The full film from my bike tour along the Danube to Lake Constance cycle route.

    This easy 4 day bike tour in Germany is accessible to people of all ages and levels of fitness, and is well signposted throughout.

    This video combines my daily vlogs into one place, and also includes an introduction explaining where the route is.

    You can check out my blog post about cycling from the River Danube to Lake Constance here –

    And read about the city of Ulm in Germany here:

    #biketouring #bikepacking #cycling

    Hi everyone its Dave here from Dave’s travel pages comm and this video is to show you my cycle tour from the river Danube to Lake Constance before I’ll show you the clips I thought I’d show you where the river Danube is where Lake Constance is and part of the routes so

    As you can see here I’m on a website called Danube – Lake – Constance – route calm and I’ll put a link to that in the comment section below and this basically has all the information you need about the routes and if we scroll down we can

    See the map they’re just going to click on that let’s get rid of that and get rid of that so the route itself is in Germany and that’s just so that you can see roughly where it is let’s zoom in the route begins in ohm the town of all

    And the nearest large city with an airport is Munich there so I actually flew into Munich and then caught a train sat on where I began my journey and my journey took place with a higher bike so I have a higher bike for the entire

    Length of the trip and they even had a baggage transfer as well so if you’re planning a trip you don’t need to own a bike you can literally fly in hire a bike cycle the trip and then get a train back and fly away again let’s just zoom in a

    Little bit more so the cycle path which is also known as the Donnell bodensee rad way is well marked all along the way and it was split into days of no more than 50 kilometers it was kind of a 50 kilometer day or 40 or 30 and a 40 the

    First stop was here at big Iraq the second stop was here at bad walled see the third at wagon and the final stop was at Crestron on lake constance so I think that’s all you need to know I’m going to be writing my own blog post about this about my experiences as well

    But for now let’s show you the video Cheers point everyone this is Dave and Dave travel pages calm and this is day one of my cycling journey from the Danube to Lake Constance and I’m starting my journey in ohm which is a city in Germany Germany even and behind me you

    Can see old Minster and this is a worse camera shot in the world but can you see how tall that is apparently that is the tallest church spire in the world and I climb to the top of that yesterday and it’s about 868 steps or 72 or something

    Anyways about steps so why am I here in Germany well I’ve been invited to promote cycle tourism in the region and particularly on this route I think they’re celebrating that anniversary could be 40 years I should have done my research before making this video but I’m fairly certain it’s 40 years and

    They’ve given me a higher bike which is just behind me here which is matches ok you know it’s going to do the job as their van going past now so you probably can’t hear me maybe pause there we go so anyway I’m starting my journey in all

    And this is the central square in front of the cathedral as you can see around me and then I’m going to head kind of southwards and I’m heading south towards the Lake Constance which is actually on three countries and I’m going to head to the German bit it’s a four or five days

    Cycling track it’s all been organized for me so I don’t need to worry about accommodation or anything like that but there is one small drawback there’s not actually given me a map so apparently it is easy to find your way around so I think I’ve got a head to the Danube TURN

    RIGHT keep pedaling and hopefully there will be a signpost somewhere if not I’m sure Google Maps will come to my rescue is there anything else I should add I don’t think so I’m going to quickly take you around Oh Mel and then we’re going to hit the Danube Trail something I’ve

    Cycled twice now so this will be my third time cycling this small section and then at some point that track should then diverge and hit the Lake Constance roots so that’s it from me for now I will talk to you in a bit jig so as I mentioned almost definitely a place

    Where you could spend a couple of days sightseeing there’s plenty to see and do here and there’s also a surprising amount of museums I didn’t actually get to see as much as I wanted to because I’m on a bit of a schedule but that said I’ve already been here three times so

    There’s no reason why I can’t come back for a ball as I left the city I followed the signposts out from the center towards the Danube which is very easy to find basically and once I was there it’s just a matter of turning right as I mentioned

    Before I’ve cycled the Danube in both directions now and I would go as far as to say it is the best cycling route in Europe it’s suitable for people of all ages of all abilities of all levels of fitness you can take your own bike you

    Can hire bikes along the way you can stay in hotels you can camp you can do 20 miles a day or 30 miles or you could do 100 miles a day it’s really up to you as you can see it’s also very well signposted and the route takes you through the

    Countryside where it can the route in Germany is sealed for the most part hi there so I’m about half an hour into my journey not sure if you can hear me I’m using the headphones as my speaker again let me put let me put this earphone and

    Again there we go you should be out here me now so I’m about half an hour into my journey ten kilometres outside of all and the path so far is followed the river Danube and it keeps you off the road and it’s a sealed part so I’m not

    Sure if you can see just behind me here but that is a sealed path literally just for cyclists which is what makes cycling in Germany so great really because it keeps you away from the traffic it’s also been relatively flat as well maybe there’s a slight uphill you can see the

    Bike behind me there and behind me is the river Danube itself so I believe if because I’m kind of using Google Maps I believe that my path will lead to Danu probably in about five kilometers or ten kilometers time and then I start heading south that’s all I’ve got to say for now

    The weather is a little bit overcast of the minute so I apologize if it’s a little bit shadowy but it’s pretty good for cycling actually and that’s it so I’ll catch you in a bit just so I have found the first signpost at least I think it’s the first line post so that

    Means cyclist info and there’s kind of a map there in the in a form of a cyclist that’s the Danube cycle path which is the Donner Donnell red one van der vague I’m really terrible at German pronunciation it’s quite amusing and this one going down here is a door now

    Aden Sea which is where I’m heading to so looking at the map it looks like I’m in blue don’t know bodensee so I carry on along a little bit and then I go through well okay it’s not very clear but hopefully there’ll be a signpost so it looks like all systems

    Ago and the path I’m following is the doornail bodensee they under da da no red bond of a I really should learn some German or at least try and learn how to pronounce it properly anyway there we go it looks like I know where I’m going now

    So that was fairly easy and I was then on the Donnell bodensee read way and the itinerary I was following was laid out for me by Sandra thank you very much Sandra and let me get this right of the over schwaben al Ghul Tourism Board or Tourism Association something like that

    Anyway my destined ultimate destination is Lake Constance but the destination for the day was actually Bibb Iraq and along the way I was due to stop at lout pine where I was going to do a brewery tour it didn’t go as planned but I’ll

    Explain in a minute as you can see so I think through these villages you get these typically tall German farmhouses and they look absolutely huge and a couple of days later I got to go onto a like a rural farm museum almost which you’ll see in another couple of videos

    Time anyway the route to follow is very easy everything was signposted lovely and the cycling was just wonderful really which is what makes cycling in Germany so great hi there so I’ve arrived in lout pine and I was going to do a brewery tour and you can see the brewery

    Climbing there I’ve arrived a bit late because there are a bunch of roadworks on the way and so I’ve arrived about half an hour late which is a little bit bad and there’s no one here at the minute so I can’t do the brewery tour me personally I don’t drink anyway so

    There’s no real loss there but if you are going to do this cycle tour going ahead to this brewery here if you can see the sign and it says cronin brewery and book yourself at all I’m sure it will be very interesting the beer will be tasty actually I think I’m going to

    Take a look and look around the town and think of lunch cheers for now so after lunch at Ristorante bruce lee i then carried on cycling again to my destination at a burette and like I said before the day cycling was really easy and the sky cleared up a little bit it

    Was a little bit warm but no problem and everything was sealed along the way there’s not a lot to say that I’ve not said before about cycling in Germany really there’s a lot of countries that should look to what they’ve done here and perhaps when they think of upgrading

    Cycling infrastructure think a little bit beyond sort of signposting assess trends route through a housing estate in a UK with broken glass and think what can we do to encourage people to not just make cycling a part of their daily life but a part of their recreation activities as well anyway that’s me

    Banging on about cycling I guess it’s what I’m passionate about there we go anyway I’m going to leave you with some more clips cycling through the countryside as I head towards bib record hi there so that’s the cycling part of my day over and I’m staying in that

    Hotel behind me which is called Hotel zu riffs and that’s in a place called a bit back I think that’s the name of the town I’m in anyway it all becomes a bit of a blur after a while when you’ve got a whole list of things you should be remembering oh yeah

    Difficult to remember where you are and what you’re doing you can actually see my face let’s take this off yeah that might be helped so the cycling is over but now I’m going to go walk into Bieber back which I assume is the name of the place and I’m

    Meeting a guide at the Museum and we’re going to check out the museum and then I’ve got a dinner and then it will be back to the hotel and really put another day cycling so the cycling today was pretty easy it was just 50 kilometres I think and

    The weather was warm all day and that it really the kind of pass through countryside and some quiet country lanes and that’s all I’ve got to say so I will catch you later is going Good morning everyone so this is data of my cycling journey from the Danube to Lake Constance and today I’m going to be leaving beaver AK which was a beautiful town by the way and hopefully I’ll have some videos and pictures of that you can check my Instagram account for some

    Pictures the interior or the historic Center I should say of the town has some 500 600 year old buildings and it’s really really beautiful it’s quite surprising it’s not a UNESCO Heritage Site actually anyway I’m leaving today I’ve got a short five kilometer cycle and then I’m going to a place called all

    Towson and then I’m catching I think it they’re calling it a small train in my head it’s a toy train then I’m going to see a monastery with a guide and then I’m going to cycle for about 35 kilometers to my final destination of bad ward C so I will give you some

    Pictures from the road as always and I’ll speak to you in a bit cheers for now it was just a matter of following the signposts along the cycle path towards the station of war housing and I’m going to show a photo of it here if you google the war Towson train station

    On Google Maps you’ll see that photo features and I’ve been featured on Google Maps thank you very much Google + 1 so it’s there as you can see it’s a steam train which is pretty cool I guess I was kind of half expecting a steam

    Train I wasn’t too sure what I was going to do with the bicycle but as we pan round to the right you can see that it’s hanging up on hangers so this train is obviously set up for cyclists that want to go to Aachen house and that don’t

    Want to so called the route and it makes for rather a pleasant day out I went on a Saturday and it seemed that there are a lot of people out I think we left at about 10:30 ish don’t quote me on that and a few of the there was some old boys

    Some old German boys on board and they cracked open a couple of beers early on and I guess that we all enjoyed the journey on the steam train you can see there the little managers run off and what he’s going to do is going to block off the road ahead to prevent the

    Traffic coming over and then the train is going to carry on and there you can see that the traffic’s all stopped up and he’s hops back on the train which is pretty cool so that’s the journey on the steam train which has a very broken up nicely and it was very pleasant we

    Passed by some restored train stations like this one and then once I arrived in Aachen Heusen I was met by Sandra who then took me to a place called cafe grumbles inside cafe crumbles it’s a Scottish influenced cafe so there were scones so as a cup of tea and there’s a

    Variety of cakes as well who would have expected it in the middle of Germany that there we go it’s very pleasant thank you very much cafe crumbles for hosting me moving on from the cafe we took the short cycle right to the open house and monastery overlook in a valley

    The Aachen Hauser monastery is one of the highlights of the upper Swabian baroque route it’s well preserved and was first established back in the 11th century the monastery has had a long association with music and it is currently home to the state Youth Music Academy arts of the building are open

    Today to the general public and you can easily spend a couple of hours wandering around here I’ll put some more information underneath the video in the comment section below after leaving the monastery it was time to hit the road again and title the first yard kilometers to the town of bad

    World see as you can see it’s cycling through the countryside again and it’s either on a combination of dedicated cycling paths or quiet rural lanes I passed the odd tractor here and again but I was kept away from the traffic for pretty much most of the journey rather

    Than talk you through to the end of this I’ll leave you with the music and I’ll catch you in the next video thanks very much for watching and I’ll see you next time Give me give me Can be tricky Oh And Hey You good morning so this is now day three of my cycling journey across Germany from the Danube to Lake Constance and today I am leaving an town called bad water which I’ve not seen a lot of because I’ve got here late and eat leave early and I’m going to head to two main

    Destinations today the first one is a place called wolf egg which is an amazing name and there apparently I’m going to a homestead Museum and also I’m going to learn throwing a tractor so that’ll be nice and then from there I’m going to see a castle in another place

    Whose name I forget now and then I end the day in a place called wagon that’s a lovely name isn’t it the actual cycling for the day is about 35 or 40 kilometers that is not that much bass the stalks on the way which are making the day that’s

    It for now I hope you some shots from the road which is so of all the things that my four or five days cycling itinerary in Germany this was the one thing I was really looking forward to a transfer driving course just seemed kind of random but really interesting as well

    And in my head I’ve worked out how are we going to film it and then how is going to show you guys with some music probably going to have like the Benny Hill theme tune playing or something and we filmed it personally in Petra and Andrea were great and they ran alongside

    The track to film with me and for some reasons the film’s not on the GoPro so I don’t know what happened I don’t know if I accidentally deleted it I don’t know if the card was corrupted but all I can do is show you these still photos and

    Now hopefully you’re going to get a good impression of the farmstead Museum and you should visit it and I’m going to leave a link in the comment section below so that you can check the website out and find out more about it and I’ll also write a blog post in the

    Future so unfortunately I haven’t got the footage of me driving a tractor which I’m sure you were really looking forward to but we have these skills instead anyway thanks very much Petra and Andrea for show me around there so once I left the farm said it was time to

    Hit the road again and this time I was heading towards cliffs leg it’s like the roast acoustic was an easy one to follow and you can see that on the screen instead of talking about the road I think I’ll just talk quickly about making a video on a bicycle tour

    If you see my other cycling videos from cycling from Greece in England for example you’ll know that I made a blog a day and that was actually quite hard work so what I would do is I would take video throughout the day would make some commentary and then when I was either in

    My tent or in a hotel room at night I would mix everything together and then upload it to YouTube and sometimes that could take four or five hours in fact there are a couple of days when I spent longer making the video than I did actually on the body on this trip I

    Decided to do things slightly differently I wanted to take a bunch of clips and then I was going to mix it to a three weeks later which is what I’m doing now but it’s only now that I’m discovering that maybe there are Clips missing maybe I’ve accidentally deleted

    Something and I’m also trying to remember to remember where I was I guess there’s no perfect way of making film I’m not a professional where any means I’m an enthusiastic amateur at best so there we go I thought I’d share my experiences I think if I was going to do

    All this again I think I prefer the blog approach as as fewer clips as possible because then it’s easy to mix everything together and I think that’s the way I’ll go forward I’ll also going to experiment with YouTube live more I think especially if I’ve got a decent connection anyway

    We’re now approaching kiss lake castle and Kistler castle is a block building it was built sometime between 1721 1727 and during that time it’s gone through several different uses it’s been a stately home I get to the Cornette stately home a palace or a castle it’s

    Also been a hospital there you can see Hildegard and Hildegard was in period costume as she showed me around the castle and many of the original fixtures are still there it’s also doubles now as a civil building so you can be married there and have civil ceremonies I think

    They even hold town hall events there so this was an interesting place to spend some time if you’re going to cycle the Donnell blood and seabed way I suggest you drop by and I spend an hour or two there and I’ll put some details in the section below

    Hello there so I’m coming up to the end of day three of the cycling tour from the Danube to Lake Constance from the city of OM to Lake Constance and on today’s Lake I started in a place called bad Walt II and I’m due to finish in a

    Place called wagon which is an awesome name and so what have I been up to today already then so when I left that wall see hold on there’s a car coming at me Paul just slightly over there we go so when I left side wall see I cycled to a

    Place called Wolf’s egg which is a great name and there I’ve disappeared what they called is a farmhouse museum I guess and what it is is the community has thought what must have been an old farm at one point and now they’re transporting old buildings there which

    State from kind of I think it like the 1,800 1,700 1800s and they’re putting them in place so what it’s becoming it’s kind of like a period museum almost I guess and inside you can see how the houses were they tell you how life was the balance of the farms and all that

    Sort of thing I think it’s a good way of keeping the heritage alive I can’t really think of anything on that sort of scale that we’ve got in the UK and obviously this is a place that most people in the UK have never gone arrived heard of unless you’re watching this

    Video of course which is why I’m making these videos anyway I met two lovely guides there and they showed me around the place and we had a chat and we had a nice meal there and then I moved on to the next place and the next place was a

    Castle or kind of an old castle I think and that was in a place called glad I should really get these names right kiss lick think it’s kiss lick and that was really nice and the guide there was a guy called Hildegard and she was dressed up in period costume

    And she took me around the place and described how we could be in a palace and then it had been a hospital and then it was used as a school and what happened in the end was the community bought it and it’s a huge place by the

    Way the community bought it and they’ve kind of restored parts and it’s used as a community to build in for they have weddings there and functions it’s also a museum they do tours so again it’s another example of how the community is recognized they’ve got some some

    Cultural history that they want to save in the form of this building and the architecture and they’ve kind of banded together to make it happen in its part funded by to stay of course it’s all very good I like it as you can see around me now I’m now cycling through

    The countryside on my way to wagang an online recycling very very slowly it’s on one of the cycle paths so there’s almost no traffic there’s a couple of tractors in a field over here around the corner you may see if the weather’s been perfect cycling in Germany is a real it’s a real

    Eye-opener it’s the way that things should be when you through a cycle tour in Europe and people are on about developing cycling infrastructure they often go on about things in like the inner cities and things like that it’s actually in the countryside should have some dedicated path to explore parts of

    The countryside and enjoy the great outdoors and I think almost every country has got a lot to learn from Germany I think it’s definitely in the top five cycling countries in terms of infrastructure probably number one to be fair but I don’t want to annoy the other countries which think they’ve got great

    Cycling infrastructure as well so yeah so I’ve got about probably about an hour to go as I cycle towards a wagon and I’m going to stay in another hotel there I’m going to arrive I’ve got loads of work I need to catch up with so I’m going to do

    That and I’ve got loads of notes on this trip I should make see the cyclist just come up behind me they’re cheeky and that’s all I’ve got to say for this feature so I thought that would be the end of the day’s vlog because I’m never too sure I do lots of

    Different filming and some cycling along and over to tour how it’s going to turn out in the end anyway I’ll stop talking for now and show you some more shots from the road I’ll see you in a bit hi there so I’ve realized that I’ve been

    On this bike tour for four days from all my late continents but I’ve not actually really shown you the bike and it’s a higher bike and it’s just done the job really so is I’ve not really put any thought into it I’ve not even checked the tire pressure

    That we always go round that’s all I need to do really but let’s go give it a once-over so it’s a higher bike that they’ve given me maybe this is the manufacturer named KTM never heard of it and I guess the model isn’t a bento plus

    I mean it’s just a bike but there are a couple of features which are quite nice this is a locking mechanism and I take you around the other side so you pulled that lever down I’ve just shown you then you turn the key take the key out and

    Then that stops the wheel going round so it’s a nice locking mechanism and they’ve also given me two bags which are Valder bags and their border proof almost identical to Otley to tell the truth but the fastenings are slightly different and in my opinion inferior I have used or velder would approve

    Panniers before and yeah they’re absolutely fine but I don’t like the fixing system on them and they also gave me this handlebar bag as well not really heard of Norco before but again that’s actually quite a good size and it’s better than the one I’ve got at home so

    I might replace my own the bike they gave me had front suspension which was not really needed and it’s got a bit of seed suspension and I’m going to guess that my weight probably meant that that didn’t really go up and down very much and that’s all there is to say about the

    Bike really and let me just focus in on who it was I’m just trying to take the bag off so that has come from a bike station dot-eu and that’s a pretty good way of getting around if you wanted to cycle this route and not bring your own

    Bike you could hire a bike that will give you the bags and there was even a luggage transfer service as well I’m going to write more details about these in a blog post later on so before I left when I first headed to a bakery where I

    Did a tour and the bakery is called Sydney’s back I believe but again my pronunciation is very bad and the tool was actually very interesting the bakery itself it’s about 500 years old and obviously it’s developed during that time it’s retained some old techniques such as a wood-fired stove or

    Some bread and it’s also developing with modern times to be able to produce more I think it was a really interesting tour if you don’t take the tour yourself you could at least pop by and buy a cake or some bread or something so hitting at

    The road it’s time to head towards Lake Constance now and I should probably reflect on the trip that I’ve taken so far this has been a four-day cycle trip from the city of ohm and going through to Lake Constance during that time I’ve soaked at about 40 or 50 kilometers per

    Day because the accommodation was arranged for me I couldn’t honestly say if they were camp sites along the way or not I don’t remember seeing any signposts but if you are interested in doing the trip and would prefer to camp I’m sure you can google it very easily

    The cycle route the River Donnell bodensee cycle way is suitable for anyone with an average level of fitness basically if you’ve been on a bike in the last year you can probably cope with this especially if like me you’re on a higher bike and there is a company

    Taking care of your baggage transfer I think that people who come out here to cycle this routes will do so for one or two reasons the first are people who want to come out and specifically Siple the routes and the second group are people who are cycling the river Danube

    Trail but wants a diversion for a week or ten days when I finish writing the blog post about the trip I’ll put the link in the description below in the blog post you can expect me to list accommodation restaurants things to do in the area and also some leads to

    Tourism boards additionally I’ll also describe where the main flight centers are so that if you were planning a trip here you could fly in and out and also some of the local services such as buses and trains that’s it for this video then I’m just going to leave some clips as we

    Cycle towards Lake Constance it’s been a great trip I was in Germany for a total of five days and loved every minute of it I think Germany is one of the great cycling countries of the world and I hope to return very soon if you haven’t already please subscribe to the channel

    Of course thumbs up this video and I’ll catch you next time cheers for now you


    1. Excellent Dave. I'd consider some biking during my next trip anywhere because I am running about 10 to 12 miles 3-4 times a week these days. Getting the wind going 😉 Beautiful scenery.

    2. This is brilliant! I didn't know how to go biking, learnt it on one of my travels last year. Maybe i can take some inspiration from this video to actually explore options like these 🙂

    3. Dave, Thanks for making these videos. I have wanted to cycle Lake Constance but have wanted to cycle a longer route. This looks like an ideal add-on to cycling around the lake. Keep pedaling!

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