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    In this video we react to the most scenic Peak District wild swimming spots. This is the first time we’ve seen the Peak District and WOW what a beautiful area! The Peak District scenery is stunning, with rolling hills, lush greenery and incredible places to swim. This is an amazing area to get back to nature when visiting the English countryside.

    Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this reaction please give this video a thumbs up, share your thoughts in the comments and click the subscribe button to follow my journey to learn about my British and Irish ancestry.

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    👉 Original Video by Greg Dunn Adventure Club:


    Welcome back to the channel guys my name is Steve this is my wife Lindsay and today we’re going to be reacting to the peak District’s best wild swimming spots the Peak District is somewhere that a lot of people in the comments have asked us to check out for quite some time now

    This is a place that I haven’t checked out at all you haven’t I don’t believe I mean I’m sure I may have checked out something in the area but I have not really checked out the landscape and whatnot of the Pete District itself look beautiful yeah really does I think

    Between the Pete district and the Lake District those are probably the two top areas most recommended places for us to check out um I have briefly very briefly like a year ago looked at uh the Lake District just basically a little bit of Drone footage very short video like 3 or

    4 minutes so I really still need to go and check out the Lake District plus you don’t know anything about that but I thought well I know based on the comments that Beatrix Potter yeah um they were based on that area the stories right it it doesn’t surprise me it’s a

    Beautiful area U but I’ve heard really really good things about the Peak District heard this is a very beautiful area uh right on up there with the Lake District don’t really know much about it um where is this in comparison to Lake District like are they both up north or

    He sort of um I think we’re going to go and uh just check out real quick just to see where the p district is on a map look at a little bit on Wikipedia real quick about it but I just thought this would be interesting wild swimming spots

    You know swimming holes lakes rivers stuff like that it it just usually especially wild swimming spots I think that’s going to be some really good Landscapes to check out so uh just be real interesting but guys I think we’re going to go and see where the Pete

    District is exactly so we can kind of understand you know kind of the area we’re looking at all right guys so I tied in the Pete district and it said Pete District National Park I know Pete District National Park obviously exists but I’m not sure if Pete District what

    Nor people normally call the Pete district is within the national park or if they’re always talking about the national park itself but either way the Pete district is going to be somewhere within the national park I’m guessing um so what we’re looking at is scroll out here okay there’s leads

    Sheffield ah okay so so okay so it’s it’s just kind of to the east Southeast mainly of uh Manchester and I’m guessing it’s probably this little bit darker green here area I’m guessing mhm looks big a lot of reviews on Google about that can you scroll out a little more

    See so it is up north but it’s more Central than Lake District yeah Lake District there’s Lake District right there and there’s another one right there we need to look into I don’t know anything about that one oh that looks nice too all right um see then there’s

    Snowdon okay basically we know where it’s at now um is subdivided into dark Peak Morland I’ve heard of Morland gritstone and the white Peak a limestone area valleys and gorgeous P just forms an arc on the northeast and west of the district and the white Peak covers

    Central and Southern areas last point is Kinder Scout most of it most of the areas within the Pete District National Park okay I protected landscape designated in 1951 so so Pete District when someone says Pete District they don’t necessarily mean the Pete District National Park they mean a portion of the

    Pete District national park right look at this the Park’s own population numbers in 2021 were around 40,000 and supports an estimated 18,000 jobs so that’s interesting you guys national parks people can live in them because here people can’t live in our national for us I guess you’re right we can’t can

    We can you live in state parks though I don’t know I mean I mean I’m thinking about state parks around here I’m like does anybody live in the I I I don’t know I can’t not I mean there might be like outskirt part of like a forest like

    A national forest that people can live near in but yeah not within yeah if you go into like the Smokey M Smoky Mountains National Forest there’s no one living in there right it’s just massive amount of land with just you know Wilderness it’s beautiful man M so yeah it’s got settlements within

    It all right guys let’s go ahead and check out the peak District’s best wild swimming spots here it is the definitive top 10 list of wild swimming spots in the Peak District first on the list we have agden Reservoir now Adden Reservoir is probably the best spot on the list if

    You want to do some paddle boarding and he’s also brilliant if you want to do a proper longdistance swim it’s also amazing because it’s so accessible there are great transport links out there and it’s also Incredibly Close to Sheffield over the past few years it has become an incredibly popular spot I I

    Like the be really good for paddle boarding like you’re say looks tranquil next on the list we have slippery Stones possibly one of the most iconic wild spots in the Peak District that’s beautiful situated up the Derwin Valley there is a road to the spot however this road is closed weekends so

    It can be a bit of a Tre to get to but if you did choose to cycle there it is an absolutely stunning ride with a bridal way going up the side of Lady bow Derwin and Howden wow dude this is a very picturesque yeah area is that a

    Bridge going across yeah I think it is wait is that a dam actually is this a dam right here a reservoir yeah yeah oh yeah because this looks much lower here down here this makes me wonder like do you guys have a lot of Hot Springs where

    Would they be at in the country oh that’s a good question love Hot Springs man we do we have any around here you know obviously in North Carolina we had hot springs and Idaho to but that’s where it was right I don’t know W slippery Stones is a bit of a

    Plunge pool so you can jump in there water is and there is amazing spots for the upstream and downstream that you can explore great little grassy Verge on the side so you can take a picnic and spend a full day there but it does take longer

    To get to than you think so make sure you leave yourself enough time next up we have three Shire head possibly the most spot on the list with it many water that would be my my spot I would go there look at this spot right here uh he said this is probably the

    Most picturesque I bet it’s Place cold yeah it probably is quite cold but it would be refreshing on a hot day man this obviously wouldn’t be a good place to go paddling or rating right no but it might be good like for kids cuz it’s more shallow but yeah this would be this

    Looks like a beautiful place to go for a hike man wow so green like and these look like places so far what I’m seen look like places that are off the beaten path sort of he do say wild swimming spot so I’m guessing that’s what we’re

    Looking at kind of the more rural areas um and so I’m guessing You’ could come out to a lot of these areas and there would be like nobody not super overrun right dude I love places like that just places you can go and just hang out with

    Your family or friends peace and quiet you would go out here and read a book yeah hang a hammock yeah hang a hammock yep right on a tree up in the hill there mhm halls and bridges it seems like it’s come straight out this is another one that has become

    Incredibly popular the right here be the perfect little spot we over there no right here dude right under that little waterfall dude I don’t know how deep this is but looks deep enough man H the only thing that would make this better if if this was like a hot spring so one

    Thing I’ve heard is that in Ireland there aren’t snakes yeah Ireland about what about in the UK I’ve heard that uh I’ve heard that uh the UK actually had has like they have way they have way way less things to worry about like you here you got to worry about bears and all

    Sorts of you know crazy stuff mountain lions and and all that stuff they don’t have nearly as many types of like dangerous animals like that cuz it’s an island and uh but I have heard they had they had do have one venomous snake I’ve got to look into that I can’t remember

    The name of it um we’ll have to check that out soon but I’m guessing you’re probably not going to have to worry about stuff Wildlife as much anywhere in the UK as you do here in the US because here’s like you know everywh I fear with

    Places like this in the US is like water snake it’s true I mean you do got to worry about that we have numerous venous snakes here and stuff like that which you probably wouldn’t have to worry about you know which makes it so much easier to relax enj in a situation with

    Your kid and stuff for you know is so if you want to avoid the crowds you need to go for an early morning swim like I did but the views are definitely worth it it doesn’t seem like it be repl with a lot of crowds next up we have our most sophisticated

    Spot on the list Chatsworth house now the Chatsworth grounds are absolutely incredible way through the ground surprisingly you can swim pretty much anywhere my favorite spot is down at the bottom near the cartton Le okay guys I must say that this is the quintessential look I have in my head

    When I think of English Countryside yeah just a little Rolling Hills and well I usually think of like a little bit of Farmland in the background for some reason but a lot of just dotted trees uh but a lot of just green fields and stuff that’s that this is what I

    Picture really kind of like right right alongside uh the like the uh the Cal’s hous is what I picture with Cottages in England but this is kind of like the countryside what I picture you know car park where there’s a weir there’s also a great jumping in spot it’s

    Perfect if you want to do a longdistance swim and there’s also some amazing Rock pools that kids can explore beauti it’s grassy verges as make it perfect if you want to take a picnic and have a day out with yeah what’s that just steps next we have u geve a y greeve is

    On a natural river that has been slightly damned to create the most amazing crystal clear pool because it’s only 4ot deep that makes it perfect for kids and because the water is so Crystal Clear it’s a great spot to explore both up and down stream again there’s another

    Great grassy Verge if you want to take a picnic and have a day out with you know it does look like a great place for a picnic but by the way I just want to mention one thing I noticed is that all of these places he showed so far seem to

    Have really well-developed Trails or paths alongside them every every one of them it doesn’t like they’re wild swimming spots right but it seems like they’re very easy to access but if it’s a national park I mean I guess that makes sense true but again if there are wild swimming spots right here that

    Wouldn’t really be the case yeah like we have plenty of trails and stuff but for a lot of like the wild areas it seems to be not as easy to access in some regards um but yeah that’s just one thing I noticed family on your way back it’s

    Vital that you stop off in bwell and get yourself a proper bwell time M piig old her I’ve heard of those next on the list is the best Sunrise swim ooh red this is another incredible spot because it is so accessible great big that and it looks really like

    Really calm that right there the the perfect setting it needs to be on a wall needs to be a picture on a wall I mean just the like dude he caught this video defitely yeah definitely would be a sunrise spot dude that is beautiful wow that that is

    Beautiful just like the the perfect lighting MH like that’s crazy okay sorry but that’s just wow wow there and he’s so close to Sheffield situated right on the edge of District red m is actually a series of three reservoirs that face eastwards which makes it the perfect place for a sunrise

    Swim now with the growing popularity of wild swimming it is difficult to find spots that not many people know about but next up is Fairbrook a bit of a Hidden Gem just off the a57 you would expect it to be quite bu theor contr Peak District and Fairbrook is hold on

    What is this is that is that Heather it looks like yeah some kind of flower dude I love this little Valley here man this is the type of landscape I love just like the the contrast and then you see the green the rocky outcrop up

    Here yeah love that too like the dot the spotted rocks that’s what I always call them the spotted rocks CU it’s like you see this big landscape and you see these rocks just dotted in the landscape so interesting one of the many rivers that flow down from the Kinder Plateau with

    Loads of amazing little plunge pools to go in meaning that even on a really busy day you can usually find a spot to yourself now this is a list that is filled with some of the most beautiful spots in the Peak District but I’m not

    Going to lie to you next up number eight frogged bridge is not one of the most beautiful spots don’t get me wrong it is lovely frog in the back but it is near quite a busy road so why is it on the list it is good if you want to do a long

    Swim however the main reason is for bridge jumping bridge jumping and cliff jumping are some of my favorite things to do and there are quite limited spots in the Peak District where you can do this so that’s why Frogger Bridge has wormed its way onto the

    List number nine bar Rook now bar Brook is situated up on the mland and it’s another one that has been created by a dam but again there is Crystal Clear Water um I think this one is my least favorite spot lookwise so far it’s still

    Pretty oh I kind of like no it’s still pretty and it’s still the countryside and I love it right but out the other there’s so many beautiful spots here that I must say that the others with just the contrast and Landscape the rockiness the the different pools and

    Stuff just one thing I noticed about this one is it’s not as like there’s not much of a Shore to easily just get in and out it’s like a pond in a way yeah yeah that’s what it reminds me of just like a a p a wild Pond I’m curious see

    What why he chose this one you know compared to the others and because it’s up on the meland it stays cold pretty much year round which I love there’s also some great tracks leading there so it’s the perfect spot if you want to mix a bit of wild swimming with some gravel

    Biking okay I get that and finally number 10 mermaids pool now we have the perfect Sunrise swimming spot and this is definitely the perfect Sunset swimming spot situating way up offers some of the most incredible views in the district a bit of Trek to get to but the walk is absolutely

    Breathtaking definitely worth going theing to get that sunet with your swim I’m not to lie pool itself is not actually the nicest place to swim and it can be quite foggy but it’s definitely worth it for the views wow guys incredible the Pete District what we see

    Here is as beautiful as advertised uh at least uh the landscape around the uh swimming holes here but um I think my favorite one let’s see I was want to ask you which one was your favorite let’s see the reservoir slippery Stones I think my favorite was three Shire

    Head yeah I think this one might be my favorite too that is looks the most beautiful cozy yeah it looks like you could just spend a whole day there swimming pool and the cool thing is you could go from one spot to the next I’m guessing this probably

    Wouldn’t make a good place to DOD jumping uh but but definitely a great place to just hang out I think the one thing that we can make this place better I mean you might have access to this but have two trees like this somewhere that you could tie hammock to and just like

    Imagine if there was another tree right over here tie H right there just hang out Above This waterfall here in that waterfall day dude that’d be beautiful um see that one was interesting too I love the landscape there I love the contrast in the Little

    Valley I was trying to see if that was my favorite I think the one we just checked out was my favorite here which one yeah the one you said uh all three shares Yep this is my favorite too absolutely don’t get me wrong the others were beautiful in their own ways but

    Look at this I mean like just the something about the the pools and and the stone and the waterfalls and even there bridge in the background love Thats So This is a walking bridge right this yeah this is a walking bridge on a driving Bridge wow oh there’s another

    One you see that one wow incredible guys I see why you wanted us to check out the Pete District in general let us know guys what else we should check out in the Pete District specifically is there some interesting what other yeah what other off the beaten path spots swimming

    Or not that you like to go to or you think we should check out yeah we’re we’re a sucker for beautiful landscapes and uh I tell you I think you guys probably can picture kind of figure out a little bit of what my landscape the

    Landscapes I like the most are I like I like contrast I love Rolling Hills I love trees I love Stones Greenery I love Old Stone Bridges I mean like I’m a sucker for those man we don’t see these enough here we really don’t now in Indiana we do have we not really around

    Here but I know that Indiana has a lot of covered bridges yeah I think Indiana wasn’t Indiana the number one Covered Bridge State I think that might be um Iowa I maybe I heard Indiana was on Indiana has quite a few they’re not around here though they’re like up north

    Or something like up in the middle of the state but uh I’m a sucker for old bridges of all types whether they’re covered wooden bridges or what they Old Stone Bridges I just find Bridges fascinating um we love hiking haven’t done it around here in a while but love

    It love seeing beautiful areas like this guys so please feel free to recommend other beautiful areas you think we’d enjoy checking out but uh you got anything you want to add before we go all right thank you so much for stopping by guys please click that like button

    Feel fre to drop your comments or suggestions about this video others and don’t forget to subscribe to continue to follow us on our journey to discover our British and Irish ancestry till next time guys peace bye


    1. The farmers living in the national parks are the ones that maintain the landscape. They have many restriction on what they can do regarding altering the landscape with buildings etc.

    2. I was born near the edge of the Peak District, and I've memories of the area from early childhood.
      I must warn you that the water is often very cold; so much so that there is a danger of cold shock if you plunge in. I think you have to acclimatise.
      Did you notice his accent? It's from the area.
      The heather is pretty wonderful. Late in the year it flowers, and huge areas become purple.

    3. We only have the Adder, which you rarely see as they are quite shy. Their bite is venomous, it will make you poorly but is not deadly. We do not have any other predatory animals, like big cats and bears. The midges are the biggest problem (you will have to google them). There are lots of hidden places in the UK where you can paddle or swim, just ask the locals.

    4. We get on the car ,head off to the peaks, lots of places are pointed out on brown direction pointers,but honestly we just never end up in the same place twice!I'm just thinking whether Buxton is in the peaks! Most water slings are pure to drink,the water cleanses on its way though the hills etc. Yo if enthusiasm has made me appreciate where we live!! Thank you! Suzy from Cheshire 💓💖

    5. The only snake we have in the UK is the Adder

      14 people have died from adder bites in the past 145 years. About 100 adder bites are reported in the UK each year, with most between February and October. There are also around 100 reports per year of adder bites to dogs.
      And are found all around the UK.
      Although mostly away from cities.
      The government have just announced that they we be introducing grey wolves and brown bears back into the UK ( Scotland will be first)
      Usually national parks in the UK will contain villages and small towns within the park.
      I live in Bradford in Yorkshire and live approximately 40 mins by car from the Peak District national park.
      I also live around 40 mins from the North Yorkshire national park and the dales national park both in Yorkshire.
      Never far away from a national parks in the UK.
      We also have the national forests (separate to national parks) , but can be contained within national parks.
      I love watching your channel, enjoy your journey
      Of the UK 😊

    6. Three Shires Head gets it name because at that point three counties meet Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Cheshire the bridge is an old packhorse bridge, beautiful place not far from where I live.

    7. I've been hiking and photographing the Peak District for nearly 50 years, it's an incredibly beautiful area of England. Btw, its called Peak District because of an Anglo Saxon hill tribe, the Pecsaetan tribe, not because of any high peaks. If you are looking for places to visit there you will be spoilt for choice. Castleton, Mam Tor and the Great Ridge are all clustered together. Chatsworth House and Haddon Hall are stately homes that are practically neighbours. Matlock Bath with the Heights of Abraham overlooking the town. Buxton, Bakewell, the Monsal trail, Stanage Edge. There are Iron Age hillforts and stone circles, honestly I could write for 15 minutes and not cover everything there is to see

    8. I was born on the edge of the Peak District. Every Sunday in summer, we would go for a picnic, many different places. Very busy, as Manchester is to the west & Sheffield to the east are only a short distance away < 1 hour! Check out Bakewell, Castleton, Matlock, all small towns worth visiting. Not just rural, the first factory in the world, a cotton spinning mill was Cromford Mill, near Matlock – 1771, powered by water wheel………

    9. Snakes aren't a problem in the UK. The Adder is considered rare and actively aviods humans. they are sensatve to vibration and will detect you approaching and move away. The other two snakes in the UK are the smooth snake (very rare, non venomous) amd the grass snake (fairly common but non venomous) which is sometimes seen swimming in lakes in hot weather. All the UK snakes are pretty shy and elusive except for the trouser snake which is very friendly and likes to be stroked. 🤣🤣🤣

    10. You should look into Dartmoor too, perhaps not as picturesque as the lake district and peak district, but still a beautiful national park. You might also be interested in looking into the ten tors challenge which is an annual event there

    11. I absolutely love ❤️ England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. Everyone says Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 and Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 offer better scenery, but to me nothing hits like England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. I am biased though, I'm English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😂. Haven't left England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 since 2014, every year I've been going to different places and enjoying the country I call home 🏡. Love the Peak District and the Lake District too. I'm a massive fan of the Isle of Wight and the English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 riviera and have been known to have a break in Northumberland and was really taken with Bamburgh castle. I also love a weekend city break in London but I admit I'm a big fan of Liverpool too. I was found on the North Yorkshire moor railway last summer enjoying a train ride to Whitby where I had my fish 🐟 and chips and spent the night in a BnB. Oh yeah England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 is amazing 😍.

    12. I live on the Edge of the Peak District and it is very underrated in the UK and so worth the effort to see. You should check out Matlock Bath, Buxton, New Mills all amazing places woth roman aqueducts to victorian and georgian architecture and amazing scenery

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