An almost 3-year journey through 14 countries, 30 thousand km, and hundreds of street concerts of Ukrainian folk music. And all of this on bicycles. The “Folknery” band, a musical family, returned from their adventures around the world back to Kyiv.
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    The Crimean folk manifold canary recently returned to Kiev from their round-the-world trip where they traveled entirely on bicycle their friends the geek ray nian flag posters and smiles and left for the airport they had not seen each other for three years the family travelled from Kiev to Australia

    Through Islands and then back to Asia in 2014 they know they can logic book is out the answers these are people who can show others that is possible to get out of the chair and go on a round-the-world trip even if you only have a few hundred dollars here is the long-awaited meeting

    The band members run into the arms of friends hardly having passed through the main gates the families musicians arrived without suitcases but with bicycles they went on a round-the-world trip together and came back with an addition to their family now the captains of this little team is little

    Marco he has already visited six countries and wrote 3,000 kilometers with his parents on bikes commercial about spanning so I can look fairly when Marco was born we lived in Australia for half a year then we flew to Malaysia for three months he got to see Indonesia

    When we realized that we were ready we went with market to Thailand which is very easy for traveling with a child the traveling musicians made a living by performing street concerts they played Ukrainian music in the most remote corners of the world they lived in tents and with the help of Good Samaritans

    Well who learned Iranian at the first minute of our arrival in Iran several locals ran up to us invited us to a dinner we were frightened because we had read much about the country however we realised that the Iranians would have not left us alone if we

    Didn’t join them for two months in Iran we slept in a tent only twice and only because we wanted to rest they survived below freezing weather and Turkey and Iran and incredibly hot temperatures in the deserts of Australia a night lodging on that hill and a tropical rainy season

    They also got acquainted with different cultures and told people about Ukrainian culture not those it’s a colonist and I luckily thought of course like for us the national culture of each country is very interesting this is the main purpose of our trip one is put into a dilemma which is better preserving your

    National culture but lacking the high of economic development or the destruction of your natural culture because those two things cannot be combined now the happy family plans to show their son an entirely new country to him Ukraine

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