What’s more Dutch than biking to tulip fields in this video we’ll show where to bike to the tulips in Holland. We traveled to the Netherlands in April 2022 and quickly headed out to the countryside of Holland to see the beautiful tulip fields. Follow along for our itinerary for a day of biking to tulip fields, tulip picking gardens, and the sand dunes. The Netherlands are famous for the beautiful colored tulip fields. Biking is great way to see these incredible flowers and you can bike nearby Keukenhof as well.

    Vlog Chapters:
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:00:49 Biking to the tulip fields
    00:02:45 De Tulperij
    00:04:45 Biking the sand dunes

    #tulipfields #holland #thenetherlands

    This morning we rented bikes. We rented them  here in Noordwijk and it was 12.50 for a day plus   a euro for like the insurance so 13.50 for the  day. Definitely not a bad price. We are going to  

    Bike now to a tulip shed and a tulip picking  farm again. We’re gonna compare it to the one   we saw yesterday. This one’s a little bit  different because it does have this tulip   shed that was restored from the 1930s. It is about  three miles from where we’re staying in Noordwijk,  

    So we will get started and we’re hoping to see  some just beautiful tulip fields along the way too.   We found some amazing fields! The original  destination De Bollenburcht seems to be closed   for the season. The building doesn’t look open  and the fields are empty but there are some other  

    Fields right nearby. Just make sure that when you  are visiting these kinds of fields that are just   on the side of you know the road that you’re not  walking in between the flowers. You don’t want to   damage them. These are you know the farmers  work and they are going to harvest them and  

    Sell them or whatever they do with them. The  ride over took longer than the 30 minutes that   google said it would, but it wasn’t too difficult.  I think it was actually closer to about four miles,   3.7 miles about nine kilometers. Then  we are going to actually cross the street  

    Because there are some more tulip fields  across the road and supposedly they also   have bulbs and seeds that they sell and food  so we’re getting a little hungry for a snack.   We are at De Tulperij across the street from  where we originally were trying to go. This was  

    Plan b, but I’m super glad we came here. It is  so cute. They have like the cutest little cafe   and they have this barn with antiques and it’s  just super adorable everything is decorated   really pretty and the flowers it’s kind of a small  little garden area but it’s really cool. They have  

    Them sectioned off by type and they list what  type they are, they have an activity for the kids,   they have a very small picking section, but  it’s really fun. It is super cute and I’m glad   that we stopped here. It’s definitely worth it . Their apple pie seems super popular. It sold  

    Out before we could try it, but we did try the  you know the dutch waffle stroopwafel and a   panini and it was it’s been a really nice break  from biking so highly recommend you stop by here.

    These are the two rows that you can pick the  tulips in. They give you a little bucket it’s   super cute and it’s 40 cents per tulip.  So I’m going to make a small bouquet just for fun.   I like that they have them the colors that  they planted all coordinate so they all  

    Match so your bouquet will look great.  You can’t you know mess it up too much. To finish up our day of biking we biked the  dunes from Noordwijk to Katwijk. The town   is super pretty and I wish we had more time to  explore, but we needed to take the bikes back  

    In time. It was a lot of biking today. You could  definitely do the dunes on another day since we   ended up biking close to 20 miles. The Netherlands  are absolute magic during the spring. Seeing all  

    The tulips was definitely worth the trip. Be sure  to like and subscribe and we’ll see you next time!  


    1. Love that explosion of yellow flowers! Were there bike paths separate from cars? Are the drivers more respectful of bike riders over there?

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