This 35 mins ride is action packed full of variety and intensity! Join Paul for this advanced interval session which will certainly burn some serious calories along the way!

    Push harder, train together. RI:ID

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    1. I Am Unbreakable – Niklas Johansson
    2. Berlin – Xack
    3. Dance Freak – Duckmaw
    4. Snow White – Power Druid
    5. Start – Rambutan
    6. Say We’re Sorry (Hallman Remix) – Loving Caliber
    7. Descendence – Rambutan
    8. Familiar Lights – Jones Meadow
    9. Save – Alphascan
    10. Learning to Sleep – DEX 1200

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    This is an advanced level indoor cycling/exercise/training session. Discontinue your session immediately if you experience any pain, dizziness or discomfort. It is the responsibility of the viewer/participant to ensure that they are medically fit to complete the training session/programme/exercise session and to have sought a General Practitioners approval to attend and participate with any training session/training programme/exercise session. I understand and agree that I undertake the training session/fitness training programme/exercise session – entirely at my own risk and that no responsibility whatsoever shall be attached to any person involved in RIID for any injury, accidents, loss or damage suffered by me or by reason of the training provided, however such may be caused. I am healthy, I have my doctor’s approval to undertake a training session/physical training program/exercise classes/ training session.

    I hereby state that I have read and understood the above. I state that I wish to participate in activities of varying intensities, which may include indoor cycling, body weight exercises, resistance exercises, flexibility exercises and corrective exercises. I accept that the participation in any physical exercise is not without the risk of injury and even death.

    I hereby confirm that I am voluntarily engaging in participation, with the option to stop at any point. I personally accept full liability for any loss, damage, injury or death which may occur as a result of embarking on such a programme of physical

    I have read and understood the above.

    Hi welcome to ride my name is paul and this is a 35 minute indoor cycling journey are you ready to ride settle in keep calm and let’s ride smooth from the very very start hand position number two just to the outside nice light grip nice relaxed shoulders really long strong body cadence wise

    85 slipping away a little bit so a little bit of resistance on that 85 cadence effort level we’re just starting we’re warming up so we use that effort chart on the right hand side 10 is working at your hardest one is at rest currently 3 4 work rate on your perceived effort

    To keep it really smooth and you are in charge of resistance throughout this journey together the effort level will rise and we will have moments of recovery through this 35 minutes it is action-packed and believe me i’ve squeezed a huge amount into this journey let me talk about that now

    Starting off with this nice warm-up flat lovely flat smooth road ride along 85 cadence really focus on smooth battle strokes then we’re gonna hit a little biting climb a little fighting climb we’ll be working hard of it we’re gonna hit a tabata climb then we’re gonna hit the flats with some

    Rollers off seated work today building that leg power and speed we finish off with a couple little pokey climbs which are to change the legs let’s finish with a nice fast little blast to the end then we’ll warm it down and that is going to be a very efficient very productive

    35 minutes on the bike where our fitness levels will go up we will certainly be burning a ton of calories and hopefully we’ll be smiling at the end happy with what you’ve achieved for now let’s settle in on that beat relax and focus got 45 seconds until the warm-up is over

    Ever level creeping up four five out of ten squeezing that resistance on and keeping that 85 cadence we must make sure we are breathing all the way through this that’s pretty important make sure if you you’ve got a drink to hand and your towel to mop up the sweat remember

    Work at your pace look at your intensity let’s go all in let’s give it the best we can resistance on the flat road is finished we start to climb a 70 cadence it’s not steep it’s just annoyingly a slight incline to challenge those legs so bring that cadence down from 85

    Down to 70. power on people driving let’s go good solid feet on the beat tap tap it out good ever level breathing up six seven out of ten in that groove warming those legs up great start still in position number two solid on the saddle good job guys

    We’re climbing strong there’s a lot of work in the saddle today build those legs nice and strong but don’t worry there’s any moments when you’re tacking out the saddle let’s climb together climbing strong going up breathe it out keep an eye on that cadence coming to a little bit of a ridge

    Soft pedal two one good keep at 70. effort level correct up seven and a half eight out of ten now he’s cruising along the top a little bit more we’re gonna go up again a little bit more of an incline keep that resistance covered 30 seconds keeping on that 70k

    We’re going to be going out the saddle this time in hand position number three resistance on we’re gonna go from two to three to shake it out four three two one and up four three two one down good has a little taste of what’s coming up because we’re going to

    Be going up a steeper climb which drops to 62 rpm and we’re going to be going 20 seconds up and 10 seconds down for four minutes we’re gonna be going from two to three giving you a ten second warning resistance on i want you working hard

    Effort level six seven out of ten we’re going up to eight to nine get ready climbing strong position to prepare yourself will be working hard at the saddle position three two one up good on the feet tap it out breathing strong nice light hands don’t grip the bike too

    Hard ten seconds and we’re down breathe five seconds three two smooth good take a little bit of resistance if you need to Ready to go up again three two one up we go good 20 seconds whoa effort level eight eight and a half out of ten come on guys we’re meeting business today we’re climbing strong with tabata style 20 seconds on 10 seconds off eight seconds ever level eight and a half out of ten

    Three two one position two take a little bit off if you need to strong and smooth we’re still climbing still steep four seconds to out the saddle three two up and go position three make sure the shoulders are relaxed chest is proud ten seconds because climb is getting steeper that work rate is

    Going up with five seconds check that cadence are you there landing the feet on the beat two one good smooth i didn’t touch my resistance and i’m working hard at this climb hardly any recovery it’s just relentless two one up good smooth another 20 come on Feet on the beat tap tap nice work guys i’m watching you work keep an eye on me make sure my form’s good i’m keeping on you three two one good whoa we’re climbing up again in three two one and up good keep it going guys come on focus

    That’s getting steep come on effort level eight and a half nine out of ten legs are burning legs on fire three two one good oh no time to think we’re climbing strong as a team get ready to go into one and up again 20 seconds tapping it out tap tap good

    We’re deep in it now guys we’re committed we’re climbing to the top five seconds get ready to go from three to two to one climbing strong four up again in two one smooth and climbing check that cadence use the music good work guys ten seconds Strong and stable legs are on fire now it’s early two one good and position two stay focused guys stay with me three two one and up again learning home this climb you can see the top let’s work together ten seconds position three shoulders down three two one position two good job guys

    Still climbing still climbing two one good wow hand position number two still keeping that cadence that work rate came from that eight and a half nine out of ten bring it down your recovery spin you’re gonna keep it on the beat 62 for effort level the workload has come

    Down the work rates come we’re down on the flats guys from a location to a much higher 88 rpm good spin those legs flush it out take a drink on board nice have a look at your cadence what are you doing should be about 88 position number two good form

    Focus flat beautiful road smooth riding together as a group start together finish together Enjoy this the work rate is coming right down six seven out of ten aerobic recovery you deserve it we need it so we can work harder at the next intervals spinning those legs feels nice to spin at 88. think about these pedal strokes beautiful circles using all the muscles in the lower body

    For keeping that core strong good work guys always thinking get ready Position Running on a flat good position two upper level comes up to seven seven half out of ten not a sprint nice to get out stretch the legs doing really really well great start flap just a few rollers keep you going out and stab stretching those legs position two

    The low controlled seven seven half out of ten so those legs burning a little bit faster cadence than that to batter hill climb keep a check on that cadence looking good on that flat flying along look at each other good Good work guys control it load through the pedals still seven seven and a half out of ten and we’ll be sitting down very soon 20 seconds Great posture running on that flat road Hold it together we’re going to sit down very soon keep that legs keep those legs turning 88 cadence two one down breathe take a drink on board if you need one control get ready to go out saddle again position two knot three not a sprint resistance on four seconds ready two one up

    Four three two one down Two one up four three two one down four three two one up Three two one down four three two one up Two one down four three two one up two one down four three two one up Three two one down Four three two one up Four three two one down one more Up we go four three two one down good keep it spinning 88 rpm great work guys breathe it out we’re still on the flat 87 rpm mop the brow grab a drink if you need to nice deep breaths we’re on the flats riding the team but there’s going to be

    Some flat attacks which means because he’s a burst of speed and intensity be ready in position two 20 seconds are you ready flat sprint flat speed attacks at the level six seven out of ten but gonna be rising build it up eight seconds resistance on a little bit keep with that cadence 87

    2 1 go strong and stable come on powerful sprints on the flat guys attacking keep it going guys follow the interval clock that intensity rises up to eight eight and a half out of ten strong and stable and smooth pedal efficiency power on come on wow checking that cadence

    Making sure it’s all good hold on guys come on working together Driving forward the speed is crazy you’re riding so well come on keep with it Let’s improve that fitness let’s burn those calories off wow come on guys 10 seconds Breathe squeeze recovery coming up two one easy soft pedal with that cadence 87 i got the heart rate going that was tough tough on the legs we haven’t finished yet though another one in 10 seconds but this time i’m going to attack position three standing attack

    Two one go wow mean and nasty but i’m attacking on the flat standing sprint at position three Good work guys position three tap it away use the music look at the road ahead it’s flat it’s fast we’re racing head to head Hold on Relax in the upper body slump chest brow come on soft elbows pumping those legs Great work 20 seconds to go drive on Hold on guys standing sprint little attack Get to that imaginary finish line oh no not finish line but imaginary sprint line hold on two one spin easy breathe And finishes off with an incline hand position number two the legs are spinning as the incline increases so we add the resistance allow the heart rate to come down even though we’re climbing we’re controlling that efficiency controlling that work rate through the pedals position number two soft pedal good

    Use as a recovery let the heart rate come down work ready six seven out of ten gradual climb okay two minutes 30 of climbing check that cage 67 Ready to stand up at the resistance effort level creeping up we’re gonna go from two to three standing climb slow arcade and tap the saddle position three two one and up standing climb position three good work guys wow i am boiling here struggling to hold on to the bike

    Good climb guys come on 64k let’s have a check looking good to me tapping it out good again We’re gonna be sitting down in eight seconds still climbing are you ready Effort level eight out of ten stay with me strong and smooth remember that Focus and breathe Ready to go again from two to three have you got enough resistance on Ready lesson five resistance on again two one and up position three good one minute to top of this little spiky climb feet on the b riding smooth f level eight eight and a half out of ten You guys have done so well so far keeping me keep me in check keeping on my toes we’re riding well as a group as a team keep it going guys come on Less than 15 seconds we’ll be seated again in the saddle Keep climbing take a little bit off Keep that cadence 64. effort level drops down from the work rate through the pedals great job and now it’s time to get back on the flats spin those legs aerobically let the work rate come down but not off completely i want you to back up to a

    Six and a half seven out of ten work rate so it’s controlled position number two flat and smooth let’s ping it along 87 rpm There it is think of that number plan the feet on the beat right foot tap tap tapping away good give me a little bit of a breather oh coming together as a group as a team we’re grabbing our drinks talking about the journey ahead from now on what’s approaching Flat a little climb and a fast finish but now we’re keeping it level seven out of ten aerobically keeping it controlled allowing us to take to the next level when we need to Vision is poor because what i can see is raindrops i swear drops through my eyelids i need a bucket around my head catching it keep it smooth guys you need a recovery so we’re not just maxing out all the time This flat road is nice it’s a nice recovery but we’re gonna get out the saddle and run on that flat again so hand position two not a sprint not a sprint and we’re going to be out the saddle position two are you ready 20 seconds

    Land your feet on the beat tap tap tap good get ready to come out the saddle into strong and make sure you have enough resistance on eight seconds Roughly three two one Nice stretching out every level creeps up a little bit seven and a half we’re just running on that flat road Looking around enjoying each other’s company with a minute up this flat road and then we’ve got a hill just in the distance we’re coming for it we’re going to tackle together Four three two one down four three two one up three two one down good Two one up What the brow i need to Big finish coming up stay in position two that 87 cadence is gonna drop so start to glide it on oh you can see it we’re at the bottom of it and we’re going to go up it just under five minutes of climbing position two into the groove settling

    Less than 10 minutes to the finish and everyone was focused and doing the very best job they can let’s go guys come on This winding climb is seriously steep 62 effort level eight eight and a half out of ten already come on 15 seconds we’re gonna have to get out of the saddle it’s getting too steep your legs are burning if you want to add some more challenge yourself add it on

    We’re gonna go from two to three Two one slide up nice job guys position three come on climb strong with me check that cadence where are you tapping away good standing climb building that strength in the legs making sure we’re gripping too tight Come on finish this off feel this climb You feel the intensity of it it’s only doing this good feeling those legs nice and strong keep it going come on we’re gonna be sitting down soon it’s gonna level off we’ll get to that point i’m gonna add a little bit more resistance come on we’re here for a good time

    An intense time productive time Effort level 8 touching that 9 out of 10. Equally as painful right and left when we sit down we can soften the resistance three two good position two effort level drops through the power going to the pedals keeping with that cadence not too much of a break we’re still climbing we’re gonna go back up so cover that resistance

    Just check that cadence right foot tap tap good strong and smooth We’re going up again one minute 43 to the top ever level Dropped off a little bit seven and a half out of ten Position three seconds resistance going on Going back up eight Ready three two one up One minute to the top of this one Good Tap tap tap come on we’re getting closer to it less than a minute to go We’ve done so well we’re under six minutes Wow less than 40 seconds of this climb it is steep we’re grinding it out We’re holding great form though Standing climb my favorite i love being at the saddle love it on the legs i love it on the heart and lungs flat speed is tough come on guys climb to the top when we get to the top we haven’t finished gonna race you home working together two

    One down position two and take a little bit off resistance because the cadence rises back up to 85 watch it rise effort level went up that nine out of ten we’re gonna go strong now strong finish flat on the groove i said i didn’t like it seated effort

    That’s what’s coming up seated sprint gotta do what we didn’t like come on in the group are you ready position two seated sprints come on guys you’re nearly home two and a half minutes to the finish line build it up build it up resistance on effort level eight and a half

    Are you ready two one power wow this is the final you want two minutes to finish come on focus with me what’s the interval clock is counting down work hard come on wow keep it like cadence 85 power on what 50 seconds come on strong and smooth position two Power power power stable and strong come on work with me amazing work guys wow come on legs less than 20 seconds push it now i need some windscreen wipers come on push those legs drive strong wow come on legs hold on for me five seconds two once on battle wow We haven’t finished yet though quick breather soften the legs cover that resistance wow about the saddle standing sprint this is the finish covered up resistance mates you’ve got enough to go up keeping that cadence three two one go nice and strong position three adapt and add some more strong standing sprints

    Come on guys come on come on the finish line is in sight come on you and me right to the end outstanding come on 20 seconds to go tapping away good job guys Less than 15 seconds big sprint Wow on that cadence two one woohoo let’s have a minute The warm down though as essential as every track in every session position number two resistance low keep with that cadence to keep those legs spinning at 87. Position two good form relax with the upper body just breathe it out take your time Good guys this one down it’s really short so if you want to do longer please do stay on for a little bit longer but everybody just keep in position number two that effort level has come down from that big nine and a half 10 out of 10 work rate

    Dropping down to eight seven six five four three out of ten so the effort from the pedals is light we’re spinning those legs heart rate is coming down recovering hopefully quickly position number two well i hope you enjoyed it if you did please support us with the tip button

    Or support us through patreon um if you didn’t love the session please hit that like button and if you haven’t done already please hit that subscribe button and we love to hear from you so please leave a comment below or follow us through the social media channel so we can

    See all your training pictures and selfies and see how you’re getting on at home that was a lot of work in 35 minutes did amazingly well See you on a bike still on a ride very soon


    1. I must have done Paul's workouts 100 times, but that last sprint on this session gets me every time. I think today is the first time I have remained standing. Even the music makes me shudder now.

    2. Paul Ryman and Annie Carpenter. My online spin bike and online yoga instructor. Two people I can’t live without and I don’t even know you! Thanks so much for your classes Paul!!

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