The heart of Central Europe is revealed on an itinerary that touches three distinct countries.

    First, travel from mystical Prague to medieval Cesky Krumlov and on through the Czech Republic’s largest national park. Along the way, you’ll visit a local home and learn about Czech life from our local expert. Your discoveries continue in Germany, where you’ll enjoy lunch and conversation with a Bavarian family and explore beautiful Passau, the “City of Three Rivers.” And in Austria, you’ll visit magnificent Melk Abbey, cruise the Danube and admire one of the most scenic landscapes in Europe. There’s no better way to experience these fascinating lands!

    For more information about this vacation, please click here:

    From Bohemia to Bavaria orders once impenetrable now welcome bicycles to cost started with a train ride some of the forest looks like the forest primeval all these tall trees you can see right through to nowhere land here among the medieval churches and castles of cesky krumlov cobblestone streets take their shape from nature

    I think they take care of almost anything you want we were amazed that the water bottles had lemon inside of them highlights of we’re not to turn where to turn what to look for it’s all spelled out for me they’re great cyclist they know how to take care

    Of you there are a lot of fun to be around other kind of people that you want to be around it that’s Czech theme jersey the weather’s great equipments great people are great what else can you ask what discoveries lie ahead as you travel through the Czech Republic Germany and

    Austria by bike train and boat you

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