its Revelation May confer on us for who of us can presume to have the whole truth that his fingers ends even upon one minor teaching of occultism our chief point in the present subject however has been to show that

    The septin doctrine or division of the Constitution of man was a very Ancient One and was not invented by us this has been successfully done for we are supported in this consciously and unconsciously by a number of ancient medieval and modern writers what the former said was well said what the

    Latter repeated has generally been distorted an instance read the Pythagorean fragments and study the septin man as given by the Reverend G Oliver the Learned Mason in his Pythagorean Triumph Le who speaks as follows the theosophic philosophy counted seven properties or principles in man V one the Divine Golden man two

    The inward holy body from fire and light like pure silver three the elemental Man Four the Mercurial the paradisiacal man five the Marshal soul-like man six the venine ascending to the outward desire seven the solar man a witness to and an inspector of the wonders of God the

    Universe they also had seven Fountain Spirits or powers of nature compare this jumbled account and distribution of Western theosophic philosophy with the latest theosophic explanations by the Eastern School of theosophy and then decide which is the more correct verily wisdom hath builded her house she hath hun out her Seven

    Pillars and to the charge that our school has not adopted the seven-fold classification of the brahans but has confused it this is quite unjust to begin with the school is one thing its exponents to Europeans quite another the latter have first to learn the ABC of practical Eastern occultism before they

    Can be made to understand correctly the tremendously abstruse classification based on the seven distinct states of Prana or Consciousness and above all to realize thoroughly what Prana is in eastern metaphysics to give a Western student that classification is to try make him suppose that he can account for the

    Origin of Consciousness by accounting for the purpose by which a certain knowledge though only one of the states of that Consciousness came to him in other words it is to make him account for something he knows on This Plane by something he knows nothing about on the

    Other planes I.E to lead him from the spiritual and the psychological direct to the ontological this is why the primary old classif ification was adopted by the theosophists of which classifications in truth there are many to busy oneself after such a tremendous number of independent Witnesses and proofs have been brought

    Before the public with an additional enumeration from the theological sources would be quite useless the seven capital sins and Seven Virtues of the Christian scheme are far less philosophical than even the Seven Liberal and the Seven accursed Sciences or the seven Arts of Enchantment of the gnostics for one of

    The latter is now before the public pregnant with danger in the present as for the future the modern name for it is hypnotism used as it is by scientific and ignorant materialists in the general ignorance of the seven principles it will soon become Satanism in the full

    Acceptation of the term the modern term for it is hypnotism used as it is by the scientific and ignorant materialists in their General ignorance of the seven principles it will soon become Satanism in the full acceptation of the term addenda science and the secret Doctrine contrasted section one archaic or modern

    Anthropology whenever the question of the origin of man is offered seriously to an unbiased honest and Earnest man of science the answer comes invariably we do not know if quatres with his agnostic attitude is one of such anthropologists this does not imply that the rest of the men of science are

    Neither fair-minded nor honest as such a remark would be questionably discreet but it is estimated that 75% of European scientists are evolutionists are these representatives of modern thought all guilty of flagrant misrepresentation of the facts no one says this but there are a few very exceptional cases however the scientists in their

    Anti-clerical enthusiasm and in despair of any alternative Theory to Darwinism except that of special creation are unconsciously insincere in forcing a hypothesis the elasticity of which is inadequate and which resents the severe strain to which is now subjected insincerity on the same subject is however patent in ecclesiastical circles Bishop Temple has

    Come forward as a thoroughgoing supporter of Darwinism in his religion and science this clerical writer goes so far as to regard matter after it has received its Primal impress as the uned evolver of all Cosmic phenomena this view only differs from that of hekel in postulating a hypothetical deity at the back of

    Beyond a deity which stands entirely aloof from the interplay of forces such a metaphysical entity is no more the theological God than is that of Kant Bishop Temple’s truce with materialistic Sciences in our opinion imp politic apart from the fact that it involves a total rejection of the biblical

    Cosmogym before the materialism of our learned age we occultists can but smile but how about loyalty to the master such theological truants profess to serve Christ and Christendom at large however we have no desire for the present to throw down the gauntlet to the clergy our business being now with

    Materialistic science alone the latter in the person of its best Representatives answers to our question we do not know yet the majority of them act as though omnicient were their heirloom and they knew all things for indeed this negative reply has not prevented the majority of scientists from speculating on the question each

    Seeking to have his own special Theory accepted by the exclusion of all others thus from Malay in 1748 down to hle in 1870 theories on the origin of the human race have differed as much as the personalities of their inventors themselves Buon Bor the St Vincent Lamar

    E Jeffrey St hir godre nin Wallace Darwin Owen hkl Felipe Voit Huxley Agy Etc each has evolved a more or less scientific hypothesis of Genesis de quatres arranges these theories in two principal groups one based on a rapid and the other based on a very gradual transmutation the former favoring a new

    Type man produced by a being entirely different the latter teaching the evolution of man by Progressive differentiations strangely enough it is from the most scientific of these authorities that has emanated the most unscientific of all the theories upon the subject of the origin of man this is

    Now so evident that the hour is rapidly approaching when the current teaching about The Descent of Man from an ap-like mammal will be regarded with less respect than the formation of Adam out of clay and of Eve out of Adam’s Rib for it is evident especially after the most fundamental principles of

    Darkness ISM that an organized being cannot be a descendant of another whose development is in an inverse order to its own consequently in accordance with these principles man cannot be considered as the descendant of any Simeon type whatever Lu’s argument versus the ape Theory based on the different flexures

    Of the bones constituting the axis of the skull in the case of man and the anthropoids is fairly discussed by Schmidt he admits that the ape as he grows becomes more beastial man more human and seems indeed to hesitate a moment before he passes on this flexure

    Of the cranial axis May therefore still be emphasized as a human character in contradistinction to the Apes The Peculiar characteristic of an order can scarcely be elicited from it and especially as to the doctrine of descent this circumstance seems in no way decisive the writer is evidently not a

    Little disqui by his own argument he assures us that it upsets any possibility of the present Apes having been the progenitors of mankind but does it not also negative the bare possibility of the man and the anthropoid having had a common though so far an absolutely theoretical ancestor

    Even natural selection itself is with every day more threatened the deserters from the darwinian camp are many and those who were at one time its most Ardent disciples are owing to new discoveries steadily but slowly preparing ing to turn over a new Leaf in the Journal of the Royal microscopical

    Society for October 1886 we may read as follows physiological selection Mr GJ romanes finds certain difficulties in regarding natural selection as a theory for the Origin of Species as it is rather a theory of the origin of adaptive structures he proposes to replace it by what he calls physiological selection or

    Segregation of the fit his view is based on the extreme sensitiveness of the reproductive system to small changes in the conditions of life and he thinks that variations in the direction of greater or less sterility must frequently occur in wild species if the variation be such that the reproductive

    System while showing some degree of sterility with the present form continues to be fertile within the limits of the varietal form the variation would neither be swamped by intercrossing nor die out on account of sterility when a variation of this kind occurs the physiological barrier must divide the species into two parts the

    Author in fine regards Mutual stability not as one of the effects of specific differentiation but as the cause of it an attempt is made to show the above to be a complement of and sequence to the darwinian theory this is a clumsy attempt at best the public will soon be

    Asked to believe that Mr C Dixon’s Evolution without natural selection is also Darwinism expanded as the author certain claims it to be but it is like splitting the body of a man into three pieces and then maintaining that each piece of the identical man he was before only expanded yet the author

    States let it be clearly understood that not one single syllable in the foregoing Pages has been written antagonistic to Darwin’s theory of natural selection all I have done is to explain certain phenomena the more one studies Darwin’s works the more one is convinced of the truth of his hypothesis

    And before this he alludes to the overwhelming array of facts which Darwin gave in support of his hypothesis and which triumphantly carried the theory of natural selection over all obstacles and objections this does not prevent the Learned author however from upsetting this Theory as triumphantly and from even openly calling his work Evolution

    Without natural selection or in so many words with Darwin’s fundamental idea knocked to Adams in it as to Natural Selection itself the utmost misconception prevails among many present day thinkers who tacitly accept the conclusions of Darwinism it is for instance a mere device of rhetoric to credit natural selection with the power

    Of originating species natural selection is no entity it is merely a convenient phrase for describing the mode in which the survival of the fit and the elimination of the unfit among organisms are brought about by the struggle for existence every group of organisms tends to multiply beyond the means of subsistence

    The constant Battle For Life the struggle to obtain enough to eat and to escape being eaten added to the environmental conditions necessitates a Perpetual weeding out of the unfit the elite of any stock thus sorted out propagate the species and transmit their organic characteristics to their descendants all useful variations are

    Thus perpetuated and a progressive Improvement is affected but natur selection in the writer’s humble opinion selection as a power is in reality a pure myth especially when it is resorted to as an explanation of the origin of the species it is merely a representative term expressed of the

    Manner in which useful variations are stereotyped when produced of itself it can produce nothing and only operates on the rough material presented to it the real question that issue is what cause combined with other secondary causes produces the variations in the organisms themselves many of these secondary causes are purely physical climactic

    Dietary Etc very well but beyond the secondary aspects of organic evolution a deeper principle has to be sought for the materialist spontaneous variations and accidental divergencies are self-contradictory terms in a universe of matter force and necessity mere variability of type apart from the supervisory presence of a quasi intelligent impulse is powerless to

    Account for the stupendous complexities and Marvels of the human body for instance the insufficiency of the darwinist mechanical theory has to be exposed at length by Dr Von Hartman among other purely negative thinkers it is an abuse of the reader’s intelligence to write as does hekel of blind indifferent cells arranging themselves

    Into organs the esoteric solution of the origin of animal species is given elsewhere those purely secondary causes of differentiation grouped under the head of sexual selection natural selection climate isolation Etc mislead the Western evolutionist and offer no real explanation whatever of the W of the ancestral types which served as the

    Starting point for physical development the truth is that the differentiating causes known to modern science only come into operation after the physicalization of the Primeval animal root types out of the astral Darwinism only meets Evolution at its Midway point that is to say when astral Evolution has given place to the

    Play of the ordinary physical forces with which our present senses acquaint us but even here the darwinian theory even with the expansions recently attempted is inadequate to meet the facts of the case the cause underlying physiological variation in species one to which all other laws are subordinate and secondary is a subconscious

    Intelligence pervading matter ultimately traceable to a reflection of the Divine and Johan konic wisdom not altogether dissimilar conclusion has been arrived at by so well-known a thinker as Ed Von Harman who despairing of the efficacy of uned natural selection regards Evolution as being intelligently Guided by the unconscious the cosmic logos of

    Occultism but the latter acts only immediately through hat or J ganic energy and not quite in the direct manner which the great pessimist describes it is this Divergence among men of science their mutual and often their self-contradictions that gives the writer of the present volumes the courage to bring to light other and

    Older teachings if only as hypotheses for future scientific appreciation so evident even to the humble recorder of this archaic teaching though not in any way very learned in modern science Sciences are the scientific fallacies and gaps that she has determined to touch upon all these in order to place

    The two teachings on Parallel Lines for occultism it is a question of self-defense and nothing more so far the secret Doctrine has concerned itself with metaphysics pure and simple it is now landed on Earth and finds itself within the domain of physical science and practical anthropology or those branches of study

    Which materialistic naturalists claim as their rightful domain cooly asserting furthermore that the higher and more perfect the working of the soul the more amendable it is to the analysis and explanations of the zoologist and the physiologist alone the stupendous pretensions come from one who to prove The pyoid Descent has not

    Hesitated to include the lurad among the ancestors of man these have been promoted by him to the rank of promosi in centu mammals to which he very incorrectly contributes a desided and a discoidal placenta for this heel was taken severely to task by De quatres and criticized by his own

    Brother materialists and agnostics verow and Dey Rond as great if not greater authorities than himself such opposition notwithstanding heckel’s wild theories are to this day still called by some scientific and logical the mysterious nature of consciousness of soul of spirit in man being now explained as a mere Advance on

    The functions of the protoplasmic molecules of the Lively protista and the gradual Evolution and growth of the human mind and social instincts towards civilization having to be traced back to their origin in the civilization of ants bees and other creatures the Chan is left for an impartial hearing of the doctrines of

    Archaic wisdom are few indeed the educated profaner told that the social instincts of the lower animals have of late been regarded for various reasons as clearly the origin of morals even of those of man and that our divine Consciousness our soul intellect and aspirations have worked their way up from the lower

    Stages of the simple cell soul of the gelatinous bethus and they seem to believe it for such men the metaphysics of occultism must produce the effect that are grandest oros produce on the China sounds that jar upon the nerves yet are our esoteric teachings about angels the first three prean

    Animal human races and the downfall of the fourth on a lower level of fiction and self- delusion than that of the heelan plais or the inorganic molecular soul of the protista between the evolution of the spiritual nature of man from the above amibian souls and the alleged development of his physical frame from

    The protoplasting dweller in the ocean slime there is an abyss which will not be easily crossed by any man in the full possession of his intellectual faculties physical Evolution as modern science teaches it is a subject for open controversy spiritual and moral development on the same lines is the

    Insane dream of a craft materialism furthermore past as well as present daily experience teaches that no truth has ever been accepted by learned bodies unless it is dovetailed with the habitually preconceived ideas of the professors the crown of the innovator is a crown of thorns said Jeffrey St hair

    It is only that which fits it with popular hobbies and accepted Notions that as a general rule gains ground hence the Triumph of the hellian ideas notwithstanding that they are proclaimed by virtal duah Raymond and others as the testimonium Petrus of Natural Science diametrically opposed as may be the

    Materialism of the German evolutionists to the spiritual conceptions of esoteric philosophy radically inconsistent as is their accepted anthropological system with the real facts of nature the pseudo idealistic bias now coloring English thought is almost more pernicious the pure materialistic Doctrine admits of a direct reputation and an appeal to the

    Logic of facts the idealism of the present day not only contrives to absorb on the one hand the basic negations of atheism but lands its voies in a tangle of unreality which culminates in a practical nihilism argument with such writers is almost out of the question idealists therefore will still be more

    Antagonistic than even the materialists to the occult teachings now given but as no worse fate can befall the exponents of esoteric anthropogenesis at the hands of their foes then being openly called by their old and time honored names of lunatics and ignoramuses the present archaic theories

    May be safely added to the many modern speculations and buy their time for their full or even partial recognition only as the very existence of these archaic theories will probably be denied we have to give our best proofs and stand by them to The Bitter End in our race and generation the one

    Temple in the universe is in rare cases within us but our body and mind have been too filed by both sin and science to be outwardly anything better now than a Fain of iniquity and error and here our mutual position that of occultism and modern science ought to be once for

    All defined we theosophists are willing to Bow before such men of learning as the late professor balur Stewart MERS Crooks de quatrefages Wallace Agy butlerov and others though from the standpoint of the esoteric philosophy we may not agree with all they say but nothing will make us consent to even a

    Show of respect for the opinions of other such men of science as Heckel Carl Voit or Ludwig Buckner in Germany or even Mr Huxley and his co-thinkers in materialism in England the Colossal erudition of the first named notwithstanding such men are simply the intellectual and moral murderers of future Generations especially hekel

    Whose craft material ISM often Rises to the height of idiotic naves in his reasonings one has to but read this pedigree of man in other essays aval Ling’s translation to feel a desire that in the words of job his remembrance should perish from the earth and that he

    Shall have no name in the streets here the creator of the mythical szura deriding the idea of the origin of the human race as a supernatural phenomena as one that could not result from simp simple mechanical causes from physical and chemical forces but requires the direct intervention of a creative

    Personality now the central point of Darwin’s teaching lies in this that it demonstrates the simplest mechanical causes purely physical chemical phenomena of Nature and wholly sufficient to explain the highest and most difficult problems Darwin puts in the place of a conscious creative Force building and arranging the organic

    Bodies of animals and plants on a designed plan A series of natural forces working blindly as we say without aim without design in place of an arbitrary Act of operation we have a necessary law of evolution so had Manu and capila and at the same time guiding conscious and

    Intelligent Powers Darwin very wisely had put on one side the question as to the first appearance of life but very soon the consequence so full of meaning so wide reaching was openly discussed by able and brave scientific men such as Huxley Carl Voit and lugwig Bookner a mechanical origin of the earliest living

    Form was held as the necessary sequence to Darwin’s teaching we are at present only concerned with a single consequence of the theory the natural origin of the human race through Almighty Evolution to this unabashed by such a scientific farago a cultism replies in the course of evolution when the

    Physical triumphed over the spiritual and mental evolution and nearly crushed it under its weight the great gift of kashaki remained the heirloom of only a few elect men in every Age spirit strove vainly to manifest in itself fullness in purely organic forms as has been explained in

    Part one of this volume and the faculty which has been a natural attribute in the early Humanity of the third race become one of the class regarded as simply phenomenal by spiritualists and occultists and as scientifically Impossible by materialists in our modern day the mere assertion that there exists a power

    Which can create human forms ready-made sheaths within which can incarnate the conscious monads or nurman kayas of past manaras is of course absurd ridiculous that which is regarded as quite natural on the other hand is the production of a Frankenstein’s monster plus moral Consciousness religious aspirations

    Genius and a feeling of his own Immortal nature within himself by physical chemical forces Guided by blind Almighty Evolution as to the origin of that man not ex nilo cemented by a little red clay but from a living Divine entity consolidating the astral body with surrounding materials such a conception

    Is too absurd even to be mentioned in the opinion of the materialists nevertheless occultists and theosophists are ready to have their claims and theories compared as to their intrinsic value and probability with those of the modern evolutionists however unscientific and superstitious these theories May at the first glance appear hence the esoteric

    Teaching is absolutely opposed to the darwinian evolution as applied to man and partially so with regard to other species it would be interesting to obtain a glimpse of the mental representation of evolution in the scientific brain of a materialist what is evolution if ask to Define full and

    Complete meaning of the term neither Huxley nor H will be able to do so any better than does Webster the act of unfolding the process of growth development as the evolution of a flower from a bud or an animal from the egg yet the bud must be traced through its

    Parent plant to the seed and the Egg to the animal or bird that laid it or at any rate to the speck of protoplasm from which it expanded and grew and both the seed and the speck must have the latent potentialities in them for the reproduction and gradual development the

    Unfolding of the Thousand And1 forms or phases of evolution through which they must pass before the flower of the animal is fully developed hence the future plan if not a design must be there moreover that seed has to be traced and its nature ascertained have the darwinian been successful in this or

    Will the moneron be cast in our teeth but this atom of the watery abysses is not homogeneous matter and there must be something or somebody that had molded and cast it into being here science is once more silent but since there is no self-consciousness as yet in Speck seed or germ according

    To both materialists and psychologists of the modern School occultists agreeing in this for once with their natural enemies what is it that guides the force or forces so uniring in this process of evolution blind Force as well call blind the brain which evolved in hkl his pedigree of man and other

    Lucubrations we can easily conceive that the said brain lacks an important center or two for whoever knows anything of the anatomy of the human or even of any animal body and is still an atheist and a materialist must be hopelessly insane according to Lord Herbert who rightly

    Sees in the frame of a man’s body and the coherence of its parts something so strange and paradoxical that holds it to be the greatest Miracle of nature blind forces and no design in anything under the sun when no sane man of science would hesitate to say that even from the

    Little he knows and has th to discovered of the forces at work in Cosmos he sees very plainly that every part every Speck in atom and in harmony with their fellow atoms and these with the whole each having its distinct Mission throughout the life cycle but fortunately the

    Greatest the most eminent thinkers and scientists of the day are now beginning to rise against this pedigree and even against Darwin’s natural selection Theory though its author had never probably contemplated such widely stretched conclusions the Russian scientist NT danvi in his remarkable work Darwinism a critical investigation of the theory upsets such Darwinism

    Completely and without appeal and so does de quatra fages in his last work our readers are recommended to examine the learned papers by Dr boures a member of the Paris anthropological Society read by its author at a recent meeting of that society and called evolutionary psychology the evolution of spirit Etc

    In it he completely reconciles the two teachings namely of physical and spiritual Evolution he explains the origin of the variety of organic forms which are made to fit their environments with such evidently intelligent design by the existence and the mutual help of interaction of two two principles in manifested nature the inner conscious

    Principle adapting itself to physical nature and the innate potentialities of the ladder thus the French scientists had to return to our old friend archaus or the life principle without naming it as Dr Richardson has done in England in his nerve Force the same idea was recently developed in Germany by Baron halbach in

    His remarkable work individuality in the light of biology and modern philosophy we find the same conclusions arrived at yet another excellent volume by a deep thinking Russian NN stroff who says in his fundamental conceptions of Psychology and Physiology the most clear as the most familiar type of development may be

    Found in our own mental or physical Evolution which has served others as a model to follow if organisms are entities then it is only just to conclude and assert that the organic life strives to beget psychic life but it would still be more correct and in accordance with the spirit of these two

    Categories of evolution to say that the true cause of organic life is the tendency of spirit to manifest in substantial forms to clothe itself in substantial reality it is the highest form which contains the complete explanation of the lowest never the reverse this is admitting as boures does

    In the Memoir above mentioned the identity of this mysterious integrally acting and organizing principle within the self-conscious and subject which we call the ego and the World At Large the soul thus all the best scientists and thinkers are gradually approaching the occultist in their General conclusions but such metaphysically

    Inclined men of science are out of court and will hardly be listened to Schiller in his magnificent poem on the veil of Isis makes the Mortal youth who dared to lift the impenetrable covering fall down dead after beholding the naked truth in the face of the stern

    Goddess have some of our darwinian so tenderly United in natural selection and Affinity also gazed at the setic mother bereft of her veils one might almost suspect it after reading their theories their great intellects must have collapsed while gouging too closely the uncovered face of nature leaving only

    The gray matter and ganglia in their brains to respond to Blind physical chemical forces at any rate Shakespeare’s lines apply admirably to our modern evolutionist who symbolizes that proud man who dressed in a little brief Authority most ignorant of what he most assured his glassy Essence like an

    Angry ape plays such a fantastic tricks before high heaven and make the Angels weep these have not to do with the angels their only concern is with the human ancestor the pyoid Noah who gave birth to Three Sons the tailed Copalis the tailess ape and the arboreal

    Paleolithic man on this point they will not be contradicted every doubt expressed is immediately set down as an attempt to scientific inquiry the insufferable difficulty at the very foundation of the evolution Theory namely that no darwinian is able to give an approximate definition of the period

    At which and the form in which the first man appeared is smoothed down to a trifling impediment which is really of no account every branch of knowledge is in the same predicament we are informed the chemist bases his most abstruse calculation simply upon a hypothesis of

    Atoms and molecules of which no one has ever been seen isolated weighed or defined the electrician speaks of magnetic fluids which have never tangibly revealed themselves no definite origin can be assigned either to molecules or magnetism science cannot and does not pretend to any knowledge of the beginnings of law matter or

    Life and with all to reject a scientific hypothesis however absurd is to commit the one unpardonable sin we risk it section two the ancestors mankind is offered by science the question of questions for mankind the problem which underlies all others and is more deeply interesting than any other is the ascertainment of

    The place which man occupies in nature and his relations to the universe of things the world stands divided this day and hesitates between Divine progenitors be they Adam and Eve or the lunar Petri and bethus heeli the gelatinous hermit of the Briny deep having explained the occult Theory it may now

    Be compared with that of modern materialism the reader is invited to choose between the two after having judged them on their respective merits we may derive some consolation for the rejection of our divine ancestors in finding that the the heelan speculations receive no better treatment at the hands

    Of strictly exact science than do our own heels phog Genesis is no less laughed at by the foes of his fantastic evolution by other and greater scientists then our primeval races will be as dubo Raymond puts it we may believe him easily when he says that the

    Ancestral trees of our race sketched in the sh funet are of about much value as are the pedigrees of the homeric heroes in the eyes of the historical critic this settled everyone will see that one hypothesis is as good as another and as we find heel himself confessing that neither geology in its

    History of the past nor the ancestral history of organisms will ever rise to the position of a real exact science a large margin is left to the occult science to make its annotations and Lodge its protests the world is left to choose between the teachings of paracelis the father of modern chemistry

    And those of heel the father of the mythical szura we demand no more without presuming to take part in the coral of such very learned naturalists as Dubois Raymond and Heckel a propose of our blood relationship to those ancestors of ours which have led up from the unicellular classes vermes Arcania

    Pisces amphibia repti IA to the aies we may put a brief question or two for the information of our readers availing ourselves of the opportunity and bearing in mind Darwin’s theories of natural selection Etc we would ask science with regard to the origin of the human and animal species which theory of

    Evolution of the two herewith described as more scientific or the more unscientific if so preferred number one is it that of an evolution which starts from the beginning with sexual propagation or number two or that teaching which shows the gradual development of organs their solidification and the procreation of

    Each species at first by simple easy separation from one into two or even several individuals then a fresh development the first step to a species of separate distinct Sexes the hermaphrodite condition then again a kind of parthenogenesis virginal reproduction when the egg cells are formed within the body issuing from it

    An atomic emanations and becoming matured outside of it until finally after a definite separation into Sexes the human beings begin procreating through sexual connection of these two the first Theory or rather a revealed fact is enunciated by all the exoteric Bibles except the Piranhas preeminently by the Jewish

    Cosmogeny the second is that which is taught by The Occult Philosophy as has been explained an answer is found to our question in a volume just published by Mr Samuel Lang the best lay exponent of modern science in chapter eight of his latest work a modern zoroastrian the author

    Begins by twitting all ancient religions and philosophies for assuming a male and female principle for their gods at First Sight he says the distinction of sex appears as fundamental as that of plant and animal the spirit of God broing over chaos and producing the world is only a later addition

    Revised according to monotheistic ideas of the far older caldan Legend which describes the creation of Cosmos out of chaos by the cooperation of great Gods male and female thus in the Orthodox Christian Creed we are taught to repeat begotten not made a phrase which is absolute nonsense or nonsense that is an

    Instance of using words like counterfeit notes which have no solid value of an idea behind them for begotten is a very definite term which implies the conjunction of two opposite Sexes to produce a new individual however we may agree with the Learned author as to the inadvisability

    Of using wrong words and the terrible anthropomorphic and phallic element in the old scriptures especially in the Orthodox Christian Bible nevertheless there may be two extenuating circumstances in the case firstly all these ancient philosophies and modern religions are as has been sufficiently shown in these two volumes an exoteric

    Veil thrown over the face of esoteric truth and as a result of this they are allegorical I.E mythological in form but still they are immensely more philosophical in essence than any of the new scientific theories so-called secondly from the orphic theogony down to Ezra’s last remodeling of the pentu every old

    Scripture having in its origin borrowed its facts from the East has been subjected to constant Alterations by friend and foe until of the original version there has remained but the name a dead shell from which the spirit had been gradually eliminated this alone ought to show that

    No religious work now extent can be understood without the help of the archaic wisdom the Primitive foundation on which they were all built but to return to the direct answer expected from science to our direct question it is given by the same author when following his train of thought on

    The unscientific aoriz of the powers of nature in ancient Creeds he pronounces a condemnatory verdict upon them in the following terms science however makes sad Havoc with his impression of sexual generation being the original and only mode of reproduction and the microscopic and dissecting knife of the naturalist

    Introdu us to new and altogether unsuspected worlds of life so little unsuspected indeed that the original a sexual modes of reproduction must have been known to the ancient Hindus at any rate Mr Lang’s assertion to the contrary notwithstanding in view of the statement in the Vishnu piranha quoted by us

    Elsewhere that daa established sexual intercourse as the means of multiplication only after a series of other modes which are all enumerated therein it becomes difficult to deny the fact this assertion moreover is found note well in an esoteric work next Mr Lang goes on to tell us that by far the

    Larger proportion of living forms in number at any rate if not in size have come into existence without the aid of sexual propagation he then instances heels moneron multiplying by self-division the next stage the author shows in the nucleated cell which does exactly the same thing the following stage is that

    In which organism does not divide into two equal part Parts but a small portion it swells out and finally parts company and starts on a separate existence which grows to the size of the parent by its inherent faculty of manufacturing fresh protoplasm from surrounding inorganic materials this is followed by a many

    Celled organism which is formed by germ buds reduced to spores or single cells which are emitted from the parent we are now at the threshold of that system of sexual propagation which has now become the rule in all the higher families of animals this organism having advantages in the struggle for Life established

    Itself permanently and special organs developed to meet the altered conditions thus at length the distinction would be firmly established of a female organ or ovary containing the egg or primitive cell from which the new being was to be developed and a male organ supplying the fertilizing Spore or cell this is

    Confirmed by a study of embryology which shows that in the human and higher animal species the distinction of sex is not developed until a considerable progress has been made in the growth of the embryo in the great majority of plants and in some of the lower families

    Of animals the male and female organs are developed within the same being and they are what is called hermaphrodites another transition form is parthenogenesis or virginal reproduction in which germ cells apparently similar in all respects to egg cells develop themselves into new individuals without any fructifying element of all this we are perfectly

    Well aware as we are aware that the above was never applied by the very learned English popularizer of Huxley heelan theories to the genus homo he limits this to specs of protoplasm plants bees snails and so on but if he would be true to the theory of descent

    He must be as true to the anagenesis in which the fundamental biogenetic law we are told runs as follows the development of the embryo ontogeny is a condensed and abbreviated repetition of the evolution of the race philogyny this repetition is the more complete the more the true order of

    Evolution palen Genesis has been retained by continual heredity on the other hand this repetition is the less complete the more by varying adaptations the later spirous development ano Genesis has obtained this shows us that every living creature and thing on earth including man evolved from one common Primal form physical man

    Must have passed through the same stages of The evolutionary process in the various modes of procreation as other animals have done they must have divided himself then hermaphrodite have given birth parthenogenic on the immaculate principle to his young ones the next stage would be the oaris at first without any fructifying element then

    With the help of the fertility Spore and only after the final and definite evolution of both sexes would he become a distinct male and female when reproduction through sexual Union would grow into universal law so far all this is scientifically proven there remains but one thing to be ascertained these

    The plain and comprehensively described process of such anti-sexual reproduction this is done in occult books a slight outline of which has been attempted by the writer in part one of this volume either this or man is a distinct being Ault philosophy may call him that because of his distinctly dual nature

    Science cannot do so once that it rejects every interference save mechanical laws and admits of no principle outside matter the former archaic science allows the human physical frame to have passed through every form from the lowest to the very highest its present one or from the simple to the complex

    To use the accepted terms but it claims that in this cycle the fourth the frame having already existed among the types and models of nature from the preceding rounds it was quite ready for man from the beginning of this round the monad had to step into the astral body of the

    Progenitors in order that the work of physical consolidation should begin around the shadowy Prototype what would science say to this it would answer of course that as man appeared on Earth as the latest of the mamalion he had no need any more than these mammals to pass through the Primitive stages of

    Procreation as above described his mode of procreation was already established on earth when he appeared in this case we may reply since to this day did not the remotest sign of a link between man and the animal has yet been found then if the occult Doctrine is to be

    Repudiated he must have sprung miraculously in nature like a fully armed manura from Jupiter’s brain and in such case the Bible is right all along with other National Revelations hence the scientific scorn so freely lavished by the author of a modern zoroastrian upon ancient philosophies and exoteric Creeds becomes premature and uncalled

    For nor would the sudden discovery of a missing link like fossil mend matters at all for neither one such solitary specimen nor the scientific inductions there from could ensure its being the long sought for Relic I.E that of an undeveloped still a once speaking man something more would be required as a

    Final proof besides this even Genesis takes up man her atom of dust only where the secret Doctrine leaves her sons of God and wisdom and picks up the physical man of the third race Eve is not begotten but is extracted out of an adom in the manner of an amoeba a Contracting

    In the middle and splitting into amoeba B by division nor has human speech developed from the various animal sounds he Kel’s theory that speech arose gradually from a few simple crude animal sounds as such speech Still Remains amongst a few races of the lowest rank is altogether unsound

    As argued by Professor Max Mueller among others he contends that no plausible explanation has yet been given as to how the roots of language came into existence a human brain is necessary for human speech and figures relate to the size of the respective brains of man and

    Ape show how deep is the gulf which separates the two void says that the brain of the largest ape the gorilla measures no more than 3.51 cubic in while the average brains of the flae headed Australian natives the lowest now of the human races amounts to 99.35% whose premises are as sound and

    Correct as his biblical conclusions are silly the brain of the Apes most like man does not amount to quite a third of the brain of the lowest races of men it is not half the size of the brain of a newborn child from the foregoing it is

    Thus very easy to perceive that in order to prove the hoxley heelan theories of The Descent of Man it is not one but a great number of missing links a true ladder of progressive evolutionary steps that would have to be the first round and then presented by science to

    Thinking and reasoning Humanity before it would abandon belief in Gods and the immortal soul for the worship of quadrantic ancestors mere myths are now greeted as axiomatic truths even Alfred Russell Wallace maintains with hkl that primitive man was a speechless ape creature to this professor Jolly

    Answers man never was in my opinion this panthropologie whose portrait hekel has drawn as if he had seen and known him whose singular and completely hypothetical genealogy he has even given from the mere mass of living protoplasm to the man endowed with speech in a civilization analogous to that of the Australians and

    Papuans heel among other things often comes into direct conflict with the science of languages in the course of his attack on evolutionism Professor Max Müller stigmatized the darwinian theory as vulnerable at the beginning and at the end the fact is that only the partial truth of many of the secondary laws of

    Darwinism is beyond question M de quatres evidently accepting natural selection the struggle for existence and transformation within the species as proven not once and forever but only prot tempor but it may not be a Miss perhaps to condense the linguistic case against the ape ancestor Theory languages have

    Their phases of growth Etc like all else in nature it is almost certain that the great linguistic families pass through three stages one all words are roots and merely placed in juxtoposition radical languages two one root defines the other and becomes merely a determinative element agglutinative three the determinative

    Element the determinating meaning of which has long lapsed unites into a whole with the formative element infected the problem then is when these roots Professor Max Mueller argues that the existence of these readymade materials of speech is a proof that man cannot be the crown of a long organic

    Series this potentiality of forming Roots is the great Crux which materialists almost invariably avoid Von Hartman explains it as a manifestation of the unconscious and admits its cogency versus mechanical atheism Hartman is a fair representative of the metaphysician and idealist of the present age the argument has never been

    Met by the non- pantheistic evolutionists to say with Schmidt for soth we are to Hal before the origin of language is an avow of dogmatism and of Speedy defeat we respect those men of science who wise in their generation say the prehistoric past being utterly beyond our powers of direct observation

    We are too honest too devoted to the truth or what we regard as truth to speculate upon the known giving outar unproven theories along with facts absolutely established in modern science the Borderland of metaphysical knowledge is therefore best left to time which is the best test as to

    Truth this is a wise and honest sentence in the mouth of a materialist but when a heel after just saying that historical events of past time having occurred many millions of years ago are forever removed from direct observation and that neither geology nor philogyny can or

    Will rise to the position of a real exact science then insists on the development of all organisms from the lowest vertebrate to the highest from ampus to man we ask for a weigher proof than he can give mere empirical sources of knowledge so extolled by the author of

    Anthropogeny when he has to be satisfied with the qualification for his own views are not competent to settle problems lying be on their domain nor is it in the province of exact science to place any Reliance on them if empirical and hackel himself declares so repeatedly

    Then they are no better nor any more reliable in the sight of exact research when extended into the remote past than are occult teachings of the East both having to be placed on the same level nor are his philogenetic and palingenetic speculations treated any more favorably than by real scientist

    Ists than are our cyclic repetitions of the evolution of the great in the minor races and the original order of evolution for the province of exact real science materialistic though it be is to carefully avoid anything like guesswork speculation which cannot be verified in short all suppressio Veri

    And all suggestio falsy the business of the men of exact science is to observe each in his chosen Department the phenomena of nature to record tabulate compare and classify the facts down to the smallest minutia which are presented to the observation of the senses with the help of all the Exquisite mechanism

    That modern invention supplies not by the aid of the metaphysical Flights of Fancy all that he has a legitimate right to do is to correct by the assistance of physical instruments the defects or illusions of his own cors or Vision auditory powers and other senses he has no right to trespass on the

    Grounds of metaphysics and psychology his duty is to verify and to rectify all the facts that fall under his direct observation to profit by the experiences and mistakes of the past in endeavoring to trace the working of a certain conation of cause and effect which by only its constant and unvarying

    Repetition may be called a law that is which a man of exact science is expected to do if he would be become a teacher of men and remain true to his original program of natural or physical sciences any side path from this Royal Road becomes speculation instead of keeping to this

    What does many so-called man of science do in these days he rushes into the domain of pure metaphysics while deriding them he Delights in rash conclusions and calls them a deductive law from the inductive law of a theory based upon and drawn out of the depths of his own Consciousness that that

    Consciousness being perverted by and honeycombed with one-sided materialism he attempts to explain the origin of things which are yet embosomed only in his own conceptions he attacks spiritual beliefs and religious Traditions millenniums old and denounces everything save his own Hobbies as Superstition He suggests theories of the universe a cosmogeny

    Developed by blind mechanical forces of nature alone far more miraculous and impossible than even one based upon the Assumption of Fiat Lux X nilo and tries to astonish the World by his wild Theory and this Theory being known to emanate from a scientific brain is taken on

    Blind Faith as very scientific and as the outcome of science are these the opponents occultism should dread most decidedly not for such theories are treated no better by real science than our our own by empirical science heyel hurt in his vanity by Dubois Raymond is never tired of publicly complaining of the latter’s

    Onslaught on his fantastic theory of descent rapid ising on the exceedingly Rich Storehouse of empirical evidence he calls those recognized physiologists who oppose every speculation of his drawn from the said Storehouse ignorant men and declares if many men and among them even some scientists of repute hold that

    The whole of philogyny is a castle in the air and genealogical trees from monkeys are empty plays of fantasy they only in speaking thus demonstrate their ignorance of that wealth of empirical sources of knowledge to which reference has already been made we open Webster’s Dictionary and read the definitions of the word

    Empirical depending upon experience or observation alone without due regard to modern science and Theory this applies to the occultists spiritualists mystics Etc again an empiric one who confines himself to applying the result of his own observations only which is hil’s case one wanting science an ignorant and unlicensed practitioner a quack a

    Charlatan no occultist or magician has ever been treated to any worse epithets yet the occultist remains on his own metaphysical grounds and does not Endeavor to rank his knowledge the fruits of his personal observation and experience among the exact Sciences of modern learning he keeps within his legitimate sphere where he is

    Master but what is one to think of a rank materialist whose duty is clearly traced before him who uses such an expression as this the origin of man from other mammals and most directly from the katarine ape is a deductive law that follows necessarily from the inductive law of the theory of

    Descent a theory is simply a hypothesis a speculation and not a law to say otherwise is one of the many Liberties taken nowadays by scientists they enunciate an absurdity and then hide it behind the shield of science the deduction from theoretical speculation is nothing more than a speculation on a speculation Sir William

    Hamilton has already shown that the word theory is now used in a very loose and improper sense that it is convertible into hypothesis and hypothesis is commonly used as another term for conjecture where whereas the terms Theory and theoretical are properly used in opposition to the terms practice and

    Practical but modern science puts an extinguisher on the latter statement and mocks the idea materialist philosophers and idealists of Europe and America may agree with the evolutionists as to the physical origin of man that it will never become a general truth with the true metaphysician and the latter defies the

    Materialist to make good their arbitrary assumptions that the ape Theory theme of Voit and Darwin on which the Huxley hellians have of late composed such extraordinary variations is far less scientific because clashing with the fundamental laws of that theme itself than ours can ever be shown to be is very easy of

    Demonstration let the reader only turn to the excellent work on human species by the great French naturalists the quatres and our statement will at once be verified moreover between the esoteric teaching concerning the origin of man and Darwin’s speculations no man unless he is a rank materialist will hesitate

    This is the description given by Mr Darwin of the early progenitors of man they must have once been covered with hair both sexes having beards their ears were probably pointed and capable of movement and their bodies were provided with a tail having the proper muscles their limbs and bodies were also

    Acted on by muscles which now only occasionally reappear but but are normally present in the quadr Mana the foot was then the prehensile judging from the condition of the great toe in the fetus and our progenitors no doubt were arboreal in their habits and frequent in some warm Forest clad land

    The males had great canine teeth which served them as formidable weapons Darwin connects man with the type of the tailed katarin and consequently removes him a stage backward in the scale of evolution the English naturalist is not satisfied to take his stand upon the ground of his

    Own doctrines and like heel on this point places himself in direct variance with one of the fundamental laws which constitute the principal charm of Darwinism and then the Learned French naturalist proceeds to show how this fundamental law is broken he says in fact in the theory of Darwin

    Transmutations do not take place either by chance or in every direction they are ruled by certain laws which are due to the organization itself if an organism is once modified in a given Direction it can undergo secondary or tertiary transmutations but will still preserve the impress of the original it is the

    Law of permanent characterization which alone permits Darwin to explain the affiliation of groups their characteristics and their numerous relations It Is by virtue of this law that all the descendants of the first mollusk have been mollusks all the descendants of the first vertebrate have been vertebrates it is clear that this

    Constitutes one of the foundations of the Doctrine it follows that two beings belonging to two distinct types can be referred to a common ancestor but the one cannot be the descendant of the other now man and apes present a very striking contrast in respect to type their organs correspond almost exactly

    Term for term but these organs are arranged after a very different plan in man they are so arranged that is essentially a walker while in Apes they necessitate his being a climber there is is here an anatomical and mechanical distinction a glance at the page where

    Huxley has figured side by side a human skeleton and the skeletons of the most highly developed Apes is a sufficiently convincing proof the consequence of these facts from the point of view of The Logical application of the law of permanent characterizations is that man cannot be descended from an ancestor who is

    Already characterized as an ape any more than a catarine tailess ape can be descended from a tailed catarine walking animal cannot be descended from a climbing one this was clearly understood by Voit in placing man among the primates he declares without hesitation that the lowest class of Apes have passed the landmark the

    Common ancestor from which the different types of this family have originated and diverged this ancestor of the Apes occult science sees in the lowest human group during the Atlantean period as shown before we must then place the origin of man beyond the last ape corroborating our Doctrine if we wish to

    Adhere to one of the laws most emphatically necessary to the darwinian theory we then come to the proi of heel Dolores indris Etc but these animals are also climbers we must go further therefore in search for our first direct ancestor but the genealogy by heel brings us from the latter to the

    Marsupial from men to the kangaroo the distance is certainly great now neither living nor extinct fauna show the intermediate type which ought to serve as landmarks this difficulty causes but slight embarrassment to Darwin we know that he considers the want of information upon similar questions as

    Proof in his favor heel doubtless is as little embarrassed he admits the existence of an absolutely theoretical pyoid man thus since it has been proved that according to Darwinism itself the origin of man must be placed beyond the 18th stage and since it becomes in consequence necessary to fill up the gap

    Between marsupial and man will Heckel admit the existence of four unknown intermediate groups instead of one will he complete his genealogy in this manner it is not for me to answer but C heckel’s famous genealogy the pedigree of man called by him the ancestral series of man in the second

    Division 18th stage he describes Pro Allied to the loras stenops and machis lemur without marsupial bones and cloa with placenta and now turn to quatrefages the human species and see his proofs based on the latest discoveries to show that the proi of heel have no deua and a diffus

    Placenta they cannot be the ancestors of the Apes even let alone man according to a fundamental law of Darwin himself as the great French naturalist shows but this does not dismay the animal theorists in the least for self-contradiction and paradoxes are the very soul of modern Darwinism witness Mr

    Huxley having himself shown with regard to Fossil man and the missing link that neither in quinary ages nor at the present time does any intermediary being fill the gap which separates man from the trog and that to deny the existence of this Gap would be as reprehensible as

    Absurd the great man of science Den his own words in auu by supporting with all the weight of his scientific Authority that most absurd of all the theories the desent of man from an ape says to quatrefages this genealogy is wrong throughout and is founded on a material error indeed

    Heel bases his descent on man in the 17th and 18th stages the marsupialia and proi genus Heckel applying the latter term to the Lori hence making of them animals with the placenta he commits a Zoological blunder for after having himself divided mammals according to their anatomical differences into two groups the

    Indua which have no deua or special membrane uniting the placenti and the ddata those who possess it he includes the proi in the latter group now we have shown elsewhere what other men of science had to say to this as the quat says the anatomical investigations of mil Edwards and grandidier upon the

    Animals place it beyond all doubt that the proi of heel have no desua and a diffus placenta they are inadu far from any possibility of there being the ancestors of the Apes according to the principles laid down by heel himself they cannot even be regarded as the ancestors of the Zoop

    Placental mammals and ought to be connected with the pader M and the edentata and the seta and yet H’s inventions passed with some as exact science the above mistake if indeed it be one is not even hinted at in Hill’s pedigree of man translated by aving if the excuse May stand good at

    The time the famous genealogies were made the embryogenesis of the proi was not known it is familiar now we shall see whether the next edition of aling’s translation will have this important area rectified or if the 17th and 18th stages will remain as they are blind to

    The profane as one of the real intermediate links but as the French naturalist observes there Darwin and heels process is always the same considering the unknown as a proof in favor of their Theory it comes to this grant to man an immortal spirit and soul endow the whole

    Animate and inanimate Creation with the monatic principle gradually evolving from the the Latin and passive into active and positive polarity and heel would not have a leg to stand upon whatever his admirers may say but there are important divergencies even between Darwin and heel while the former makes

    Us proceed from the tailed katarine Hil traces our hypothetical ancestor to the tailess ape though at the same time he places him in a hypothetical stage immediately preceding this menosa with Tails 19th stage nevertheless we have one thing in common with the darwinian school that is the law of gradual and extremely slow

    Evolution embracing many millions years the chief quarrel it appears is with regard to the nature of the Primitive ancestor we shall be told that the John toan or the progenitor of Manu is a hypothetical being unknown on the physical plane we reply that it was believed in by the whole of antiquity

    And is by 9/10 of the present Humanity whereas not only is the pyoid man or ape man a purely hypothetical creature of H’s creation unknown and untraceable on this Earth but further its genealogy as invented by him clashes with scientific facts and all the known data of modern

    Discovery and zoology it is simply absurd even as a fiction as de quatra fages demonstrates in a few words heal admits the existence of an absolutely theoretical pyoid man a 100 times more difficult to accept than any daa ancestor and it is not the only instance

    In which he proceeds in a similar matter in order to complete his genealogical table in fact he very naively admits his inventions himself does he not confess the non-existence of his szura 14th stage a creature entirely unknown to science by confessing over his own signature that the proof of its

    Existence arises from the necessity of an intermediate typ between the 13th and 14th stages if so we might maintain with as much scientific right that the proof of the existence of our three ethereal races and of the three-eyed men of the third and fourth root races arises also

    From the necessity of an intermediate type between the animal and the gods what reason would the heans have to protest in this special case of course there is a ready answer because we do not Grant the presence of the monatic essence the manifestation of the logos as individual Consciousness in the

    Animal and human creation is not accepted by exact science nor does it cover the whole ground of course but the failures of Science and its arbitrary assumptions are far greater on the whole than any extravagant esoteric Doctrine can ever furnish even thinkers of the school of Von Hartman have become tainted with the

    General epidemic they accept the darwinian anthropology more or less though they also postulate the individual ego as a manifestation of the unconscious the Western presentation of the logos or prime eval Divine thought they say the evolution of the physical man is from the animal but that mind in

    Its various phases is altogether a thing apart from Material facts the organism as a potty is necessary for its manifestation but one can never see the end of such wonders with heal and his school whom the occultists and theosophists have every right to consider as materialistic tramps trespassing on private metaphysical

    Grounds not satisfied with the eternity of beius helli plastid souls and atom souls are now invented on the basis of purely blind mechanical forces of matter we are informed that the study of evolution of Soul life shows it that this has worked its way up from the

    Lower stages of the simple cell Soul through an astonishing series of gradual stages in evolution up to the soul of man astonishing truly based as this wild speculation is on the consciousness of the nerve cells for as he tells us us little as we are in a position at the

    Present time to explain fully the nature of Consciousness yet the comparative and genetic observation of it clearly shows that it is only a higher and more complex function of the nerve cells Mr Herbert Spencer’s song on Consciousness is sung it seems and may henceforth be safely stored up in the

    Lumber room of obsolete speculations where however do H’s complex functions of his scientific nerve cells land him once more write into the occult and Mystic teachings of the cabala about The Descent of souls as conscious and unconscious atoms among the pythag and monad and the monads of

    Libbets and the gods monads and Adams of their esoteric teaching Into the Dead letter of occult teachings left to the amateur cabalists and professors of ceremonial magic for this is what he says in explaining his newly coined terminology plastid Souls the plastids or Proto plasmic molecules the smallest

    Homogeneous parts of the protoplasm are on our plastid Theory to be regarded as the active factors of all life functions the plastid Soul differs from the inorganic molecular soul in that it possesses memory this he develops in his mfic lecture on the parenesis of plastidal or the wave motions of living particles it

    Is an improvement on Darwin’s theory of pangenesis and a further approach a cautious move towards Magic the former is a conjecture that some of the actual identical atoms which form part of the ancestral bodies are thus transmitted through their descendants for Generation after generation so that we are

    Literally flesh of the Flesh of the Primeval creature who is developed into man explains the author of a modern zoroastrian the latter occultism teaches that a the life atoms of our Prana life principle are never entirely lost when a man dies that the atoms best impregnated with the life principle an independent

    Eternal conscious Factor are partially transmitted from father to son by heredity and are partially drawn once more together and become the animating principle of the new body in every new incarnation of the monads because b as the individual soul is ever the same so are the atoms of the lower principles

    The body its astral or life double Etc drawn as they are by affinity and karmic law always to the same individuality in a series of various bodies to be just and to say the least logical our modern heelan ought to pass a resolution that henceforth the perig Genesis of the

    Plastid and other similar lectures should be bound up with those on esoteric Buddhism and the seven principles in man thus the public will have a chance at any rate of comparing the two teachings and then of judging which is more or less absurd even from the standpoint of materialistic and exact

    Science now the occultists who Trace every atom in the universe whether an aggregate or single to one Unity the universal life who do not recognize that anything in nature can be inorganic who know of no such thing as dead matter the occultists are consistent with their doctrine of spirit and soul when

    Speaking of memory of every atom of Will and sensation but what can a materialist mean by the qualification the law of biogenesis in the sense applied to it by the heans is the result of the ignorance on the part of the the law of biogenesis in the sense

    Applied to it by the heans is the result of the ignorance on the part of the man of science of occult physics we know when speak of Life atoms and of sleeping atoms because we regard these two forms of energy the kinetic and the potential as produced by one and

    The same force or the one life and regard the latter as the source and mover of all but what is it that furnished with energy and especially with memory the plastid Souls of heel the wave motion of living particles becomes comprehensible on the theory of a spiritual one life of

    A universal vital principle independent of our matter and manifesting as atomic energy only on our plane of Consciousness it is that which individualized in the human cycle is transmitted from father to son now heel modifying Darwin’s theory suggests more plausibility as the author of a modern Zoro asan thinks that not the identical

    Atoms but their peculiar motions and mode of aggregation have been thus transmitted by heredity if heal or any other scientist knew more than any of them does know of the nature of the atom he would not have improved the occasion in this way for he only States in more metaphysical

    Language than Darwin one and the same thing the life principle or Life Energy which is omnipresent Eternal indestructible is a force and a Principle as numon while it is atoms as phenomenon it is one and the same thing and cannot be considered as separate accepted materialism further heel enunciates concerning the atom Souls

    That which at First Sight appears as occult as the monan out of libbets the recent contest as to the nature of atoms which we must regard as in some form or other the ultimate factors in all physical and chemical processes seems to be capable of easiest settlement by the conception of these

    Very minute masses possess as centers of force a persistent soul that every atom has sensation and the power of movement he does not say a word concerning the fact that this is lib nitz’s Theory and one that is preeminently a cult nor does he understand the term Soul as we do for

    With heel it is simply along with Consciousness the product of the gray matter of the brain a thing which as the cell soul is as indissolubly bound up with the protoplasmic body as is the human soul with the brain and the spinal cord he rejects the conclusions of Kant

    Herbert Spencer of Dubois Raymond and Tindall the latter expresses the opinion of all the Great Men of science as of the greatest thinkers of this in past ages and saying that the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding facts of Consciousness is Unthinkable where our minds and senses

    Go illuminated as to enable us to see and feel the very molecules of the brain were we capable of following all their motions all their groupings electric discharges we should be far as ever from the solution of the problem the chasm between the two classes of phenomena would still remain intellectually

    Impassible but the complex function of the nerve cells of the great German empiric or in other words his Consciousness will not permit him to follow the conclusions of the greatest thinkers of our globe he is greater than they he asserts this and protests against all no one has the right to hold

    That in the future we shall not not be able to pass beyond these limits of our knowledge that today seem impassible and he quotes from Darwin’s introduction to The Descent of Man the following words which he modestly applies to his scientific opponents and himself it is always those who know

    Little and not those who know much that positively affirm that this or that problem will ever be solved by science the world may rest satisfied the day is not far off when the Thrice great heel will have shown to his own satisfaction that the consciousness of Sir Isaac Newton was physiologically

    Speaking but the reflex action or minus Consciousness caused by the perig Genesis of the plasti toes of our common ancestor and old friend the moneron helli though the said beius has been found out and exposed as a pretender simulating the organic substance it is not and though among the children of men

    Lot’s wife alone and even this only after her disagreeable metamorphosis could claim as her forefather the pinch of salt it is all this will not dismay him in the least he will go on asserting as cooly as he always done that it was only the peculiar mode and motion of the

    Ghost of the long vanished atoms of Our Father bethus which transmitted across aons of time into the cell tissue of the gray matter of the brains of every great man caused sofocles and ecclesius and Shakespeare as well to write their tragedies Newton his principia Humbolt his Cosmos Etc

    It also prompted heel to invent greo Latin names 3 in long and pretending to mean a good deal and meaning nothing of course we are quite aware that the true honest evolutionist agrees with us and that he is the first to say that not only is the geological record

    Imperfect but that there are enormous gaps in the series of hether to discovered fossils which can never be filled he will tell us moreover that no evolutionist assumes that man is descended from any existing ape or any extinct ape either but that man and apes originated probably aons back in some common root

    Stock still as the quatres points out he will urge as an Evidence corroborating his claim this wealth of absent proofs as well saying that all living forms have not been preserved in the fossil series the chances of preservation being few and far between even primitive man

    Buing or burning his dead this is just what we ourselves claim it is just as possible that the future may have in store for us the discovery of the giant skeleton of an Atlantean 30 ft high as of the fossil of the pyoid missing link only the former is more

    Probable section three the fossil relics of man and the anthropoid ape geological facts bearing on the question of their relationship the data derived from scientific research as to primeval man and the ape lend no countenance to theories deriving the form former from the latter where then must we look for

    Primeval man still queries Mr Huxley after having vainly searched for him in the very depths of the cordary strata was the oldest Homo sapiens Pine or myosin or yet more ancient in still older strata to the fossilized bones of an ape more anthropoid or a man more

    Pyoid than any yet known await the researches of some unborn paleontologist time will show it will undeniably and thus vindicate the anthropology of the occultists meanwhile in his eagerness to vindicate Mr Darwin’s Descent of Man Mr Boyd Dawkins believes that he has found all but the missing link in

    Theory it was due to theologians more than to geologists that till nearly 1860 man had been considered as a relic no older than the adamic Orthodox 6,000 years as karma would have it though it was left to a French Abbey Bourgeois to give this easygoing Theory even a worse

    Blow than had been given to it by the discoveries of Bon De peris everyone knows that the Abbey discovered and brought to light good evidence that man was already in existence During the myene period for flints of undeniably human making were excavated from myosin strata in the words of the author of modern

    Science and modern thought they must have either been chipped by man or as Mr boy Dawkin supposed es by the dryopithecus or some other anthropoid ape which had a dose of intelligence so much more superior to the gorilla or chimpanzee as to be able to fabricate

    Tools but in this case the problem would be solved in The Missing Link discovered for such an ape might well have been the ancestor of Paleolithic man or The Descent of eosine Man which is a variant offered to the theory meanwhile the dryopithecus with such fine mental endowment is yet to be

    Discovered on the other hand Neolithic and even Paleolithic man having been an absolute certainty and as the same author justly observes if 100 million years have elapsed since the Earth became sufficiently solidified to support vegetable and animal life the tertiary period may have lasted for 5

    Million or 10 million years if the life sustaining Order of Things has lasted as Lyle supposes for at least 200 million years why should not another theory be tried Let Us carry man as a hypothesis to the close of the Mesozoic times admitting argument Kaza that the much more recent higher Apes than

    Existed this would allow ample time for man and the modern Apes to have diverged from the mythical ape Mo anthropoid and even for the latter to have degenerated into those that are found mimicking man and using branches of trees and clubs and cracking coconuts with hammers and stones

    Some Savage tribes of Hillman in India build their abodes on trees just as the gorillas built their dens the question which of the two the Beast or the man has become the imitator of the other is scarcely an open one even granting Mr Boyd Dawkins Theory the fanciful characteristic of this hypothesis

    However is generally admitted it is argued that while in the pene and mil scene periods there were true apes and baboons and man was undeniably contemporaneous with the former of these times though as we see Orthodox anthropology still hesitates in the teeth of facts to place him in the era

    Of the dryopithecus which latter has been considered by some anatomists as in some respects superior to the chimpanzee or the gorilla yet in the is scene there have been no other fossil primates une Earth the nooid stocks found to save a few extinct Luman forms and we find it also

    Hinted at that the dryopithecus may have been the missing link though the brain of the creature no more warrants to Theory than does the brain of the modern Guerilla see also God’s speculations now we would ask who among the scientists is ready to prove that there was no man in existence in the

    Early tertiary period what is it that prevented his presence hardly 30 years ago his existence any further back than 6 or 7,000 years was indignantly denied now he has refused admission into the eosine age Next Century it may become a question whether man was not contemporary with the Flying Dragon the

    Pterodactyl the Plesiosaurus and Iguanodon Etc let us listen however to the echo of Science Now wherever anthropoid apes live it is clear that whether as a question of anatomical structure or of climate and surroundings man or some creature which was the ancestor of man might have lived also anatomically

    Speaking apes and monkeys are as much special variations of the mamalian type as man whom they resemble bone for bone and muscle for muscle and the physical animal man is simply an instance of the quadrumanous type specialized for erect posture and a larger brain if he could

    Survive as we know he did the adverse conditions and extreme vicissitudes of the glacial period there’s no reason why he might not have lived in the semi-tropical climate of the myene period when a genial climate extended over the Greenland and spitsbergen when most of the men of science who are uncompressing in their

    Belief in The Descent of Man from an extinct anthropoid mammal will not accept the bare tenability that any other Theory than an ancestor common to man in the dryopithecus it is refreshing to find in a work of real scientific value such a margin for compromise indeed it is as wide as it

    Can be made under the circumstances I.E without immediate danger of getting knocked off one’s feet by the tidal wave of scientific adol believing that the difficulty of accounting for the development of intellect and mortality by evolution is not so great as that presented by the difference as to

    Physical structure between man and the highest animal the same author says but it is not so easy to see how this difference of physical structure arose and how a being came into existence which had such a brain and hand and such undeveloped capabilities for an almost unlimited progress the difficulty is

    This the difference in structure between the lowest existing race of man and the highest existing ape is too great to admit of the possibility of one being the direct descendant of the other the Negro in some respects makes a slight approximation towards the Simeon type his skull is narrower his brain less

    Capacious his muzzle more projecting his arm longer than those of the average European man still he is essentially a man and separated by a wide Gulf from the chimpanze or the gorilla even the idiot or kittin whose brain is no larger and intelligence no greater than that of the Chimpanzee is

    An arrested man not an ape if therefore the darwinian theory holds Good in the case of man and ape we must go back to some common ancestor from whom both may have originated but to establish this as a fact and not a theory we require to find

    That ancestral form or at any rate some intermediate forms tending towards it in other words The Missing Link now it must be admitted that hether to not only have no such missing links been discovered but the oldest known human skulls and skeletons which date to the glacial

    Period and are probably at least 100,000 years old show no very decided approximation towards any such prehuman type on the contrary one of the oldest types that of the men of the spuler cave of chromagnon is that of a fine race tall in statur large in brain and on the

    Whole Superior to many of the existing races of mankind the reply of course is that time is insufficient and if man and the ape had a common ancestor that is a highly developed anthropoid ape certainly and man probably already existed in the myosin period such ancestor must be

    Sought still further back at a distance compared with which the whole cordary period sinks into insignificance the reply of course is that the time is insufficient and if man and the ape had a common ancestor that is a highly developed anthropoid ape certainly and man probably already existed in the Meine period such

    Ancestor might be sought still further back at a distance compared with which the whole coronary period SNS into insignificance all this is true and it may well make us hesitate before we admit that man is alone an exception to to the general law of the universe and

    Is the creature of a special creation this is more difficult to believe as the ape family which man so closely resembled in physical structure contains numerous branches which graduate into one another but the extremes of which differ more widely than man does from the highest of the ape series if a

    Special creation is required for man must there not have been special Creations for the chimpanzee the gorilla dorang and for at least a 100 different species of apes and monkeys which are all built on the same lines there was a special creation for man and a special creation for the ape

    His progyny only on other lines than ever bargained for by science Albert godre and others give some weighty reasons why man cannot be regarded as the crown of an ape stock when one finds that Not only was the Primeval Savage a reality in milen times but that as de

    Morell shows the Flint relics he has left behind him him were splintered by fire in that remote epic when we learn that the dryopithecus alone of the anthropoids appears in those strata what is the natural inference that the darwinian are in aandry the very man like Gibbon is still

    In the same low grade of development as it was when it coexisted with man at the close of the glacial period it is not appreciably altered since the pene times now there is little to choose between the dryopithecus and the existing anthropoids Gibbon Guerilla Etc if then the darwinian theory is all

    Sufficient how are we to explain the evolution of this ape into man during the first half of the M scene the time is far too short for such a theoretical transformation the extreme slowness with which variation in species supervenes renders the thing inconceivable more especially on the natural selection

    Hypothesis the enormous mental and structual Gulf between a Savage acquainted with fire and the mode of kindling it and a brutal anthropoid is too great to bridge even an idea during so contracted a period let the evolutionists push back the process into the preceding eosine if

    They prefer to do so let them even Trace both man and dry epius2003 absence as is the fabulous pithecanthropus of hle is an exit out of this cisac to be found by an appeal to the unknown and a reference with Darwin to the imperfection of the geological record so

    Be it but the same right of appeal must then equally accorded to the occultists instead of remaining the Monopoly of puzzled materialism physical man we say existed before the first bed of the Cretaceous rocks was deposited in the early part of the tertiary age the most brilliant civilization the world has ever known

    Flourished at a period when the heelan manape is conceived as roaming through primeval forests and Mr Grant Allen’s putative ancestor as swinging himself from bow to bow with his Harry mate the degenerated Lilith of the third race Adam yet there were no anthropoid Apes in the brighter days of the civilization

    Of the fourth race but karma is a mysterious law and no respector of persons the monsters bred in sin and shame by the Atlantean Giants blurred copies of their beastial sers and hence of modern man according to Huxley now mislead and overwhelm with error the speculative Anthropologist of European

    Science where did the first man live some darwinists say in Western Africa some in southern Asia others again believe in an independent origin of human stocks in Asia and America from a Simeon ancestry hey Al however advances gay to the charge starting from his proia the ancestor common to all other

    Katerini including man a link now however disposed of for Good by recent anatomical discoveries he Endeavors to find a habitat for the Primeval panthropologie original home of the different species of man probably southern Asia itself was not the earliest cradle of the human race but Lumia a continent that lay to the south

    Of Asia and sank later on beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean the period during which the evolution of the anthropoid Apes into ap-like men took place was probably the last part of the tertiary period the pene age and perhaps the myosin age its Forerunner of the above speculations the

    Only one of any wor is that referring to Lura which was the Cradle of mankind of the physical sexual creature who materialized through long end of the Ethereal hermaphrodites only if it is proved by that Easter Island is an actual relic of lamia We must believe that according to heel the dumb

    Apeman just removed from a brutal mamalian monster built the gigantic portrait statues two of which are now in the British museum critics are mistaken in terming heelan doctrines abominable revolutionary immoral though materialism is a legitimate outcome of the ape ancestor myth they’re simply too absurd to demand this proof B Western

    Evolutionism the comparative anatomy of man and the anthropoid in no way a confirmation of Darwinism we are told that while every other heresy against modern science may be disregarded this our denial of the darwinian theory is applied to man will be the one unpardonable sin the evolutionists stand firm as a rock on

    The evidence of similarity of structure between the ape and man the anatomical evidence it is urged is quite overpowering in this case it is bone for bone and muscle for muscle even the brain confirmation being very much the same well what of that all this was known before King Herod and the writers

    Of the Ramana The Poets who sang the prowess and Valor of Hanuman the monkey God whose Feats were great and wisdom never rivaled must have known as much about his anatomy and brain as does any H or Huxley in our modern day volumes upon volumes have been written upon this

    Similarity in Antiquity as in more modern times therefore there is nothing new given to the world or to philosophy in such volumes as mivart’s man and apes or messers Fisk and huxley’s defense of Darwinism but what are these crucial proofs of man’s descent from a pyoid ancestor if the darwinian theory is not

    The true one we are told if man and ape do not descend from a common ancestor then we must explain the reason of one the similarity and structure between the two the fact that the higher animal world man and Beast is physically of one type or pattern two the presence of

    Rudimentary organs in man I.E traces of former organs Now atrophied by disuse some of these organs it is asserted could not have had any scope for employment except in a semian animal semi-arboreal monster why again do we find in man those rudimentary organs as useless as its rudimentary Wing is to the epitrix

    Of Australia the vermiform appendix of the Kum the ear muscles the rudimentary tail with which children are still sometimes born Etc such is the war cry and the cackle of the smaller fry among the darwinian is louder if possible than even that of the scientific evolutionists themselves furthermore the latter with

    Their great leader Mr Huxley and such eminent zoologists as Mr ranes and others while defending the darwinian theory are the first to confess the almost insuperable difficulties in the way of its final demonstration and there are as great men of science as the above named who deny most emphatically the uncalled for

    Assumption and loudly Den the unwarrantable exaggerations on the questions of the supposed similarity it is sufficient to glance at the works of broka grolier Owen pruner Bay and finally at the last great work of the quatres introduction elude deres Humes questions generalities to discover the fallacy of the evolutionists we may say

    More the exaggerations concerning this alleged similarity of structure between man and the anthropomorphous ape have become so glaring and absurd of late that even Mr Huxley has found himself forced to protect against the two sanguin expectations it was that great anatomist personally who called the smaller fry to

    Order by declaring in one of his articles that the difference between the structure of the human body and that of the highest anthropomorphous pyoid were not only far from being trifling and unimportant but were on the contrary very great and suggestive every bone of gorilla Bears marks by which it might be distinguished

    From the corresponding bone of the man among the existing creatures there is not one single intermediate form that could fill the gap between man and the ape to ignore that Gap he added would be no less wrong than absurd finally the absurdity of such an unnatural Descent

    Of Man is so palpable in the face of all the proofs and evidence as to the skull of the pyoid compared to that of man that the quatrefages resorted unconsciously to our esoteric Theory by saying that it is rather the Apes that can claim descent from man than vice versa as proven by

    Grolier with regard to the cavities of the brain of the anthropoids in which species that organ develops in an inverse ratio to what would be the case were the corresponding organs in man really the product of the development of the said organs in the ases the size of

    The human skull and its brain as well as the cavities increased with the individual development of man his int develops and increases with age while his facial bones and Jaws diminish and straighten thus becoming more and more spiritualized whereas with the ape it is the reverse in its youth the anthropoid

    Is far more intelligence and good-natured while the age it becomes duller and as its skull recedes it seems to diminish as it grows its facial bones and Jaws develop the brain being finally crushed and thrown entirely back to make with every day more room for the animal

    Type the organ of thought the brain recedes and diminishes entirely conquered and replaced by that of the wild beast the jaw apparatus thus as Wily remarked in the French work a gorilla could with perfect Justice address an evolutionist claiming Its Right of descent from him it would

    Say to him we anthropoid Apes form a retrogressive departure from the human type and therefore our development and evolution are expressed by a transition from a humanlike to an animal-like structure of organism but in what way could you men descend from us how could you form a

    Continuation of our genus for to make this possible your organization would have to differ still more than ours does from the human structure it would have to approach still closer to that of the Beast than ours does and in such a case Justice demands that you should give up

    To us your place in nature you are lower than we are once that you insist on tracing your genealogy from our kind for the structure of our organization and its development are such that we are unable to generate forms of a higher organization than our own this is where the occult Sciences

    Agree entirely with the quatrefages owing to the very type of his development man cannot descend from either an ape or an ancestor common to both apes and men but shows his origin to be from an type far superior to himself and this type is The Heavenly Man the Jan chohans or the Petri

    So-called as shown in the first part of this volume on the other hand the pids the orangutang the gorilla and the chimpanzee can and as the occult Sciences teach do descend from the animalized fourth human root race being the product of man and an extinct species of mammal whose remote ancestors

    Were themselves the product of luran beastiality which lived in the myene age the answer ancestry of the semi-human monsters explained in the stanas as originating in the Sin of the Mindless races of the third middle race period when it is born in mind that all forms

    Which now people the Earth and so many variations on basic types originally thrown off by the man of the third and fourth round such an evolutionist argument as that insisting on the unity and structural plan characterized all vertebrates loses its Edge the basic types referred to were very few in

    Number in comparison with the multitude of organisms to which they ultimately gave rise but a general Unity of type has nevertheless been preserved Through the Ages the economy of nature does not sanction the coexistence of several utterly opposed ground plans of organic evolution on one planet once however

    That the general drift of the occult explanation is formulated inference as to detail May well be left to the intuitive reader similarly with the important question of the rudimentary organs discovered by anatomists in the human organism doubtless this line of argument when wielded by Darwin and heel against their European adversaries

    Proved of great weight anthropologists who ventured to dispute the derivation of man from an animal ancestry were solely puzzled how to deal with the presence of Gil cffs with the taale problem and so on here again occultism comes to our assistant with the necessary d the fact is that as previously stated

    The human type is the Repertory of all potential organic forms and the central point from which these latter radiate in this postulate we find a true Evolution or unfolding in a sense which cannot be said to belong to the mechanical theory of natural selection criticizing Darwin’s inference from rudiments En

    Able writer remarks why is it not just as probable a true hypothesis to suppose that a man was first created with these rudimentary sketches in his organization and that they became useful appendages in the lower animals into which man degenerated as it is to suppose that these parts existed in full development

    Activity and practical use in the lower animals out of whom man was generated read for into which man degenerated the prototypes which man shed in the course of his astral developments and an aspect of the true esoteric solution is before us but a wider generalization is now to be

    Formulated so far as our present fourth round terrestrial period is concerned the Maman fauna are alone to be regarded as traceable to prototypes shed by man the amphibia birds reptiles fishes Etc are the resultants of the third round astral fossil forms stored up in the oric envelopment of the earth and

    Projected into physical objectivity subsequent to the deposition of the first Laurentian rocks Evolution has to deal with the progressive modifications which paleontology shows to have affected the lower animal and vegetable Kingdoms in the course of geological time it does not and from the nature of things cannot touch on the

    Subject of the pre physical types which served as the basis for future differentiation tabulate the general laws controlling the development of physical organisms it certainly may and to a certain extent it has acquainted itself aily to the task ask to return to the immediate subject of discussion the

    Mamia whose first traces are discovered in the marsupiales of the Triassic rocks of the secondary period were revolved from purely astral progenitors contemporary with the second race they are thus post-human and consequently it is easy to account for the general resemblance between their embryonic stages and those of man who necessarily

    Embraces in himself and epitomizes in his development the features of the group he originated this explanation disposes of a portion of the darwinist belief but how to account for the presence of the Gil cffs in the human fetus which represent the stage with which the branch ey of the fish was

    Developed for the pulsating vessel corresponding to the heart of the lower fishes which constitutes the fetal heart for the entire analogy presented by the segmentation of the human ovom the formation of the blastoderm and the appearance of the gastrula stage with corresponding stages in lower vertebrate

    Life and even among the sponges for the various types of lower animal life which the form of the future child Shadows forth in the cycle of its growth how comes it to pass that stages in the life of fishes whose ancestors swam aons before the Epic of the first

    Root race in the Seas of the saluan period as well as stages in that the later amphibian reptilian fauna are mirrored in the epitomized history of the human fetal development this plausible objection is met by the reply that the third round terrestrial animal forms were just as

    Much referable to types thrown off by the third round man as that new information into our planet’s area the mamalian stock is the fourth round Humanity of the second root race the process of the human fetal growth epitomizes not only the general characteristics of the fourth but of the

    Third round terrestrial life the diaps of type is run through in brief occultists are thus at no loss to account for the birth of children with actual coddle appendage or for the fact that a tail in the human fetus is at one period double the length of the nent

    Legs the potentiality of every organ useful to animal life is locked up in man the microcosm of the macrocosm and abnormal conditions may not unfrequently result in the strange phenomena which darwinists regard as reversion to ancestral features reversion indeed but scarcely in the sense contemplated by our present day empiricists

    C Darwinism and the Antiquity of man the anthropoids and their ancestry the public has been notified by more than one eminent modern geologist and man of science that all estimate of geological duration is not merely imperfect but necessarily impossible for we are ignorant of the causes though they must have existed which quickened

    Or the progress of the sedimentary deposits and now another man of science as well known croll calculating that the tertiary age began either 15 or 2 and A2 million years ago the former being a more correct calculation according to esoteric Doctrine than the latter there seems in this case at least no very

    Great disagreement exact science refusing to see in man a special creation to a certain degree the secret doctrines do the same is at Liberty to ignore the first three or rather two and a half races the spiritual the semi- astral and the semi-human of our teachings but it can hardly do the same

    In the case of the third at its closing period the fourth and the fifth races since it had already divides mankind into Paleolithic and Neolithic man the geologists of France plays man in the midm scene age Gabriel de moralay and even some in the secondary period the quatrefages

    Suggests while the English sants do not generally accept such Antiquity for their species but they may know better someday for as says Sir Charles Lyle if we consider the absence or extreme scarcity of human bones and works of art in all strata whether marine or fresh water even in

    Those formed in the intermediate proximity of land inhabited by millions of humans and beings we shall be prepared for the general dir of human memorials and glacial formations whether recent pin or of more ancient date if there were few Wanderers over lands cover covered with glaciers or overseas

    Infested with icebergs and if a few of them left their bones or weapons in morines or in Marine drifts the chances after the lapse of thousands of years of a geologist meeting with one of them must be infantes small the men of science avoid pinning themselves down to any definite

    Statement concerning the age of man as indeed they are hardly able to make any and thus leave enormous latitude to Boulder speculations nevertheless while the majority of the anthropologists carry back the existence of man only into the period of the postglacial drift or what is called the coronary period

    Those of them who as evolutionists Trace man to a common origin with the monkey do not show great consistency in their speculations the darwinian hypothesis demands in reality a far greater Antiquity for man than is even dimly suspected by superficial thinkers this is proven by the greatest Authorities on

    The question Mr Huxley for instance those therefore who accept the darwinian evolution ipof facto hold very tenaciously to an Antiquity of man so very great indeed that it falls not so far short of the occultist estimate the modest thousands of years of the Encyclopedia Britannica and the 100,000

    Years to which anthropology in general limits the age of humanity seem quite microscopical when compared with the figures implied in Mr huxley’s bold speculations the former indeed makes the original race of men and ap-like cave dwellers the great English biologist in his desire to prove man’s pyoid origin insisted the transformation of the

    Primordial ape into the human being must have occurred millions of years back for in criticizing the excellent cranial capacity of the Neanderthal skull not withstanding his assertion that it is overlaid with pyoid bony walls coupled with Mr Grant Allen’s assurances that this skull possesses large bosses on the

    Forehead striking ly suggestive of those which give the gorilla its peculiarly Fierce appearance still Mr Huxley is forced to admit that in the said skull his theory is once more defeated by the completely human proportions of the accompanying limb bones together with the fair development of the Ingus skull

    In consequence of all this we are notified that these skulls clearly indicate that the first traces of the primordial stock whence man has preceded need no longer be sought by those who entertain any form of the doctrine of progressive development in the newest tertiaries but they may be looked for in

    An epic more distant from the age of the alphas progenius then that is from us an Untold Antiquity for man is thus then the scientific sinanan in the question of darwinian evolution since the oldest Paleolithic Man shows as yet no appreciable differentiation from his modern descendant it is only of late that

    Modern science has with every year begun to to widen the abyss that now separates her from ancient science as that of plyy and hypocrates none of the old writers would have derided the archaic teachings with respect to the evolution of the human races and animal species as the present day scientist geologist or

    Anthropologist is sure to do holding as we do to the mamalian type was a post-human fourth round product the following diagram as the writer understands the teaching may make the process clear the pedigree of the Apes primeval astral man to the left astral mammal prototypes in the center second race astral third

    Race semi- asral separation into Sexes fourth race physical fifth race physical lower mammals and the lower Apes this unnatural Union was invariably fertile because the then Maman types were not remote enough from their root type primeval astral man to develop the necessary barrier Medical Science records such

    Cases of monsters bred from human and animal parents Even in our modern day the possibility is therefore only one of degree not a fact thus it is that occultism solves one of the most strangest problems presented to the consideration of the Anthropologist the pendulum of thought oscillates between extremes having now

    Finally emancipated herself from the shackles of theology science has embraced the opposite fallacy and in the attempt to interpret nature on Purely materialistic lines she has built up that most extravagant theory of the ages the derivation of man from a ferocious and brutal ape so rooted has this Doctrine now

    Become in one form and another that the most herculian efforts will be needed to bring about its final rejection the Darwin anthropology is the incubus of the ethnologist the stur child of modern materialism which has grown up and acquired increasing Vigor as the ineptitude of the theological

    Legend of man’s creation became more and more apparent it is thriven on account of the strange delusion that as a scientist of repute puts it all hypothesis and theories with respect to the rise of man can be reduced to two the evolutionist in the biblical exoteric account there is no other hypothesis

    Conceivable the anthropology of the secret volumes is however the best possible answer to such a worthless contention the anatomical resemblance between man and the higher ape so frequently cited by darwinists as pointing to some former ancestor common to both presents an interesting problem the problem solution

    Of which is to be sought for in the esoteric explanation of the Genesis of the pyoid stocks we have given it as far as it was useful by stating that the beastiality of the Primeval mindless races resulted in the production of a huge manlike monsters The Offspring of human and animal

    Parents as time rolled on and the still semi- asral forms Consolidated into the physical the descendants of these creatures were modified by external conditions until the breed dwindling in size culminated in the lower Apes of the myene period with these the at later atlantans renewed the sins of the

    Mindless this time with full responsibility the result in of their crime were the Apes now known as anthropoid it may be useful to compare the very simple Theory and we are willing to offer it merely as a hypothesis to the unbelievers with the darwinian scheme so full of insurmountable obstacles that no sooner

    Is one of them overcome by a more or less ingenious hypothesis then 10 worst difficulties are forth with discovered behind the one disposed of section four duration of the geological periods race cycles and the Antiquity of man millions of years have sunk into leth leaving no more recollection in the

    Memory of the profane than the few millenniums of the Orthodox Western chronology as to the origin of man and the history of the Primeval races all depends on the proofs found for the Antiquity of the human race if the still debated man of the pine or even the myos period was the

    Homo primogen then science may be right argumenta in basing its present anthropology as to the date of the mode of origin of homo sapiens on the darwinian theory but if the skeletons of man should at any time be discovered an eosine strata while no fossil ape is

    Found there and the existence of man is thus proved to be prior to that of the anthropoid then darwinian will have to exercise their Ingenuity in another Direction moreover it is said in well-informed quarters that the 20th century will be still in its earliest teens when such undeniable proof of

    Man’s priority will be forthcoming even now much evidence is being brought forward to proed that the dates hether to assigned for the foundations of cities civilizations and various other historical events have been absurdly curtailed this was done as a peace offering to biblical chronology the well-known paleont olist El laret

    Writes no data is to be found in Genesis which assigns a time for the birth of primitive Humanity but chronologists have for 15 centuries endeavored to force the Bible facts into agreement with their systems thus no less than 140 different opinions have been formed about the single date of

    Creation and between the extreme variations there is a discrepancy of 3,194 years in the Reckoning of the period between the beginning of the world and the birth of Christ within the last few years archaeologists have had also to throw back by nearly 3,000 years the beginnings of Babylonian civilization on the foundation cylinder

    Deposited by nabonidus the Babylonian King conquered by Cyrus are found the records of the former in which he speaks of his discovery of the foundation stone that belonged to the original temple built by narim son of Sargon of Acadia the Conqueror of Babylonia who says nabonidus lived 3200 years before his own

    Time we have shown in Isis unveiled that those who based history on the chronology of the Jews a race which had none of its own and rejected the Western till the 12th century would lose their way for the Jewish account could only be followed to cabalistic computation and

    Only then with key in hand we characterize the late George Smith’s chronology of the calans and Assyrians which he had made to fit in with that of Moses as quite fantastic and now in this respect at least later ass serologists have corroborated our denial for whereas George Smith makes Sargon the first the

    Prototype of Moses reign in the city of akad about 1600 BC probably out of a latent respect for Moses whom the Bible makes to flourish 1571 BC we now learn from the first of the six Hibert lectures delivered by Professor ah sa of Oxford in 1886 7

    That old views of the early annals of Babylonia and its religions have been much Modified by recent discovery the first Semitic Empire is now agreed was that of Sargon of aad who established a great Library patronized literature and extended his conquests across the sea into Cyprus it is now known that he

    Reigned as early as BC 3750 the Acadian monuments found by the French at T must be even older reaching back to about BC 4,000 in other words to the fourth year of the world’s Creation agreeably with Bible chronology and when Adam was in his swaddling clothes per chance in a

    Few years more than 4,000 years may be further extended the well-known Oxford lecturer remarked in his disquisitions upon the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians that the difficulties of systematically tracing the origin and history of the Babylonian Rel religion were considerable the

    Sources of our knowledge on the subject were almost wholly Monumental with very little help being obtained from classical or Oriental writers indeed it was an undeniable fact that the Babylonian priesthood intentionally swaddled up the study of the religious texts in coils of almost insuperable difficulty that they have confused the

    Dates and especially the order of events intentionally is undeniable and for a very good reason they writings and records were all esoteric the Babylonian priests did no more than Priests of other ancient Nations their records were meant only for the initiates and their disciples and it is only for the latter

    Who were furnished with the keys to the true meaning but Professor se’s remarks are promising for he explains the difficulty by saying that as the Nineveh Library contained mostly copies of older Babylonian text and the copies pitched upon such tablets only as were of special interest to the Assyrian con

    Coners belonging to a comparatively late epic this added much to the greatest of all our difficulties namely our being so often left in the dark as to the age of our documentary evidence and the precise worth of our materials for history thus one has a right to infer

    That some still fresher Discovery may lead to a new necessity for pushing the Babylonian dates so far beyond the year 4,000 BC as to make them prec Cosmic in the Judgment of every Bible worshipper how much more would paleontology have learned had not millions of Works been destroyed we talk of the alexandrian

    Library which had been Thrice destroyed namely by Julius Caesar 48 BC in ad. 390 and lastly in the year 8640 by the general of C fomar what is this in comparison with The Works and Records destroyed in the Primitive Atlantean libraries wherein records are said to have been traced on

    The tan skins of gigantic anti- deluvian monsters or again in comparison with the destruction of the countless Chinese books by command of the founder of the Imperial sin Dynasty sini wangi in 23 BC surely the brick clay tablets of the Imperial Babylonian library and the Priceless Treasures of the Chinese

    Collections could never have contained such information as one of the AFF for said Atlantean skins would have furnished to the ignorant world but even with the extremely meager data at hand science has been able to see the necessity of throwing back nearly every Babylonian date as has done so quite

    Generously to learn from Professor Cy that even the archaic statues of T and lower Babylonia have suddenly been assigned a date contemporary with the fourth Dynasty in Egypt unfortunately dynasties and pyramids share the fate of geological periods their dates are arbitrary and depend on the whims of the respective men science archaeologists

    Know now it is said that the aforementioned statues are fashioned out of green diorite that can only be found in the peninsula of Sinai and they Accord in the style of art and in the standard of measurement employed with the similar diorite statues of the pyramid Builders of the third and fourth

    Egyptian dynasties moreover the only possible period for a Babylonian occupation of the cytic quaries must be placed shortly after the close of the epoch at which the pyramids were built and thus only can we understand how this name of Sinai could have been derived from that of sin the Primitive Babylonian Moon

    God this is very logical but what is the date fixed for these dynasties santhan and manthos synchronistic tables or whatever remained of these after holy uus had the handling of them have been rejected and still we have to remain satisfied with the four or 5,000 years BC so liberally allotted to

    Egypt at all events one point is gained there is at last a city on the face of the Earth which is allowed at least 6,000 years and it is aido geology has discovered it according to Professor sa again they are now also to obtain time

    For the silting up of the head of the Persian Gulf which demands an elapse of between 5,000 and 6,000 years since the period when IDU now 25 Mi Inland was the seap port at the mouth of the Euphrates and the seed of Babylonian Commerce with Southern Arabia and India more than all

    The new chronology gives time for the long series of eclipses recorded in the great astronomical work called the observations of bell and we were also enabled to understand the otherwise perplexing change in the position of the vernal equinox which has occurred since our present zodiacal signs were named by the earliest Babylonian

    Astronomers when the Acadian calendar was arranged and the Acadian months were named the Sun at the Vernal aquinox was not as now in Pisces or even in Aries but in Taurus the rate of the procession of the Equinox is being known we learn that at the vernal equinox the sun was in Taurus

    From about 4700 Years BC and we thus obtain astronomical limits of date which cannot be imped it may make our position planer if we State at once that we use sir C ly’s nomencl for the ages and periods and that when we talk of the secondary and

    Tertiary age of the eosine the myos and pine periods this is simply to make our facts more comprehensible since these ages and periods have not yet been allowed fixed and determined durations 2 and a half and 15 million years being assigned at different times to one and

    The same age the tertiary and since no two geologists or naturalists seem to agree on this point esoteric teaching May remain quite indifferent to the appearance of man in the secondary or the tertiary age if the latter age may be allowed even so much as 15 million years

    Duration well and good for the occult Doctrine jealously guarding its real and correct figures so far as concerns the first second and 2/3 of the third root race gives clear information upon one point only the age of vas vad manu’s Humanity another definitive statement is that that during the so-called eosine

    Period the continent to which the fourth race belonged and on which it lived then perished showed the first symptoms of sinking and that it was in the My Scene age that it was finally destroyed save the small island mentioned by Plato these points have now to be checked by scientific

    Data a modern scientific speculations about the ages of the globe animal Evolution and man may we not be permitted to throw a glance at the works of the Specialists the work on world life comparative geology by Professor a winchel furnishes us with curious data here we find an

    Opponent of the nebular theory smiting with all the force of the hammer of his Odum theologicum on the rather contradictory hypothesis of the great stars of Science in the matter of the ceral and Cosmic phenomena based on their respective relations to terrestrial durations the two imaginative physicists and naturalists do not farare very

    Easily under the shower of their own speculative computations placed side by side and cut rather a Sor figure thus he writes Sir William Thompson on the basis of The observed principles of cooling concludes that no more than 10 million years elsewhere he makes it 100 million can have elapsed since the temperature

    Of the Earth was sufficiently reduced to sustain vegetable life hemholtz calculates that 20 million years would suffice for the original nebula to condense to the present dimensions of the sun Professor s newcome requires only 10 million to attain the temperature of 212° f croll estimates 70 million years for the diffusion of the

    Heat Bishoff calculates that 350 million years would be required for the earth to cool from a temperature of 2,000 to 200° Centigrade Riad basing his estimate on observed rates of million years since sedimentation began in Europe Lyle ventured a rough guess of 240 million years Darwin thought 300

    Million years demanded by the organic Transformations which his theory contemplates and Huxley is deposed to demand 1,000 Millions some biologists seem to close their eyes and leap at one bound into the abyss of millions of years of which they have no more adequate estimate than of infinity then he proceeds to give what

    He takes to be more correct geological figures a few will suffice according to Sir William Thompson the whole encrusted age of the world is 80 million years and agreeably with Professor Hon’s calculations of a minimum limit for the time since the elevation of Europe and Asia three hypothetical ages for three

    Possible and different modes of uphe are given varying from the modest figure of 640,000 ,000 years to the tremendous figure of 27,41 th000 years this is enough as one can see to cover our claims for the four continents and even the figures of the brahin further calculations the details

    Of which the reader may find in Professor Winchell’s work bring hotton to an approximation of the sedimentary age of the globe to 11, 700,000 years these figures are found too small by the author who forth with extends them to 37 million years again according to croll 2 and a half

    Million years represents the time since the beginning of the tertiary age in one work and according to another modification of his view 15 million only have elapsed since the beginning of the eosine period this being with the first of the three tertiary periods leaves the student suspended between two and a half

    And 15 Millions but if one has to hold to the further moderate figures then the whole encrusted age of the world would be 131,00 th000 years as the last glacial period extended from 240,000 to 880,000 years ago Professor croll’s view therefore man must have appeared on Earth from 100,000

    To 120,000 years ago but as says Professor winshill with reference to the Antiquity of the Mediterranean race it is generally believed to have made its appearance during the later decline of the continental glaciers it does not concern however the Antiquity of the brown and black races since there are numerous

    Evidences of their existence in More Southern regions in times remotely preglacial as a specimen of geological certainty and agreement these figures Also may be added three authorities messers t- belt fgs Robert hunt F FRS and J croll F FRS in estimating the time that has elapsed since the glacial epic

    Give figures that vary to an almost incredible extent belt 20,000 years hunt 880,000 years and crawl 240,000 years no wonder that Mr penelli confesses that it is at present and perhaps always will be impossible to reduce even approximately geological time into years or even into millenniums a wise word of advice from

    The occultist to the gentleman geologists they ought to imitate the cautious example of Masons as chronology they cannot measure the era of the creation therefore their ancient and primitive right uses 0000 comma 0000 comma 000000 as the nearest approach to reality the same uncertainty contradictions and disagreement Reign on all other

    Subjects the scientific authorities on The Descent of Man are again for all practical purposes a delusion and a snare there are many anti- darwinists in the British Association and natural selection begins to lose ground though one at a time the Savior which seemed to rescue the Learned theorist from a final

    Intellectual collaps into the abyss of fruitless hypotheses it begins to be distrusted even Mr Huxley is showing signs of truancy and thinks natural selection not the sole Factor we greatly suspect that she nature does make considerable jumps in the way of variation now and then and

    That these cations give rise to some of the gaps which appear to exist in the series of known forms again CR Bri MD argues in this wise in considering the Fatal gaps in Mr Darwin’s theory it must again be called to mind that the intermediate forms must have

    Been vast in numbers Mr George meart believes that change in evolution may occur more quickly than is generally believed but Mr Darwin sticks manfully to his belief and again tells us natural non facet salum here in the occultists are at one with Mr Darwin esoteric teaching fully corroborates the idea of

    Nature’s slowness and dignified progression planetary impulses are all periodical yet this darwinian Theory correct as it is in minor particulars agrees no more with occultism than with Mr Wallace who in his contributions to the theory of natural selection shows pretty conclusively that something more than natural selection is requisite to

    Produce physical man let us meanwhile examine the scientific objections to this scientific theory to see what they are Mr St George meart is found arguing that it will be a moderate computation to allow 25 million for the deposit of the strata down to and including the upper saluran if then the evolutionary

    Work done during this deposition only represents a 100th part of the sum total we shall require two and a half billion 2,500 million years for the complete development of the whole Animal Kingdom to its present State even one quarter of this however would far exceed the time which physics

    And astronomy seem able to allow for the completion of the process finally a difficulty exists as to the reason of the absence of Rich filus deposits in the oldest strata if life was then as abundant and varied as on the darwinian theory it must have been Mr Darwin himself admits that the

    Case at present must remain inexplicable and this may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views entertained in this book thus then we find a remarkable and on darwinian principles all but inexplicable absence of minutely graduated transitional forms all the most marked groups bats pterodactyls chelonians eathos orans Amura Etc appear

    At once upon the scene even the horse the animal whose pedigree has has been probably best preserved affords no conclusive evidence of specific origin by significant fortuitous variations while some forms as the labyrinthodonts and trilobites which seem to exhibit gradual change are shown by further investigation to do nothing of the sort

    All these difficulties be avoided if we admit the new forms of animal life are all degrees of complexity appear from time to time with comparative suddenness being evolved according to the laws in part depending on surrounding conditions in part internal similar to the way in which crystals and perhaps from recent

    Researches the lowest forms of life build themselves up according to the internal laws of their component substance and in harmony with and correspondence with all environing influences and conditions the internal laws of their component substance these are wise words and the admission of the possibility is prudent but how can can these internal

    Laws ever be recognized if ult teaching be discarded as a friend writes while drawing our attention to the above speculations in other words the doctrine of planetary life impulses must be admitted otherwise why are species now stereotyped and why do we even domesticated breeds of pigeons and many animals relapse into their ancestral

    Types when left to themselves but the teaching about planetary life impulses has to be clearly defined and is clearly understood if present confusion is not to be made still more perplexing all these difficulties would vanish as the Shadows Of Night disappear before the light of the Rising Sun if the following

    Esoteric axioms were admitted a the existence in the enormous Antiquity of our planetary chain B the actuality of the seven rounds C the separation of human races outside the purely anthropological division into seven distinct root races es of which our present European humanity is the fifth D

    The Antiquity of man in this fourth round and finally e that as these races evolve from ethereality to materiality and from the latter back again into relative physical tenuity of texture so every living so-called organic species of animals with vegetation included changes with every new root race were this admitted even if only

    Along with other and surely on mature consideration no less absurd suppositions if occult theories have to be considered absurd at present then every difficulty would be made away with surely science ought to try and be more logical than it is now as it can hardly maintain the theory of man’s descent

    From an anthropoid ancestor and deny in the same breath any reasonable Antiquity to such a man once Mr Huxley talks of the vast intellectual Chasm between the ape and the man and the present enormous Gulf between them and admits the necessity of extending scientific allowances for the

    Age of man on Earth for such slow and Progressive development then all those men of science who are of his way of thinking at any rate ought to come to at least some approximate figures and agree upon the probable duration of those pine myosin and eosine periods of which so

    Much is said and about which nothing definite is known even if they dare not venture Beyond but no two scientists seem to agree every period seems to be a mystery in its duration and a thorn in the side of the geologists and as just shown they are unable to harmonize their conclusions

    Even with regard to the comparatively recent geological formations thus no Reliance can be placed on their figures when they do give any and for them it is all either millions or simply thousands of years that which is said may be strengthened by the confessions made by themselves and the synopsis of these to

    Be found in that Circle of Sciences the Encyclopedia Britannica which shows the mean accepted in the geological and anthropological riddles in that work the cream of the most authoritative opinions is skimmed off and presented nevertheless we find in at a refusal to assign any definite chronological date even to such

    Comparatively speaking late epics as the Neolithic era though for such a Wonder an age is established for the beginnings of the certain geological periods at any rate for some few the duration of which could hardly be any more shortened without an immediate conflicting of facts thus it is surmised in the great

    Encyclopedia that 100 million years are past since the solidification of our Earth when the earliest form of life appeared on it but it seems quite as hopeless to try and convert the modern geologists and ethnologists as it is to make darwinian naturalists proce Reed their mistakes about the Aryan root race and its

    Origins science knows of little as the men from other planets with the exception of flarion and of a few Mystics among astronomers even the habita of other planets is mostly denied yet such great Adept astronomers were the scientists of the early races of the Aryan stock that they seem to have known far

    More about the races of Mars and Venus than the modern Anthropologist knows of those of the early stages of the Earth let us leave modern science aside for a moment and turn to ancient knowledge as we are assured by archaic scientists that all such geological cataclysms from the upheaval of the

    Oceans deluges and shifting of continents down to the present years Cyclones hurricanes earthquakes volcanic eruptions tidal waves and even the extraordinary weather and seeming shifting of Seasons which are perplexing All European and American meteorologists are due do to and depend on the moon and the planets I that even

    The modest and neglected constellations have the greatest influence on the meteorological and cosmical changes over and within our Earth let us give one moment’s attention to our ceral despots the rulers of our globe and Men modern science denies any such influence archaic science affirms it we will see

    What both say with regard to this question B on chains of planets and their morality did the Ancients know of Worlds besides their own what are the data of the occultists in affirming that every Globe is a seary chain of Worlds of which only one member is visible and

    That these are were or will be man bearing just as is every visible star or Planet what do they mean by a moral and physical influence exerted on our globe by the CER Real Worlds such are the questions often put to us and they have to be discovered CED

    From every aspect to the first of the two queries the answer is we believe it is because the first law in nature is uniformity and diversity and the second is analogy As Above So Below the time has gone forever when our Pious ancestors believe that our Earth was in

    The center of the universe and the church and her arrogant servants could insist that the supposition that any other planet could be inhabited should be regarded as blasphemy Adam and Eve the serpent in original sin followed by a tone Through Blood have been too long in the way of progress and universal

    Truth has thus been sacrificed to the insane concent of us little men now what are the proofs thereof Beyond IND differential evidence and logical reasoning there are none for the profane to the occultists who believe in the knowledge acquired by countless generations of seers and initiates the

    Data offered in the secret books are all sufficient the general public needs other proofs however there are some cabalists even some Eastern occultists who failing to find uniform evidence upon this point in all the Mystic works of the Nations hesitate to accept the teaching even such uniform evidence will be forthcoming

    Presently meanwhile we may approach the subject from its General aspect and see whether belief in it is so very absurd as some scientists along with other niod deuses would have it unconsciously perhaps in thinking of a plur ity of inhabited worlds we imagine them to be like the globe we inhabit and

    To be peopled by beings more or less resembling ourselves and in so doing we are only following a natural instinct indeed so long as the inquiry is confined to the life history of this globe we can speculate on the question with some profit and ask ourselves with

    Some hope of at least asking an intelligent question what were the worlds spoken of in all the ancient scriptures of humanity but how do we know a what kind of beings inhabit the globes in general and B whether those who rule planets Superior to our own do not exercise the

    Same influence on our Earth consciously that we may exercise unconsciously to say on other small planets planetoids or asteroids in the long run by our cutting the Earth in pieces opening canals and thereby entirely changing our climates of course like Caesar’s wife the planetoids cannot be affected by our

    Suspicion they are too far Etc believing in esoteric astronomy however we are not so sure of that but when extending our speculations beyond our planetary chain we try to cross the limits of the solar system then indeed we act as do presumptuous fools for while accepting the Old hermatic axium As Above So

    Below as well we may believe that nature on Earth displays the most careful economy utilizing every vile and waste thing in her marvelous Transformations and with all never repeating herself so we may justly conclude that there is no other globe and all her infinite systems so closely resembling this Earth that the ordinary

    Powers of man’s thought should be able to imagine and reproduce its semblance and containment and indeed we find in the romances as in all the so-called scientific fictions and spiritualistic Revelations from moon stars and planets merely fresh combinations or modifications of the men and things the

    Passions and forms of life with which we are familiar though even on the other planets of our own system nature and life are entirely different from those prevailing on our own swedenborg was preeminent in inculcating such an erroneous belief but even more the ordinary man has no experience of any

    State of consciousness other than that to which the physical sense is link him men dream they sleep the profound sleep which is too deep for its dream to impress the physical physical brain and in all these states there must still be Consciousness how then while these Mysteries remain unexplored can we hope

    To speculate with profit on the nature of globes which in the economy of nature must needs belong to States Of Consciousness other and quite different from any which man experiences here and this is true to the letter for even greater depts those initiated of course trained Sears though they may be can

    Only claim through acquaintance with the nature and appearance of planets and their inhabitants belonging to our solar system they know that almost all the planetary worlds are inhabited but even in spirit they can have access only to those of our system and they are also aware how

    Difficult it is even for them to put themselves into full Rapport even with the ples of Consciousness within our system differing as they do from the states of Consciousness possible on this globe such for instance as those those which exist on the chain of spheres on the three Plains beyond that of our

    Earth such knowledge and intercourse are possible to them because they have learned how to penetrate the planes of Consciousness which are closed to the perceptions of ordinary men but were they to communicate their knowledge the world would be no wiser because men lack the experience of other forms of perception which alone could

    Enable them to grasp what they might be told still the fact remains that most of the planets like the stars beyond our system are inhabited a fact which has been admitted by the men of science themselves lass and hersel believed it though they wisely abstained from imprudent speculation then the same

    Conclusion has been worked out and supported with an array of scientific considerations by C flan the well-known French astronomer the arguments he brings forward are strictly scientific and such as appeal to even a materialistic mind which would remain unmoved by such thoughts as those of Sir David Brewster the famous physicist ists

    Who writes those Barren Spirits or base Souls as the poet calls them who might be led to believe that the Earth is the only inhabited body in the universe would have no difficulty in conceiving the Earth also to have been destitute of inhabitants what is more if such Minds

    Were acquainted with the deductions of geology they would admit that it was unhabited for myriads of years and here we come to the impossible conclusion that during these myriads of years there was not a single intelligent creat creature in the vast domains of the universal King and that before the

    Protozoic formations there existed neither plant nor animal in all the Infinity of space flan shows in addition that all the conditions of life even as we know it are present on some of at least of the planets and points to the fact that these conditions must be much more

    Favorable on them than they are on our Earth thus scientific reasoning as well as observed facts concurs with the statements of the Seer and the innate voice in man’s own heart in declaring that life intelligent conscious life must exist on other worlds than ours but this is the limit Beyond which the

    Ordinary faculties of man cannot carry him many are the romances and tales some purely fanciful others bristling with scientific knowledge which have attempted to imagine and describe life on other Globes but one and all they give but some distorted copy of the drama of life around us

    It is either with voler the men of our own race under a microscope or with the Bak a graceful play of fancy and satire but we always find that at the bottom the new world is but the one we ourselves live in so strong is this tendency that even the great natural

    Though non-initiated Sears fall victims to it when untrained witness swedenborg who goes so far as to dress the inhabitants of mercury whom he meets with in the spirit world in in clothes such as are worn in Europe commenting on this tendency flan says it seems as if

    In the eyes of those authors who have written on the subject the Earth were the type of the universe and the man of the Earth the type of that inhabitants of the heavens it is on the contrary much more probable that since the nature of other planets is essentially varied

    And the surroundings and conditions of existing essentially different while the forces which preside over the creation of beings and the substances which enter into their Mutual Constitution are essentially distinct it would follow that our mode of existence cannot be regarded as in any way applicable to other

    Globes those who have written on this subject have allowed themselves to be dominated by terrestrial ideas and have therefore fallen into error but flan himself falls into the very error which he here condemns for he tacitly takes the conditions of life on Earth as the standard by which to

    Determine the degree to which other planets are adapted for habitation by other Humanities let us however leave these profitless and empty speculations which though they seem to fill our hearts with a glow of enthusiasm and to enlarge our mental and spiritual grasp do but in reality cause a fictitious stimulation

    And blind us more and more to our ignorance not only of the world we inhabit but even of the infinitude contained within ourselves when therefore we find other worlds spoken of in the Bibles of humanity we may safely conclude that they not only refer to other states of our planetary chain and

    Earth but also to the other inhabited Globes stars and planets with all that no speculations were ever made about the latter the whole of antiquity believed in the universality of life but no really initiated seere of any Civilized Nation have ever taught that life on other stars could be judged by the

    Standard of terrestrial life what is generally meant by Earths and worlds relates a to the rebirths of our globe after each man ventara and a long period of obscuration and B to the periodical and entire changes of the Earth’s surface when continents disappear to make room for oceans and

    Oceans and seas are violently displaced and sent rolling to the poles to seed their implements to new continents we may begin with the Bible the youngest of the world scriptures in Ecclesiastes we read these words of the king initiate one generation passeth away and another generation cometh but the Earth

    Abideth forever the thing that hath been it is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun under these words it is not easy to see the reference to the successive cataclysms by which the races of mankind

    Are swept away or going further back to the various transitions of the globe during the process of its formation but if we are told that this refers only to our world as we see it now then we shall refer to the reader to the New Testament where St Paul speaks

    Of the son the manifested power whom God hath appointed air to of All Things by whom also he made the worlds plural this power is chokma the wisdom and the word we shall probably be told that by the term Worlds the Stars Heavenly Bodies Etc were meant but apart from the fact

    That stars were not known as worlds to the ignorant editors of the Epistles even they must have been thus known to Paul who was an initiate a master builder we can quote on this point an eminent theology Cardinal wisman in his work I 309 treating of the indefinite

    Period of the six days or shall we say to definite period of the 6 days of creation and the 6,000 years he confesses that we are in total darkness as to the meaning of the statement of St Paul unless we are permitted to suppose that illusion is made to the period

    Which elapsed between the first and second verses of chapter 1 of Genesis and thus to those primitive revolutions I.E the destructions and the reproductions of the world indicated in chapter 1 of Ecclesiastes or to accept with many so others and in its literal sense the passage in chapter 1 of Hebrews that

    Speaks of the creation of worlds in the plural it is very singular he adds that all the cosmogeny should agree to suggest the same idea and preserved the tradition of a first series of revolutions owing to which the world was destroyed and again renewed had the Cardinal studied the

    Zohar his doubts would have been changed into certainties thus saith the UTA there were Old Worlds which perished as soon as they came into existence worlds with and without form called scintillas for they were like the Sparks under the Smith’s Hammer flying in all directions some were the primordial

    Worlds which could not continue long because the Aged his name be Sanctified had not yet as assumed his form the Workman was not yet The Heavenly Man again in the midrash written long before the cabala of Simeon Ben oaki Rabbi abbahu explains the Holy One blessed be his name has succeed

    Cessively formed and destroyed sunry worlds before this one now this refers to both the first races the kings of Adam and to the worlds destroyed destroyed means here what we call obscuration this becomes evident when we read the explanation given further on still when it is said that they the

    Worlds perished it is only meant thereby that they their Humanities lacked the true form till the human our form came into being in which all all things are comprised and which contains all forms it does not mean death but only denotes a sinking down from their status that of worlds in

    Activity when therefore we read the destruction of Worlds the word has many meanings which are very clear in several of the commentaries on the Zohar and in cabalistic treatises as said elsewhere it means not only the destruction of many worlds which have ended their life career but also that of the several continents

    Which have disappeared as also their decline in geographical change of place the mysterious Kings of Adam are sometimes referred to as the worlds that had been destroyed but it is a cloak the Kings who reign in Adam before they reigned a king in Israel or the Edomite Kings can never symbolize the prior

    Worlds but only the attempts at men on this globe the pre-adamite races of which the Zohar speaks and which we explain as the first root race for as speaking of the six Earths the six limbs of micro prosopis it is said that the seventh our Earth came into the

    Computation when the six were created the six spheres above our globe in the terrestrial chain so the first seven Kings of Edom are left out of the calculation in Genesis by the law of analogy and permutation in the caldan book of numbers as also in the Book of Knowledge

    And of wisdom the seven primordial worlds meant also these seven primordial races subraces of the first root race of the shadows and again the kings of Edom are the sons of asau the father of the I.E asau represents in the Bible the race which stands between the

    Fourth and the fifth the atlantan and the Aryan two nations are in thy womb said to the Lord Rebecca and asau was red and Harry from verse 24 to 34 chapter XXV of Genesis contain contains the allegorical history of the birth of the fifth race says the zifah Zena and the king of

    Ancient days died and their Chiefs crowns were found no more and the Zohar States the head of a nation that has not been formed at the beginning in the likeness of the white head its people is not from this form before it the white head the fifth race or ancient of the

    Ancients arranged itself in its own and present form all worlds have been destroyed therefore it is written and Bella the son of Bor reigned in Edom Genesis XXVI here the worlds stand for races and he such or another king of Edom died and another reigned in his

    Stead no cabalist has hether to treated of the symbolism and allegory hidden under these Kings of adom seems to have perceived more than one aspect of them they are neither the worlds that that were destroyed nor the kings that died alone but both and much more to treat of

    Which there is no space at present therefore leaving the Mystic Parables of the Zohar we will return to the hard facts of materialistic science first however citing a few from the long list of great thinkers who have believed in the plurality of inhabited worlds in general and in Worlds that preceded our

    Own these are the great mathematicians libbets and ber Sir Isaac Newton himself as may be read in his Optics Buffon the naturalist condac the skeptic Bailey Lavar Bernardin St Pierre and as a contrast to the last two named suspected at least of mysticism dero and most of the writers of the

    Encyclopedia following these come Kant the founder of modern philosophy the poet philosophers goth Krauss shelling and many astronomers from bod Ferguson and hersel to L land and llas with their many disciples in more recent years a brilliant list of honored names indeed but the facts of physical astronomy speak even more strongly than

    These names and favor the presence of Life of even organized life on other planets thus in four meteorites which fell respectively at Al in France in the Cape of Good Hope in Hungary and again in France on analysis there was found graphite a form of carbon known to be

    Invariably associated with Organic life on this Earth of ours and that the presence of this carbon is not due to any action occurring within our atmospheres shown by the fact that carbon has been found in the very center of a meteorite while in one which fell at arguel in the south

    Of France in 1857 there was found water and turf the latter being always formed by the decomposition of vegetable substances and further examining the astronomical conditions of the other planets it is easy to show that several are far better adapted for the development of life and intelligence even under the conditions

    Which men are acquainted then is our Earth for instance on the planet Jupiter the seasons instead of varying between wide limits as do ours change by almost imperceptible degrees and last 12 times as long as ours owing to the inclination of its axis the seasons on Jupiter are

    Due almost entirely to the eccentricity of its orbit and hence change slowly and regularly we shall be told that no life is possible on Jupiter as it is in an incandescent state but not all astronomers agree with this for instance what we state is declared by m flan and

    He ought to know on the other hand Venus would be less adapted for human life such as exists on Earth since its seasons are more extreme and it changes of temperature more sudden though it is curious that the duration of the day is nearly the same on the four inner

    Planets Mercury Venus the Earth and Mars on Mercury the sun’s heat and light are seven times what they are on the earth and astronomy teaches that it is enveloped in a very dense atmosphere and as we see that life appears more active on Earth in proportion to the light and

    Heat of the sun it would seem more than probable that its intensity is far far greater on Mercury than here Venus like mercury has a very dense atmosphere as also has Mars and the Snows which cover their poles the clouds which hide their surface the geographical configuration of their seas and continents the

    Variations of seasons and climates are all closely analogous at least to the eye of the physical astronomer but such facts and the considerations to which they give rise have reference only to the possibility of the existence on these planets of human life as known on Earth

    Earth that some forms of life such as we know are possible on these planets has been long since abundantly demonstrated and it seems perfectly useless to go into detailed questions on the physiology Etc of these hypothetical inhabitants since after all the reader can arrive only at an imaginary extension of his familiar

    Surroundings it is better to rest content with the three conclusions which M flamion whom we have so largely quoted formulates as r ous and exact deductions from the known facts and laws of science one the various forces which were active in the beginning of evolution gave birth to a great variety

    Of beings on the several worlds both in the organic and inorganic kingdoms two the animated beings were constituted from the first according to forms and organisms in correlation with the physiological state of each inhabited Globe three the humanities of other worlds differ from us as much in their

    Inner organization as in their external physical type finally the reader who may be disposed to question the validity of these conclusions as being opposed to the Bible may be referred to an appendix in M fian’s work dealing in detail with this question since in a work like the

    Present it seems unnecessary to point out the logical absurdity of those churchmen who deny the plurality of worlds on the ground of biblical Authority in this connection we may well recall those days when the burning Zeal of the Primitive Church opposed the doctrine of the Earth’s rotundity on the ground that the Nations

    At the antipodes would be outside the pale of Salvation and again we may remember how long it took for a nent science to break down the idea of a solid firmament in the grooves of which the Stars moved for the special edification of terrestrial Humanity the theory of Earth’s rotation

    Was met by a like opposition even to the martyrdom of its discoverers because besides depriving our orb of its dignified Central position in Space the theory produced an appalling confusion of ideas as to the Ascension the terms up and down being proved to be merely relative thus complicating not a little

    Of the question of the precise locality of Heaven according to the best modern calculations there are no less than 500 million stars of various magnitudes within the range of the best telescopes as to the distances between them they are in calculable is then our microscopical Earth a grain of sand on an infinite

    Seashore the only Center of intelligent life our own Sun itself 1,300,000 times larger than our planet sinks into insignificance beside the giant Sun Sirius and the latter in its turn is dwarfed by other luminaries in Infinite Space the self-centered conception of Jehovah as the special guardian of a small and obscure

    Semi-nomadic tribe is tolerable besides that which confines sentient existence to our microscopic Globe the primary reasons were without doubt a astronomical ignorance on the part of the early Christians coupled with an exaggerated appreciation of man’s own importance a crude form of selfishness and B The Dread that if the

    Hypothesis of millions of other inhabited Globes were accepted the crushing rejoiner would ensue was there then a revelation to each world involving the idea of the Son of God eternally going the rounds as it were happily it is now unnecessary to waste time and energy in proving the

    Possibility of the existence of such worlds all intelligent persons admitt it that which now remains to be demonstrated is that if it is once proven that there were inhabited worlds besides our own with Humanities entirely different from each other as from our own as maintained in the occult Sciences

    Then the evolution of the preceding races have proved for where is that physicist or geologist who is prepared to maintain that the Earth is not changed scores of times in the millions of years which have elapsed in the course of its existence and that changing its skin as it is called an

    Occultism the Earth has not had each time her special Humanities adapted to such atmospheric and climactic conditions as were entailed by such change and if so why should not our preceding four and entirely different mankinds have existed and thrived before our adamic fifth root race before closing our debate however

    We have to examine the so-called organic evolution more closely let us search well and see whether it is quite impossible to make our ult data and chronology agree up to a certain point with those of science C supplementary remarks on esoteric geological chronology it seems possible to calculate the approximate duration at

    Any rate of the geological periods from the combined data of Science and occultism now before us geology is of course able to determine one thing with almost certainty the thickness of several deposits now it also stands to reason that the time required for the deposition of any stratum on the seab

    Bottom must bear a strict proportion to the thickness of the mass thus formed doubtless the rate of the erosion of land and of the sorting out of matter on to the ocean beds has varied from age to age and cataclysmic changes of various kinds have broken the uniformity of ordinary geological

    Processes provided then that we have some definite numerical basis on which to work our task is rendered less difficult than it might at first appear making due allowance for variations in the rate of deposit Professor levra gives us the relative figures which sum up geological time he

    Does not attempt to calculate the lapse of years since the first bed of the Laurentian rocks was deposited but postulating that time as X he presents us with the relative proportions in which the various periods stand to it let us premise our estimate by stating that roughly speaking the primordial

    Rocks are 70,000 ft the primary 42,000 ft the secondary 15,000 ft the tertiary 5,000 ft and the cordary some 500 ft in thickness dividing into 100 parts of the time whatever its actual length that has passed since the dawn of Life on this Earth lower Laurentian strata we shall

    Be led to attribute to the primordial age more than half of the whole duration say 535 to the primary 322 to the secondary 115 to the tertiary 23 to the cordary 0.5 or 1 12% now as it is certain an occult data that the time which elapsed since the

    First sedimentary deposits is 320 million years we are able to construct the following table rough approximations of length of geological periods and years primordial Laurentian Cambrian curan 17,2 200,000 primary devonian coal perian 103,4 th000 secondary Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous 36,800 ,000 tertiary eosine myosin Pine 7, 360,000 and quinary 1,600,000

    Such estimates harmonize with the statements of esoteric ethnology and almost every particular the tertiary Atlantean part cycle from the Apex of Glory of that race in the early eocene to the great midm scene cataclysm would appear to have lasted some 3 and a half to 4 million years if the duration of

    The cordiner is not as seems likely rather overestimated the sinking of routa and data would be post tertiary it is probable that the results here given allow somewhat too long a period to both the tertiary and ordinary as the third route race goes back very far into the secondary age nevertheless

    The figures are most suggestive but the argument from geological evidence being in favor of only 100 million years let us compare our claims and teachings with those of exact science Mr Edward Claude in referring to M de Mor’s work materal poor history deom which places man in the mid M scene period remarks

    That it would be in defiance of all that the doctrine of evolution teaches and moreover when no support from Believers in special creation and the fixity of species to seek for so highly specialized the mamallan as man at an early stage in the life history of the

    Globe to this one could answer a the doctrine of evolution as inaugurated by Darwin and developed by later evolutionists is not only the reverse of infallible but it is repudiated by several Great Men of science example the quatrefages in France Dr wisman an ex evolutionist in Germany and many others

    The ranks of the anti- Darwin is growing stronger with every year and B truth to be worthy of its name and remain truth and fact hardly needs to beg for support from any class or sect for were it to win support from Believers in special creation it would

    Never gain the favor of the evolutionists and vice versa truth must rest upon its own firm foundation of facts and take its chance of recognition when every Prejudice in the way is disposed of though the question has been already fully considered in its main aspect it is nevertheless less

    Advisable to combat every so-called scientific objection as we go along when making what are regarded as her rical and anti-scientific statements let us briefly glance at the divergencies between Orthodox and esoteric science on the question of the age of the globe and of man with the two respective synchronistic tables before him the

    Reader will be enable to see at a glance the importance of these divergencies and to perceive at the same time that it is not impossible nay it is most likely that further discoveries in geology and the finding of fossil remains of man will force science to confess that it is

    Esoteric philosophy which is right after all or at any rate nearer to the truth parallelism of Life scientific hypothesis science divides the period of the globe’s history since the beginning of life on Earth or the eoic age into five main divisions or periods according to H esoteric Theory leaving the

    Classification of the geological periods to to Western science esoteric philosophy divides only the life periods on the globe in the present man ventar the actual period is separated into seven kalpas and seven Great human races its first kalpa answering to the primordial epic is the age of the back to the scientific hypothesis

    Primordial epic Laurentian Cambrian saluran the primordial epic science tells us is by no means devoid of vegetable and animal life in the Loren deposits are found specimens of the Eun canident a chambered shell in the saluran are discovered seaweeds algae mollusks crustacea and lower marine organisms also the first trace of fishes

    The primordial Epic shows algae mollusks crustacea polyps and marine organisms Etc science teaches therefore that marine life was present from the very beginnings of time leaving us however to speculate for ourselves as how life appeared on Earth if it rejects the biblical creation as we do why does it

    Not give us another approximately plausible hypothesis and back to the esoteric Theory primeval Davis are Divine men the creators and progenitors the esoteric philosophy agrees with the statement made by science see parallel column demurring however to one particular the 300 million years of vegetable life see brm monical chronology preceded the

    Divine men or progenitors also no teaching denies that there were traces of life within the earth besides the eosone canens in the primordial epic only whereas the said vegetation belonged to this round the Zoological relics now found in the Laurentian Cambrian and curan systems so-called are

    The relics of the third round at first astral like the rest they Consolidated and materialized Perry pasu with the new vegetation back to the scientific hypothesis ois primary devonian Cole perian fernforest ceria Conifer fishes first trace of reptiles thus saith modern science back to the esoteric Theory column primary Divine progenitors

    Secondary groups and the two and a half races the esoteric Doctrine repeats that which was said above these are all relics of the preceding round once however the prototypes are projected out of the astral envelope of the earth an indefinite amount of modification ensues back to the scientific hypothesis secondary Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous

    This is the age of reptiles of the gigantic megalosaur this is the age of the reptiles of the gigantic megalosaur iosaur plesiosaur Etc science denies the presence of man in this period but it still has to explain how men came to know of the these monsters and describe

    Them before the age of kuier the old anals of China India Egypt and even of Judea are full of them as demonstrated elsewhere in this period also appear the first marsupial mammals insectus carnivorous phagus and as Professor Owen thinks a herbivorous hoofed mammal science does not admit the

    Appearance of man before the close of the tertiary period why because man has to be shown younger than the higher mammals but esoteric philosophy teaches us the reverse and as science is quite unable to come up to anything like an approximate conclusion as to the age of

    Man or even as to the geological periods the occult teaching is therefore more logical and reasonable even if accepted only as a hypothesis back to the esoteric Theory secondary according to every calculation the third race has already made its appearance as during the Triassic there were already a few mammals and it must

    Have separated before their appearance this then is the age of the third race in which the origins of the early fourth May perhaps also discoverable we are however left entirely to conjecture as no definite data are yet given out by the initiates the analogy is but a poor

    One still it may be argued that as the early mamalia and Premia are shown in their evolution merging from one kind into a Higher One anatomically so are the human races in their procreative processes a parallel might certainly be found between the monotremata delfia or marupa and the placental mammals divided

    In their turn into the three orders like the first second and third root races of men but this would require more space than can now be allotted to the subject back to the scientific hypothesis the tertiary eosine myos Pine No Man Is Yet allowed to have lived

    During this period says Mr E Claude in knowledge although the placental mammals and the Order of primates to which man is related appear in the tertiary times and the climate tropical in the eosine age warm in the milene and tempered in the pene was favorable to his presence

    The proofs of his existence in Europe before the close of the tertiary epic are not generally accepted here back to the esoteric Theory the tertiary the third race has now utterly disappeared Carried Away by the fearful geological cataclysms of the secondary age leaving behind it but a few hybrid

    Races the fourth born millions of years before the cataclysm took place perished during the mil scene period when the fifth our Aryan race had had 1 million years of independent existence how much older is it from the origin who knows as the historical period began with the

    Indian Arians with their vas for their multitudes and far earlier in the esoteric records it is useless to establish here any parallels geology has now divided the periods and placed man in theordinary Paleolithic man Neolithic man historical period And in the esoteric if theordinary period is allowed 1.5

    Million years then only does our fifth race belong to it yet mirable dick to while the non-c cannibal Paleolithic man who must have certainly anti cannibal Neolithic Man by hundreds of thousands of years is shown to be a remarkable artist Neolithic man is made out to be almost an abject

    Savage his Lake dwellings notwithstanding foresee what a learned GE ologist Mr Charles Gould tells the reader in his mythical monsters Paleolithic men were unacquainted with Pottery in the art of weaving and apparently had no domesticated animals or system of cultivation but the Neolithic Lake dwellers of Switzerland had looms

    Pottery cereals sheep horses Etc Implements of horn bone and wood were at common use among both races but those of the older are frequently distinguished by their being sculptured with great ability or ornamented with lifelike Engravings of the various animals living at the period whereas there appears to

    Have been a remarked absence of any similar artistic ability on the part of the Neolithic man let us give the reasons for this one the oldest fossil man the Primitive caveman of the old Paleolithic period and of the preglacial period of whatever length and however far back is always the same genus man

    And there are no fossil remains proving for him what the hipparion and antherium have proven for the genus horse that is gradual progression specialization from a simple ancestral type to more complex existing forms two as to the so-called Paleolithic hatchets when placed side by side with the rudest forms of stone

    Hatchets actually used by the Australian and other Savages it is difficult to detect any difference this goes to prove that there have been Savages at all times and the inference would be that there might have been civilized people in those days as well cultured Nations contemporary with those

    Rude Savages we see such a thing in Egypt 7,000 years ago three an obstacle which is the direct consequence of the two preceding man if no older than the Paleolithic period could not possibly have had the actual time necessary for his transformation from The Missing Link

    Into what he is known to have been during that remote geological time I.E even a fin specimen of manhood than many of the non-existing races the above lends itself naturally to the following syllogism one the Primitive Man known to science was in some respects even a

    Finer man of his genus than he is now two the earliest monkey known the Lemur was less anthropoid than the modern pyoid species three conclusion even though a missing link were found the balance of evidence would remain more in favor of the ape being a degenerated man made dumb by

    Some fortuitous circumstances than in favor of The Descent of Man from aoid ancestor the theory Cuts both ways on the other hand if the existence of Atlantis be accepted and the statement be believed that in the eosin age even in its first very part the great cycle

    Of the fourth race men the atlantans had already reached its highest point then some of the present difficulties of science might easily be made to disappear the rude workmanship of the Paleolithic tools proves nothing against the idea that side by side with their makers there live Nations highly

    Civilized we are told that only very small portion of the Earth’s surface has been explored and of this a very small portion consists of ancient land surfaces or freshwater formation where alone we can expect to meet with traces of the higher forms of animal life and even these have been so

    Imperfectly explored that where we now meet with tens of thousands and thousands of undoubted humans remain lying under most of our feet it is only within the last 30 years that their existence has even been suspected it is very suggestive also that along with the rude hatchets of the

    Lowest Savage explorers meet with specimens of workmanship of such artistic Merit as could hardly be found or expected in a modern peasant belonging to any European country unless in exceptional cases the portrait of the reindeer feeding from the thin Grotto in Switzerland and those of the man running

    With two horses heads sketched close to him a work of the reindeer period I.E at least 50,000 years ago are pronounced by Mr Lang to be not only exceedingly well done but the former the reindeer feeding is described as one that would do credit to any modern animal painter by no means

    Exaggerated praise as anyone may see by glancing at the sketch given below from Mr G’s work now since we have our greatest painters of Europe side by side with the modern Asal who also have a tendency like their Paleolithic ancestors of the reindeer period the rude and Savage human species to be

    Constantly drawing with the point of their knives sketches of animals scenes of the chase Etc why could not the same have happened in those days compared with the specimens of Egyptian drawing and sketching 7,000 years ago the earliest portraits of men horses heads and Reindeer made 50,000 years ago are

    Certainly Superior nevertheless the Egyptian of those periods are known to have been a highly civilized Nation whereas the Paleolithic men are called Savages of the lower type this is a small matter seemingly yet is extremely suggestive as showing how every new geological Discovery is made to fit with

    Certain theories instead of fitting the theories to include the discovery yes Mr Huxley is right in saying time will show it will and it must vindicate occultism meanwhile the most uncompromising materialists are given by necessity into the most OCC cult-like admissions strange to say it is the most

    Materialistic those of the German School who with regard to the physical development come to the nearest to the teachings of the occultists thus Professor bomgardner believes that the germs for the higher animals could only be the eggs of the lower animals besides the advance of the vegetable and animal world in

    Development there occurred in that period the formation of the new original germs which form the basis of the new metamorphosis Etc the first men who proceeded from the germs of animals beneath them lived first in a larvae State just so in a larva State we say

    Too only from no animal germ and that larvae was the soulless astral form of the pre-physical races and we believe as the German Professor does with several other men of Science in Europe now that the human races have not descended from one pair but appeared immediately in numerous

    Races therefore when we read force and matter and find the Emperor of materialist Buckner repeating after man and Hermes that in perceptibly the plant Glides into the animal the animal into the man we need only to add an man into a spirit to complete the cabalistic

    Axiom the more so since we read the following in Mission evolved by spontaneous generation that whole rich and multiform organic world has developed itself progressively in the course of endless periods of time by the aid of natural phenomena the whole difference lies in this modern science places her materialistic theory of primordial germs

    On earth and the last germ of Life on this globe of man and everything else between two voids whence the first germ of both spontaneous generation and the interference of external forces are absolutely rejected now germs of organic life we are told by Sir William Thompson

    Came to our Earth in some meteor this helps in no way and only shifts the difficulty from this Earth to the supposed meteor these are our agreements and disagreements with science about the endless periods we are of course at one with materialistic speculation for we believe in evolution though on different

    Lines Professor Huxley very wisely says if any form of the doctrine of progressive development is correct we must extend End by long epics the most liberal estimate that has yet been made of the Antiquity of man but when we are told that this man is a product of the Natural Forces

    Inherent in matter Force according to Modern views being a quality of matter a mode of motion Etc and when we find Sir William Thompson repeating in 1885 what was asserted by Buckner and his school 30 years ago we fear all our reverence for real science is Vanishing Into Thin Air

    One can hardly help thinking that materialism is in certain cases a disease for when man of science in the face of magnetic phenomena and the attraction of iron particles through insulating substances like glass maintain that the set attraction is due to molecular motion or to the rotation

    Of the molecules of the magnet then whether the teaching comes from a credulous theosophist innocent of any notion of physics or from an eminent man of science it is equally ridiculous the individual who asserts such a theory in the teeth of fact is only one more proof

    That when people have not a niche in their minds into which to shoot facts so much the worse for the facts at present the dispute between the spontaneous generation ISS and their opponents is at rest having ended in the provisional victory of the latter but even when they

    Are forced to admit as Buckner did and messers Tindle and Huxley still do that spontaneous generation must have occurred once under special thermal condition virchow refuses even to argue the question it must have taken place some time in the history of our planet and there’s an end to

    It this seems to look more natural than Sir William Thompson’s hypothesis just quoted that the germ of organic life fell on our Earth in some meteor or the other scientific hypothesis coupled with the recently adopted belief that there is no vital principle whatever but only vital

    Phenomena which can all be traced to the molecular Force forces of the original protoplasm but this does not help science to solve the still greater problem the origin and The Descent of Man for here is a still worse plaint in lamentation while we can trace the skeletons of eosine mammals through

    Several directions of specialization and succeeding tertiary times man presents the phenomena of an unspecialized skeleton which cannot fairly be connected with any of these lines the secret could soon be told not only from the esoteric but even from the standpoint of every religion the world over without mentioning the occultists

    The specialized skeleton is sought for in the wrong place where it can never be found scientists expect to discover it in physical remains of man in some pyoid missing link with a skull larger than that of the Apes and with a cranial capacity smaller than in man instead of

    Looking for that specialization in the super physical essence of his inner astral Constitution which can hardly be excavated ated from any geological strata such a tenacious hopeful clinging to a self-degrading theory is the most wonderful feature of the day meanwhile the above is a specimen of an engraving made by Paleolithic Savage paleolithic

    Meaning the earlier Stone AG man one supposed to have been as Savage and brutal as the brutes he lived with leaving the modern South Sea Islander or even any Asiatic race aside we defy any grown-up school boy or even a European youth one who has never studied drawing

    To execute such an engraving or even a pencil sketch as good and correct lights and shadows without any plain model before the artist who copied direct from nature thus exhibiting a knowledge of anatomy in proportion the artist who engraved this reindeer belonged we are asked to believe to the Primitive semian animal

    Savages contemporaneous with the mamouth and the woolly rhinoceros whom some overzealous evolutionist once sought to picture to to us a distinct approximations to the type of their hypothetical pyoid man this engraved antler proves as eloquently as any fact can do that the evolution of the races has ever preceded

    In a series of Rises and Falls that man is perhaps as old as incrusted Earth and if we can call his Divine ancestor man is far older still even demort himself seems to experience a vague distress of the conclusions of modern archaeologists when he writes the prehistoric is a new

    Science far very far from having said its last word according to Lyle one of the highest authorities on the subject and the father of geology the expectation of always meeting with a lower type of human skull the older the formation in which it occurs is based on the theory of progressive development

    And it may prove to be sound nevertheless we must remember that as yet we have no distinct geological evidence at the appearance of what we call the inferior races of mankind has always preceded in chronological order that of the higher races nor has such evidence been found

    To this day science is thus offering forsale the skin of a bear which has tho never been seen by mortal eye this concession of lyes reads most suggestively with the subjoined utterance of Professor Max Mueller whose attack on darwinian anthropology from the standpoint of language has by the way never been satisfactorily answered

    Answered what do we know of savage tribes beyond the last chapter of their history compare this with the esoteric view of the Australians Bushmen as well as of Paleolithic European man the atlantian offshoots retain a relic of a lost culture which throve when the parent root race was in its

    Prime do we ever get an insight into these antecedence can we understand what after all is everywhere the most important and the most instructive lesson to learn how how they have come to be what they are their language proves indeed that these so-called heathens with their complicated systems of Mythology their artificial Customs

    Their unintelligible whims and savageries are not the creatures of today or yesterday unless we admit a special creation for these Savages they must be as old as the Hindus the Greeks and the Romans far older they may have passed through ever so many vicissitudes and what we

    Consider is primitive may be for all we know a relapse into savagery or a Corruption of something that was more rational and intelligible in former stages Professor George rollinson ma remarks the Primeval Savage is a familiar term in modern literature but there is no evidence that the Primeval

    Savage ever existed rather all the evidence looks the other way in his origin of Nations he rightly adds the mythical traditions of almost all nations place at the beginning of human history a time of happiness and Perfection a golden Agee which has no features of savagery or barbarism but many of civilization and

    Refinement how is the modern evolutionist to meet this consensus of evidence we repeat the question asked in Isis unveiled is the finding of the remains of the cave of Devon proved that there were no contemporary races than who were highly civilized when the present population of the Earth has disappeared and some

    Archaeologists belonging to the coming race of the distant future shall excavate their domestic Implements of one of our Indian or Andaman Island tribes will he be justified in concluding that mankind in the 19th century was just emerging from the Stone Age another strange inconsistency in scientific theories is that Neolithic

    Man is shown as being far more of a primitive Savage than Paleolithic either lck’s prehistoric man or evans’s ancient stone implements must be at fault or both both for this is what we learn from these works and others one as we pass from Neolithic to Paleolithic man the stone implements

    Become rude lumbering makeshifts instead of gracefully shaped and Polished instruments pottery and other useful Arts disappear as we descend the scale and yet the latter can engrave such a reindeer number two Paleolithic man lived in caves which he shared with hyenas and lions whereas Neolithic man dwelt in Lake Villages and buildings

    Everyone who has followed even superfici justly the geological discoveries of our day knows that a gradual Improvement in workmanship is found from the clumsy chipping and rude chopping of the early paleolithic hatchets to the relatively graceful Stone Celts of that part of the Neolithic period immediately preceding

    The use of metals but this is in Europe only a few portions of which were barely rising from the waters in the days of the highest Atlantean civilization there were rude Savages and highly civilized people then as there are now if 50,000 years hence pygmy Bushmen are zoomed from some African Cavern

    Together with a far earlier pygmy elephants such as were found in the cave deposits of Malta by mil Edwards will that be a reason for maintaining that in our age all men and all elephants were pygmies or if the weapons of the vadas of seon are found will our descendants be justified in

    Setting us all down as Paleolithic Savages all the Articles which geologists now excavate in Europe can certainly never date earlier than those of the eosine age since the lands of Europe were not even above water before that period nor can what we have said be in the latest

    Invalidated by theorists telling us that these quaint sketches of animals and Men by Paleolithic man were executed only toward the close of the reindeer period for this explanation would be a very lame one indeed in view of the geologists ignorance of even the approximate duration of periods the esoteric Doctrine teaches

    Distinctly the dogma of the rising and Falls of civilization and now we learn that it is a remarkable fact that cannibalism seems to become more frequent as man advanced in Civilization and that while its traces are frequent in Neolithic times they become very scarce or altogether

    Disappear in the age of the mammoth and the rinder another evidence of the cyclic law and the truth of our teachings esoteric history teaches that Idols in their warship died out with the fourth race until the survivors of the hybrid races of the latter Chinamen African Negroes Etc gradually brought the

    Warship back the vadas continents no Idols all the modern Hindu writings do in the early Egyptian tombs and in the remains of the prehistoric cities excavated by Dr schimon images of owl and Ox headed goddesses and other symbolical figures or idols are found in abundance but when we Ascend into

    Neolithic times such Idols are no longer found or if found it is so rare that archaeologists still dispute as to their existence the only ones which may be said with some certainty to have been Idols are one or two discovered by m de in some artificial caves in the

    Neolithic period which appear to be intended for female figures of life size and these may have been simply statued anyhow all this is one among many proofs of the cyclic rise and fall of civilization and religion the fact that no traces of human relics or skeletons are so far found Beyond post-tertiary or

    Quinary times though Abby Bourgeois flints may serve as a warning seems to point to the truth of another esoteric statement which runs thus seek for the remains of thy forefathers in the high places the veils have grown in into Mountains and the mountains have crumbled to the bottom of the

    Seas fourth race mankind thinned after the cataclysm by 23ds of its population instead of settling on the new continents and islands of that reappeared while their predecessors formed the floors of new oceans deserted that which is now Europe and parts of Asia and Africa for the Summits of gigantic mountains the Seas that

    Surrounded some of the latter having since retreated and made room for the table lands of Central Asia the most interesting example of this Progressive March is perhaps afforded by the celebrated Kent’s Cavern at torway in that strange reset excavated by water out of the devonian Limestone we find a

    Most curious record preserved for us in the geological Memoirs of the earth under the blocks of limestone which heaped the floor of the cavern were discovered embedded in a deposit of Black Earth many Implements of the Neolithic period a fairly excellent workmanship with a few fragments of

    Pottery possibly traceable to the era of the Roman colonization there is no trace of Paleolithic man here no flints or traces of the extinct animals of the cordary period when however we penetrate still deeper through the dense layer of stalagmite beneath the black mold into the red Earth which of course itself

    Once formed the pavement of the retreat things assume a very different aspect not one Implement fit to Bear comparison with the finely chipped weapons found in the overlaying stratum is to be seen only a host of the rude and lumbering little hatchets with which the Monstrous Giants of the animal world were subdued

    And killed by little man we have to think and scrapers of the Paleolithic Age mixed up confusedly with the bones of the species now extinct or immigrated driven Away by change of climate it is now the artificer of these ugly little hatchets you see who sculpted the reindeer over the Brook on

    The antlers shown above in all cases we meet with the same evidence from historic to Neolithic from Neolithic to Paleolithic man things slope downwards on an inclined plane from the rudiments of civilization to the most abject barbarism in Europe again we are made also to face the mammoth age the extreme or earliest

    Division of the Paleolithic Age in which the great rudess of implements reaches its maximum and the brutal appearance of contemporary skulls such as the Neanderthal points to a very low type of humanity but they may sometimes point also to something else to a race of men quite distinct from our fifth race

    Humanity as said by an anthropologist in modern thought the theory scientifically based or not of Perry may be considered to be equivalent to that which divided man in two species broka vir and a number of the French anthropologists have recognized that the lower race of men compromising the Australian Tasmanian

    And negro race excluding the cfir and the northern Africans should be placed apart the fact that in this species or rather subspecies the third lower molers are usually larger than the second and the squamosal and frontal bones are generally United by suture places the homo aper on the level of being as good

    A distinct species as many of the kinds of finches I shall abstain on the present occasion from mentioning the facts of hybridity whereon the late professor broka has so exhaustively commented the history in the past ages of the world of this race is peculiar it has never originated a

    System of architecture or a religion of its own it is peculiar indeed as we have shown in the case of the tasmanians however it may be fossil man in Europe can neither prove nor disprove the Antiquity of man on this Earth nor the age of his earliest

    Civilizations it is time that the ult alst should disregard any attempts to laugh at them scorning the heavy guns of the satire of the men of science as much as the pop guns of the profane since it is impossible so far to obtain either proof or disproof while their theories

    Can stand the test better than can the hypothesis of the scientists at any rate as to the proof of the Antiquity which they claim for man they have Darwin himself and Lyall with them the latter confesses that they the naturalists have already obtained evidence of the existence of man at so

    Remote a period that there has been time for many conspicuous mamalia wants his contemporaries to die out and this even before the era of the earliest historical records this is a statement made by one of England’s Great authorities upon the question the two sentences that follow are as suggestive and may well be

    Remembered by students of occultism for with all others he says in spite of the long lapse of prehistoric ages during which he man must have flourished on Earth there is no proof of any perceptible change in his bodily structure if therefore he ever diverged from some unreasoning

    Brute ancestor we must suppose him to have existed at a far more distant epic possibly on some continents or Islands now submerged beneath the ocean thus lost continents are officially suspected that worlds and also races are periodically destroyed by fire volcanoes and earthquakes and water in turn and are periodically renewed is

    As Doctrine as old as man Manu Hermes the calans all Antiquity believed in this twice already has the face of the globe Been Changed by fire and twice by water since man appeared on it as land needs rest and renovation new forces and a change for its soil so does water then

    Arises a periodical redistribution of land and water change of climate climates Etc all brought on by geological Revolution and ending in a final change in the axis of the earth astronomers May poooo the idea of a periodical change in the behavior of the globe’s axis and smile at the

    Conversation given in The Book of Enoch between Noah and his grandfather Enoch the allegory is nevertheless a geological and an astronomical fact there is a secular change in the inclination of the Earth’s axis and its appointed time is recorded in one of the Great secret Cycles as in many other questions science is

    Gradually moving toward our way of thinking Dr Henry Woodward F FRS fgs writes in the Popular Science review if it be necessary to call in extramundane causes to explain the great increase of ice at this glacial period I would prefer the theory propounded by Dr Robert Hook in

    1688 since by Sir Richard Phillips and others and lastly by Mr Thomas belt C fgs namely a slight increase in the present obliquity of the ecliptic a proposal in perfect Accord with other known astronomical facts and the introduction of which involves no disturbance of the harmony which is

    Essential to our cosmical condition as a unit in the great solar system the following quoted from a lecture by w pangi f FRS fgs delivered in March 1885 on the extinct Lake of bovy Tracy shows the hesitation and the face of every evidence in favor of Atlantis to accept the fact Evergreen

    Figs Laurels palms and ferns having gigantic risom have their existing congeners in a subtropical climate such it cannot be doubted as prevailed in devire and milene times and are thus calculated to suggest caution when the present climate of any district is regarded as normal when moreover myene plants are

    Found in Disco Island on the west coast of Greenland lying between 69 and 20 and 70 and 30 north latitude when we learned that among them there were two species found also at bovie seoa C quirkus leli when to quote Professor here we find that the splendid Evergreen Magnolia inle Fetti ripened

    Its fruits so North as on the parallel of 70° Philip trans clicks 457 1869 when also the number variety and luxuriance of the Greenland biosine plants are found to have been such that had land continued so far some of them would in all probability have flourish at the pole itself the problem of

    Changes of climate is brought prominently into view but only to be dismissed apparently with the feeling that the time for its solution has not yet arrived it seems to be admitted on all hands that the myosin plants of Europe have their nearest and most numerous existing analoges in North America and

    Hence arises the question how was the migration from one area to the other affected was there as some have believed an Atlantis a continent or an arapo of large islands occupying the area of the North Atlantic there is perhaps nothing unphilosophical in this hypothesis for since as geologists State the Alps have

    Acquired 4,000 and even in some places more than 10,000 ft of their present altitude since the commencement of the EOS period ly’s principles 11th Ed page 25 6 1872 a postm depression might have carried the hypothetical Atlantis into almost abysmal depths but an Atlantis is apparently unnecessarily and uncalled for according

    To Professor Oliver a close and very peculiar analogy subsist between the Flora and tertiary Central Europe and the recent floras of the American states and of the Japanese region an analogy much closer and more intimate than it is to be traced between a tertiary and recent Flor of Europe we find the

    Tertiary element of the old world to be intensified towards its extreme Eastern margin and if not in numerical preponderance of Genera yet in features which especially give a character to the fossil Flora this succession of the tertiary element is rather gradual and not abruptly assumed in the Japan Islands

    Only although there attains a maximum we may trace it from the Mediterranean Levant caucuses and Persia then along the Himalayan through China we learn also that during the tertiary epic counterparts of central European myene Genera certainly grew in Northwest America we note further that the present Atlantic Islands Flora affords no

    Substantial evidence of a former direct communication with the mainland of the new world the consideration of these facts leads me to the opinion that Botanical evidence does not favor the hypothesis of an Atlantis on the other hand it strongly favors the view that at some period of the tertiary epic

    Northeastern Asia was United to Northwestern America perhaps by the line where the eluan chain of islands now extends Natural History review 2 1641 1862 art the Atlantis hypothesis in its Botanical aspect see however on these points scientific and geological proofs of the reality of several submerged continents but nothing short of a pyoid

    Man will ever satisfy the luckless Searchers after the Thrice hypothetical Missing Link yet if beneath the vast floors of the Atlantic from the tener pick to the jalter the ancient imp placement of the Lost Atlantis all the submarine strata were to be broken up miles deep no such skull as would

    Satisfy the darwinist would be found as Dr CR Bri remarks no missing links between man and ape have been discovered in various gravels and formations above the tertiary strata if these forms had gone down with the continents now covered with the sea they might still have been found in those

    Beds of contemporary geological strata which have not gone down to the bottom of the sea yet they are as fatally absent from the latter as from the former did not preconceptions fasten vampire likee on man’s mind the author of The Antiquity of man would have found a clue to the

    Difficulty in the same work of his by going 10 pages back to page 530 and reading over a quotation of his own Professor from G rist’s work this physiologist he says suggest that there is considerable plasticity in the human frame not only in Youth and during

    Growth but even in the adult we ought not always to take for granted as some Advocates of the developmental Theory seem to do that each advance in physical power depends upon an improvement in bodily structure for why may not the soul or the higher intellectual and moral faculties play the first instead

    Of the second part in a progressive scheme this hypothesis is made in relation to Evolution not being entirely L due to Natural Selection but it applies as well to the case in hand for we too claim that it is the soul or the inner man that descends on Earth First

    The psychic astral that mold on which physical man is gradually built his Spirit intellectual and moral faculties Awakening later on as that physical stature grows and develops thus in corporeal spirits to smaller forms reduced their shapes immense and became the men of the third and fourth races still later ages after

    Appeared the men of our fifth race reduced from what we should call the still gigantic stature of their primeval ancestors to about half that size at present man is certainly no special creation he is the product of Nature’s gradual perfective work like any other living unit on this Earth but this is

    Only with regard to the human Tabernacle that which lives and thinks in man and survives that frame the Masterpiece of evolution is the Eternal Pilgrim the prot Ian differentiation in space and time of the one absolute unknowable in his Antiquity of man Sir Charles Lyle quotes perhaps in rather a

    Mocking spirit what halman says in his introduction to the literature of Europe if man was made in the image of God he was also made in the image of an ape the framework of the body of him who has weighed the stars and made the lightning his slave approaches to that

    Of a speechless brute who wanders in the forest of Sumatra thus standing on the frontier man between animal and Angelic Natures what wonder that he should partake of both an occultist would have put it otherwise he would say that man was indeed made in the image of a type

    Projected by his progenitor the creating Angel force or JN Chan while The Wanderer of the forest of Sumatra was made in the image of man since the framework of the ape we say again is the Revival the resuscitation by abnormal means of the actual form of the third

    Round and of the fourth fourth round of man as well later on nothing is lost in nature not an atom this is at the least certain unscientific data analogy would appear to demand that form should equally be endowed with permanency and yet what do we find says Sir William

    Dawson F FRS it is farther significant that Professor Huxley in his lectures in New York while resting his case as to the lower animals mainly on the supposed genealogy of the horse which has often been shown to amount to no certain evidence avoided altogether the discussion of the origin of man from the

    Apes now obviously complicated with so many difficulties that both Wallace and me are staggered by them Professor Thomas in his recent lectures nature 1876 admits that there is no lower man known than the Australian and that there is no known link of connection with the monkeys and heel has to admit the

    Penultimate Link in his philogyny the aplike man is absolutely unknown history of creation the so-called tallies found with the bones of the Paleo Cosmic men in European caves and Illustrated in the admirable works of Christie and laret show that the rudiments even of writing were already in possession of the oldest

    Race of men known to archaeology or geology again in Dr C Brees fallacies of Darwinism we read Mr Darwin justly says that the difference in physically and more especially mentally between the lowest form of man and the highest anthropomorphous ape is enormous therefore the time which in darwinian evolution must be almost inconceivably

    Slow must have been enormous also during man’s development from the monkey the chance therefore of some of these variations being found in the different gravels or freshw formations above the tertiaries must be very great and yet not one single variation not one single specimen of a being between a monkey and

    A man has ever been found neither in the gravel nor the drift clay nor the fresh water beds and gravel and drift nor in the tertiaries below them has there ever been discovered the remains of any member of the missing families between the monkey and the man as assumed to

    Have existed by Mr Darwin have they gone down with the depression of the Earth’s surface and are they now covered with the sea if so it is beyond all probability that they should not be found also in those beds of contemporary geological strata which have not gone down the bottom of the sea

    Still more improbable that some portions should not be Dred from the ocean bed like the remains of the mammoth and the rhinocerus which are also found in freshwater beds and gravel and drift the celebrated Neanderthal skull about which so much has been said belongs confessedly to this remote period bronze

    And stone ages and yet presents although it may have been the skull of an idiot immense differences from the highest known anthropomorphous ape our globe being convulsed each time that it reawakens for a new period of activity like a field which has to be plowed and

    Fred before fresh seed for its new crop is thrown into it it does seem quite hopeless that fossils belonging to its previous rounds should be found in the beds of either its oldest or its latest geological strata every new man ventara brings along with it the renovation of

    Forms types and species every type of the preceding organic forms vegetable animal and human changes in his perfected in the next even to the mineral which has received in this round its final opacity and hardness its softer portions formed the present vegetation the astral relics of previous vegetation and fauna were

    Utilized in the formation of the lower animals and in determining the structure of the Primeval root types of the highest mamalia and finally the form of the gigantic apan of the former round has been reproduced in this one by human beastiality and transfigured into the parent form in the modern anthropoid

    This Doctrine even imperfectly delineated as it is under our inefficient pen is assuredly more logical more consistent with facts and far more probable than many scientific theories that for instance of the first organic germ descending on a meteor to our earth like in suf on its vehicle

    Adam cadmon only the latter descent is allegorical as everyone knows and the cabalist had never offered this figure of speech for acceptance and its dead letter Garb but the germ in the meteor Theory as coming from such high scientific quarters is an eligible candidate for axiomatic truth and law a

    Theory people are in honor bound to accept if they would be on the right level with modern science what the next Theory necessitated by the materialistic premises will be no one can tell meanwhile the present theories as anyone can see Clash far more discordantly among themselves than even with those of

    The occultist outside the sacred PRI prns of learning for what is there next in order now that exact science has made even the life principle an empty word a meaningless term and insist that life is in effect due to the molecular action of the primordial protoplasm the new doctrine of the

    Darwinist may be defined and summarized in a few words from Mr Herbert Spencer the hypothesis of special creation turns out to be worthless worthless by its derivation worthless in its intrinsic incoherence worthless as absolutely without evidence worthless as not supplying an intellectual need worthless as not satisfying a moral want

    We must therefore consider it as counting for nothing in opposition to any other hypothesis respecting the origin of organic beings section five organic evolution and creative centers it is argued that Universal Evolution otherwise the gradual development of speech species in all the kingdoms of nature works by uniform laws

    This is admitted and the law is enforced far more strictly in esoteric than in modern science but we are also told that it is equally a law that development works from the less to the more perfect and from the simpler to the more complicated by incessant changes small in themselves but constantly

    Accumulating in their required Direction it is from the infantes themely small that the comparatively gigantic IC species are produced esoteric science agrees with this but adds that this law applies only to what is known to it as the primary creation the evolution of Worlds from primordial atoms and the pre- primordial

    Atom at the first differentiation of the former and that during the period of cyclic evolution in space and time this law is limited and works only in the lower kingdoms it did so work during the first geological periods from simple to complex on the rough material surviving

    From the relics of the third round which relics are projected into objectivity when terrestrial activity recommences no more than science does this esoteric philosophy admit design or special creation it rejects every claim up to the miraculous and accepts nothing outside the uniform and immutable laws

    Of nature but it teaches a cyclic law a double stream of force or spirit and of matter which starting from the neutral Center of being develops by its cyclic progress and incessant Transformations the Primitive germ from which all vertebrate life has developed throughout the ages being distinct from the

    Primitive germ from which vegetable and animal life have evolved there are side laws whose work is determined by the conditions in which the materials to be worked upon are found by them and of which science physiology and anthropology especially seems to be little aware its voies speak

    Of this primitive germ and maintain that it is shown Beyond any doubt out that the design and the designer if there be any in the case of man with the wonderful structure of his Limbs and His Hands especially must be placed very much further back and is in fact

    Involved in the Primitive germ from which all vertebrate life certainly and probably all life animal or vegetable have been slowly developed this is as true of the Primitive germ as it is false that the germ is only very much further back than man is for it is at an immeasurable and

    Inconceivable distance in time though not in space from the origin even of our solar system as the Hindu philosophy very justly teaches the Anam Anam can be known only through false Notions it is the many that proceed from the one the living spiritual germs or centers of

    Forces each in a septin form which first generate and then give the primary impulse to the law of evolution and gradual slow development limiting the teaching strictly to this our Earth it may be shown that as the Ethereal forms of the first men are first projected on seven

    Zones by seven jic konic centers of force so there are centers of creative power for every root or parent species at the host of forms of vegetable and animal life this is again no special creation nor is there any design except in the general ground plan worked out by

    The universal law but there are certainly designers though these are neither omnipotent or omniscient in the absolute sense of the term they are simply Builders or Masons working under the impulse given to them by the ever to be unknown on our plane Master Mason the one life and

    Law belonging to this fear they have no hand in nor possibility of working on any other during the present man ventara at any rate that they work in cycles and on a strictly geometrical and mathematical scale of progression is what the extinct animal animal species amply demonstrate that they act by Design in

    The details of minor lives of the side animal issues ETC is sufficiently proved by natural history in the creation of new species departing sometimes very widely from the parent stock as in the great variety of the genus felis like the lensx the tiger the cat Etc it is the designers who direct the

    New Evolution by adding to or depriving the species of certain appendages either needed or becoming useless in the new environments thus when we say that nature provides for every animal and plant whether large or small we speak correctly for it is these terrestrial spirits of nature who form the

    Aggregated nature which if it fails occasionally in its design is neither to be considered blind nor to be taxed with the failure since belonging to a differentiated sum of qualities and attributes it is in virtue of that alone conditioned and imperfect were there no such thing as evolutionary

    Cycles as an eternal spiral progress into matter with a proportionate obscuration of spirit though the two are one followed by an inverse Ascent into spirit and a defeat of matter active and passive by turn how could we explain the discoveries of zoology and geology how is it that on the dictum of

    Authoritative science one can trace the animal life from the mollusk up to the great sea dragon from the smallest land worm up again to the gigantic animals of the tertiary period and that the latter were once crossed is shown by the fact of all those species decreasing dwindling down and becoming

    Dwarfed if the seeming process of development working from the less to the more perfect and from the simpler to the more complex were a universal law indeed instead of being very imperfect generalization of a mere secondary nature in the great Cosmic process and if there were no such Cycles as those

    Claimed then the Mesozoic fawn and Flora ought to change places with the latest Neolithic it is the plesiosaur and the a kosur that we ought to find developing from the present sea and River reptiles instead of these giving place to their dwarfed modern analogies it is again our old friend the

    Good tempered elephant that would be the fossil anti deluvian ancestor and the mammoth of the plyos age would be in the Menagerie the megalon and the gigantic megatherium would be found instead of the lazy sloth in the forest of South America in which the Colossal ferns of the Carboniferous periods would take the

    Place of the mosses and the present trees dwarfs even the Giants of California in comparison with the Titan trees of past geological periods surely the organisms of the measian world of the tertiary and the Mesozoic ages must have been more complex and perfect than those of the microsan plants and animals of the

    Present age the dryopithecus for instance is more perfect anatomically is more fit for greater development of brain power than the modern Guerilla or Gibbon how is all this then are we to believe that the constitution of all those colossal land and sea dragons of the gigantic flying

    Reptiles was not far more developed and complex than the anatomy of the lizards Turtles crocodiles and even of the whales in short of all those animals with which we are acquainted let us admit however for argument sake that all those Cycles races sepiner forms of evolution and the

    Tut quanti of esoteric teaching are no better than a delusion and a snare let us agree with science and say that man instead of being an imprisoned spirit and his vehicle the shell or body a gradually perfected and now complete mechanism for material and terrestrial uses as claimed by the occultists is

    Simply a more developed animal whose primal form emerged from one and the same primitive germ on this Earth as the flying dragon and the Gat the whale and the amoeba the crocodile and the Frog Etc in this case he must have passed through all the identical developments

    And through the same process of growth as all the other anamals if man is an animal and nothing more a highly intellectual ex brute he should at least be allowed to have been a gigantic mammal of his kind a meganthropus in his day this is exct L what esoteric science

    Shows to have taken place in the first three rounds and in this as in most other things it is more logical and consistent than modern science it classifies the human body with the brute creation and maintains it in the path of animal Evolution From First to Last while science leaves man a parentless

    Orphan born of sire’s unknown an unspecialized skeleton truly and this mistake is due to Stubborn rejection of the doctrine of Cycles a the origin and evolution of the mamalia science and esoteric philogyny having dealt almost exclusively with the question of the origin of man and the foregoing criticism of Western evolutionism it may

    Not be a Miss to define the position of the occultist with regard to the differentiation of species the prehuman fauna and Flora have been already dealt with generally in the commentary on the stanas and the truth of much of modern biological speculation has been admitted example the derivation of birds from

    Reptiles the partial truth of natural selection and the transformation Theory generally it now remains to clear up the mystery of the origin of those first Maman foni which M de quatrefages so brilliantly Endeavors to prove contemporary with the homo primogen of the secondary age a somewhat complicated problem relating to the Origin of

    Species more especially of the varied groups of fossil or existing mamalian foni will be rendered less obscure by the aid of the diagram it will then be apparent to what extent the factors of organic evolution relied upon by Western biologists are to be considered as adequate to meet the facts the line of

    Demarcation between eal spiritual astral and physical Evolution must be drawn perhaps if darwinian dained to consider the possibility of the second process they would no longer have to lament the fact that we are referred entirely to conjecture and INF for the origin of mammals at present the admitted Chasm

    Between the systems of reproduction of the OV parus vertebrates and mamalion constitutes a hopeless Crux to those thinkers who with the evolutionists seek to link all the existing organic forms in a continuous line of descent let us take for instance the case of the ulate mammals since it

    Is said that in no other division do we possess such abundant fossil material so much progress has been made in this direction that in some instances the intermediate links between the modern and eosine ulates have been Unearthed a notable example being that of the complete proof of the derivation of the

    Present one- toed horse from the three-toed an ethereum of the old tertiary this standard of comparison between Western biology and the Eastern Doctrine could not therefore be improved upon the pedigree here utilized as embodying the views of scientists in general is that of Schmidt based on the exhaustive researches of

    Rudm its approximate accuracy from the standpoint of evolutionism leaves little to be desired at this Midway point of evolution science comes to a standstill the route to which these two families lead back to is unknown the root according to occultism primeval physical astral and bisexual root types of the mamalian animal

    Kingdom these were contemporaries of the early lamuan races and the unknown roots of science there’s a diagram here of the ulet mammals Schmid’s diagram represent the realm explored by Western evolutionists the area in which climactic influences natural selection and all the other physical causes of organic differentiation are present biology and

    Paleontology find their Province here in investigating the many physical agencies which so largely contribute as has been shown by Darwin Spencer and others to the segregation of species but even in this domain the subconscious workings of the yanic konic wisdom are at the root of all the ceaseless striving towards Perfection

    Though its influence is vastly modified by those purely material causes which to quat ofage is terms the milu and Spencer the environment the Midway point of evolution is that stage where the astral prototypes definitely begin to pass into the physical and thus become subject to the differentiating ages gencies now

    Operative around us physical causation supervenes immediately on the Assumption of the coats of skin I.E the physiological equipment in general the forms of men and of other mammals previous to the separation of the Sexes are woven out of the astral matter and possess a structure utterly unlike that of the physical organisms

    Which eat drink digest Etc the known physiological contrivances requisite for these functions were almost entirely evolved subsequently to the incipient physicalization of the seven root types out of the astral during the Midway halt between the two planes of existence hardly had the ground plan of evolution been limed out of these ancestral types

    Then their supervened the influence of the accessory terrestrial laws familiar to us resulting in the whole crop of Maman species eons of slow differentiation were however required to affect this end the second diagram represents the domain of the purely astral prototypes previous to their descent into gross matter astral matter

    It must be noted is fourth state matter having like our gross matter its own protile there are several Pro tiles in nature corresponding to the various Plains of matter the two sub physical Elemental Kingdoms the plane of Mind Manas or fifth state matter as also that

    Of booty six State matter are each and all evolved from one of the six prot tiles which constitute the basis of the object Universe the three states so-called of our terrestrial matter known as the solid liquid and gaseous are only in strict accuracy substates as to the former reality of the descent

    Into the physical which culminated in physiological man and animal we have a palpable testimony in the fact of the so-called spiritualistic materializations in all these instances a complete temporary mergence of the astral into the physical takes place the evolution of physiological man out of the astral races of the early luran age

    The Jurassic age of geology is exactly paralleled by the materialization of spirits in the Seance room in the case of Professor Crooks Katie King the presence of a physiological mechanism heart lungs Etc was indubitably demonstrated this in a way is the archetype of goth listen to his

    Words th much we should have gained all the nine perfect organic beings formed according to an archetype which merely fluctuates more or less in its very persistent parts and moreover day by day completes and transforms Itself by means of reproduction this is a seemingly imperfect foreshadowing of the occult

    Fact of the differentiation of species from the Primal astral root types whatever the whole patatus of natural selection Etc May effect the fundamental Unity of structural plan remains partially unaffected by all subsequent modifications the unity of type common in sense to all the animal and human kingdoms is not as Spencer and others

    Appear to hold a proof of the consanguinity of all organic forms but a witness to the essential Unity of the ground plan Nature has followed in fashioning her creatures to sum up the case we may again Avail ourselves of a tabulation of the actual fact concerning in the differentiation of

    Species the stages of the process itself need no further comment here for they follow the basic principles underlying organic development and we do not need to enter on the domain of the biological specialist factors concerned in the Origin of Species animal and vegetable basic astral prototypes pass into the

    Physical one variation transmitted by heredity two natural selection ction three sexual selection four physiological selection five isolation six correlation of growth seven adaptation to environment intelligent as opposed to Mechanical causation and in this diagram that all points to the Yan konic impulse constituting Lamar’s inherent and necessary law of development it lies

    Behind all minor agencies B the European Paleolithic races when and how distributed this science opposed to those who maintain that down to the ordinary period the distribution of the human races was widely different from what it is now is science against those who further maintain that the fossil men

    Found in Europe although they have almost reached a plane of sameness and unity which continues till this day regarded from the fundamental physiology and anthropological aspects still differ sometimes greatly from the type of the now existing population ations the late M lighter admits that in an article

    Published by him in the review did doand March 1st 1859 on the Memoir called antiques Celtics antad delven by Bush dep perys 1849 ler therein states that a in these periods when the mammoths exuded in Picardy in company with man-made hatchets lived in the lattery region there must have been an eternal spring

    Rigning over all the terrestrial Globe nature was the contrary of what it is now and thus is left an enormous margin for the Antiquity of those periods he then adds spring professor of the faculty of medicine at Le found in a grotto near Nur in the mountains of

    Shavo numerous human bones of a race quite distinct from ours skulls exhumed in Austria offer a great analogy with those of negro races in Africa according to liter While others discovered on the shores of the danu and the Rin resemble the skulls of the Caribs of the ancient

    Inhabitants of Peru and Chile still the delug whether biblical or Atlantean is denied but further geological discoveries made godre right conclusively our forefathers were positively contemporaneous with the rhinoceros the hippopotamus major and he added that the soil called deluvial in geology was formed partially at least after man Apparition on

    Earth upon this litter pronounced himself finally he then showed the necessity in the face of the resurrection of so many old Witnesses of rehandling all the origins all the durations and added that there was an age hit there to unknown to study either at the dawn of the actual

    Epic or as I believe at the beginning of the Epic which preceded it the types of skulls found in Europe are of two kinds as is well known the orthogon and the pranas or the Caucasian and the negroid types such as now found only among the African and lower Savage

    Tribes Professor here who argues that the facts of Botany necessitate the hypothesis of an Atlantis has shown that the plants of the Neolithic Lake villagers are mainly of African origin how did these plants appear in Europe if there were no former point of Union between Europe and Africa how many

    Thousand years ago did the 17 men live who skeletons were exed in the department of hot gon in a squatting posture near the remains of a coal fire with some amulets and broken Crockery around them and in company with the ursus spallus the elus primogen the orox regarded by kuier as a distinct

    Species the megaceros hibernicus all anti deluvian mammals certainly they must have lived in a most distant epic but not in one which carries us further back than theordinary a much greater Antiquity for man is yet to be proved Dr James Hunt the late president of the anthropological Society puts it at 9 million

    Years this man of science at any rate makes some approach to our esoteric computation if we leave out the computation the first two semi-human ethereal races and the early third race the question however arises who were these Paleolithic men of the European cordary IC were they Aboriginal or were

    They the outcome of some immigration dating back to the unknown past the latter is the only tenable hypothesis as all scientists agree in eliminating Europe from the category of possible Cradles of mankind went then radiated the various successive streams of primitive men the earliest Paleolithic men in Europe about whose

    Origin ethnology is silent and whose very characteristics are but imperfectly known though expatiated as an apik but imaginative writers such as Mr Grant Allen were of pure Atlantean and africal Atlantean stocks it must be born in mind that by this time the Atlantean continent itself

    Was a dream of the past Europe in the ordinary epic was a very different from the Europe of today being then only in process of formation it was United to Northern Africa or rather to what is now Northern Africa by a neck of land running across the present straight of

    Jalar Northern Africa thus constituting as it were an extension of the present Spain while a broad sea filled the Great Basin of the Sahara of the vast Atlantis the main bulk of which sank in the My Scene there remained only Ruda and DEA and a stray island or so the atlantian connections

    Of the forefathers of the Paleolithic caveman are evidenced by the upturning of fossil skulls in Europe reverting closely to the type of the West Indian Carib an ancient Peruvian a mystery indeed for all those who refuse to sanction the hypothesis of a former Atlantic continent to bridge what is now an

    Ocean what are we also to make of the fact that while de quates points to that magnificent race the tall Crow magnon caveman and to the gunes of the Canary Islands as representatives of one type verow also allies the basks with the latter in a similar way Professor ritus independently proves

    The relationship of the Aboriginal American delitos opalis tribes and the same gones the several links in the chain of evidence are thus securely joined together Legions of similar facts could be uced as to the African tribes themselves diverging offshoots of atlantans modified by climate and conditions they crossed into Europe over

    The peninsula which made the Mediterranean an island sea fine races were many of those European cavemen as the crom magnon for instance but as was to be expected progress is almost non-existent through the whole of the vast period allotted by science to the chip Stone Age the cyclic impulse

    Downwards weighs heavily on the stalks thus transplanted the incubus of the Atlantean karma is upon them finally Paleolithic man makes room for his successor and disappears almost entirely from the scene Professor Andre levra asks in this connection has the Polish succeeded the chip Stone Age by an imperceptible

    Transition or was it due to an invasion of broch ailis cels but whether the deterioration popul but whether the deterioration produced in the populations of Le vzer were the result of violent Crossings or of a general retreat northwards in the wake of the reindeer is of little moment

    To us he continues meantime the bed of the ocean has been upheaved Europe is now fully formed her Flora and faer are fixed with The Taming of the dog Begins the Pastoral life we enter on those polish Stone and bronze periods which succeed each other at irregular intervals which even overlap one another

    In the midst of ethnical migration and fusions at once more confused and of shorter duration than less Advanced and more rudimentary ages the Primitive European populations are interrupted in their special Evolution and without perishing become absorbed in other races engulfed as as it were by the successive waves of migration overflowing from

    Africa possibly from an Lost Atlantis too far late by ANS of years and from prolific Asia on the one hand came the iberians on the other pelagians Lans Sans Etruscans all forerunners of the great Aryan Invasion fifth race section six giants civilizations and submerged continents traced in history when statements such as are

    Comprised in the above heading are brought forward the writer is of course expected to furnish historical instead of legendary evidence in support of such claims is this possible yes for evidence of such a nature is plentiful and has simply to be collected and brought together in order to become overwhelming

    In the eyes of the unprejudiced once the sagacious student gets hold of The Guiding thread he may find out such evidence for himself we give facts and show landmarks let the wayf farer follow them what is uced here is amply sufficient for this Century in a letter to voler Bailey finds it quite

    Natural that the sympathies of the grand old invalet of fer should be attracted to the representatives of knowledge and wisdom the ancient brahans he then adds a curious statement he says but your brahin are very young in comparison with their archaic instructors Bailey who knew not of of

    The esoteric teachings nor of Lura believed nevertheless unreservedly in the Lost Atlantis and also in the several prehistoric and civilized Nations which had disappeared without leaving any undeniable Trace he had studied the ancient Classics and traditions extensively and he saw that the Arts and Sciences known to those We

    Now call the Ancients were not the achievements of any of the now or even then existing Nations nor of any of the historical peoples of Asia and that not withstanding the learning of the Hindus their undeniable priority in the early part of the race had to be

    Referred to a people or a race still more ancient and more learned than were even the brahans themselves voler the greatest skeptic of his day the materialist par excellance shared Bailey’s belief he thought it quite likely that long before the empires of China and India there had been Nations cultured learned and

    Powerful which a deluge of Barbarians overpowered and thus repl into their primitive state of ignorance and savagery or what they call the state of pure nature that which with voler was the shrewd conjecture of a great intellect was with Bailey a question of historical facts for he wrote I make great case of

    Ancient Traditions preserved through a long series of generations it was possible he thought that a foreign Nation should after instructing another Nation so disappear that it should leave no no traces behind when asked how it could have happened that this ancient or rather archaic Nation should not have left at least

    Some recollection in the human mind he answered that time was a pitiless Devourer of facts and events but the history of the past was never entirely lost for the sages of Old Egypt had preserved it and it is so preserved to this day elsewhere the priests of SE

    Sent to Solon according to Plato you are unacquainted with most noble and excellent race of men who once inhabited your country from whom you and your whole present state are descended though only a small remnant of this admirable people is now remaining these writings relate what a prodigious force your City Once overcame

    When a mighty warlike power rushing from the Atlantic Sea spread itself with hostile Fury over all Europe and Asia the Greeks were but the dwarfed and weak remnant of that once glorious Nation what was this nation the secret Doctrine teaches that it was the latest 7th subrace of the atlantan already

    Swallowed up in one of the early subraces of the Aryan stock one that had been gradually spreading over the continent and islands of Europe as soon as they had begun to emerge from the Seas descending from the high plateau of Asia where the two races had sought

    Refuge in the days of the agony of Atlantis it had been slowly settling and colonizing in freshly emerged lands The Immigrant subrace had rapidly increased and Multiplied on that virgin soil had divided into many family races which in their turn divided into Nations Egypt and Greece the Phoenicians and the

    Northern stocks had thus proceeded from that one subrace thousands of years later other races the remnants of the atlantans yellow and red brown and black began to invade the new continent there were Wars in which the newcomers were defeated and they fled some to Africa others to remote

    Countries some of these lands became islands in the course of time owing to new geological convulsions being thus forcibly separated from the continents the result was that the undeveloped tribes and families of the Atlantean stock fell gradually into a still more abject and Savage condition did not the Spaniards in the

    Siola Expeditions meet with white Savage Chiefs and has not the presence of African negro types in Europe in the prehist historic ages be now ascertained it is this presence of a foreign type associated with that of the Negro and also with that of the Mongolian which is the stumbling block of

    Anthropology the individual who lived at an incalculably distant period at lolet in Belgium is an example says an anthropologist the caves on the banks of the Les in South Eastern Belgium afford evident of what is perhaps the lowest man as shown by the no jaw such man however had amulets of stone perforated

    For the purpose of ornament these are made of a samite now found in the Basin of the gerand thus Belgian man was extremely ancient the man who was antant to the great flood of waters which covered the highlands of Belgium with a deposit of LM or Upland gravel 30 m above the level

    Of the present Rivers must have combined the characters of the terranean and the Negro the Kat or lolet man may have been black and he had nothing to do with the Aran type whose remains are contemporary with those of the Cave Bear at anges the denisons of the aquatan bone

    Caves belong to a far later period of history and may not be as ancient as the former if the statement be objected on the ground that science does not deny the presence of man on Earth from an enormous Antiquity though that Antiquity cannot be determined since such presence is conditioned by

    The duration of geological periods the age of which is not ascertained if it is argued that the scientists object most decidedly to the claim that man preceded the animals for instance or that Civilization dates from the earliest eocene period or again that there have ever existed Giants three-eyed and four

    Armed and four-legged men Andres Etc then the obors are asked in their turn how do you know what what proof have you besides your personal hypothesis Each of which may be upset any day by new discoveries and these future discoveries are sure to prove that whatever this earlier type of man known to

    Anthropologists may have been in complexion he was in no respect apish the constant man the Inus man alike possessed essentially human attributes people have looked for The Missing Link at the wrong end of the chain and then Neanderthal man has long since been dismissed to the limbo of all Hasty

    Blunders Disraeli divided man into the associates of the Apes and the angels reasons are here given in favor of an Angelic Theory as Christians would call it as applicable to at least some of the races of men at all events if man be held to exist only since the myosin

    Period even then Humanity as a whole cannot be composed of the abject Savages of the Paleolithic Age as they are now represented by the scientists all they say is mere arbitrary speculative guesswork invented by them to answer to and fit in with their own fanciful theories we speak of events hundreds of

    Thousands of years old nay even millions of years old if man date from the geological periods not of any of those events which happened during the few thousand years of the prehistoric margin Allowed by timid and ever cautious history yet there are men of science who

    Are almost of our way of thinking from the brave confession of the Abby brur de Borg who says that Traditions whose traces recur in Mexico in Central America in Peru and in Bolivia suggest the idea that man existed in these different countries at the time of the

    Gigantic upheaval of the Andes and that he has retained the memory of it down to the latest paleontologists and anthropologists the majority of scientific men is in favor of just such an Antiquity a propose of of Peru has any satisfactory attempt been made to determine the ethnological affinities

    And characteristics of the race which reared those cyclopian erections the ruins of which display the relics of a great civilization at qap for instance such are found consisting of a wall of rot Stones 3600 ft long 560 Broad and 150 ft High constituting a solid Mass with a

    Level Summit on this Mass was another 00 ft long 500 Broad and 150 ft High making an aggregate height of 300 ft in it were rooms and cells a most suggestive fact is the startling resemblance between the architecture of these colossal buildings and that of the archaic European nations

    Mr Ferguson regards the analogies between the ruins of Inca civilization and the cyclopian remains of the pelian in Italy and Greece as a coincidence the most remarkable in the history of architecture it is difficult to resist the conclusion that there may be some relation between them the relation is

    Simply explained by the derivation of the stocks who divise these erections from a Common Center in an Atlantic continent the acceptance of the latter can alone assist us to approach the solution of this and similar problems in almost every branch of modern science Dr larte treating upon the subject settles the question by

    Declaring that the truth so long contested of the coexistence of man with the great extinct species elus priming genius rhinoceros hyena spell Urus spasis Etc appear to me to be henceforth unassailable and definitely conquered by science it is shown elsewhere that such is also de quatro’s opinion he says man

    Has in all probability seen myene times and consequently the entire pene epic are there any reasons for for believing that his traces will be found further back still he may then have been contemporaneous with the earliest mamalia and go back as far as the secondary period Egypt is far older than Europe as

    Now traced on the map atlanto Aryan tribes began to settle on it when the British Isles and France were not even in existence it is well known that the tongue of the Egyptian sea or the Delta of Lower Egypt became firm land very gradually and followed the highlands of abisinia unlike the

    Latter which arose suddenly comparatively speaking it was very slowly formed through long ages and successive layers of sea lime and mud deposited annually by the soil brought down by a large river the present Nile yet even the Delta as a firm and fertile land has been inhabited for more

    Than 100,000 years later tribes which still more Aryan blood in them than their predecessors arrived from the East and conquered it from a people whose very name is lost to posterity except in the secret books it is this natural barrier of slime which sucked in slowly and surely every boat that approached those

    Inhospitable Shores that was till within a few thousand years BC the best Safeguard of the later Egyptians who had managed to reach it through Arabia abisinia and Nubia LED on by Manu Vina in the day of Vish Matra so evident does the Antiquity of man become with every day that even the

    Church is preparing for an honorable surrender and Retreat the Learned abif fabra professor at the soulborn has categorically declared that prehistoric paleontology and archaeology May without any harm to the scriptures discover in the tertiary beds as many traces as they please of pre-adamite man since it disregards All Creations

    Anterior to the last delu but one that which produced the delium according to the Abbey Bible Revelation leaves us free to admit the existence of man in the great ovium in Pine and even eosine strata on the other hand however geologists are not all agreed on regarding the men who inhabited the glow

    In these primitive ages as our ancestors the day on which the church shall find that it’s only salvation lies in the occult interpretation of the Bible may not be so far off as some imagine already many and Abby and ecclesiastic has become an Ardent cabalist and as many appear publicly in

    The arena breaking a lance with theosophists and occultists in support of the metaphysical interpretation of the Bible but they commence unfortunately for them at the wrong end they are advised before they begin to speculate upon the metaphysical in their scriptures to study and master that which relates to the purely

    Physical example it hints on geology and ethnology for such Illusions to the sepiner Constitution of the earth and man to the seven rounds and races abound in the new as in the Old Testament and are as visible as the sun in the Heavens to him who reads both

    Symbolically to what do the laws in chapter xxi I I of Leviticus apply what is the philosophy of reason for all such hebdomadal offerings and symbolical calculations as ye shall count from the tomorrow after the Sabbath that ye brought the sheath of the wave offering seven sabbaths shall be complete and ye

    Shall offer with the bread seven Lambs without blemish Etc we shall be contradicted no doubt when we say that all these wave and peace offerings were in commemoration of the seven sabbaths of the Mysteries these sabbaths are seven prayas between seven manvantaras or what we call rounds

    For Sabbath is an elastic word meaning a period of rest of what ever nature and explained elsewhere and if this is not sufficiently conclusive then we may turn to the verse which adds even unto the tomorrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number 50 days 49 7 time 7 stages of

    Activity and 49 stages of rest on the seven Globes of the chain and then comes the rest of the Sabbath the 50th and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord that is ye shall make an offering of your flesh or coats of skin and divesting yourselves of your bodies ye

    Shall remain pure spirits this law of offering degraded and materialized with Ages was an institution that dated from the earliest atlantans came to the Hebrews via the caldes who were the wise men of the cast not of a Nation a community of great adepts come from their serpent holes who had settled in

    Babylonia ages before and if this interpretation from Leviticus full of the disfigured laws of Manu is found too far-fetched then turned to Revelation whatever interpretation profane Mystics may give to the famous chapter xvii with its riddle of the woman in purple and Scarlet whether Protestants notd at the Roman Catholics when reading

    Mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots and Abominations of the Earth or Roman Catholics glare at the Protestants the occultist pronounce in their impartiality that these words of applied from the first to all and every exoteric churchianity ceremonial magic of old with its terrible effects and now the

    Harmless because distorted farce of ritualistic worship The Mystery of the woman and of the Beast are the symbols of the Soul killing churchianity and of superstition the Beast that was and is not and yet is and here is the mind which hath wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains seven continents and

    Seven races on which the woman woman sth the symbol of the exoteric barbarous idolatrous faiths which have covered that symbol with blood of the Saints and the blood of the martyrs who protested and do protest and there are seven Kings seven races five are Fallen our fifth race

    Included and one is the fifth continues and the other the sixth and the seventh races is not yet to come and when he the race King cometh he must continue a short space there are many such apocalyptic Illusions but the student has to find them out for himself if the Bible

    Combines with archaeology and geology to show that human civilization has passed through three more or less distinct stages in Europe at least and if man both in America and Europe as much as in Asia dates from geological epics why should not the statements of the secret Doctrine be taken into

    Consideration it is more philosophical or logical and scientific to disbelief believe with Mr Albert godre in myene man while believing that the famous F flints were carved from the dryopithecus monkey or with the occultist that the anthropomorphous monkey came ages after man for it is once conceded and even scientifically demonstrated that there

    Was not in the middle of the myene Epic a single species of mammal identical with species now extent and that the man was just as he is now only taller and more athletic than we are then where is the difficulty that they could hardly be the descendants of monkeys which are

    Themselves not traced before the myene Epic is on the other hand testified to by several eminent naturalists thus in the Savage of cordary Ages who had to fight against the mammoth with stone weapons for arms we find all the craniological character is generally considered as the sign of a great intellectual

    Development unless man emerg spontaneous L endowed with all his intellect and wisdom from his brainless catarine ancestor he could not have acquired such brain within the limits of the myene period if we are to believe the Learned Abby Bourgeois as to the matter of giants though the tallest man has tho found in

    Europe among fossils is the Mento man 6′ 8 in Others May yet be excavated nilson quoted by Leck states that in a tomb of the Neolithic Age a skeleton of extraordinary size was found in 1807 it was attributed to his King in Scotland Albus magalis and if in our own day we

    Occasionally find men and women from 7 feet to even 9 ft and 11t high this only proves on the law of activism or the reappearance of the ancestral features of character that there was a time when 9 ft and 10 ft was the average height of humanity even in her latest Indo-European

    Race but as the subject has been sufficiently treated elsewhere we may pass on to the Lans and the atlantans and see what the old Greeks knew of these early races and what the moderns know now the great nation mentioned by the Egyptian priests from which descended

    The forefathers of the Greeks of the age of Troy and which as AED have fought with the had fought with the Atlantic race was then as we see assuredly no race of Paleolithic Savages nevertheless even in the days of Plato with the exception of priests and initiates no one seems to have preserved

    Any distinct recollection of the preceding races the earliest Egyptians had been separated from the latest atlantans for ages upon ages they were themselves descended from an alien race and had settled in Egypt some 400,000 years before but their initiates had preserved all the records even so late as the time of

    Herodotus they had still in their possession the statues of 300 41 Kings who had reigned over their little atlanto Aryan Subs if we allow only 20 years as an average figure for the reign of each King the duration of the Egyptian Empire has to be pushed back from the days of

    Herodotus about 17,000 years bunson allowed the Great Pyramid an Antiquity of 20,000 years more modern archaeologists will not give it more than 5,000 or at the utmost 6,000 years and generously seed to thees with its 100 Gates 7,000 years from the date of its foundation and yet there are records

    Which show Egyptian priests initiates journeying in the northwesterly direction by land via what became later The Straits of jalter turning North and traveling through the future Phoenician settlements of Southern Gaul then still further north until reaching carac morban they turned to the West again and arrived still traveling by land on the

    Northwestern Promontory of the new continent what was the object of their long journey and how far back must we place the date of such visits the archaic records show the initiates of the second subrace of the Aran family moving from one land to the other for the purpose of supervising the building

    Of manners and dolman of colossal Zodiacs and stone and places of Sepulcher to serve as receptacles for the ashes of generations to come when did this occur the fact of their Crossing from France to Great Britain by land may give an idea of the date when such a journey could have been performed

    On Tera Firma it was when the level of the Baltic in the North Sea was 400 ft higher than it is at the present day the Valley of the Som was not hollowed to the depth as it is now attained Sicily was joined to Africa barbar to Spain

    Carthage the pyramids of Egypt the Palaces of xol and palen were not yet in existence than the the Bold Navigators of Ty and sidon who at a later date were to undertake their perilous voyages along the coast of Africa were yet unborn what we now know with certainty

    Is that the European man was contemporaneous with the extinct species of the cordary Epic that he witnessed the upheaval of the Alps and the extension of the glaciers in a word that he lived for thousands of years before the dawn of the remotest historical Traditions it is even possible that man

    Was the contemporary of extinct mamalia of species yet more ancient of the elifas meridon Alis of the Sands of the saint Prest or at the least of the elus antiquus assumed to be prior to the elus primogen since their bones are found in company with carved flints in several

    English caves associated with those of the rhinoceros and even of the mosis leadens which is of still an earlier date Mr Ed Lar is also of the opinion that there’s nothing really impossible in the existence of man as early as the tertiary period if there is nothing impossible

    Scientifically in the idea and it may be admitted that man was already in existence as early as the tertiary period Then it is just as well to remind the reader that Mr croll places the beginning of that period 2 and a half million years back but there was a time when he

    Assigned it to 15 million years and if all this may be said of European man how great is the Antiquity of the luro atlantian and of the atlanto Aryan man every educated person who knows the progress of science knows how all vestages of man during the tertiary period are

    Received the calumnies that were poured on DES noers in 1863 when he announced to The Institute of France that he had made a discovery in the undisturbed pine Sands of St press near chatra proving proving the coexistence of man in the elus meridon Alis were equal to the occasion

    The later Discovery in 1867 by Abby Bourgeois that man lived in the milene Epic and that the reception it was given at the prehistoric Congress held at Brussels in 1872 proves that the average man of science will see only that which he wishes to see the modern archaeologist though speculating at infinitum about

    The dolmans and their Builders knows in fact nothing either of them or their origin yet these weird and often colossal monuments of unhu stones which consist generally of four or seven gigantic blocks placed together are strewn over Asia Europe America and Africa in groups or rows stones of enormous size are found placed

    Horizontally and variously upon 2 3 4 and as a puu upon six or seven blocks people name them Devil’s altars druidic stones and giant giant tombs the stones of carac and morahan Britany nearly a mile in length and numbering 11,000 ranged in 11 rows are twin sisters at those of Stonehenge the

    Conical men here of Lo Maria care in morban measures 20 yards in length and nearly two yards across the men of champ dolent near St Malo Rises 30 feet above the ground and is 15 feet in depth below such dolans and prehistoric monuments are met with in almost every

    Latitude they are found in the Mediterranean Basin in Denmark along the local tumuli from 27 to 35 ft in height in Shetland in Sweden where they are called Gang Grifton or tombs with corridors in Germany where they’re known as the giant tombs honog grabin in Spain

    Where there is a dolman of Antigua near Malaga in Africa in Palestine and Algeria and Sardinia with the nurai and the sepulture de giganti or tombs of giants in Malibar in India where they are called the tombs of the deas Giants and of the rasas the men Demons of Lanka

    In Russia and Siberia where they are known as the coron in Peru and Bolivia where they are termed the chopas or burial places Etc there is no country from which they are absent who built them why are they all connected with serpents and Dragons with alligators and crocodiles because remains of

    Paleolithic man were as it is thought found in some of them and because in the funeral mounds of America bodies of later races were discovered with the usual paraphernalia of bone necklaces weapons Stone and copper ears Etc they are therefore ancient tombs but surely the two famous mountains one in the Mississippi Valley

    And the other in Ohio known respectively as the alligator Mound and the Great Serpent Mound were never meant for tombs yet one is told authoritatively that the Mounds and the mound or dolman Builders are all plasic in Europe antecedent to the Inc as in America yet not of extreme

    Distant times they are built by no race of dolman Builders who never existed save in the earlier archaeological fancy opinion of demort Bastion and west drop finally virchow’s opinion of the giant tombs of Germany is now accepted as an axiom says the German biologist the tombs alone are gigantic and not the

    Bones they contain and archaeology has but to Bow and submit to the decision that no gigantic skeletons have been hether to found in the tombs is no reason for saying that the remains of giants were never in them cremation was Universal till a comparatively recent period some

    8 ,000 or 100,000 years ago the real giants moreover were nearly all drowned with Atlantis nevertheless classical writers as we have shown elsewhere often speak of gigantic skeletons being excavated in their day moreover human fossils may be counted on the fingers as yet no human ever yet has been found

    Older than between 50,000 or 60,000 years and man’s size was reduced from 15 to 10 or 12 ft from the time of the third subrace of the Aryan stock which subrace born and developed in Europe and Asian Minor under new climates and conditions had become European since then as we have said it

    Has been steadily decreasing it is trer therefore to say that the tombs alone are archaic and not necessarily the bodies of men occasionally found in them and that those tombs since they are gigantic must have contained Giants or rather the ashes of generations of giants nor were all the cyclopian

    Structure structures intended for sekers it is with the so-called druidical remains such as carac in Britney and Stonehenge in Great Britain that the traveling initiates have alluded to had to do and these gigantic monuments are all symbolic records of the world’s history they are not druidical but Universal nor

    Did The Druids build them for they were only The Heirs of the cyclopian lore left to them by generations of Mighty Builders and magicians both good and bad it will always be a subject of regret that history rejecting a priori the actual existence of giants has preserved

    To us so little of the records of antiquity concerning them yet in nearly every mythology which after all is ancient history the Giants play an important part in the Old Norse mythology the Giants screamer and his Brethren against whom the sons of the Gods fought were potent factors in the

    Histories of deities in men the modern exog Jesus that makes these Giants the Brethren of the dwarfs and reduces the combats of the gods to the history of the development of the Aryan race will only received Credence among the Believers in the Aryan theory is expounded by Max

    Meller granting that the terranean races were typified by the dwarfs dgar and that a dark round headed and dwarfish race was driven northward by the fairfac Scandinavians or Acer the gods being like unto men there still exists neither history nor in any other scientific work any anthropological

    Proof whatever of the existence in time or space of a race of giants yet that such exists relatively and de facto side by side with dwarfs schwein fth can Testify the Niam naam of Africa are regular dwarfs while their next neighbors several tribes of comparatively Fair complexioned Africans are giants when

    Confronted with the Niam niams and very tall even among Europeans for their women are all above 6 and A2 ft high in Cornwall and in ancient Britain the traditions of these Giants are on the other hand excessively common they are said to have lived even

    Down to the time of King Arthur all this shows that Giants lived to a later date amongst the Celtic than among the tonic peoples if we turn to the new world we have traditions of a race of giants of teresia on the Eastern slopes of the Andes and in eador

    Who combed Gods and Men these old beliefs which term certain localities Los Campos de lost giantes the field of Giants are always concomittant with the existence of Pine mamalia and the occurrence of plyos raised beaches all the Giants are not under mount Osa and it would be poor anthropology indeed

    That would restrict the traditions of giants to Greek and Bible mythologies slavonian countries Russia especially team with legends about the batary mighty Giants of old and slavonian folklore most of which has served for the foundation of national histories the oldest songs and the most archaic Traditions speak of the Giants

    Of old thus we may safely reject the modern theory that would make of the Titan mere symbol standing for Cosmic forces they were real living men whether 20 or only 12T High even homeric heroes of who of course belong belg to a far more recent period in the history of the

    Races appeared to have wielded weapons of a size and weight beyond the strength of the strongest men of modern times not twice 10 men the mighty bulk could raise such men as live in these degenerate days if the fossil Footprints at Carson Nevada USA are human they indicate

    Gigantic men and of their genuine there can remain no doubt it is to be deplored that the modern and scientific evidence for Gigantic men should rest on Footprints alone over and over again the skeletons of hypothetical Giants have been identified with those of elephants and mastadons but all such blunders before

    The days of geology and even the Traveler’s tale of Sir John mandaville who says that he saw giants 56 feet high in India only show that belief in the existence of giants has never at any time died out of the thoughts of men that which is known and accepted is

    That several races of gigantic men have ever existed and left distinct traces in the Journal of the anthropological Institute such a race is shown as having existed at Pala and possibly in maidan exhibiting cranial forms quite different from those of the Jews it is not improbable that another such race

    Existed in Samaria and that the mysterious people who built the stone circles in Galilee hued Neolithic flints in the Jordan Valley and preserved in an ancient Semitic language quite distinct from the square Hebrew character were a very large stature the English translations of the Bible can never be

    Relied upon even in their modern revised forms they tell us of the Nephilim translating the word by Giants and further adding that they were hairy men probably the large and Powerful prototypes of the later Saturns so eloquently described by patristic fancy some of the church fathers assuring their admirers and followers that they

    Had themselves seen these SATs some alive others pickled and preserved the word Giants being once adopted as a synonym of the Nephilim the commentators have since identified them with sons of anch the filibusters who seized on the promised land found a pre-existing population far exceeding their own in stature and called it a

    Race of giants but the races of really gigantic men had disappeared ages before the birth of Moses these tall people existed in Canaan and even in Bashan that may have had representatives in the Nathans of maidan they were of far greater stature than the undersized Jews 4,000 years ago

    Their cranial confirmation and large statures separated them from the children of Heber 40,000 years ago their ancestors may have been still more gigantic size and 400,000 years earlier they may have been in proportion to men in our days as the bradigans were to the liliputians the atlantans of the middle

    Period were called the Great dragons and the first symbol of their tribal deities when the gods and the Divine dynasties had forsaken them was that of a giant serpent the mystery veiling the origin and the religion of The Druids is as great as that of the supposed FS to the

    Modern symbologist but not to the initiated occultists their priests were the descendants of the last atlanteans and what is known of them is sufficient to allow the inference that they were Eastern priests akin to the calans and Indians though little more it may be inferred that the symbolized their deity

    As the Hindus do their Vishnu as their Egyptians did their mystery God and as the Builders of the Ohio Great Serpent mount worshiped theirs namely under the form of the mighty serpent the emblem of the Eternal deity time the Hindu kala plyy called them the Magi of the

    Galls and Britain but they were more than that the author of Indian Antiquities finds much Affinity between The Druids and the brahin of India Dr Bor points to a close analogy between them and the Magi of Persia others will see an identity between them and the orphic priesthood of thce simply because

    They were connected in their esoteric teachings with the universal wisdom religion and thus presented affinities with the exoteric worship of all like the Hindu the Greeks and Romans we speak of the initiates the cdes and the Egyptians The Druids believed in the doctrine of a succession of Worlds as

    Also in that of the seven creations of new continents and transformations of the face of the Earth and in a Sevenfold night and day for each Earth or Globe wherever the serpent with the egg is found there this tenant was surely present their draon are a proof of it

    This belief was so Universal that if we see forward in the esotericism of various religions we shall Discover it in all we shall find it among the Aryan Hindus and the mazdan the Greeks the Latins and even among the old Jews and early Christians whose modern stocks

    Hardly comprehend now what they had read in the scriptures in the book of God we read the world says Sena being melted and having re-entered into the bosom of Jupiter this God continues for some time totally concentrated in himself and remains concealed as it were wholly immersed in the contemplation of his own

    Ideas afterwards we see a new world Spring from him perfect in all its parts animals are produced a new an innocent race of man is formed and again speaking of a mundane dissolution as involving the destruction or death of all he teaches us that when the laws of nature

    Shall be burned in the ruin and the last day of the world shall come the southern pole shall Crush as it falls all the regions of Africa and the North Pole shall overwhelm all the countries beneath its axis the affrighted sun shall be deprived of its light the Palace of

    Heaven falling to Decay shall produce at once both life and death and some kind of dissolution shall equally seize upon all the deities who thus shall return into their original chaos one might imagine oneself reading the Panic account by parashara of the great pra it is nearly the same thing

    Idea for idea had Christianity nothing of the kind it has we say let the reader open any English Bible and read chapter 3 on The Second Epistle of Peter and he will find there the same ideas there shall come in the last days scoffers saying where is the promise of

    His coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of God the heavens were old and the Earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that

    Was then being overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the Earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat nonetheless we look for new heavens and a new

    Earth if the interpreters choose to see this as a reference to the creation the delu and and the promised coming of Christ when they shall live in a New Jerusalem In Heaven There is no fault of Peter what the writer of the epistle meant was the destruction of this fifth

    Race of ours by Subterranean fires and inations and the appearance of new continents for the sixth root race for the writers of the Epistles were all learned in symbology if not in science it has been mentioned elsewhere that the belief in the sepiner constitution of our chain was the oldest

    Tenant of early Iran Ians who got it from the first zerra it is time to prove it to those parses who have lost the key to the meaning of their scriptures in the aesta the Earth is considered septum partite and tripartite at one and the same time

    This is regarded by Dr Giger as an in congruity for the following reasons which he calls discrepancies the aesta speaks of the 3/3 of the Earth because the rig Veda mentions three Earths three strata or layers one line lying above the other are said to be meant by

    This but he is quite mistaken as are all exoteric profane translators the aesta has not borrowed the idea from the rig Veda but simply repeats the esoteric teaching the three strata or layers do not refer to our globe alone but to the three layers of the Globes of our

    Terrestrial chain two by two on each plane one on the descending the other on the ascending Ark thus with reference to the six spheres or Globes above our Earth the seventh and the fourth the Earth is sop partite while with regard to the plains over our plane it is tripartite this

    Meaning is carried out and corroborated by the text of the avesta and even by the speculations most laborious and unsatisfactory guesswork of the translators and commentators it thus follows that the division of the Earth or rather the Earth’s chain into seven karvas is not in contradiction with the

    Three zones if this word is read plains as Giger remarks the sepiner division is very old the oldest of all since the gathas already speak of the septum parte Earth for according to the statements of the later Pary scriptures the seven kers bars are to be considered as completely

    Disconnected parts of the earth which they surely are for between them there flows the ocean so that it is impossible as stated in several passages to pass from one kers far to the other the ocean is space of course for the latter was called Waters of space before it was

    Known as ether moreover the word kvar is consistently rendered as vipa and heav Rafa is rendered by yambu vipa but this fact is not taken into account by the orientalists and therefore we find even such a learned zoroastrian and Pary by birth as the translator of Dr giger’s work passing

    Unnoticed and without a word of comment sunry remarks on the former on the in congruities of this kind abounding in the mazdan scriptures one of such in congruities and coincidences concerns the similarity of the zoroastrian with the Indian tenant with regard to the seven Vias Islands or continents rather as met

    Within the Piranhas namely the Vias form concentric Rings which separated by the ocean surround yambu vipa which is situated in the center and according to the Iranian View the kvar canafa is likewise situated in the center of the rest they form no concentric circles but each of them the

    Six other kvar is a peculiar individual space and so they group themselves round above Katha now Katha better vanatha is not as believed by Guyer and his translator the country inhabited by the Iranian tribes and the other names do not mean the adjacent territories of foreign nations

    In the north South West and East but signify our globe or Earth for that which is meant by the sentence which follows the last quoted namely that two voru Bari and voru jari lie in the north two vus hafu and tratu in the South saari and aari in the East and the West

    It is simply the very graphic and accurate description of the chain of our Planet the Earth represented in the book of Jan thus the mazdan names given above have only to be replaced by those used in the secret Doctrine to present us with the esoteric tenant the Earth our

    World is tripartite because the chain of the worlds is situated on three different planes above our globe and it is septum parte because of the seven Globes or spheres which compose the chain hence the further meaning given in the vadod XX 39 showing that karatha alone is combined with iMat this Earth

    While all other kvar are combined with the word avat that or those upper Earths nothing could be plainer the same may be said of the modern comprehension of all other ancient beliefs The Druids then understood the meaning of the Sun and Taurus when all other fires being extinguished on the 1st of November

    Their sacred and inextinguishable fires alone remain to illumine the horizon like those of the Magi and the modern zoroastrians and like the earlier fifth race of the later CES like the Greeks and again like the Christians who do the same to this day without suspecting the real meaning they greeted the Morning

    Star the beautiful Venus Lucifer strabo speaks of an island near to Britannia where siries and prapan were woried with the same rights as in samil Trace and this island was sacred Ira where Perpetual fire was lit The Druids believed in The Rebirth of man not as Lucien explains that the same

    Spirit shall animate a new body not here but in a different world but in a series of reincarnations in this same world for as diodorus says they declared that The Souls of men after determinant periods would pass into other bodies these tenants came to the fifth race Aryans from their

    Predecessors of the fourth race the atlanteans they had piously preserved the teachings which told them of how their parent root race becoming with every generation more arrogant owing to the acquisition of superhuman Powers had been gradually gliding toward its end those records reminded them of the giant

    Intellect of the preceding races as well as of their giant size we find the repetition of those records in every age of history in almost every old fragment which has descended to us from Antiquity Ellen preserved an extract from theophrastus written during the days of Alexander the Great it is a dialogue

    Between Midas the frian and selenius the forers is told of a continent that had existed in times of old so immense that Asia Europe and Africa seemed like poor Islands compared with it it was the last to produce animals and plants of gigantic magnitudes there said selinus men grew

    To double the size of the tallest man in his the narrator’s time and they lived till they were twice as old they had wealthy cities with temples and one of such cities held more than a million of inhabitants in it gold and silver being found there in great abundance gr’s suggestion that Atlantis

    Was but a myth Arisen from a mirage clouds on a dazzling Sky taking the appearance of islands on a golden sea is too disingenuous to be further noticed a some statements about the sacred Island and continents in the classics explained esoterically all that which precedes was known to

    Plato and to many others but as no initiate had the right to divulge and declare all he knew posterity got only hints aiming more to instruct as a moralist than as a geographer and ethnologist or historian the Greek philosopher merged the history of Atlantis which covered several Millions

    Years into one event which he located on one comparatively small island 3,000 stadi Along by 2,000 wide or about 350 Mi by 200 which is about the size of Ireland whereas the priests spoke of Atlantis as a continent vast as all Asia and Libya put together but however altered in its

    General aspect Plato’s narrative Bears the impress of Truth upon it it was not he who invented it at any rate since Homer who preceded him by many centuries also speaks in his Odyssey of the atlantes who are our atlantans and of their Island therefore the tradition was older

    Than the bard of ulyses the atlantes and the atlan tiddes of Mythology are based upon the atlantes and the atlan tiddes of History both santhan and diodorus have preserved the histories of those heroes in heroin however much their accounts have may been mixed up with the mythical element in our own day we

    Witnessed the extraordinary fact that such comparatively recent personages as Shakespeare and William Tell are all but denied an attempt being made to show one to be a nom de plume and the other a person who never existed what Wonder then that the two powerful races the Lans and the atlantans have been merged

    Into and identified in time with a few half mythical peoples who all bore the same petronic Herodotus speaks of the atlantes a people of Western Africa who gave their name to mount Atlas who were vegetarians and whose sleep was never disturbed by dreams and who moreover daily cursed the Sun at its

    Rising and at its setting because his excessive heat scorched and tormented them these statements are based upon moral and psychic facts and not on physiological disturbance the story of Atlas gives the key to this if the atlantans never had their sleep disturbed by dreams it is because that particular tradition is concerned with

    The earliest atlantans whose phys physical frame and brain were not yet sufficiently Consolidated in the physiological sense to permit the nervous centers to act during sleep with regard to the other statement that they daily cursed the sun this again had nothing to do with the heat but with the moral degeneration That

    Grew with the race it is explained in our commentaries they the sixth subrace of the atlantans used magic incantations even against the sun failing in which they cursed it the Sorcerers of thesy were credited with the power of calling down the moon as Greek history assures us the atlantans

    Of the later period were renowned for their magic powers and wickedness their ambition and Defiance of the Gods then the same Traditions taking form in the Bible about the anti- deluvian Giants in the Tower of Babel and found also in the Book of Enoch theodoris records another fact or

    Two the atlantans boasted of possessing the land in which all the gods had received their birth as also of having had Uranus for the first king he being also the first to teach them astronomy very little more than this has come down to us from Antiquity the myth of Atlas is an

    Allegory easily understood Atlas is the old continents of Lura and Atlantis combined and personified in one symbol The Poets attribute to Atlas as to Proteus a superior wisdom and a universal knowledge and especially a thorough acquaintance with the the depths of the ocean for both continents bore races instructed by Divine Masters

    And both were transferred to the bottom of the Seas where they now Slumber until their next reappearance above the waters Atlas is the son of an ocean nymph and his daughter is Calypso the watery deep Atlantis has been submerged beneath the Waters of the ocean and its progyny

    Is now sleeping its Eternal sleep on the Ocean Floors The Odyssey makes of him the guardian and the sustain of huge pillars that separate the heavens from the earth he is their supporter and is both Luma destroyed by submarine fires and Atlantis submerged by the waves perished

    In the open deeps Atlas is said to have been compelled to leave the surface of the Earth and join his brother aidus at the depths of Tartarus sir Theodore Martin is right in interpreting this allegory as meaning Atlas standing on the solid floor of the inferior hemisphere of the universe and thus

    Carrying at the same time the disc of the earth and the celestial Vault the solid envelope of the superior hemisphere for Atlas is Atlantis which supports the new continents and their Horizons on its shoulders disarm in his mythology DEA gree antique expresses a doubt as to the correctness of Pierre’s translation of

    The homeric word by susten it as it is not possible to see how Atlas can support or bear at once pillars situated in various localities if Atlas were an individual it would be an awkward translation but as he personifies a continent in the west said to support

    Heaven and Earth at once I.E the feet of the giant tread the Earth while his shoulders support the celestial Vault an illusion to the gigantic peaks of the luran Atlantean continents the epithet supporter becomes very correct the term conservator for the Greek word which Des Sharm following sir Theodore Martin

    Understands as meaning does not render the same sense the conception was certainly due to the gigantic mountain chain running along the terrestrial border or dis these mountain peaks plunge their Roots into the very bottom of the Seas while they raised their heads heavenward their Summits being lost in the

    Clouds the ancient continents had more mountains and valleys on them Atlantis and the tenor Reef Peak now two of the dwarfed relics of the lost two continents were Thrice as lofty during the day of Lura and twice as high in that of Atlantis thus the libyans and called

    Mount Atlas the pillar of Heaven according to Herodotus and pindar qualified the later Etna as the celestial pillar Atlas was an inaccessible Island peak in the days of lamia when the African continent had not yet been raised it is the sole Western Relic which survives independent belonging to

    The continent on which the third race was born developed and fell for Australia is now a part of the Eastern continent proud Atlas according to esoteric tradition having sunk one-third of its size into the waters its two parts remained as an heirloom of Atlantis this again was known to the

    Priests of Egypt and to Plato himself the solemn oath of secrecy which extended even to the mysteries of neoplatonism alone preventing the whole truth from being told so secret was the knowledge of the last island of Atlantis indeed on the account of the Superhuman Powers possessed by its inhabitants the last direct

    Descendants of the gods or Divine Kings as it was thought that to divulge its whereabouts and existence was punished by death theopompus says as much in his ever suspected moropus when he speaks of the Phoenicians as being the only Navigators in the Seas which washed the

    Western coast of Africa who did it with such m his that very often they sunk their own vessels to make the two inquisitive foreigners lose all trace of them there are orientalists and historians and they formed the majority who while feeling quite unmoved at the rather crude language of the Bible and

    Some of the events narrated in it show great disgust at the immorality in the pantheons of India and Greece we may be told that before Ides pindar and even Plato expressed the same disgust they too felt felt too irritated with the tales invented those miserable stories of The Poets as Ides phrases

    It but there may have been another reason for this perhaps to those who knew that there was more than one key to theogonic symbolism it was a mistake to express it in a language so crude and misleading for if the educated and learned philosopher could discern the

    Kernel of wisdom under the coarse rind of the fruit and knew that the latter concealed the greatest laws and truths of Psych and physical nature as well as the origin of all things not so with the uninitiated profane for him the dead letter was religion the interpretation sacrilege and this dead letter could

    Neither edify nor make him more perfect seeing that such an example was given him by his Gods but to the philosopher especially the initiate hesiod’s theoy is as historical as any history can be Plato accepts it as such and gives out as much of its truths as his pledge is

    Permitted the fact that the atanes claimed Uranus for their first king and that Plato commences his story of Atlantis by the division of the great continent by Neptune the grandson of Uranus shows that there were continents before Atlantis and Kings before Uranus for Neptune to whose lot the

    Great continent fell finds on a small island only one human couple made of clay i. the first physical human man whose origin began with the last subraces of the third root race it is their daughter cleto and the god Marys it is their daughter keto that the

    God marries and it is his eldest son Atlas who receives for his part the mountain and the continent which were called by his name now all the gods of Olympus as well as those of the Hindu Pantheon and the rishes were the sepor personation one of the Numa and the intelligent powers of

    Nature two of cosmic forces three of celestial bodies four of gods or John Chans five of psychic and spiritual Powers six of divine Kings on Earth or the incarnations of the Gods and seven of terrestrial Heroes and Men the knowledge how to discern among these seven forms the one that is

    Intended belonged at the times to the initiates whose earliest predecessors had created this symbolical and allegorical system thus while Uranus or the host representing this Celestial group reigned and ruled over the second race and then their continent Kronos or Saturn governed the Lans and Jupiter Neptune and others fought in the

    Allegory for Atlantis which was the whole earth in the day of the fourth race ponus or the last island of Atlantis the third step of idas pati or Vishnu in the Mystic language of the secret books lasted till about 12,000 years ago the atlantes of diodorus were right in

    Claiming that it was their country the region surrounding Mount Atlas where the gods were born I.E incarnated but it was after their fourth Incarnation that they became for the first time human Kings and rulers theodorus speaks of Uranus as the first king of Atlantis confusing either consciously or otherwise the continents

    But as we have shown Plato indirectly corrects the statement the first astronomical teacher of men was Uranus because he is one of the seven Jan chohans of the second period or race thus also in the second man ventara that of zaro chisha among the seven sons of the Manu

    The presiding gods or rishes of that race we find yotis the teacher of astronomy yatia one of the names of Brahma and thus also the Chinese revered Tien or the sky uros and name him as their first teacher of astronomy Uranus gave birth to the titans of the

    Third race and it is they personified by Saturn Kronos who mutilated them for as it is the Titans who fell into generation when creation by Will was superseded by physical procreation they needed Uranus no more and here is a short digression must be permitted and pardoned and consequence of the last

    Scholarly production of Mr Gladstone in the 19th century the greater gods of olympos the ideas of the general public about Greek mythology have been still further perverted and biased Homer is credited with an inner thought which is regarded by Mr Gladstone as the true key to homeric conception whereas this key

    Is merely a blind Poseidon is indeed essentially of the earth earthy strong and self- asserting sensual and intensely jealous and vindictive but this is because he symbolizes the spirit of the fourth root race the ruler of the Seas that race which lives above the surface of the

    Seas which is composed of the Giants the children of uran the race which is the father of polyphemus the Titan and the oneeyed Cyclops though Zeus Reign Over the fourth race it is Poseidon who rules and who is the true key to the Triad of the Cronin brothers and to our human races

    Poseidon and narus are one the former the ruler or Spirit of Atlantis before the beginning of its submersion the latter after Neptune is the Titanic strength of the living race narus the spirit reincarnated in the subsequent fifth or Aryan race and this is what the Greek scholar of England has not yet

    Discovered or even dimly perceived and yet he makes many observations upon the artfulness of Homer who never names nerus at whose designation we arrive only through the patronymic of the nads thus the tendency of even the most AR helist is to confine their speculations to the exoteric images of

    Mythology and to lose the sight of their inner meeting and it is remarkably Illustrated in the case of Mr Gladstone as we have shown while almost the most conspicuous figure of our age as a Statesman he is at the same time one of the most cultured Scholars to whom England has

    Given birth Grecian literature has been the Beloved study of his life and he has found time amid the bustle of public affairs to enrich contempor temporary literature with contributions to Greek scholarship which will make his name famous through the coming Generations at the same time as his sincere admirer the

    Present writer cannot but feel a deep regret that posterity while acknowledging his profound erudition and Splendid culture will yet in the greater light which must then shine upon the whole question of symbolism and mythology judge that he has failed to grasp the spirit of the religious system

    Which he has so often criticized from from the dogmatic Christian standpoint in that future day it will be perceived that the esoteric key to the mysteries of the Christian as well as the Grecian theogenes and Sciences is the secret doctrine of the prehistoric Nations which along with others he has

    Denied it is that Doctrine alone which can trace the kinship of all human religious speculations or even of so-called Revelations and it is this teaching which infuses the spirit of life into the lay figures of on the mounts of meu Olympus Walhalla and C if Mr Gladstone were a younger man his

    Admirers might hope that his Scholastic studies would be crowned by the discovery of this underlying truth as it is he but wastes the golden hours of his declining years in futile disputations with that giant freeth thinker Colonel ingersol each fighting with the weapons of exoteric temper drawn from the arsenals of ignorant

    Literalism these two great controversialists are equally blind to the true esoteric meaning of the attex which they hurl at each other’s heads like iron bullets while the world alone suffers by such controversies since the one helps to strengthen the ranks of materialism and the other those of blind sectarianism of the dead

    Letter and now we may return once more to our immediate subject many a Time Atlantis is spoken of under another name one unknown to our commentators the power of names is great and has been known since the first men were instructed by the Divine Masters and as

    Solon had studied it he translated the Atlantean names into names devised by himself in connection with the continent of Atlantis it is desirable to bear in mind that the accounts which have come down to us from the old Greek writers contain a confusion of statements some referring to the great

    Continent and others to the last small island of poseidonas it has become customary to take them all and as referring to the latter only but that this is incorrect is evident from the incompatibility of the various statements as to the size Etc of Atlantis thus in the critius

    Plato says that the plane surrounding the city was itself surrounded by Mountain chains and the plane was smooth and level and of an oblong shape lying North and South 3,000 stadia in One Direction and 2,000 in the other they surrounded the plane by an enormous

    Canal or Dyke 101 ft deep 606 ft Broad and 1,250 mi in length now in other places the entire size of the island of poseidonas is given as about the same as that assigned here to the plane around the city alone obviously one set of statements refers to the great continent and the

    Other to its Last Remnant Plato’s Island and again the standing army of Atlantis is given as upwards of a million men its Navy has 1,200 ships and 240,000 Men such statements are quite inapplicable to a small island state of about the size of Ireland the Greek allegories give to Atlas or Atlantis Seven

    Daughters seven subraces whose respective names are Maya Electra tetta aopi meropi acelon and seleno this ethnologically as they are credited with having married gods and with having become the mothers of famous Heroes the founders of many nations and cities astronomically the atlantes have become the seven pleades in occult

    Science the two are connected with the Destinies of Nations those Destinies being shaped by the past events of their early lives according to karmic law three great Nations claimed in Antiquity a direct descent from the kingdom of Saturn or Lura confused with Atlantis several thousands of years

    Before our era and these were the Egyptians the Phoenicians C and Nathan and the old Greeks diodorus after Plato but the oldest civilized country of Asia India can likewise be shown to claim the same descent subraces Guided by karmic law or destiny repeat unconsciously the first steps of the respective mother

    Races as the comparatively fair brahans when invading India with its dark colored dravidians have come from the north so the Aryan fifth race must claim its own origin from northern regions the occult Sciences show that the founders the respective groups of the seven prais of the root races have all

    Been connected with the pole star in the commentary we find he who understands the age of derva who measures 99 Immortal years will understand the times of the Pras the final Destiny of Nations o lanu moreover there must have been a good reason why an Asiatic Nation should

    Locate its great progenitors and Saints in Earth Ursa Major a northern constellation it’s 70,000 years however since the pole of the earth pointed to the further end of Ursa Minor’s tale and many more thousand years since the seven rishes could have been identified with the constellation of Ursa

    Major the Aryan race was born and developed in the far north though after sinking of the continent of Atlantis its tribes emigrated further south into Asia hence Prometheus is the son of Asia and dualon his son the Greek Noah he who created man out of the stones of

    Mother Earth is called a northern scyth by Lucian and Prometheus is made the brother of Atlas and is tied down to mount cacus amid the Snows Greece had her hyperborean as well as her Southern Apollo thus nearly all the gods of Egypt Greece and Phoenicia as well as those of

    Other pantheons are of a northern origin and originated in Lumia towards the close of the third race after its full physical and physiological evolution had been completed all the fables of Greece would be found to be built on historical facts if that history had only passed to posterity unadultered by myths the

    Oneeyed Cyclops the Giants fabled as the sons of Kus and terara three and number according to hesiod were the last three subraces of the larians the oneeyed referring to the wisdom eye for the two front eyes were fully developed as physical organs only in the beginning of the fourth

    Race the allegory of ulses whose companions were devoured while the king of Ithaca himself were saved by putting out the eye of polyphemus with a fire brand is based upon the psychophysiological atrophy of the third eye uises belonged to the cycle of the heroes of the fourth race and though a

    Sage in the sight of the latter must have been a propagate in the opinion of the Pastoral cyclopes his adventure with the latter a Savage gigantic race the antithesis of cultured civilization and the Odyssey is an allegorical record of the gradual passage from the cyclopian civilization of stone and colossal

    Buildings to the more sensual and physical culture of the atlanteans which finally caused the last of the third race to lose their all penetrating spiritual eye the other allegory which makes Apollo kill the cyclopes to avenge the death of his son scus does not refer to the three subraces represented by the

    Three sons of Heaven and Earth but to the hyperborean Aram maspian cyclopes the last of the race endowed with the wisdom ey the former have left relics of their buildings everywhere in the South as much as in the north the latter were confined to the north solely thus Apollo

    Preeminently the god of the Sears whose Duty it is to punish desecration killed them his shafts representing human passions fiery and lethal and hid his shaft behind a mountain in the hyperborean regions cosmically and astronomically this hyperborean God is the sun personified which during the course of the ceral Year

    2,868 years changes the climates on the Earth’s surface making frigid regions of tropical and vice versa psychically and spiritually his significance is far more important as Mr Gladstone pertinently remarks in his greater gods of Olympus the qualities of Apollo jointly with Athena are impossible to be accounted for without repairing to the

    Sources which lie beyond the limit of the Traditions most commonly explored for the elucidation of the Greek mythology the history of Lona Leto Apollo’s mother is most pregnant in various meanings astronomically Latona is the polar region in the night giving birth to the sun Apollo febus Etc she is

    Born in the hyperborean countries wherein all the inhabitants were Priests of her son celebrating his resurrection and descent to their country every 19 years at the renewal of the lunar cycle Lona is the hyperborean continent and its race geologically when the astronomical meaning seeds its place to the spiritual and divine Apollo and

    Athen transforming themselves into the form of birds the symbol and Glyph of the higher divinities and Angels then the bright God assumes Divine creative Powers Apollo becomes the personification of seership when he sends the astral double of enus to the battlefield and has the gift of appearing up to his Sears without being

    Visible to other persons present a gift however shared by every High Adept the king of the hyperboreans was therefore the son of Bas The North Wind and the high priest of Apollo the quarrel of Latona with naobi the atlantian race the mother of seven sons and Seven Daughters personifying the

    Seven subraces of the fourth race and their seven branches allegorizes the history of the two continents the Wrath of the sons of God or of Will and yoga at seeing the steady degradation of the atlanteans was great and the destruction of the children of naobi by the children of Latona Apollo

    And Diana the deities of light wisdom and Purity or the Sun and Moon astronomically whose influence causes changes in the Earth’s axis deles and other Cosmic cataclysms is thus very clear the fable about the never ceasing tears of naobi whose grief causes Zeus to change her into a fountain Atlantis covered with

    Water is no less graphic as a symbol naobi Let It Be Remembered is the daughter of one of the pleades or atanes the granddaughter of Atlas therefore because she represents the last generations of the doomed continent a true remark that of Bailey which says that Atlantis had an enormous influence in

    Antiquity he adds if these mythical names are mere ories then all they have of truth comes from Atlantis if the Fable is a real tradition however altered then the ancient history is wholly their history so much so that all ancient writings pros and poetry are full of the

    Reminiscences of the luro atlanteans the first physical races though the third and the fourth in number of the evolution of fourth round Humanity on our globe hessi OD records the tradition about the men of the age of bronze whom Jupiter had made out of Ashwood and who

    Had Hearts harder than Diamond clad in bronze from head to foot they passed their lives in fighting monstrous in size endowed with a terrible strength Invincible arms and hands descended from their shoulders says the poet such were the Giants of the first physical races the Iranians have a

    Reference to the later atlantans in yasna ix15 Tradition maintains that the sons of God or the great initiates of the Sacred Island took advantage of the delu to rid the Earth of all the sorcerers among the atlantans the said verse addresses zarathustra as one of the sons of God it

    Says Thou o zerra did make all demons Sorcerers who before red the world in human forms conceal themselves in the earth help them to submersion the Lans and also the early atlanteans were divided into two distinct classes the sons of night or dark Ness and the sons of the Sun or

    Light the old books tell us terrible battles between the two when the former leaving their land of Darkness whence the sun departed for long months descended from their inhospitable regions and tried to wrench the Lord of Light from their better favored Brothers of the equatorial regions we may be told that the Ancients

    Knew nothing of the long night of six months duration in the polar regions even Herodotus more learned than the rest only mentions a people who slept for 6 months in the year and remained awake for the other half yet the Greeks knew well that there was a

    Country in the north where the year was divided into a day and a night each of six monst duration for plyy distinctly says so they speak of the samarians and the hyperboreans and draw a distinction between the two the former inhabited Theus Meritus between 45° and 50° latitude Plutarch explains that they

    Were but a small portion of a great nation driven Away by the skidians which nation stopped near the ten after having crossed Asia these warlike multitudes lived formerly on the Ocean Shores in dense forests and under a tenebrous sky there the pole is almost touching the head their long nights and days divide

    The year as to the hyperboreans these peoples is expressed by solonus polyhis sew in the morning reap at noon gather their fruits in the evening and store them during the night in their caves even the writers of the Zohar knew this fact as it is written in the book

    Of hanahuna the old or the ancient we learn there are some countries of the earth which are lightened whilst others are in darkness these have the day when for the former it is night and there are countries in which it is constantly day or in which at least the night continues only some

    Instance the island of delos the Asteria of Greek mythology was never in Greece for this country in that day was not yet in existence not even in its molecular form several writers have shown that it represented a country or an island far larger than the small dots of land which

    Became Greece both ply and deodor syas place it in the northern Seas one calls it basilia or Royal the other ply names it osara a word which according to rbec had a significance in the northern languages equivalent to the island of the Divine Kings or God

    Kings or again the Royal island of the Gods because the gods were born there I.E the Divine dynasties of the kings of Atlantis proceeded from that place let geographers and geologists seek forward among that group of islands discovered by nordon scold on his Vega Voyage in the Arctic regions the secret

    Books inform us that the climate has changed in those regions more than once since the first men inhabited those now almost inaccessible latitudes there were a paradise before they became hell the dark Hades of the Greeks and the cold realm of Shades where the Scandinavian hell the goddess Queen of the country of

    The Dead hold sway deep down in helheim and niflheim yet it was the birthplace of Apollo who was the brightest of gods in heaven astronomically as he was the most enlightened of the Divine Kings who ruled over their early Nations and his human meaning the latter fact is born out in

    The Iliad wherein Apollo is said to have appeared four times in his own form as the god of the four races and six times in human form I.E as connected with the Divine dynasties of the earlier unseparated Lans it is those early mysterious peoples their countries which have now

    Become uninhabitable as well as the name given to man both dead and alive which have furnished an opportunity to the ignorant Church fathers for inventing a hell which they have transformed into a burning instead of a freezing locality it is of course evident that it is neither the hyperboreans nor the

    Samarians the Aram aspes nor even the siths known to and communicating with the Greeks who were our atlanteans but they were all the descendant of their last subraces the pelagians were certainly one of the root races of future Greece and were a remnant of a subrace of

    Atlantis Plato hints as much in speaking of the latter whose name it is averred came from pelagus the great sea Noah’s delu is astronomical and allegorical but it is not mythical for the story is based upon the same archaic tradition of men or rather of Nations who were saved during the cataclysm

    In canoes arcs and ships no one would presume to say that the caldan Zas the Hindu vavas Veda the Chinese Peron the Beloved of the Gods who rescued him from the flood in a canoe or the Swedish belger For Whom the gods did the same in the north are all

    Identical as personages but their Legends have all sprung from the catastrophe which involved both the continent and the island of Atlantis the allegory about the antiel luian Giants and their achievements in sorcery is no myth biblical advents are revealed indeed but it is neither by the voice of God amid thunder and lightning

    On Mount Si nor by a Divine finger tracing the record on tablets of stone but simply through tradition via Pagan sources it was not surely the pentti that diodorus was repeating when he wrote about the Titans the Giants born of Heaven and Earth or rather born of

    The sons of God who took to themselves for wives the daughters of men who were Fair nor was fair cities quoting from Genesis when giving details on those giants which are not to be found in the Jewish scriptures he says that the hyperboreans were of the race of the

    Titans a race which descended from the earliest Giants and that it was the hyperborean region which was the birthplace of the first giants the commentaries of the Sacred books explain that the said region was the far north the polar lands now the pre lumian early continent embracing

    Once Upon a Time the present Greenland spitsbergen Sweden Norway Etc but who were the Nephilim of Genesis vi4 there were Paleolithic and Neolithic men in Palestine ages before the events recorded in the book of the beginnings the theological tradition identifies these Nephilim with hairy men or Saturns

    The latter being mythical in the fifth race and the former historical in both the fourth and the fifth races we have stated elsewhere what the prototypes of these saturs were and have spoken of the beastiality of the early and later Atlantean race what is the meaning of Poseidon Amor under such a

    Variety of animal forms he became a dolphin to win apiti a horse to seduce series a ram to deceive theophane Etc Poseidon is not only the personification of the spirit and race of Atlantis but also of the vices of these giant sence jzanus and others devote an

    Enormous space to the meaning of the word Nephilim and explain very little but esoteric records show these hairy creatures to be the last descendants of the luro Atlantean races which begot children on female animals of species now long extinct thus producing dumb men monsters as the stanzas have it now mythology

    Built upon hesiod’s theoy which is but a poeticized record of actual Traditions or oral history speaks of three Giants called brius kotus and GES living in a dark country where they are imprisoned by cronal for the Rebellion against him all the three are endowed by myth with a

    100 arms and 50 heads the latter standing for races the former for subraces and tribes bearing in mind that in mythology every personage almost is a God or demigod and also a king or simple mortal in his second act aspect and that both stand as symbols for lands Islands

    Powers of nature elements Nations races and subraces the esoteric commentary will become comprehensible it says that the three Giants are three polar lands which have changed form several times at each new cataclysm or disappearance of one continent to make room for another the whole globe is convulsed periodically

    And has been so convulsed since the appearance of the first race for four times yet though the whole face of the Earth was transformed thereby each time the confirmation of the Arctic and Antarctic poles has but little altered the polar lands unite and break off from each other into islands and peninsulas

    Yet remain ever the same therefore Northern Asia is called the Eternal and Perpetual land and the Antarctic the everliving and the concealed while the Mediterranean Atlantic Pacific and other regions disappear and reappear and turn into and above the Great Waters from the appearance of the great continent of Lura the three polar Giants

    Have been imprisoned in their Circle by Kronos their goal is surrounded by a wall of bronze and the exit is through Gates fabricated by Poseidon or Neptune hence by the Seas which they cannot cross and it is in that damp region where Eternal Darkness Reigns that the three brothers languish The Iliad makes

    It Tartarus when the Gods and Titans rebelled in their turn against Zeus the deity of the fourth race the father of the Gods be thought himself of the imprisoned Giants that they might help him to conquer the gods and Titans and to precipitate the latter into Hades or

    In clearer words to have Lira hurled amid thunder and lightning to the bottom of the Seas so as to make room for Atlantis which was to be submerged and perish in its turn the geological upheaval in delus of thy was a repetition of on a small scale of the great cataclysm and remaining

    Impressed on the memory of the Greeks was merged by them into and confused with the general fate of Atlantis so also the war between the rasas of Lanka and the barans the melee of the atlantans and Aryans in their Supreme struggle or the conflict between the Davis and the aeds or Paris became

    Ages later the struggle of Titans separated into two enemal camps and still later the war between the angels of God and the angels of Satan historical facts became theological dogmas ambitious scholiasts men of small subrace born but yesterday and one of the latest issues of the Aryan stock

    Took upon themselves to overturn the religious thought of the world and succeeded for nearly 2,000 years they impressed thinking Humanity with the belief in the existence of Satan but as it is now the conviction of more than one Greek scholar as it was that of Bailey and volter

    That hesiod’s the ogyny is based upon historical facts it becomes easier for the occult teachings to find their way into the minds of thoughtful men and therefore are these passages from mythology brought forward into our discussion upon modern learning in this addendum such symbols are found in all

    The exoteric Creeds are so many landmarks of prehistoric truths the sunny Happy Land the Primitive cradle of the earliest human races has become several times since then hyperborean and saturnine thus showing the Golden Age and reign of Saturn from multiform aspects it was many sided in its character indeed climactically

    Ethnologically and morally for the third Luman race must be physiologically divided into the early androgynous and the later bisexual race and the climate of its Dwelling Places and continents into that of an eternal spring and eternal winter into life and death Purity and impurity the cycle of Legends is ever being

    Transformed on its journey by popular fancy yet it may be cleansed from the draw it has picked up on its way through many nations and through the countless Minds which have added their own exuberant additions to the original facts leaving for a while the Greek interpretations we may seek for some

    More corroborations of the latter in the scientific and geological proofs section seven scientific and geological proofs of the existence of several submerged continents it may not be a Miss for the benefit of those who resolved the tradition of a Lost myene Atlantis into an Antiquated myth to append a few

    Scientific admissions on this point science it is true is largely indifferent to such questions but there are scientists ready to admit that in any case a cautious agnosticism as to geological problems concerning the remote past is far more philosophical than a priori denial or even Hasty generalizations on insufficient data

    Meanwhile two very interesting instances that have been lately met with may be pointing out as confirming certain passages in the letter of a master published in esoteric Buddhism the Eminence of the authorities will not be questioned we italicize the corresponding passages extract from esoteric Budd Buddhism page 70 number one the sinking

    Of Atlantis the group of continents and Isles began during the myosin period And it culminated first in the final disappearance of the largest continent an event coincident with the elevation of the Alps and second with that of the last of the fair Islands mentioned by Plato and in comparison an extract from

    A lecture by w penali f FRS fgs number one was there as some of believed in Atlantis a continent or archipo of large islands occupying the area of the North Atlantic there is perhaps nothing unphilosophical in the hypothesis for since as geologists State the Alps have acquired 4,000 and even in some places

    More than 10,000 ft in their present altitude since the commencement of the eosine Epic ly’s principles page 256 second edition a post myosin depression might have carried the hypothetical Atlantis into almost abysmal depths and then back to the extract from esoteric Buddhism page 6465 number two Lura should no more be confounded with

    The Atlantis continent than Europe with America both sank and were drowned with their High civilizations and gods yet between the two catastrophes of period of about 700,000 years elapsed Lura flourishing and ending her career just about that lapse of time before the early part of the eocene age since its

    Race was the third behold the relics of that once great nation and some of the flath headed Aborigines of your Australia and then in comparison the extract from an article in the Popular Science review version 18 by Professor Seaman PhD fls VP number two it would be

    Premature to say because no evidence has yet been induced that men may not have existed in the eosine age especially as it can be shown that a race of men the lowest we know of coexists with that remnant of the eosine Flora which still survives on the continent and islands of

    Australia extract from the pedigree of man page 81 heel who fully accepts the reality of a former Lura also regards the Australians as direct descendants of the lumans persistent forms of both his Luman stems are in all prob ability still surviving of the former in the

    Papuans and the hotts of the latter in the Australians and in one division of the Mala with regard to a former civilization of which a portion of these degraded Australians are the last surviving offshoot the opinion of gerland is strongly suggestive commenting upon the religion and mythology of the tribes he writes the

    Statement that Australian civilization indicates a higher grade is nowhere more clearly proved than here in the province of religion where everything resounds like the expiring voices of a previous and richer age the idea that the Australians have no trace of religion or methology is Thoroughly false but this religion is certainly quite

    Deteriorated as to he’s view of the relationship between the Australians and the Mala as two branches of a common stock he is in error when he classes the Australians with the rest the Mala and papuans are a mixed stock resulting from the intermarriages of the low Atlantean

    Subraces with the seventh subrace of the third root race like the hoton tots they are of indirect luro Atlantean descent it is the most suggestive fact to those concrete thinkers who demand a physical proof of karma that the lower races of men are now rapidly dying out a phenomena largely due to an

    Extraordinary sterility setting in among the women from the time that they were first approached by the Europeans a process of decimation is taking place all over the globe among those races whose time is up among just those stocks be it remarked which esoteric philosophy regards as the scen out representatives of lost archaic

    Nations it is inaccurate to maintain that the extinction of a lower race is invariably due to cruelties or abuses perpetrated by colonists change of diet drunkenness Etc have done much but those who rely on such data as offering an all sufficient expl ation of the Crux cannot

    Meet the fallinks of facts now so closely arrayed even the materialist leev says nothing can save those that have run their course it would be necessary to extend their destined cycle the peoples that have been relatively most spared those who have defended themselves most valiantly Hawaiians or

    Mayores have been no less decimated than the tribes massacred or tainted by European intrusion true but it is not the phenomena here confirmed an instance of the operation of cyclic law difficult to account for on materialist lines when the destined cycle in the order here testified to why does this karmic

    Stability attack and root out certain races at their appointed hour the answer that it is due to a mental disproportion between the colonizing and Aboriginal races is obviously invasive since it does not explain the sudden checks to fertility which so frequently supervene the dying out of the Hawaiians for

    Instance is one of the most mysterious problems of the day ethnology will sooner or later have to recognize with occultists that the true solution has to be sought for in a comprehension of the workings of karma as leev remarks the time is Drawing Near when there will remain nothing but three great human

    Types the time is before the sixth rote race Dawns the three types are the white Aryan fifth root race the yellow and the African negro with their Crossing atlanto European divisions Redskins Eskimos papuans Australians Polynesians Etc are all dying out those who realize that every root race runs through a

    Gamut of seven subraces with seven branchlets Etc will understand the why the tide wave of incarnating eagles has rolled past them to harvest experience and more developed and less scile stocks and their Extinction is hence a karmic necessity some extraordinary and explains statistics as to race Extinction are given by De quatrefages

    No solution except on occult lines is able to account for these but we have digressed from our direct subject let us hear now what Professor Huxley has to say on the subject of former Atlantic and Pacific continents he writes in nature there is nothing as far as I’m

    Aware in the biological or geological evidence at present accessible to render untenable the hypothesis that an area of the Mid-Atlantic or Pacific seab B as big as Europe should have been upheaved as high as Mount Blanc and have subsided again at any time since the Paleozoic epic if there

    Were any grounds for entertaining it that is to say that there is nothing to mitigate against positive evidence of the fact nothing therefore against the geological postulates of the esoteric philosophy Dr bertold Seaman assures Us in the Popular Science review that the facts which botanists have accumulated for reconstructing these lost maps of

    The globe are rather comprehensive and they have not yet been backward in demonstrating the former existence of several large tracks of solid land and parts now occupied by great oceans the many striking points of contact between the present floors of the United States and Eastern Asia induced them to assume that during the

    Present order of things there existed a continent connection between South Eastern Asia and Western America the singular correspondence of the present floor of the United States states in the South with that of the Ling Nite Flora of Europe induces them to believe that in the myosin period Europe and America were connected by

    Land passage of which Iceland Madera and other Atlantic Islands are remnants that in fact the story of an Atlantis which a Egyptian priest hold to Solon is not purely fictitious but rests upon solid historical basis Europe in the eosine period received the plants which spread over mountains and pl L valleys and

    Riverbanks from Asia generally neither exclusively from the south nor from the East the West also furnished additions and if at that period these were rather meager they show at all events that the bridge was already building which at a later period was to facilitate communication between the two continents

    In such a remarkable manner at that time some plants of the western continent began to reach Europe by means of the island of Atlantis then probably just just Rising above the ocean and in another number of the same review Mr W dupac crot mls in an article entitled the Norwegian leming and its

    Migrations alludes to the same subject is it probable that the land could have existed where now the broad Atlantic rolls all tradition says so old Egyptian records speak of Atlantis as strabo and others have told us the Sahara itself is the sand of an ancient sea and the shells which have been found

    Upon its surface proved that no longer ago than the Meine period a sea rolled over what is now desert The Voyage of the Challenger has proved the existence of three long rides in the Atlantic Ocean one extending for more than 3,000 miles and lateral Spurs May by connecting these ridges account for The

    Marvelous similarity of the Fauna of the Atlantic Islands the submerged continent of Lura and what is now the Indian Ocean is considered to afford an explanation of many difficulties in the distribution of organic life and I think the existence of a myos Atlantis will be found to have a strong elucidative

    Bearing on subjects of Greater interest truly so than the migration of the leming at all events it can be shown that the land existed in former ages where the North Atlantic now rules not only is a motive found for these apparently suicidal migration but also a strong collateral proof that what we

    Call instincts are but the Blind and sometimes even prejudicial inheritance of previously acquired experience at certain periods we learn multitudes of these animals swim to the Sea and perish coming as they do from all parts of Norway the powerful instinct which survives throughout ages as an inheritance from the progenitors

    Impels them to seek a continent once existing but now submerged beneath the ocean and to court a watery grave in an article containing a criticism of Mr a Wallace’s Island life life a work devoted largely to the question of the distribution of animals Etc Mr starky Gardner writes by a process of reasoning

    Supported by a large array of facts of different kinds he arrives at the conclusion that the distribution of life upon the land as we now see it has been accomplished without the aid of important changes in the relative positions of continents and seas yet if we accept his views we must

    Believe that Asia and Africa Madagascar and Africa New Zealand and Australia Europe and America have been United at some period not remote geologically and that Seas to the depths of a thousand fathoms have been bridged over but we must treat as utterly gratuitous and entirely opposed to all

    The evidences at our Command the supposition that temperate Europe and temperate America Australia and South America have ever been connected except by way of the Arctic or Antarctic circles and that lands now separated by Seas of more than a thousand fathoms of depth have ever been United Mr Wallace it must be admitted

    Had succeeded in explaining the chief features of existing life distribution without Bridging the Atlantic or Pacific except towards the poles yet I cannot help but thinking some of the facts that might perhaps be more easily explained by admitting the former existence of the connection between the coast of Chile

    And Polynesia and Great Britain and Florida shadowed by the submarine Banks which stretch between them nothing is urged that renders the more direct connections impossible and no physical reason is Advanced why the floor of the ocean should not be upheaved from any depth the route by which according to the anti- Atlantean

    And luran hypothesis of Wallace the floors of South America and Australia are supposed to have mingled is beset by almost insurmountable obstacles and the Apparently sudden arrival of a number of subtropical American plants in the eosines necessitates a connection more to the South than the president 1,000 fathom

    Line forces are unceasingly acting and there is no reason why an elevated Force once set in action in the center of an ocean should cease to act until a continent is formed they have acted and lifted out of the sea in comparatively recent geological time the loftiest mountains on Earth Mr Wallace himself

    Admits repeatedly that seabeds have been elevated a thousand fathoms and Islands have risen up from the depths of three th000 fathoms and to suppose that the upheaving forces are limited in power it seems to me to again quote from Island life utterly gratuitous and entirely opposed to all the evidences at our

    Command the father of English geology Sir Charles Lyall was a uniformitarian in his views of Continental formation we find him saying that professors anger and here have advocated on Botanical grounds the former existence of an Atlantic continent during some part of the tertiary period as affording the only plausible explanation that can be

    Imagined of the analogy between the milene Flora of Central Europe and the existing Flora of Eastern America Professor Oliver on the other hand after showing how many of the American types found fossil in Europe are common to Japan inclines to the theory first Advance by Dr assagay that the migration

    Of species to which the community of types in the east e states of North America and the myene floor of Europe is due took place when there was an Overland communication between America to Eastern Asia between the 50th and 60th parallels of latitude or south of bearings Straits following the direction

    Of the eluan islands by this course they may have made their way at any epic myosin Pine or post Pine antecedently to the glacial epic to amurland land on the east coast of Northern Asia the unnecessary difficulties and complications here incurred in order to avoid the hypothesis of an Atlantic

    Continent are really too apparent to escape notice if the Botanical evidences stood alone skepticism would be partially reasonable but in this case all branches of science converge to one point science has made blunders and has exposed itself to Greater errors than it would be exposed to by the admission of

    Our two now invisible continents it is denied even the undeniable from the days of the mathematician llas down to our own and that only a few years ago we have Professor huxley’s Authority for saying that there is no a priori in probability whatever against possible evidence supporting the

    Belief but now that the positive evidence is brought forward will that eminent scientist admit the corer touching on the problem in another place Sir Charles Lyall tells us respecting the cosmogeny of the Egyptian priests We Gather much information from writers of the Grecian sect who borrowed almost all their tenants from Egypt and

    Amongst others that of our former successive destruction and renovation of the world Continental not Cosmic catastrophes we learned from Plutarch that this was the theme of the one of the hymns of orus so celebrated in the fabulous ages of Greece it was brought by him from the banks of the Nile and we

    Even find in his verses as in the Indian system a definite period assigned for the duration of every successive world the returns of great catastrophes were determined by the period of the Anis Magnus or great year a cycle composed of the revolution of the sun moon and planets and terminating when these

    Return together to the same sign whence they were supposed to at some remote epic have been set out we learn particularly from the tus of Plato that the Egyptians believed the world to be subject to occasional conf flager and deluges the sect of stoics adopted most fully the system of catastrophes

    Destined at certain intervals to destroy the world these they taught were of two kinds the cataclysm or destruction by delu which sweeps away the whole human race and annihilates all the animal and vegetable products of Nature and the e prosis or conf flager which destroys the globe itself submarine volcanoes from the Egyptians

    They derived the doctrine of the gradual debasement of man from a state of Innocence nent Simplicity of the first subraces of each root race towards the termination of each era the gods could no longer bear with the wickedness of men degeneracy into magical practices and gross animality of the atlanteans and a shock

    Of the elements or deluse overwhelmed them after which Calamity asria again descended on the earth to renew the Golden Age dawn of a new root race Austria the goddess of justice is the last of the deities to forsake the Earth when the gods are said to abandon

    It and to be taken up again into Heaven by Jupiter but no sooner does Zeus carry from Earth ganimedes the object of lust personified then the father of the Gods throw down asria on the Earth again on which she falls upon her head asria is Virgo the constellation of the zodiac

    Astronomically it is very plain significance and one which gives the key to the occult meaning but it is inseparable from the sign that precedes it and from the pleades and their sisters the Hades of which alberon is the brilliant leader all these are connected with the periodical Renovations of the Earth with

    Regard to its continents even ganimedes who in astronomy is Aquarius it has already been shown that while the South Pole is the pit or the infernal regions figuratively and cosmologically the North Pole is geographically the first continent while astronomically and metaphorically the celestial pole with

    Its pole star in heaven is meu or the seat of Brahma the Throne of Jupiter etc for in the age when the gods forsook the Earth and were said to ascend into heaven the ecliptic had become parallel with the meridian and part of the zodiac appeared to descend from the North Pole

    To the north Horizon Al debran was in conjunction with the sun then as it was 40,000 years ago at the Great Festival in commemoration of that anus Magnus of which Plutarch spoke since that year 40,000 years ago there had been a retrograde motion of the Equator and

    About 31,000 years ago alberon was in conjunction with the Vernal equinoctial point the part assigned to Taurus even in Christian mysticism is too well known to need repetition the famous orphic hymn on the great periodical cataclysm divulges the whole esotericism of the event Pluto in the pit carries off urise

    Bitten by the polar serpent then Leo the Lion is vanquished now when the lion is in the pit or below the south pole then Virgo as the next sign follows him and when her head down to the waist is below the southern Horizon she is inverted on

    The other hand the Hades are the rain or delu constellations and Al debron he who follows or succeeds the daughters of Atlas or the pleades looks down from the eye of Taurus it is from this point of the ecliptic that the calculations of the new cycle were commenced the student

    Has to remember also that when ganimedes Aquarius is raised to heaven or above the Horizon of the North Pole Virgo or Astria who is Venus Lucifer descends head downwards below the Horizon of the South Pole or the pit which pit or the pole is also the Great Dragon or the

    Flood let the student exercise his in intuition by placing these facts together no more can be said Lyall remarks the connection between the doctrine of successive catastrophes and repeated deteriorations is the moral character of the human race is more intimate and natural than might at first

    Be Imagined for in a rude state of society all great calamities are regarded by the people as judgments of God and the wickedness of man in like manner in the account given to Solon by the Egyptian Priests of the submerging of the island of Atlantis under the Waters of the ocean after repeated

    Shocks of an earthquake we find that the event happened when Jupiter had seen the moral depravity of the inhabitants true but was it not owing to the fact that all esoteric truths were given out to the public by the initiates of the temples under the guise of allegories Jupiter is merely the

    Personification of that immutable cyclic law which arrests the downward tendency of each root race after attaining the Zenith of its Glory we must admit allegorical teaching unless we told with professor John fisk’s singularly dogmatic opinion that a myth is an explanation by the uncivilized mind of some natural phenomena not an allegory

    Not an esoteric symbol for the Ingenuity is wasted which strives to detect in myths the remnants of a refined primeval science but an explanation primitive man had no profound science to perpetuate by means of allegory how does m Fisk no nor were they such Sor pedance as to

    Talk in riddles when plain language would serve their purpose we venture to say that the language of the initiated few was far more plain and their science philosophy far more comprehensive and satisfying alike to the physical and spiritual wants of man then even the terminology and system elaborated by Mr fisk’s

    Master Herbert Spencer what however is Sir Charles Lyle’s explanation of the myth certainly being in no way countenances the idea of its astronomical origin as asserted by some writers the two interpreters are entirely at variance with one another ly’s solution is as follows a disbeliever in cataclysmal changes from

    The absence of any reliable historical data on the point as well as from a strong bias to the uniformitarian conceptions of geological changes he attempts to trace the Atlantis tradition to the following sources one barbarous tribes connect catastrophes with an avenging God who is assumed in this way to punish immoral

    Races two hence the commencement of a new race is logically and virtuous one three the primary source of the geologic basis of the tradition was Asia a continent subject to Violent earthquakes exaggerated accounts would thus be handed down the ages number four Egypt being herself free from earthquakes nevertheless based her not

    Inconsiderable geologic knowledge on these cataclysmal traditions an ingenious explanation as all such are but proving a negative is proverbially a difficult task students of esoteric science who know what the resources of the Egyptian priesthood really were Need No Such labored hypothesis moreover while an imaginative theorist is always able to furnish a

    Reasonable solution of problems which in one branch of science seems to necessitate the hypothesis of periodical cataclysmic changes on the surface of our planet the impartial critic who is not a specialist will recognize the immense difficulty of explaining away the cumulative evidences namely the archaeological ethnological geological traditional Botanical and even

    Biological in favor of former continence now submerged when each science is fighting for its own hand the cumulative force of the evidence is almost invariably lost sight of in the theosophist we wrote we have as evidence the most ancient traditions of various and wide separated peoples Legends in India in

    Ancient Greece Madagascar Sumatra Java and all the principal Isles of Polynesia as well as the legends of both Americas among Savages and in the traditions of the richest literature in the world the Sanskrit literature of India there is an agreement in saying that ages ago there existed in the

    Pacific Ocean a large continent which by geological upheaval was engulfed by the Sea Lura and it is our firm belief that most if not all of the islands from the Malayan archipelago to poesia are fragments of that once immense submerged continent both malaka and Polynesia which lie at the two extremities of the

    Ocean and which since the memory of man never had nor could have any intercourse with or even a knowledge of each other have yet a tradition common to all the islands and isets that their respective countries extended far far into the sea that there were in the world but two

    Immense continents one inhabited by yellow the other by dark men and that the ocean by command of the Gods and to punish them for their incessant quarreling swallowed them up not withstanding the geographical fact that New Zealand and sandwich and Easter Islands are at a distance from

    Each other of between 800 and a Thousand Leagues and that according to every testimony neither these nor any other intermediate islands for instance the Marian Society Fiji tahan Samoan and other Islands could since they became Islands ignorant as their people were of the compass have communicated with each other before the arrival of

    Europeans yet they one and all maintain that their respective countries extended far toward the west on the Asian side moreover with very small differences they all speak dialects evidently of the same language and understand each other with little difficulty have the same religious beliefs and superstitions and

    Pretty much the same customs and as a few of the Polynesian Islands were discovered earlier than a century ago and the Pacific Ocean itself was unknown to Europe until the days of Columbus and these Islanders have never ceased repeating the same old traditions since the Europeans first set foot on their

    Shores it seems to us as logical inference that our theory is nearer to the truth than any other chance would have it to change its name and meaning were all this due but to chance alone Professor Schmidt writing in defense of the hypothesis of a former Lura declares a great series of animal

    Geographical facts is explicable only on the hypothesis of the former existence of a southern continent of which the Australian Mainland is a Remnant the distribution of species points to a vanished land of the South where perhaps the home of the progenitors of the macki and Madagascar may also be looked

    For Mr a Wallace in his mle archipo arrives at the following conclusion after a review of the massive evidence at hand the inference that we must draw from these facts is undoubtedly that the whole of the islands Eastward Beyond Java and Borneo do essentially form a part of a former Australian or Pacific

    Continent although some of them may never have been actually joined to it the continent must have been broken up not only before the Western Islands were separated from Asia but probably before the extreme Southeastern portion of Asia was raised above the Waters of the ocean

    For a great part of the land of Borneo and Java is known to be geologically of quite recent formation according to heel probably southern Asia itself was not the earliest cradle of the human race but Lura a continent that lay to the south of Asia and S sank later

    Beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean in one sense hekel is right as to lamia that the Cradle of the human race the continent was the home of the first physical human stock the later third race men previous to that epic the races were far less Consolidated and physiologically quite different heel

    Makes lamura extend from sunnda Island to Africa and Madagascar and eastwards to Upper India professor the eminent paleontologist asks need the conjecture that almost exclusively graminivorous and insector marsupial sloths armadillos aners and ostriches once possessed an actual point of Union in a Southern continent of which the present Flora of Tera Fuego

    And Australia must be the remains need this conjecture raise difficulties at a moment when from their fossil remains here restores to our recite the ancient force of Smith’s sound and spitsbergen having now dealt generally with the broad scientific attitude on the two questions it will perhaps conduce to an agreeable brevity if we

    Sum up the more striking isolated facts in favor of that fundamental contention of esoteric ethnologists the reality of Atlantis Lura is so widely accepted that further pursuit of the subject is unnecessary with regard however to the former it is found that one the myosin flu of Europe have their

    Most numerous and striking analogues in the flu of the United States in the forests of Virginia and Florida are found the Magnolias tulip trees evergreen Oaks plain trees Etc which correspond with European tertiary Flora term for term how is the migration affected if we exclude the theory of the Atlantic

    Continent Bridging the Ocean between America and Europe the proposed explanation to the effect that the transition was by way of Asia and the uian islands is a mere uncalled for Theory obviously upset by the fact that a large number of these fui only appear east of the Rocky Mountains this also

    Negatives the idea of a transpacific migration they are now superseded by European continents and Islands to the north number two skulls exhumed on the banks of the danu and Ry bear a strikingly similar to those of the Caribs of the old Peru Ian litter monuments have been exed in Central

    America which bear representations of undoubted negro heads and faces how are such facts to be accounted for except on the Atlantean hypothesis what is now northwest Africa was once connected with Atlantis by a network of islands few of which now remain three according to farar the isolated language of the bases has no

    Affinities with the other languages of Europe but with the Aborigines language of the vast opposite continent America and those alone Professor broka is also of the same opinion Paleolithic European man of the myosin and pine times was a pure Atlantean as we have previously stated

    The basks are of course of a much later date than this but their affinities as shown here go far to prove the original extraction of the remote ancestors the mysterious Affinity between their tongue and that of the dravidian races of India will be understood by those who have followed our outline of Continental

    Formations and shiftings four stones have been found in the Canary Islands bearing sculptured symbols similar to those found on the shore of Lake Superior bethat was induced by such evidence to postulate the unity of race of the early men of the Canary Islands in America the gunes of the Canary Islands

    Were lineal descendants of the at atlans this fact will account for the great stature evidenced by their old skeletons as well as by those of their European coners the crom magnon Paleolithic men five any experienced Mariner has but to navigate the fathomless ocean along the Canary Islands to ask himself the

    Question when or how that group of volcanic and Rocky little islands has been formed surrounded on every Side by that vast watery space frequent questions of this kind LED finally to the expedition of the famous Leopold Bon book which took place in the first quarter of the present Century some geologists maintained that

    The volcanic island had been raised right from the bottom of the ocean the depth of which in the immediate vicinity of the island varies from 6,000 to 188,000 Ft others were inclined to see in these groups including Madera the azors and the islands of Cape dver the remnants of a gigantic but submerged

    Continent which had once United Africa and America the latter men of science supported their hypothesis by a massive evidence in its favor drawn from ancient myths horory superstitions such as the fairy-like Atlantis of Plato The Garden of the Hesperides Atlas supporting the world on his shoulders all of them mytho

    Connected with the peak of tenie did not go far with skeptical science the identity of animal and vegetable species showing either a previous connection between America and the remaining groups of the islands the hypothesis of their having been drifted from the new world to the Old World by waves was too absurd

    To stand long found more serious consideration but it is only quite lately after the Donnell’s books have been published several years that the theory has had a greater chance of ever becoming an accepted fact fossils found on the eastern coast of South America have now been proved to belong to the

    Jurassic formations and are nearly identical with the Jurassic fossils of of Western Europe and of Northern Africa the geological structure of both coasts is also almost identical the resemblance between the smaller marine animals dwelling in the more shallow Waters of the South American the western African and the South European coasts is

    Also very great all such facts are bound to bring naturalists to the conclusion that there has been in distant prehistoric ages a continent which extends from the coast of Venezuela across the Atlantic Ocean to the canares islands and North Africa and from New Finland nearly to the coast of

    France six the great resemblance between the Jurassic fossils of South America North America and Western Europe is a striking enough fact in itself and admits of no explanation unless the ocean is bridged with an Atlantis but why also is there so marked a similarity between the Fauna of the now isolated

    Atlantic Islands why did the specimens of Brazilian fauna dredged up by Sir see whyville Thompson resemble those of Western Europe why does a resemblance exist between the many of the West African and West Indian animal groups again when the animals and plants of the old and new

    World are compared one cannot be struck with their identity all or nearly all belong to the same generation while many even of the species are common to both continents indicating that they radiated from a Common Center Atlantis the horse according to science originated in America at least a large

    Proportion of the once missing links connected with it inferior forms have been exhumed from American strata how did the horse penetrate into Europe and Asia if no land communication Bridge the oceanic interspaces or if it is asserted that the horse originated in the old world how did such forms as the Hyperion Etc

    Get into America in the first instance on the migration hypothesis again Buon had remarked the repetition of the African and the American fauna how for example the Llama is the juvenescence and feeble copy of the camel and how the Puma of the new represents the line of the old

    World seven the following quotation runs with number two but its significance is such and the writer cited is so authoritative that it deserves a place to itself with regard to the Primitive delos F of America I entertain a hypothesis still more bold namely that they are nearly related to the gunes of

    The Canary Islands and to the Atlantic populations of Africa the Moors toic cops which laam comprises under the name of Egyptian atlan we find one and the same form of skull in the Canary Islands in front of the African coast and in the carab islands on the opposite Coast which

    Faces Africa the color of the skin on both sides sides of the Atlantic is represented in these populations as being of a reddish brown if then Bas and crom magnon caveman are of the same race as the canares gones it follows that the former are also Allied to the Aborigines

    Of America this is the conclusion necessitated by the independent investigations of ritus verow and quatrefages the atlantian affinities of these three types become patents eight the sea soundings undertaken by HMS Challenger and the dolphin have established the fact that a huge elevation some 3,000 mi in length projected upwards from the abysmal

    Depths of the Atlantic extends from a point near the British Islands southwards curving round near Cape DDE and running in a southeasterly direction along the West African Coast this elevation averages some 9,000 ft in height and rises above the ways of the azors Ascension and other places in

    The ocean depths around the neighborhood of the former ribs of a once massive piece of land have been discovered the inequalities the mountains and valleys of its surface could never have been produced in accordance with any known laws for the deposition of sediment nor by submarine elevation but on the

    Contrary must have been carved by agencies acting in above the water level it is the most probable that necks of land formally existed knitting Atlantis to South America somewhere above the mouth of the Amazon to Africa near Cape DDE while a similar point of juncture with Spain is not unlikely as

    Contended for by Donley whether the latter existed or not is of no consequence in view of the fact that what is now northwest Africa was before the elevation of the Sahara and the rupture of the Gibralter connection an extension of Spain consequently no difficulty can be raised as to how the

    Migration of the European fauna Etc took place enough has now been said from the purely scientific standpoint point and it is needless in view of the manner in which the subject has already been developed on the lines of esoteric knowledge to swell the massive testimony further in conclusion the words of one

    Of the most intuitive writers of the day may be cited as admirably illustrative of the opinions of the occultist who awaits in patience the dawn of the coming day we are but beginning to understand the past 100 years ago the world knew nothing of Pompei or herculanum nothing

    Of the lingual tie that binds together the Indo-European Nations nothing of the significance of the vast volume of inscriptions upon the tombs and temples of Egypt nothing of the meaning of the arroe headed inscriptions of Babylon nothing of The Marvelous civilizations revealed in the remains of the Yucatan

    Mexico and Peru we are on the threshold scientific investigation is advancing with giant strides who shall say the 100 years from now the great museums of the world may not be adorned with gems statues arms and impl ments from Atlantis while the libraries of the world shall contain translations of its

    Inscriptions throwing new light upon all the past history of the human race and all the great problems which now perplex the thinkers of today and now to conclude we have concerned oursel with the ancient records of the nations with the doctrine of chronological and psychic cycles of which these records are the tangible

    Proof and with many other subjects which may at first site seem out of place in this volume but they are necessary in truth in dealing with the secret animals and traditions of So Many Nations whose very Origins have never been ascertained on more secure grounds than inferential suppositions in giving out the beliefs

    And philosophy of more than prehistoric races it is not quite as easy to deal with the subject matter as it would be only if philosophy and evolution of one special race were concerned the secret Doctrine was the common property of the countless millions of men born under various climates in times with which

    History refuses to deal and to which esoteric teachings assign dates incompatible with the theories of geology and anthropology the birth and evolution of the Sacred science of the past are lost in the very night of time and that even which is historic I.E that which is found scattered hither and thither

    Throughout ancient classical literature is in almost every case attributed by modern criticism to lack of observation in the ancient writers or to Superstition born not the ignorance of antiquity it is therefore impossible to treat this subject as one would the ordinary evolution of an art or science in some well-known historical

    Nation it is only by bringing before the reader an abundance of proofs all tending to show that in every age under every condition of civilization and knowledge the educated classes of every nation made themselves the more or less faithful echo of one identical system and its fundamental Traditions that he

    Can be made to see that so many streams of the same water must have had a common source from which they started what was this Source if coming events are said to cast their Shadows before past events cannot fail to leave their impress behind them it is then by those Shadows

    Of the Hy past and their fantastic silhouettes on the external screen of every religion and philosophy that we can by checking them as we go along and comparing them Trace out finally the body that produced them there must be truth and fact in that which every people of antiquity accepted and made

    The foundation of its religions and its Faith moreover as halberton said here one side and you’ll be in the dark hear both sides and all will be clear the public has hether to had access to and has heard but one side or rather the one-sided views of two diametrically opposed classes of men

    Whose Prima fascia propositions of respective premises differ widely but whose final conclusions are the same the man of science and theology and now our readers have an opportunity of hearing the other and so of learning the defendants justification and the nature of our arguments if the public is to be left to

    Its old opinions namely on one side that occultism magic the legends of old Etc are all the outcome of ignorance and Superstition and on the other that everything outside the Orthodox Groove is the work of the devil what will be the result in other words had no theosophical and Mystic literature

    Obtained a hearing for the last few years the present work would have had but a poor chance of impartial consideration it would have been proclaimed and by many will still be proclaimed a fairy tale woven out of abstruse problems poised in and based on thin air built of soap bubbles bursting

    At the slightest touch of serious reflection with no Foundation to stand upon even the ancient superstitious and credis classical writers have no word of reference to it in clear and unmistakable terms and the symbols themselves fail to yield a hint of the existence of such a

    System such would be the verdict of all but when it comes undeniably proven that the claim of the modern Asiatic Nations to a secret science and an esoteric history of the world is based on fact that though hether to unknown to the masses and availed mystery even to the

    Learned because they have never had the key to a right understanding of the Abundant hints thrown out by the ancient Classics it is still no fairy tale but in actual then the present work will become but the pioneer of many more such books the statement that hether to even the keys

    Discovered by some great Scholars have proved too rusty for use and that they are but the silent witnesses that there do exist Mysteries behind the veil which are unreachable without a new key is borne out by too many proofs to be easily dismissed an instance may be

    Given as an illustration out of the history of Freemasonry in his macaroni occult ragon an illustrious and learned Belgian Mason rightly or wrongly reproaches the English Masons with having materialized in Dishonored masonry once based upon the ancient Mysteries by adopting owing to a mistaken notion of the origin of

    The craft the name of Freemasonry and Freemasons the mistake is due he says to those who connect masonry with the building of Solomon’s Temple he derides the idea and says the Frenchman knew well when he adopted the title of Freemason that it was no question of building the smallest wall but that

    Initiated into the Mysteries veiled under the name of Freemasonry which could only be the continuation or the renovation of the ancient Mysteries he has to become a Mason after the manner of Apollo or Aon and do not we know that the ancient initiated poets when speaking of the

    Foundation of a city meant thereby the establishment of a Doctrine thus Neptune god of reasoning and Apollo God of hidden things presented them themselves as Masons before lad priam’s father to help him to build the city of Troy that is to say to establish the Trojan religion such veiled sentences with

    Double meaning abound in ancient classical writers therefore if an attempt had been made to show that for instance Ladon was the founder of a branch of archaic mysteries in which the Earthbound material Soul the fourth principle was personified in man laus’s faithless wife the fair Helen and if ragon had not come

    To corroborate what we asserted we might have been told that no classical author speaks of it and that Homer shows Ladon building a city not founding an esoteric warship or Mysteries who are those left now save a few initiates who understand the language and correct meaning of such symbolical

    Terms but though we have pointed to many a misconceived symbol bearing on our thesis there Still Remains more than one difficulty to be overcome most important among several such do obstacles is that of chronology but this could hardly be helped wedged in between theological chronology and that of the geologists

    Backed by all the materialistic anthropologists who assign dates to man and nature which fit within their own theories alone what could the writer do except what he has done since theology places the delug 2448 BC and the world’s creation only 5,890 years ago and since the accurate

    Researchers by the meth of exact science have led the geologists and physicists to assign to the encrusted age of our globe between 10 million and 1,000 million of years a trifling distance verily and since the anthropologists to vary their Divergence of opinion as to the appearance of man ask for between

    25,000 and 500,000 years what can one who studies the occult Doctrine do but bravely present the esoteric calculations before the world but to do this corroboration by even a few historical proofs has been necessary though all know the real value of the so-called historical evidence for whether man appeared on Earth 18,000 or

    18 million years ago can make no difference to profane history since it only begins about a couple a thousand years before our era and since even then it grapples hopelessly with the clash and den of contradictory and mutually destroying opinions around it nevertheless unless the esoteric teachings were Corr ated and supported

    On the spot whenever possible by references to historical names of a so-called historical period this is the only guide that can be given to the beginner before he is permitted to start among the to him unfamiliar windings of that dark Labyrinth called the prehistoric ages this necessity has been complied

    With it is only H that the desire to do so which has led the writer to be constantly bringing ancient and modern evidence as a corroboration of the archaic and quite unhistoric past will not bring on her the accusation of having sorely jumbled up without order or method the various and widely

    Separated periods of history and tradition but literary form and Method had to be sacrificed to the greater clearness of the general exposition to accomplish the proposed task the writer has had to resort to the rather unusual means of dividing each volume into three parts the first of which is only the

    Consecutive though very fragmentary history of cosmogeny in the evolution of man on this globe in treating of cosmogeny and then of the anthropogenesis of mankind it was necessary to show that no religion from the very earliest has ever been based entirely on fiction that none was the object of special Revelation and that

    It’s Dogma alone which has never been killing primeval truth finally that no human born Doctrine no Creed however Sanctified by custom and Antiquity can compare in sacredness with the religion of nature the the key of wisdom that unlocks the massive Gates leading to the Arcana of the innermost sanctuaries can

    Be found hidden in her bosom only and that bosom is in the countries pointed to by the great sear of the past Century Emanuel swedenberg there lies the heart of nature that Shrine went issued the early races of primeval humanity and which is the Cradle of physical

    Man thus far have preceded the rough outlines of the beliefs and tenants of the archaic earliest races contained in their hather to secret scriptural records but our explanations are by no means complete nor do they pretend to give out the full text or to have been

    Read by the help of more than three or four keys out of the Sevenfold bunch of esoteric interpretation and even this has only been partially accomplished the work is too gigantic for any one person to undertake far more to accomplish our main concern has been simply to prepare the soil this we trust

    We have done these two volumes only constitute the work of a Pioneer who has forced his way into the well nigh impenetrable Jungle of the Virgin Forest of the land of the occult a commencement has been made in felling and uprooting the deadly OAS trees of superstition Prejudice and conceited ignorance so

    That these two volumes should form for the student A fitting prelude for other works until the rubbish of the ages is cleared away from the minds of the theosophists to whom these pages are dedicated it is impossible that the more practical teaching contained in the third volume should be understood consequently it entirely

    Depends upon the reception with which volumes one and two shall meet at the hands of theosophists and Mystics whether the last volume will ever be published satet nasty Paro Dharma there is no religion higher than truth end of volume two thanks for listening to the secret Doctrine volume 2 by helina blatsky

    Read by Graham Dunlop this has been a production by adult brain audiobook publishing please visit adult

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