Welcome to THE GREEK ISLANDS! Our final day on board the Galileo, starting with the capital of the cyclades! Feeling much less like an island and more like a city, we sat on the waterfront, explored the public beaches and Matt became a local. We had a captains dinner and sailed over night to the Pistachio island!!!! We obviously had to buy and try as many Pistachio products as we could before heading back to Athens. What an amazing week we have had exploring the Cycladic islands!!

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    The capital of the Cyclades she’s spinning it everywhere she’s the cheapest beer we have found There are no frills kind of restaurant which I love they just throw down the spices like a dip three two one it’s cold good morning guys from Cyrus the capital of the Cyclades and the administrative Center we actually sailed from Mykonos early this morning and we arrived at this tiny little island just

    Off the coast of the capital this is Twin Island and I could get very very used to this waking up in a tiny secluded Bay on an uninhabited Island Paradise good morning good morning I still can’t believe that every morning we’ve woken up to something different and equally as beautiful like we have

    Another secluded Bay all to ourselves there’s literally no one else and that’s the amazing thing we’re currently on an eight day cruise around the cyclase and other Greek Islands with variety cruises and each day has been getting better it really has I can’t believe that we’re on

    This little island here and just behind the Galileo our ship is the capital I know how crazy is that the capital of the Cyclades I presume because we’re so close to siros that there’s this like abandoned Hut that looks like a boss I feel like in the summer people must come here

    Yeah I mean there’s a knife hanging up on the wall they must bring their food and cook it I mean it’s a nice place to do it there’s literally nothing and no one else on here but a lighthouse it’s the only thing on this included so you’re picking hiking over

    Swimming in Crystal Clear walls oh I’m not sure I’m gonna say this is so cool this little Hut is giving me complete Castaway Vibes but this is creeping me out a little bit Thank you Welcome to the capital of the Cyclades silos and more specifically Irma pulley which is where we have just pulled in it only took around 20 minutes from our swim spot which was an amazing way to start every day it really is I wish we could do that every day um but

    Apparently the island of siros Osiris however you pronounce it is one of the smallest Islands yet it’s the capital and obviously where all of the legal and businesses side of things take place um I think we’re just gonna walk down so it has the highest population yeah highest population

    Um but I think we’re just going to walk down to the front maybe grab something to eat and just sit on the waterfront as soon as you get off you notice that this is completely different to anywhere we have been in the rest of these Cyclades where they might have been

    Small quaint Villages this actually feels more like a city you’ve got the locals going about their day going to restaurants going to work rather than just loads of tourists running around getting photos so it’s actually quite refreshing to see real life and there is lots of restaurants along the Waterfront

    Which is always my favorite for lunch thank you a little rule we go by when looking for a restaurant is never go in the first one always look up and down walk up and down check them all out check the menus we’ve gone to the first one we’ve noticed straight away

    The restaurants are all in Greek which is nice it’s not all touristy so you’re sort of guessing at what you get they did have an English menu we’ve come into tap Tiana it’s like a local Taverna here on the front and the prices are so good like you’re getting starters for three

    Euros Mains for like some of them are three you can get you can get a gyro in here for three two Euros you can get a moussaka for six euros the base three rows 50. yeah spilling it everywhere she’s the cheapest beer we have found on the cycladic islands this is actually Sira

    The beer of ciros and we have two starters two men we went all out two beers and I feel like this is going to be the same price or cheaper than the two drinks that we got in Mykonos yesterday got a spicy affected dip and I’ve got

    Saganaki on the way this is my favorite too our old favorite um but this place is These Are No Frills kind of restaurant which I love they just throw down the spices better dip It’s really nice not only the cheapest beer the cheapest gyro we’ve found in all of Greece I was right 20 euros for two Mains two starters two drinks so five euros less than the two drinks that we got in Mykonos yesterday it really shows if you go to the places where the locals go or go to a more local Island you still get that beautiful Greek experience but for

    Like I don’t even know a fifth of the price we were just wondering at the back streets which are beautiful by the way and we stumbled across the public beach which I believe is called zaporia um it’s like a really nice area there’s a dog swimming and barking it’s doing

    Better swimming than I would do around here um but you’ve got a cathedral palmy which is absolutely beautiful and all of these houses along here were 19th century Mansions it’s the most beautiful backdrop when I saw the sun for a beach I wasn’t quite expecting it to be this

    Grand the water is so clear so blue um and so many people are swimming because it’s such a great weather and I still can’t believe this is the end of October near November and it’s still this beautiful it’s such a good setup down here as well we’ve got like some

    Umbrellas there where we’re chilling we’ve got public showers you’ve got public changing places you’ve got more umbrellas you’ve got a wild swan in front of me you’ve got ducks in the scene at the end there’s actually a restaurant that supposedly is open throughout the summer and close two

    Weeks ago but I did say to Molly that I’m gonna get in and um it looks cold the locals are doing if the locals are doing it I can do it hello are you friendly I’m not sure you’re friendly nervous all the locals have done it but

    It looks incredibly cold and I’ve never swam with ducks before there’s literally Ducks right next to where we’re getting sure and he’s very Rocky I’m making so many excuses right now I would just jump it’d be hard there’s so many sea urchins is there actually a lot not here oh no

    Oh my God it’s cold it’s cold ready three two one it’s cold that is cold but I don’t think I’ve ever so I’m in a spot with a backdrop that impressive it’s almost ball sick it’s taking my breath away I’m definitely getting out Well I’m actually fledged local Matt is one of the locals jumping in in the cold water in the late October I didn’t want to say anything but me and a few of the locals have been talking about you saying I think you’re probably not worthy to be on the island

    Let Me swim he see he’s got too high and mighty because he’s been swimming he decided to just wander around the island it’s such a nice Island it’s strange though this is the main screen it feels like a city it doesn’t feel towel it doesn’t feel like I’m on an island is so

    Unique we haven’t been on a square an island you don’t get squares like this Intercity since yeah since Athens so this does feel like yeah the contrast is that you’re on a very small island Oh wow check that out um surprise we actually were just wandering around these amazing streets the town has really surprised us actually we were supposed to be heading up to Anno silos which is the town above the town um but there’s a lot of steps

    And we just don’t have the but we do have the time we do have the time do we have the energy we don’t have the energy it’s very warm today we do have food back for Captain’s dinner um so we just stumbled across the space I think it’s called Barrio it’s really

    Really cute we’ve got snacks and we’ve got an uzo that’s actually made in Cyrus so macquionitas cheers oh that’s the first time you ever pulled a face it’s very very sweet and I love the fact that it was made here we’re literally sat on the main Square

    Drinking our user I think we need to wait because after a while it goes cloudy and like everywhere in Greece That was such a good idea because for eight Euros you get a couple of drinks in the bar plus you get a little souvenir to take home from siros but we are rushing as we are heading back to the Galileo for the captain’s dinner I probably need to get changed

    Did he do a good job it’s very very nice this is so fancy it’s the captain’s dinner but unfortunately we didn’t quite make the Captain’s Table good afternoon from agina the island of pistachios and the closest island to the capital of Greece Athens I ate so so

    Much food at the Captain’s dinner last night it was actually a four course meal but today is actually our last full day and night exploring the Greek Islands so I better start eating some pistachios there are pistachio stands everywhere pistachios everywhere and it dates back to the 19th century apparently they have amazing

    Soil for the pistachio trees to grow it’s time to try the best pistachios in the world oh from London thank you so much are these the best in the world it’s the best product in the whole world oh tell me if you like they’re very good

    Pistachios and I will say some of our best sellers oh wow what do you have this is pistachio pasta for pasta pistachio pesto Wow that’s amazing this is so cool pistachio butter and they have everything pistachio that is so cool oh my God I’m not having peanut butter again that is unreal I honestly can’t describe the taste to you that is it’s so sweet and very nutty it’s almost like

    A Nutella peanut butter isn’t it there’s even pistachio baklava that’s green I thought everything so good it’s like a Bailey’s pistachio Thank you bye-bye that was the coolest place ever we have some liqueur we have some pistachio butter and some pistachio ice cream pistachio tagliatelli pasta and they had pistachio salami even olive oil balsamic vinegar they had everything but I really well it wouldn’t be olive oil it’d be pistachio oil

    Be quick I need to try some Who knew they could make pistachio’s taste so good And all of that came to 13 Euros which I actually think is really good considering how unique the pistachio products they make are and this is a lovely Island 40 minutes by ferry to Athens again a very local Island and if not locals the tourists all seem to be

    Greek they’re even selling fruit and veg out of a boat I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before there’s so many lovely bars and restaurants All Along The Waterfront there’s even a public beach and an archaeological site which actually looks over the beach an archaeological site together it doesn’t

    Seem to mix yeah it doesn’t make sense is this not the coolest thing you’ve ever seen this place do mojito with pistachios thank you very much thank you so much thank you wow never mind archaeological sites and beaches cheers pistachio Mojitos there’s literally pistachios in the bottom we’ve come into

    Panteran this is apparently their recipe they originated it five years ago so I’m excited to try this does it work is it pistachioy right so you’ve obviously got the normal mojito taste and then there is this overwhelming pistachio taste it’s not too sweet um and I just love that there is actual

    Pistachios in it and it’s not just syrup not just a pistachio mojito we also got a Greek Pizza if you can uh Greek 30 Euros for two pistachio cocktails and our pizza I don’t think that’s that bad at all considering we are on the island of pistachios and worth it for the

    Experience so worth it for the experience but we are getting back on the Galileo for the last time heading back to Athens bye to the islands for now let’s go back to Athens wow seven days 10 islands and we are sailing back to Athens with the most incredible sunset

    And we are back in Athens after an amazing eight days with variety cruises aguina was an unexpected destination the pistachio Island and it was so much fun after trying all the unique things that they offer and I’m so excited to try the pistachio butter that we bought and the

    Pistachio liqueur we had an amazing Sunset as we sailed off for Athens and our last meal as a group for the show our last meal Fisherman’s dinner I think we’ve got enough a huge place I think we’ve got enough for the calamari it’s such a lovely family intimate setting

    Um you really get to know everyone and it’s such a nice way to see the island it’s a very unique way um to be a small group of you you know so it’s a very nice experience and the staff are so so good they really make

    The experience for you as if the islands weren’t great enough you have a great group of people to spend your eight days with we were super lucky with the weather the whole experience cruising around these side Clays was an absolute must would highly recommend it but as I

    Said we are back in Athens just for a couple of days before we head off to a new island our last Island in Greece and I think we’re going to be trying some food here in Athens and we will see you in the next one


    1. Bro come to Pakistan we are waiting for you for a long time ❤️🇵🇰👈 but bro say to my sister don't wear these kind of clothes in Pakistan big respect from Pakistan 🇵🇰👈 love you guys keep it up.

    2. It’s not Siros as you pronounce it it’s Seeros just some constructive criticism when venturing to different lands try to learn the proper way of speaking the names. 😊

    3. M+M you are amazing travelers!
      You answering practically every comment! Keep up the good work and wish you a Very Happy New Year! 💖

    4. Hi guys,wow it looks so amazing,the water looks stunning,have a great time,another great vlog as always,food looked so good really fresh,thanks for sharing your vlogs really enjoyed them this year take care X

    5. Guys don't eat all the time Pita with Gyro. It's not what Greeks regularly eat. Try local dishes. Greece has hundreds of hundreds of different dishes. Each place has its own cuisine.

    6. Ermoupoli: Ermis + polis. Polis means city in Greek and Ermis is the ancient Olympian God of commerce and messenger of the Gods (Hermes). So it's the city of Hermes.

    7. It is called Siros, not Seiros. The same for Kiklades, not Ceiclades. It does not matter: That makes it more real, more objjective!

    8. It’s pronounced ‘sea-ross’ (not Sy-Ross) and the Cyclades is pronounced ‘sic-cla-dees’ – other than that, nice informative video!

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