Here we delve into the renaissance iceberg and explore topics ranging from plays and architecture to Shakespeare, mona Lisa, Rome, etc. I think it is a good sequel of sorts and think it was rather well put together in terms of organization. I hope you all enjoy the video and have a great day!

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    Hello everyone and welcome back to yet another Iceberg video this one is the Renaissance Era Iceberg and is good sequel of sorts to the medieval Iceberg I made a bit ago this Iceberg which is made by elementy fire XD will be examining all types of Renaissance Era

    Topics artwork famous people of the era and theories just to name a few some of the entries may not be in the era typically associated with the Renaissance but they’re all generally pretty close except maybe a few but real quick before we begin thank you all so

    Much for the support on all my other videos I truly appreciate it and if you want to like And subscribe I be uploading more historical icebergs and related videos about history in the future anyway this iceberg is pretty big at over 130 entries it’s all pretty interesting so without further Ado let’s

    Get into it and begin this Iceberg starting tier one and the iceberg we have Florence Florence situated in the Tuscany region of Italy was a pivotal cultural artistic and economic Center during the Renaissance period the influential medich family played a crucial role in patronizing artists Scholars and Architects thereby influencing Florence’s cultural

    Development artists such as Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo and Sandra belli were active in Florence during this era producing iconic art Florence’s mertile economy supported by its strategic position along trade routes facilitated the exchange of ideas and goods during the Renaissance today Florence remains a significant cultural destination attracting visitors from around the

    Globe who come to admire its art architecture and Rich history Leonardo da Vinci born in 1452 in Vinci Italy was a renon figure whose talents Spann various Fields including painting sculptures architecture engineering and Anatomy he’s widely regarded as one of the greatest artists of all time with masterpieces such as

    The Mona Lisa and the Last Supper showcasing his technique Beyond his artistic achievements Da Vinci’s notebooks reveal a scientific curiosity and pioneering Spirit as he explored Concepts ranging from human anatomy to Flying machines his approach to knowledge exemplified the spirit of the Renaissance and his work continues to inspire and influence generations of

    Artists scientists and thinkers Michelangelo bonari born in 1475 in capric Italy was a Renaissance artist known for his contribution to the Arts his sculptures including the iconic David and the P demonstrate his skill in rendering human form with great detail Michelangelo’s art in the cine Chapel notably the ceiling depicting scenes

    From Genesis showcases his Mastery of composition and perspective in addition to his art he also made significant contributions to architecture most notably with his design of the Dome of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome he is remembered alongside other greats as well Leonardo da Vinci Donatello and Raphael Dante alagiri born in 1265 in

    Florence Italy was a prominent poet of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance his most famous work The Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest literary achievements in the Italian language comprising three parts Inferno purgatorio and Paradiso this epic poem follows Dante’s Journey Through Hell patory In Heaven exploring themes of sin

    Redemption and Love written in vernacular Italian rather than Latin The Divine Comedy played a big role in shaping modern Italian literature Dante’s vivvid imagery and great storytelling cemented his status as a towering figure in literary history and we touched on Dante in the previous Iceberg videos as well the Mona Lisa is

    A renowned portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance period believed TR been completed between 1503 and 1506 housed in the Lou Museum in Paris France the painting is one of the most famous if not the most famous paintings ever the identity of the subject depicted in the portrait remains

    Subject of debate among some art historians although many speculated that she was Lisa gadini the wife of a Florentine Merchant the Mona Lisa has a huge amount of Fame behind it becoming an enduring symbol of beauty and artistic Mastery with Leonardo’s techniques and very impressive attention

    To detail the vetruvian man is a famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci created around 1490 it depicts a male figure in two superimposed positions with arms and legs outstretched inside a square and a circle the drawing is based on the writings of the Roman architect Vitruvius who described ideal

    Proportions for the human body in relation to architectural design Leonardo’s vetruvian man symbolizes the concept of man as the measure of all things highlighting the harmony between the human form and the universe the drawing shows Leonardo’s fascination with Anatomy geometry and the intersection of Art and Science during

    The Renaissance the vetan man is recognized as an iconic representation of the beauty and symmetry found in nature Christopher Columbus born in Genoa Italy around 1451 was a navigator and Explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean opened the door to European exploration and colonization of the Americas in 1492 he sailed westwards

    From Spain in search of a shorter route to Asia though ultimately Landing in the Bahamas Columbus’s voyages marked the beginning of sustained contact between Europe and the Americas while Columbus may not have discovered the new world he undoubtedly was the one who opened the

    Door for a whole new way of life for the entire world basically the 95 thesis were a set of propositions written by Martin Luther in 1517 criticizing certain practices within the Catholic Church Luther’s action of posting the thesis on the door of the castle Church in whittenberg Germany is often cited as

    The Catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in the thesis Luther called for theological debate and reform within the church challenging the authority of the Pope and questioning the doctrine of purgatory among more the 95 thesis were widely circulated thanks to the invention of the printing press sparking widespread discussion and debate across

    Europe Luther’s Defiance of the church’s teachings ultimately led to his excommunication but his ideas inspired the formation of protestantism on a huge scale next up we have Johan Gutenberg which we talked about him on the medieval Iceberg and before we go much further there’s going to be some overlap

    With the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance Era as are still debated when the two eras came and went but anyway Johannes Gutenberg born on 1400 in Mains Germany was a key figure in the development of the printing press during the 15th century his invention of movable type printing revolutionized the

    Production of books and other printed materials gutenberg’s most famous work is the Gutenberg Bible printed around 1455 which was one of the first major books printed using movable type in Europe the printing press dramatically increased the speed and efficiency of book production making written knowledge more accessible and affordable

    Gutenberg’s invention is often credited with sparking the Renaissance and the Reformation by facilitating the dissemination of ideas and information David is a renowned work of art from the Renaissance it is a sculpture created by the Italian artist Michael Angelo between 1501 and 1504 the sculpture depicts the biblical hero

    David who famously defeated the Giant Goliath with a sling and a stone Michelangelo’s David has impressive craftsmanship and a lifelike depiction of the human form carved from a single block of marble the sculpture stands over 17t tall and exemplifies the Renaissance ideals of beauty strength and virtue David was originally

    Commissioned as a symbol of the Republic of Florence’s Defiance against the external threats and political turmoil and today the statue is housed in the Academia Gallery in Florence Italy the Last Supper is one of the most iconic paintings of the Renaissance period and of all time created by Leonard D Vinci

    Between 1495 and 1498 the mural depicts the scene of Jesus Christ’s last meal with his Apostles as described in the Gospel of John housed in the refectory of the Covenant of Santa Maria de la grazi in Milan Italy the painting measures approximately 15 ft by 29 ft Leonardo’s use of perspective

    Composition and facial expressions are remarkable even to this day and are extremely impressive despite suffering from deterioration over the centuries the Last Supper remains a masterpiece of Western Art and a testament to Le artist genius the paintings enduring popularity has made it one of the most recognizable

    And studied works of art in history William Shakespeare born in 1564 in statford upon Aon England was an English playwright poet and actor widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language and the world’s preeminent dramatist he wrote approximately 39 plays 154 sonnets and

    Two long narrative poems over the course of his career Shakespeare’s Works which include tragedies like Hamlet and MC Beth and King Lear comedies like A Midsummer’s Night Dream and 12th night and histories like Henry V and Richard II explore themes of love power ambition and The Human Condition Shakespeare’s

    Legacy continues to influence literature theater and the Arts making him one of the most celebrated figures in world literature Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays believed to have been written between 1591 and 1595 it tells the tragic story of two young lovers Romeo monu and

    Juliet Capulet whose romance is doomed by their feuding families set in the Italian city of Verona and despite their family’s enmity Romeo and Juliet fall deeply in love and secretly marry but their happiness is shortlived as a series of misunderstandings and unfortunate events lead to their untimely deaths yeah spoiler alert they

    Both die I’m sorry it remains one of the most performed and adapted works of literature to this day the Protestant Reformation was a religious movement in the 16th century that aimed to reform the Catholic church and resulted in the establishment of protestantism on a wide scale it was

    Sparked by Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 thesis which we covered a bit Luther’s ideas which emphasize salvation through faith alone and the authority of scripture over papal decrees spread rapidly across Europe leading to widespread religious and social upheaval the Reformation saw the rise of various Protestant denominations including Lutheranism Calvinism and anglicanism

    Each with its own theological doctrines and practices the creation of Adam is one of the most famous frescos by Michelangelo painted on the ceiling of the 16 Chapel in Vatican City between 15 8 and 1512 the Fresco depicts the biblical scene from The Book of Genesis

    In which God breathes life into Adam the first man the iconic image of God reaching out to touch Adam’s finger has become one of the most recognizable and reproduced artworks in history the Fresco is celebrated for its profound symbolism and Theological significance reflecting the Renaissance ideals of humanism divine inspiration and the

    Relationship between humanity and the Divine Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies believed to have been written between 1599 and in 1601 the play follows the story of Prince Hamlet of Denmark who seeks revenge against his uncle King Claudius for murdering his father and marrying his mother the character of

    Hamlet is known for his introspection indecision and philosophical cities including the famous lines to be or not to be that is the question The Divine Comedy which we basically already explained when we covered Dante is an epic poem divided into three separate parts where Dante travels through a different realm in Catholic theology

    Hell patory and heaven there’s not too much else to be said really on this I of course recommend the wendon video on it he does a very in-depth dive on the story uh also read it too it’s a very good book The Fall of Constantinople which was covered in the medieval

    Iceberg is typically thought by many to be a good marker for the end of the Middle Ages and the start of the Renaissance though of course there are Arguments for and against this but anyway the fall of Constantinople occurred in 1453 when the city of Constantinople the capital of the

    Byzantine Empire was captured by the ottoman Turks under the command of Sultan Meed II The Siege of Constantin op lasted for nearly 2 months before the city’s defenses were breached leading to its eventual Conquest on May 29th 1453 the fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantine Empire which

    Had lasted for around a thousand years since the fall of the Western Roman Empire it also marked the beginning of Ottoman dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean and the closing of the traditional Overland trade routes between Europe and Asia the event had significant repercussions for European history including the influx of Greek

    Scholars and texts into Western Europe which contributed to the Renaissance as well as the Age of Exploration as Europeans sought new trade routes to Asia MC Beth is also one of William Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies believed to have been written between 16003 and 1607 the play follows the

    Story of McBeth a Scottish nobleman who was spurred by the Prophecies of three witches and the ambition of his wife lady McBeth to Murder King Duncan and Seize the Throne however mcbeth’s ruthless pursuit of power leads to a spiral of violence guilt and Madness ultimately resulting in his downfall

    Now onto our last entry for tier one of the iceberg we have St Peter’s Basilica St Peter’s Basilica is a super famous Renaissance Era church located in Vatican City the papal Enclave within Rome Italy designed by Architects including brante Michelangelo and Bernini it is one of the largest and

    Most important churches in the world construction began in 1506 under Pope Julius II and was completed in 1626 St Peter’s Basilica is built over the burial site of St Peter one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus the one whom Jesus entrusted and buildt his church upon making it an important pilgrimage site

    For Catholics and Christians the basilica’s Magnificent Dome designed by Michelangelo is a prominent feature of the Rome Skyline and the Basilica tracks Millions each year beginning tier two we are starting with otaviano petruci born in Fen brone Italy around 1466 he was a renowned Italian music printer and

    Publisher during the Renaissance he is best known for his pioneering work in the field of Music printing particularly for his publication of the first significant collection of polyphonic music using movable type puchi’s most notable publication is the Harmon Muses ad hean printed in Venice in 1501 which contained 96 compositions by various

    Composers this collection played a crucial role in disseminating renaissance music throughout Europe and establishing music printing as a viable industry puchi’s Innovative printing techniques including the use of three separate impressions for note heads staves and text revolutionized music publishing and laid the foundation for future generation of Music printers and

    Publishers the ration on the Dignity of man is a famous text written by Italian Renaissance philosopher giovano Pico DEA marandola in 1486 it is considered a seminal work of Renaissance humanism in the oration Pico celebrates the unique dignity and potential of humanity arguing that humans possess the freedom

    To shape their own destiny and pursue knowledge across various disciplines Pico emphasizes the greatness of humanity as the Apex of creation capable of transcending Earthly limitations and aspiring to Divine knowledge and wisdom Nicolo makavelli born in Florence Italy and 1469 was a prominent Renaissance political philosopher Diplomat and writer his most famous work

    The prince written in 1513 is a seminal tretis on politics and Power in the prince mavelli offers pragmatic advice to rulers on how to acquire and maintain political power often advocating for ruthless tactics and the prioritization of statecraft over morality despite his controversial reputation the prince is considered a foundational text in

    Political Theory and has had a profound influence on Western political thought maki’s other notable Works include include discourses on Livy and the Art of War Don kote written by spanish author Miguel de cantes is considered one of the greatest works of literature and a foundational text of Western literature

    Published in two parts one in 1605 and one in 1615 it tells the story of a nobleman named Alonzo kiano who becomes obsessed with shival romances and decides to become a night erant renaming himself Don kot accompanied by a squire Sancho Panza Don kot embarks on Misadventures mistaking windmills for

    Giants and ins for castles Don kote is considered a classic of world literature and is also considered the first novel and is the bestselling one ever at that I highly recommend the book too it’s genuinely good and pretty funny and the best English translation I think is by Edith

    Gman the Proto Renaissance also known as the Prelude to the Renaissance refers to the transitional period in European art and culture between the Middle Ages and the full-fledged Renaissance emerging in Italy during the 13th and 14th centuries the Proto Renaissance witnessed a Revival of interest in classical art

    Literature and learning artists began to experiment with new techniques perspective and realism laying the groundwork for the artistic innovations that would characterize razon’s period notable figures of the protor Renaissance include gioto D bedon whose frescos in the Arena Chapel in Padua exemplify a departure from medieval art towards a more naturalistic style and

    Dante aliri whose Divine Comedy marked a significant literary achievement that would Inspire Renaissance humanists the protor Renaissance set the stage for the cultural rebirth that would unfold in the following centuries marking a pivotal moment in the evolution ution of Western art and culture alrick zwingley born in 1484 in

    Wildhouse Switzerland was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation and a leading reformer in Switzerland influenced by humanist ideas and the teachings of arasmus zwingley advocated for reforms within the Catholic Church challenging practices such as the sale of indulgences and the veneration of relics as a priest in Zurich he preached

    Sermons emphasizing the Primacy of scripture and the authority of the Bible over ecclesiastical Traditions swingly teachings led to the establishment of a an Church in Zurich marking the beginning of the Swiss Reformation he also engaged in theological debates with other reformers including Martin Luther over issues such as the nature of the

    Eucharist Luther still believing that it held the actual Body of Christ Thea Cameron is a collection of 100 novellas or short stories written by Italian Arthur giovano picachio in the 14th century it is considered one of the masterpieces of Western literature and a seminal work of Renaissance literature

    Set during the time of the black death in Florence that the Cameron follows a group of 10 young people who flee the city to escape the the plague and take refuge in a villa in the countryside to pass the time they entertain each other by telling stories ranging from body

    Comedies to tragic romances over the course of those 10 days Franchesco petara commonly known as petrarch was an Italian poet scholar and humanist who lived from 1304 to 1374 and he is often referred to as the father of humanism due to his role in Reviving interest in classical

    Literature and promoting the values of classical Antiquity petrarch is best known for his poetry particularly his sonnets dedicated to his idealizing love Laura which are collected in his work kanzan or song book petrarch was also a prolific scholar writing extensively on subjects such as philosophy history and philology his emphasis on the importance

    Of studying classical texts laid the foundation for the humanist movement that would shape Renaissance thought Marco Polo who we talked about briefly in two of the previous icebergs was a Venetian Merchant who lived from 1254 to 1324 he is best known for his extensive travels and the book The

    Travels of Marco Polo which recounts his adventures in Asia Polo embarked on his journey with his father and his uncle in 1271 traveling along the silk road to the court of kou Khan the Mongol emperor of China he spent several decades in the service of the KH traveling throughout

    China and visiting regions such as India Persia and Southeast Asia while some aspects of Polo’s account have been questioned by historians his travels have had significant impact on European exploration and commerce though his travels were not as widely read at first and it was not until after he passed

    That Europe became interested on a larger scale about what he had to say the p is a type of artistic representation depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus Christ after the crucifixtion the word paa is Italian for pity or compassion and one

    Of the most famous examples of the p is a sculpture by Michelangelo house in St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City it depicts the youthful Mary holding the lifeless body of Jesus Christ The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare believed to have been first performed in

    1599 the play dramatizes the event surrounding the assassination of Julius Caesar the Roman dictator in 44 BC the central characters include of course Julius Caesar Brutus cassus and Mark Anthony Brutus a close friend of Caesar is persuaded by cassus to join a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar in

    Order to prevent him from becoming a tyrant however the assassination leads to Civil War and the downfall of the conspirators Leo the 10th born Giovani D Lorenzo de Michi in 1475 was Pope from 1513 until his death in 1521 he was a member of The prominent medich family of

    Florence and his papacy was characterized by a patronage of the Arts Leo the 10th was a significant patron of Renaissance Art and commissioned works by renowned artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo however his pacw is also marked by controversy including criticism of his extravagant spending and the sale of indulgences to finance

    The construction of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome Leo the 10’s reign coincided with the rise of the Protestant Reformation and his handling of the reform movement contributed to the division within the Catholic Church his perhaps best best known for excommunicating Martin Luther in 1521 the School of Athens is one of the

    Most famous frescos by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael completed between 1509 and 1511 is located in the vatican’s apostolic Palace in Vatican City the Fresco depicts a gathering of philosophers scientists and intellectuals from classical Antiquity set in an architectural space reminiscent of a grand Roman Basilica the central figures in the composition

    Are Plato and Aristotle symbolizing the two major schools of thought in ancient philosophy surrounding them are other notable figures such as Socrates Pythagoras uid and tmy representing various branches of knowledge Amero vuchi was an Italian explorer Navigator and cartographer who lived from 1454 to 1512 he is best known

    For his expeditions to the new world which led to the recognition and naming of the continents of course North and South America vuchi made several voyages to the Americas between 1497 and 1504 during which he explored the coastlines of South America and parts of Central America his accounts of these voyages

    Part particularly his letters describing the geography and the peoples of the new world were widely circulated in Europe and contributed to the European understanding of the Americas in 1507 the German cartographer Martin Wald Samer named the new continents the Americas in VES puchi’s honor Galileo

    Galile born in 1564 in Pisa Italy was a Renaissance scientist mathematician astronomer and philosopher he’s often referred to as the father of modern observational astronomy the father of modern physics and the father of science due to his numerous contributions to the fields to be overly simple on this

    Complex topic Galileo’s support for the cernic heliocentric model brought him into conflict with Catholic Church leading to his trial and condemnation by the Inquisition in 1633 Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by the English poet John Milton published in 1667 so maybe a bit after the Renaissance Era we typically assume

    But it tells the biblical story of the fall of Man focusing on the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden as described in the Book of Genesis the poem begins with Satan’s Rebellion against God and His subsequent expulsion from Heaven followed by his plotting to

    Corrupt Humanity it then shifts to Earth where Satan tempts Adam and Eve to disobey God leading to their expulsion from Paradise A midsummer’s nice dream is a comedic play written by William shakesphere believed to been composed around 1595 or 1596 set in Athens and the surrounding forests the play follows

    The intertwining romantic escapades of four young lovers and a group of amateur actors who become entangled in the Mischief of fairies the central plot revolves around the wedding celebrations of Theus the Duke of Athens and hippo Queen of the Amazons which the Amazons were a race of warrior women in Greek

    Mythology and where the rainforest ultimately gets his name from it remains one of Shakespeare’s most beloved and frequently performed comedies as well annery Tales are a collection of stories written by Joffrey Cher in the late 14th century The Narrative of the tales follows a group of pilgrims journeying

    From London to the shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral to pass the time on their Journey each Pilgrim tells a story child ‘s use of vernacular Middle English and his characterizations make the Canterbury Tales a seminal work of English literature though they remained unfinished unfortunately for our final entry on

    Tier 2 we have The Counter Reformation also known as the Catholic Reformation it was a period of Catholic Revival that took place in response to the Protestant Reformation beginning in the mid-6th century The Counter Reformation sought to address the criticisms and challenges posed by Protestant reformers and to

    Strengthen the authority and the unity of the Catholic church key elements of The Counter Reformation included efforts to reform the clergy combat corruption and abuses within the church and reaffirm Catholic Doctrine and practices The Counter Reformation also involved the founding of a new religious orders such as the Jesuits who played a crucial

    Role in missionary work education defending Catholicism against protestantism and more additionally The Counter Reformation saw the use of art and architecture as tools with elaborate churches and artworks designed to inspire piety and devotion among the faithful The Counter Reformation succeeded in reinvigorating the Catholic church and stemming the spread of

    Protestantism in many parts of Europe beginning tier three of the iceberg we have the commercial revolution the Commercial Revolution was a period of economic expansion trade growth and Commercial Innovation that took place in Europe during the late Middle Ages and the early modern period roughly from the

    11th to the 18th centuries it was characterized as significant changes in Trade Practices banking finance and the emergence of a global economy key developments of the commercial revolution included the rise of banking and financial institutions the expansion of trade routes including the reopening of Overland trade routes to the Middle

    East and exploration of new sea roots to Asia and the Americas and it also saw the emergence of joint stock companies Maritime insurance and other forms of commercial organization to facilitate long-distance trade the increased availability of goods and the growth of consumer markets transformed European and world society the medieval renaissan

    Refers to periods of cultural intellectual and artistic Revival that occurred during the Middle Ages these renaissan were characterized by renewed interest in classical learning literature and art as well as advancements in science philosophy and Technology while they may not have reached the same level of cultural and intellectual impact as the Renaissance

    Of the the 14th to the 17th centuries they were still periods of advancement an example of one of these is the carolingian Renaissance during charlamagne’s Reign from the 8th to the 9th century characterized by a Revival of classical learning and the establishment of centers of scholarship Sandro belli born allisandro

    D Mariano devani felip Pepe was an Italian painter of the Florentine school during the early Renaissance he best known for his iconic works such as the birth of Venus and Prim Vera his Works exemplify the ideals of beauty Harmony and humanism that were Central to the Renaissance despite his successes during

    His lifetime belli fell Into Obscurity after his death until his rediscovery in the 19th century on the workings of the human body is A Treatise written by Andreas velus a Renaissance era anatomist and physician published in 1543 under the latin title deani corporis Fabrica it revolutionized the

    Study of human anatomy and marked a significant advancement in the field of medicine the’s work departed from the traditional Reliance on ancient texts and relied instead on Direct observation and dissection of human Cav the book features detailed illustrations of the human body created by talented artists accompanied by vas’s meticulous

    Descriptions of anatomical structures and functions the lives of the artists is a biographical work written by the Italian Renaissance artist and historian Georgio vasari first published in 1550 with expanded editions in 1568 it is considered one of the foundational texts of art history in the lives of the artist visari provides biographical

    Accounts of prominent artists from the razon period including painters sculptors and Architects he offers insights into their lives their Works their techniques and their contributions to the development of art the bibla corviniana established in the 15th century was one of the most renowned libraries of the Renaissance Era it was commissioned by Matias

    Corvinus the king of Hungary and housed in Buddha now part of Budapest the library contained a vast collection of manuscripts codices and printed books numbering around 2,000 volumes at its peak the bibla played a significant role in the cultural and intellectual flourishing of the Renaissance in Hungary attracting Scholars and

    Humanists from across Europe it served as a Center for Learning scholarship and the dissemination of knowledge contributing to the spread of Renaissance ideals in Central Europe William bird was an English composer of the Renaissance Era renowned for its significant contributions to music he one of the foremost composers of his

    Time known for his master of pany basically individual parts that fit and harmonize with each other and his Innovative compositions Bird’s work include masses motets anthems and keyboard music and as a Roman Catholic living in Protestant England bird faced religious persecution but he continued to compose and publish music throughout

    His life Lorenzo deichi also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent was an Italian Statesman de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic and a prominent patron of the Arts during the Renaissance as the head of the powerful Michi family Lorenzo wielded significant political influence in Florence and he played a crucial role in maintaining the

    City’s stability and prosperity Lorenzo was also a passionate supporter of humanist ideals and a patron of the scholars artists and writers including Leon Ardo Da Vinci Michelangelo and belli his patronage helped to foster a cultural and artistic Renaissance in Florence earning him the title The Magnificent Hugo vandero was a Flemish

    Painter of the northern Renaissance and he was active in Belgium and his paintings often depicted scenes from The Life of Christ and the Virgin Mary Vander Go’s most famous work is the ponari alter piece commissioned by Tomaso ponari an Italian Banker living in brues the alter piece is renowned for

    Its intricate detail vibrant colors and emotional intensity the prince which we kind of basically already covered was written by Nicolo mavi and was a political book dedicated to Lorenzo deichi it is considered one of the most influential works of political philosophy in Western literature in the prince Maki offers

    Advice for how rulers should rule he advocates for pragmatism realism and the use of force and manipulation when necessary to achieve one’s political goals the sack of Rome occurred in 1527 when troops of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles I primarily composed of mutinous German soldiers in invaded and plundered

    The city of Rome the sack lasted for several months and resulted in widespread destruction looting and violence the soldiers who had not been paid for their wages vented their frustration and anger by ransacking Churches palaces private residences and more seizing treasures and committing acts of brutality against the civilians

    This act had profound repercussions for the city of Rome and the Catholic Church as it marked a significant Blow To The Prestige and authority of the papacy the event also contributed to the decline of the Italian Renaissance and the rise of the Counter Reformation the last judgment refers to a religious theme in

    Christian Theology and art depicting the final Judgment of humanity by God at the end of time in Christian doctrine the last judgment is believed to be the moment when All Souls living and dead are judged by God according to their deeds and granted either salvation or damnation in art the last judgment has

    Been a popular subject since early Christian times and has been depicted in various forms including paintings sculptures and murals one of the most famous depictions of the last judgment is Michel Angela’s Fresco on the altar wall of the cine Chapel in Vatican City Dr Fus is a play written by the English

    Playright Christopher Marlo believed to have been first performed in the early 1590s the play tells the story of a scholar named Dr Fus who makes a pact with the devil exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasure Fus conjures the demon mephistophiles and engages in a series of magical

    Experiments But ultimately faces damnation for his sinful actions tisana velli was an Italian painter of the Venetian school during the high Renaissance AKA The Late Renaissance and he is considered one of the Great painters of all time and a leading figure of the Venetian Renaissance vell’s work spans a wide

    Range of genres including religious paintings mythological scenes portraits and Landscapes and his art had a profound influence on subsequent generations of painters including Peter Paul Rubin and Diego Vasquez the lamentation is a common theme in Christian art depicting the mourning and the lamentation of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion it

    Typically shows the body of Jesus being mourned by his followers Mary and other disciples the scene often often takes place at the foot of the cross or in a tomb and it has been a popular subject in religious art for centuries inspiring numerous paintings sculptures and other works of art across different cultures

    And periods Michelangelo macii better known as carvaggio was an Italian Baroque painter renowned for his revolutionary approach to Art and his dramatic use of light and Shadow he pioneered the use of Cher roscuro a technique that emphasized stark contrast between light and dark to create dramatic effects and heightened

    Realism he died at the age of 38 under mysterious circumstances but is artistic Legacy endured influencing generations of artists and leaving an indelible mark on the development of broke art neoism was a philosophical movement that emerged during the Renaissance particularly in the 16th and 17th centuries as a Revival of stoicism an

    Ancient Greek philosophy Neo stoics sought to adapt stoic principles to the Christian context of their time and to apply them to Everyday Life Central tenants of neoism included the belief in the importance of self-control rationality and virtue in achieving inner peace and contentment Neo stoics emphasized the need to accept and endure

    Life’s challenges with equinity regardless of external circumstances the movement attracted intellectuals Scholars and Statesmen across Europe who were drawn to its emphasis on moral integrity and personal resilience the old Hall manuscript is a collection of English Sacred Music dating from the early 15th century it is one of the most important sources of

    English medieval music containing a diverse range of compositions including motets mass settings and secular songs the manuscript is named after the old Hall Of The Abbey of St edmundsbury in Suffolk England where it was discovered in the 19th century next up we have someone and in

    General a topic that I wish was covered more in icebergs like this uh Hernan Cortez the full name Hernando Cortez de Monroy e pizaro atam Morano was a Spanish kisor who played a pivotal role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire in the early 16th century born in

    Medan Spain Cortez studied law before joining the Spanish military and in 1519 he led an expedition to Mexico where he made alliances with the native Indios opposed to Aztec rule and eventually conquered the Aztec capital of Teno tiin in 1521 Cortez’s conquest of the Aztec Empire was marked by military prowess

    Political maneuvering and interesting tactics including the capture and seizing of the emperor monuma after the conquest Cortez became the governor of New Spain present day Mexico where he oversaw the colonization of the region by the Spanish Crown love labors lost is a comedic play written by William Shakespeare believed have been first

    Performed in the late 1590s the play follows the king of Nevada and three of his noblemen who SAR an oath to devote themselves to three years of study fasting and avoiding contact with women however their plans are disrupted when the princess of France and her ladies and waiting arrive on a diplomatic

    Mission romantic entanglements ensue as the men find themselves falling in love with the women they vowed to avoid it remains one of Shakespeare’s lesser known Works dundo Moro is a comedy play written by Croatian Renaissance playwright Martin drizik believed to have been first performed in the early

    16th century set in the city of dnik the play follows a Misadventures of the titular character dun Mor and the plot revolves around dund Mor’s attempts to marry off his adopted daughter a young and beautiful woman named Kate however complications arise when various suitors including a miserly old man and a

    Boastful Soldier VI for Kate’s hand in marriage also my apologies for the probably bad pronunciations here and also probably in the entire iceberg in general toppler house also known as the toppler theater was a historic building located in goret Germany it was a prominent theater and Cultural Center in

    The city known for its distinctive Neo Renaissance Arch Ure the building was constructed in the late 19th century and served as a venue for theatrical performances concerts and other cultural events unfortunately though the toppler house was heavily damaged during World War II particularly during the Allied

    Bombing raids on goret in 1945 after the war the building fell into disrepair and despite efforts to restore it it was ultimately demolished in the 1960s today it’s a park before I start this entry uh real quick there’s going to be like one or two more Chinese entries on this

    Iceberg I’m not totally sure sure why though I’m not against it but Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a classical Chinese historical novel attributed to Lo gonong believed to have been written in the 14th century during the Ming Dynasty the novel is set during the turbulent period of the Three Kingdoms

    Ad 220 to 280 in ancient China and is based on historical events and figures from that era it follows the power struggles and Military campaigns among Warlords and factions as they VI for control over the fragmented Empire for our last entry on tier three we have the theer the theater was the

    Name of the first permanent public Playhouse in London England and it was built by the English actor and entrepreneur James Burbage in 1576 in shortage London it was a polygonal-shaped building with a thatched roof and could accommodate up to 500 spectators at once the theater hosted performances of plays by famous

    Playwrights of the time including William Shakespeare and More in 1599 the lease for the land on which the theater stood expired leading to a dispute between Burbage and the landowner in response Burbage and his company dismantled the theater and used it its Timber ERS to build the Globe Theater on

    The South Bank of the river temps the Globe Theater became one of the most famous theaters in London and the primary venue for Productions of Shakespeare’s plays beginning tier four is the timid Renaissance the timid Renaissance refers to a period of cultural intellectual and artistic flourishing that occurred in the timid

    Empire in the 15th century the timid Empire which was centered in Central Asia and encompassed parts of modern day Iran Iraq Afghanistan and usbekistan was founded by tamr tamaran in the 14th century the timid Renaissance was characterized by advancements in architecture literature calligraphy miniature paintings and scientific scholarship the timid Renaissance had a

    Lasting impact on the cultural heritage of Central Asia and the broader Islamic World Francis bacum was an English philosopher Statesman scientist and author who played a key role in the development of modern scientific inquiry and the philosophy of empiricism he’s best known for his promotion of the scientific method which emphasized

    Observation experimentation and induction as the basis for acquiring knowledge about the natural world World Bacon’s most famous Works include Noom organum and the advancement of learning in which he alligned his philosophical and methodological ideas bacon served as attorney general and Lord Chancellor of England under King James I and he was a

    Leading figure in English politics and intellectual life during the early 17th century on the Revolutions of the celestial spheres is a work by the Polish astronomer Nicholas kernus and was published in 1543 it presented a heliocentric model of the universe Challen ing the geocentric model that had been dominant since ancient times

    Cernus proposed that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun rather than the Sun and other celestial bodies revolving around the earth as was previously believed this revolutionary idea laid the foundation for modern astronomy and revolutionized our understandings of the cosmos the fares hours is an illuminated manuscript it

    Was created in the early 16th century for the Cardinal allesandro farice who later became Pope Paul III it is considered one of the most Exquisite examples of Renaissance manuscript illumination the fares hours contained a collection of prayers devotions and Psalms arranged for use throughout the lurgical year it is preserved in the

    Bibla apostolica vaticana in Vatican City where it continues to be admired Domino de Penza was an Italian dance master and choreographer during the Renaissance period he’s renowned for his contributions to the development of dance in Italy and is considered one of the pioneers of early Renaissance dance

    Domino de Penza is best known for his treatise AR satandi at corus dendi or on the art of dancing and conducting choreography which was written around 1455 and is one of the earliest known dance manuals in Western history the cernic question refers to the debate and the controversy surrounding the

    Heliocentric model of the universe proposed by Nicholas Copernicus in his work on the Revolutions of the celestial spheres the capern question sparked intense debate among Scholars theologians and philosophers of the time as it raised fundamental questions about the nature of the cosmos and Humanity’s place with within it critics of cernus

    Theory including prominent figures like Johannes Kepler and Galileo galile faced opposition from the Catholic church and traditional aristan philosophy which held sway over scientific thought at the time the asadal de inti translated as the hospital of the Innocence is a historic building located in Florence Italy designed by the renowned architect

    Filipo Brun aleski it was constructed between 1419 and 1445 and is considered one of the earliest examples of Renaissance architecture the building was originally founded as an orphanage for abandoned children particularly those born to unwed mothers and served as a charitable institution dedicated to the care and Welfare of infants today

    The idali de inen serves as a museum and Cultural Center showcasing its history and Architectural significance the Adoration of the Magi is a religious Motif depicting the scenes of the three wise men or Magi presenting gifts to the Infant Jesus as described in the gospel of Matthew the

    Adoration has been a popular subject in Christian art for centuries and has been depicted in various forms including pain paintings sculptures and illuminated manuscripts among others the scene is often set against a backdrop of a stable or manger with Mary Joseph and other figures witnessing the event the Adoration symbolizes the recognition of

    Jesus as the Savior and king of the world by people of different cultures and backgrounds and it is celebrated as an important event in the Christian lurgical calendar particularly during the Christmas season some notable artistic depictions of the Adoration include works by belli and Leonardo da Vinci Johan carolus was a German

    Publisher and printer was credited with publishing the world’s first newspaper in 1605 carolus began publishing a weekly news publication titled account of all distinguished and memorable news which was printed in Strasburg of the Holy Roman Empire this publication provided readers with updates on current events politics and other noteworthy

    Occurrences and although earlier forms of news dissemination such as handwritten newsletters and single sheet Publications existed car’s newspaper was the first to be produced regularly and distributed to a wider audience the word of verbo also known as the the arbino crisis occurred in the early 16th century and was a conflict

    Between the Papal States and the duy of arbino the war was sparked by tensions between Pope Julius II and Duke Francesco Maria de la rer of urbino over control of the strategically important region of ug guested urbino in central Italy the conflict escalated in 1502 when Julius II launched a military

    Campaign to Annex arbino and asserted papal authority over the region the fighting continued for several years with both sides engaging in sieges skirmishes and battles throughout the territory though eventually in 1508 Julius II succeeded in conquering arbino installing his nephew Lorenzo II deichi as the new ruler mountains or planine is

    Considered to be the first Croatian novel written by Peter Zoran in 1536 and published postly in Venice in 1569 the story tells about a poet’s imaginary 7-Day journey across catian mountains on which he embarks in order to forget his love and his miseries and it is also composed of 24

    Chapters the Renaissance men were rivals talks about Renaissance men men who were proficient in multiple different things take being good at archery painting sculpting etc for example and this Theory says that they were Rivals and competed with each other while these Renaissance figures often collaborated and shared ideas they were also

    Sometimes Rivals competing for patronage recognition and influence Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo two figures of Italian renissance were known to have a competitive relationship they both sought commission from wealthy patrons and VI for Supremacy in their respective fields of Art and Engineering similarly in the realm of Science and philosophy

    There were rivalries between figures such as Galileo galile and Johannes Kepler who competed to develop new theories and models explaining the workings of the universe Jean fet was a French painter and Illuminator who was one of the most important artists of the 15th century in France he known for his

    Contributions to both panel painting and manuscript illumination and he played a crucial role in the development of the French Renaissance style fet’s style combined elements of Flemish realism with French elegance and he was celebrated for his skillful use of color light and perspective one of his most

    Famous works is the melon diptic a portrait diptic commissioned by Ean Chevalier Treasurer to King Charles iith of France he is considered a key figure in the transition from the medieval to the Renaissance style in French art as well despite his significance much of fet’s life and career remain shrouded in

    Mystery and many aspects of his biography are still debated by Art historians today the tumon AL Lisa thesis is a theory proposed by Art historian lilan Schwarz in the 1970s she suggested that Leonardo D Vinci created two versions of the famous painting with the second version being a mirror image of the

    First and according to Schwarz D Vincy used a technique called Mirror writing to create the second version which she claimed could be seen when the painting was placed in front of a mirror schwarz’s theory was based on her analysis of the composition proportions and details of the painting as well as

    Her experiments with computer Imaging techniques however her theory has been widely criticized and rejected by most art historians and the overwhelming consensus among Scholars is that there’s only one authentic version which is housed in the Lou Museum in Paris the Mona Lisa as we know it today though and

    Many other paintings of the era are paint overs or have underpaintings behind them which shows what original Concepts or ideas were there the dancing plague of 1518 was a mysterious phenomenon that occurred in strawberg alace modern day France during the summer of 1518 it involved a sudden outbreak of compulsive dancing among

    Hundreds of people leading to a bizarre and chaotic situation the dancers mostly women reported overcome by an uncontrollable urge to dance and they continued to dance for days or even weeks without rest the jle encyclopedia also known as the J Dian is one of the largest encyclopedic works in the history of

    China it was commissioned by the yle emperor J D in the Ming Dynasty and compiled between 1403 and 1408 the encyclopedia was an ambitious project aimed at systematically documenting all known knowledge of the time and consisted of 22,8 77 manuscript roles and covered a wide range of subjects including philosophy History Literature art

    Medicine Science and more the angle encyclopedia was organized into a comprehensive system of categories and subcategories with entries arranged alphabetically within each section and it was written by a team of Scholars and supervised by the unic official Zen despite its Monumental size and scope only a few manuscript copies of the

    Encyclopedia were produced and none have survived to the present day yet another thing from the medieval iceberg is the index librorum prohibitorum and it was a list of banned or highly frowned upon books by the church it was in effect for a long while and it still sort of

    Retains the moral stance on books though it does not necessarily ban them and is just a list for Catholics to be wary of when reading the book of common prayer is a foundational text in the Anglican Christianity Church it contains lurgical rights prayers and Theological statements of the Church of England and

    Other Anglican churches worldwide it was first compiled by the Archbishop Thomas cranmer in the mid-16th century during the English reformation and has undergone numerous revisions since then the book of common prayer provides a framework for worship including services for daily prayers Sunday worship Holy Communion baptisms weddings funerals and other

    Rights from what I can tell poor portrait of a young man is a common title for a genre of paintings found throughout art history depicting youthful male subjects though this Iceberg says it’s lost so I’m not totally sure but these portraits often showcase the individual in a dignified and introspective manner highlighting

    Their physical features attire and facial expressions artists from various periods and cultures have created portraits of young men each reflecting the stylistic and cultural norms of their time examples include the works of Renaissance Masters like Raphael and taan who depicted young men with a sense of grace and idealized beauty though if

    You have any idea what this entry is about feel more than free to let me know henslow’s diary is a valuable historical document from the Elizabethan era offering insights into the theatrical world of Renaissance England compiled by Philip henow a prominent theater owner and entrepreneur in London the diary

    Provides detailed records of theatrical performances Financial transactions and other aspects of everyday theater business during the late 16th and early 17th centuries henslow’s diary contains entries related to the production staged at the Rose Theater and other venues ass associate with them the diary sheds light on the practicalities of theater

    Management and popularity of different plagi genres along with the economic challenges faced by the theater company fosco Nunes de bboa was a Spanish explorer and Conquistador who played a significant role in the early exploration and the conquest of the Americas in 1513 Balboa LED an expedition across the ismith of Panama

    Becoming the first European to site the Pacific Ocean from the new world he claimed the ocean and all its Shores for the Spanish Crown thus opening the way for further exploration and con ation of the western coast of South America belo’s discovery of the Pacific Ocean was a milestone in European exploration

    As it confirmed the existence of a vast ocean separating the continents of the new world from Asia though they did not know exactly how big it was but however balo’s success was shortlived he was later accused of treason and executed on the orders of the Spanish governor of

    Daran Pedro Aras Davila in 1519 also Ferdinand mellan knew him not sure why mellin is not on this list to be honest either but he was the first man to lead an expedition to successfully circumnavigate the globe though we died along the way and only a handful of the

    Original crew of a couple hundred managed to make it and survive The Comedy of Errors is one of William Shakespeare’s early comedic plays believed to have been written in the early 1590s it is one of Shakespeare’s shortest plays and it is based on the Roman playright claus’

    Minochi and the play revolves around the theme of mistaken identity and revolves around two sets of identical twins separated at Birth who find themselves in the same town unbeknownst to each other the confusion that arises from their uncanny resemblance lead to a series of humorous situations but eventually the twins are reunited with

    Their respective family members and all misunderstandings are resolved yet another thing mentioned in the medieval iceberg is the voyich manuscript the voich manuscript is an enigmatic and mysterious codex BL been created in the early 15th century is named after Wilford voyich a rare book dealer who acquired the manuscript in

    1912 and the voyich manuscript is written in an unknown script with illustrations depicting Botanical biological astronomical and cosmological subjects despite numerous attempts by Scholars cryptographers and linguists the text of the manuscript remains undeciphered and its origin purpose and authorship are still the subject of speculation and debate and again I

    Highly recommend the hisstocrat video on this because I cannot do the whole manuscript Justice here the theatrum orbis terrarum consisted of a collection of maps compiled from various sources including Ellis’s own surveys and those of other cartographers these Maps were accompanied by descriptive texts making the atlas a comprehensive geographical

    Reference work the theatrum orbis Trum played a pivotal role in advancing the study of geography and mapmaking during the Renaissance and is regarded as a landmark in the history of cartography the school of Knight was an informal intellectual Circle that existed in Elizabethan England during the late 16th century it was named after

    English poet and Scholar Sir Walter R who was a prominent member the school of Knight comprised a diverse group of individuals including writers Scholars scientists and philosophers and the exact membership at the school of Knight remains somewhat unclear the school of Knight met in private Gatherings to discuss literature philosophy science

    And politics often engaging in debates and exchanging ideas on a wide range of topics and that’s basically all cuz a lot of it is still shrouded in mystery St John the Baptist also known as John the Baptist is a key figure in Christianity according to the New

    Testament John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus and is said to have baptized him in the Jordan River marking the beginning of Jesus’s public Ministry John is described as a charismatic preacher who called people to repentance and baptized them as a sign of their commitment to God he’s also believed to

    Have foretold the coming of the Messiah and played a crucial role in preparing the way for Jesus’s Ministry and as he relates this Iceberg I can only assume it’s about him being portrayed in art the seven deadly sins originating from Christian theology represent moral transgressions that include Pride greed

    Lust Envy gluttony wrath and sloth and these sins are viewed as the root of other vices and moral failings leading individuals away from virtue and spiritual well-being each Shin is characterized by an excessive desire or attitude detrimental to oneself and others such as arrogance selfishness or laziness and the the concept of the

    Seven deadly sins served as a framework for moral reflection and they were popular and still are in ways during the Renaissance Era and even before that too also side note when you search up seven deadly sins art it’s going to be challenging to find Art about the actual

    Sins cuz you’re bombarded with that all bunch of anime stuff I don’t know franois Alon was a French poet and one of the greatest lyric Poets of the late Middle Ages he’s best known for his collections of poems titled The Testament in English which showcases his wit humor and Keen observation of the

    Human nature Von poetry reflects his tumultuous life that was marked by poverty crime and Exile and he frequently wrote about themes of Love death and the fleeting nature of Life inserting into his work senses of melancholic dread and existential angst despite his troubled life and brushes

    With the law Von’s poetry earned him a claim and recognition among his contemporaries his influence extended Beyond his own lifetime too inspiring later generations of poets and writers into the Renaissance the imitation of Christ is a classic Christian devotional book written by the German Dutch monk Thomas

    A tempus around the early 15th century it is divided into four books and offers practical guidance on how to live a devout Christian Life the work emphasizes the importance of humility self-denial and spiritual discipline urging readers to follow the example of Jesus Christ in all aspects of their

    Lives the imitation of Christ has been widely read and cherished by Christians of various denominations for centuries and it continues to be regarded as one of the most important spiritual books in Christianity the ovary Chapel located in the Church of the aratani in Padua Italy is renowned for its remarkable frescos

    And Architectural design commissioned by the ovary family in the 1440s the chapel is a masterpiece of Renaissance art the frescos depict scenes from The Life of Christ the Virgin Mary and various Saints the chapel is considered one of the finest examples of Renaissance Art in Northern Italy and attracts visitors

    From all over the world the Geneva Bible is an English translation of the Bible that was first published in 1560 in Geneva Switzerland and it was produced by English Protestant Exiles who had fled to Geneva during the reign of Queen Mary the first of of England known as Bloody Mary due

    To her persecution of Protestants the Geneva Bible was the first English Bible to be divided into chapters and verses a feature that has since become standard in most translations it was also the first English Bible to include extensive study notes and commentary making it a valuable resource for understanding

    Scripture the Geneva Bible was immensely popular among English-speaking Protestants and played a significant role in shaping English religious and literary culture during the Elizabethan era they remained in widespread use until the publication of the King James version in 1611 foggin and lucre is a moral interlude written by the English

    Poet and Statesman John lidgate composed around 1496 it is a dramatic allegory that explores themes of virtue and vice and the Power of Love the play follows the story of lucre a virtuous woman and her husband whose actions are influenced by the personifications of vice and virtue there a series of moral lessons

    And encounters with various allegorical figures the play emphasizes the importance of choosing virtue over viice and the consequences of moral choices Fons and lcre reflects the medieval traditions and morality plays which were popular during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance and aimed to instruct audiences on moral and religious themes

    Lavidad besides being Christmas in Spanish was a Spanish Fort that Christopher Columbus and his crew established on the northeastern coast of Hispanola located in what is now Haiti lvid was the first European Colony established in the new world during the age of Discovery although it was destroyed by the native tyo people the

    Following year Columbus called the port Puerto de la Navidad Christmas Port the day he landed there today there is no conclusive evidence on the ex spot of the settlement and debates somewhere was located are still pretty common The Bishop’s ban of 1599 also known as The Bishop’s Bible ban refers

    To the decree issued by the English Bishops in 1599 to prohibit the printing and distribution of unauthorized editions of the Bible the decree was a response to the growing popularity of non-conformist or Puritan translations of the Bible which were seen as a challenge toward the authority of the

    Established church of England the most notable of these unauthorized translations was the Geneva Bible which contained extensive notes and commentary reflecting Puritan Theology and views on Church governance the Winchester manuscript also known as the Winchester Anthology is a medieval manuscript containing a diverse collection of English literature from the late 14th

    And the early 15th centuries it is named after Winchester College where it was housed for several centuries before being acquired by the British Library the manuscript is significant for its rich and varied content which includes works of poetry Pros religious texts and historical documents one of the most

    Famous works found in the wichester manuscript is Sir G and the Green Knight a middle English romance poem that is considered one of the finest examples of aruan literature for our final entry of tier 4 which was a huge tier is cardeno Cardo is a lost play attributed to

    William Shakespeare and his collaborator John Fletcher It is believed to have been written around 1612 and is based on the character cardeno from Miguel de sant’s novel Don kyot the play tells the story of cardo a young nobleman who is betrayed by his friend and lover leading

    To a series of tragic events despite his popularity during Shakespeare’s lifetime cardo has not survived in any complete form and its exact content and structure remain a subject of mystery however fragments of the play do survive as well as references to its performance cardeno is often cited as one of Shakespeare’s

    Lost plays and efforts to reconstruct or adapt the work have continued into the present day beginning tier five we have the Renaissance continuity thesis this thesis posits that the Renaissance was not a complete break from the Middle Ages but rather a period of continuity and gradual Evolution from medieval

    Traditions according to this thesis many aspects of Renaissance culture including art literature philosophy and science were rooted in earlier medieval developments and were shaped by ongoing cultural intellectual and social trends while the Renaissance is often characterized by its emphasis on humanism individualism and the Revival of classical Antiquity proponents of the

    Continuity thesis argue that these elements were present to some extent in medieval Europe and were further developed and expanded upon during the Renaissance it suggests that the Renaissance should be understood as part of a broader historical Continuum rather than as a distinct and isolated phenomenon the first mention of

    Psychology is a distinct field of study can be traced back to ancient Greece particularly to the philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle while the term psychology itself was not used in the modern sense these early philosophers explored questions related to the human mind Consciousness and behavior Plato

    For example discussed the nature of the soul and its relationship to the body in works such as fedo and the Republic Aristotle often regarded as the father of psychology wrote extensively on topics such as perception memory emotion and learning I’m not totally sure how this one relates to the Renaissance

    Though feel free to let me know if you know how next up we have charlamagne’s manifestos Charlamagne also known as Charles the great was a prominent figure in medieval European history who ruled as king of the Franks he later became Holy Roman Emperor in 800 the first one

    And there’s no record of him issuing manifestos in the modern sense of the term however Charlamagne did Issue various decrees Charters and legislative documents in his capitularies which were intended to govern his realm and regulate aspects of governance law and administration these covered a wide range of topics including land tenure

    Taxation Justice religious Affairs and education and it’s a bit early to be included in the Renaissance Iceberg I think Lala is a pastoral novel written by the Spanish renan’s author Miguel de cantes and published in 1585 it is considered one of cervantes’s early works and is divided into two parts the

    First part of Lala consists of six books and follows the adventures of a group of Shepherds and shepherdesses in the Pastoral setting of The Montes de Toledo in central Spain the novel combines elements of romance adventure and pastoral poetry and explores themes of Love friendship more however there is no

    Second part of laala cantes had originally planned to write a continuation of the novel but never completed it instead he focused his efforts on other literary projects including his most famous work Don kote Leonardo D Vinci researched dead bodies while this far down on the iceberg is not a mystery or anything

    Obscure for that matter either the renowned Italian Renaissance polymath was known for his insal curiosity as part of his extensive anatomical studies Leonardo indeed researched dead bodies primarily through dissection both human and animal his anatomical sketches and notes found in his famous notebooks reveal detailed observations of the skeletal muscular circulatory and

    Nervous systems among others emoi also known as the positions or the 16 Pleasures was a notorious work of erotic art created during the Italian Renaissance it consisted of a series of explicit Engravings depicting various positions accompanied by sonets describing each the Engravings were originally commissioned by the Italian

    Noble woman Isabella Dei and created by the artist Mar Antonio ramoni in 24 however the work quickly gained notoriety for its explicit content and was suppressed by the church leading to the arrest of ramoni and the destruction of many copies the endtown plays also known as the ludus Coventry or Coventry cycle are

    A collection of medieval English mystery plays dating back to the late 15th century these plays were performed by Craft guilds in the town of Coventry England as part of religious festivals and celebrations particularly during the Feast of Corpus Christie the end toown plays Encompass a wide range of biblical

    Stories from the creation to the last judgment and were intended to educate and entertain audiences while conveying moral and Theological messages the plays were performed in Cycles with each Guild responsible for staging a particular episode or series of episodes while the original manuscript of the endtown plays have not survived they were transcribed

    And preserved in later manuscripts Thomas Nash’s the aisle of dogs is a play written by the Elizabethan playwright Thomas Nash in collaboration with Ben Johnson it was performed in 1597 but was quickly suppressed by the authorities due to its politically and socially controversial content the was set on the aisle of dogs

    An area near London associated with prostitutes and crime and it contains satirical and inflammatory references to contemporary politics and figures in the government the play was deemed seditious and offensive leading to the arrest of Nash and Johnson as well as the closure of the theaters which it was performed

    Consequently the aisle of dogs was lost to history and no copies of the original text have survived despite his controversial reputation the play remains a subject of Fascination for Scholars La idea Del architectura Universal the idea of universal architect Ure is A Treatise written by the Italian architect and theorist

    Vincenzo scosi first published in 1615 in this influential work scosi expounds his comprehensive vision of architecture as a universal and harmonious art form that encompasses both theoretical principles and practical applications he outlines his ideas on architectural design including proportions Aesthetics and construction techniques drawing upon classical principles and contemporary

    Innovations Ski’s Trea emphasizes the importance of unity order and symmetry in architectural composition reflecting the ideals of the Renaissance and broke periods Grand cavalo also known as the great horse was a colossal equestrian statue commissioned by lud vicho sorza Duke of Milan from the renowned Renaissance artist Da Vinci in the 15th

    Century the statue was intended to be the largest equestrian Monument of its time standing over 7 m or 24 ft tall and cast in bronze Leonardo meticulously designed the grand cavalo studying the anatomy and movement of horses to create a lifelike and dynamic representation of one however due to various challenges

    Including dur the outbreak of War and the scarcity of bronze the statue was never completed during Leonard’s Lifetime and in 1499 the bronze intended for the statue was used for military purposes and Leonardo’s clay model for the grand caval was destroyed by French troops Da Vinci was known for not

    Finishing a lot of his commissioned works as well the dissolution of the monasteries was a series of administrative and legal actions against Catholics initiated by King Henry VII of England in the 1530s the dissolution involved the confiscation and dismantling of monastic institutions including monasteries naries and priories throughout England

    This process was part of Henry VI’s broader campaign to assert Royal Supremacy over the church in England and to consolidate his power and wealth the monastic properties and assets seized during the dissolution were redistributed to the crown or sold off to Nobles and Wealthy land owners contributing to the enrichment of the

    Royal Treasury and the secular Elite the dissolution had profound consequences for English religious and social life it also paved the way for the English reformation and the establishment of the Church of England as the National Church independent of papal Authority Adam un Paradise refers to a dramatic

    Work that was began but never completed by John Milton which was intended as a sequel to his epic poem Paradise Lost in this unfinished play Milton planned to depict the events following Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden exploring their experiences and interactions in the Fallen World while

    Milton’s intentions for this work are known from his notes and outlines the actual text of the play remains incomplete with only fragments and drafts surviving the posi conspiracy was a failed coup attempt against the Michi family led by the pzi family in 1478 the plot was orchestrated by members of the

    Pzi family with the support of Pope 6us IV the conspiracy culminated in the assassination attempt on Lorenzo deichi and his brother Juliano during mass at the Florence cathedral on April 26th 1478 during the attack Juliano de Michi was killed but Lorenzo escaped with minor injuries the conspirators planned

    To take control of the city quickly unraveled as the Florentine populace rallied in support of the Michi and the py family members involved in the plot were swiftly apprehended and executed the failure of the py conspiracy Sol IED the medich family’s grip on the power in Florence and led to a brutal Crackdown

    On their political Rivals the event also had significant repercussions Beyond Florence straining relations between the city state and the papacy and contributing to broader political instability in Italy during the Renaissance the jewel of Venza refers to the theatro olympico the Olympic theater located in Venza Italy designed by the

    Renaissance architect Andrea padio in the late 16th century it is considered one of his masterpieces and a symbol of the city’s culture the theater is notable for its semicircular seating arrangement and stage set known as the seni France which resembles ancient Roman architecture the interior is adorned with elaborate frescos creating

    An illusion of depth and the theatro olympico is the oldest surviving indoor theater in the world the wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic conflicts that took place in England during the late 15th century between the Rival houses of Lancaster and York the wars were characterized by a series of battles

    Political intrigues and shifting alliances between the lancastrian and the yorkist factions culminating in the establishment of the tutor Dynasty under Henry II in 1485 the most notable battles of the wars include the battles of tton Barnett and Bosworth field and the wars resulted in significant political upheaval and social turmoil in

    England leading to the eventual consolidation of power under the tutor monarchs and the end of the plantagenet dynasty I highly recommend the book The Wars of the Roses by Dan Jones uh it explains the complex Wars really well the bonfire of the vanities was a historical event that occurred in

    Florence Italy in 1497 it was a religious and political event organized by the Dominican fire zamo zavan morola who had risen to prominence as a preacher advocating for moral and religious reform the bonfire involved the burning of various items considered sinful or frivolous including books art cosmetics and other luxury goods however

    The bonfire of the vanities also led to widespread censorship and the destruction of valuable cultural artifacts sparking controversy and resistance among Florentine citizens the siblin book or the book of sibles is a medieval German manuscript dating back to the 12th century ad it’s a compilation of prophecies attributed to various cbles or mythical

    Prophetesses from classical Antiquity these prophecies were often interpreted as predicting future events including the coming of Christ and the end of the world the sium book contains a collection of poetic verses Pros passages and illustrations depicting scenes from the lives of the cils and their prophetic Visions again I’m not

    Totally sure why this High SL early late medieval thing is on the list but still cool nonetheless the castle of perseverance is a medieval morality play believed to been written in the early 15th century it is one of the earliest surviving English morality plays and it is notable for its allegorical depiction

    Of the struggle between good and evil for the soul of mankind the play centers around the character of mankind who is tempted and led astray by vices such as worldly wise and fleshly lust however with the guidance of characters such as good Angel and Penance mankind ultimately finds Redemption and achieves

    Salvation and morality play is just a genre of medieval and early tutor drama that imparts moral lessons while entertaining the audience these plays feature personified Concepts often virtues and vices alongside Angels and Demons too the maret controversy was a theological and political dispute that occurred in England during the late 16th

    Century specifically between 1588 and 1589 it revolved around a series of anonymous pamphlets known as the mar prolate tracks which were critical of the Church of England and its hierarchy the tracks were written in a satirical and often inflammatory style attacking Bishops and clergy for perceived corruption hypocrisy and abuses of power

    Controversy escalated as the authorities attempted to suppress the distribution of the tracks leading to arrests and prosecutions of suspected authors and printers despite efforts to uncover the identity of the marpet authors they remain Anonymous adding to the Intrigue and mystery surrounding the controversy the Shakespeare authorship thesis is a

    Longing debate in literary circles regarding the true IDE of the author Behind The Works attributed to William Shakespeare while the majority of Scholars accept William Shakespeare of statford upon aan is the rightful author a minority posits alternative candidates such as Francis Bacon Christopher Marlo or Edward D the Earl of Oxford Advocates

    Of alternative theories often point to perceived inconsistencies in Shakespeare’s biography the absence of manuscripts in his handwriting and the complex of the works as evidence for their claims however mainstream scholarly consensus overwhelmingly supports Shakespeare’s authorship based on historical records contemporary references and textual analysis as well

    Love labors one is a title that has intrigued Scholars and Shakespeare enthusiasts for centuries as it appears in list of Shakespeare’s plays but no surviving copy has been found some scholars believe that love labors one may have been an alternative title for one of Shakespeare’s known Works

    Possibly much to do about nothing or The Taming of the Shrew others suggest that it could be a lost play altogether with no surviving man scripture records it’s just one thing in the many many Shakespeare Mysteries the Garian War also known as the war of Spanish secession was a

    Conflict that occurred in the late 17th and early 18th centuries in Europe This primarily fought between two coalitions the Grand Alliance led by England Austria and the Dutch Republic and the bourbon Alliance led by France and Spain the war was sparked by disputes over the succession of the Spanish throne and

    Concerns among European powers about the balance of power on the continent the Garian War saw a series of military campaigns and battles across Europe and its colonies resulting in significant loss of life and widespread Devastation the conflict finally ended in 1713 with the signing of the Treaty of utre which

    Established a new balance of power in Europe and marked the decline of Spanish influence as a major European power again a little late to be included in this Iceberg though I assume it’s here because the history and the factors behind this war are rooted in the Renaissance

    Kinda the miracle of 1511 was a festival in Brussels in which the locals built approximately 110 snowmen and of these more than half of the snowmen portrayed lewd characters snowmen built where a Snowman that was seducing another snowman a snowman and a snow woman having you know what in front of a town

    Fountain and a snow boy peeing locals decided to use the snowmen to protest and the different classes each constructed different kinds of snowmen rich and poor and the poor would destroy snowmen built by The Rolling classes eventually the miracle ended when the snow melted during the following spring

    Which led to flooding in Brussels though about 100 snowmen causing flooding I’m not totally sure I guess that’s where the miracle comes in at and later that month when the water was gone the king of France donated 1,000 gold coins to the town for our last entry of tier 5 we

    Have the lamentation foreshadows the Renaissance the lamentation a subject depicted in various artworks throughout history including paintings and sculptures is a religious scene portraying the mning and lamentation of Christ’s body after the crucifixion while it primarily holds religious significance some Scholars argue that the themes and artistic techniques employed in lamentation artworks

    Foreshadowed elements of the Renaissance for instance the emphasis on human emotion and expression as well as the attention to anatomical detail in depicting the human form additionally the use of perspective and composition and lamentation artworks demonstrates a growing interest in realism and spatial representation characteristics that would become defining features of

    Renaissance art thus while the lamentation remains rooted in religious tradition and times before the typical Renaissance Era we think of its artistic portrayal seemingly hints at the Innovations and advancements that would come to Define the Renaissance period as a whole for our final tier tier six we

    Are beginning it with the isidori and Renaissance the isidori and Renaissance refers to a period of intellectual and cultural Revival that occurred in the Iberian Peninsula during the reign of the visigothic king Isidor of Isidor was a prominent cleric and Scholar who played a significant role in promoting learning and education

    Throughout his visigothic kingdom under his patronage and influence a flourishing of scholarship and intellectual activity took place characterized by the preservation and dissemination of classical knowledge as well as a production of original Works in theology philosophy science and literature isidor’s most famous work is the etmi an encyclopedia that

    Synthesized a wide range of classical and Christian Learning serving as a compendium of knowledge for Scholars in the Middle Ages the is adorian Renaissance lay the groundwork for the cultural and intellectual achievements of the later medieval period in Spain contributing to the development of a distinctive Iberian intellectual

    Tradition the scriptio herbus Romi Latin for description of the city of Rome is a term used to describe literary Works Maps or illustrations that provide detailed descriptions of the city of Rome its landmarks and its historical significance throughout history various authors historians and artists have created descriptions of Rome offering

    Insights into the city’s layout architecture topography cultural heritage and more these descriptions often serve as a valuable source for understanding the urban development of ancient Rome and later on to the Renaissance and Beyond as well as its role as the center of the Roman Empire it can take the form of writings art

    Basically anything that helps to describe Rome and they still kind of exist today the Earth Hamlet meaning basically the original Hamlet is a hypothetical play believed to preceded William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy Hamlet well no definitive evidence of the ear Hamlet’s existence exists Scholars speculate that it may be an

    Earlier version or Source material from which Shakespeare Drew inspiration for his own play from references to an earlier Hamlet appear in historical documents including records from the Elizabethan era and some Scholars suggest that the ER Hamlet may have been written by Thomas kid or another contemporary playright of the era the

    Existence of the earth Hamlet remains a subject of debate and speculation among Shakespearean Scholars as well the parnassum of Luis vase refers to literary works of Luis De kamois a celebrated Portuguese poet of the Renaissance period kamo is best known for his epic poem O lcadas the luciad

    Which recounts of Portuguese Voyages of Discovery and celebrates the nation’s Maritime achievements OS lucias is considered one of the greatest works of Portuguese literature and a masterpiece of epic poetry and in addition to OS lucias camos wrote numerous other poems sonnets and lyrical compositions many of which are collected in anthologies or

    Compilations known as parnassum parag granum is a work by paracelsus the Renaissance physician Alchemist and philosopher this work is one of paracelsus’s most important writings and is considered a foundational text in the history of alchemy and Medicine in paragram paracelsus expounds his revolutionary theories on the nature of diseases

    Health and the human body challenging traditional medical practices and advocating for a more holistic approach to Healing he introduces Concepts such as the archaus a vital force within the body responsible for maintaining health and discusses the use of minerals plants and metals in medicinal remedies the Romance of the devil’s fart

    Or leant de Dia sorry for my probably bad French is not a specific literary work but rather a satirical phrase used to describe comical situation or absurd stories in French romant is a play on the word Roman which basically means novel or romance novel while peo diabl translates to basically fart of the

    Devil this expression may be used to describe something ridiculous nonsensical or far-fetched and it’s often employed in a light-hearted or humorous context kajia was a serial killer is a speculative theory that lacks conclusive evidence from what I could find kagio the renowned Italian broke painter lived in the late 16th and

    The early 17th centuries and is celebrated for his Innovative artistic style and dramatic use of light and Shadow and while kio’s life was marked by incidents of violence and confrontations particularly his involvement in fights and the like there’s no definitive historical proof to support the assertion that he was a

    Serial killer that I could find instead the sensationalized notion of kagio as a serial killer is often based on conjecture and a sensationalized interpretation of historical anecdotes other than that I could not find much evidence on this Theory at all next up we have Ogar Arin and before starting

    This I’m very sorry in advance for my awful pronunciations of gaic Ogar rain was at work by the Irish author double Tac Mac fbai and only fragments of it still survive it’s a missing work and the first draft and portions of it are the only remaining things that are

    Mentioned from other sources and the author ferai was one of the last traditionally trained Irish GIC Scholars and is known largely for his history and genealogies other than that I cannot find much about ug rain and if you know anything else please feel free to let me

    Know next up we have Rome almost went bankrupt during the razon Rome faced significant financial challenges but it did not almost go bankrupt in the modern sense of bankruptcy the city’s finances were often strained due to factors such as costly building projects military campaigns and the patronage of the Arts

    By the papacy and wealthy families and popes such as Leo I 10th incurred substantial debts to fund their Lifestyles and Artistic Endeavors leading to financial difficulties for the papal treasury however Rome’s financial troubles were typically managed through measures such as increasing taxes borrowing money Etc rather than facing bankruptcy despite

    These challenges Rome remained a center of wealth power and culture during the Renaissance and other other than that all the bankruptcy Theory claims are about ancient Rome and mostly their Early Republic the hne Falco thesis formulated by artist David Hackney and physicist Charles M Falco in the early 2000s proposes that optical devices

    Particularly the camera obscura which is basically a box where images with the use of light are projected onto surfaces were utilized by Renaissance artists to achieve remarkable realism and perspective in their paintings the thesis suggest that artists such as Da Vinci John Van Ike and more may have

    Employed these ticles aids to project images under their canvases allowing them to trace outlines and capture intricate details with unparalleled Precision according to Hackney and Falco the use of optical instruments could explain the extraordinary lifelike quality observed in certain Renaissance artworks some question the validity of

    The hocky fal thesis and argue that it oversimplifies the complexities of artistic creation others have embraced it as a groundwork theory that sheds new light on the methods employed by Renaissance artists though it is possible to create life like pictures or paintings without such tools and people

    Of the era more than capable of doing that still it is an interesting Theory nonetheless and Camera Obscura is a cool object to look into otherwise for our very last entry on this entire Iceberg we have Pope Leo I 10th made elaborate plans for a crusade the medich pope who

    Reigned from 1513 to 1521 was fervently dedicated to the idea of launching a crusade during his papacy believing it to be a pivotal opportunity to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites for Muslim control Leo the 10th meticulously orchestrated elaborate plans for his ambitious military campaign his vision for the Crusade extended being beond

    Religious fervor he saw it as a means to assert papal Authority and unite European Christian kingdoms against the ottoman Empire’s expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean as well Leo the 10th engaged in extensive diplomatic efforts to Garner support from European rulers and forged alliances with influential leaders such as Emperor

    Maximillian the 1 and King Francis the first of France despite his strategic maneuvering and fervent appeals Leo the 10th faced significant challenges in realizing his Crusade Ambitions Financial constraints political rivalries and the outbreak of conflicts in Europe thwarted his plans ultimately leaving his Crusade aspirations unfulfilled nevertheless Leo the 10’s

    Relentless pursuit of a crusade underscored his commitment to the papal Mission and his aspirations for United Christian front against threats in the East all right everyone that about does it for this Iceberg um I truly appreciate all the support I’ve gotten recently and if you stuck around to the

    End thank you for that too I think this iceberg is a good sequel to the medieval mystery Iceberg I did it’s undoubtedly better put together and more coherent I think I know last video I said I probably wasn’t going to do an iceberg as my next video but I got caught up

    When I saw this one and thought it was cool so I just worked on this one but there is a non Iceberg video coming soon plus more icebergs in the works too of course yeah if you want to subscribe that’s cool if not that’s also cool too

    Just thank you for watching any support is much welcomed um I will see you guys sooner rather than later I hope and thank you and have a great day All You Beautiful People


    1. 46:00 I think "portrait of a young man" is likely referring to the painting of the same name by Botticelli, which supposedly was quite influential as previous to this many portraits were painted in profile (side-on) or in a sort of quarter-turn, but his is a fully frontal portrait which is more commonly what we associated with portraits today. There are some videos on youtube which explain the particulars but that's the overview!

    2. In the school of Athens I wish you mentioned Averroes, Muslim polymath and jurist from Andalusia who was known in the west for his many commentaries on Aristotle, pictured in the painting.

      Great video though you’ve improved a lot in your synchronization and articulation ever since your empire iceberg. And ik these are icebergs so every entry isn’t or can’t be so so so detailed but just food for though mentioning things when possible or things you’d want to say🧐

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