Språkpromenad Tännforsen med Erika – Lär dig svenska @svenskamedmarie

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    Språkpromenader – Live


    A1 svenska för nybörjare https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5bWaa66VovMELL4S4f-TSh

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    Mat, kök, matord https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4JXujgsX1CnxnuF2rzChVs

    Vardag med Marie https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5PBrPRGvUlMmHFq4_HcVrk

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    Dikter https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ6mWiwoCJN2nXRa1c68Ce30

    Svenska på högstadiet och gymnasiet https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ7MoMaPYYhMc6dR0a5bE9hQ

    Bildordlistor https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4mCKAU5pCj0qrdu6ZTzXPK

    Svenska lektion 1-42 + annat https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4bvhOZWQ_7w7E356ZEd5i-

    Ställa: https://youtu.be/fF-kKyKIOrc
    Se: https://youtu.be/f5DA2TW2u1w
    komma: https://youtu.be/yyNsXFmLig0

    ta: https://youtu.be/nl6lMSRPs9U
    gå: https://youtu.be/BPMO95DYfUw
    Partikelverb med på: https://youtu.be/YJVWuIG_n1s

    Idiomatiska uttryck


    This is Erika. Today is the seventeenth of March and the weather is great. We have read in the newspaper that it is almost snow, lots of snow down in Stockholm and many accidents. But here we have a great time. Are you sitting in the car Barbara and going on holiday?

    How lovely! Tell me where you are going. Barbara has been following me since maybe 2016, so Barbara she is always on live. We would like to know where Barbara is going on holiday so she might be able to write it. We’re also going out for a drive and Erika will be allowed to

    Drive, because it’s not good for me to drive when I’m speaking live. No no no. We are actually going to Sweden’s biggest, biggest waterfall. Oops, here we have someone protesting. Oh oh oh. Do you also want to join? This is our cat Fluffis who doesn’t want to join us at all.

    She looks very angry now. She will be allowed to go down, but you can see how fluffy she is. That’s why she’s called Fluffen. I tend to be a bit funny sometimes and say that she is unhappy. You usually call cats a miss, so the miss is unhappy.

    Then she is not satisfied, not happy. But we will show Erika what it looks like in the car. We’ll just ask first, does the sound work? If someone can just give us a little one like this. Yes, you can hear each other well when you talk.

    We each have a mic and we hope to hear each other. Barbara, you who are good at writing. Can you say yes, the sound works. Because it’s a little windy so it doesn’t bother you when we walk around and then go by car. We’ll see. We go to the car.

    Today it is quite slippery. So we wear spiked shoes so we don’t fall in the car. We also have a dog. I’m going to open the car door here. Here we have Maggi brown. Tatjana replies that it works well and hello, so do we.

    You see here, Maggi is sitting here and Maggi is stuck in the seat belt. Because is it a law that dogs must wear seat belts? I think in any case, for insurance purposes, it is good that a dog is stuck in the car. Then I’m not sure about teams.

    Yes, they should be stuck in the car. But she she is also dissatisfied. But she’s a dog, so maybe she’s dog-happy. But now I’m going to get into my car and then we’re going to Tännforsen. Going to turn this one around again.

    I thought I’d tell you a little about what kind of things are in a car. I have received a request for that. Here we have the seat belt. It is legal to wear a seat belt in the car. Erika backs down. Now I hope she doesn’t get stuck in the snowdrift.

    Hi girls, you are amazing. Hi thanks! You are also great viewers. Now she backs down. It’s lucky it’s not me, because then I wouldn’t be able to record. And now we’ll see. Now I’m going to point out different things, I thought. Here we go down too far.

    Over there is this year’s guta and now we drive down to where I live. They have graveled the road and we still have quite high drifts of snow. You see. It takes about 20 minutes. It takes 20 minutes to go to Tännforsen, but it is very nice to see.

    Shall we go the old way? We can do that. This is how we go down my hill. There is the Big Snow Hill that melts in the summer. It takes a very long time. We have great weather. Now we have a meeting. We have to stay away a bit.

    Here we come to a sign, a road sign. Do you know what this road sign is called? Erika, can you tell me? It’s called duty to turn. And now you see a car coming down there, so now I have to wait until I know if it’s going to

    Turn in, which it’s going to do, or if I can drive. So I have to look and see that it’s done and no other car is coming. Then I can drive away. Because it was mandatory to turn, so I have to wait until it’s ready for me to go.

    Hey guys, you’re going to get a little driving lesson now too while we’re driving here. Now they can be seen. We drive right past yellow piles of bales. They are called silage. I almost have to show how beautiful it is here. When we drive now, we go. This is called Millestvägen, old Millestväg.

    You go to a farm called Millestvägen. There is a farm here. It’s not as big now as it used to be, but they have sheep and horses and before they also had pigs and cows. Surely this house is beautiful? Yes, wait, I have to show this house. This house is so incredibly beautiful.

    There are an incredible number of beautiful houses here, but unfortunately it is quite expensive to live in Åre. And you know, it’s expensive to buy a house here. I am very grateful to have Erika with me today. This morning we actually made a film, although I have to edit it.

    It is because Erika has worked in a special profession. Are you going to tell me? I can understand Erika well. She speaks clearly. Someone asks how many degrees it is here. So today it must be almost. When I left. We sat and drank a cup of coffee before we got in the car.

    At the time it was zero degrees, but there was also a bit of sun on the window pane, you could say. But it’s a bit windy, so we have a lot of clothes on. But the sun is warming, so spring is in the air and we are

    Happy that the weather is so beautiful today. Yes, it is. It’s kind of funny. This is last Sunday, I am also shooting a film here in Duved and then it was also blue sky. It hasn’t been blue sky that many times this winter, so next week it might be a full storm.

    But now it’s very beautiful and now I’m going to turn around. Here we have a yard. This fence here is called gärdsgård. There are a lot of fence yards here. Now we are soon going out on the E14 and here comes a turning sign again. There is a stop in 200 metres.

    But right here, right here, here we come. No, we have already gone past Millersgården. Yes, we just passed by. This is where we come to. They think you drive very fast. Here we have a stop sign and stop signs you actually have to stand still for three seconds.

    One, now we’ll see, one, two, three. And then we get to drive when it’s ready. Now it was done and we blink to the left with the blinkers. We blink to the left. Barbara says that in Germany it is thirteen degrees plus and sunny. Oh, how lovely, Barbara. We get jealous.

    Now we drive on the E14. This road, it leads towards, oh, this road leads towards Trondheim. Norway is five miles, 50 kilometers there. Then we are in Norway. It’s quite bumpy on the roads and when it gets really bumpy like this, it’s called tjärlskott.

    And here there is a lot of shooting, a lot of shooting. Now we are in the car on our way to Tännforsen, Sweden’s largest waterfall. Here we have a gear lever. I don’t have an automatic transmission. I have a five speed manual transmission.

    I have five gears in my car and one that goes backwards. And I will turn. So here’s first gear, second, third, fourth, fifth and R, that’s reverse. Here we have the steering wheel and on this lever you can set the windscreen wipers.

    This is a windshield wiper and here we are going to drive into Tännforsen. And it was only eight kilometers. Yes, it’s not that long. R is for race they say. Exactly, you have to race fast. It was fun. We race. Erika, she is a good driver.

    You have been driving for a long time. A long time, since 1990 I got my driver’s license. For so long I have driven a car and many different kinds of cars, both with a manual gearbox when I have to shift myself or an automatic when the car detects and shifts for me.

    I think it’s nice with automatic, but Marie, she loves manual because she’s a racing driver. When I was nineteen years old, then we had We had. Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but at night we drove the fastest from point A to B and I always won. So my name was

    Yes, what is it called? Racer Pettersson, Rally pettersson (my last name was Pettersson at the time) I drove very fast and I enjoy driving. I probably drive 3000 miles a year (300000 km) Oh, it’s slippery here, slippery, but now it’s gone. I drive about 3000 (30000 kilometers) miles a year.

    I have quite a long way to work. This is how it looks here. I turn around a car that is overtaking a car. I drive when I drive to work, it’s seven miles (70 kilometers) round trip and both my sons live in Östersund and it’s 22 miles (220 kilometers) round trip to Östersund.

    And then I have my whole family in Köping and to Köping it is 67 (670 kilometers) miles easy. So then it’s usually almost 130 140 miles (300 – 1400 kilometers) that I go there four times a year. I drive a lot in a car so

    There is evidence to show that it is actually quite rutted on the road and a bit slippery, especially where there is shade. There it will be quite. What to say? It looks like a train track. There will be ruts in the road so it is easy to slip with

    The car and get skid. Nothing good. Here we may soon come to shade, so we’ll see. Now it’s just asphalt just to show that it’s icy. Incredibly beautiful day. Totally amazing. Very nice. We shall see. We hope that the cafe is open at Tännforsen, which is a tourist attraction, you could say.

    Many people go there and look because it is a huge waterfall. They have made many waterfalls in Norrland . What is it called? Power stations? Yes, just so that you set up water, turbines and extract electricity from the water and then the waterfalls disappear. Then you can’t see how beautiful they are.

    But Tännforsen is still absolutely fantastic. We’ll get there soon and I think it ‘s a good thing we’re wearing spiked shoes because it’s quite a steep hill down to the waterfall. But the road winds its way. There are drifts of snow on the sides of the road.

    But I have a good driver and we have the dog in the back. She’s sleeping. Stefan says it sounds nice and has never been here. Skiing? Yes, in Åre there is alpine skiing and there are also an incredible number of cross-country trails. Shall we see what that sign says?

    Here it says Verdal 90 kilometers Värdal, it is a Norwegian town. Is this where you drive up? Here you drive to. Tännforsen. They probably think we drive a little slowly because we get overtaken all the time. But we’re not racing today. Lets see. Here it says that on this sign

    It says Tännforsen 500 meters. Then we will see that soon we will turn onto a small road. I hope it’s not too icy. You can see that there are many cracks in the road. It’s icy here. Here we drive up to Tännforsen. It looks pretty okay. It’s a good road.

    It’s a good road. We have winter tires on the car. We have great winter tires and I always have studs on my winter tires. How funny that you now see exactly that. Now it says that I have already been to Sundsvall. It’s quite funny because Erika comes from

    Sundsvall or a small village outside Sundsvall called Söråker. I was born there together with my family and my brother and mother and father, so we lived in Söråker for several years. Erika and I have recorded a video where Erika is a fantastic cook so I will post that video maybe on

    Thursday and it is how to make the world’s best scones for breakfast. So in that film, Erika is the main character. Oh, now I have to turn. Look how beautiful. It is beautiful here. It is towards Kall (a village in Jämtland). Here you have the mountains and then that’s

    It. What is the name of this lake? Cold lake. Is it Kallsjön? I think it could be Kallsjön. Yes maybe. (It’s Tännsjön) But we have this much snow here. This road is a bit icier than the bigger road was. More shadows. There are a lot more shadows here and now there is

    A left turn and here we come to Tännforsen. Are they rebuilding? No. There is a mobile home that must have been here and looked at the case. Here come people who have been and watched. Everyone looks this sunny. There or? We can park there.

    Here we will park and then we will go down to the waterfall. Yes someone asked isn’t it frozen? Well, we’ll see how much water comes in. It’s a bit exciting for us too. Have I lost a mitt? Where. In the last movie I lost a mitten. And now too. I pull the handbrake.

    Handbrake. Then the car stops. Now we’re going to pick out the skunk. The dog is secured with a seat belt. This is Maggie. Then she is stuck. Hi Maggie. Are you allowed to go out and walk? We put a leash on the doggy (slang word for the dog)

    I lock the car with the button. So. Clip. Now we’re going down. This is one of Jämtland’s tourist attractions. But here we go, right? We should park the car, I thought. We have to pay the parking fee. We have to pay for parking.

    Now I didn’t see that question and I guess I can’t rewind. You have to park here. Here we have Easy Park. Here you park with different apps. You can park with SMS or you can park with an app. Have you parked? I can park. Because I can’t park.

    But I have Easy Park I think. Erika pays. Very good. Very good. Then we’ll go down. It is good to have an assistant with you. You can be my personal assistant. Just. They usually say my PA. Easy Park. Easy Park. Going to turn here. Here you go down soon. Must park first.

    Is the dog a Spaniel? She is an English Springer Spaniel, but she was born in Scotland. So we bought her in Scotland and brought her to Sweden. Her name is Molly Malone. Maggie Brun I mean, sorry. Molly was that sister. But the sister of this one has actually died.

    She is no more and this is quite an old doggy. How old is the doggy? She is almost 13 years old. She turns 13 in June. So she turns 13 this summer. A little Maggie Brown. Now we will go down to them.

    Do they have sand? No, it’s a good thing we’re wearing spiked shoes. Gonna turn it around like that. Now we have the sun behind us so it will be a little shady. Left. Here we can go. You go down in one place and up in another. It’s not so slippery here yet.

    No, it’s going well. It says start here. Warning for slipping. Well done. We have good shoes. We have great shoes. Here. Welcome to Tännforsen. Wild and beautiful, sometimes thunderous like a rock concert that is felt in the whole body. Wintertime. Blue tones embedded in the stillness.

    Organ pipes of ice frozen on the rocks. A case that varies with the seasons. This feels like something a poet has written. It felt very beautiful. It was very beautifully written. Very beautiful. It is 370 meters. I will show. Here it says that it is 370 meters to the waterfall.

    Then you can walk a flower loop and there you can look at flowers. But not now. Now they lie under the snow and the bench of good hope. It is a bench you can sit on and then you can think good thoughts and wish for things. It’s not that bad.

    Yes, now we go to the case of Sweden’s largest waterfall. It’s a bit dark when the sun just enters the camera, but you’ll have to put up with that. I have known Erika since 1991 and she is a very good friend and I am lucky that she lives in Sweden now,

    Because you have lived in many different places. Yes I have. I’m going to turn this around so I don’t get the sun in the camera all the time. So the dog is a spaniel. Yes, she is a spaniel, she is a Springer Spaniel.

    Yes, and it is a very obedient dog and very furry almost like a cat. She is very shaggy in her fur. Yes, it is soft fur. She enjoys being out in nature. Love it. Yes, I turn anyway. So now we lose the gauntlet again. No, but do I lose the glove again?

    I should have like the kids. You know when you have a string like this. You have a string on the mitten and then you attach the mitten to the jacket. I should have. You should have that. I usually. Most of you who watch my language walk are watching Anastasia’s language walk.

    Stefan writes that there are pictures of Tännforssen’s waterfall in winter on the internet and it is absolutely beautiful. Good. Good idea to look at Stefan. It’s good that you check the internet at the same time . After I know I’ll go.

    It’s a bit exciting, because even now when we walk we hear the fall starting to sound a little bit like that rustling in the air a little further down, so we understand that we are coming down towards the fall. I will show how it will be quite steep.

    Here we go out following the road and the drop is quite steep down here. The case is the case. You can see here between the trees there is rain and here there are clean frames in the ice street. So but we have spiked shoes, so it’s good to

    Go. We don’t have anything yet from the case, even though the microphone and I think the microphones might remove some noise. We already have it now. We may have it a little further down. Lets see. We go and we go and we go.

    And Maggie likes to bathe, so she probably wants to bathe in the case, but she can’t . You will understand why she cannot bathe in the case now. But as soon as Maggie hears water, she gets so happy and wants to swim.

    What the hell is going on Maggie? Can you hear it’s water? Yes, yes, we’ll see that we can see the water a little closer. Now we go and go and go and go and go and go and go on. If you fall, hold your hand so she doesn’t fall.

    When I film, I just look into the camera. Shall we read what it says here? Yeah, oops, oops, oops, oops. River trip Here it says. People have been visiting Tännforsen for a long time, but it has not always been as easy as it is now to get here.

    In summer, the trip included a sometimes dangerous boat ride across Lake Tännsjön, it’s called. If you look straight across the water here, you can see what Tännfors tourists of old went ashore after they had been rowed across the lake. Good, we continue down. It’s great content. Super content. It’s just us here.

    Now we are at the top of the case. Then we have to go down a rather steep staircase where Stair the hill, but there might be some ice on it now, so you have to be careful. Here I know you go down. I know that. Here is the beginning of the case

    And many asked if it is not frozen. But when it’s this current, i.e. it’s very current there, then the water doesn’t freeze. Even though it’s 30 degrees cold, the water is still running all the time. I don’t know if you can hear it rustling. At least there was a bit of noise here.

    This is where it starts, so now we are only at the beginning of the waterfall. Now we’ll see here. Shall we first go up and then down? We’re going to go a little further away here and you’ll come down. It’s icy here. Here the water swirls next to us. It is very powerful.

    Maybe I’ll lose a habit again. Soon, soon, soon. I turn the camera when we just. We think we’ll take a stand at the earliest. Down at one edge you can look down into the case. But in the spring when all the ice starts to melt, then there is a lot of water

    Coming and then it makes a loud noise. It just roars. Here is another sign. A daring cycling number in 1953, there were actually some who cycled. Here is a person sitting and here is a person who cycled over Tännforsen. It’s quite a bit crazy. It’s pretty crazy. It’s pretty crazy. Wouldn’t we?

    No not. Even if we’re a little crazy, we wouldn’t cycle over Tännforsen. No, now we’ll see. Now it’s coming very. Now we proceed very carefully. I hold you. Now we have good use of the spiked shoes. I don’t know if you can hear it crunching under your feet.

    Now we can go there and have a look. We’re going to the left here and then we can look a little closer at part of part of the case. This is still just the beginning. You see what ice there is in the case. Do you see? There you can see how the water

    Comes down and down the edges. There is a lot of ice that has formed here. Yes, I have to walk like crazy. I hold down. Now it’s beautiful. Now we will go even further down so that we can see most of the waterfall. Here are some standing and watching too. Lets see.

    Huh? Oh, but what here we can see a little more. It falls way down. There it is like a cave. If you look. There are incredible masses of water that go down here. Is. It is very beautiful. We will try to get even further down. Yes, it is mysterious.

    I agree with. It is mysterious and absolutely amazing. We’ll try to get down here. I don’t think you can go out here anymore. It was off. You might be able to walk a bit there. You don’t come down here at all, do you? No, I

    Don’t think you can go down and look closed off because it’s a bit dangerous. It is closed because usually you can go down a flight of stairs here. Now we’ll see here. It is quite steep here. I hold you. Now we both fall. Here you

    Can usually go down to a bridge out there and look at the waterfall. But it is turned off. We see down there that it is here. It is not possible to go on the stairs. It’s just ice, ice, ice and they’ve blocked it off so you don’t go down there and hurt yourself.

    It says closed area. Great risk of slipping on the stairs and ramp has meant that we have closed these for visitors for safety reasons. But it still looked good. We have to make sure we can go back up and look and see if we can get a good picture. It’s pretty lame.

    It’s a bit slippery and. But I think this is absolutely fantastic. Very beautiful, but there are many meters to go down. This is only one third of the waterfall. This is only one third of the waterfall. It continues way down. Here we have Maggi. I think Maggi is going to take a bath.

    Maggi wants to bathe. We don’t want that, not swimming. I have been to waterfalls. Schaffhausen bodense. I can imagine. There is something special about water. So, you can look at water for a long time. And here it is incredibly nice. It’s not cold. It is zero degree.

    But we have dressed well, so we are warm. Yes, we are hot. We are warm. You can see a little bit if we turn the camera. How beautiful it is over here. Yes, and Marie gets a little closer. So, where should I come? So you see down here is the lake.

    This white here, that’s ice that’s on the lake and the fall goes down and then it comes out and flows into that lake. Yes, but right now we’re not getting down there. It’s so lame. It’s too slippery, so we can’t go down there.

    But we can walk around a bit up, so maybe see if we can get around. We’ll see if we can walk around and see if we can get back up here. I live. I live in Åre municipality in Duved. And now we are right at Tännforsen.

    For those of you who are new, we are in Tännforsen, which is Sweden’s largest waterfall. It is not the tallest, but it is the largest waterfall. There is a lot, a lot of water flowing here in the spring. Yes, and now I see too. Even more water in the spring than now.

    It’s really cool to be here when spring comes and all the snow and ice melts further up the mountain. And I’m as soon as this movie is over I’m going to put subtitles in a hundred and thirty languages ​​so we can watch the movie again with the help of

    Subtitles. I understand that there are many difficult words, because we may speak a little fast sometimes. We still try to control ourselves Speak slowly so that it doesn’t go too fast. Now we move a little from the case. Now we leave the case. I don’t know if you heard the noise.

    We thought it was quite noisy, but it was a shame we couldn’t walk down this jetty out. But I have had to do the same walk this summer. This spring, when there is so much water, we can go here again. But you might not hear us talking, because it’s so loud.

    Then it just sounds really loud. Now we will. Now I’m going to go back to the car. Here they actually have sand. Here it was good. Here we must go down. I think we can go down. It says it’s closed here too. That’s the one down there. But here maybe we can.

    Here we have to film Marie. Oh oh oh. Here. Here there is a small bench. Here you are sitting there. There is a small bench and it is called the Kissers bench. That means kissing there. But I don’t know if I dare. I dare not go down there.

    No, but we want to find someone. Hello! Then we’ll go down here. It is also a bit steep here. Maybe you can see that we will see if we can access. We would love to see and show you. Yes, we want to show you the waterfall in all its glory.

    No, Falun is a long way from here. This is located if you know what Sundsvall is on the coast, this is approximately 34 miles (340 kilometers) straight towards Norway. It is 15 miles (150 kilometers) to Trondheim. It’s great that we walk together. We hold hands. We hold hands because it’s very steep here.

    Like two old aunts. But I’m an aunt and I’m with you. Here you have Aunt Marie and Aunt Erika. We are and we walk carefully so we don’t fall down this icy hill and Maggie pulls on the leash. She wants to go faster. We hold hands. Very good. Here it is even steeper.

    This might be the world’s weirdest movie. I might ride my butt down the whole hill. It sounds good. We want to see that. Then you can film and I’ll ride your ass. Now we’re going to swing again here. Now it will be. Here we will see what it says on this sign.

    It says. This is what I was talking about in the car. That that this one. Imagine if this place had become a hydroelectric plant instead. Then it would have been very boring. In 1940, the rights to this waterfall were bought here and then it was given protection that it was

    Absolutely necessary that Tännforsen must receive permanent protection and should never become a hydroelectric plant. Oh oh oh now. I’ll probably have to hold on to the edge there, maybe. Or you can go in the middle, I think we’ll see. I’ll probably ride my ass soon. It’s almost icier at the fence.

    Yes. Look at Erika when she walks it’s lame. It’s lucky I have shoes with studs studded shoes and so do I. You may have to stay on the fence. Here, mushrooms grow on the tree. It was good. It may not look that slippery or that steep, but it is very

    Steep. You have to walk carefully. It is easy to break the leg or the neck of the femur if you fall. I’m filming you, if you fall, it will show. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh It’s lucky there are fences. There is also a lookout point here. It’s slippery.

    How lucky I wasn’t walking alone today. It feels good. Erika for coming with me. Now it becomes a little flatter. A little flatter. We’re coming now. I want to see Marie and Erika language walk every Sunday. Oh oh oh. Now we get down to the bottom. Here we will see that case here.

    If I go on the butt now, I think I’d better go there. I think so. Certainly tried carefully. Then you have a few steps. I’ll go ahead and try. Erika goes ahead and tries. She walks carefully. Then I’ll just come. It’s fine. I’m holding your hand. We are approaching the waterfall.

    Now let’s see where we go from here. Yes you Erika. I try to put my feet down. It’s really icy. Look how beautiful. Here you can see much better. Here you have Tännforsen and here there will be lots of ice crystals and up there is where we wanted to go and check.

    You can stand as if on a small, small bridge there. Or with a fence around and look down into the rapids. But it was closed because there was so much ice and then when you go a little further. So are. Here is Lake Tännsjön and then you have all the mountains here.

    This is how I live. This is only 20 kilometers from where I live and I think it’s pretty amazing that we can live like this. What do you think of our fantastic waterfall? Incredible. It’s actually so beautiful. It’s absolutely beautiful and it’s absolutely fantastic.

    Nature is wonderful when it offers a nice Sunday walk like this and we can join you and show you. What time it starts and how long this broadcast. This broadcast started at twelve o’clock and I will try to do live every Sunday between twelve o’clock and one o’clock.

    Today I have Erika with me, who is a very good friend of mine. Also my ex’s Sister-in-law. She was married to my brother or together with my brother and they have a child together who is my brother’s son and then we separated in 2005 and since then we have been very good friends.

    So I didn’t break up with Marie, still wanted to be Mari’s friend. Although she and my brother were not friends and married for long, we were friends. You have to keep your friends. You should. The dog’s feet are certainly cold. Yes, just a little.

    But she has, she has been training all winter, but if it gets more than 15 degrees cold, that means minus 15 degrees. Then she walks like this and lifts her paws because then it gets cold. But now it’s going well because it’s not so cold. I have enjoyed. But how good.

    Thank you everyone who is watching, you are amazing and how fun that you wanted to be with us and watch this amazing case that is behind us and roaring very loudly. Now if you turn the camera, we’re going to show that we’re going to go up all the way this way.

    We will go there and all the way up there so that we arrive. It will be very slippery and steep, so we will end this very soon and we are very grateful that you have watched and in about one or two hours there will be subtitles for the entire film in 130 languages.

    Wow. Marie is fantastic at this and I am very happy and grateful that I have been able to participate. So thank you very much. Chokran so much. Thank you very much. Danke Please. Merci beaucoup. Merci beaucoup. Prego. Faristo. We say goodbye then. Thank you very much in all the languages ​​you know. Bye.

    Have a nice time. Hello Hello. Happy Sunday to you all. Yes.


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