Today we take a look at CEMEX Dove Holes Quarry, Dale Rd, Dove Holes, Smalldale, Buxton SK17 8BH.

    We speak to a few people including Lee who watches the videos and pulls up for a chat.

    We fly the drone from 3 spots and on the final spot we speak to a dog walker who tells us lots of interesting things.

    Google Maps Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Right sorry you’re all right yeah I’m okay yeah just looking at the flag all right what does it mean so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here at semx Aggregates Dove hols Quarry in bton and sk17 postcode so it’s in the middle of nowhere this place theyve got something quite

    Interesting as a gate Guardian just there from Quarry Machinery I’m not sure exactly what and there’s also a cycle path and foot path to the Quarry so does that mean for us oh no no access for public Works foot path only boxton plant so I did just see a gentleman over

    Here looking at this stuff on the ground he was just about to scoop it up I believe or was he putting it down I’m not sure let’s have a look it is very busy aggregate on the back there look some nice Stone this guy just putting his cover on

    Over here before he enters the main public Highway has also been washed yeah this one’s been washed as well the water’s still dripping off that’s good to see that’s lovely and shiny that tanker it keeps our roads clean doesn’t it there Mikey to ins sight Now yes it’s a little bit cold I’m actually shaking a little bit so let’s see what this is e let’s see what this is on the floor oh it’s some seed it’s some feed of some sort animal feed wonder why they’ve done that no idea what do you

    Think what purpose does it serve I don’t know so someone just entered the site through this little foot path here and is now walking up there in a orange High VI they obviously did see us filming so if anyone’s going to raise the alarm I think it’ll be her so far

    Is very busy this place and I think it’s going to look absolutely fantastic with the Drone as it appears over there but for now let’s just keep looking at the entrance so as you would expect loads of rules helmets eye protection ear Defenders gloves High safety boots speed limits no

    Children no photographers look unauthorized persons and that they have got a safe walkway going up as she’s using it right now and they head up in that direction do they okay bit of a map of the site just there as you enter l park to the left block plant W Bridge fashion track

    Quarry office and staff car park coming out empty this one what a waste it’s quite unusual that it’s got a hook and a high up a little Bobcat enter inside with balf building construction following behind so we’ve seen a few comings and goings haven’t we I think

    Now it’s the time to get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all sex aggregate Dove holes Quarry let’s have a look at you then shall We so looking up the road that’s all we can see really just there but there’s a a lot more isn’t there oh yes Max altitude reached so we could just about see over the brow of the hill top of the Quarry but before we go over there let’s just see what’s

    Below wow look at that they actually make stuff here do they concrete slabs Quarry over that way the ground is very wet around here so is this where the wheel washes may be there as they drive through it and then the vehicles head down in that direction well we’ve got a hive of

    Activity haven’t we might need to relocate to have a look at that lot but right now let’s just head over and see what’s over here well you don’t see that every day do you oh no there’s a lot of water in most of it but we do have some vehicles moving

    Around tiny little dots in the distance we are up at 100 m High looking down this is the area that they are chiseling away at just Now as you can see and the vehicles will come and grab a load as they are doing over there look but we can’t get too close I don’t want to take the Drone too far away from me but I might go over there I might take the Drone up closer

    To that area soon but we’ll see this guy looks quite important a flag on his vehicle sorry you all right yeah I’m okay yeah was looking at the flag all right what does it mean I thought you videoing me I was for what reason for the flag your

    Vehicle looks a bit unusual what’s the yeah but what’s the meaning of the flag is it so that you can be seen on site I’m not Sure I’m making a video about semx oh right okay for YouTube of YouTube yeah oh okay I just took the drone over it looks amazing all right all right okay we never found out what the flag’s for did we oh yeah yeah yeah fine yeah

    Yeah what he say DJ I am mate yeah DJ do you want a ke ring what’s your name Lee yeah there you go mate nice to meet you I’m trying to stay off their site so I’ll good wor I’ll pull up yeah yes I mate all video he’s going to come near me

    Sometime him nice to meet you mate yeah cheers and the health and safety executive Main Place down there in Bon oh it’s um ail that’s where I based out near that’s it that’s where my yard is up there somebody says and you must visit there it’s a massive Place public

    Footpath running through the midle is yeah yeah but they were find in fact I found an unexploded shell all right so that was quite lot I found that there yeah yeah when we was kids we find them all time there loads of them and yeah yeah they’re actually doing explosives

    Right now they sound an alarm you know to let everyone know what’s this place then is this just a quarry that does the cement blocks or something no no they do stone everything here CX CX good so they do they do everything I I’m contractor and I’ve just been working on the wash

    Plant all right replacing some bearings yeah they do all sorts here all sorts of different stone is the wash Plant the bit that goes down a hill and into that dip yeah you so if you’re looking from above there’s like all the buildings here the road goes like that and then into white

    Loads of all buildings and then it goes down down a hill like that and the Lake’s in the bottom the wash plant’s right in the bottom it’s the last plant thing in the bottom of oh so it’s not the Wheel Wash no oh got no no no you

    About washing the aggregate yes it separates it out into sand that must be much F much further the I couldn’t get over there so I’m going to have to drive down a go down here the D road that way it’s a small D you can see it from there

    If you go further up you can get actually onto the top right okay so yeah yeah it’s mad to meet you right I thought are you recording now yeah yeah is that all right yeah yeah of course it is yeah I’m not bother U it’s not

    Against the law is it I thought you know what I saw you I thought shall I shall I do the old he don’t particular in my video oh was you going to act no I didn’t I thought better of it cuz I’m not a very good actor some people say oh they’re

    That ain’t happened in real life but it really does yeah yeah yeah I know but there’s so many interesting things out are happening around places like this but I couldn’t get the Drone all the way over this one’s sort of filled in with water around it and then there’s an

    Active one a little bit further down yeah there’s loads of quaries around here aren’t there yeah yeah oh say book full of quaries yeah yeah there’s a lot to say around but nobody’s objected yet no no they won’t they won’t looks to people a bit different

    A few people have said are you okay do you need any help yeah yeah now by but nobody said not allowed and the viewers like her not allowed as you know what’ you reckon that is a Crusher Crusher right it’s a Crusher that spins down it obviously it’s open normally it’s short

    It has things flailing around inside smashing it all smashing all Stone so if The Travelers park next to it with their High ab and lift it up there about a Grand’s worth of scrap there is’t there yeah a bit yeah is bolted down is but H will soon

    Rip that up would it some weight in that some way oh yeah that’s what they want yeah yeah of course it is heavy bit of metal yeah yeah so what I meant to ask you was I’ve seen a lot of your videos where Something’s Happened and I mean

    Obviously the one where you donated the money back to the that woman but one thing that frust me is you never see the end thing I watch lots of different videos and and you say oh I’m going to I’m going to take you to court I’m going

    To do this like that but you never see anything out it afterwards I only got arrested once well a couple of times but the main one was when I got compensation for the unlawful arrest when I was at the headquarters there and I did a follow-up video showing you it darish

    Yeah yeah and I did a follow-up video to say look this is what I’m going to do with the money and I donated it to the lady um we then did one yeah you mentioned the one with the wheelchair didn’t you yeah we did that but that really weren’t that was just somebody

    Left a comment and I thought we could change your life here with just a few hundred quid yeah yeah and there was the one where they posted your name and everything on there it was PJ that did was it P was it P no it wasn’t PJ it

    Was um the one who he said he was going to give up after that didn’t he random outings random outings it came back for a little bit but now he has G quiet he has given up did anything happen cuz that they couldn’t do that what it was right the

    Information that they put in the in the the window nobody knows who it was or where they got the information from but what they’re saying is because you’ve got over 100,000 subscribers you are now in the public domain so you can’t expect privacy right right so there you go so

    And if information about you is available when people search your name you’re like um a celebrity like a famous person you can’t say oh don’t ever publish my face or my name you sort of accepted that by getting big on the platform so when I took it to the solicitors that’s what

    They said to me they says it’s just a part of the game that you play in so and they says they they couldn’t take it on however if I wanted to pay for a private FM to do it cuz this solicitors that we tend to use it’s no

    Win no fee so if they think you’re going to win they’ll do it for no yeah yeah but they didn’t think they’d win so they says look you’ve accepted this what’s your problem they put your real name in your face so what it’s just like do

    Really matter does it an OE M’s poster or a Robbie Williams poster you know yeah yeah yeah yeah no what great cuz you never see your face but now I can put I can put a face to the but say like Banky yeah everybody knows Banky what he

    Does but nobody knows what he looks like or what his name is so if a company then went and put Banks’s name and face or plastered outside is that right well yeah yeah in their eyes it it is yeah but don’t think it’s properly been tested yet no but apart from that I

    Don’t feel like um we’ve not shown the result of anything you know I try and keep people updated yeah yeah no it’s I wasn’t meaning just you I me in general of the you know I know exactly General you see it and you think oh I’d like to

    Know what happened with that but you never do do you it’s just on to the next video well it does take many months to actually legal action oh yeah to come to fruition you know it’s like the one where um in Gro I think I don’t think you were there that day

    Where that guy with at that car washing Asel gr you know he had many visits to court and he was filming every time he went to court wer he giving you a little update so I know what you mean that was great yeah you could follow the story

    Yeah yeah especially cuz I mean at the time then I was working in as R so I went past that every day so you know I was like out look at that it turns out he was a as a people trafficker trafficker oh really employing people that shouldn’t be

    Working let’s put it like that I think he was involved in a few other things yeah I think he got a sentence for that yeah I should have done now yeah anyway I about go yeah nice to meet Lee weren it I’m crack with names yeah yeah oh

    Don’t don’t push everybody calls me D take care mate nice to meet you so there you go Marty about a week is he going to take his door off no not quite but this is the gentleman that’s putting the feed on the floor but this is the gentleman that’s

    Putting the feed on the ground a perfect opportunity for us to ask him why he’s doing it or is he cleaning it up I think he might be cleaning it up yeah he is there’s obviously been a spillage here and he wants the feed for his own use I think he’s actually

    Saying get your bucket I’ll scoop some out of the back for you is that great obviously a regular checks this this little lby to see if anybody’s had a spillage of any seed or feed whatever it is I love That yes mate yeah are let me give you a key ring what’s your name Andy nice to meet you Andy cheers thank you for watching mate see you later see you later Andy from NS Clark transport limited there so the gentleman’s now got a full bucket of animal feed

    Hello we’re getting a lot of PS careful we a couple of key rings and as Richard Lane cleans out the back and sweeps all of his dust outside we’ll move on from this entrance and we’ll get a little bit closer to see what the place looks like a bit further down the

    Road the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is right just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with That it’s a nice vehicle isn’t it cat Finning servicing the forklift trucks or the Machinery I don’t know but it’s got a flag on it again must mean something at the Quarry so we are now at a different location just down the road hopefully we can see a little bit more

    Of this Quarry processing area and yes we can Google Maps has helped us choose the perfect spot to launch the Drone and there we are at 120 M so we can see where they pile it all up once it’s been dug out of the ground the front loader there

    Just keeping the yard Point updated all tidy it’s a base in it massive mounds of the stuff and it will be great if we see a vehicle coming up the ramp and reversing and tipping just there we’ll stay in the air for a few minutes and see what happens altitude reached all these

    Conveyors as they transport it over in this direction and it looks like they load it directly into the train carriages as well and move it to other locations on the rail network yeah that is certainly what is happening they’ve got a load ready haven’t they look at all That so Le you told us that you did some maintenance on the wash so I can’t spot it but you will be able to my friend and I bet it would be quite nice for you and many of us to see this place from above so there you go load’s happening a’t

    There do they actually prefill these morx silos here it looks like it’s definitely where they do it I did wonder so that’s the processing area now we just need to continue up that road and have a good look inside the Quarry let’s see some Machinery moving around

    Shall we cuz the vehicle is not coming to tip any time soon so let’s get David back and do one final drone flight so there we have it right inside one of the quaries this one’s obviously full of water but the one that they’re working on right now is

    Not so let’s fly over and get a closer look so we have some pumps down here trying to get the water out to allow that little baby to rip all the rocks out the ground ready for one of these here to come and move it over to the processing area that we saw

    Earlier and there should be loads of these things on their way to the Digger but I can’t see many they have a long way to go before they can get up to the top I’ve got something else there whether he’s working from above from above I don’t know

    But is it because it’s getting late now the time here is 3:00 but it is a Friday Friday the 24th of November so they may be finishing early so let’s just get as high as we can let’s show you as much as we can before we do eventually wrap this

    Video up more Machinery popped up down there so yeah they probably have just finished early for the day one more on its way so we’ll end the video with this final shot [Applause] Drone footage complete it’s a great view ain’t it from there yeah I just took the drone over and you get right in the Quarry oh are you Bird Watch no just Machinery oh just YouTube videos stuff over there what’s that you see that clip that hill over there yeah

    Local no Lester right well two years ago that there was a cliff face over there and they filled it in in two years from the bottom of the Quarry with all the rubble that comes off and it’s only they’re going to be up level with it wow

    We got some big stuff here yeah have you just come up to have a look at this I went over to the health and safety executive site you’ve got nearby yeah I went to film that for the YouTube channel cuz that’s a little bit interesting and they do explosives

    Testing there you know oh do they yeah how do you have a look at that on YouTube what the type in just type this in you can have this cuz I’ve got YouTube yeah just type in DJ aits is that what you are yeah that’s me is that

    Your company just the YouTube channel oh we’ll have a look yeah it w’t will it be there tonight you think no about a week’s time but you’ll see anything interesting industrial you know anything industrial what old or new or aren’t you anything anything really yeah you see

    Sit down there’s a car coming Jasper sit I’ve got no treats no he’s just sit there’s a car coming sit where does that lead then uh you can actually get out onto the’s Road it’s it’s a public road but there’s a gate on it oh I tried to come the other end it

    Had a sign saying a b or no vehicle can travel down here or something oh I’ve not seen that so I thought I’d come in the other entrance yeah somebody’s decided cuz vehicles I mean I drive up and down it’s practically every bloody day yeah but to don’t go all the way cuz

    I live that way yeah it’s just a pain to open the gate a’t it yeah but you can get all the way to the gate yeah um see this road here four years ago used to go across there right across this bit of Quarry oh did it yeah I think he’s lost

    His ball underneath he’ll find it want me to get it for him it oh there it is Flav oh is want you to throw it actually that’s what he want it’s oh what you like so I’ll throw it up there then yeah there you go mate what’s his name Jasper

    Jasper I thought you one of the bird some bird watches come here atali with but one of them just had a stroke and he’s pretty bloody poy do you get many beds well surprisingly yeah there uh perrim Falcons have nested on that up there all this year and last year and uh

    There’s always two two or three pairs of ravens up there right every year okay but these bird watches are keen on a funny little bird and they’re called it sounds like it’s spelled like but they’re actually called right and they’re smaller than Sparrow and they fly all the way from North

    Every air to Nest air and they’ve done it for about 11 years and this year they didn’t bloody come and this is the best spot is it just down there there’s a little road that goes over toward small Dale right and they used to feed them every year and everything about a dozen

    Of them but they’ve disappeared this year they don’t know where the bloody gone yeah he got an award from the rspb for his work following these little birds they’re bloody tiny how can I find him online what’s he called he’s the one that’s had the stroke unfortunately all right yeah he’s called

    Richard uh oh I don’t know his bloody surname anything interesting that you can tell me about the quar only they very keen on ecology and he had his car pinch one year full of telescopes and cameras and he brought him a new pile of kit people yeah and yeah they land they keep

    It landscaped did they do this to the surface they Chuck gravel down that’s brilliant it I think they’re all right so and we’ve got a this is some of the best limestone in the world comes out of here yeah I bet and um look what it’s called pind Low just

    Over on the ashborne road oh he wants his ball throwing again look Machinery go on Jasper go and get it mate is an old pump on the river y that’s been there for about 180 years but it’s all right s to get to you you’d never find it without I

    Just found a um a shell look at this oh there’s a lot around here yeah I just reported that to security at the health and safety site but oh an Old Shell yeah yeah oh CRA I thought you meant an you know a shell in the Limestone that’s

    Massive you know there’s my hand so imagine how big it is it’s about a 10 in Shell that that that’s from uh that must be first world war you know look at that still got its uh seal on it’s it’s a cartridge that it’s not a shell it’s

    Full is it yeah that’s a cartridge yeah cuz they put the cartridge in after they put this the shot in and then they put the cartridge in after it oh I didn’t know that yeah that’s a bloody cartridge and then have you told him about it anyway yeah I reported it straight the

    Way and what you can do online they go they get that yeah they need to you can have a little square and it will tell you exactly where you are to 4 M right so it gives it a name so I’ve told him exactly where it is and then that’s

    Amazing just as I was filming down here all I could hear is Sirens I’m wondering whether the bomb squad have gone they will cuz that got explosive in yeah and it’s right next to where they are testing explosives Christ almighty unless it’s no it’s not a charge cuz the

    Charges they put in US man they used to be big years ago it’s literally just sitting on the grass it’s embedded it’s been there for a long time lot it and the field where it is you’ve just got animals grazing but there’s no animals there at the minute it’s so like you got

    It’s not likely to go off cuz they need uh they need something to make them explode yeah they’ll be they go get it what it is there’s no fence so anybody can wander around there and what if kids start you know lobbing it or whatever or smashing it with sticks you just never

    Know do you no you you don’t with it being the health and safe the executive is not very safe for the public you know hey what you day you coming all the way from Le yeah yeah it’s l marvelous is it so I’m going to disappear now there’s an

    Old car chassis at the top here or L chassis about 70 80 years old no it must be more it’s about 1920 is there what just up up here right at the very top it’s I’ve been coming here for since 2020 so I know the area pretty well right well I’ll let you

    Carry on my friend yeah you have a good life nice to me you so we off the left now yeah back home now only really came to do the health and safety but as I passed I saw this massive quarry on Google Maps and I

    Thought I’ve got to have a look at that they’re taking 32 million it’ll be tons not cubic meters we’ve just been granted permission to take all that Cliff face away 32 million tons yeah well if it’s that good it’s oh yeah are and apparently so somebody told

    Me they going to make it into a lake when they finished they’ve got about another eight years and got to finish right they want to make it into a lake so people can I don’t know whether that’s true or not do you hear explosions not they’re very muffled now

    Because aomine used to be a shop Fir and I I was asking him about it I said the it’s not a sharp crack now when they they uh do the Shot firing and it what they do is the explosions go off at very very short intervals so it they’re nearly together but

    They’re not quite together so you don’t get the blast right that’s why these Earth banks are here so yeah people don’t get cfty yeah he’s done it now you see his blood is parked up there it’s not lost it as no it won’t lose okay

    Okay yeah oh you have a good one take care the one it’s bad on blood Frid yeah everyone wants to get home don’t they yeah all right mate so if I get on the DJ audits have to tell me all about you press the Subscribe button and every

    Time I put a video on it’ll give you a notification and you just need to look for the Quarry it’ll be about a week one goes on every day you know every day at 4:00 so how would you make a living yeah the YouTube adverts that you have to watch

    Pay me a few Pence every time you watch it I get a few Pence but there’s so many people there’s there’s hundreds of thousands of people watching these adverts and all these few pen is add up so you make quite a lot of money off YouTube you know and you’re making

    Enough to L you must do I’ll show so you can make a lot of money by doing videos that people want to watch and you see these YouTubers big YouTubers and you think how are they making a living off it yeah because it pays quite a lot of

    Money the adverts you know you watch an advert even if you press skip yeah it still pays me because they’ve paid Google yeah to put the advert on yeah and Google are giving me half of it and you’ve got to see the advert because I mean I’m not

    Bothered about adver you press Skip and the carry on watching yeah yeah yeah just because you so it’s Machinery you’re after or industry so industrial Estates basically that what was that the Quarry yeah that was quite not loud is it well it was some sort of explosion it might

    Be that shell bet it bloody was do you reckon yeah yeah they can’t leave stuff like that seriously did you reckon they yeah wow well you’ll be able to tell next time you come won’t you if you have a look I’m tempted to go back and see if

    There’s any have a look yeah they don’t piss about uh cuz my son was in sort it straight away right okay whatever you know you do see them finding them in the canals these magnet fishes don’t you yeah and then like an hour later all the roads closed oh yeah

    He he used to have some bloody Adventures he’s dead now but he he was in Afghanistan right one of his best mates was uh who are still no he comes to see me now and again he was uh when he was in the Special Forces he was one

    Of the guys if anybody got blown up he was trained in medical assistants and all the rest of it and he used to scoop all well right I better get going bye-bye Jasper old Machinery you know I wonder if you could find that old water

    Pump cuz it’s bloody old is it On The River Why I’ll do some research on it if you go to do you know where top Pike car park is no it’s on if you go to Bon and go down Ashwood Dale to O Bakewell there a bloody great big car park called tople

    Pike Park in the car park and walk down the river till you come to a a wear a big wear it’s about about 3/4 of a mile if if you got your Wellies on you can walk across the way and there’s a funny little Stone building in all the

    Undergrowth you can’t bloody see it till you get there and in there is a pump that was built when they first started that quarry that big Quarry over there in 1800 and something and it’s still bloody there right okay it’s a lovely cuz I fish on that River and for

    Years I’ve thought I can get it out what I couldn’t yeah I have a look M that as big as your bloody car that is now on the list yeah so you look for the you can’t miss the we just keep walking it’ll say blackw Mill cottages and

    You’ll see this we there’s a lovely big flat pool and a Viaduct and then it tumbles down a proper human built wear in the river you walk across the top of the wi they in a bridge there and then just look straight ahead of you behind that there’s a massive tree and there’s

    This pump house all right okay yeah keep a look out on the channel machery and I’ll show you it take care mate yeah look After


    1. All is not lost as long as old Fella's and Gents like that are still around GREAT Britain is still breathing. They still make the Country great. The foundations of the Country an what makes it great are built on people like that Man. And his dog liked you that means you must be a good guy. πŸ˜€

    2. Lee nailed it when he said β€œyou won’t get any of that up ere”, the general rule is the further north you go – the nicer and more polite people are.

      If you’re in London everyone assumes you’re a terrorist, or that you’re laden with acid & knives.

    3. Many transport companies transport all sorts of stuff from seed, cereal, feed, to stone, sand, etc. They have to totally clean the trailer between loads. If seeds get into concrete they can germinate years later and cause structural problems for whatever is made from the concrete! Hence the guys stopping in the lay-by and making sure the trailers are clean, and the opportunistic guy getting free feed!

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