2023 04 17 POLAND DAILY TRAVEL S2 E1183
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    Foreign Daily travel your favorite travel show about Poland and Central Europe where you will get all the things you need to know all the information you need to know about this particular part of the world today I have Anthony McFarland Gonzalez yet again thank you for being with us Anthony you know cycling in

    Poland you’re a big cyclist and you’re you’re training for the Olympics you’re in gdance now training for for the Olympics which is amazing I’m very impressed and uh I like cycling too but not on such a you know competitive scale I just like getting out on my bike I consider that a

    Good day and and not getting run over so uh keyword exactly uh you go to watch but and I mean by the bicycles not by The Cars the bicycles are what scare me the most you got to be careful turning left yeah because they don’t know that you’re

    Turning left because they don’t use their hand signals no because they just keep continuing down the side the sidewalk as if it were the bicycle path and the bicycle path goes left and if you don’t look somebody will run into as you turn left Burning Down The the pavement the

    Sidewalk so uh anyway uh there’s a I was thinking about this I was looking up about going on a how to go on a long cycle through Poland and they have a pathway called the green Velo the green bicycle path have you been on that no I have not actually I wish I

    Could I wanted to take the green Velo all the way down towards the Ukrainian border start from here in garinia all the way down to where does it start is it in Gardenia I think so or is it in or is it on the in Missouri in Oregon

    It passes through here in gadena when you got your producer there yeah no no no my my business partner DARS oh Doris is there yeah so uh it starts up there in the Tri-Cities and then because I know it goes through savalki yeah it goes to Civility and then

    It ends up going towards down towards the uh neutrinian border the northern where does it end up some place duck yeah and to be Australia that’s what I thought I would love to do that I’m going to try and do it this summer now how long how long how long is it uh

    500 kilometers no more than that you’re 750 to 800. okay I’m not gonna do that that’s too far I’m kidding I’m kidding but what would it take me 10 days 10 to 12 Days depending on how fast you go if you’re going nonchalantly about it

    11 to 12 days I want to go nonchalantly I want to stop have a picnic comb my hair you know in little hotels that are pretty nice have a picnic in front of a castle gays in my hand mirror no I don’t want to do that because I’ll

    Crash into a tree no I mean when I’m sitting there at the picnic not while I’m riding no no not while I’m writing although it is an idea you just put a rear view mirror on your bike that could get very dangerous though I thought that would be a lot of fun

    What’s the longest trip that you’ve done on your bicycle in Poland yeah in Poland yeah from where to where for example from bitcoast to the to legendovo and so it’s about 286k like you know in the outside Warsaw by yeah by the lake exactly yeah uh by the zobsha lake right

    Is a city twins with with rivna and Ukraine I’ve been writing about it so yeah yeah so uh and what was that like how long did it take you you’re very fast sir were you going leisurely or were you going to learn was your wife with you or are you training I

    Was going alone this is fudge when I first got here so the 2016-2017 uh and it was just by myself with a couple mates that were from NATO and we just decided to just go and say hey screw it let’s just drive our bikes down there uh

    So it started out leisurely but being guys uh well we got a little bit competitive you got competitive so it wasn’t fun anymore it was still fun don’t get me wrong I was still fun so I would have to hire a van to go with you I would hire a van or

    A truck and put my bike and just lie down when I got tired and then meet you in the evening at the destination yeah you know we were we started the ride at 5 30 in the morning and we were supposed to finish between two or three but we burned a lot of

    Matches not a lot of energy uh and we stopped by cafes and other donut shops and just tons of little shops along the way to keep the energy going because yeah that was a bad idea of doing a and guys together military guys testosterone what did it take you a couple days then

    No no no no we did the same day we did it all in one day yeah oh my God okay I told you he was a good cyclist that’s all we got for this show that’s impressive I would definitely I would just take the train and meet you okay

    Everybody thanks thanks for watching Anthony humiliate me about bicycling and see you tomorrow night thank you

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