#CheatingStories #DifferentWe #RelationshipDrama
    In this video, I share more cheating stories from my past relationships. From heartbreak to betrayal, these experiences have shaped who I am today. Join me as I reflect on the lessons learned and how they have impacted my view on love and trust. If you’ve ever been cheated on or have cheated yourself, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into the complexities of relationships and the consequences of infidelity together. Watch now to hear my raw and honest account.

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    Second channel: @ShortyTeller

    00:00 Introduction
    00:30 Chapter 2
    49:10 Findings and conclusion

    Playlist with this story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_oMxj3KEZUIupJe3Ffmv9SlS4YNvjKhu

    Different we chapter 2 he said that’s not a  problem sir but you’ll have to remove them I   said trying to sound humble I’m not from around  here where is the nearest private airport he   looked at me as if I had just asked the world’s  stupidest question and said are you telling me you  

    Don’t know there’s a war going on we’re not in the  recreational flying business anymore we need all   the fuel we can get for our Fighters and bombers  damn what am I supposed to do now then he added  

    Puzzled what is this anyway I said it’s a Piper  Cherokee 180 he said incredulously the only thing   Piper makes is cub and this looks like an me18  the Germans use them to transport VIPs a light  

    Bulb went off in my head just like the coyote in  the cartoon I heard the mi1 108 comparison from   the people at Cape Canaveral and it gave me  a brilliant idea I said conspiratorially it’s   experimental we developed it based on a captured  mi1 108 [ __ ] me and my big mouth I already knew  

    What his next question would be he said who  are we thinking quickly I nonchalant replied   OSS I work directly for Wild Bill it was the only  World War II Secret Agency I could recall in my  

    Dimension the OSS had become the CIA by 1947 and  Wild Bill Donovan had been put out to pasture for   bad behavior here but who knows here the captain  nodded sagely at me and said so it’s classified  

    I wasn’t about to correct him I said yes that’s  right we are trying this new model to see if we   can use it for the same purposes as the Nazis the  guy said hopefully so you’re fing people I was  

    Burying myself deeper and deeper into the hole but  I wanted to appear compliant and I couldn’t think   of any other way out so I said lightly sure but  I’m taking a break between assignments and then  

    Hopefully added can I leave it here until I find  another cab he said admiringly well I can give you   a job right now who do I call to set it up damn  now that would be a serious problem if someone  

    In Authority answered the phone I said with  excessive eagerness I don’t need permission if   you give me fuel we have to keep our activities  in the shadows I winked at him saying you know   Just Between Us insiders he threw me a Sly look  and said no problem buddy when can you leave I  

    Said as soon as I get some basic stuff maybe in 2  hours he said admiringly the general and his wife   will be waiting for you right here on the point  that’s how I got into the air care business if  

    The bureaucracy needs you it will use you it’s too  big to give a damn about reasons so there’s always   room for a smart young man who can make money in  the nooks and crannies I had a luxury jet and the  

    Army needed Transportation so who would look a  metaphorical gift horse in the mouth at least   it got rid of the sheriff I had a good reason to  disappear sooner or later one of the locals would   figure out that I wasn’t from this Dimension and  that Discovery might lead to me being dissected  

    In a shadow lab right next to the aliens so I  locked up the house and grabbed two suitcases   one with all my clothes and travel stuff and the  other stuffed with cash then I took a cab back to  

    The airport ready to find the love of my life The  General was an arrogant [ __ ] and his wife was a   cranky old fogy who complained about the intense  vibration all the way to Washington the flight  

    Would have been much less turbulent if we hadn’t  had to fly over land all the way to Washington but   there were supposedly German aircraft carriers in  the Atlantic the very ones they had captured from   the British so it made sense to stay Inland  including refueling the Thousand Mile Journey  

    Dragged on until late afternoon even at 130  knots finally I flew over the capital at night   because of the war it was Pitch Black there but I  followed the moonlit path sparkling on the pomac   to Washington National if you’re wondering about  the name Ronald Reagan was still making movies  

    Then during the trip from Lauderdale the general  made the unilateral decision to hire me as his   personal chauffeur I didn’t blame him the interior  of the piper was very soft compared to the   cockpits of all other airplanes of that era which  was fortunate for me I now had the basis for a new  

    Identity Washington was not the self-indulgent  place it had been in my day we were at War so   the pork spending that characterized this den of  iniquity was confined strictly to the military   this in turn reduced the vain self-indulgence  that gave us the marble buildings that crowded  

    The federal triangle and Constitution Avenue in my  Dimension it also greatly improved the appearance   of the place of course there was no Subway and I  had to get around the city somehow so I bought an   unassuming but very reliable 57 Chevy and rented  a small apartment in Alexandria not far from DCA I  

    Could have lived much more luxuriously as I still  had a suitcase full of money but I wanted to keep   a low profile then I entered the general service  providing transportation for all the important   people he wished to bestow his generosity upon by  the standards of my Dimension I was paid a small  

    Fortune but it was cheaper here and I had access  to all the fuel I needed the flights themselves   were not complicated every week or so I would  transport some VIP from one place to another   usually on Army business I even started bringing  extra stuff like snacks and booze to keep my fat  

    Cat guests happy meanwhile I scoured every  Source in DC looking for any mention of cat   I realized that I was in the perfect position  to achieve my true goal of reuniting with my   beloved wife I visited the Census Bureau and  reviewed their records cat was alive in 1960  

    Thus I knew she existed that was a relief no  new census had been taken since then so her   current whereabouts were unknown according to the  latest information she was living in Manhattan I   tried the Social Security Administration  in Baltimore but that turned out to be a  

    Laughable Endeavor even for me for some reason  the people there were not inclined to share my   ex-wife’s personal information with me they even  mentioned stalking charges if I contacted them   again but of course fate really likes to mock me  hell maybe it happens to all of us anyway I was  

    About to resign myself to loneliness and despair  when that fickle [ __ ] waved her magic wand and   changed everything drastically all summer I had  been transporting Eggheads from LaGuardia to   a strip in the Wilds of East Tennessee I didn’t  know who these people were or more important ly  

    Why they were dropped off in this hollow part  of the Appalachians but it was clear they were   not military if I had to guess I’d say they  were scientists or some other kind of super   intelligent nerds nevertheless it was clearly a  covert government operation because the guy who  

    Made the flight schedules warned me not to talk to  the passengers and I was told to forget everything   I overheard I was supposed to pick people up  in New York and drop them off in Knoxville no  

    Questions asked on that fateful morning I took an  hourlong flight to a small strip in Princeton New   Jersey it was a routine flight but it was clear  that I had a very important person to pick up I  

    Even had an army PR man in the right seat placed  there to smooth the way for my mystery person the   curator’s name was Todd and he reminded me of my  former roommate with the same name he was very  

    Good-looking in a clean uniform adorned with  the kind of ribbons that the army awards for   excellent paper shuffling think Tom Cruz in A Few  Good Men and he was also a First Rate sodomizer   so I had to listen to endless Tales of conquering  women to the point where I considered opening the  

    Passenger side door and making a radical right  turn we pulled up to the building that served   as the terminal in this Backwater field I kept  the propeller spinning while Todd came out to   greet the frail white-haired gentleman who was our  main passenger all in all it was business as usual  

    Except that there was a second passenger with the  old man it was a petite woman but both Todd and I   were the center of her attention Todd because she  was incredibly beautiful and me because she was  

    My long-lost wife the fact that I didn’t pass  out from the shock was a credit to my physical   fitness but still my vision was shaken and I felt  a strong metallic taste from the adrenaline that   had just entered my bloodstream I missed cat  very much I mourned her for six long years I  

    Dedicated my life to finding her and now she was  walking nonchalantly toward my airplane of course   I knew she was dead and I was dead in her world  so you can imagine how rotten the situation was  

    Cat and the old man were helped into the cabin  by their friendly overseer Todd a [ __ ] Like   himself stared mesmerized at cat’s beautiful  round ass as he helped her in I had the good   sense to turn my head and stare intently at the  left side of the airplane I didn’t want my wife  

    To see who was flying the plane at least not until  I got a grip on myself Todd was especially thought   full of cat gee I wonder why on the other hand  I was at a loss for words which was unremarkable  

    Considering I wasn’t supposed to be talking  to passengers stepping aboard cat threw me no   more than a casual glance there was a pilot seat  between us and I was wearing a baseball cap and   mirrored aviator sunglasses more importantly I  was dead I chatted with ATC as usual started the  

    Engine and we took off in the air toward Tennessee  it turned out that the second passenger was Albert   Einstein I knew about Einstein from my Dimension  so I didn’t need to be introduced that meant that   the place I was taking all these Eggheads to  was the Manhattan Project facilities at Oak  

    Ridge National Laboratory while we were in the  air two things were happening simultaneously the   horned man in the right seat was bombarding the  passenger in the left rear seat that is my wife   with ingratiating charms it was such a blatant  attempt at seduction that it made everyone but  

    Todd uncomfortable she for her part ignored  him talking exclusively to Einstein cat was   clearly one of the great man’s acolytes which  made sense given her aptitude in physics at   least in my Dimension I wasn’t paying attention  to the absurdly self-serving conversation Todd  

    Was trying to make but I was listening intently  to the discussion going on in the back seats for   she was explaining what had happened to me the  two of them were discussing Einstein’s theory   of the origin of the universe what I took from  their their conversation was that the concept  

    Of a single reality is overrated according to  Einstein the universe consists of an infinite   number of parallel universe bubbles that were  created simultaneously as a result of a single   event called The Big Bang the result of this was  similar to the phenomenon that results when you  

    Place two mirrors so that their Reflections go to  Infinity I mean you get an infinite duplication of   the same thing thus in every reality there are an  infinite number of possible outcomes all dictated   by context and choice can I hear you saying what  the [ __ ] are you talking about well for example  

    In your Universe you turned left and walked into  a bar and in another reality you turned right and   got hit by a bus same situation two different  choices two different outcomes both valid and  

    It all happened to you in my universe cat was in  the wrong place at the wrong time but the cat who   lived in this Dimension was not it was the same  for me if I hadn’t decided to fly towards the  

    Saraso sea I wouldn’t be where I am now in my case  it was fortunate because I ended up in a dimension   where my beloved wife was still alive as you  can no doubt guess I was experiencing a storm of  

    Emotions yet I knew I had to keep those feelings  in check there were too many unknowns any one of   them could be fatal so I successfully suppressed  the urge to do something stupid I mean uh I could  

    Have opened up right away maybe I should have but  really really The Cat In This World knew I was   dead and I had no idea what she’d do if I turned  around and said Tada I’m back I bet it wouldn’t  

    Be something I wanted to experience from what the  sheriff told me we had been living apart for some   time but why maybe the answer to that question  will help me find a way in at any rate the shock  

    Of my sudden appearance would probably kill her so  I I needed more information that’s why the role of   an anonymous pilot suited the circumstances just  fine in this Dimension Knoxville McGee Tyson was   mostly military I landed on Runway 234 right and  took the parallel Runway to the terminal there  

    Were three c119 airplanes lined up on the parallel  Runway like it was rush hour it looked like it was   a busy place a guard of Honor came out to meet and  see Einstein off they resp respectfully seated the  

    Great man and his acolyte in the waiting service  car the Strangler jumped into the front seat and   they drove off I stayed behind after the flight  in the piper and pondered how I could make the   25 miles to the Oak Ridge facility before this  [ __ ] could settle the score with my wife on  

    All my other trips I had parked the Cherokee in  one of the hangers so I asked the PFC who was   helping me roll the car if he knew anyone who  wanted to sell an old car the guy was in the T  

    Tennessee National Guard so he had to know the  local scene the dude stood there scratching his   ass contemplating or maybe his ass was just itchy  anyway after a long hesitation he said I don’t   know about the car but Charlie over there has an  Indian Scout he’s trying to sell it’ll probably  

    Cost you 40 bucks it was beautiful in those days  the Scout motorcycle was over 30 years old but   it was still one of the best motorcycles  out there this motorcycle looked like it   was military because it was all colored and still  had the big Spotlight between the handlebars but  

    These motorcycles were maneuverable and fast and  they could run forever with almost no maintenance   that’s why they were used by the military I pulled  two 20s out of a stash in my backpack and within  

    An hour I was on my way carrying a cloud of blue  smoke behind me the guy I bought it from even put   me a leather flight helmet and goggles between  Knoxville and Oak Ridge is about 25 miles the  

    Terrain is green and mountainous so the drive down  Tennessee Highway 62 was Scenic except without the   rain I could have done without the rain I got to  Oak Ridge around lunchtime the town itself is in a  

    Long and deep valley with ridges which is why it  got its name the idea was that The Ridges would   contain any accidental detonations in case someone  messed up actually these divided valleys were   one of the main reasons Oak Ridge was chosen the  city itself was top secret the federal government  

    Created it from scratch in just over 2 years  in that time the place went from deeply rural   to 75,000 residents making Oak Ridge the fifth  largest city in Tennessee but of course you won’t   be able to find it on a map and that’s because  it was dedicated to one thing only the creation  

    Of the atomic bomb everything around me was lit up  like a carnival as I climbed the crest of the last   Valley the Manhattan Project was well documented  in my Dimension then therefore I knew more about  

    It than any normal person living in this dimension  for example that there was to be nothing but a   few rednecks in this Valley that was also the  reason why the clearance problems had to be   sorted out first fortunately I had the answer the  administration building was called Castle on the  

    Hill it was located on the ridge on the east side  facing the ridge where I was sitting on paper it   was the Clinton engineering works but in reality  it was the name of the engineering District of  

    Manhattan it was the place I had to go for help  I felt like just showing up at the God house   and asking permission to talk to my old buddy Les  Groves I had transported the General on a number  

    Of occasions he especially liked the Tennessee  whiskey I took with me on my trips and he was in   charge of the whole project when I approached them  the MPS were skeptical but I insisted they called   the building where Groves his office was located  and after a couple of minutes an employee came  

    Out of there he was wearing a silver oak leaf he  must have been close to the general he said in a   friendly manner the general told me there wasn’t  enough whiskey to make him go out in this rain  

    That’s why he sent me I laughed politely and said  I’m a fairy pilot and I’m stuck here for a couple   days could you help me out find a place to shelter  me the guy gestured to the hill behind us and said  

    We already know who you are and the general has  authorized you to stay in the guest house for the   rest of the week that my friends is how a Dead  Man became a temporary resident of the defunct  

    Town of Oak Ridge Tennessee the guest house was  used to house dignitaries it was a Stones Throw   from Jackson Square which was the center of town  in this top secret location and the fact that I  

    Had a bed there was a modest Testament to how  far in this world you could go for fine whiskey   I planned to reunite with my wife as soon as I  could find her so I started looking for cat as  

    Soon as I I dropped my backpack a couple hundred  yards down the hill there was a big dance going   on at the tennis courts and cat loves to dance so  I was sure I’d find her there I was coming down  

    The hill dressed in my best attire a black silk  shirt and the same white linen pants I was a man   of contrasts more so than is obvious the rain  had stopped and a crescent moon hung over the  

    Beautiful Tennessee evening the music wafted to  me as I made my way to the place where the dance   was being held it was a cleared tennis court with  a real band playing Glenn Miller and Tommy dorsy  

    Tunes I stood in the dark on the backstretch  and looked for cat among the dancers the band   was playing Moonlight Serenade one of the most  romantic songs of the 40s era I got about halfway  

    Through the hall when I stopped and just stared my  wife was swaying in the arms of my [ __ ] former   passenger damn he’d made a lot of progress in the  6 hours since I’d last seen them that [ __ ] was  

    Relentlessly harassing cat C so I guess I expected  to see what I saw but still the lightning bolt of   jealousy almost made my knees Buckle I know  it’s not fair to call it a betrayal I mean I  

    Was dead for God’s sake and cat is a gorgeous  and sensual woman so she had every right to   be seduced by any man she chose but really Todd  seriously they danced swaying closer and closer   until she pressed herself against him resting her  head on his chest her fingers interlocked and her  

    Eyes dreamily closed they were in a world of their  own as the music played just you and me Summer Sky   Heavenly Breeze a kiss among the trees it was too  much I ran into the road and threw up right in the  

    Middle of these metaphorical trees unfortunately  Todd had also moved into the guest house so I had   to put up with him at breakfast he looked alert  and good-looking as soon as he saw me he came over  

    Brimming with a sense of camaraderie pulled out a  chair and sat down grinning like an idiot I tried   to ignore him the first words out of his mouth  were well I nailed that girl last night I knew  

    It was coming and I was ready for it however that  straightforward statement of Conquest almost made   me die in Two universes calm down boy I raised  an eyebrow and said trying to hide how much I  

    Was shaken by this [ __ ] success with my wife  and I should care why he said she was one of the   most beautiful mxes I’ve ever had the pleasure of  associating with but the weird thing is once she  

    Got involved she started calling me Eric aswipe  smirked mockingly and added I’d be offended if she   was anyone else that little insight was bouncing  around in my skull like a 22 caliber bullet when   he laughed like it was the most incredible thing  in the world and exclaimed hey isn’t that your  

    Name man what a coincidence I thought [ __ ] he  then added but as soon as we finished she threw   a tantrum I had planned to spend the whole night  with her but she wouldn’t stop crying it was like  

    She felt guilty for getting involved with this  Eric guy I saw it hit him you don’t think she’s   married do you I haven’t seen the ring but some  ladies hide it to get the full Todd blankin ship  

    Experience he puffed up like a [ __ ] peacock I  said with annoyance how should I know I’m just a   cab driver and I only met the woman yesterday how  would you react that man drove a through my heart  

    And in doing so cat was obviously still mourning  my death as I was mourning hers so a little voice   in my head screamed she still loves me [ __ ]  paused and muttered puzzled man I got to tell   you that little lady is just nuts she’s probably  the prettiest one in the whole complex maybe  

    The whole state of Tennessee but she’s all yours  I’m done with her I thought what a condescending   [ __ ] let me assure you friends I’m not as weak  as they make me out to be in this situation it’s  

    Just that interdimensional travel is disorienting  ha I bet no one else has ever said that there are   too many ways to stumble and it makes you doubt  nevertheless listening to this jerk brag about   touching my wife or whatever you call someone who  was an intimate part of your soul but whom you’ve  

    Never met I finally started to clean up my ACT I  had been playing Hamlet for far too long now I was   determined to stop acting like a worldclass [ __ ]  and just get down to business I asked with heat  

    In my voice voice where is she staying he raised  one eyebrow and looked at me skeptically then he   laughed really you wouldn’t stand a chance with  a woman like her I said through clenched teeth I   appreciate your advice now where the hell does  she live he got the message this [ __ ] was 7  

    In shorter than me and 50 lb lighter and he could  see in my eyes that he was about to be sewn into   a burlap sack and dropped from 10,000 ft he said  soothingly take it easy kid if you want to get  

    Shot by that hot little girl you’ll then feel  free she lives in her own prefab House near y12   she’s doing some top secret monky business there  the historians in my Dimension had exhaustively   described what happened at Oak Ridge so I knew  all about y12 it was an electromagnetic separation  

    Plant that produced the enriched uranium used in  the two bombs we dropped on Japan it was a couple   miles down the valley as I drove my trusty Scout  to the y12 location I was trying to think of the  

    Best way to approach cat it was an absolutely  gorgeous sunny day in East Tennessee you could   see why the people who live there consider it  God’s country the problem was how to introduce   himself to his wife at least not without scaring  her completely people don’t come back from the  

    Dead I could think of only one such case and I  wasn’t about to start a new religion so I couldn’t   just knock on cat’s door and ask her out the  Scout kickstand was broken I was just leaning my  

    Bike against a tree when cat solved my problem she  appeared pacing aimlessly down scarra road heading   toward a small green hill across from a large  blocky y12 building I restrained my fervor from   rushing into the woods right behind her instead  I followed her stealthily down a parallel path  

    She was wearing a pale yellow sundress that stood  out among all the greenery it made her easier to   track as cat came to a small rocky ledge at the  top of the hill a mocking bird sang in the trees  

    She sat down tucking her legs gracefully under  her and just stared out at the green Tennessee   Countryside it was quiet and peaceful and she had  clearly come here to think it was a touching scene  

    I knew exactly what she was feeling and why for I  had been doing exactly the same thing sitting on   my little bench next to her grave now my long-lost  wife was right in front of me gorgeous and alive  

    And I was 15 ft away from her standing behind  a big old oak tree my heart raced when I said   softly please don’t turn around sure enough she  gave a startled sigh and turned around the gods  

    Had deducted style points from my scorecard the  cat couldn’t see me from behind the tree so I   said keeping my voice low and loving I’m sorry I  scared you and I promise I won’t hurt you then I  

    Added fervently with all the love in my heart but  I must remain secret while I tell you something I   hoped she would recognize my voice cat jumped  to her feet clearly Fred but she also looked  

    Intrigued I said soothingly now I’m going to come  out from behind the tree and I want you to have as   much time as you need to digest everything but I  can assure you that what you see is real and that  

    I love you she said in a trembling Voice who are  you don’t touch me I said I would never hurt you I   love you from the moment we met at the fraternity  mixer years ago and walked out from behind  

    The tree for a second she just stared at him in  amazement eyes wide with fear then those beautiful   blue eyes slowly rolled back into her head and  she lost Consciousness she came to lying on the   ground with her head in my lap and me stroking  her forehead her intelligent blue eyes opened and  

    She saw my face and sobbed with recognition I said  it’s me Peaks my wife really was a gorgeous little   pixie and that was my special name for her I was  the only one who used it it was my way of telling  

    Her it was really me cat may have been small and  compact but she wasn’t fragile at all her powerful   mind took control of the situation and she asked  in Surprise is it really you Eric I nodded she  

    Jumped up threw her arms around my neck buried her  face in my chest and burst into tears after that   there was a period where the two of us just hugged  and cried tell me what would you do it it was very  

    Painful for me to realize that I would never see  her again and she went through the same thing the   emotions had to go somewhere now we were hugging  as if that was the only reason we hadn’t flown off  

    The face of the planet she asked through her tears  how are you here it’s an incredible story and we   need time to tell it but let’s just say that the  two of us had to defeat death to be reunited she  

    Sniffled for a long time then she threw her head  back and asked what do you mean how are you alive   anyway I was told you died in a boating accident  it was so bad that the coffin was closed I was at  

    Your funeral I said you’ll have to disbelieve  me a lot when you hear this story and I’m not   quite sure how it happened myself isn’t there some  private place where we can talk it over together   housing in Oak Ridge ranged from Shacks that  housed African-American laborers yes segregation  

    Was still alive and well in this Dimension to neet  houses for Scholars like cat my wife’s house was   within walking distance of the y12 facility with  its busy catron racetracks where the ingredients   for nuclear Holocaust were pumped out it was all  set in a bucolic setting of Dusty roads green  

    Fields and mountain ranges you almost expected  people to sit on porches and play banjos cat’s   house was one of those pre-fabricated buildings  that grew like mushrooms in a damp cave the   whole neighborhood was somehow alien and hostile  small houses surrounded a massive Square building  

    Drowning in a sea of fences and barriers we didn’t  say a word as we walked side by side down the   slope it reminded me of our first walk in another  time and another dimension cat’s 20x 24 plywood  

    Cabin had one bedroom it was scrupulously neat  and tidy like cat herself the house had a combined   living and dining room and kitchen a bathroom  completed the square there were two armchairs   and a reading lamp in the living room cat gestured  to one chair and asked coffee I decided that my  

    Wife needed time to think things over so I said  sure cat fiddled around in the kitchen for a few   minutes while I watched her just assessing her  this version was not the wife and mother she   was in my Dimension this woman was a seasoned  professional nevertheless in her early 30s she  

    Had become even more beautiful her body had become  Fuller and her hair had grown back to a sheath of   wheat that looked like a glistening golden Mane  it had been almost eight long ter years since I  

    Had last seen her and the certainty that I would  never see her again was a torment as far as I   could tell it had only been about 3 years since  I had died in this Dimension but still I could  

    Tell that cat’s pain was no less intense to keep  the conversation going I asked how did you end up   working for Einstein she turned around surprised  and concerned and said how do you know who he is  

    The government keeps him a secret it must be a top  secret assignment I said I know a lot of things   for example I know that this is the Manhattan  Project it involves creating the ingredients for  

    The atomic bombs that will end the war and that  Einstein who is already famous for his theory of   relativity is part of the brain trust along with  Oppenheimer and sard Cat nearly dropped the coffee  

    Pot she said genuinely upset how do you know all  this what are you a German spy I laughed and said   I am not a German spy and the reason I know all  these things is part of the explanation for how  

    I ended up here cat brought two steaming mugs  into the living room handed me hers and sat in   the other chair looking both loving and concerned  I marveled for a moment at the contrasts of my   wife beautiful modest energetic loving brilliant  and currently very anxious I started like this  

    When you and Einstein were flying in the airplane  she interrupted me as if I had just confirmed my   impression you were the pilot I had a strange  feeling that you were with me but my mind told  

    Me it was ridiculous because you were dead I said  well yes and no remember the part about parallel   universes that you discussed with Einstein she  eagerly replied yes it is the most recent theory   of cosmology Einstein and desitter predicted  this phenomenon based on the revised theory of  

    Relativity I worked with both of them on the  density expansion equations and the Hubble   constant I said affectionately everything you just  said then cautiously added gauging her reaction I   am living proof that Einstein is right I could  see that this embarrassed her she asked puzzled  

    What do you mean right okay this was the moment to  roll the dice I muttered a little prayer and said   he’s right about parallel universes because I’m  not from this one a look of utter incomprehension  

    Appeared on her pretty face I said said I might as  well spit this out I don’t know about any density   extension equations but I’m telling you that I’m  really as dead in this universe as you think I am  

    What’s more I’m absolutely certain that you and  our little daughter are also dead in the place   I came from cat continued to remain utterly  bewildered okay now it’s all in I took a deep   breath and said we met and married in college  and had a very loving life together it was a  

    Perfect existence until you and our daughter were  killed in a traffic accident it was one of those   things something you experience but can’t change  I never stopped grieving cat began to think that   I had succeeded in getting through to her she  said softly the same thing happened to me when  

    You were killed I’ve been crying ever since your  funeral I nodded sympathetically then added I was   sure I’d never see you again I accepted that as  a fact no matter how much it hurt me I tried to  

    Fight for Life tried to make something of my life  and succeeded in my career and yet losing you was   a black hole in the center of my soul eating  away at it from the inside out she said with  

    Tears in her eyes I felt exactly the same way I’m  one of Einstein’s research assistants but there   is no love in my life I’m just trying to cope  as best I can I nodded sympathetically at her  

    In that respect we were fellow Travelers I said  and then on a very ordinary day as I was flying   between the Bahamas and Fort Lauderdale I Came  Upon something strange when I came out the other  

    Side I was in a world where I was dead and you  were alive and apparently our daughter was never   born cat sighed her mournful look said it all she  muttered sadly things must have been different in  

    Your dimension we tried God knows we tried that  was one of the reasons I thought separation was   justified I replied irritably we’ll get to the on  Essentials in a minute the main thing you need to  

    Know is that in my Dimension the war that is still  going on here ended in 1945 she looked stunned she   asked how I said simple enough Roosevelt was  the president not Lindberg and he understood   the geopolitical situation the rest so to speak  is history then I added carefully but what you’re  

    Doing in this place put an end to that at least  it did in my dimension apparently history in these   Dimensions differs in the variables that lead to  different outcomes she said seriously naturally   logically the inhabitants are the same in every  Dimension but what happens to them is the sum  

    Of the decisions they themselves and others  make so in my reality Germany is in Canada   and we are preparing a solution to that problem I  thought fondly the Eternal nerd I said so my being  

    Around you is a happy Paradox we are both dead in  each other’s worlds but here we are together and   frankly I don’t intend to lose you again under any  circumstances then I paused and added meaningfully  

    Or at least this time I’m going with you a look  of horror appeared on cat’s refined face she said   frustratedly you can’t it’s too dangerous I had  no idea what she was talking about I said firmly  

    I have no happiness Without You therefore if you  die I will die with you she excitedly replied I’m   the one they chose and I’m the one who agreed  to it but this is a one-way trip I’m not going  

    To have you killed along with me moreover I  don’t even know how you found out about it   did it really happen in your dimension as well  a we were obviously talking about two different   things I was telling her I couldn’t live without  her she thought I was volunteering to go on some  

    Suicide mission with her I said wait wait wait  what are you talking about are you saying you’re   getting ready to do something potentially lethal  my wife was as emotional as I’ve ever seen her   cat’s usually a cold customer that’s what happens  to women with her type of intelligence but she was  

    Completely upset maybe that’s why she just blurted  out the Nazis have nuclear capability and they’re   going to use it I’m the one who was chosen to  stop them I was sure she shouldn’t have said  

    That to me I just stood there with my mouth open  [ __ ] I knew cat was a patriot because rich and   very beautiful college girls don’t usually spend  their free time with Roc nerds but what was that  

    I said explain it to me the Nazis have the bomb  and you volunteered for some one-sided mission to   destroy it her face was Grim as she uttered wner  Heisenberg [ __ ] I knew this guy he was the Nazi  

    Version of Oppenheimer the father of our abomb  Heisenberg did have the the upper hand in 1939   but he never got the support he needed to even  come close to building a bomb in my world must  

    Be one of those variations based on Choice cat  went on to say manufactured four bombs at the Lac   coock facility on Rene laaser Island behind the  sagon line I looked puzzled and she added by way   of explanation this is the line of fortifications  in Quebec where Omar Bradley has been holding the  

    Germans for the last couple years we can’t let  the Nazis use one of the against our defenses   we have half a million men in those lines it would  destroy everything I said oh my God the Manhattan  

    Project only developed two bombs and they ended  World War II in a couple weeks I can’t imagine   making four cat looked at him intently right but  nuclear devices are triggered by a complex Vision   reaction which I’m an expert in so I’m going to  infiltrate their facility and make sure the u235  

    Triggers and the equipment used to make them are  destroyed this will set the nazzis back enough   that we’ll have our own nuclear capability before  they recover she looked at him with satisfaction   and said then the shoe will be on the other foot  I said with skepticism in my voice and how are you  

    Going to get there are they going to drop you off  at this place like the Airborne units did during   the Normandy invasion she had a puzzled look on  her face and I thought oops wrong Universe she  

    Replied I don’t see what Normandy has to do with  it it’s in France not Quebec but the Germans have   air superiority with their jet fighters so an  amphibious invasion is out of the question our  

    Crew will be taken by submarine to sep ises and  make their way North to Rene lur I said and you   must have a map with the whole route laid out on  it of course she did if my wife is anything to go  

    By she is well organized I like to fish and hunt  and I’ve been known to fly over the area at at   least in my Dimension I knew it was going to be a  120 M hike through off-road terrain with nothing  

    But wooded Hills lakes and rivers great terrain if  you’re bear hunting but challenging and grueling   if you’re on a mission to blow up Nazi equipment  it was almost 300 mi from the German lines which   were located on the sagon river so there would  likely be no military presence there but there  

    Were so many rivers and swamps between the landing  site at setiles and Rene leaser that it would be   nearly impossible to get there even if cat and  her friends hadn’t dragged a bunch of explosives   with them I figured these guys wouldn’t even  make it to their target let alone successfully  

    Infiltrate a high security compound full of ss  Gods I asked with disdain in my voice who came   up with this stupid plan she replied surprised  that I was so negative that was our own OSS in  

    Fact the reason I am here at Oak Ridge has nothing  to do with the Manhattan Project I’m only here to   get the detailed specifications for the fision  triggers I wearily asked so you don’t work for   Einstein she replied enthusiastically of course  I know that’s exactly why you and I broke up then  

    She realized I was the wrong husband and added  softly you couldn’t accept the fact that I would   be studying at Princeton and you would be tied to  the construction firm in Miami that you inherited   when your father died it couldn’t be forever so I  didn’t think you’d take it so hard cat frightened  

    And added for a theoretical physicist like me this  was the opportunity of a lifetime we veered off   topic but I had to ask I know we were separated  when I was killed in this Dimension what happened  

    She made a sad look and said affectionately as  I said I was offered a job at The Institute for   advanced study Einstein liked my work on special  relativity of course that meant I had to live in   Princeton I hoped that you would realize that our  separ oparation was temporary and that there was  

    Nothing tying us together like the baby we had  in your dimension we argued but in the end you   seemed to accept it however you started drinking  right after I left and it eventually led to your  

    Death she burst into tears I’m so sorry okay that  explained it because of the size difference I was   tied up with construction in Miami instead of  practicing Engineering in Michigan Cat saw the   pration as an opportunity to advance her career  and I saw it as a betrayal perhaps I thought I  

    Had lost her she said sincerely I was absolutely  faithful to you all the time we were apart I heard   that you weren’t but I forgave you because  I loved you cat was a beautiful and sensual  

    Woman if what she had just said was true and  I had no reason to doubt it then her loyalty   had to be a real sacrifice I could have berated  her for last night’s episode but I wasn’t that  

    Juvenile I mean she was a grieving Widow until  today and you’d have to be a complete [ __ ] to   expect her to be faithful to a dead man therefore  this particular conversation was moot besides now   we’re way off course I thought is she trying to  distract me on purpose but the fact remained that  

    Cat was about to do something that would get her  killed I said I know the OSS in my Dimension we   call it the CIA who do you report to she replied  seriously no reporting we are isolated from each  

    Other to maintain the secrecy of our mission  she added by way of further explanation since   we left Washington we are completely on our own  cat slightly added everyone thinks I’m helping   Einstein but I’m actually part of a three-man team  the other two have been fighting the Germans since  

    The invasion of New Finland they’re the oddest  couple she’s a French Aristocrat and he looks like   a gorilla it’s kind of like Beauty and the Beast  I asked still angry did they come up with this   crazy scheme cat furrowed her brow and replied  no the planners in Washington did it this meant  

    That the supposed plan was a bureaucratic cluster  [ __ ] full of noise and fury signifying nothing   Cat kept talking King and bernardet are supposed  to get me to the facility and bernardet is an   explosives expert she’ll handle the detonation I  stood staring at her completely dumbfounded how  

    Could she be so stupid there was Absolut nothing  realistic about this plan cat apologized her huge   blue eyes filled with tears honestly what did  I have to live for you were dead okay I get the  

    Situation a bureaucrat whose ass would never be  in danger came up with a plan to thwart the Nazi   nuclear threat cat was probably the only person  under 70 who had the knowledge to diffuse those   bombs and the youthful stamina to get to them so  the OSS forced her to volunteer appealing to her  

    Over developed sense of patriotism thus the  pathetic fact was that my beloved wife had to   play the role of Nathan hail because some basement  monkey at Langley had a crazy brain overload the   Inconvenient Truth that this dear woman was going  to die in the process didn’t bother because people  

    Who plan such things have no soul and as we also  know that the end justifies the means one horrible   thought kept flashing through my mind like a bad  neon sign oh my God I’m a about to lose her again  

    This was absolutely not an option so I had to find  a better option of course there were a few minor   difficulties like the fact that I wasn’t supposed  to know about the mission and the fact that I was  

    Dead however it was wartime and we were at  the very end of the command Chain Tree so I   was confident that I could cut in at the execution  stage the other two were obviously partisans used  

    To improvising especially if someone had a better  idea I said I I want to meet your team members   because I have an idea that will work better cat  weely replied they isolated in a neighboring house  

    While we complete operational planning I raised an  eyebrow and asked in the Next Room she threw me a   really look and muttered this is the most secure  place in the US except for Los Alamos cat didn’t  

    Need to explain this to me Los Alamos was where  the enriched uranium that Oak Ridge was producing   was being assembled into a real bomb of course  it was safe so tce it to say the thought of my  

    Wife being killed again was simply unacceptable  so I needed to induce her and her two companions   to do what I wanted to do as soon as possible I  said impatiently can we meet cat looked wary I’d   probably be wary too her dead husband showed  up out of the blue and immediately tried to  

    Get involved in a top secret classified Mission  she undoubtedly understood why I wanted to do it   I just couldn’t lose her again still to agree to  such a ridiculous proposition she would have had   to disbelieve me intensely and Trust Me To The  Bone I said look I understand I really do this  

    Is a very important Mission and I’m basically  a stranger to you plus there’s a million holes   in my story so I may be a German spy playing a  trick on you but you must feel the same way I do  

    Right she nodded her beautiful head on certainly  tears in her beautiful blue eyes and then the   dam broke she threw herself into my arms our lips  meeting and lightning raced across the SpaceTime   Continuum cat kissed me frantically desperately it  spoke volumes about how upset she was by my death  

    I could feel the contained frustration she had  experienced from years of Love deprivation I knew   it because I’d been through the same thing myself  there simply wasn’t another cat in my world so   moments with other women were nothing more than a  biological necessity not loving nurturing my wife  

    Had a bedroom and we both knew we would end up in  it I lifted her up and laid her gently on top of   the neatly spread covers I was vaguely aware that  it was the same bed on which she had entertained  

    Deep [ __ ] last night but the difference lay in  the circumstances our need for each other was all   consuming it was like comparing a hurricane to a  Light Summer Breeze the whole time we made it from  

    The living room to the bedroom cat never once let  go of my neck she was still kissing me frantically   then she lay back back and looked at me receptive  and ready her body was as perfect as I remembered  

    Long slender legs wide hips narrow Waist Deep  chest she said with anguish in her voice no   foreplay I am much larger and heavier than my wife  so I have always been careful not to crush her  

    However this time she was in no mood to be careful  at that moment she gasped for breath and began to   shudder I’d done this with cat countless times  so I knew that her her sudden burst of emotion  

    Wasn’t my doing it was an indication of what this  strange new situation meant to her I looked into   that beautiful face and it was completely open to  me clearly this was a profound moment for my wife   we then immersed ourselves in the familiar rhythms  of love that had been established over all our  

    Years together this aspect had not changed in the  slightest at the same time she told me how much   she missed me and how good it felt cats usually  ual bursts of emotion are events most women would   remember for a lifetime but I sensed that she  was working on herself preparing for something  

    Even more startling it was a strange combination  of debauchery and loss it was the beginning of a   climax like I had never seen before I remember  thinking that if there was someone nearby they   would have heard but I didn’t care in a way it was  the most sensual thing I’d ever experienced when  

    It happened cat just collapsed on my chest as if  she’ died died her arms fell around my neck and I   could see her tear stained face for the first  time I understood Those Tears I felt the same   sense of wonder by an incredible stroke of Fate  our Eternal gloomy despair had been transformed  

    Into something unique and special I brushed  away every tear as realization returned to her   and said one word with all my heart forever she  looked at me with impassioned love and complete   companionship and said forever welcome once again  my Avid listeners to the thrilling Saga unfolding  

    In our mystery story which is as already released  exclusively with us on patreon uncensored link to   it in the description the plot thickens as our  protagonist Eric faces the harsh reality of his   wife cat’s involvement in a dangerous mission to  thwart the Nazis and their deadly nuclear plans  

    The intricate dance between dimensions and the  fates of Our Heroes resembles a complex puzzle   whose pieces fall into place one by one in this  dramatic turn of events Eric discovers that cat   his long-lost wife is on a mission to destroy  the Naz nuclear capabilities Eric struggles to  

    Cope with this news realizing that he can’t  bear to lose cat again tension builds as the   truth about the mission is revealed and Eric  is determined to change the course of events   for the woman he loves the emotional roller  coaster continues as Eric and Cat find Solace  

    And connection in a passionate reunion intimate  scenes serve as a poignant reminder of the depth   of their love that transcends the boundaries of  time and space however beneath the surface of   Desire lies the looming danger of cat’s Mission  a risky Journey that could change the course  

    Of history as we navigate the complexities of  Love loss and wartime Espionage a new layer of   mystery is revealed Eric armed with knowledge  of Both Worlds now seeks to change the course   of the mission and rescue cat from the clutches  of danger the stakes are high and the narrative  

    Pulses with Eric’s desire to rewrite fate but will  his plan succeed will Eric succeed in changing the   course of the mission and securing a future with  cat the answers to these questions are hidden in   the mysterious web of our story inviting you  dear readers to embark on this journey full  

    Of intrigue passion and fear join me in the next  installment as we delve deeper into the Maze of   parallel universes and witness the unfolding of  a story that transcends time itself and remember   the uncensored sequel is already waiting for  you on our patreon where the plot twists are  

    Even stronger until next time stay curious and  continue to unravel the secrets of our fascinating narrative that


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