Donald Trump has warned that there will be a “bloodbath” if he loses the presidential election in November.

    Speaking at a rally in Ohio on Saturday, the former president said the election later this year will be the “most important date” in US history, painting his campaign for the White House as a turning point for the country.

    It was not clear what Mr Trump meant by “bloodbath”, with the remark coming in the middle of comments about threats to the US auto industry.

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    [Applause] now if I don’t get elected it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole that’s going to be the least of it Mexico has taken over a period of 30 years 34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country think of it went to Mexico China now is building a couple

    Of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think they think that they going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border let me tell you something to China if you’re listening president CH and you and I are friends but he

    Understands the way I deal those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now and you think you’re going to get that you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us now we’re going to put a 100% tariff on

    Every single car that comes across the line and you’re not going to be able to sell those guyss if I get elected now if I don’t get elected it’s going to be a blood bath for the that’s going to be the least of it it’s

    Going to be a blood bath for the country that’ll be the least of it


    1. Whenever I see the media twist people's words in an attempt to scare or coerce the public into submission, I make an effort to call it out. I encourage everyone to do the same. Only together can we expose the TRUTH. This title is totally taken out of context. Bloodbath is a financial term used to describe a massive economic disaster, and Trump was saying this about the automotive industry.

    2. He was talking about the car industry and China – if he loses the election it will be an economic bloodbath for the country. At least the Telegraph didn’t edit the quote as tightly as the American main stream media, who just clipped out the “Bloodbath” sentence and then accused him of inciting violence. Is Trump so stupid as to not realise they would do that and wilfully take it out of context? Or did he know full well what would happen and wanted to show up their bias for what it is? After all, they will never say anything positive about him, so why not ‘give them enough rope’? I don’t know, but it has shown up the MSMs enthusiasm for totally distorting the narrative, regardless.

    3. It’s so odd to me, how many people are trying to say “when he says bloodbath, he means for the auto-industry/economy”. If so many people have to correct his wording, either he’s ill-equipped to speak and act on the behalf of our nation, or OR OOOOOOR he meant it exactly as worded. Many of his followers ARE taking it as a call to arms if he loses the election. Pence knows this, and after what he went through as his VP and on Jan 6th, he doesn’t even endorse him. Trump isn’t a revolutionary, he’s a madman. The campaign promises he’s been making are highly disturbing. He doesn’t want to be a president, he wants to be a KING… and that’s the least patriotic or American thing anyone could do.

    4. I was a big city TV newsman for over four decades. Today's national media is so journalistically corrupt! The whole soundbite, which is only about 30 seconds, Trump CLEARLY is talking about the potential loss of tens of thousands of auto worker jobs! But the media will twist and lie and make it sound entirely different! CNN, MSNBC and others are in the pocket of the Democrats! They have chosen sides! There is no objectivity anymore! They don't even try to hide it and it makes me sad and VERY disappointed that this is what my life's profession has sunk to! (I am not a Republican)

    5. how come nobody protest this crazy guy. He said Joe Biden won against Obama, then talks about auto industry and bloodbath for the whole country if not elected.He spirals out of control. He has disordered brain and dementia

    6. Wow im ashamed of this channel. In context he is literally talking about the auto industry. My dad says the media lies on trump. Didnt believe him until now

      "Bloodbath" It's a metaphorical expression often used to describe a situation where there are significant losses, particularly in financial markets or business ventures. It conveys a sense of chaos, destruction, or severe downturn. It was invoked concerning China's impact on the automotive sector, resulting in adverse effects on the American economy. STOP MISLEADING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

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