@SteveMeraOfficial When Poltergeist Unleashed Its Terror Against Me: The Rochdale Poltergeist – Flying objects, disembodied voices, phantom smells and sounds, and strangest of all, copious falls of water seemingly coming from nowhere plagued the Gardner family for nearly a year. What Steve experienced during the investigation was enough to make him question his entire career path, and remains one of only a handful of cases that he is completely unable to rationally explain.

    This presentation is based on Steveโ€™s book, titled The Rochdale Poltergeist: A True Story – https://www.amazon.com/Rochdale-Poltergeist-True-Story-ebook/dp/B01787K38Q

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    Probably the most scariest experience I’ve ever witnessed in my life of investigating the Paranormal is when I got punched in the back by aalter um in 1996 in roel UK literally Lifted Me across the room and on top of a dressing table and I did what any professional investigator would do at

    That time I guess I ran and got the hell out of there I literally ran out the house and I was very adamant that I wasn’t I that was a time when I was just going to end all this it scared the Living Daylights out of me be honest

    With you and it changed my life forever about the understanding of this phenomena but not only that was taking place strange water formings raining indoors strange water formings that we managed to capture and have analyzed by Northwest water Laboratories which there results were very very intriguing the disturbances carried on to apportation

    And many other things that were taking place in that environment but why was it happening in a small prefabricated bungal join a heatwave in the middle of the UK on in the summer of 1996 probably one of the most pfic investigations map it has actually been

    Involved with is when we paired up with an organization called narrow Northern anomalies research organization based also in Manchester and I was currently working with colleague Mr Peter huff and a number of his investigators when we conducted an investigation of Rochdale on behalf of Rochdale City C Council the

    Disturbances led to a number of articles that appeared in the Manchester Evening newspapers during 1996 a newspaper that the article you can see on the right hand side of this screen appeared in the Manchester newspaper in regard to family that claim that they were having strange incidents take place in their home mait

    Conducted several interviews with the family neighbors rale city council and the local priest that had been involved who had visited the family home what we thought was initially a hoax turned into the case that received International interest a poltergeist infestation with manifestations of water to the lights of

    I’d never seen before rale city council Environmental Health Services had instructed the family to take a log of their incidents they were clear evidence of water damage throughout the whole house many strange incidents were being reported and had been witnessed by numerous people who had visited the

    Location even the priest who has called called out to visit the location suddenly was attacked by a picture that somehow seemed to fly off the lounge wall and travel across the room hitting him on the thigh and causing a rather nasty bruise when interviewing this Catholic priest at the local church he

    Surprisingly mentioned that their family were experiencing aulter infestation when I asked him you know was he sure that that was what in his belief that they we were experiencing he said yes it was and I was taken back a little bit by that as you can see on these photographs

    You can see a ceiling in the hallway which does seem to show dried water markings the remnant of water that had suddenly appeared from nowhere on the ceilings of the building and on the right you can see a lock sheet which was left by the Environmental Health Service

    For the family to write down their incidents unlog their reports the city council had been out many times trying to find an explanation as to where where the strange water formings were coming from when we arrived for the first time to witness and talk to the family about their experiences they were obviously

    Quite perplexed the family were rather upset and as soon as you entered into the doorway you could clearly smell that damp smell from when water damage has occurred plastic sheeting was covering carpets and furniture around the home and in just in case of sudden Outburst or pouring of water might manifest

    Things were covered up for protection now these are the sort of things that were reported and witnessed at the rdale poniz case incidents there is an indicating turning point in our belief system here as the method of Investigation unfolds a more complex analysis of the phenomena was actually undertaken and assistance from the

    Church and Rochdale city council was obtained what we started off with and what we have witnessed was water formings on the ceilings on the walls and on the doors ly manifesting and quickly disappearing as they had arrived we also saw and this is where the turning point was raining in the kitchen

    Now once we’d seen that actually happening and now what I’m saying here is that the whole ceiling was suddenly one great big puddle of water and it would seem that quite a lot of heavy downpour was coming from it Mr Gardner who was one of the people who lived at

    The home was actually sat in the kitchen with his umbrella up and there was such a profound thing to see I’ll never forget the image of him trying to make me a cup of tea and just with the milk in my cup watching the droplets fall from the ceiling into my Corp causing

    The milk to jump out that’s how large these droplets actually were Mr Gardner looked over at me I was in shock to see this along with other investigators I couldn’t explain it where was this water coming from taking in place this was in 1996 and uh by August it had been a

    Heatwave across the UK for a number of weeks and there was a hose pipe ban so the country hadn’t witnessed any rain for a number of weeks so it suddenly couldn’t be rainwater so it’ have to been some type of other water that was somehow getting into the property now

    The only way that type of water getting into the property is basically from the incoming water supply or tab water however being a prefabricated Bungalow didn’t seem to have a header tank in the Loft in fact water phenomena appeared on the ceilings um right next to the hatch

    Was examined when when going up there into the Loft area it was perfectly clean it was dry in fact it was hot and Dusty no signs of dampness no signs of water in fact no signs of actually water pipes up there it would seem the water came in internally into the house from

    Underground and came in on the lower level nevertheless though it didn’t stop the water formings from continuing to appear in the ceilings of around the house sometimes suddenly appearing on doors as beaded water and disappearing as a blink of an eye whatever these strange manifestations was it was something not

    Natural objects found to have been moved stacked or arranged yes this was actually also taking place which we started to indicate that we were probably dealing with some type of pter infestation objects suddenly appeared from nowhere asportation was also taking place paintings flew off walls on one

    Occasion one painting a very large one it was a 1980s silver foiled painting of tigers that seemed to suddenly shake and fly off the wall across the room hitting the priest who had visited from the local church on the thigh and causing a rather nasty bruise strange audible disturbances strange sounds coughing

    Somebody walking around a presence in the home was also witnessed unusual smells or odors were caught in the air on a number of occasions we also smell well whil we were drawing our investigation process tobacco some type of licorice tobacco in the air and also the smell of flowers on occasion

    Electrical items would regularly fault in fact on one particular occasion the clock radio actually came on without it being powered they had no batteries inside it and it wasn’t even plugged in and yet maybe just for a couple of seconds it powered itself up to just mention a few unusual words words

    Associated to maybe a taxi driver what who we thought you know but how did it come through a radio that had no power this is what we cannot understand and why did we get a radio transmission that sounded like a taxi driver surely clock radios are not on the same frequency

    Another mystery electrical items working without being plugged in yes this did happen the electrical items regularly faulting would be kettles and cookers and fridges and Hoovers that was type of thing the whole family had gone and replaced a number of these items several times over the last 10 months objects

    Being thrown around in one particular incident Mr Gardner who was walking through the hallway suddenly was aware of a battery that flew past him so fast it buried itself into the plastered wall if it had hit him it would have caused a serious injury it came propelling

    Through the air from out of a empty bedroom as to who was responsible for throwing this battery we have no idea but it was certainly quite alarming for the family to experience things flying through the air we believe in multer disturbances have this vexation cycle it’s what we refer to as directly

    Proportional phenomena DPR an increase in the stress load causes an increase in the phenomena then the phenomena is witnessed and creat stress in the witnesses again thus causing this vexation cycle to take place as you can see in the diagram to the left it’s like switching a tapon of

    Water and it going around and filling up and it gets this process known as the vexation cycle this is what we refer to a stress ptoy phoma seem to be fear feeders they also feed on the vexation and stress and motion that they cause drawing the phenomena’s being witnessed

    Witnesses see this get upset and of course create stress and the phenomena feeds from that to create the next event and of course it becomes a vicious cycle mapet does have something refer to is the starving the phenomena program this is when we try an attempt to educate the

    People witnessing this type of phenomena in their homes and educate them about poter guys disturbances and educate them to the point where they understand that they may be attributing or contributing to the phenomena themselves through their emotions and stress War vexation Etc by educating them and letting them

    Know that they may be directly Associated to the disturbances taking place in their home uh in some cases they seem to be educated to a point where they are less stressful and when that actually happens you may notice a sudden decrease in phenomena which reinforces to the witnesses that yes uh

    They could be directly associated with the disturbances and in some cases it can even be to the point of being successful where the phenomena has completely diminished because of the witnesses of way they have dealt and handled the situation we also look at things such as unnatural trajectories

    Which do take place in pter infestations of course this also did take place in the watcho pter case where items suddenly would seem to fly in from a room and we do know that that item was in say for an example the back bedroom which suddenly seemed to appear flying

    Through the air into the lounge we do know for that to have transitioned through the air the object must have turned Cor corers these is what is referred to as unnatural trajectories we also look at debris spread as well and in some cases we had objects move and a

    Plate that went crashing to the ground rather than just thinking that the plate simply fell off the worktop we noticed that the dead breis spread was facing towards the actual worktop of where it was sat which would indicate that the object must have been lifted from its

    Resting place moved over to across the room and then plunged from the floor from that direction caus in the deis spread to face towards where it was initially sat a very interesting point we also look at measuring displacement effect point a and to point B and this

    In the bottom diagram you can see an example of this an item say for an example a pipe has suddenly seemed to have levitated or moved from the table to the floor we measure that distance on a regular basis this is known as the displacement effect how much was it

    Displaced and we do this for a reason that one reason is that sometimes poiz phenomena are that precise that they actually move items the same distance for an example if we’ measured point A to point B regarding the pipe and it moving from the tabletop it may have

    Measured say 35 in and we would again start to see that figure arise again in other places around the home where something had apparently been moved measuring a displacement effect again May reveal 35 in not just once twice or number of times it would seem that for

    Some reason and we do not know why that sometimes poter infestations can move items to the precise millimeter so what have we learned about the Poltergeist phenomena in general well I’ve conducted rather about probably around about five investigations of past investigations within the last 33 years of working in

    This field they are extremely rare what we are led to believe when going on to the internet and places where they put videos up is that they tend to be common people say oh yes Poltergeist infestation here and there and here’s the evidence and there’s the videos I

    Don’t actually believe most of those are actually authentic from what I consider after working so long for 33 years in the field of paranormal research and at least visiting more than 1,000 homes and investigating them overnight I can certainly say from my point of view that the phenomena of poltergeist

    Infestations is certainly a rare one as I say I’ve only conducted five investigations in 33 years but poter infestations those type of incidents are rarely wasted actions they don’t waste actions in other words when phenomena takes place it wants you to recognize that that incident has happened

    Purposely so that is why they’re very demonstrative and they do things that will certainly catch your knowledge or catch your eye they don’t want to waste an action because they believe and I think what the situation is from what we’ve gathered over the information over the years is that phenomena is created

    For us to witness or the witnesses to see these events take place for them to create upset stress and vexation paranormal incidents seem to cease before the next one takes place very rarely do you get two incidents taking place momental at the same time maybe from two different locations in a

    Property when it comes to you know the the phenomena of poltergeist and they usually are shortlived and they often are associated with the focus or Catalyst somebody usually is a female more than a male U usually around about adolescent age and usually falls into a pattern of number of people that may

    Have been going through some type of trauma being financial difficulties family issues uh or some other type of trauma in their lives there does seem to be some correlation between some of these poter disturbances and the types of homes of these families they seem to invest uncontrolled forms of PK PK

    Psychoes is the ability to move things by the power of mind and control forms of that can be Associated as well as mimic phenomena when the phenomena starts to mimic the events that take place in a particular home there seems to be no evidence to suggest politic ice

    Activity is anything to do with hauntings it doesn’t seem to be related to Spirit phenomena such as interactive or intelligent hauntings it does seem to be something significantly different the phenomena can demonstrate on awareness and intelligence and become evasive as well to cameras in sometimes even equipment that we take in can suppress

    Phenomena it would seem that they are very evasive to certain equipment and certainly intelligent and always seem to be monitoring and even overhearing our very conversations uh and also people seeing events unfold as they do on a regular basis when po actions take place they are very demonstrative for people to

    Experience them I consist consistency of measurements are sometimes found in object displacement as I’ve previously mentioned and the method of enticement can sometimes be helpful and we entice Poltergeist phenomena in a numerous different ways be it using FID magnets or making certain patterns and things on

    Doors to try and entice a movement of one of those magnets or even on a bookcase pulling certain books out trying to entice pist phenomena to interact and move BS apportation of objects can take place place and I’ve sometimes felt warm to the touch just as

    We had one incident like this take place whilst we were on this investigation poter I actions has an amazing talent when it comes to balancing items even a standard butter knife could be suddenly found to be stood up on its Edge in the kitchen and looking at it looks very

    Unusual but is there a balancing Point well yes there must be microscopically the poter infestation seem to have the capabilities of finding that microsc cop it balancing points when in fact when you touch the item yourself it suddenly comes tumbling down in an attempt to try and stand the knife up yourself you’ll

    Probably never achieve the first photograph to the left is a small statuette which was suddenly found in the middle of the floor in the lounge I mean the investigators have been traversing the lounge all night so we knew that it wasn’t there but suddenly it just seemed to arrive from nowhere

    And we were quite puzzled when picking it up I do recall it actually being quite warm to the touch after reviewing previous video footage it was discovered that the actual statue wasn’t even on our videos what we do when we go into properties we do a video sweep of all

    The rooms of all the items right around just in case such an incident like this should happen so we can go back through the video footage and relocate where that item came from knowing then point A to point B in regarding displacement however when we actually look through

    Our videos this statuette was nowhere to be found so where did this statuette come from it would mean that we’d have to wait till the following morning to ask the family because at that time the family wasn’t even at their home when the Poltergeist disturbances has still

    Continued which is a very unusual event because most of the time you were considered the Catalyst or Focus to be in the environment at the same time the phenomena is taking place this wasn’t the actual case the following morning we did ask Mrs Gardner where this item was

    Where was it located and was it even hers she said yes it was hers it’s a statue at known as a Themis representing Justice and was given to her by her late husband who apparently had passed away in that property from I believe a heart attack Mrs Gardner at this time had

    Remarried to Mr Gardner and some years on started to experiencing these P ice type disturbances when I asked Mrs gner where the statuette was actually situated she pointed down towards the side of the television in the lounge and said that’s where it comes from and surely enough

    You could basically just make out a small dust pattern on the side of the unit where it actually must have come from however when first arriving in the morning and doing our video sweeps this statuette was nowhere to be seen in the video footage where was it then had it

    Been missing for such a length of time only to manifest itself later in the night or the early hours of the following morning for us to see a big mystery you know where did that item go when it disappeared into a limbo effect nobody really knows well one thing is

    For sure wherever that statue was when we first arrived it certainly was not next to the television and only to manifest in the early hours of the following morning in the middle of the lounge floor and felt warm to the touch looking back the second photograph you

    Can see on the right hand side is myself and I’m watching a water phenomena move across the ceiling in the hallway it was absolutely profound I’ve never seen anything like it the only way I can describe it moving intelligently across the ceiling Defying Gravity in a sense

    Of speaking if you imagine filling up a glass of water and then in your kitchen bending down and throwing it across the floor you would see this arcing pattern and it would seem that is the effect of the movement it seemed to Arc out like fingers and then move along and it seem

    To be intelligently controlled it would seem to have arked around a light fitting as if trying to avoid it never was there a single drop of water dropping to the ground and yet this Phantom water was moving across the ceiling and in the photograph you can

    See the trap door to the loft where we actually climbed up and no water was up there uh it was completely bone dry and dry and Dusty and no idea where that water was getting there and what we actually did we managed to take a sample

    Of that water forming and we also took a control sample from the tap in the bathroom to have them both analyzed at a later date and it was interesting what the results were the water flowing was captured in a sample bottle along with a control sample as I’ve said from the

    Bathroom Tab and they were sent to Northwest water laboratories on behalf of Peter H one of our investigators for analysis the results were quite interesting you know the conductivity of tat water is in that location normally around about 150 to 200 ucsm this is the amount of electrical conductivity in the

    Water and you know at that level it’s quite harmless we all have that on a regular basis from drinking tap water the conductivity in the suspect sample such as the one we took from the ceiling the mysterious one had a conductivity of 1,323 ucsm indicating that the suspect

    Sample had a huge amount of conductivity in it demonstrating simply one thing that this suspect sample was certainly not tap water if it wasn’t tap water and it hadn’t rained for almost a month then what type of water was this and where was it coming from a mysterious PR

    Manifestation we could not identify the source photographs of the water forming can be seen as well as the letters that we’ve obtained from Northwest water laboratory showing the analysis results that we carried out on the two samples of water after hearing a sound of deep breathing in the back bedroom we were

    Set out to see what type of things were going on around the property and I was sat in the back bedroom along with two investigators Carl and Val he sat either side of me at the end of the bed in the dark Darkness listening to the

    Environment of the house trying to get a feel of what noises were what were the rational explanations for the things that went bump in the night and on one particular occasion a heavy breathing rasping breathing was coming from behind us uh I looked over to my left and Val

    Was looking at me a female investigator as if to say I’m not looking behind I looked to my right and C was looking at me as well with that same expression on her face she seemed also too scared to turn around around and face this whatever was making this noise in the

    Darkness it would seemed to be that I be me being the only male there that I was responsible for taking control and actually looking behind me to find out what was making that deep rasping breath of course it was a little bit unnerving we are sat after all in complete

    Darkness and taking into consideration we didn’t know what were possibilities of something that could happen next after witnessing the things we’d already witnessed already I decided to turn around slowly and as my chin turned across my right side of my shoulder just before glancing behind me I suddenly

    Felt a severe pain and found myself not on the bed anymore about 4T across the room and on top of a dressing table I did actually panic I admit and I ran out of there and into the lounge switching the lights on and holding my back there

    Was a severe pain there the only thing I could think of is that I somehow must have been struck uh clearly the investigators seem to be more interested in taking photographs off the bruising appearing on my back then they were actually trying to find out what was

    Actually going on in the bedroom at that time and I have to admit um you know I’m pretty much a skeptic up till August of 1996 found a lot of rational explanations with a lot of paranormal reports I had to go outside and collect my thoughts you know at this point I

    Thought maybe of just giving up the subject it was quite a scary scenario had taken place one I couldn’t protect myself from an unseen Force had attacked me what on Earth was all that about and is a very scary process to deal with eventually I gathered up enough Co to

    End to come back into the property and continue the investigation throughout the rest of the night however the following day I believed that uh whatever was responsible must have been paranormal in nature but people have since then asked me what did he actually feel like and the only way I can

    Describe it from being an electrical engineer uh from leaving school I had how unfortunately like most electrical engineers had Electric shots occasionally and it felt not only that I’d had a punch but also an electric shock at the same time and it was I’m a

    Large guy and it takes a lot to a force to actually move me and from a sitting position on the bed to suddenly 3 or 4 feet ahead of me on top of a dressing table it would seem to have repelled me that far this type of electrical shock

    At the same time as a physical punch so maybe some parts of poter infestations the phenomena is somehow Electric driven or somehow exists within the natural electrical phenomena range visiting the priest at alt Saints hamna at the back Mrs Garo actually was working there as a temporary cleaner and as you can see

    From the photograph below the gers were living in a prefabricated Bungalow these Bungalows were designed only to be temporary homes initially but however they had lived there for 14 years and did not want to move she was quite comfortable in fact she was actually most upset about the actual thought of

    Having to move nevertheless though we did have to help the family relocate the disturbances did continue for a few weeks after in their new property however we did convince the city council of Rochdale to leave the house follow this is a process of what you may refer to is boarding up the

    House cutting off the electrical supply to the house so it’s void from any electrical fields in there and leaving it to stand for up to 12 months hoping that phenomena will dis ipate and not manifest there anymore I believe after a short length of time the house was

    Rented out to a family and certain forms were sent to them questionnaires not directly asking about the phenomena but certainly giving us some Clues as to if they were continue to have phenomena take place there and they didn’t report any further disturbances uh the gardeners went on to move to another

    Building where they did have continued phenomen for a few weeks before suddenly phasing out um it is interesting to point that Mrs Gardner’s uh granddaughter and daughter uh were occasionally living at the property and may have been some type of focus or Catalyst but it’s also emperical to make

    A note that all the family were completely relocated to Mrs Gardner’s relatives one particular night where poter phenoma did actually continue in the home so I don’t believe it’s a complete written rule book or it’s actually written in stone that pug infestations only take place around the

    Focus or catalyst and by removing them from the property you remove the phenomena that is not the case in this Situation thank you for watching this I hope that you enjoyed it and you found it interesting and please for more videos please don’t forget to share like And subscribe and get notified when the next one’s coming


    1. How do paranormal investigators know when they capture EVPs that they are getting brand new spirits coming through from haunted locations, and simply not spirits that have previous attachment to the investigators themselves? Like why would a spirit leave if they have the same investigators consistently trying to contact spirits?

    2. Yes, these are Principalities of the air, and or Demons, Principalities are Higher ranking Demons that may have control not just over a human being or a house, but over a whole state or states. I know all these to be true. I've met Jesus, I've been Tortured by demons 1,000s of times, as well as sleep paralysis 1,000s of times. These things HATE US AND YOU. Jesus rescued me from demons in a dream, he gave me a sword as I knelt on one 1 he asked if I was ready and he put his hand on my shoulder and he put me back in my body after going through a worm whole super fast. Like a NDE.

    3. Very interesting. Your body is is an electromagnetic vessel. Dielectricity is the opposite of electromagnetism. You were repelled off the bed, by not an electrostatic discharge, but a dielectric discharge. This is what lightning is. Itโ€™s always trying to reach ground or counterspace, where it was originally emitted from. You only have two dimensions, space and counterspace with a plane of inertia in between. Itโ€™s the same principle as a black hole a white hole and and event horizon. There are no dualityโ€™s, thatโ€™s an illusion. Everything is triplicate. If youโ€™re an electrical engineer, then youโ€™ll understand this basic concept. Thank you for sharing. I hope this helps.

    4. Amazing broadcast , they always are !! Thank you so much for all of the hard work that you and your team do , most of all thank you for sharing with the world , you guys are amazing !! Have a fun night!!!

    5. They do not find some minute balancing point, they effect our reality and are able to hold things in suspension. come on now you been in this long enough you should know that.

    6. Mr Mera. This is yet another fascinating case. In your experience, can typical poltergeist activity also go hand in hand with other types of phenomena – for example, the appearance of apparitions? I am asking this question because such a wide range of activity came to be experienced at Barrow Gurney Hospital. Indeed, on one occasion, a female member of our party was pushed and shoved by something unseen. In the same location, others too reported experiencing the very same. On more than one occasion, we could hear the sound of objects being thrown, but never came to witness the actual event. Numerous reports though, do claim to have been hit with stones and building rubble.

    7. Steve youโ€™re a machine man! Itโ€™s amazing how much work youโ€™ve put in! It really is! You are an asset to the communities and fields of study youโ€™re involved with.

    8. That water reminds me of the Don Decker case! Dude had paranormal powers over water for one day, after his grandfather died. Heck of a story! People should definitely look into it if theyโ€™ve never heard of it! Multiple witnesses, including police officers.

    9. I'm fascinated by the claim that poltergeists are known to balance objects that are nearly impossible to balance. Does this only occur when no one is looking or is the act of balancing observed? I'm curious if they are able to balance it on the first try or if it takes some trial and error. If they can do it in a single go, that suggests that they have some special knowledge.

    10. Steve I love you, โ€œ I did what any professional investigator would of do at that time, I ran and got the hell out of thereโ€

      Iโ€™d do the same brother, Iโ€™d do the same.

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