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    Flysky INR4 GYB is there an issue with calibration after updating?

    Flysky INr4 GYB Receiver

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    Are hi YouTube Welcome Back to another video from WTF RC cars so I’ve seen a lot of things kicking bar in the uh groups about the mb4 plus mb4 and Noble Pro um people seem to be having issues with the iron or 4 GB so I’ve got one set up in a

    And I’ve got all three transmitters I’m going to run through connect them to it see if we can find a problem with it seems to be specifically they can’t get calibration to run so we’ve got the receiver sat straight in between a high powerered Servo the motor fan a motor

    And the gyro set in middle of it so at first I’m going to try it see if the Cal see if it will connect and calibrate to all three of these receipts transmitters um for the video I’ll unplug the fans just so it’s not making a right racket if that works I’ll then

    Try plugging one plugging the fan in and see if that makes any difference to it but uh yeah let’s see if we can find this issue and see what causes it so first off we’ve got the mb4 I’ve set a model memory up for it so we’ll go into

    Menu and enhanced binding start bind if I can remember where buttons are I’ll press and hold the bind button and I think we got a power button here somewhere binding successful so we’re now bound so if we go into no not that one in fact that might have been right

    One so if we go into here first off it’s going to ask us to calibrate and it seems like this is where people aren’t issues so we’ll click calibrate calibration successful we get calibrate successful and you can see the Gyro’s working as it should if we disable it yep that’s

    Working so you can assign it to a button yeah we got it assigned so if we just press button on side we we’ got no gyro or Gyro and the calibration went through perfectly fine so if we go back into it calibration successful so definitely works fine with the

    Mb4 so we’ll power off again signal l shutting down so it does work with his mb4 we’ve got a model memory setup for the noble Pro so we’ll put it into bind mode press and hold the bind button power up binding successful so we got a steering set

    Up if we’re going to SVC it ask us to calibrate calibration successful and it’s calibrated successfully we got a working gyro and then it’s off why is that set to Turn that’s better so one press on one press off so gyro off gyro on if we’re go into SVC menu click calibrate calibration successful so not getting any problems with the pro signal shutting down so let’s try the mb4 plus I’m just wondering if it’s an

    Issue with the plus with it being a new transmitter finding successful so we got a steering we got a gyro if we go into SVC I remember where I put it on this one It’ll ask us to calibrate calibration successful so it calibrates and we got gyro off gyro on so that’s working

    Fine um so next thing to try let’s see if it’s an issue when it’s updated if we force update so if we go into the RX menu and we go to update Receiver right so what we need to do now is power off power on keeping the button held down

    And then you’ll get fast flashing light signal if I keep my finger on it so you should get a fast flashing light and if you just keep it held down eventually we should see the pattern change so now it’s changed to a slow flashing light three flashes and then a

    Pause so if we got to update receiver anr 4GB it looks like it’s taking the update so we’re now fully updated and it looks like was on the latest version anyway you can tell if you don’t have to rebind so gyro on gyro off so let’s find SVC

    Again and then calibrate so we’ve updated the firmware try and calibrate calibration successful so it calibrates absolutely fine so let’s try and power cycle see if we get an issue then signal shutting down welcome to noot plus so we’re now back on we got gyro off gyo on uh SVC menu gyro

    Calibrate calibration successful so it’s calibrating fine but I was kind of hoping that we could force an issue so let’s turn it off sh down let’s turn off the pro let’s go back to the MV4 welcome to Noble so let’s try and force update the firmware from an mb4 and see if that’ll

    Give us the problem so again powering on with the button constantly H down on receiver and we got Fast Flashing and then now we’ve changed to three flashers so if we go into there into menu update receiver in R4 update and again it’s updating receiver you see the light start flashing in different

    Patterns so it’s fully updated if we go to bind binding and then we just power off hold the bind button power back up Bing successful and if you notice I didn’t have it bound first you don’t need to have a receiver bound to be able to update

    It so we’ve got gyro on gyro off SVC ask us to calibrate calibration successful so definitely doesn’t have an issue updating off the mb4 signal so let’s power the mb4 downcome to let’s try the pro just stop me MV4 charging so if we got to update receiver IR

    R4 press and old as power button as bind button sorry not sure if you’ll see the flashing pattern but that’s now in update mode so we’ll update as receiver so we fully updated bind set enhanced power it off quick press that bind button and power it back

    On so we’re now bound back up got working steering no gyro press button gyro if we go back to SVC ask us to calibrate calibration successful so again calibration is working um now let’s see if we can cause some interference around it and cause it that way so

    We’ve got a really high powerered cooling fan so let’s power cycle It so let’s go into SVC menu go to calibration and again calibration successful so definitely not caused by a powerful cooling fan uh the only thing I can think is let’s say it was in at a really weird angle calibration successful nope so that calibrated uh what about if we’ve got it fixed

    On its side cration successful no this gyro this gyro just don’t seem to care which way around you have it it still works now it shouldn’t be able to calibrate if we’re constantly moving it so now now it’s taking longer to calibrate calibration successful and as soon as it stopped moving it still

    Calibrates so we’ve tried calibration from all three of these transmitters we’ve tried updating firway from all three of these transmitters um I’ve even had all three of these transmitters on while we’ve been doing it at various times um High powerered fan sat right outside of it and it sat in between a powerful

    Servo so I’m a bit of a loss as to what is actually causing the issue that people are having where it won’t calibrate um the only thing I’m wondering is is there some kind of issue with the power Le to them but I’m sure these these receivers can run from quite low

    Voltage yeah three and 3.5 to 9 volt and it’s a bit of an oddball ESC that I’m running on here as well it’s one of rudog so it’s um it’s not it’s not like it will only work with sort of hobbywing ESC or anything like that

    Um I mean we can take the ESC out of the equation Al together so if I disconnect I think that’s me Servo and the ESC let’s power it off a battery get that plugged in so this is powering off a battery and no ESC or anything calibration successful yep still works

    H signal lost it’s definitely a strange one this cuz I signal honestly cannot tell you why people are having issues with these but yeah that uh that is pretty much every different mix of thing I can throw at this uh INR 4GB and I cannot get it not to calibrate so in

    Summary we’ve updated the firmware off of each one of these transmitters we’ bound it to each one of these transmitters we’ve calibrated it offer each one after the firmware update before the firmware update to the best of my knowledge there’s only one firmware for the INR

    4GB and I’ve even tried putting the high powerered fan on and I can’t even get it to say calibration failed even when I’m moving it around it just waits till I stop moving it and then it calibrates and finishes so yeah bit inconclusive this one um

    Certainly one that I’d like to get to the bottom of but at the minute there doesn’t seem to be any way I can get this to fail to calibrate um we do have another INR 4GB and that is a much newer one that’s only been sent to me recently so let’s

    Dig that out and see if I can get that one to calibration fail so for this one I’ve never had it set up on this controller before so if we go to model select we’ll change to this model uh what’s this car it’s a D to Evo channel number definition that’s right it’s

    Four radio frequency two-way so we’ll come off that bind set enhanced then if I press and hold the bind button power it on versus sering so that’s right way we going to SVC it’s going to ask us to calibrate and again calibration successful uh set it to a

    Switch so we got gyro on got gy Off gyro on I think that want uh reversing so we can go in SVC and reverse it yeah that’s right so yeah see if we can quien this down a Minute so yeah it fully calibrates and that’s one of the latest ones that I’ve been sent um yeah I a bit of a loss with this I cannot get it to do calibration failed so yeah leave a comment below I’ve shown you how to update them how to bind them

    Um how to go into the actual memory so your configuration um this is same on all of them um you can basically set your SVC to a button so yeah you can go into menus and you can pick a dial or a button and then you can go in and you’ve

    Got a whole bunch of other options for the SVC so you don’t have to go into SVC menu so you got your steering gains and everything priority all these settings so if you have it on normal you can go in and you can set the uh actual

    Settings so you can have it on a dial and I believe if we choose a button so let’s go to that and then you should have a few other settings for SVC so you can turn it on and off with that which is what I assigned to one of them buttons or

    You’ve got your car type for your menus that you can change between so yeah extreme configurable but unfortunately I cannot tell you why people are getting calibration failed um maybe they’ve got a really strong magnet near it or a cheap Servo that’s Shi that’s not shielded that’s

    Causing it and the easy way to test it would be take it out the RC just Power It Up off a battery any 2s battery and connect to it and see if it’ll calibrate but uh yeah leave leave comments below if you’re having an issue with it I

    Don’t see why that’s two different ones they all update I’m at a bit of a loss that’s causing it but let’s wrap this one up so there you have it two different INR 4gbs one was the very first one that fly Sky sent me out so before they were released

    And one is a very recent one that I’ve had um updated off of all the transmitters so mb4 mb4 plus MB mb4 Pro and calibration works with all of them in two different types of RC with cooling fans right outside of them this one’s got the smoothing capacitors right

    Outside of it and the ESC two different esc’s so a rudog and a uh hobbywing xr10 Pro Elite so I’m a bit of a loss I can’t seem to replicate the calibration failed even rocking the car around didn’t phase it it just refused to calibrate till the car was stood um so

    Yeah I don’t think the orientation of V making any difference but uh yeah it’s definitely a strange one but thanks again for watching WTFC cars don’t forget to like And subscribe hit the notification Bell share to friends and family and uh catch you guys again in the next One

    1 Comment

    1. Been using GYB in a drift car, twice a week at an actual drift track for more than a year. Recent change to a Flysky servo make it even better. To me and the people who tried my car, this gyro feel better than anything else, except maybe a well configured 550. I have seen a few calibration issue over the time, but i usually cancel and retry right away and it work.

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