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    Yo Welcome Back YouTube I am now in France Sans for the first European Cup of the week week of the week of the year and we are here to score some Olympic points cuz GB are in a free horse race with the Netherlands and USA to qualify

    Two spots one of us is only getting one spot so hopefully it’s not us going on people villain’s Vlog boys are going to do some accelerations even see that one Bo came flying past yeah great coaching see what the weekend brings ni on Vlog over a night

    Kev what we saying Luka how you doing you all right theota we doing some uh sprints on the pure bike feeling fast yeah yeah what do you think about Louis Hamilton to Ferrari uh I reckon who his car proba will be better proba be better yeah Emerson how was training you ready

    For the weekend yeah nice one today so I’m going to rather than stay here I’m going to head back for 15 16 practice cuz they’re making a decision after 15 16s practice today on what track you’re going to be racing on well training on today and racing on tomorrow That’s Steady steady good Boy ni double pump that can go in the Vlog yo this is the Curr condition get me out of here all right KY what’s the verdict time home time yeah this Bas is just nothing but donkey three times in a row I’ve only been here twice three times in a row we

    Have been cursed this place is not meant to hold a race man 50 m hour win 56 pal tomorrow 56 cancelled right good morning Saturday race day one cancelled so I was going to do this clean my bike yesterday cuz it is absolutely filthy something to do today to pass the

    Time what we saying Rosco a bit Breezy is it yeah a bit a bit got the new bite yesterday scratched it yesterday cut my ankle yesterday crashed out y yeah and chain wasn’t was feeling it let get you a better chain don’t we yeah

    The fourth one i s so it’s not too bad my other one though it’s looking nice and clean spare one although I was just watching races at Argentina and this bike does stand out and I love it oh that was Wicked 1 2 3 4 B 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 race Day yeah Great Britain R Moment For [Applause] Are


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