Arnold Clarke dealer Leeds, what an amazing sales executive , even gives me a gift ! Thank you Arnold Clarke Leeds !

    Google maps 360 degree drone photo –

    The last thing I want is Roseville Road all over the Internet and showing somebody kicking off because if somebody comes down on the back of that and you know they have a bad experience and then they see that video later on they think oh he’s he’s like that with everybody

    You know it’s the sales Executives here um I’ve been a sales manager at different dealers um I moved to Manchester then ended up moving back to leads so um I used to work here and now I’ve come back to the company um all right yeah like a [Laughter]

    Boomerang welcome back to another car dealer video everybody today we’re in leads Center and we’re looking at Arnold Clark we’ve only done a couple of these now up in this area they sell all sorts of different brands used cars basically uh the last experience in this one of these was

    Okay but went there quite late at night but there was no issue inside filming at All and I think they’ve got a saale on at the moment because the branch I went to said they’ve got a certain sale on uh and loads of money off every car I think or most cars so we’re going to go inside see what they say it’s not the

    Biggest Branch it’s not as big as the last one I went to see what happens quite loud music on got some kind of leak there in the roof what’s going on with that there must be some kind of leak so yeah they’ve got money off look ,000 off that one 2,800 off that

    One Tesla 37 38 Grand on the Tesla coffee Area just There even got a little kids are which is very clever marketing Wise Kids play area H not keen on the music though quite loud as well sales manager general manager that yish Brown eating in that one Alo with the carbon fiber very nice somebody there I thinks I’m a mystery

    Shopper I think they think that anyway gol four in here golf eight 34 Grand h why have they got one of these in here so soon someone’s bought that and got rid of it already why beautiful seating look at that M why have they got rid of that one little bit unusual isn’t

    It golf eight or another are There have a look at this a 2930 Grand on that t-rock yeah yeah they’re watching me far Corner look they not taking a very good job of approaching are they 11,200 on the 18 Plate that music is irritated didn’t know the seating look like that not keen on that at all the back of it is all right here but not keen on these little irritating little knobbly things H oh no one’s approached yet so let’s go back to reception shall we figure it out

    Hello I’ve walked around had a little video just recording yeah again sorry him what the car social media who me hello yeah if you I’m confused who’s asked you to do it me no one you can’t do that 623 is in it’s public space but it’s private land what’s it thought St

    It uh kind of kind of yeah social media yeah just um just got any new authorized area just for health and safety yes yeah I’m pretty chill yeah yeah haven’t in many of these places so fair enough what your page oh am I going to be on social

    Media oh you will be here hey what’s your page uh you’ll see it you’ll see it I don’t mean to come across rude when I tell people I can’t give it out but let’s say I go outside now and one of your managers comes out and kicks off

    And then outs time then you’ll complain about the video see no is though no no I’ve SE all the time I follow PJ audits on Facebook and DJ audits yeah think or DJ all his name well there both oh he a both are you one of them PJ’s got the

    Dreadlocks you know him de yeah and DJ is the other guy yeah no you see people giving them a hard time and just doing your thing aren’t you yeah yeah is what is but I’ve had it happen where it’s amazing I’m outside doing my drone someone else comes out kicks off oh yeah

    Cuz you get all that oh it’s public air space and then so if you can’t fly over a and all I’ve seen it all yeah I’ve seen them all is what is in there had it a VW they were sound inside yeah then some guy came out and said oh I’m in

    Charge can’t be doing that proper proper argument with him yeah so now that video when it goes out you ain’t going to be happy about that well the thing is about the time you’ve had it around you’ve just made a bit of a fool of yourself

    Than I already gone no that’s what I mean think you’ve already made a fool yourself around anywhere why have you got a Golf R in already I’m surprised you got a Golf R nice what the yeah they’ve been out a while they been out for about two two and a bit

    Years now right um yeah Mark eight play 7.5 nice cars I’m just surprised got in got to look inside it to be fair I’ve had to look in a lot of the ODS cuz I do VW a lot yeah um how have you been to O A

    Lot you travel the country or you just do l no everywhere what’s your um what’s been your best sort of audit like I’ve got two channels one does auditing like you’re talking about to subscribe the second one is like car dealers only all right okay the smaller channel that one

    Is yeah um just walking in seeing what happens yeah that’s fair enough I mean I’m not going to cause you any trouble or anything thought I could sell you a car when you wonder around that’s come over no so I’ve been to one of these before yeah they were

    Fine yeah which which CL was it Wakefield I think oh right yeah we saw we’ve shot out the branch now so we’re just one bran yeah we just got the one branch in leads now a few of our stuff went over to the late field one couple

    Over to the other field one just s spreading about Okay so we’ve been open about 4 years here yeah um it’s been about 4 years now somewhere four years last year was it okay will yeah about four years years yeah big motor in group Pard big

    Motor in group you heard of them yeah a big motor big motor in world or big big motor there two is there almost every deal there’s if you search any sort of combination of dealer dealer Buzz words it’s going to bring up with a dealer is

    It but big motoring Wells just open a sight in leads the the big one yeah yeah yeah big site though so big motoring will whatever they called that they’re generally not good with the filming are they not no no the one here wasn’t rude but straight away was no get out yeah

    I’m not going to be a to be rude to or anything like that it’s just just if you could just be poly mindful of yeah pretty much finished inside M I’ve walked around I’ve showed a few cars yeah I’ve never come across that before that’s I always talk like that when

    People ask me I just be blunt and and give out little information um he for the cover is you know don’t say let the other person speak and then that’s how you get the best content uh I assume that’s your you just let the other person talk and if they’re

    Friendly they’re friendly if they’re not they’re not it’s not my fault then kind of think to be abrasive I’ll give you an you anything it’s up to you buddy just want you to just yeah just have look around just be mindful anything outside worth looking at you point me in the

    Right direction or go and have a quick look you looking to buy or you just looking to look well I mean the viewers are going to buy um I can give you a show around if you want if I’m honest with you by the time you probably edited

    And publish video most of the stock a either sold or being recycled cuz it’s the busiest time of the year is how quickly do your cars go out um completely depends on the vehicle um we have some cars which uh can stay a bit longer can be a bit overage and you know

    Sort of stay on sight for a month or two right most things we can TI around within a week can it’s all Market dependent especially in the used car market well a week is quite good isn’t it Pard a week is quite good yeah yeah a

    Lot a lot the thing is is a lot of the stuff comes in and a large volume of car is now is done online um and especially around here we don’t have the best footfall around this area right um a lot of our business comes from online and

    Things like that web inquiries and stuff and um a lot of the time cars will sell before anybody’s even you know before even been see it physically they just sell the direction it went after Co so after covid-19 and it was all digital processing and everything like that so

    The full digital process came and obviously everything was contactless was it in Co so yeah yeah it’s a very physical IND industry is the car trade like when you’re you know when you’re selling a car to somebody want to see it want to feel it condition especially

    With used cars yeah so yeah it’s just been it’s just been adapting to sort of that postco and some of sort of the processes have stayed Where It’s All Digital there’s some big people who came into the digital Marketplace cinch and kazoo and you know some people have come

    And left but any of those around here there was a kazoo site I think it’s closed now down in HCK so if you go you know where hch is I’ll just Google my yeah down in HCK there was a kazoo site but I think it’s been purchased Now by

    Another dealership right um it was a delivery Center only right I think that’s now shut they were open for a little bit and then what about you’ve got a car shop down in Wakefield I’m going to go there anything else big uh what’s that one down where I used to

    Work to the Village Hotel big place on your side top don’t know what you mean we B A Car where abouts Castle no I’m going the village Hotel out White Rose oh I know what you mean um there’s all the Porche dealers on there as well there you been to all the

    Luxury C dealers they’ll give you a good they’ll give you some good content I’m not sure where where are they yeah go to the I’m not saying go there because obviously I don’t want to direct you in any specific place what should I put into Maps I found a Porsche one which

    I’m going to go so that there’s about four dealers on that um that area um so I’ve got Porsche ready to go Mercedes nearby yeah that’s not far and then opposite you’ve got VW and then a bit further up you’ve got Le’s Audi is that what you mean yeah

    They’re all all in the same area so that’s like where the big cluster of dealers are in leads really where are you from South down south yeah you commuted all the way to leads Fe today’s concept of for Ford Asia basically say any nice o couldn’t tell you the name of the hotel

    No I couldn’t remember it oh really just a hotel where abouts is it uh north of Leeds so on the way out what’s it called something Hall estate weatwood ohood yeah yeah yeah oh yeah just a hotel you got a car yeah yeah there’s a couple of big ones if you

    Take any if you go on the m62 off almost every exit there’s a big car Supermarket you’ll find the biggest car supermarkets off off Motorway exits um off the m62 yeah if you go off the m62 one and go to the m62 um all the way

    From you said You’ been to the weight field one but sort of on the stretch between here and Manchester there’s almost a big dealer at every turnoff so oh I did notice that when I went over there the other day yeah it’s um a lot of them are quite strategically placed

    Obviously on on Motorway for passing trade um but yeah you often find some of your bigger sites um your biggest sites are often just to it so along the m62 along the Bott least basically yeah just zoom out in your Google Maps and just see what comes up um there’s quite a few

    On there okay specialist and you said the luxury cars was near the Porsche see McLaren yeah obviously I don’t want to mention any actual dealer I mention the brands but not the dealer names OB it’s going on social media going so yeah but McLaren you can tell me where McLaren is

    That’s a brand name right no but I know the dealership Jack is talking about is not McLaren dealer so I don’t on video I don’t want to mention other dealers actual franchise names want to I don’t want to give the running pressure if somebody sees on social media say oh he

    Sent me there you know what I mean I’ll tell you the cars the S but U sure a couple of Google clicks and you’ll find the exact okay K do Road there’s a couple um there’s a couple K Road here okay it’s only 5 minutes from

    Here have a look mate coffee I’m good thank you yeah i’ got I’ve got a few places to go before dark so what car do you drive at the minute gol four oh you in go Max s seven yeah nice car that was the best generation made very nice yeah

    Yeah theeven 7.5 in my P was other than the R32 the Beast yeah yeah can’t fault it mate love it yeah all right I’ll go outside to my thing yeah just um thanks for the warm welome just remain in this bit like I’m not going to come out and

    Be funny but just because for health and safety and insurance and stuff um we’ve got big trucks moving well where don’t you want me to go um so down the bottom side street is restricted access all and if you did go around the pitch I don’t if you’ve already done out there after

    The back gate this is a preparation area so it’s just yeah I W go there cool yeah um and for the viewers out there any of the cars you might have viewed might have not been prepared yet once they’re prepared they’ll look a lot nicer okay

    Got you got you um yeah a lot of the cars we have here cuz we’re a prep Center as well so a lot of cars here to go through preparation and stuff so don’t just uh yeah if you go filming something which has got a few panel and

    Dings on it just be mindful customers and view out there probably going to get a refurbishment so yeah man okay that’s good to know sometimes I see that and wonder me thanks me djd DJ so is DJ no no not dj audits no no no subscribe you can yeah uh I got two

    That’s the one channel you may have seen it and then the car Channel what else do you post on uh that one there everything that’s where the car stuff goes that channel oh nice can take photo of you yeah so yeah that that’s where the car dealers go that channel basically

    I a look tonight when I’m in bed scroll every dealer ever done on there look wonder if you’ve done any of on I’ve let a few different dealers so if there’s any of I haven’t done many at this end I’ve done Manchester recently yeah you haven’t had a bad experience with this

    One of you we’ve all been pretty no been fine yeah yeah yeah it’s like 50/50 50/50 positive 50/50 negative um and even even the thumbnails that look like it’s a negative they’re not all like that some of them give me a nice thumbnail please get a nice smile in there or something

    Say hello to my mom you want the maximum views even if they’re positive yeah that’s it it’s not it’s um I watch quite a lot of sort of bit of car buff so watch quite a lot content online like you know Armstrong channels all them sort of things and the thumbnails are

    Always you know the most grippy on text bright colors some weird face where you’ve caught me on a still shot going or something exactly right you use that one a bit I got like that so it looks like I’m telling you off maybe but uh yeah are you that DJ AIT book see

    I get it all the time the the rudest one I had yeah C wise was uh where are we in there big motoring group um Swindon was it Swindon no Walton cross that’s on Studio oh sorry on you so the intro is actually the rudest

    Part of the video so you get to see the rudest part as soon as it plays the way I see it is you can go one of two ways because if you came in and I was instantly rooting it straight away the first thing what’s going to happen is is

    One it’s going to go on social media regardless but two it’s just you it’s just going to reflect badly on the dealership isn’t it it is whereas if I’m you know if I’m pling presentable then at least you go to you know I like I

    Think put it back to zero cuz you missed the uh today we’re here put it back to zero if you can cuz then you get the Most course she did she’s trying to get reaction I’ll get that just in a minute for a manager you sorry for a manager sorry he’s taking the taking the Mi out of the way I spoke it’s not fair is it it’s not very nice wasn’t needed well I’m I’m not inclined

    To comment but uh you could just leave yeah I I want to take the out way you speak If he if he said you can’t film inside you got to go I’d have asked why and I’d have gone yeah I wouldn’t like say no or refuse yeah main thing I scho

    Was just safety you know and also obviously Duty a care of other people and yeah um obviously all of our sensitive dat is locked away obviously line with gdpr and everything I should hope you you know you you won’t have been able to capture anything which is sensitive d try to be

    Fair no I should hope you wouldn’t obviously but um no it’s not like we we don’t keep sensitive data on show or anything like that so you know I understand why some people might give you an adverse reaction don’t get that from me just help you you know um the

    Last thing I want is Roseville Road all over the Internet and showing somebody kicking off cuz if somebody comes down on the back of that and you know they have a bad experience and then they see that video later on the think out he’s he’s like that with everybody you know

    It’s um if anything um sales people you should be friendly regardless or give you the best experience at the end of the day regardless so I hope you reflect in the video and don’t edit out any good bit put it all in man yeah yeah it’ll be

    A green tick put a green tick or a red cross a green tick yeah yeah course I appreciate that everywhere I go now South they’re like oh we’ve seen that video the one I showed you they’ve all seen it oh have they so it ain’t good

    I’ve not seen each other before I’ve not seen each other I’ve seen a few of them they come up you know with the algorithms down social media I actually seen your channel I haven’t done a lot up this end Manchester now Liverpool oh week done that now Yorkshire Le and you

    Just make you around the country well I was doing all all the South yeah where I live now I’ve got to Branch out what made you pick card was just it was a niche what hasn’t been done on no got my main Channel haven’t I so the second

    Channel was just up there yeah monetized but not not doing nothing yeah get demonetized for any of the content I haven’t no no you probably can so I just thought what can I use that channel for yeah you thought C they’re easy they’re everywhere walk in walk out yeah that’s

    There’s a Fair few people now they they love watching them you know they’re oh we love your car dealer videos so I thought well just keep doing it for now yeah well for the viewers out there Jack at Roseville Road come and sail her you’ve been nice mate you get you’ll get

    Top quality service and S her to Jackie and she’ll send you by way yeah any free cars no fortunately not you you a glove box or something toy box or something like that we got some money boxes if you want a piggy bank I got car piggy bank I

    Got a present at a yesterday pardon they gave me a present what you got a present from me what go get you go third third time ever you’ve been pretty reasonable oh thanks man I had a gift of Porsche wow in red ink and then yesterday the second gift

    I’ve ever had from Audi a got RS mug sure cuz they know the score they know the video is going online anyway so they may as well Excel right sure that’s how it goes really so it’s warm in it it is warm 17° yeah it’s weird right just hope your music doesn’t

    Copyright my video YouTube will copyright it and then oh thanks man to you on your first visit to leads thank you very much man that’ll be the intro to the video that will oh fantastic good um yeah for most your first visit leads you Tre all

    Respect so it goes both ways doesn’t it um welcome back if you want to come and buy a car I doubt it cuz you’ve got a wealth of dealers I’m sure you know who to pop into to BU a car from but um it’s far for me this it’s quite far can I

    Have a look at your go far you got it with you it is uh in the Shell Gage which is there uh you could probably see it from here that case people lock you in no what it is if if it goes badly yeah like that that guy I showed you

    Yeah he he tried to come out and get my registration which then he’ll ring the police and it doesn’t matter but I like to just not give them the benefit of the doubt of having it well you’ll know it inside out it’s a civil matter as

    Trespass if you were I believe isn’t it if you left anyway but he called them um so many po has found at the window trying to get it it’s like a I don’t want to give him that that but does it make you laugh when somebody when you’re

    Fil and he goes well I can fill you the pull the phone out and the he did didn’t he yeah yeah does that make you laugh when when people do that does it it is because they’re bound under gdpr exactly with their personal phone that’s why I

    Haven’t done it right and they don’t know that I know that but they’re all like oh you’re trespassing yeah but you’re breaking gdpr technically and obviously the maximum penalty for gdpr is much higher than if you were to first pass it it is right 20 OD million your

    Annual revenue or 1% or whatever it may be so it’s not worth not worth the uh complaint to complaint is it so it’s normally those people that are the first to go oh you can’t film it at gdpr yeah but they get the phone out and film you

    Yeah but in reality if you can’t film me because of gdpr that’s because there’s probably sensitive data later around which is a breach of gdpr you know um we don’t do that so but been great mate it’s been you can probably see my car here I don’t know if

    You can see it have a look it’s really really nice to meet you bye it’s really dirty like probably the dirtiest I’ve ever had my car mate is it yeah 18 months yeah you been getting along with it and I had another one same car but

    Blue before that for a year so 2 and a half years nice love it mate what was the other one golf fire as well yeah but that was stage two mapped quite high mileage was at 400 brick 400 that one nice uh this one’s stage three oh you

    Going over are you you’re going to go over I thought I thought it was good have a look at your car yeah oh didn’t fun to come over I’ll come have a look yeah bit of a car got it come a yeah same I see him all the time

    But it’s your pride enjoy Him there was a VW dealer in Stockport they he wanted to have a look at it there was a big accident here yesterday You’ got some good content yeah yeah I mean it would have been good talk it’s quite sensitive is it but uh was really nasty head on Wow literally yesterday

    And actually yeah because otherwise I’ll forget oh and I’ll put it on and then I’m like oh like so pause now I’ll put it back on now all right it was off I’ll just cover it up when I walk it to the back of it better if it was clean

    New diffuser yeah yeah where do you get that from oh uh forget now it’s Maxton yeah the front one of full Max it is but the front one was already on oh mate yeah no that was already on the car oh was it I’ve got a new one but I

    Haven’t put it on yet yeah I want to wait for the summer probably for that you’re on coil overs uh no just Springs it’s got DCC hasn’t it it’s uh oh yeah the dynamic chassis on it yeah soft or hard so it’s just a low lowed Springs but the sits really

    Nice yeah that’s probably where it sits even though it’s up a bit it’s probably probably where it sits give or take um any lower you’d have to roll your arches would you brakes are off my off my blue one to put them on that yeah you have

    Them refered in the yellow or with the blue on uh blue on the with the yellow on the blue one no yes so they yellow on the blue one yeah and just put them one there same on the back um but it’s such a state mate it’s h honestly it’s see

    Open if you want 7.5 no it’s just got the leather interior and it’s also got the um the the new the newest yeah that works quite well how many miles have we got on it oh a lot now it’s like 8 90 yeah 89 yeah when I got it

    41 you done in a year and a half I’ve put on like 45k on it um that’s stage three map that one so that’s it’s quick yeah go for a spin what that go for a spin well now you is stage three can’t really I’d like to I’d

    Like to but now best go back to work anyway but pleasure to meet you good to meet you mate I’m going to come over and do my Drone footage anyway yeah course um again just be mindful I’ll put this in the car oh thanks for that I appreciate that

    Mate should be able to get some good shots with the city in the background if really yeah it look better if it’s blue sky wouldn’t it it’s always better with a sunny yeah sunny weather one have you got DJI Mini Pro 3 we’ll see yeah that’s cool the other issue here is

    It it’s busy a it yeah and honestly if you I don’t know if you’ve noticed if lead city council are watching this these are the most dangerous cycle Lanes ever because there’s all the Junctions where people are pulling out so you have they are cyc Lane yeah so you have to go

    Past the cycle Lane to obviously see if there’s a car coming and you got cars parked that’s it and then a row of cars parked all the way down down that’s ridiculous yeah exactly so just imagine you’re pulling out one of these junk trees you have to come all the way up to

    Here putut across the side to be able to see past the cars how did the accident happen do you know I didn’t see it I didn’t see it um I just uh I just saw yeah load of emergency services and a couple of um couple of crash cars so all

    Right um yeah if it was a different location I’d take you on the car but here know not going to happen is it no I mean you won’t be able to have much fun in it would you no I’m pretty sure I need new back pads yeah you know me you

    Can just feel there get your box in get no M for free while I’m doing theage present um yeah I’ll do the Drone I get a 360 photo for Google Map stick that on your thing that’ll be nice leave me a five star if I remember to do it yeah why not

    Pretty sure other people will mate I hope so yeah people always comment on my videos and say oh give that give that place a five star or if it’s a bad one they always put a negative on there oh I hope we’re I hope one of the good ones

    You’ been nice mate of course you have well it’s just in general though you know you like you said you do this so often you never know what you’re going to get met with do you I don’t I almost get used to it I’m in a little bit of a

    Autopilot you know just go one out the other no no I’m just it’s unusual to have like a positive a really positive or you know oh there’s no need for it is there like say at the end of the day you’re publicly representing the company you’re going to film regardless so I

    Don’t think they know that pardon I think they think that once they come out and kick off you’re not going to do end off and it’s like no matter what I get on my video it’s going on might be a generational thing though as well might

    It where you know people might not have seen your sort of channel before so they don’t know of they’re making a bit of a fool of themselves um yeah he came out the Skype VW whever it was and he was like oh you know you’re not putting this

    On social media you going to stop your video now turn it off I just thought well I’m not going to stop it cuz at the end of the day you’re going to already have 10 12 minutes of content before we met you so that’s it right that’s it

    What am I going to do it’s too late I’d rather just give you a positive experience while you’re here um but um yeah just be mindful if you’re focusing on your drone screen that we’ve constantly got moving vehicles I do here I’ll probably go out there no I

    Understand there probably um oh yeah just just be mindful I don’t want um you I don’t want any accidents or anything like that I don’t want to be filling out the accident book are you in charge mate or no no I’m just one of the sales Executives here um I’ve been a sales

    Manager at different dealers um I moved to Manchester then ended up moving back to leads so um I used to work here and now I’ve come back to the company uh all right yeah like a boomerang but uh no an CL biggest independent dealership in Europe yeah we’re the biggest independent privately

    Owned dealership in Europe that’s good to know man um we might sound really salesy this but we off What’s called the UK’s best deal guarantee uh all the teas and seas are for online obviously but he basically we won’t be beating on a deal okay um at the minute we’re running our

    Sale event that’s been extended until the 18th of January heard about that yeah uh real sale February Pard February yeah in February 2024 is flying through uh yeah that normally that just runs every year until the end of January right and but just because we’ve been so

    Busy this year um we’ve extended it until the 18th of February so a lot of the prices have um have discounts on them and again you’ll notice on some of the cars it tells you how long they’ve been in stock for all that as well exactly and the reason for that is is

    Obviously we don’t want to like do a false sale so we have to to show that the car has been in stock at one price for a certain amount of time before we put it on at a sale price so you actually know you know you’re not

    Getting one of those fake sale stickers where it says yeah it’s got this amount of money not offing it but it was never really all the things have to be on site at a certain price for a certain amount of time before we prove that you’ve reduced it exactly so it’s done

    Legitimately as opposed to just knocking money off or saying money’s knocked off things um so that’s all displayed on the cars you can see that yourself um on the on the price yeah um but yeah went to Audi and Bradford yesterday and they’ve knocked 20 grand one car really was it

    An electric was it an Ron by any chance no it wasn’t an Ron I was going to say the a lot of electric cars have really plummeted in value recently um there three cars in the corner that was like 18 Grand off one 20 off another really

    And they were like 75 90 grand cars but they’re still a lot of money off oh it is yeah I mean 20% exactly yeah what um were they quite new they well they were brand new but I don’t know how new right so I assume what the reason why they’ll

    Probably been able to discount it so much they were probably pre-registered cars that’s what they said yeah yeah so what pre-register is is essentially that it’s pre-registered the business so it’s not like it’s not a factory order for a specific customer um so they can then

    Obviously sell it as a used car as opposed to a brand new even so it is technically brand new it’ll have delivery mileage on it might have like five miles on the clock or something like that but obviously then they have they have the luxury of being able to

    Adjust the price say all almost new I remember yeah yeah it will have been so that’ll have been a pre-registered car most likely um or might have been an X demonstrator you know like an ex company car or something a lot of the time they’re probably one of the best cars to

    Buy because you’re getting essentially a new car but you’re getting it at a best owner discount price because it’s been pre-registered to either the company or one previous owner and it’s got a few miles on it but I’m learning doing this mate well well yeah I don’t learn I

    Don’t you know know I thought lot about selling cars and I’ve learned quite a bit doing it yeah well if you haven’t got any questions drop me to got LinkedIn you can link with me on LinkedIn if you ever got any questions uh drop me a question I’ll answer it for

    You but um yeah just do your thing and what’s your best sale you’ve had mate in here anyone you’re proud of particularly if I’m honest with you well I’ve only been selling cars again for the past 6 weeks oh okay yeah for the past two and

    A half years I’ve been sales manager so I’ve not been actually selling that many cars I think probably the nicest car I’ve ever sold ever yeah go on ever what’s your best car ever sold I’m a bit of a BMW Fanboy so whenever I’ve sell anything an

    M5 or anything like that that’s always like that’s always a nice one cuz they’re my favorite cars um I could really put on it to me when you’re working everything’s just stock you know to us it’s just just stock just a s uh unless it’s that I get a bit excited if

    It’s a nice spec but other than that yeah it’s mostly just it’s just stock isn’t it so yeah I probably could actually label one one of my favorite cows s how many um yeah I’ve been doing it quite a few years so long time yeah yeah cool man but yeah enjoy um need

    Anything else give me a shout I’ll get with anything you might need um you’ve been you’ve been great mate if you want to value on your gol far and uh get you in that Mar instead I’ll I’ll get you swapped over today if you want I don’t

    Like the marate that much yeah they’ve come with mix reviews I I personally really like them because the one thing which always felt let golf down was the Interiors um yeah a little bit yeah I just think compared sort of like what else is in the class like when you

    Compare it to like a mer Golf R versus like a Mercedes A35 which is similar power the MA’s always like EDG it on the interior and things like that but I agree with that the mar 8’s interior is what I think reck I finally started liking golf so I’ve never been a massive

    Golf fan uh but now the MK 8’s come out I think the new interior just tips it for me it’s the same engine so it’s equally audable if not more which is obviously good yeah they going slightly more power at the factory though I think

    The 310 or 320 now I think it’s 320 320 now yeah um and I think they’ve got a new new four-wheel drive system in them as well aren’t they is it I’m not sure about that one they got a drift mode on the new ones yes I’ve never tried it

    Yeah uh think i’ probably get fired if I tried it at work but um would look good would it but U but just for the new aspect I wouldn’t mind getting a brand new eight tuning it to like 550 600 horsepower straight away yeah then I’d

    Have a brand new car for you know just make sure you ain’t got it on finance because you know to modify your car if it’s on finance not no if you read through your Finance documents a lot of Finance providers will tell you that you’re not allowed to you know no

    Modifications on vehicle so just be mindful of that you don’t want to be in breach e contract yeah yeah yeah U especially if you know if it’s like a PCP or something like that you go to hand it back and right all of a sudden it’s massively tuned and they think hey

    Know this is the car we sold you four years ago so yeah just be mindful that if that’s something you didn’t know um just always read your contracts yeah yeah man yeah Fab just yeah if you need anything give me a shot Thank you very

    To meet you good to meet you I’ll keep it out for the video when did it go when did it go up I’m I’m back home today right so I’ll be editing over the weekend you driving back home today are you probably today how long’s D it’s my

    Fourth day so I didn’t come straight here when I came up I came like to Sheffield first all right where did you go halfway up uh I did hotels up there as well videos at hotels yeah mate how you do good thanks you um my other channel was doing a lot of hotels

    Migrant hotels making sure they follow the rules um what do I prefer doing yeah what do you prefer video emo they’re very different you know are they yeah like the hotels are very aggressive you got to be prepared for for the agression makes sense because PE I understand

    Probably more from that aspect cuz obviously people have paid to stay there and you know no no but the Asylum Seeker hotels oh right yeah do they not do they not still not still open to the public as well I don’t know I’m not I’m not so they’re fully closed right government

    Contracted okay the assers obviously in there staying for free and you got security which man the place right that makes sense that makes sense obviously you know you want to make sure these people are protected they’re already vulnerable out you want to make sure you

    Know you’re not going to get a of but a lot of security at these places they always over the mark see a lot of them so we go there and film make sure the badges out yeah they’re doing what they should they don’t go hands on straight

    Away yeah which some of them do a lot don’t just highlight that yeah I assume that stems from sort of what their background insecurity is as well what you know whether they’ve been doring in the past or whether they’ve been sort of you know proper like contracted security assume

    Might give you a bit of an easier ter I guess as a whole security tend to not know the laws on filming as a whole so really we just test that hotels is just another place where test that yeah not sure what I enjoy I think the car dealers for me is

    Quite if I could earn as much off that channel yeah it’s a lot easier yeah you know that makes sense yeah cuz you can just you’re more you’re probably more likely to be able to roam around without any sort of Confrontation that most places I isue about you it’s just

    Pleasant when it goes well it’s Pleasant yeah whereas other places you don’t have that interaction they just leave you alone yeah it’s a bit boring almost um B both mate doing Tik Tok videos uh YouTube but yeah yeah yeah YouTube Tik [Laughter] Tok um yeah give us a sh

    For really appreciate your time man have a good day mate as well thank you especially if you’ve got warm pads on the back that’s it mate let’s have a look then quite big at the back isn’t it Arnold Clark motor store in leads no solar Panels yeah what a nice chop genuine interesting cars but look at all the stock that we’ got here valtin Bays over Here even got vans Look strange shaped building at the back isn’t it Look looks like it might be thunderstorm looking at that Sky look at that and with the uh with the heat as well it’s very humid but it’s just starting to rain let’s drop down and do a little nosy little nosy flight Look at that Arnold clock let’s do 360 photo in a minute cleaning well Done let’s get the 36 60 photo from up here then 360 photo in progress uh and we’re going to go over to my car now and we’re going to get a move on and he’s definitely right about this road being dangerous what a dumb design parking your car like that and

    You got a cycle line here which is probably barely used right guys if youve enjoyed this video please like the video share the video subscribe to the channel and we’ll catch you next time


    1. £38 grand for a Tesla is £38 grand too much also at 2 min mark thats the car im driving now as a courtesy car the new Peugeot 208 1.2 turbo its very quick for a small engine 40mph in 1st gear and it has 6 gears 150bhp from what ive researched , hoping when i get paid for my car thats been wrote off by insurance for non fault claim that i can buy something similar as nowadays we all need bigger cars and safer cars as its bloody dangerous on UK roads

    2. You are going to start losing views with these new videos if there’s no one kicking off or arguing with you, just saying

      If people want to see cars in dealerships, they can just go to visit them themselves

    3. It's great how you have come so far DJ in a short time keep posting more and more videos I love these car 🚗🚗 vids and I didn't think I would so well done ✅✅ and your holiday ones were unbelievable beautiful scenery ❤❤

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