He stood at the gate with a kitchen knife saying he’s going to stab police Prime is on the rise armed with a ax and a machete trying to break into two separate houses but cometh the hour my unit my unit cometh the interceptors get on Flor out and running out and

    Running we’re riding with West yorkshire’s Elite alongside their Pursuit drivers contact contact Sao on target with their Firearms unit with your heart in the air with their eye in the sky off and running off and running this is the front line in the fight against Crime get on the

    Floor get on the ground get on the Ground this is police interceptors It’s Just Another Day in Paradise coming up a Pursuit go south on the Northbound carriageway yeah it’s wrong way up wrong way up the shoulder back up to the 62 wrong way and could advice please dirty cash on the m62 off the phone got got it there’s a

    Hell of a lot of money there and hide and seek with the air support unit 31 the driver in the bushes stop three police officers the triangle of land with a bush to your right stop now officer hand of the air stop back come back to the tree the triangle in front of You the M1 a million Vehicles a week us use this road most are legit the rest belong to the Interceptors who are on route to the motorway to intercept a suspect’s van we’ve had a uh reliable sighting of a a Transit van coming north of the M1 it’s got a stolen marker on it uh which only went on this morning from the Salford area greater Manchester so we’re making

    Our way from leaves to the motorway Network where the M1 and the m62 meet Le leaving afternoon traffic for dead Gary McMaster when he’s not chasing bad guys gmax all about rugby and monster Munch fast cars hard tackles big snacks but he’s got a taste for a Ford Transit today we’re going to have some CER cars and then some Mar units to qu behind and then we can all Converge on

    It leaving unmarked units to track the van Mark cars plot up at potential Escape points that’s it up here with these Gary and Emma are stationed off Junction 41 in case the target leaves the motorway and after a quick rendevu all right yeah very well they take up position behind fellow interceptors we

    Got the plan is to box in the van with multiple cars it’s past the junction so Gary and Co rejoin the M1 if you are on the if you want to move up please now they’re playing catchup and it’s the team at the next Junction need

    Go right behind it get right get right behind it who’ll get first shot at the transit They surround the stolen van yeah I think it’s but it beats the Trap yeah it’s going to go lad it’s to ra it’s going to go the suspect’s taking major risks at Motorway speeds show Grand Comm fail to stop fail to stop speed are now 70 Mar now you’ve

    Got 1it all around it as the transit leads the pursuing pack off the motor way 2 one Interceptor is pushed wide onto the hard Shoulder yes yes sir where the driver forced to stop in a cloud of Dust it’s not one not one approaching red lights the transit’s trying to lose them on a roundabout not three not three towards leads but a mark unit strikes top it stop it stop it stop it tactical contact but it’s not enough yeah it’s wrong way up wrong way up the shoulder

    Back on to the 62 wrong way and pass if you could advise please can I have units please to 27 units to 27 AAP the van’s heading the wrong way on the M62 cop cars hang back 31 we are overhead and video but the air support unit doesn’t 3 it’s still wrong way on the uh hard shoulder it’s on the east going left bound from 28 towards 27 it’s going wrong way it’s going this direction 40

    We are at 27 we stayed on the network we’re approaching 27 now at the ENT so going to come set up there praying the van comes off at Junction 27 Gary and Emma plan to lay us a sting a device to burst its tires two forward stop traffic coming off up onto

    Entr from 31 approaching at 27 stand by fingers crossed 31 it’s off off off off at 27 stand by their prayers are answered but they’re too late to lay the stinger and There She Goes pass 31 it’s a62 a62 to Gold road towards leads Gary finally has the van in his

    Sights from your confirm we are behind this vehicle we are car one it is still GED Road general direction of CAU in the springs didn’t have enough time get out of that Junction taking big risks with oncoming cars can I got in there the transit’s

    Flying 40 speed is 80 80 mph still g Road we ar going to be able to get head of the vehicle to be able to uh get S out in time try and get it to go away left when it get to the first gu the ring I’ll get up

    Somewhere yeah acknowledged want it to go left onto the ring Gary needs to pull alongside and ease the van left towards the waiting Stinger but facing oncoming traffic at 80 mph something’s got to give he’s preventing me he’s preventing me he’s going head on from your far confirm we are behind

    This vehicle we are car one interceptors are after three men in a stolen van stop it stop it stop it it’s already made a kamikazi run the wrong way down the m62 62 to 27 it’s going wrong way it’s goinging this direction and now Gary’s

    Trying to Edge it left into the path of a stinger team he’s preventing me he’s preventing me he’s he’s going head on Gary’s pulled out because van man won’t give an inch 4 we couldn’t get to the off side of it it’s taken right right onto the Ring Road general direction toward the

    Work again a black clad arm at the passenger window depit dropped 4 Z passengers just disposing some out of its window it’s take a wrong way around the roundabout leaving the package to local units Gary hammers round the roundabout now he’s second place in the pursuit second package out from the driver side

    Roundabout got whether they meant to damage cars or confuse the cops they failed it is now White Hall Road leads out of the city White Hall Road out of the city there it is got it there there it is just going out Bend where is it it’s on that

    B it’s right right right stand by wol lane wol lane with an unmarked on his bumper vanman leaves the main road Mark there turn right turn right towards the elevant straight down there in the rush to escape the transit Clips the curb and blows two tires it’s side side it’s going

    Be this is the end game the Vans pulling into a pub passengers doors open dri’s door it’s a de cam de camp in the P car par to out and running in in fact three have run in different directions with interceptors all over them Emma’s with a group chasing the two

    Passengers there where you are the cops are closing in as the suspects Vault a fence and head for the woods leaving them to the longdistance runners I go back to the B Emma heads back in search of the driver 31 driver is down around the rear

    Of the pub he’s gone around the rear of the pub he’s on his knees in the bush but he hasn’t a prayer 31 the driver and the bushes stop three police officers the triangle of land with the bush to your right stop now up hand of the air stop back come

    Back to the tree the triangle in front of you there’s a big bush colder warmer warmer next now for the passengers who’ve whittel down the pursuing pack to Just One Cop the bad guys are through the Hedge in a Flash but their pursuers hit a

    Snag now with a good head start the men split up 31 if I can get unit to Tong Lane at Tong that’s the general direction they’re going towards if one unit can go to tongue Lane at tongue please extra for two where Tong now one suspect is deep in the woods but he

    Can’t hide from the thermal imaging camera m I’ve got an officer on a dirt track on foot go straight ahead and take your Right Fork they’ll be ahead of you yep got you he’s got an Interceptor on his tail offic in a yellow top corner of the field you can get through the

    Corner and go straight ahead along that farm track and more closing in he’s also running out of puff and heading straight for you units at Tong Lane one of the males is going to head in that General Direction coming down line now as the suspect marches into thicker undergrowth and picks through the brambles there’s news on the other passenger one I have got one 3548 I’ve got one re so 3548 got one two down one to go this is the last Crim standing meanwhile at the crash site the driver

    Nicked in the bushes is loaded into an unmark car while the vany drove so dangerously gets a thorough search got a set of two sets and number plates no doubt they’ll been used at some point to uh put on to other the vehicles to hide the tree identity of

    The vehicle woo fa amount of generators within the back it’s not uncommon for thieves to Target construction sites to steal generators which can be worth thousands can count at least 1 2 3 4 there’s about six generators in there um no doubt it come back stolen not a bad afternoon’s work so

    Far at the minute it’s uh well tops two one N I think so far but uh see if we can get the third one 31 if there’s in it that can get to Corn mail house off Mill Lane it’s the far sort of below where we are near the

    Pylons they might be able to cut him off it’s been an epic CrossCountry Pursuit but coming number three your time is up and interceptors bearing down on him taser drawn he’s uh just big detained Now by an officer and then there were none all right that’s all three then thank

    You that’s so all three in looks like a theft motor vehicle and possibly a robbery so they won’t be going anywhere for a while the driver of the stolen van racked up a truckload of charges he was found guilty of dangerous driving driving whil disqualified and no insurance he was

    Sent to prison for 16 months no further action was taken against him with regards to the stolen van or the suspected robbery both passengers were released without charge and this is why we come to work bring car around bring the car around when a crime’s committed get the car

    Down interceptors react like lightning they’re running up to Bull roid they’re running up to Bull roid but prevention is better than a cure and that’s where the proactive intercept team comes in we’ve been set up to really get a grip of criminals that are using the roads of West

    Yorkshire as uh as their playground for committing crime traffic they’re very similar to us but they don’t have the time to be going out and and targeting these offenders that we have so we’re in a quite privileged position armed with high powerered covert cars pits officers use key intelligence to stop major

    Villains before they offend the tactics we use allows us to build up a picture of criminals the vehicles they use and sometimes only got small opportunity if we know Vehicles live uh in the area committing crime it might might only be live for a few days so we got to act

    Quickly which they frequently do open the door now open the door do it now open the door now it’s midday on the m62 and pit officers Harry and step are responding to Intel from their most formidable Source the taxman we received some information from our partners at

    Hmrc there’s a vehicle a VW transporter in white that’s on the motorway network uh in possession of a large amount a large quantity of cash more than a 100 billion pound in crime proceeds are laundered through the UK every year intercepting Dirty Money deals a direct blow to organized crime yeah it’s

    Looking like it’s uh it’s criminal property this cash uh so it’s important we get it out of the criminal’s hands and um and seized from him really hit him in the pocket Big H comes from a long line of coppers and by joining the high-speed

    Pit team he’s bed the best job in the family yeah we’re roughly the right area now uh possibly a little bit ahead of us the target a white VW transporter is reportedly heading for Manchester but that’s all the information they have so we’re just working through traffic as

    We can obviously we don’t want to get behind it and spook it but as they plot up on the motorway the van has vanished we’ve not come across it and there’s been no sightings um so we just plotted up the information and intelligence from hmrc is that it will

    Be coming through on the m62 to Manchester so we plotted up to see if it comes through and then we’ve got the units in place and to put a stop in this may be their one shot at seizing the cash it’s very important that we get hold of this quickly before the money

    Disappears um so we need to secure the evidence and the people in the car as quickly as possible it’s just too risky for us to to stop anything on the motor where using our discrete Vehicles so we’re looking at following the vehicle till it comes off coming up up to a natural

    Pause Point such as I don’t know red red traffic light but first they have to find find it there it’s through Steph you’re cleared for takeoff Steph spent his spare time blasting clay pigeons from the sky with a shotgun but he’d rather bring down a van full of cash

    Today glad it was one up white male driver I think by looks of it Harry and step are part of a trio of covert cars designed to blend in with traffic and strike fast committed to1 so vehicle’s come through now there’s one of our units ahead that directly behind it um

    Almost we’re just keeping eyes on now getting our units in place uh to I was to put our tactics and get on the front foot a bit ideally the target van would pull off the motorway the nearer he gets to Manchester the more chance they have of losing him

    My intention that’s G to far we don’t know the invation of this vehicle coming Happy Days what’s this exit committed on off the thing he said he did the target has left the motorway Steph follows suit and Tucks in behind another pit BMW glad I still think he’s just one in

    This he’s only one in front moving be alongside out so get out two Beamers indistinguishable from everyday traffic let the golf clear fuzzy let the golf on until they strike Phone off the phone got it mate got it you got phone got a phone what’s on the clutch mate what’s on the clutch from stealth mode to full arrest in the time it takes to say you’re nicked can you put that in flight mode mate yes mate they don’t want anyone alerted to

    The arrest so no calls in or out the phone could contain vital contacts and intelligence keep your foot in car right Paul in yours mate yeah right take a step out mate yeah we’re just play one one to it back so we managed to get the vehicle stopped

    Nice and safely no damage no injuries driver’s been detained we secured the phone we going to get everyone off the network now and uh get it searched properly get um any offenses dealt with an initial search of the VW turns up nothing it’s looking like the tip off

    From the tax man may have been a red herring yeah that’s like a tent if they don’t find any cash then the driver will be free to go but this isn’t the team’s first rodeo a vehicle like this has many many voids so quite creative the way people

    Hi want to hide things so anything illicit that may be hidden in body panels they may create false panels or F false voids so at the moment we’re just unscrewing some various panels cuz we think we’ve identified a void where there may be something hidden so we just

    Looking into that area Now intel said there was a large sum of criminal cash on board and after a full half an hour of searching kitching so we’ve located a green bag and contained within that green bag is uh various 20 notes uh we don’t know what sort of quantity but

    There’s a hell of a lot of money there so so as you can see there there’s lots of lots of bundles of 20 notes two bags fulls so look looking at that we’re not looking at a few hundred pound or a few thousand pound we’re looking at tens of

    Thousands of pounds it may even run into six figure so maybe hundreds of thousands of pounds we don’t know yet until it’s counted the driver with a van full of dirty cash was charged with money laundering and awaits his day in court the maximum sentence for such a crime is

    14 years in prison as for the money seized by the proactive intercept team it was forfeited to the crown a sum well over £200,000 A great bit of Intel from our partners at hmrc is fantastic so great result loads of cash recovered so yeah we’re all chuffed and uh on to the next one still to come quick quick quick no stay there stay there softly softly catchy quy still

    There and a suspect has weed in his fuel sank could smell It it’s a red agricultural quad traveling at 5 mph when it comes to intimidating sites on the roads few things beat a masked man on a quad bike he’s taken a right right right and he’s off-road off-road their off-road advantage and strict rules on pursuing them has long given quad Riders the upper Hand but West Yorkshire has recently leveled the playing field you come on clearing trained interceptors to make tactical contact so in the battle between cops and quads That Was Then y it’s going to be a loss loss we had to abort who’s been off the road again this is

    Now it’s a glorious summer day and Ben and Matt are on patrol in Sunny salir just had some intelligence that there’s a an off-road quad up and down salé Road in the top part of elwick and that is a very very affluent area um the gentleman’s got a bav on the

    Gentleman must really feel the cold it’s not I know it’s sunny but let’s be honest it’s still 22° you don’t really need to be wearing a b clava so they’re only wearing a Bava to put fear into people Benny boy seen more Bal clavas than your average ski instructor and

    He’s not convinced that quadman got lost on his way to the Alps now not saying it’s anything to do with Burgers but there’s a lot of poring going on up there and a lot of people susing our is out so we’re going to make

    His way up try and drop on this quad and see what happens whatever they’re up to interceptors have little time for masked Riders scaring residents the TR quad CU are a little bit more intimidating a lot of people Mr Mrs miggins don’t how to take these vehicles quick quick quick no stay there

    Stay there he’s making off but it’s a less than Great Escape gently little nudge and leg it stop there resist resist wow don’t you just love it when a plan comes together tactical contact work every time I put it to bed pushed it out way and I’ve stopped him you can

    See sit Fair on his face and say we’re not moing about we’re not pursuing you and I’m going to push you off qu straight away so slight little bit damage up FR of the car but it’s work to trat I’m happy with that what’s your name Kean anything on you Kean what sir

    Anything on you in your pockets Buon Road in Bon we’ve got one male detained we’re just going to try and find out if this quad’s stolen at the moment yeah put on for you hello right you’re right here’s his bike I’m stolen I me no just no docks I me stolen M all

    Right you got license no you what’s point in trying to go then I don’t know what I do and uh tactical contact me all day long we’ll just sh you off it we’ll box you in now and push you off it Ram you all day long to do that yeah New Rose

    Sunshine so just think on next time yeah and think on whose bike you’ve been riding so with your friend that own this this is quad you don’t know his name but he’s let his quad you believe that he may have a ball of clava but he won’t pull the wool over

    Matt’s eyes believe that yeah so take get stolen then who’s C it in so we can verify it cuz what laughing is you’re getting locked up for theft the motor vehicle okay who look from my perspective you’ve seen us he tries to make off you wearing back

    Lava I need I need some details want the quad so they can come here with some documentation other than that you’re getting Lo lock up for motle can’t find a sh number on it you could use up your phone a friend if you could remember his

    Name you don’t know who it is is it stol no wherever you got it from who’s that right you going to tell us who that is CS you controler he don’t know as it is he don’t know on It’s So currently it’s going to be reported as Stalin so he’s

    Going to let up F motor vehicle so positive result for us no damage well when I say no damage I’ve just looked at front bumper there a slight few marks but um no injuries or all that so good response happy so that’s Romeo 32 the lad with the balac clava and

    Short memory was reported for driving without insurance with no proof that the quad was stolen no action was taken in regards to the allegation of theft but after his gentle brush with the law hopefully he’ll give quads a wide birth in the future we’re happy and it just

    Goes to prove that the tactics that we have and what we’re Tau work and work to a te if you saw he didn’t have a clue what Daye it was and he would out of his depth completely um which is that that’s what we want to do and what we want to

    Achieve so just let you know we are out there we are doing it and it does work so so if you’re going to stall a motorbike or stalling C you better be Careful there can of in there but I can’t get me freaking hand in a typical Interceptor boasts many virtues diligence that’s got canis in it humility even Chastity I definitely would not was off the shift if I was off the shift no I definitely would not but when it comes to bagging bad

    Guys yeah that’s where it went last time it’s all about patience we are after a gray punto that has been we’re looking for it last week he’s been involved in a few make off without payments so he’s been going to petrol stations filling up and driving

    Off so it would a bit of a Target yeah it’s midafternoon and the two Chris’s are seeking The One That Got Away so we start of tracking it before and we’re just trying to remember the different routes that it went last time after 14 years on the force Chris

    Knows all the tricks including the fact that drivers often use the same routes when trying to lose the cops what’s that up there Chris you see it yeah that’s it is it de mate that’s the one x-ray Romeo 46 we are behind the vehicle now just heading into Castleford

    Standby for um straight then these are units coming yeah I’m coming towards you it’s fair to say that they won’t lose the suspect Ponto this time oh yeah I see you coming to for getet it with Chris and Chris leaving a three car Convoy we’ll put stopping all the pieces are in place

    And it’s Checkmate engine off yeah jump out I your all jump out take a seat a collar 7 Days in the making and well worth the wait and it’s a stop stop a familiar smell leads CH to search the punto and the interceptors turn up that could smell it an interesting

    Discovery behind the fuel cap B just one bag of weed he obviously secreted in the P where has been nicking out fuel ironically to add to the suspect’s wo but he shown as insured on PNC but there’s um it’s insur to a different vehicle it looks like he’s uninsured

    He’s showing his make model as a Vox all corer club cdti and and this is not a VX all CER he claims his brother sorted the policy so I’ll just have to ring me brother I’ll to send email right now to you then Chris patiently helps check with the insurance company right and

    Then would they have all being sent by email a you can send them in via email if you want you put them on I can give them a less of everything that we needs if he sends them in via email we’ll be able to make the change and soon as we

    Receiv them lovely I’ll pass you on to him in case he’s got any questions hello hello not sure what we need to Ema that’s what they’ve said y they even get the suspect’s brother on the phone that certificate makes no difference because I’ve just spoke to the underwriters it is not on

    Cover I’ll tell you what then I’ll just report your brother for no insurance and I’ll see his car no don’t F you take the car you take the car give him a give gets no thanks for trying to help and while one brother rants on the phone the other follows suit in the

    Car so you do not have to say anything but it may have defense if you do not mention when questioning I’ll tell you what then section five here let’s try this motor mouth has also earned himself a drug wipe right my colleague found some cannabis in your car cuz it smell of

    Cannabis that’s why he searched it all right so because of that I’m require you to provide me a sample of saliva at the roadside for testing and stick your tongue out and lean forward stick your tongue right out just to let you know the Cannabis is found outside the vehicle in the petrol

    Cup officer it’s a trade vehicle mate yeah so we’ll see you in Co mate I I never said I was arresting you for cannabis you just do bre on me no youed me I’ve just swabbed you you me I you I supect you’re driving it doesn’t

    Matter if it’s a petol g bastard aren’t you oh wow aren’t you an absolute light you ugly little Trump oh my go you got money like us window trust Meers we we listen suck me wow like dealing with a child sagg mother you yeah Hur up yeah

    P take me down sh take me down shop you son of a [ __ ] I don’t hey I’ve done six years in jail I’ll do it again no bother to me you D don’t bother me I’m still going to get paid at end of the day I

    Get paid as well man I’m getting paid right now still me man got more money than you what I’m not particular B how much you six i’ got s you take them off me and you’re driving a f pun or yeah off blendering your yeah of of course

    You are yeah Chris is a low temperature copper with the patience of a saint this is a drugs WIP it test for cannabis and cocaine at the bottom there is only one line and there’s nothing on the test L that means you’ve tested negative for

    Bingo Bingo Ginger nuts H up man I got time give me out this gu I want to go home I don’t care on the top line you’ve tested positive for cannabis so at this stage you are under arrest on suspicion of driving your motor vehicle whilst

    Over the prescribed limit okay so you do not have to say anything but it may har your defense if you do not mention now I’m going to get you first do not have to say mayami defense do not mention when question something later in court anything you do say may be given

    Evidence your rest is necessary station for a blood sample where the Sig in the front that’s too tight I’m going be all any for two days I know for the fact going be under anyway on that’s entirely up to you mate all right Ginger I’m not

    Worried I’m not in a rush me you underr at more if you can keep your head while all around are losing theirs sor you’ll be an Interceptor my son no further action was taken regarding the Cannabis in the petrol flap or the alleged making off without payment after failing a blood test the

    Driver was charged with drug driving and no insurance but he failed to attend court and is now a wanted man he’ll turn up all the interceptors need is patience [Applause] still to come what you getting out good when CLA gets accosted at the drive-thru what you mean from here fish it’s a

    Potential hostage situation let’s not do that did worry for a short amount of time that I might have been Kidnapped since the end of tax discs in 2014 the number of untax Road users in the UK has almost trebled but police have been given new powers to seize these vehicles and it’s proving popular with the interceptors I think the new Power the dvl powers Bob on it Bob on sh your police

    Have seized hundreds and hundreds to first six months I cars that are not taxed take them off road it’s a wet night in the city center and CLA and Bobo are tailing a performance golf that’s showing as no tax or insurance is that that is a golf I think that go Stu They think the driver is making off as he ignores blue lights and weaves through a car park he trying to get out in it yeah Romeo 30 he’s gone to thing Dr but it seems this guy was just in a rush to get to the front of the

    Queue yeah just stand by the off is hidden in drive-thru traffic how am I going to get him out of there now he’s going he’s going going the only place he’s going is the order window I don’t know what he’s doing I can’t side try Get you all right I thought you were trying to get away then no is it your car yeah all right I just purchased it today all right okay it’s not showing no insurance and stuff the drivethru line isn’t the easiest place to interview a suspect sorry about that have you just ordered food

    Yeah but cla’s got bigger fish to fry than his food order it’s showing no insurance that’s why we’re call to speak along with no Mott it’s also showing us not being insured this is the point when CLA would normally invite him into her

    Car for a chat sit in the car just for a minute on his left but this guy’s obviously never seen police interceptors so CLA accept his invitation where’d you buy it from I just bought it from you on tax since February why I get tax I didn’t know

    Right so have you not taxed it I didn’t know go go through you cuz you need you can get your food this could be a very expensive burger I just bought the Carly I don’t want you takeen off me possible for me to get tax quickly no it take me a

    Minute no because once they run tax no cost me about 50 to get a compound I just purchased a card yeah I see what you’re saying but what you need it’s your responsibility is it to have it taxed insur OT all that you know what

    I’ll just come here I just to buy food a quick update back to Bobo we’re just um we’re just going through the drive-thru he’s um he’s bought it to this car um he’s just getting his insurance documents up he got his tax up as cuz that expired in

    February I know I’ve just showed him that I’ve got it on my phone here he not taxed it it turns out he does have insurance but not having anot means one thing in March this year the dvla gave us some new powers and if if we stop a car

    That’s out of tax by two months and a day then we seize the car it doesn’t cost you 150 quid it cost you 100 quid within 24 hours and you and you get it taxed still L I know but do you know what I mean I obviously I wanted to

    Drive the car today Saturday as well on Sunday I don’t know the no no it will be they open 24 hours a day just like the drive-thru are you all right 5 the man is facing a hefty fine but you can’t fault his manners you want

    Anything no no I’m good thank you you sure yeah sure are you sure what you getting out good although there’s no accounting for Taste fish meal oh I always end up in these strange situations every time yeah yeah you can hear them every time let’s not do that and it seems he

    Needs to brush up on his driving skills you are doing it oh sorry just park up here cuz I need to check this door I I don’t even know your driver’s license details or anything like that just park up here there you go there a nice little

    Space where you can show me your reversing skills no pressure guess what oh what has happened I just bought I just saw the thing as well it’s like the weirdest buddy buddy movie ever right just turn your engine off and come and have a sit in back of

    Our car bring your food with you if you want there you go jump in there I’ve let him bring his food with him Bobo meet cla’s new partner he’s a bit of a Maverick but at least he likes to share no you’re right Chief just eating come

    On you stressed me out man you stressed me out thought we were going to have a Pursuit for McDonald’s driveth through and CLA and Bobo have a bigger takeaway in mind one with no Road taxs do you need anything out of the car go grab

    What you need you got the key yeah we got the key yeah can you just unlock the car un it it’s a lift home for the lad and another untaxed car to add to the statistics did worry for a short amount of time that I might have been kidnapped

    He started revving it and all like oh my God I’m going to be kidnapped what am I going to do am I going to call zero or something what what would I do in that situation you didn’t need to cuz I were here I we going to just I we just going

    To stuff him into fence yeah had to be like Bo get me out it’s the one and only MVP make sure you T on Channel 5 for Bellator London 10:00 November 21th next tonight Revenge could come with a heavy price tag in our original drama code Call

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