Today we take a look at Liebherr GB Ltd, Normandy Ln, Biggleswade SG18 8QB.

    We speak to a manager who is reluctant to say what he does but wants to know what I am doing.

    We test his knowledge of the site with an unusual part of the site.

    We then are asked to stop filming / flying which we decline.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    You’re videoing us from above yeah we would rather you didn’t do that would you mind Landing it straight away please no thank you no thank you so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in bigles Wade Bedford share taking a look at this place leeber leeber however you pronounce

    It I’m sure that will be wrong there we go got an Open Shutter over there I’m not sure whether they can see me or not just yet Liber is a German Swiss multinational equipment manufacturer based in Bull Switzerland its main production facilities and origins in Germany the company comprises over 130

    Companies organized into 11 divisions including Earth moving mining mobile cranes Tower cranes concrete technology Maritime cranes and Aerospace and transportation systems Liber is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of construction machinery and is also among the leading providers of technology in many other areas so construction machinery

    That is the word that I’m going to pick from all that and by crossing the road we get to see our first glimpse of construction Machinery we’ve got two cranes here yes Southern cranes at the back and an cough ANS cough so here we are at gate e as I was

    Cycling around I did see some other Gates we’ve got another little building here which is the same company and we’ve got a little bit of Southern cranes boom on the ground there haven’t we yeah what else have we got on the ground here not sure what that is there’s obviously a bucket just

    Behind that box there and there’s some sort of engine just the a it’s oil filter it looks like they have a main office block to the right over there three floors some Communications on it as well very important people up there that and then they have this uh fenced off little yard

    Here there some CA in some barrels and they even have a li vehicle over there this little bit’s weird it’s like a fence a gap and then a fence nothing really in there whether that’s for the smokers I don’t know we have got this little ashtray I think it is was

    There but there’s no signs saying that this is for smokers or what don’t know couple of uh staff in hi is now approaching I think it’s the said YouTube and here’s one of their vehicles now it’s beacons on hello sir hi sorry can I help you are

    You just I’m okay I’ll stay outside today stay outside today what what are you doing do you mind me asking just uh a video for social media oh is it good or bad to about well I don’t know yet I’ve end left the ride should be anything good it shouldn’t be anything

    Bad I’ll take the drone over have a good look around yes I know you’ve got an extension on the on the grass area haven’t you we have so that’s uh that’s interesting when I looked on Google Maps when the plane went over it’s still uh still all grass so it’ be interesting

    Getting the Drone and seeing what it looks like now from above mhm so who’s it for please just for social media for for me no one’s asked me to do it okay you do it often to all the places around here I’ve tried to yeah i’ tried

    To start doing it a bit often now yeah uh hopefully enough people watch it and I’ll make a few pennies off it you know the adverts okay okay please don’t go inside the gate sir what do you do here sorry what do you do here um general manager Ty all right you’re

    The big boss no no no no just a general Ty general manager of what um it doesn’t matter what I do really it doesn’t matter what I do really could I have said that though to you could I have said that to you what you wouldn’t

    Have been offended if I’d just said that to you would you like if you said no you said what are you doing all it don’t matter well no cuz actually when I said what you’re doing the the reason for it is because I’m looking at the safety

    Element of it and all the rest of it I just wanted to make sure that we knew where we were standing and not standing that we weren’t entering the place and but my my personal job yeah doesn’t really matter yeah but I could have said that to you about what I’m doing right

    Now cuz I’m actually working I’m making some money which is good I respect that I didn’t say to you m mind your own business did I I didn’t say that to you either I said I was a general type man of what of this place yeah do doing what

    Over what a team of a team of um Engineers or sales or basic not sales no more more engineering side right yeah more more the engineering you’re hiring Machinery out here or are you sending the drivers out with them we don’t hire anything at all out here yeah don’t hire

    Anything at all this is a sales and service place so people buy directly from you here yes right and you maintain the the products as well they bring them back for maintenance here sometimes yeah sometimes they do sometimes we go out and maintain them out in the field right okay so you keep

    The business after sales care yep yeah okay 13 different sites around the UK and this is just one of them is this the biggest with the extension it’s the biggest because this is the head office this is the head office y right so there’s many people above you here then

    Cuz yeah absolutely there’s directors here yeah absolutely right whereabouts is the car park is that the only car park here look so I’ll see all car Parks I’ll see some very nice cars here then with a drone possibly right possibly okay um yeah there’s car Parks both

    Sides okay and is this area for smokers cuz it’s very unusual to have a fence and then a fence and nothing there this has got nothing to do with us really oh so this is not your land say again this is not your land here well no it is but

    It’s not for smokers this is nothing to do with those what it for it looks why do you ask well it’s so unusual why don’t you agree it’s waste waste of space yeah maybe it is I don’t know why it’s I class that as being an ashtray

    Don’t you it’s never used as an ashtray the smoking shelter is just over there so do you know how you say this is nothing to do with you is it your land or not I don’t know to be fair okay I’m just going to have a look what’s in here

    Then sorry just going to have a look what’s in here yeah it is wiper blades for Leber got recent dates on it as well well as a manager I would have thought you’d know that this is your uh your area not really there are there are there are 215 different managers within

    The business 14th of February a scoff crane hire if you come out of there please sir now we’ve establish I didn’t know if it’s my land or not I don’t own the land yeah now we now we’ve established youve chosen to come out you should know hey you should know I’ve

    Chosen to come out where to talk to member of the public outside no I didn’t I came out cuz I’m going into that building over there I just happened to walk past the filming this is obviously some sort of collection area out of ours now we know don’t we I don’t know I

    I showed you that one’s got a combination lock on it this just an unusual space I weren’t sure whether it was your land so neither was I I do some digging and we both know now Y no odd feelings no not at all sir

    Not at all just being nosy I like to be as nosy as I can for the video thank you right have a nice day guys there we go the managers wear orange do they Yeah what an unusual setup I did say it looked a little bit weird but a couple of boxes at the end for parcel collections I presume that’s for out of ours from this angle look you can’t really can’t really Tell but yes that is all we can really see from this gate I think I will get the Drone up right now just see how far we can see from here but the site is Big so we may even go around to the other gate let’s see

    How it goes let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area but we can see some activity on this green area here on Google Maps that’s not there so once

    Again drone assist map is more up to date than Google Maps Le let’s go and have a look at you then hi shall We takeoff home Point updated so there we are up at 50 m 5 and there’s the little gap between the two fences and the Box yeah wow look at that straight the way you can see Machinery let’s go and have a Look got a bit lower as well yeah some grab some front loaders wow look at that one that is a beast big 360 there very well protected yeah they got loads haven’t they watching you on the CCTV can you tell me what you’re doing I’ll show you

    That you’re videoing us from above yeah we would rather you didn’t do that would you mind Landing it straight away please no thank you no thank you I’m here to film you make a video for whom for me on whose behalf there’s nothing official it’s just for me no but we don’t want

    You to do it yeah I’ve heard you we’d rather you didn’t do it above our our company if you ask permission we can we can set it up for you here no no thanks I’ll just do it like this no thanks you’re only requesting me aren’t you

    It’s not an order is it no not I can’t order you we rather you didn’t do it as long as you know you’ve requested I’ve declined you’ve obviously this has happened to you before I can tell from your attitude you’ve got that sort of mindset that you can do whatever you

    Like even though people that you are filming don’t want to be filmed yeah as long as it’s within the law that’s that’s my main concern oh I got you you’re one of those peoplea within the law yeah yeah yeah I see all right nice to know you’re such a friendly IM meable

    Chat yourself yeah and yourself thanks for respecting my rights well yeah I have to I don’t have any choice thank you however we have asked you to stop and you refuse to do that yeah as long as you don’t continue repeating the same thing cuz it might be classes harassment

    All right as long as you know I’m acting within the law that’s the main thing oh dear me thanks for your time yes lots and lots of machinery with the name Lear on every single type you can think of really for every application and there

    Is the new Tomac just at the back but we’ll have a look to the right of the building first just so we don’t miss anything it is the head office as he said and the car park wow this is big all the way down there and I presume they own all this

    Land here for future development but right now they’ve just gone down this way to make a new exit we’ve got our lovely gate house down there which I spotted on the way in so what’s next then what is this big thing here is that the start of a big crane I think so

    Oh are they now taking all the parcels out of the storage yeah L they’ve been told to go in there well they told you to go and empty it or some it one of them’s not got a padlock on is it what have they told you to do check it

    There’s still Parcels in that little one you know yeah they’re now in the upper oh okay locked up yeah so down right at the back and yes I can still see the Drone for anybody wondering I’ll show you right now there’s my headlock just there Hello a nice view back of the Building concrete pump ah they do all sorts don’t they Lee Bear every piece of machiner is massive definitely for quaries and landfills big jobs very big jobs but they got lots of machines here just sitting waiting for your order and the old school bulldozers look look at that yeah very good very good indeed that’s connected there that’s the head office

    Recycling looks decent down there there’s Frank Lampard on the left he’s got his cup of coffee there so he’s all right this is the other building Lear located directly next door to the other one and they seem to have closed the shutter down yeah they don’t like people to see to film their

    Machines they don’t want a free advert crazy in it but I know criminals could use it blah blah blah but you have got Amazing Security look those barriers there are up no barriers where I’m standing gate open Amazing Security hey moaning at the photographer not at the person who’s controlling falling your

    Barriers think you’re moaning at the wrong person really so anyway let’s get a 360° photo for Google Maps and move on Le bear fantastic products great site expansion just allow people to come and film you please it’s lawful it could be positive you Decide they put the parcels in the lock box now so it’s much better they put it in the lock box yeah the other one is just insecure it’s not really suitable for Parcels it’s a good job we spotted it than for that mate the managers are now very busy

    Pointing that things they’ve never seen before I reckon we’re going to leave them to it Lear video complete we’ve had a good look around haven’t we everything that can be videoed if we have Videoed they’re keeping their eyes on us yes I saw you I saw you and we’ll leave that one there guys the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is under that stone shall I lift it up and show you yeah I think I

    Will there you go look if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with that and that was Libra Li sorry liar the manufacturer supplier after sales care maintainer once they sell you the product they want to keep the revenue

    Coming in keep charging you for the the maintenance and the repair cuz they are the specialist they did build it and they got their own vehicle so they’ll come to your site as well not bad eh but I’m sure you get what you pay for millions millions anyway the managers are now

    Going back to the door where they started and we’re going to move on as well so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. I was a handyman at a 7 acre site,that dealt mostly with plastics ! but also showed new clients around etc because i knew the buildings and areas really well,if he rocked up i would have happily given him a tour ! we didn't need all the security bullshit either ! Yeah mate,take the drone up ! would love to see the footage from above,then i can see if any repairs need doing,people are so anal now !

    2. Love the exchange there DJ, no point in trying to educate someone who can't even work out that not breaking the Law isn't the social faux pas he thinks it is.
      Poor fellas been in the work place harness way too long, now thinks his world is the only world that has any authority.

    3. Sincerely hope they reach out and officially thank you for pointing out the lack of security measures with the lock box being unsecured.😊😊😊😊😊
      Yes to the last 💩🐋 lawful activities are something you cant use you ego or feelings to stop.😊😊

    4. Errr… I'm the site manager ? Sounds like he's not sure what his role is apart from being an interfering twat ! He doesn't know who owns that land either, sounds like he knows F.A.which is typical of these clowns. 🤡
      He thinks he manages the public in public areas though ! 🤣🤣
      Second goon seems offended by you acting within the law, and classes you as "one of them", is that discriminatory? – should have asked him to explain himself.
      A ripe pair of plums there, Get back to work !! 🤣🤣

    5. Should every working person in the UK trying to survive in this horrid climate have a full and complete understanding of the drone and privacy laws? Or should they be pressed in to making fools of themselves for not knowing for your monetary gain? If those are the two options you offer it says a lot about who you are!

    6. I appreciate what you are doing, but there is no need to be so aggressive and obnoxious when you are approached by people just doing their job. Have you ever thought of being polite and assuming the best in people until proven otherwise? It works wonders when talking to people, i can assure you.

    7. So, you admit you're actually working, and flying that drone over both their property and in public. You need to have an actual pilots licence for the drone and owners permission to fly it over their property. Especially as you've admitted on your video that it's for financial gain.
      You might want to check the laws if you intend to make money out of harassing decent people and businesses.

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