GCS 2023 Group MP Final
    Alex Muer, Dirk Elzholz, Kurt Lowie, Nico Wicke, Peter Kroiss
    3 games, 4:2:1:0 scoring
    Co-commentary with Arnö Nobl
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:01:28 Walking Dead – tie break
    00:04:11 James Bond Pro
    00:48:28 Whirlwind
    01:03:15 Get Away HS2
    01:35:19 Walking Dead – tie break
    Streamed live @ www.twitch.tv/jdl_pinball
    from Bulls & Balls, Fulda, Germany on 17-Feb-24
    Directed and produced by Jim & Dina Lindsay, JDL PINBALL

    For 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 well Paul it’s a great day for racing and a great day for pinball right okay uh we are back um hopefully everything working okay you never you never know with the things that happened on stream uh okay okay I’ve put that the

    Wrong way around then uh so we are going to play a tie break okay the tie break is for the last spot uh who is it Peter CH okay so we’ll bring the uh tie Brak sheet in here we’re going to go to rig number one I

    Think uh we could be wrong yes there we go so Alex is currently away so it’s an austan tie break there will be an austan in the finals yes and it’s um uh okay we need to put beer in there this is a one ball tie break so this could be over

    Quickly there a ball save still so 10c ball save but only a single ball yeah he used already let’s see the feet can be nasty yeah yeah he got it okay he has the ball on flipper so if he lose it it’s his fault now

    Yes he has control and okay he goes for the mode nice and this is brave and he already lit the mode so oh he’s lit the mode he just wants the bar shot oh he’s actually you know Alex has been playing awesome pinball you know

    You know he won of course you were there he won the Austrian uh championship series is that right um that might be right yeah yeah um it did it did very very well in he I know that so you know me he he started bar okay oh he started and did didn’t get

    Anything okay he didn’t get anything back from it if uh why he shot the arena I’m no idea there cuz he could have let the ball bounce over and got control again a second shot on Barn I think would have taken it this is not certain

    Okay but bar it’s It’s tricky to pick Barn because the feet can be really nasty absolutely um we were talking about that earlier that the uh CDC is actually the more um intelligent choice because it feeds back around to The Flipper it does yeah yeah and so you don’t have to uh fight

    The pop feed out you have to be good at choosing ramp though I had problem with it but yeah makes sense as a choice okay he has control his ball save still goes for the mode uh we don’t really see how many drops are still left but he’s locked in

    Some drops oh he went for the prison there I think oh dangerous he got the in Lane there let’s see what the feet does yeah but you know 3 million you actually don’t need to do anything much do you mhm um you know starting the uh prison yard is probably

    Enough oh and oh wow that was a great dig no that was a f no it was a real fumble let’s watch that on the replay hang on let’s watch the instant replay with the most little oh no oh so Alex mure will be proceeding okay so get rid of the tie break

    Sheet okay so we are on R number one okay we start with the match Nico is player one and James Bond interesting uh been so many software Chang into James Bond that I lost interest at some point so I might not even be on on top of the rules

    Right there I’m sure you are you’re a you’re a a real rules expert so uh uh okay there’s two multi balls there’s two sets of modes let’s see what it’s doing there uh ball two locked already for what is it the the bird multi ball yep and this should be mul

    Right go y multile stops so uh uh good start to the uh to the finals from nikov Vicki and yeah when a bird multiple starts shooting The yeah uh shooting those side shots immediately will uh what does it do it increases your check value or something it’s something good yes okay something something good something good is is a good thing to do so are they they’re not just jackpots and uh and super jackpots as you would

    Expect they are so in the beginning when they multiple starts they do something special and if you miss that then it’s gone you don’t have it for the multiball okay so he just got he hit one of them and he got multiball extended oh that’s it that’s extender totally right yeah

    Okay so that’s like scar stiff uh yeah I think so yeah so uh multiball will restart when he lose all the balls well that’s that’s definitely uh with yeah and uh his7 uh light is flashing uh I think this should mean that he has activated his multipliers uh because yeah they’re not

    Going here anymore he unfortunately I think you cannot see uh which multi player you got like two whatever and you the extender actually come in there MH so uh the extender he actually achieved by shooting this shot here um but uh it could have been either

    One could have been either this one or the top or the top one I think you have to shoot more than one in the beginning of the M well that’s good to know is it I mean everybody knows from scared stiff out to get the extenders you stop the spider on

    The on the right point so okay he out of multi maybe James Bond had a spider I mean there’s definitely a cat is there oh W is there that was a well it was on the knee of what you call yeah there was a power outlan there it that

    Was definitely a power outl but I would assume the software isn’t finished now either so they could put in a spider you might get a spider on here and a and a little wheel on the back going round maybe they who knows I mean you’ve got a

    LCD display you can do anything you like and they didn’t do very much with it yep so uh Stanny shoot the upper Loop followed by the side Ram to get the extender thank you okay uh so the right R would start the mode I know if keep going for

    It uh you have to shoot the three green uh blinking drops in order to light your bird locks okay so Mode start is here he’s not playing that was he was he actually playing that into the car sorry was he playing yes he playing the shot into yeah yeah that’s

    That’s uh another thing you can do that’s like some sort of mode that’s running concurrently to anything else it looks like he lit his locks from by doing that which is oh he did interesting yeah yeah oh nice nud and uh this is Durk of course Durk is uh uh the

    Managing director of pinball universe and has access I mean what a job yeah if you want a job in the world and it can’t be working for stern in America cuz we are here in Europe then a job with pinball Universe a distributor for not only Stern but also the other great pinball

    Manufacturers uh and gets the chance to play them all day and and in fact has to play them all day because he needs to know them yeah it’s part of his job he uh he did say to me the job is absolutely wonderful I I would think so yeah yeah

    Nice job if you can get it okay that’s his first bir lock uh and he has already lit uh his locks for the chat Mo every time the the ball falls into the area under the upper flipper okay in here yeah so what which multile is that one uh the jet pack

    Multiple okay I thought jetpack was the shot yeah those are the locks and you light them with the okay the area on I don’t even know what to call it okay the area that every time the ball Falls in you have to wait for 5 seconds re this the the stupid one

    Here for no for no reason at all so uh this must be on fairly hard settings because he’s having to complete the uh lock targets for each of the ball locks mhm and yeah he’s in a mode Professor Dan I think that’s one of the villain modes I’m sure

    I I don’t know really know the character that’s uh that’s fairly deut to get to the the mode knowledges pretty deep but I guess it’s all about the multipliers right you want to start something that’s worth something and then start your multipliers yeah and he

    Has two of them lit so if he shoots the uh the upper Loop he can collect them and then he has them on a on a button okay so the action button to what to place them with the action button or so you start them with the but you have

    To collect them first and if you have them collect you start them with the action okay let’s see see if we can uh find him then on the on the whole camera cuz we can uh oh so we can see the button we can see the

    Button he’s up the he’s up at the top we’re going to struggle to see the button from there can see the back of him let me switch the camera okay lit another multiplier oh and with the recent update they they also added a a smart whistle you can your action but

    For I guess it wasn’t even that recent I just that I lost s up oh no he DED it oh I think that was necessary but I like that so he was in DB5 mode and if you finish it you get DB5 Mo to ball interesting I don’t know anything all

    Right DB 5 is the Aon Martin of course oh that’s right okay I um I remember getting my first BMW in England and I was a member of a uh quite a select gentleman’s club and I parked the BMW next to the security camera walked in and was uh talking to

    Guys at the bar and you could see the new BMW in the camera and a guy drove in a in a DB5 park next to it okay so there didn’t get any ball save it was a a bit of a fumble maybe even let it go but yeah he didn’t get it

    Back yeah and that’s Kurt Louie of course from the West Coast pinball place in uh in aend in Belgium and he’s also a collector he has a great collection of pinball machines he knows he’s got uh all three James Bond editions in his collection so uh you know very well how to play

    This and this is Alex Alex M the husband of Jenna and uh he’s sort of nice to be known as the husband of isn’t it yeah um you know most people are known as the wife of right in this particular case it’s quite definitely Alex is the

    Husband uh yeah a nice sa there yeah uh you got one of the B loocks already y I don’t think you have to to light them independently of each other cuz the second one was still blinking there yeah okay right yeah uh looks like he went for start before starting which makes

    Sense so take the thing look and no ball are okay so uh yeah I think he wanted to shoot under the left uper flipper or the auto okay this should light I don’t know if it lights this chat it’s a setting thing yeah I need more more so you’re right jetpack is now

    Ready nice in l another q shot I don’t know if you have to light Q so maybe it’s the yeah I mean d was shooting for kill it didn’t say anything on this but now when shot it yeah yeah yeah n wave into the camera nice one and

    Yeah kin is s right and octopus does have four let’s call it lags so there sort of a spider in there yep we’ll uh recommend it as a new code update to put a a spider a rotating spider in thisare okay Nik in the lead with 181

    Million and yeah but he has already played this okay the ball SA B save he didn’t yeah he took a tilt one in there which he didn’t need to but um there’s a lot of pressure out there this is a final of a large tournament nice okay

    So this another mode or that character that’s a yeah that’s a mode Mr of and yeah I I don’t know anything about the mode or the character but green lit shots green green shots look good and uh oh and he he got into the

    Chat P MTI so a nice St okay so multi ball with this mode I think the chat Pi multi ball in and off itself isn’t worth that much the B mode fall is wor a lot but the chat probably makes sense to uh pull mode into it

    Yep okay uh he started his multipliers I don’t know how many he had but his O7 light is blinking again so now the the points will really go up yeah almost 300 billion already okay nice and you can see the action but over here but you’ve got to watch two places

    You got to watch two places at once on the uh on the screen which makes it not quite so easy so the light isn’t picking anymore so I think that means the multiplier is over so the multipliers are timed obviously that’s uh but I think he can

    Collect more because now the those three lights are blinking again and if he shoots the upper Lane he puts it on the button again and then he can start okay but got the Super Jackpot at 15 million oh he’s doing really well here 368 million ball

    Two and uh Niko is such a natural player is uh he great to watch he he’s so intuitive in terms of what he plays that that looks weird but it it looked like it would go out but it didn’t I don’t know maybe it was a bit

    Of a lar or or it was just a quick for me maybe uh is this another mode yeah okay to7 oh that’s a ah yeah I remember that’s a sort of uh mini wizard mode you get for like playing a playing a villain playing henchman and playing something else the multi

    Maybe so he super jackp but at 22 million he doesn’t his markli going can’t really see whether his his partner is flashing there because his eyes AR in the way can we ask him to play like this be nice like a Godzilla character yeah a bit inconsiderate that

    Ni just uh think about people watching okay now it’s much CL going and oh he is a 2X I just figure out where to look to see how how much worth there uh okay it’s that yeah yeah it’s showing on the screen oh yeah that’s a that’s a time

    That’s a Time mode and then all the balls rain okay so is 435 million uh he’s um going to make his mark on the this final with this first game uh yeah and in the qualifying he I think won almost all of this games he get one third place and I don’t know

    That I think first place is all around that’s another villain mode which didn’t really light on the arrows I’m not sure what it’s supposed to shoot oh the up there there’s a there a little arrow for ball let’s see how much that it didn’t I don’t think it says but I I

    Saw the the score jump I think it was 10 million 10 okay uh it’s interesting St went back to a lot of machines and increase the exol values well yeah okay recently like last last year that must be an indication that the uh machines are being played in

    Tournaments is it because if it was on location You’ get the you’d get the extra ball yeah it was never really I mean it’s worth going for but in dament it didn’t make a big difference and then aosm came along the first one with a really valuable extra B

    And they they’re doing many now okay unfortunate drain but that was really good absolutely awesome so you can hear the Applause now yeah right now can hear now I know what what this stret that’s right yeah yeah is actually means the flaws yeah yeah yeah we’ve uh previously

    To the headphones we’ve been sitting here not knowing what that sound actually actually meant oh dear right right we’ll use more of the call outs as we go through because uh um arna’s not heard any of them before yeah never watch the streams so I don’t

    Know he is now a moderator of course he has his very own green sword all the power yeah I know he can ban me from chat uh have you tried taking Dina out of chat that would be a challenge oh wow that’s yeah I like that I like a challenge you like a

    Challenge okay yeah that’s right uh as long as the multipliers are flashing uh you can keep them from ball to ball but as soon as you have collected them and put them on a button for you to use uh they will not come back they gone okay so that makes

    Sense but the uh the multipliers go it’s a Playfield multiplier then it’s not a it’s not a position shot MTI okay lo oh BL there great move there let’s do a replay on that that’s this is a great Dirk move let’s watch the instant replay and that I mean that that had

    Gone yeah that was a great save got it one handed uh slap save that’s probably yeah okay he’s in chat te SM ball again so this is the less valuable one I don’t see him having any modes going but this might just be a a display thing so they

    They didn’t do a very good job at giving you a lot of information about what’s going on okay okay what to be G oh no still done So what’s the least delest estim as to when the code might be anywhere near finished on do I mean it might be it might be right now and I just don’t know about it because I at some point I go for updates but yeah the most recent thing

    They put in are the smart missiles and you can see them there so uh di seems to have two missiles and it can use him with the action partner [ __ ] shots and he has five multipliers blinking that he could collect on the upper Loop he’s trying he he’s tried that shot

    Numerous times he’s not just quite got the timing so with five multiplayers that actually you get to five times Playfield yeah I mean you can collect any number of those so you put them on the action button by hitting the ramp and then you can take them at any time by hitting the

    Action board yeah but you don’t get all of them by shooting one ramp you get one of them by shooting one ramp so you would have to hit five ramps in order to get all of them and the button will start all of them that you have put on

    The button okay all right uh well done to DK uh ball two 83 million which um I’m sure is a quite decent score yeah but he he did a lot of things he played for a long time but he didn’t really get his multipliers going and that’s the difference between him and N

    There Stan’s given some uh nice tips in the chat uh on multipliers so uh please read read that when you get the opportunity yeah that’s that’s how you get the multipliers blinking in the first place they are like each each of them uh is connected to one feature on the

    Playfield so h a bunch of buers get one H whatever two anything on the Playfield you you will get those blinking yeah but the hard part is to collect them I Think so Kurt had a disastrous ball one he’s uh now going to try and make up for that has a mo going which is a Henman mode I think yeah yeah that’s something you you have to uh be aware of you that you want to play one henchman mode One V mode and

    Okay so he’s in the he’s in the multi ball so okay there yeah you want to play one one henchman one villain in order to get to the mini uh it looked like he raised his hand because of some issue but yeah it it it didn’t think the multi should have

    Started there um uh I mean he didn’t really shoot the left Loop did he oh I just missed it maybe yeah I think maybe it started it and it was delayed um but yeah he was definitely surprised there it was uh that’s incredibly fast but uh he’s not far off to score

    Now and yeah there was that that AB loopy shot in order to collect the multi but he didn’t have any yeah yeah yeah he’s K the de score but just in ball to now so nice control what What’s okay out of multi Ball but he’s uh he’s not taking the bird multiball yet does he so okay so the conclusion might have been a difference between the might be more useful yes quite uh quite for okay so he seems to have put one of the multipliers on the button because

    This one is solidly lit and you will lose that because yeah okay going to end the ball but that was a that was a good ball two he’s uh he’s made up for the uh uh disastrous ball one he’s now overtaken Durk got 93 million points so see what Alex can

    Do uh yeah he hasn’t play any M gos yet so this will be his first go look like he’s going for the chat yeah for the left right oh now he lit the Cub so you light it by just shooting to the car shot another bir loock oh this was it’s so talking

    About uh he was late on the uh multiple extender shots so uh they’re still available here that’s the they time but I don’t see a timer on the display so maybe just the the lights that will it’s blinking very fast now so I think Recon soon yeah they come

    Okay and obviously if you don’t know about those then you would never dream of playing well you would you would probably actually be going for that because you’d think it was the Super Jackpot yeah and it’s just fun shooting the upper flippers yeah okay that was the

    Multile and it’s going into the next one immediately yes the jet pack jet pack starts so this is the last round one I don’t think you I think stack uh to exp play for this oh wow that was really Nast so the jetp pack is the equivalent to uh little

    Deadpool on uh sort of I guess you could say uh multiball that you want to use in combination to make sure you get a mode in it so you never start that multile on it own and there might be a way to play really well and get a lot of points but

    I don’t know yeah um still going I think oh now it’s gone this is his uh really mode uh 20 seconds of 2x yeah but I think uh if you stack multipliers uh the time might be longer than 30 seconds nice that was uh yeah and you see his

    Scor rocketed up now is uh is already close to 100 million M so he’s in his uh vill mode I think uh his next goal will be a henchman mode because them has uh mini mini wizard be ready oh no he he got his two x again some time in the mode

    Left oh it’s very close oh unfortunate and one more for Jetpack so um okay the higher his multiplier is the more time he gets for the multiplier so time 3 is 30 seconds time 2 is 20 seconds okay niovi 580 million wow uh yeah probably going

    To be on the high score table I would think with this score yeah okay another move and yeah four of his multiplies carried over because he didn’t use them yet it’s going for that’s another one so we need shoot here and what he’s saying is if shoot if

    He shoots that once he will will only give him one of those multiplayers onto the action Buton so okay you got one there and it’s yeah it’s risky B uh when to use it yeah press the action button twice there so uh is brought in uh times two

    Yeah all right seven 7x multiplier gives ball save too so that’s nice to have but it’s quite risky to like you just lose them all if you lose the ball you want to get all them still in a move oh and once you’ve started them you you can’t get any more multiplayers in

    So you have to wait for them to finish and then only then you can them again y okay high stakes gets to hold his bonus so he’s on ball three so that will count his bonus twice you would assume oh and we’ll see cuz he’s just trained so

    Um let’s see what the bonus is worth not a lot not and he didn’t get it two times no he didn’t get it two times either so whole bonus isn’t a lot of you some B three that’s got to be a software book and that’s you know I mean why would it

    Give you double bonus or so whole bonus and then you don’t actually get it maybe maybe in the next game who knows maybe it gives him yeah recognizes him by his uh his code and says Ah Nick niiko here’s that bonus we owed you from

    The last game oh wow so uh dick has a 4X multiplier ready to go whenever he wants it okay cuz he looped that round three times uh sorry the the up upper Loop save L and he took it he in for XL now without much going right so let’s

    See what he does for Point going to say what’s he what’s he going to do with the times for and he should have uh I don’t know 40 seconds maybe oh yeah according to stany that will be 40 seconds of times four and it is you can see the

    Timer counting down there that’s 30 oh there’s the timer yeah I see 40 million yeah it’s up to 271 look at the scores rocke in here okay this is uh definitely a case of a bit of rule knowledge is at 3133 million now um time has counting down

    It’s 20 still got 25 seconds on there mhm [Applause] ball collected I know what that means he’s not in multiable is he he’s holding the ball isn’t he this is uh I say by definite rule knowledge knowing what he’s doing here to collect these points so still 10 seconds left on the multiplier

    So this is OT go Volante five more seconds so so uh he’s not advancing too much since that oh is 293 yeah and his multiplier is over now and his chat pack is Ready 429 million points and yeah he’s in a mode so that would be a good point to uh good time to start this chck I think from the out lane okay he uh four times just finished of course [Applause] So uh he only had one lock left but M okay so that makes more sense yeah okay but why would he not have taken the four times for the multi ball that’s uh um didn’t want to risk it maybe no I think he KN I think he knew something

    Else I think he knew how to capitalize on that four times um by not shooting so he was deliberately not doing things and uh and the score was it was collecting things and it was no but he was in something he was in a in a I don’t know

    There was a green bar on the on the that he was doing something and yeah he already got his uh two X back and started up so does have some multipliers and he’s uh caught up with Nik score almost he’s now past 620 million okay multi is over mode is still

    Going oh the chat yeah he had the chat back ready too and some uh real skill here nice play by Durk elol 2x is running again I think he he will just start any multipliers here ready so if it’s a twox he’s twox he takes it yeah yeah he only

    Took took the Forex because he managed to a couple of times so just basically if there’s a multiplier take it and once you’ve uh uh take it then press the action button and actually put the thing in yeah which sort of makes sense really because uh

    Yeah unless you have a very high score to chase then it might make sense to wait a bit with the multiplayer and get a bigger one he’s player two so he already caught Niko and just wants to put put up score wow that was uh a pretty tremendous ball

    From Durk elos pinbal Universe uh well done to DK wow well done so uh Kurt Louie big uh big task ahead here uh this of course is ball three nice catch First yeah but uh he’s got that shot immediate back hand off the right flipper oh we didn’t get it that time okay so uh second lock that’s nice he has a 3X ready to go he lock C his M ball and he took the 3x multiplier yeah he’s not uh taking it

    From the action but yet though oh he hasn’t taken it uh that was weird because the uh the light that was flashing but maybe it was part of the light show yeah okay yeah oh he’s on four times now so he’s taking nice he’s taking the four times multiplier

    Yeah this can be valuable four times in multiple with the henchman mode going got a warning there I can’t believe he’s out of multiv ball actually that was uh oh in fact he’s not okay so uh just a bit of a delay there yeah there’s a St thing where whenever

    Animations are playing uh balls that are in the SC R won’t come out so he uh got got the extender extender for bird multiball has just started 58 million super so he’s doing some damage there yeah Wow uh score accelerating uh we thought niik Vicki was like out on his own there didn’t we with 581 million points mil super there and this was just space value because it doesn’t have any much right now oh he just missed with the second ball there um however is on

    365 which would put him in third place right now yep wow 365 386 and still in third place that’s um tough I think he must light another chat pack lock there it is dra yourip two multipliers ready to be taken from the upper Loop and chat pack multiple is ready here nice safe

    There uh he will be safe on the left out there has yeah that’s a a lot of fast reaction play that right the chat start oh and a right out lane no so all that work and he’s in third place M uh and not guaranteed third because Alex can always do that

    Um nice bonus though yeah absolutely 43 million come on Alex let’s see what you can do and I think I think you have to know the rules to be able to get to this um uh yeah I think his next upop would be the mini wizard mode I don’t recall

    If you played both a villain and hen I think he’s played I think he’s played both but I’m not sure oh you would see by the lights I think so this this one is little solidy so gu see has played that one this one is blinking probably means could be the next hman

    Mode okay this was not we just use it to transfer the ball over nice save the T warning there yep great uh great dig wow okay now chat back he right here and he got his uh bird lock lit too oh that could be dangerous okay and tilted out on the way

    So okay well done um D elel take first place Niko second third and Alex fourth and got high score number two that is uh that is tough yeah that is tough and dir gets put his name in 720 and uh nobody else does so um yeah there you go have you had

    That on stream yet BND do you know how it’s playing um I’ve played it a couple of times uh and um have we had it on a stream I don’t think we have this weekend so uh this will be actually nice to see um I think he’s I think he’s

    Playing like a whirlwind plays you know um whether you can say Whirlwind is Ever playing well I’m not I’m not sure the two going in the same sentence um but wewi of course people will normally play a short plunge okay so and that’s in order to try and get the ball here and

    Catch okay and then play into this shot which gives them the first of the cell door award mil is a good start though yep and he can collect that on the upper ramp so next you have to uh collect the um Direction targets early million so I think it will go for the

    Millon because it will not stay lit if he does the ball right yeah okay so uh yeah this is uh worth going for 1 million points on Whirlwind is a lot of points it’s a lot more than a million oh and uh I think you’re right I

    Think he lose the opportunity for that um I don’t think he comes back so Kurt Lou there is a skill shot by knocking down these drop targets but it’s so dangerous that people generally don’t play it um I played against somebody yesterday who did mhm uh and

    You can you know you get pretty much win the game if you get three uh super skills so it’s like the Keith L wind swipe on I am Maiden uh and if you can knock them all down you get 5 maybe he yeah for the SL and and that to be

    Honest is what oh wow that’s what uh that’s dena’s strategy she always says short plunge catch the ball and then swipe the targets going that way yeah and that is a lot saer you get a 600,000 for a full yeah I think he’s five but anyway somewhere somewhere 56 one target

    Is 100 the other one 200 third one 300 swipe and you get all of that so uh this is a machine that is really all about control um I’ve me said that this guy niik will probably play it on the Fly cuz he’s just like awesome um but you know I mean most people would let that Bounce okay so as you said you want to collect the the arrows which is uh this one he want in order to light the locks and you can spot an arrow or shoot the up the STM is coming return to your his first uh lock is now lit shoot up here

    The ball goes all the way around to be held here now get out and that’s a that’s a nasty bound see you see it yeah yeah it really is not nice so it comes down here and it doesn’t it doesn’t fire it just sort of bounces uh it’s really not

    Nice can you give it a little bit of a I’m sure I’m sure you can and nudge on the side to stop you doing that okay it’s First Lock first lock so now we have to collect some more arrows so there’s one here one here uh I went for the super skill got

    It for the upper one for 100,000 okay and of course you uh you don’t you cannot go for Playfield validation after getting a lock so if you after that’s correct drain zero points you just drain and won’t get it back yeah I’ve made that mistake before I think you told me

    About it after i’ done it in fact we might have been even playing together uh I did the short plunge let it let it go why don’t I get the ball bike okay so okay um you can also shoot uh the is to ramp to get something called Skyway TOS but

    Again I think there’s only a hanos that I know that does that just keep shows that ramp over and over and over again and I mean ramp is cool because what it also does is uh build up uh those lights on the stand up Target and

    If you build them up fully uh you get a quick go ah okay might be lit because it’s the the upper red arrow I thought that was extra yeah it’s it’s not built up at all work nothing at all no oh that was nice oh and a fumble that’s unusual from

    Nikov Vicki probably not had enough uh uh alcoholic drinks yet might very well be the case but 2.9 Million that’s the reasonable ball one that’s uh I think he will be happy with that so let’s see the pl he went for the yeah got the lower one for 300

    Yeah and yeah the sell isn’t always lit you uh can light it for a short time via the right right did y good demonstration as if he was listening to you D show is that inlay uh or you can light it uh via the upper ramp and it stays Set I gave up on a post Transfer go away now get out yeah I mean that the bailout shot into the seller isn’t safe when when the feed goes into the sling oh absolutely you want to keep away from that okay so he has lock lit and uh drains and the other thing to

    Remember on this game is that if you shoot this ramp it gives you the next uh direction arrow so if you can nail that a few times you don’t need to touch any of the more dangerous shots but it but it’s so it’s not an easy shot but it’s

    Good to get some practice on is the jackp you need it for the jackpot anyway yeah the is talking danger return to your home the storm is over and because there’s a ball locked down here then the ramp raises and the lock gets under here so uh that gives him the next

    Letter so he needs uh this arrow look okay that’s useful so back hand again into the lock oh okay oh oh that was unfortun the wheel put it into the out lane yep spinning wheels and magnets shouldn’t be allowed on pinball machines yeah should I don’t like them yeah I do agree nobody

    Likes them I mean there are some magnet that that do useful stuff like Magna saves yeah that’s different yeah okay all right yeah magnets that throw the ball around like Metallica and uh yeah like gu spinning wheels in the very top of the play it’s only those lower spinny

    Wheels that are yeah that are sort of annoying I think yeah okay Nik up again he’s in the lead with three million now he goes for the short lunge and he actually went for the uh SL there from the right flipper it’s gone so uh I mean these are you know 3

    Million’s okay but it’s not a huge score he’s not been to multi ball yet he’s not had the uh 1 Million jackpot shots so you know a reasonably high score on worldwind is 10 million I would Say yeah you’re not safe with 10 million but tell that’s right but 10 million a Good okay so again Durk gets the first lock oh that was clever back come to the uh simply because it was late so this time the feet did not touch the stre see let’s see what multi ball didn’t really touch a they did no that was uh that was fine so whether is

    Nudging the machine we’ve uh we’re not on Whirlwind oh so wwi’s right at the bottom of the hall Let’s uh switch the C move go away yeah unfortunately only uh one ball in the lock here CU if it would have been two balls and he start the quick M ball he would

    Be I don’t know what’s what’s called super multiball yeah which can happen in four player games the storm is coming return to your home danger the storm is coming now M start is on the left R okay take cover now oh it wasn’t wasn’t playing but uh

    He’s he’s made a good impression there and that will be lit for him on the next Ball but now two balls are in the lock so yeah next person who Alex already got did he get a squ multi ball yeah he already got it so he can’t

    Uh can’t do the super multile unless he goes for the ramp okay nice R because of Playfield validation that’s a a good example of why you short plunge on this machine because if you don’t get control that that’s perfect EXA oh and it hit something yeah h a switch and

    Out so validation is literally one switch Yeah it’s not like uh jackbot and machines like that yeah you can let it go there Nice and Kurt was really really pleased to be in this final he was uh he’s been quite ill over the last couple of weeks weeks and he wasn’t expecting to be able to get to this event and uh the fact that he’s here is uh he nice

    And hopefully we’ll see him quite a few more times see lock his Li look here take cover now okay come back on that lock there’s two players now who didn’t TR back can the stor is over all clear one more lock so doesn’t manage the Ram oh that was

    Just seem doing anything thing I didn’t like move the machine I got a double danger there yeah okay yeah okay but he caught Alex I think he did yeah so he’s in third place yeah is in third third place so we’ll take uh another one so we’re on 42 1 0 scoring

    Here that’s why it’s dangerous to take this super skill exactly so is it going to be enough 3.5 um Durk will try make sure he gets that 1 million he’s got 1 million shot lit and he could rust to the center post again and this time it betrayed

    Him yeah but the uh I’m going to say short plunge because the uh skill shot is not enough on its Own danger now get out and if that gets that he’s got the a million and that should be enough to secure the game feel the power of the wind just want to see the score multi ball starts well done to DK that’s uh that’s awesome okay so he got it he’s at eight

    Points wonder why we’ve got this big gap here oh yeah that’s not like Dina to have the uh play field off set to such such a level uh watch the strobing lights on the supercharger yeah what is it so that’s not that’s not Factory the

    Is in the machine I light come from good question I wonder if they are they’ve actually been fitted I wonder if the lights have been fitted to it I’ve never noticed them see okay it may be uh an optical illusion okay so shift gear Shulton Shulton Shift is Shulton shift would you use it for shift gear or is Shulton uh yeah no it me shift yeah but shift do him what push it out of the way or no no specifically shift GE oh right okay so fine those are cool strobing

    KN okay so he’s going for uh his Loops how to get RPM is hitting this with remarkable accuracy that’s uh AB absolutely aome really great yeah and he’s in supercharge already oh and drains but that was a that was a really really nice first ball I mean

    He’s uh he’s already passed fifth gear or fourth gear sorry um and uh yeah awesome well played Alex of course all these players are perfectly capable of totally blowing up this machine and it’s nice to see the that he got some points out of supercharger because very often you just drain

    Immediately yeah that’s right but I mean he he did he did drain during super charger so it did yes yeah M uh so you know all the rules you say how come that on the first ball uh there’s 5 million threeways available but not on the second or third is that right so I I just I’ve not I don’t know why it is but I’ve noticed

    That on on this machine on the first ball uh you don’t have to build it on on punch you have it starts on 5 million but then on the other balls it doesn’t go now okay uh that’s then something I don’t know about getaway uh but maybe just always was

    Designed that way I mean why not know why not give you give people a first ball Advantage why would he give people first well because it’s sort of weird why should the first ball be more important than the other ones yeah it’s a book it’s a sof book it just

    Never got initialized until ball two okay we got good progress on video mode is going to drive on the right Kurt CT’s definitely a right hand side driver here there he goes and he drives too fast normally I I mean in real life not necessarily in the video

    Mode I think the waited is driving he will get about 26 oh no oh we didn’t I spoke too soon he didn’t get 26 he’s he he thought he was driving his Tesla that’s that’s that’s what it was so you know the uh the way of driving an

    Electric car is slightly different I don’t think compensated for the um uh for the sort of heavy breaking you get when you when you take you put off the accelerator okay as luck is it it takes it yep on the multi ball is uh is really so valuable in

    This oh did he actually not shift the gears before mode I didn’t even know this but yeah the video mode is a lot more a lot harder if it don’t shift gears it’s less they must have shift gear it was going too it was going too

    Fast if you waggle this the button there the gear button you start the Mania you know that oh yeah yeah you probably shouldn’t do that and you never ever do that but just you know just demonstrating knowledge of games and things and and not only because it’s usually it’s just strategically it’s

    It’s not a good thing to never ever the right thing to do but but it can also cause a lot of bucks depending on the r run oh okay so it can uh get lock progress and pretty much the same thing happened to Kurt there it got to

    Supercharger yeah but he made really good progress he made really good progress through uh through everything there finishes on 170 on 180 million nice so uh yeah well played to Kurt Louie Right backing control nice lock his lips which he locked from the Supercharger so the uh you can either light the locks by shooting the red yellow green targets here or you can uh shoot the supercharger once in order to get the supercharger value and then shoot it for

    A second time in order to light the uh light the lock well I think uh each shot to the supercharger ramp will just give you one traffic light yes but no it it’s one completion isn’t it I think I think it’s just one left okay see oh when he drains that’s uh yeah

    That’s not good um 20 million is uh not a good score on ball one of getaway uh Sebastian’s on hi um rainbow loopin Louie oh dear right so Dirk elol another uh absolutely no stranger to this Machine it’s not letting it rain for fre Loops yep okay come on D you need to uh put some shots together here it doesn’t need to but it be nice if it did not better that was nearly up and over nice looping the the right yeah this

    Lit so du is a very uh effective um on thefly player thought it was a back yeah it was but I don’t think it was necessarily intended backand to somewhere but he could have been don’t uh oh not quite uh making the ramp it’s a very very steep ramp up at the back

    Here in order to get down to the lock so it’s not unusual uh if to if you don’t quite hit the shot firmly enough for it to reject you should get it this time yeah she does okay hey nice wheel so video mode is lit

    And uh yeah I going to say that would be tempting to take okay take it from the kickback that’s nice so into gear five that’s the most important thing and then then Collide into a car look that’s what happens if we go to the left the left

    People who drive on the left are just crazy yeah just crazy people so uh guess the second lot yeah sensibly not taking the secret Mania yeah the back oh oh he didn’t Oh I thought he got the kick back so I think he went for

    It but he he needed more yeah so stany says D is on fire bad driver on fire and can’t drive nice okay so we’re on ball two um not actually that much between them to be fair because uh you need to get to either either multiple or Redline Mania

    Before you really begin to build huge scores on this machine okay he takes the Free Loop don’t move is it took a long time until it came out again it was sort of dangerous because the ball was already out that’s because there’s already balls in the lock

    Yep so video mode yeah shift gears up to number five drive on the right side oh no interesting drive on the dangerous dangerous left this is I think one of the better video modes in uh in mall it’s it it do of fun it’s got it’s fun and it’s got

    Some skill yeah it’s uh you have to do something at least yeah kick back gone kickback is always it’s always dangerous when you lose the kickback because the machine knows that the kickback is gone and it therefore it goes for punishes yeah so I got the one

    And two got one is on the timer now so don’t think went through and now it’s timed out so let’s go oh did he catch it in time yeah he did he’s got I think he’s got oh yeah I think he’s got it by okay nice to get to nice to see red

    Line Mania is also the best way to light the keeping I think we’ve said that many times Before check take the left Gone okay it gets the jackpot yeah and I’m looking forward to figuring out the WR version is because uh one of the versions will restart uh during so you will not be able to get more than that super check in the world see what this one does

    Okay super check now oh that was nice okay separation and uh hit the three at the same time just too late get the Super Jackpot Super Jackpot and uh now he needs uh 20 Loops of the supercharger oh 30 sorry yeah 30 but with two balls in there they uh start to

    Disappear uh but it says that the 30 Loops will light super check but again so this is not the L5 version that they had before restart right okay but well played uh to Alex that was uh that was really really great ball yeah well done getting to Mania getting super track great

    Can Mania before the the normal multi ball because you want to do that the the check B beit Max it’s a lock okay and that’s his the third lock yeah multiball uh multi ball away so um okay shoot in the supercharger 10 Loops to light the first jackpot

    Okay that’s one of the balls was enough oh fortunate so there’s a great period on this jackpot but it’s only 25 million points so do he get it yeah it does okay so 25 million and uh that’s the end of multiball his next Target is definitely Red Line Mania um pretty close already

    Yeah uh Lighty jackpot that’s uh that’s well done uh we see yeah outlane save keep keep that’s that’s a that’s a better word of course he kicks back okay so uh video mode again it’s done it’s done one isn’t he yeah he driving on the other side of the road

    Now uh yeah he must have got the video mode from I don’t know what what gives video uh well if it’s not set on tournament settings which always gives you 5 million than just the um the Burn Rubber the Burn Rubber award oh yeah but but it’s in tournament setting it’s a

    Fixed order of the boat so one of them just wants the video mode ah okay yeah yeah yeah so you there I get a second second video so replay so we can play another game after this one maybe we get this hold bonus done from

    The and he’s uh just not getting that um orbit shot right okay that’s better oh oh wow it looked like the sling didn’t fire uh that was just too I think that was too fast it was uh yeah a horrible ball that horrible bounce out so 271 just short just Just Sh okay four so just there not on the the second lock which he takes nice and Nik will be doing the same he’ll he’ll play the multi ball okay super charger so let’s see if he does a supercharger brain too yes he’s probably not planning

    To I mean you know there there there is a a strategy for timing out the uh yeah yeah the supercharger mode because because it is so dangerous you know and you have no idea where you’re going to come out of the end of it might be a good idea to

    Time up but it’s it’s hard to do it’s hard to do because there’s a lot of points hidden in there it’s uh okay but you survive the supercharger stop Mania okay so is this is to get to the third lock so just see if this Li lies

    One or all three Reds okay yeah this one we like another one video video mode so not the video mode but but I think each time you shoot in there it will also spot you one of them oh okay I know there are obviously clearly some things that

    Don’t or unless you are making them up which is which is also possible And it did yeah it gave him the the lower rep so just one red left either the ramp or safe danger to Black to and that was a great that was a really really great save yeah uh and he’s uh yeah he W bit now I hope no he

    Doesn’t he’s telling the machine off but he don’t do that to me this is Nick go okay now his luck is it we can get it from the upper flipper yep what you does okay so into multile but no tilt left at all on this game so

    Uh come on let’s get see some super Jack pots super Jack Pot value Jack lit still on he’ll get that back I think oh no maybe not should be okay so gets the first jackpot 25 million now needs to shoot oh that was a unfortunate Drain so now he’s got to get to Red Line Mania he’s not very far away okay and is it right that you get a ball save only for the first mot ball so now that he has played this one he will not have CL inania maybe let’s see okay I wouldn’t be

    Surprised if that’s the case but red line Mania is late maybe I’m actually making things up yes I think you know because he puts the kick back on you know and he sort of mania Red Line Mania woo jackpot lit Super Jackpot at 100 million a small B you see you already

    Used the B [Laughter] for right so what can we say so first Jack part at 25 million uh the next one is the important one at 100 million that’s the end of red line Mania and what do you do now you start again yeah you can get lot video mode

    You get on the supercharger we got to L Manu again uh 230 he still got a a way to go and he so he needs to get to um well video mode would do it would it uh fortun drain so that was a good ball we’ll give him a round of applause

    For that cuz that was uh that was a good fight nice uh nice to see yeah he he did what he wanted to play the multi Ball but wellem Mania come for That uh okay so J is close to his third lock it seems there it is this lit pick back late not quite not far off not quite the great attempt from the top flipper there another the fly yeah that’s Durk Durk is just a great fly

    Player a bit of flipper hop I think on there that’s oh yeah yeah yeah just uh just put him in off that shot so really needs to get that ball under control or play it from the top flipper which is he’s trying he’s trying there to get into the

    Uh whatever it’s called not going to happen but I say DK it didn’t need to do anything in that game so uh the fact that he came last is actually probably uh correct oh no he we’re only on ball two right right okay let’s wait till the

    End of ball three shall we before we before we make a call on that with the dirt getting to Red Line Mania and two billion points okay Alex and the leite on the start of all three so there’s a great possibility for tie breaks here yeah with four

    420 yeah um so uh let’s see what happens Alex so the moment is going to get four niik is going to get one so wouldn’t be a tie break there but Kurt would get two when therefore there would be a tie break for first and second uh sorry Second wow no I I don’t I yeah I misjudged that I don’t think he uh he thought he could get the Flipper on it I mean it it did uh catch the the tip of the flipper but it just didn’t bounce F yeah yeah okay so CT um he needs to obviously

    Get past 290 but he also knows that Niko is on 240 uh but he has to go for Red Line anyway there’s nothing else to do exactly this so close just need two more loops now survive okay oh tilted to tilt I don’t think

    Matters um that uh oh he he got it we got past him wow he got past him by a million [Laughter] points but uh niiko is going to take second place if he puts anything together in B he’s been all the way around so he’s starting again from the

    Beginning uh he needs 50 million points so this is basically like 50 million points on ball one yeah but he has got some gears already the next one will be video mode yeah it and if he gets video mode he’s done it but he could do it just by this

    Wow that’s some nice looping there great oh wow crazy and he’s a supercharger already of course he did so quickly he’s already he’s already there that was great look at his face look at absolutely brilliant oh wow this is niik it his absolute best oh wow absolutely awesome this is

    Definitely going to be YouTube short and it’s close to menia again yep ah wow that was great to watch absolutely uh tremendous well well played [Laughter] [Applause] Niiko you’ve just got to take your hat off to that guy out that was absolutely great wow oh dear so Durk actually does need to do something now because he can’t take a zero yeah niiko actually actually ties with him no it’s interesting actually wow okay so uh yeah this this is like

    Usually he has to get past one of the other players so he’s got 290 million that he has to get to okay but he started his M ball yeah right there only 100,000 Point difference between Alex And okay taken 25 million but uh say he’s got still got a long way to go [Applause] this is a Pity I mean he’s he’s wasting that top flipper shot here um you mean because doesn’t get any progress for spe yeah that’s uh yeah so that’s the multiball gone he now

    Has to get to Red Line Mania we got the kick button oh and he’s gone okay and he’s gone wow so so what we thought was an absolutely safe position and we should have looked at the scores more closely uh has actually been recovered by Niko with

    That absolutely awesome last ball on uh getaway highp speeded 2 uh we are now going to a tie Break um oh dear this would be walking dead I assume uh one ball or two Balls uh I’m sure it will be The Walking Dead so uh yeah she’s move she’s moving straight over same rig to The Walking Dead so uh right um we probably don’t need any any player names up for this I wouldn’t think uh but I suppose in uh for the sake of

    Completeness we’ll uh we’ll add them into uh see if I can do it in time so D El Sals against Niko ni wicki on The Walking Dead and I don’t know how many uh how many balls it’s going to be so we will find out by watching the ball save if if there is ball safe it’s probably going to be one ball if there’s no ball save yeah true yeah y

    Wow so Dina is going to come and tell us now we’ll see ah yeah one ball 10 seconds okay so uh one ball 10 seconds ball save wow and you go through the whole ification phase goes through the final three game final you go through that absolutely awesome game on high speed

    Two and it’s all down to one ball on The Walking Dead okay Nik starts a bailout shot to the ramp uh there’s a prison shot okay prison is going now okay abolutely shot are okay now Mo now he’s in control um Niko’s a nik’s a mode guy I was going to

    Say Niko’s a prison guy uh because he’s uh I save the danger it’s mod mod lit little drop catch there uh he’s gone all that work all that work 2.5 okay I mean to be fair Niko uh yeah if Niko had taken two points and kurur had taken four it could

    Have been a tie break that way for for second and third as well so um n at least has secured second position mhm by what he did when on high speed but this is all down to uh wow all down to uh this last ball 2.4 I guess 2.5 400 is the skill

    Shot so you need 2 million yeah but you have to do you have to go for a mode or prison there isn’t really well I mean you can just you can actually just chip away at that can’t you don’t need to go for anything you can just keep shooting the CDC

    Ramp yeah forever like yeah if you can do it forever then yes yeah uh Arena you could shoot Arena uh three times would be enough I think okay so again prison yard starts and it’s actually close now he might be there might be there already yeah he’s already there he’s done it

    Woo so fireworks again now he’s actually earned it okay he actually he did actually earn that I mean Cy to win to win two games uh solid I’m going to give him the win this [Applause] by yes uh we are all going to miss bulls and balls don’t uh yeah we absolutely

    Stny uh we definitely will but look we have one more day left at bulls and balls tomorrow so uh come back and join us uh we are back let me just take you very very quickly to the schedule here um so uh tomorrow um we are back at I

    Believe 10:00 again so 10:00 is the start part of the fair strike knockout tournament uh so we’ll be playing uh pinball we’ll be in qualification stage during the morning the finals will be mid-afternoon so don’t forget to join us uh for that um and uh I’m going to say uh thank you

    To everybody here um and a particular thank you to uh this guy Aro for stepping in and helping uh with the co- commentating that’s very very much appreciated um I am going to raid uh a channel I’m hoping that um uh Fox Cities are actually still online uh where’s raid gone raid

    Channel so we’re going to take you over to Fox Cities so please don’t leave us uh stay online and you’ll get transferred automatically over to a great tournament over in the USA uh so uh take care we’ll see you again in the morning good night for me

    Good night for me and see you tomorrow okay cheers guys Bye-bye That’s Is


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