East Grinstead Hockey Club is based in Sussex, south of London in the United Kingdom The mens and women’s teams compete in the England Hockey Premier League both outdoors and indoors. Both teams have won the National Premier League, National Indoor Premier League and the National Cup, and both teams have represented in the European Hockey Leagues both outdoors and indoors.

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    See He He He He Good evening one and all and welcome back to our second game of the afternoon here here at St Hill it is East grinstead versus the University of Nottingham in the playoffs of the phase three um huge again huge welcome to you all today so first on your screens is

    The East grinstead lineup for today it’s number five Dan Faulkner number six Max Lowry number seven Josh gravestock number eight Sam Knights number 10 Hugh pen has been amazing form recently he’s been absolutely on fire so I’m happy to see him back in Action today number 11

    Jack Webb number 12 Trevor Delora uh number 13 Isaac faren number 15 the skipper Simon fuler number 16 Archie Phillips number 18 Ali Clift number 20 Matt blood number 21 Mike Woods number 22 Ros do number 28 James Smith and finishing off your EG lineup for Today

    Is Ole Smart in goal head coach West Jackson’s on the sideline with Mike Williamson and the manager of Rory Britain and your University of Notting lineup for Today number one Jamie Butler number two Luke Holland number three uh oh sorry number four olle Rundle number five Ed Bryce number six Will gurny

    Champion number seven Alex Sheldon number eight Harry Stone number nine will Porter number 11 clar uh James Clark number 12 Max Anderson number 13 Ole Lander future resident of East grinstead himself number 14 Lewis cuttle um number 15 Jose San Milan number 16 Peter kre sorry Butch of that name

    Number 18 Tim Eric and number 19 Lewis Tipper our match official for today markk everard Julian wton and our match official of James boan e so it is a lovely what has been a lovely warm day so far down here in the south of England and we welcome you back to St

    Hill it is a fantastic evening the crowd is starting to to filter in from the bar and we push back is more just more no more than five minutes away e so as we build up to the start of today’s fixture um Nottingham coming off a very very positive result at home to

    Beaston I mean it’s not quite an away game for either of those teams when they play each other um because it’s at the same venue but east Kad Unfortunately they were way to Ox dead last week and they came out unfortunate um Losers of that game 31 which the reason why they

    Are we are playing Nottingham uh this evening in the F in phase three of the playoffs Nottingham have all to play for here they um they’ll be very very confident after their win last week um and they’ll be looking to see if they can come and take some points on the

    Road to a East gr side that we could say been patchy in form when theyve been on top form they’ve really really competed against some of the top sides in this league and they shown that they are capable um but unfortunately that form just hasn’t been found regularly enough

    And and we can ask argue that they haven’t found the net regularly enough either um from especially from open play so it’ be interesting now to see their plan that goes ahead for this evening and notable people in the side um that could bring some of the goals for E set

    This evening is Trevor Delora South African International um very very good um especially on the forehand um and because can really cause the opposition and problems James Smith with his Pace up front as well we’re looking forward to him to getting on the ball and he’s

    Got ex some extremely fast hands and I have course already mentioned Hugh penr who has again been on fire for East grinstead since since the um coming back from the indoor break and has really really shown that he is a top top player in this

    Side so over the course of the season so far it is 52 on aggregate so far um to East grinstead on that matter so it’ be interesting to see how Nottingham plan to shut East did out here they are also very very fast starters as we’ve seen in

    Those previous games between the two sides and they are if you let them in the game they will they will pluck away and they will really cause some issues they’re extremely young they’re extremely fit um and they will really make sure that they will try and run

    East instead ragged before the start but as we gear up for the start of this fixture both teams will be looking to get a big result both teams will be looking to score some um some lovely fast flowing free goals with a lot of um a lot of um friendship between the two

    Sides um with people in um the teams that have either come from we’ve either come from Nottingham but um or and now playing for e instead or have gone the other way in fact when they go to their University but we are now just moments away from push back we look forward to

    Joining us back in just a moment e e e e so the players are just getting ready to head out onto the fields the Umpire is in place the junior mascots that we’ve had the last few home games have been absolutely super success um are ready to

    Go we are moments away from just running out onto the pitch and off they go the umpires are going to lead us out and the players are heading forward onto the pitch of St Hill and again another massive shout out to the junior mascot program um that has

    Seen some of our Young Junior players and players from all over the county come along and take part in our Premiership game here for both men’s and lady so huge thank you to those um those Junior mascots our ball boys this evening are from our very own club from the under

    14s in fact as they head out onto the P regular ball Patrol so again massive thank you to them um for coming out and helping us with the game as you see the players just begin now to shake hands and do their final preparations for push back be

    Interesting to see how both teams start here both teams wanting to prove a point Nottingham to take themselves away from the bottom of the table and to put some pressure on reading above it will be huge for them to get a good start e said really want to come back from the 3-1

    Defeat last week at oxed and really try and show the rest of the league that they deserve ve or they deserved to be in that top eight that they’ve unfortunately just missed out on they’ve made some massive progress in the last 12 months but it’s interesting to see

    How they then now cope with these last three games as we see the the young mascots running off the pitch Smiles on faces after walking out with their favorite players it’ll be great to see more from lots of different clubs around the county come in and get involved with our

    Junior mascot program so please feel free to head to our website and check it out now if you are in the chat today and you watching the video live and you would like to get involved in the comment section please feel free to drop us a comment we will keep one eye on

    Those and any questions that you may have or may need answering we will keep an eye and we’ll get you involved don’t feel free to drop us a like on the stream as well because it really helps the algorithm and helps us uh move forward as Nottingham sound extremely up

    And ready for this game as they will be but e said in their own backyard do not give up easily as both teams do their final preparations high fiving as they go around and to give that each other that positive reinforcement ready for a very fastpaced start here in the first

    Quarter at St Hill stay with us notable starters then for EG as they line up on the pitch ready for push back Jack Webb number 11 in front of your screen very very young exciting prospect prospect for England Hockey um the England Hockey future and we are off as Notting him have a

    Push back and James Smith is immediately up to the Press height that the EG wants to set today Nottingham quite happy to sit on the ball early on get a few early touches into the game settle as they look to penetrate this EG with the early early forward pass Ali Cliff just

    Getting ping for the foul there and Dan Fon makes a fantastic tackle onto the foot of the Nottingham player and comes away with an EG ball EG will now look to set up and have their own first few touches early in the game the P gets

    Himself on the ball very early on plays forward to Archie Phillips who’s looking to attack down that right hand side plays into Jack Webb who we were talking about to look for at the start of this game he’s curling around into onto the Baseline is there an early win here for

    Us is there an early goal Hugh they’re having a bit of a swipe at it he’s been a bit of a goal machine in the last few games and that could have been crucial um for the first four Minutes Notting and win the foul and they look to press EG here looking to press up as Trevor Delora is looking to go and James Smith is pressing from the from the right hand side of your screen Notting Under Pressure W it’s very very Scrappy from them at the moment but they

    Do manage to to clean up and get some meanful possession as number six is on his way down this right hand side can’t quite find his teammate on the outside H plays the ball down the line and they’re noting him and looking hungry here especially in the early

    50-50s e will not want to let that continue for the rest of this game as you said we knew that Nottingham would F start fast they always do they’re a very a very fit side um that like to come out of blocks flying and the more pressure they put you under the

    More they feel they’re in the game the more that they can cause you problems on the flip side of that though from from the reverse fixture um EG playing against Nottingham at Nottingham we found that once Nottingham went behind they struggle to get themselves kind of back into the game and find some

    More forward momentum so EG will be looking to be able to do that again they’ll be looking to be able to put an early goal past them and settle the nerves maybe put some of the nerves in um into Nottingham at the moment they are set up in their High transfer shape

    And E looking to have their deep defense press that as an aerial over the top very very well received on the right hand side it’s an absolute smash into the circle but to no avail and hits Max Lowry’s forand Matt Bloods here today wins an absolutely excellent foul there using

    Great hands um to to get in that stick tackle as the umpire’s not quite happy where the ball has started there s for looks to get the play back underway as Max low passes and Carries Through excuse me um Dan F now on the ball half getting the ball from his brother Simon plays a skeptical ball into the Midfield and that is oh there is a bit of a there is a bit of what to do there with the sticks C Together Jack web kind of somehow

    Sandwiched in the middle there um the Umpire just having a word with everyone just to settle it down and the time has been switched off umpire is having a word with number 11 here and he’s just just seeing what he’s going to come out of this what has

    The Umpire seen that he didn’t like he didn’t like the way the aggression there in the early on so he’s just trying to manage the game here that’s not a bad decision from the umpires I think that getting on top of the game and and asserting their dominance early on

    Really shows that they are in control of this game and that they won’t be influenced by B anyy bad behavior there’s a cracking ball onto the backand into the EG Circle and Nottingham will threaten to do that a lot they do like that crash B into the circle causing problem

    EEG are very good in their deep defense they are very very good in their deep defense and again another smash ball in and that is a good pick and that umpire has deemed that as dangerous and that is a very very fortunate decision for EAD

    As it did end up in the back Wally smarts net Nottingham is Nottingham are looking here to really press EG high and try and win the ball high the pitch hu penri having to do a lot here and umpire says that is stick and so notingham break away but they just killed the

    Counterattack here and they play to the right hand side EG are now back in and numbers which is good work rate from them good work rate from Jack Webb out here in that left forward position to get himself all the way back from almost up 25 St forner gets the play back underway

    For E there Ali Clift um looking to see if he can make something happen with a run inside EG will be happy to sit on the ball here they need a little bit possession in my opinion they need to work themselves work themselves into the game work noting them around um a little

    Bit as Notting around manto man it is very very tiring chasing around your man for a long period of time as they play the ball into the circle and it’s stick block according to the Umpire there of Jack well So that’s the difference here between uh um Nottingham and EG as EG do press zonally that’s a very very good turn great hands from Dan f um but Nottingham do do press manto man so they they really really um they try and stick on their players and they try and put the

    Ball carrier under a lot of pressure um especially high up the pitch now for a team that’s going to move them around that that can help a team that likes to play with the wall likes to move them around people will follow them into spaces they don’t really particularly

    Want to be going as we see Ali Cliff makes some good progress down this left hand side Max plays the ball back out to Mike Wood Mike Wood over to Dan fuler again this is what this is what I was talking about just a few moments ago when I

    Saying that EG just needs a meaningful possession they’ve got them set up themselves set up in a really really good position here with numbers over Ali Cliff is a very very good R into the circle and it is a corner for SC said they first of the

    Game and the time is Switched Off so I think this is a a chance to have a little bit of a talking point around around the short Corners this happens a lot especially in um the the Premier League as we’ve seen we’ve seen recently

    The time is off to get a lot kit on the safety precautions are extremely necessary absolutely um but are we going to switch the clock up every time or just some of the times I think definitely needs to be a rule that we’re looking at and we’re consistent throughout as Nottingham get themselves

    Set up hu pem to inject here for East greenstead time is now back on Max Lowry at the top of castle one and web at the top of Castle to as we see go out to Max Lowry iches resident Flicker and it will be a

    Reward so that was a double a double run out to the flicker there so they are running um what some teams like to call a wall um towards that flicker to really re neate trying to put the ball across towards the Keeper’s left foot which is

    Where EG had some success three times in a matter of fact in the last game against not check in his back to Max Lowry again and it’s another rearward the Umpire very very quick on his whistle there and I’m sure H PR will be rather glad about that

    One as he smashes his rebound high and wide so you you looking the third Corner row let’s see um if there is something else coming or is it going to the number one flicker again it does go to Max Lowry one more time and it’s a fourth Corner in a Row come on SO EG looking to have their fourth Corner in a row here as we look at a little bit of a shuffle in the top Castle it does go to Castle to Max Lowry does absolutely fly in in the bottom left hand corner that is a sensational

    Flick there from Max Lowry and it puts EG Onea as you watch a replay on your screen they Shuffle the castle Max SL goes to Castle 2 flicks across the keeper keeper looks very unsighted there as we get ourselves back underway EG oh one n up nine minutes left to go in the court thanks Christian for getting involved in

    In the chat with the with the let’s go knots um hopefully your team does well for you this evening so this is now the question that we not have to ask themselves can they get themselves back in the game they’ve had some incredible um results in in the

    Last game since Christmas drawing four all away at oead must be a real real highlight for them and I’m sure they possibly went down in that game so they’ll be looking to draw on that again as we look at Ros just getting on the ball as we bring it back to today Ros

    Just getting rolling the ball down the field and the forwards are nowhere to be seen on the end of that delivery very very good hands there from Nottingham left half as he does win the foul there’s no Advantage can See Nottingham will looking to bounce back here they’ll be looking to set themselves down not not be too worried about going down early as Josh gravestock wins an absolutely fantastic ball in the middle and can turn on a dime and it’s tackled by Ole Lander who is now a not

    Player not not looking dangerous here moving the ball very swiftly and smoothly and they’ve played very very well together here as we roll out over to The Far Side screen RS the ball in and that’s a very very big and it is a corner Dan fer deemed to be sweeping the

    Ball um through the Stick of the attacker so not setting up for this corner it be interesting to see what they come out will they go with a with a straight strike or will they um look at using one of their many actual routines in this situation

    So this is what I’m talking about earlier so the time was switched off for Nottingham earlier and the time is officially still running here um for East greenstead again a bit of bit of consistency the safety equipment is absolutely vital um but oh that and there we go time is now

    The music now goes quiet notum set up finally to take this corner it is to Ole Lander who flicks it and flicks It Wide um of olly Smart’s goal as they play the ball out early to rosar rosar just doesn’t quite have the pass on that he was looking

    For and unfortunately does not is not able to find an EG player here as they finally go to air but it’s straight off the sideline there there for Nottingham and EEG will come away um with just just over 5 minutes to go left in this first quarter EG will definitely be the happy

    Of the two oh secret secret sniper there is as number Seven Falls over that is a fantastic win in the center ofart there for Nottingham as they break down there their left hand side of the field and it’s very very good work Ray well done

    Uh to Matt blood there to to stop that Counterattack coming to any to any fruition very very key ball and Dan fer picks that up expertly there um gets the ball down and plays ready for e as Ross is again facing forward on the ball here

    Is a very dangerous player to be letting wandering through the center of your press um on the ball Archie Phillips very very strong and wins the ball there there’s a multitude of stick tackles going in there and Arie Phillips ends up on the floor e looking to set themselves up so

    Are ahead at this point in the game another goal at this time could be really really crucial for them as Dan fuler again just finds the first player inside of the Nottingham Circle and they break away with some Pace very very very well pressed there by Isaac faren who managed just to press

    Um the Nottingham left half off of the field Mike Wood and Simon for working very well together as Mike Wood continues to lead through and Matt blood again a very dangerous player to be on the edge 25 letting the ball through and that’s not the ideal ball there from Mike Wood

    Across off the Baseline Poes e little slightly more aggressive than they were earlier and that does mean that there’s a little bit of space in behind and they nearly find it if it wasn’t for fortunate Mist trap Nottingham would have really really liked the idea look of that

    Opportunity as it as it stands e do have the ball there under a little bit of control but just again off the sideline from Mike Wood couple of wobbly five minutes there for the E left half hope he can Mak some intrusive passes in the second

    Half it’s not five and that is very lucky not to be a corner inside the 25 there lovely hands and he has indeed won themselves a corner very very well played there from EG players not happy with something there having just a quick discussion with the Umpire on why he gave that

    Decision but obviously the Umpire is not going to change his mind um and he is committed so Nottingham getting a a second corner um within the last couple of minutes who that’ll be really really itching to put something away here as we draw to the fin inside the

    Final three minutes of this first quarter both teams have had their spell in this first quarter and both teams have have created some chances they haven’t really had much um possession in each other’s Circle it’s been a very very Midfield heavy game but EG will definitely be the happier of the two

    Teams if they can go into the break one goal in front it’s the crowd spur EG on here for the defensive cycle it does it goes out to the top it is a flick and it is a very very good um run down there from Isaac far who then get the watching them

    Get the ball quickly and look to play nice and early and they have done trying to catch e whil they’re still taking their safety equipment off from the short Corner EG sitting in their deep defensive shape they’re looking to Spring out here Archie Phillips like a little terror up there up

    Front and now and now they’re having to noting him have really had to play this is very very good work by Archie Phillipson making them play all the way back into their own half that’s a very very good spring there from East grinstead and hopefully puts them back

    Into a bit more of a normal position as rosock gets an important stick in the middle to no Aail so not have work themselves under a little bit of pressure here facing his own goal that’s a very very R good roll skill there to play Down to the number four plays into the middle number six he’s had a very very important game for um for Nottingham so far he’s been real

    Catalyst for everything that they’ve done so far this game very very great Hands by ISAC faren huge huge hands there and um quite a few quite a few stick tackles to go along with it so seconds away from the quarter break here as Simon F looking to just

    Calm things down a bit here for e instead move to his more comfortable right fullback position next to his brother Dan those two have been a St pairing for the the Premier League for for some years now and for grinstead Mike Wood has a very very lovely role to

    Play to AR Phillips a lovely hockey played here from both sides it’s Trevor delore who is absolutely unbelievably quick especially over those first five yards does very very well to defend It not look to get they do get through there’s a couple of touches on different sticks but they still manag to find their Target and they still manag to play forward everything’s under pressure and that is the final whistle whistle for the quarter time EG going to the break One n

    So as we are now at the quarter break we always have a have a wonder about what the coaches could be saying to their teams at the moment I mean if I was down in the East dead hudle at the moment I would be I’d be thinking about maybe

    Spending a little bit more time on the ball let’s get into meaningful possession in the Nottingham half and stop letting them come back at us so quickly um and end up in a pingpong game which was suits not that suits them as a team it suits the way their style of

    Their Play If I was in the Nottingham huddle at the moment I’d be saying boys we just got to keep going here we got to keep we got keep plucking away they’ve they’ve had some good chances some key areas you know trapping the ball inside

    The circle is is is a big thing in today’s game you’ll probably get minimal chances and TR making sure you trap that first and getting something on goal so so important at this level As the teams now come out of their huddles coming out for the second quarter EEG will be looking to carry on their assault of the notam net not will be looking to see if they can pinch something back and get themselves back on level terms before the halftime Break and we are off in the second quarter um of this game he’s going one aage h p winning an early foul very very an absolute engine in the early of that Midfield and he does um kick the ball unfortunately off his own stick gives not him a chance to play

    Early this is the the sort of speed and and sort of spaces they want to get themselves in Matt blood does very well to use his body there and to block the knot player that’s a very very heavy stick tackle there from the knots didn’t

    Need to do that EG are in their own 25 you do not need to be flying in that we tell the Juniors that all the time don’t give a foul away there just keep them under pressure they give you the ball back so maybe showing a little bit of

    Inexperience there for for one of those not boys he looking to be comfortable playing the ball around the back here as Max Lowry looks to play forward all the way through to Trevor Delora she does find him looking to move themselves up the field very very good defending here

    From the knots Hugh per now ludes the ball twice in a row and he’s two visits on the ball this could be dangerous s forner traps it for o Lander and unfortunately that is a poor stick tackle from to a player there inside the circle which gives knots their first

    Corner of the quarter that is a positive start for the uni boys and they’ll be looking to capitalize on this K in a corner the first inside the first couple of minutes of this quarter will definitely give n a bit of confidence to be able to start

    Hopefully putting EEG under a little bit more pressure putting one of these chances away is going to add to that pressure ask a real question of EG as we have a little break in this corner if you are watching the stream and you haven’t given us a like yet please hit

    That Thumbs Up Button maybe he might even score a goal for his here as it goes to OE Lander who great save from OE smart straight back and it is a smash into the bottom right hand corner of the goal it was num sorry his number is just facing I

    Believe that was number 14 um who hit that ball into the bottom right hand corner of Ole Smart’s goal and that is exactly what Nottingham were looking for EEG really going to have to see what are they made of here they’re going to have to really fight now EEG have always been

    Very very good when they go in front when they go behind that they’ve struggled in in recent games so hopefully being in front is still giv giving EG that confidence that they can still go on and get a big three points out of this game as we see Max Lowry

    Play the ball to the left half of Simon forner Simon forner hits the The Stick of Luke number three Luke Holland again another ex EG boy himself it’s a good early pick Trevor delore just few sticks flying together and the Umpire picks out a EG stick

    Tackle there as n get the ball down looking to play early that goal has just really really changed the dynamic of this game and as Trevor delore takes a huge pick in the middle can he go through as plays the all over to Jack web he’s looking to make make

    His way into the circle he does manage to cross that line and he has given a corner that was um don’t quite see from here if that was a slip or a push but either way it is an EG corner even with the limited appeals there from

    Either side it is a EG corner now Max lar are already scored once from the castle number two this time on your screen we have Max Lowry number six at the top of castle one and Simon fuler a long very longterm flicker here for the club scored many many goals from this exact

    Position as The Crowd Goes quiet Hugh injects the wall is to Simon fauler who does fire it again and it is another rearward Notting of have run down this drag flick fearlessly in this first half so far it’s nice to see for to get a go from the second castle there where e

    Were successful for their first for their first goal be interesting to see if they can now bring out a routine or is that are we going back to Max L it’s injected it is to Simon for again who picks it up there a fantastic left foot save there from the goalkeeper and

    It’s unfortunate there for s for didn’t didn’t look to me like he quite got hold of it and it is theyve won a foul very very well played there from notingham and a great win to see themselves get themselves out of a little bit of

    Pressure as the sun sets over here at sa Hill and the flood lights become more and more poignant it always adds to the atmosphere we always like play Under The Under The Lights here um at St Hills has a fantastic facility to be able to play hockey on a on a weekly basis

    Ole Lambo very very well done and that’s a fantastic tackle from Trevor Delora and wins a sideline ball just in front of the D this game is very very very much in the balance now um as we see both teams looking to see if they can get the next goal the next goal is crucial for both teams because they both know that going behind doesn’t really suit them as we

    See hu P get on the ball here play lovely onew with Simon fauler moving the ball there the umpires are not a fan of hitting the ball away from the opposition when they’re looking to play is Simon going to play the ball in he does play the ball in and it is

    Another Corner they’ve had some real success from playing the ball into the Nottingham Circle getting a bounce off and winning a corner as we look at just getting towards the 10minute point towards halim either a goal inside this last 10 minutes of this quarter will be very very big boost for

    Either as side in their hunt for Big Three Points here today although the result doesn’t necessarily matter that much to eers um they can’t relegated however this is huge for Nottingham and they can you can see that by the way that they’ve come out and they’ve conducted themselves today real credit

    To them they’re not lying down as some teams have done in the past and and accepted their fate they are making sure that they go down with a fight as e prepare for the next corner of the game it does go to Simon 41 time it’s behind

    The back to Max Lowry and it’s not executed very well and this is a huge time to break for nottingam boys and is very very unfortunately poor for them um not quite connecting when they have not a lot of pressure they won’t be too happy with that

    One Isaac FR finds Arch Phillips oh actually slams it against the foot of the KN player on the edge of the circle TJ now get themselves into their High transfer shape dner loves to carry the ball inside he’s gone off on a run on

    His own can he find a new bit of space or does he filter back into that back five very very good ball from Hugh there it’s a very good strike from Isaac faren and now they putting not the knot Defender who trapped extremely well in the circle under a little bit of

    Pressure and they managed to get themselves out into the corner off the pitch e really aiming not to give a foul away here and they haven’t and that’s why because you’re able to pinch the ball back but double turnovers as I’m sure any coach will tell you in this game are

    An absolute killer um and turning the ball over in quick succession from winning it back really isn’t good for your team as we see not breakr here Sam Knight doing excellent work to try and it does but unfortunately pokes the ball onto the foot of his own Defender

    O land sits on the ball in the middle of the back for KN another crash ball in and picked up by the expert of picks Matt blood very aial from Ali to a lovely area Isaac didn’t really look interested in that from the moment he left Ali stick and sets himself up ready

    For the Zone another searching ball not quite finding its Target there for uh the knots team there’s a few of those that have gone through today again they’ll be threatening e that he always keep EG thinking um but we’re really hoping that maybe one of them can can

    Stick M trap on the back hand of um Josh grav but he manages to win the ball um and E managed to set themselves up a little bit higher up the pitch now as Dan plays over to Simon Simon’s looking to place down the line to Ali

    Cliff who has a little bit of a bobble on his pick oh that’s lifted into the circle and that’s that’s a real shame from that position we were hoping that we would get more out of That very very good run there by Sam Knight Archie Phillips Looks To Come Away With The Ball fortunately he given two knots here they’re able to set up a little bit higher up the Pitch very very good pick there from Sam Knight straight into his forehand who does very very well to retain the ball place to Isaac down this left hand side was looking to to draw the the foul and which he does can he set something can Al set something else up here AJ

    Choose to keep the ball to work something from a little bit deeper that’s unfortunate onto Archie’s back hand and doesn’t quite manag to track the wall and it goes off for a not 60 as we head I’ve just got six minutes on the clock that is two mile left um of

    The scoreboard still reading one all this will be a crucial time for either time to either side to score as not show some lovely hands and Ros do is there yet again to interrupt and make sure that he doesn’t get three for Fre very very good Touch under pressure but h p the master of making sure that you do not get through without getting something on it again does very very well to keep hold of the ball they’re putting Hugh under a lot of pressure here in the middle it’s it’s showing as

    We they keep EEG keep trying to play him in there but it’s not quite coming off at the moment maybe they changed that ready for the second half a foul just outside the the 25 showing another good hands again here can he work his way into the EG Circle in which he

    Does it canot win a corner or something from this but no Dan forner yet again showing his experience to put a very very good tackle there in a very dangerous area not have possession in the eg25 that’s surely not gone five no it’s a very very

    Basic rule there so KN won’t be very very happy um that he’s that’s kind of slipped his mind slightly there for EG Hitter Al rolls the ball down to to Isaac stra the inside Ball but he’s looking to play through people there very very lucky that he has got a ball there he had samite clearly to his Left some very very heated communication going um across from the bench to the EG backline there um hopefully that’s some some new tactics that thinking about how can they move this nottingam defense around to Max lar a lead over to this that’s a very very good ball into the

    Circle but not quite and that’s a very very good win by Isa P who’s done that a couple of times already this season away Cardiff noticebly he does that and wins a fantastic Corner against the Run of play so EG would be very very happy that

    Know as the clock ticks down towards the thre minute Mark here and at St Hill e have another Corner can one of their Superstar flickers in s forner or Max Larry put another one past the Ning keeper just before the break which will be very very devastating to to those not

    Boys who worked incredibly hard in this second period to get themselves back into the game she injects the ball into Max L Max lar is going to have another go and he does he flicks it into the right hand side of the goal and manag to squeeze it through their blockers there [Applause]

    As we see EG that will be really really disheartening there for the Knox boys after getting themselves back into the game just slip down to a corner um like that will be a really really tough one to take but they will keep going as I’m sure they will as they’ve been

    Fairly successful in this first half um winning winning things and getting possession in the in the EG half nothing too much coming in the way of chances for that and they hope to again improve that by staying in the game here staying Plucky but as Ross do looks to smash the

    Ball into the circle and the Umpire decides to say play on there although it has come up off a Nottingham stick it seems to have hit James Smith but the Umpire decides that play on is the right call and let not him come away with the ball

    Very very well done from Max L there pick it up but again the era all coming into question I mentioned it the last time I was on commentary um I don’t really want to go back there but um again the area R coming into question there Webby that’s an absolutely fantastic

    Tackle as he’s put pressure on the Notting back really for having sorry being forced to move themselves around and rotate themselves through their positions very very much now that’s okay for the first half but as you ward head towards minute 50 minute 60 Minute 70 it

    Gets very very tough to keep doing that and finding things to do that so um they’ve done very very well so far in this half but can they keep it up throughout the second quarter as the clock is paused on the two-minute Mark to my left which means

    We’re inside the last two minutes it’s now up to the Umpire discression on how long it’s left in this period as we head towards halim brilliant oh that is unfortunate I thought the Umpire was holding his other arm up there but no he has given it to Nottingham and they look

    To tackle Ole Lander looking to um play the ball into the EG Circle to no and that is another Miss got Webby is looking to try and play doesn’t quite get the ball under control early enough nice idea to try and play James Smith there it doesn’t quite make something

    Happen and with that the the um the half comes to a close at here at St Hill goals for both sides both sides we have things to work on but both sides having some positives as well as the score line at the halftime break is 2-1 to East

    Greenstead and we will join you back in the moment for the second half just before we do go to the halim break there is a one shout out I’d love to love to do and that’s to Toms who have won the league for the first time

    In their history of the club have gone to play into the national leagues and I am a bit biased because I do I do coach them um I do coach them but so massive congratulations to those boys um well Done Izzy found a new gear this year and she’s showing the academic results to prove it we know the quiet hours she’s put in Tom is thriving he’s really settled into his new Boarding House made great friends I mean he talks too much but I imagine that comes as a little surprise

    To you her hockey is impressive and the county call up was completely deserved she made us all very proud that day his success with the debating team has definitely boosted his confidence in the classroom as well but the most obvious thing and the most important thing is

    That she’s very happy at worth is that he is very happy at Worth B Live for It E e e and welcome back to St Hill for the second half of this game East grinstead lead 2-1 as we head into the third period of this game it’ll be interesting to see how the tactics change over that halftime period for both sides as EG now

    Attack from left to right of your screen and Noam from right to left as we enter the third period of this game as Matt blood has some early possession in the center of the park and manag to play the ball through to Trevor Delora who again has some very very good

    Hands and is very very skillful player as the Umpire ask him to bring the ball back to the 25 yd line EG I’m sure will be asked to be more aggressive in this second half as we already see that their fullbacks and um have a little bit more aggressive up the

    Field in their High transfer shape but unfortunately that does go straight off of the Baseline for a Nottingham hit out the ball has been playing and the area all coming into question again but two players in the same space there seems a little bit more of an obvious

    Call than normal as EG looked to play the ball very very quickly Trevor delore and Archie Phillips linking up very very well here as Archie goes around the outside manages to find um unfortunately what he thought was a foot but is not the case and he does manage to win the

    Ball there umpire very very generous about the hand of Archie Phillips on the back of the naan player there zg managed to win themselves a long corner here H Penbrook and Max Lowry look to link together on the the left hand side of your picture but again Max Lowry looking to

    Ball carry and deliver from the middle looking rather threatening here into Trevor Delora he does very and the Notting players does very well there to defend it is Trevor Delora able to move the ball and it’s argued as lifted as blood screams manto man um as the EG changed from their zonal press

    Into their man-to-man defense Mike Williamson running away from the commentary box as you see him running down the steps there not fancying enough chat into the second half and I don’t quite blame him to be honest EG looking to just settle them themselves into the early periods of the

    Second half James Smith receiving the ball under a lot of pressure over on that the far side of your screen and does very very well to make sure he advances up the field and hammers it into a Nottingham foot so Hugh penr looking to hit the ball

    That’s a oh fantastic ball in he does hit the ball extremely hard and the Australian man there as there two balls on the pitch asked for the ball to be removed as Ole clay one of our young umpires running onto the field um umpires R young ball boys running onto the field

    There EG smash it into the first Nottingham stick available and Nottingham don’t manage do something with it unfortunately Max lar the huge Chuck in um over to Simon foron and does get the five yards as the as the not player was trying to trap that ball over the top of

    His head which an extremely difficult skill for for anyone at any level of the game and we have just had a live score come in Reading are one nil up away at Cardiff and met that is a huge goal for reading in a fight where they those two

    Teams are fighting um to for Life still in the Premier League next season and so we’ll keep a very very close eye on that game and if any any more um updates come our way we’ll be sure to let you know but as we bring our Focus back to the

    Game in front of us that is an absolutely massive J and a fantastic received by Luke Holland who’s looking to take on who show some fantastic hands on Max Lowry and he manages to the EG managed to win the free hit there couldn’t quite see what that was for but

    That was extremely well defended between Max Larry and Dan fuler a little bit of a chip over to Hugh penr who’s found himself very very um found himself on the ball a lot here today to no avail that time not make sure that’s another crash B into the circle and extremely well

    Dealt with there by Dan pulner EG really have dealt well with those crash balls in today probably expecting that they’ve probably trained for that throughout the week expecting those crash balls in and they’ve done very very well to deal with them thus far and it’s play ball

    Into and Nottingham managed to make oh he’s the Umpire has called a stick block there Nottingham will feel very very hard done by um in that for that decision um I definitely can’t disagree with them there in the fact that there was a lot of noise and the ball didn’t

    Move very far yet EG have Come Away with the decision Isaac far unfortunately losing the ball over that right hand side um the turnovers are really going to cost EG here now this is exactly the type of game that Notting wants to be a passle

    One that is free flowing one that is end to end counterattacking hockey but e looking to see if they can put this game to better as AR Phillips winds up on the back hand oh he’s hit the the frame of the goal there that is a fantastic

    Effort there from Eugene some very very very good play the crowd ex really really liking that attempt at goal um for the number 16 of East grinstead can nosam find their own success as they look to play through as Nottingham look to play the ball another crash ball into the middle

    And it does smash into a Nottingham foot so another another Well dealt with ball there in um by East grinstead still not causing them any issues let’s hope it stays that way Simon forner plays a lovely ball and never and Sam Knight unfortunately gives the ball away again um and does mean

    That Nottingham now come away and EG have been caught asleep here napping but Hugh PM the absolute Mr reliable in the center of the field picking up the ball and working extremely hard as we have another live uh score com in there seron are now 51 up um to

    Oead oad were hoping after beating East greenstead last week we’re to see if they could rub his shoulders with the best but unfortunately it’s not looking the case over there Mike Wood down the right side plays another dangerous ball into the circle but again picked up by notan player

    Neither of those crash balls really working for EG here it’s Notting and breaking away some Pace it was going to have to be a big tackle by Daniel F who’s not done it OE smart one-onone with the keyar and he’s absolutely flatened him and he is off and that

    Probably will be a yellow card it is a yellow card and a stroke um I wonder if it’s a five minute you could argue that is a 10-minute yellow um by Ali Cliff there he also didn’t have much Choice a have a cynical foul there um and let’s

    See if Nottingham can put this away and it is a huge save by OE smart as he celebrates and The Crowd Goes Wild to support him there I mean he is massive and I’ve said this before it ended up in England Hockey last time but he uh he is

    Absolutely massive in that goal and extremely intimidating for any Striker that has to to take a stroke and he shows his his athleticism and his flexibility there very very well played all is smart indeed sir and that could be a huge turning point in this game or to at least keep um East

    Grinstead with the confidence that they need to see this out well played there by um Josh grack who’s really really shown some energetic energy there to get in and win the foul as EG looking to keep the ball they have given the ball away a lot they’ve looked

    To play forward which is you know this is interesting very very good touch by Sam Knight there the umpire’s giving the five yards and he has done is there something that’s going to come out of this Isaac faren decides to play quickly on the backand obviously e

    Will be a player down for at least the next five minutes so it’s so important that they try and work something here Isaac is looking to put the ball in that’s very good Sam n but it’s a roster on his potential last game at home Ros scored for grinstead whilst they are a

    Player down and manage to go 31 up in this game so that is number 22 Ross St ex Scottish International player and absolute um absolute hero for for East said over the years um indoor and outdoor so it’s very very good to see him on the score sheet for SC said today

    A massive congratulations to you what done Ross so I’m just being instructed here that is now the third P flick save that that has been happened here at St Hill throughout the day um in multitude of teams so a good stat to have for the uh

    For the EG teams as they go into the bar this evening as Simon forner looking to under a little bit pressure here from the N boys they’re looking to press out hard and put EG under pressure and hopefully they can work something with that gives him

    The ball back but they have put the EG back four under a little bit of pressure here and they’ve won the ball cuz because of EG trying to carry out and they work themselves good tackle there and although that was given a corner in the first half it’s not in the second

    And that’s a good ball in and it’s all the way over and they’ve scored and Nottingham get themselves back in the game that was on your screens you see number seven for knots um who brings the game to make it 3-2 EG still in front there still be confident that they can

    Do that but they are a player down so they’ve done extremely well to score in the first place and to concede one um thus far they will not necessarily be so disappointed with that as long as they still win this game but yet again another EG turnover and

    This is not going to help their cause after being a player down um 50/50 Challenge and Knots Come Away with the ball they’re going to have the wind in their sails now knots are going to really really feel that they can get themselves back in this game that goal

    Did come from nothing a little bit there for knots and a few Mist traps is why and that crash ball in is where that ball come from where that go goal came from sorry so they’ll be looking to try a little bit more of that as they go

    Into the final five minutes of this quarter so the the scoreboard to my left ticking her down 5 minutes 22 left in this third quarter to hopefully set up a fiery and exciting final quarter EG in their very very um compact deep defense role and another Live Score process

    Although I’ll bring that to you in just a second as we see the ball hit in and oh it’s touched the back stick and very well picked up from the Umpire there but off our scor is that reading have scored again at Cardiff from met reading are

    Now 2N up can they save themselves by the Skin of Their Teeth um for their survival is is relying on that as Trevor dor makes progress down the F James Smith who takes a very very good touch he’s looking to play someone in oh that’s a very very important touch

    On the Nottingham number five as Ali Clift is back on the field and EG are now back up to 11 players and after after that little period they’ll be very very happy with scoring one and conceding one um compared to uh possibly conceding two after being a player down

    That is a very very good pick with Chev Delora lifting the ball in the air for an e long corner Matt blood shimmying around the ball to play Trevor delore who again um is looking to to try and make that Baseline work for him comes out again for a

    Second long Corner in a row Matt blood looking to use Simon fauler who carries the ball and plays it back to Dan Dan’s looking to play out to the right to Mike Wood Mike Wood plays into Ali looking again another entry into the to the uh KN

    25 stats in the last few games haven’t been in E said favor um but hopefully this game it’s going to it’s going to be as they come to that’s a great ball in it’s kicked in the air but into a safe area very very well blocked and it’s very brave from from

    Matt blood over in that’s on that side the Umpire on the far side of the field gives it an EG ball as EG look to set themselves up again but that’s fantastic hands and a great tackle to break away cannot do anything here and he’s done for backing in

    EG will be frustrated there after after doing very very well to win that foul and to go forward quickly off the Baseline is not something they want to make a habit of and they Trev does it very very well to read it oh it’s got through and and Jack web scores what a

    Fantastic finish from The Young England boy he is AB absolutely um he’s played sensationally this season and he is rewarded with a Premier League goal um that’s a huge huge goal and puts EG 42 up as we tick towards two minutes to go in this final quarter sorry in the third

    Quarter apologies and it sets up a big final quarter thanks Russ I don’t know where you are but I’m waving thank you Russ as Nottingham get the ball back in play and we’re inside the last two minutes of period number three EG have scored two goals in this quarter and

    Nottingham have only scored the one they’ll be looking to get hopefully get another one back to try and put a little bit of pressure on EEG going into this final quarter a couple of bites at the Cherry there for Max Lowry is’s not and it’s hit as it looks from oh the

    Umpire is giving it as a as a as a short corner there I thought that that was stick and it looked like stick from here one of the umpires thought it was stick but the other one didn’t so as noing him set up this is a very very important short corner and a

    Valuable um time to get goal back I’m sure the umpires will look at stopping the clock again here as EG are looking to try and get there um short Corner protective gear here on Joe it’s great to see you in the chat once again my friend um it’s great to

    See thanks for your support thanks for cheating as always um huge shout out to to Jo there nothing him inject is to cast number one he flicks and huge charge down by James Smith and another big left PW by Oly SM and it is deflected wide of

    The goal that is very very well dealt with there’s a couple of goes there for Nottingham looking to have a come and going that brings the quarter to a close egy lead 4-2 here heading into the final quarter it’s been a fantastic game so far extremely fastpaced can nosam

    Keep this up and find something else to try and add and get themselves back on level terms EG will be looking to see out this game now they’ve been very very comfortable from being in front but can they see out for a big three points Under The Lights here at s Hill

    So we have at the moment over a hundred viewers on the stream I want to see a few more likes by the end of the stream if we could get those likes up a little bit more as I said it does help algorithm um it helps us put us to the

    Top of um the dashboard on your YouTube news feed so give drop us a few likes that would be absolutely fantastic as we head into the final quarter of this game as the players come out of their huddles and head into the final quarter if I was

    In that ug huddle I’ll be telling the boys that we are winning this game lad there is no need for us to go chasing things here and going forcing let’s keep the ball let’s frustrate um Nottingham as much as possible if you are Nottingham you want to come out of here

    Firing you want to get an early goal you want to put another one pass him soon after and really make EG sweat going into the last 10 minutes where things can go either way as there is 17 half minutes left of this game this evening EG lead

    4-2 can’t Nottingham find a way back into this game as s forner goes to air nice and early on as Isaac faren is chasing it down and does manage to win the ball there as a fantastic tackle but unfortunately lifts loses the all into a flat stick

    So EG choosing here to sit just a little bit deeper and a little bit more compact to the aggressiveness that they have been and that’s probably to try and force notingham to play into areas of the field that are tighten with eg numbers and it worked well there as it

    Forces the ball off the sideline um EG look to um to play forward and they should have playing forward there the screen from West Jackson on the bench is to play forward as much as much as possible but Aly Cliff looking to dribble and carry inside as he often does

    As chck where oh sorry Josh gryo unfortunate there to lose give away a foul in the bottom right hand corner of the field not let to come away another live score and we’ve got seron seron are now 61 up um against oad as Nottingham look to try and get something

    From this it’s a p pass onto the back hand but they managed to do it in this um get under control in the circle oie smart very very handy down to his right hand side and not him give away a very soft foul inside the EG Circle

    Big Chuck from uh Max Lowry um who finds his his um recipient of Archie Phillips and wins the ball for not being five very very good first time touch there from RG Phillips to play Simon fauler who’s looking to play the ball into the circle and Sam Knight just

    Seems to lift his leg over it there not quite get his stick behind the ball to tra it and EEG have got the git between their teeth in their defensive pressing at the moment it’s worked extremely well for them um so far in this quarter you see they’re a little bit

    More compact again Nottingham a little bit more expansive Nottingham players really high up the field even troubling either side of oy smart to see if they can um use as much space as possible as EEG look to Spring out and press here and win the ball but it’s made its way

    Through this is where it could be dangerous in Dan his experience Flat Sticks the ball back into the center of the pitch and Isaac picks up a very very nice F good run from Isaac here as he looks to go inside the circle and he has done

    Can he killed the game here and he has done Isaac faren has scored to make it 52 in this final quarter now if that wasn’t a bit of a nail in the coffin for knots um not sure what will be to be fair as EG celebrate their goal andly

    So so uh 52 now the score five goals it’s the first uh time really been this successful in game this far uh so far shouts for five to my right hand side there as the player is looking to engage early Sam Knight plays the ball

    Down to Jos and EEG under no rush here and it does hit the ball against Josh gravestock Foot and here they’re going to have to really find something special in this last game that’s one of the best things about hockey is that is never over you can score goals extremely quickly due to the nature of the game so Nottingham are going to really really hope for

    Something important there and they look to break here this could this be the start of something for them and it is by winning a corner as the Umpire again turns time off for the corner I think um I was having a discussion actually with someone in half

    Time as to whether we should go to the international rul and the fact that the time automatically gets stopped when there is a corner um you know to allow players to to put on the necessary safety safety equipment to to protect themselves but also not you know to to

    Waste time during the game I mean it’s not necessarily a problem in a in a time like this where the score is as it is however in tighter games you you’re wasting valuable seconds in which time the ball could be in play um notum haven’t been successful so far

    From any of their short Corners can they win something here and O Lander and unfortunately doesn’t quite come to something here but they do get the rear Ward can nothing work something out time is running out very very quickly for them the time ticks down incredibly slowly when you’re in front but when

    You’re behind doesn’t it Fly by so it’ll be uh not will be very very keen to get some something in the back of the net in on this attempt goes to O Lander again there’s another great save from o smartan absolutely great pull shot there from

    Max Lowry as well which releases Max uh Matt blood down the out side got Arie Phillips absolutely tearing into the circle and Isaac’s not not quite even looking at him and he’s pushed him over and Isaac ends up on the floor and EG do not get the decision That is a tough decision by the Umpire but it does mean knots Come Away looking to penetrate CLE they’ve just got nothing forward here that kns they’ve got nothing clearly in the circle for them um which is incredibly difficult to try and aim at nothing and that is very very skillfully

    Done by both teams there to both lift the ball and to keep it as Sam Knight does a great touch and he’s looking to go himself but he doesn’t he passes the wall to Isaac and he oh that’s a fantastic effort diving on the floor and that’s a great save from The

    Keeper from his big left pad there nearly a sensational goal there very very well played there from s for very very slick on the field again he plays it into Isa F he’s looking to get the ball and somehow finds Dan Faulkner who I’m sure will wind up on

    The back hand oh and he goes to shoot the Umpire is very very quick to blow his whistle and it is a short corner so max Low’s already been successful from the top of the circle um in this game is there is he able to be successful again or is Simon fuler able

    To score from that second cast okay as we then got the clock is still ticking away as it stand so as we as we go into the final eight and eight minutes or just over eight minutes of this game EG could really really start to turn the screw here and make it into

    A bit of a rugby score line a sign does flick and he flicks High into the right hand side of the net and that is game set and match there I think that Nottingham will not be able to come back from this EG are looking to enjoy themselves

    In this final uh 10 minutes of this game as the score line now reads 62 um to the mighty e now although Simon forner flick that I’m not sure if that was actually Simon forner because I’ve never seen him flick high so um it was a real surprise to us

    All and I think that’s why there was a lot of shock on the bench also zg now need to focus defensively and that is a big big big collision and the player is flat out on the flooor there really really is hope he is hope

    He is okay as he Takes a Tumble over Simon F the shoulder so just had another score update from from Wales Cardiff and met to reading two what a huge huge couple of goals that have come in from C there since we last check the score line and

    Again that that will not make nottingam feel any better now unfortunately losing here and does mean that going to be another point of drift if it stays as it is over in Wales that’s a bit oldfashioned bully there you don’t see those very often but an oldfashioned bully is has um The

    Players smash their sticks together and look to play play again and Trevor dores showing some very very good strength in the tackle there and EG Come Away With The Ball now EG this is one of the most confident um performances that I’ve seen

    As being a part as an EG player and as a as being a part of EG for for a few years now this is definitely one of their best results or turning into one of their best results at home if they can keep it as it is very very sh

    Performance here by the boys it could have been one of those slippery fixtures where we got side coming over to EG looking to to get some points because they are in a bit of a battle and EG aren’t necessarily in any danger as it stands but they are very very going to

    Be very happy with this performance as as they should be as a Side year done been very very good there and their defensive principles have been awesome so far today um not going forwards they although the score line is as it is you could you beg to wonder how many times or how could big could the score line be if they hadn’t made so

    Many unforced erors and pass the ball a flat stick so that’s that’s another positive for EG that they’ve still got levels and they’ve still got Gears to go here um going into the last the final couple of games hopefully to set themselves up for a for a bit more of a

    Successful season next year So I now can confirm that the final score is Jack Webb that goes in and it’s to Trevor oh Trevor Doro on the back hand that would another Sensational goal poies for cut cutting myself off there but it is a final score of 22 in Cardiff

    So it does mean that both teams Come Away with a point that will suit Cardiff better than it will reading but it doesn’t suit Nottingham at all as Luke Holland show some f fantastic hands to break through two EG players there it’s not quite able to to move into something

    Better EG managed to deal with it well played there Jack web plays Matt blood and Matt blood gets the ball pinched from him there’s a bit of a scramble in front of the D Dugout in front of us he can’t exactly see what’s what’s happening and

    That’s a very very good piece of skill and he smashed that into roster and uh Ross is Ross is off there that’s not good I think he’s got a bit of a serious injury there um which is which is really really not good for the for the Scotti for the Scotsman

    There so I really hope you’re okay there Ross looks pretty painful sitting there on the bench um that could be a bit of a bit of a nasty one to finish try season for but noting looking to carry on as normal and play down this left hand side and

    Very very good SK um skills there from a couple of their boys as OE Lander very very well batted back there by Dan fuler e looked to break out they look to see if they can get another breakaway goal here although Isaac needed to check both of his shoulders there cuz Matt blood

    Was tearing that’s not a word I use often to describe Matt blood is tearing but he was tearing down that left hand side of the field um very very much open looking to get himself on the Score a real shame of a score I’ve just heard unfortunately to my left and that is um seron 8 oad one so that’s a real shame for oad that they are getting beat extremely heavily over um at sjon Road however I’ll bring you back to today’s

    Game a little bit more of a happier place and that is eg still winning 62 um going into the final 3 minutes and 50 seconds of this game as Jack we again putting his body on the line for these three points today so um as Notting him this right hand side

    They’re looking a little bit more deflated now but they managed to get something in Oly smart picks it up and makes a great double save and EG deal with it once more as I hear some L and Giggles coming from the EG bench shows they are in very

    Very fine Spirits as we draw towards the end of this game so they so they should be with today’s performance and the goals that they’ve scored but is there another one on the card here for Jack web he’s already got one today can he create or score another Trevor Delora

    And he has won the corner brilliant brilliant play from E grinstead they just look so threatening at the moment going forward just tearing Nottingham apart I think you know it’s hard being noting and play now 62 down inside the last three minutes and um e set up hopefully one of their final

    Corners of of the day if you’re interested in football at all I mean you probably will be watching the football instead of this if you were but FMA beating Tottenham 3-0 now which is absolutely fantastic as a Chelsea fan myself um that is not um something that necessarily a bad result left [Laughter]

    So e now they are 62 up there is no there’s no pressure to necessarily flick from the time we’ve already seen one flick from Max lar an absolute Sensational F flick from Simon forner what is going to is EEG going to come up with this time and the Umpire is blown I can’t

    Quite see his arm and is an early break I think from the umpire oh no sorry it’s an early break from East grinstead um which means that that the injector needs to be changed which means Isaac has now gone um to inject the ball not much has changed

    Here I’m sure the plan would still be the same um but Trevor delore has been sent to the halfway line RJ arj looks that is taking a huge deflection off player and I saw it from this position but um the Umpire has knocked from his L tried to restore some pride in

    This game can they get themselves at least a bit of a constellation goal to hopefully that long trip back up north makes it feel worth it in some shape or form I don’t think um I don’t think noing have played you know particularly bad here today I don’t think they oh as

    They they create themselves a very very good um glancing opportunity there from Luke Holland but again nothing comes to comes aail to Avail there as we head into the last two minutes the clock is stopped on two minutes to my left and we looking for the final whistle and EG

    Will be looking to see this game out they’ll they’ll come away from today feeling excited they’ll coming away from feeling um very very pleased with their with their performance especially in front of goal Nottingham not not so much they were really hoping to come down here and put an EG side under pressure

    And that is your final whistle for today and very very professional and assur of performance from East grinstead unfortunate winners uh sorry unfortunate losers for Nottingham they but they have fought hard they have fought valiantly I must say um and it’s it’s Come Away with a big three points for East scen instead

    Now it has been an absolute pleasure to come U to have you along today my name’s been Tom I’ve been thoroughly enjoyed commentating on this game for you we are back next week with our next home fixture but the final score for for this evening East Green said 6 Notting

    University 2 thanks for joining us have a good one ciao B Live for It see for

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